Bilingual cookbook

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What are Nyonya Kuehs? Nyonya Kueh are little cakes or pastries created by the Peranakans or Straits Chinese. While Nyonya food contains many of the traditional ingredients of Chinese food and Malay spices and herbs, Nyonya cuisine is eclectically seasoned and different than their Chinese or Malay food. Itis fusion Cuisine. Nyonya cuisine is famous for its Kueh. Presented together, they make up a colorful, pleasing colour palette.

The colourful, delicate, and flavoured kueh that the Nyonyas consume during breakfast or as afternoon snacks are Nyonya Kueh.

PANTONE速 in collaboration with Chef Baba Philip Chia presents

A Colour Swatch Collection. by using the beautiful colours you can find on the Nyonya Kuehs, we have made a recipe book that not only teaches you how to make nyonya kuehs, it gives you a library of colour swatches you could use.


Kueh Bengka Ubi

Baked Tapioca with Coconut 烤木薯椰子


Kueh Ko-Swee

Steamed Rice Pudding 米飯布丁


Kueh Pulot Serikaya Glutinous Rice Srikaya 雙層糯米葉蛋糕


Abok-Abok Sagu Sago Cake 西米糕


Kueh Puteri Sarlat Glutinous Rice Sarlat 糯米薩爾拉


Pulot Inti

Glutinous Rice with Fillings 糯米與餡料



Glutinous Rice Balls 班蘭糯米球


Kueh Talam Pandan

Green Talam Cake 打南班蘭糕


Kueh Pulot Tekan

Steamed Glutinous Rice with Kaya 蒸糯米與卡亞


Kueh Jagung


Kueh Genggang


Ketuk Ubi


Kueh Putu Tegair


Kueh Talam Berempah


Cake Lapis


Almond Cookies




Bubor Cha-Cha


Corn Cake 玉米餅


Steamed Rice Cake with 蒸年糕椰絲 Grated Coconut

Three Layer Cake 三層糕



Kueh Sarlat Lepak Kachang Black-Eyed Bean Glutinous Rice 黑眼豆糯米



Som Som Rose 玫瑰糖漿蛋糕



Rempah Babi

Pork Glutinous Rice 豬肉糯米

Indonesian Layer Baked 印尼層烤香料蛋糕 Spice Cake


Kueh Lapis Pandan, Rose and Vanilla Three flavored Steam Rice Cake 三色千層糕

Savoury Rice Cake 咸米糕


Kueh Lapis KuKos

Steamed Nine-Layer Rice Cake 九層糕

Steamed Tapioca with Sago 西米蒸木薯和香蕉 and Banana


Kueh Lapis Surabaya Rose Layer Cake 玫瑰層蛋糕

Tapioca with Grated Coconut 木薯椰絲


Kueh Lompang

Kueh Laman Sari 拉曼萨利

Kueh Talam Keladi

Steamed Rice Cake and Yam 蒸芋头糕

Ingredients 材料

550g 225g 30g 60 – 75g 250ml 1 – 2tbsp 1 – 2 tsp 2

grated fresh tapioca fine sugar (1 cup) butter (softened, about 2tbsp) grated white coconut coconut milk gula melaka syrup vanilla essence eggs

550克 225克 30克 60 - 75克 250毫升 1 - 2湯匙 1 - 2茶匙 2

磨碎的新鮮木薯 細砂糖(1杯) 黃油(軟化,約2湯匙) 磨碎的白色椰子 椰奶 古拉馬六甲糖漿 香草精 雞蛋

Method 作法

In a large mixing bowl, mix the grater tapioca with softened butter, fine sugar and beaten eggs. Blend it thoroughly till well mixed and sugar dissolved. Then add Gula Melaka syrup followed by the coconut milk. Lastly add in the White grated coconut and vanilla essence, mix well and bake it at 180 degree Celsius for about 45 Minutes. Cool it on a rack and then cut into pieces

在一個大的攪拌碗,混合磨碎機木薯軟化的黃油,細 砂糖,打散的雞蛋。混合透了,直到充分混合,糖溶 解。 古拉馬六甲糖漿,椰奶。 最後加入白椰絲和香草精,拌勻,在攝氏180度烤約 45分鐘。 冷卻機架上,然後切成片


Sensous in nature. Comfort. Ease. Cherry. Wealth. Friendliness.

PANTONE Kueh Bengka Ubi (Baked tapioca with Coconut)


Ingredients 材料

150g 50g 300ml 1 tsp 200g 150克 50克 300毫升 1茶匙 2克

rice flour sago flour water alkaline water grated coconut

米粉 西米粉 水 鹼性水 椰絲

Method 作法

Boil ingredients of the Gula Melaka Syrup and then sift it. In a large bowl, mix the rice flour, sago flour, add water and alkaline water. Add the Gula melaka Syrup and mix it into smooth mixture. Pour the mixture into mini cups and steam it for about 15minutes at high heat. Allow to cool and remove from mould. Roll it on grated coconut. Ready to serve.

煮沸的古拉馬六甲糖漿的成分,然後過篩。 在一個大碗裡,混合米粉,西米粉,加水和鹼性 水。添加古拉馬六甲糖漿和混合成光滑混合物。 將混合物倒入小杯約15分鐘在高溫和蒸汽。 允 許從模具冷卻,排除。滾上椰絲。 準備發球。


Wisdom. Luxury. Stability. Organic. Reliability. Natural.

PANTONE Kueh Ko-Swee (Steamed Rice Pudding)


Ingredients 材料

500g 150ml 200ml 1/2 tsp adequate

Top Layer glutinous rice coconut milk walter salt blue-pea flower colouring

5 500ml 150g 50ml 100g 3 tsp 1/2 tsp few drops

Bottom Layer eggs coconut milk sugar pandan juice rice flour corn flour salt yellow food colouring

500克 150毫升 200毫升 1/2茶匙 充足

頂層 糯稻 椰奶 沃爾特 鹽 藍豌豆花著色

5 500毫升 150克 50毫升 100克 3茶匙 1/2茶匙 幾滴

底層 雞蛋 椰奶 糖 班蘭汁 米粉 玉米粉 鹽 黃色食用色素

Method 作法

Bottom Layer: Wash glutinous rice, soak it for 2hours. Drain and place it in a cake tin lined with pandan leaves. Add coconut milk, water, salt and stir well. Steam it for 30minutes, then sprinkle with blue-pea flower colouring. Continue to steam for another 15minutes till cooked. Allow to cool slightly, then press the warm glutinous rice using a piece of banana leaf to make it compact. Top Layer: Cook coconut milk, sugar, pandan juice and salt over very low heat till dissolved. Set aside. In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs. Then add coconut milk mixture and continue to whisk. Gradually add in rice flour and corn flour bit by bit till completely well mixed. Add the yellow food colouring to form desired colour. Sift in all top layer mixture on the warm steamed bottom layer. Steam again for 20 to 25minutes till set. Leave till completely cool before cutting into pieces.

底層:糯米洗淨,浸泡2小時為。排水,並將其放置在內襯香蘭 葉蛋糕錫。加入椰奶,水,鹽,並攪拌均勻。 蒸汽,持續30分鐘,然後撒上藍豌豆花著色。繼續蒸,另一個15 分鐘至熟。允許略有降溫,然後按使用香蕉葉,使其緊湊一塊 溫暖的糯米。 頂層:庫克椰子奶,糖,班蘭汁和鹽在非常低的熱量,直到溶 解。拋開。 在一個碗裡攪拌,打蛋。然後加入椰奶的混合物和繼續拂。逐 漸添加米粉和玉米粉的點點滴滴,直到完全混合。添加黃色食 用色素,形成想要的顏色。 篩入混合所有頂層的暖蒸底部層。蒸汽再次20到25分鐘至凝 固。離開,直到完全冷卻前切塊 。


Cheery. Fun. Light-hearted.

Healing. Growth. Relieve Stress. Kindness. Peace.

PANTONE Kueh Pulot Serikaya (Glutinous Rice Serikaya)


Ingredients 材料

250g 750ml 100g 150g 1/2 tsp 200ml

250克 750毫升 100克 150克 1/2茶匙 200毫升

pearl sago water sugar white grated coconut salt palm sugar syrup

珍珠西米 水 糖 白色椰絲 鹽 棕櫚糖漿

Method 作法

Bring water (750ml) to boil, add soaked sago, stir continuously till transparent and thick. Remove from heat. In a pot, cook the white grated coconut with sugar, palm sugar syrup and salt till well mixed and thick. Set aside. Pour the cooked pearl sago into a jelly mould till half filled and add 1 tbsp of coconut fillings, then top it up with the cooked sago again to seal it. Repeat till all ingredients used up Chill in fridge till ready to serve. 把水(750毫升),煮沸後,加泡過的西米,不斷攪拌 至透明和厚。起鍋。 在鍋中煮磨碎的白色椰子糖,椰子糖糖漿和鹽混合厚 為止。拋開。 至半滿,倒入煮好的珍珠西米成果凍模具和加1湯匙 的椰子餡料,然後將頂部用煮熟的西米再密封。重複 以上步驟,直到所有成分用在冰箱的冷藏,直到準備 發球。



Tropical. Refreshing. Wealth. Luxurious. Prestige.

PANTONE Abok-Abok Sagu (Sago Cake)


Ingredients 材料

500g 150ml 200ml 1/2 tsp Some

Bottom Layer glutinous rice coconut milk water salt blue-pea flower colouring

5 500ml 200g 1/2 tsp 50g 2 tsp 1/2 tsp

Top Layer eggs coconut milk sugar pandan paste rice flour corn flour salt

500克 150毫升 200毫升 1/2茶匙 少些

底層 糯稻 椰奶 水 鹽 藍豌豆花著色

5 500毫升 200克 1/2茶匙 50克 2茶匙 1/2茶匙

頂層 雞蛋 椰奶 糖 班蘭糊 米粉 玉米粉 鹽

Method 作法

Bottom Layer: Drain glutinous rice, place it in a cake tin with a bed of pandan leaves. Add coconut milk, walter, salt and stir. Steam it for 30minutes, then sprinkle with the bluepea flower colouring. Continue to steam for another 15minutes till cooked. Allow to cool slightly, then press the warm glutinous rice using a piece of banan leaf to make it compact. Top Layer: In a mixing bowl, beath the eggs and sugar till dissolved. Add the coconut milk, pandan paste and continue to whisk, gradually add the rice flour and corn flour bit by bit till completely well mixed. Add salt. Pour the mixture by sifting on the warm steamed cooked glutinous rice. Steam it for 25 to 30minutes till set. Leave to cool completely before cutting into pieces.

底層:排水糯米,將其放置在床上的香蘭葉蛋糕錫。加入椰 奶,沃爾特,鹽翻炒。 蒸氣,持續30分鐘,再撒上藍豌豆花著色。繼續蒸,另一個15 分鐘至熟。允許略有降溫,然後按下溫暖的糯米採用了一塊巴 南葉,使其緊湊。 頂層:在攪拌碗,比思雞蛋和糖,直到溶解。加入椰奶,班蘭 粘貼,並繼續拂塵,逐漸添加米粉和玉米粉的點點滴滴,直到 完全混合。加入鹽。 混合物倒入過篩暖蒸熟糯米。蒸汽為25至30分鐘至凝固。離 開完全冷卻之後再切塊。


Natural. Balance. Healing.


Purity. Fragrance.

PANTONE Kueh Puteri Sarlat (Glutionus Rice Sarlat)


Ingredients 材料

500g 150ml 1/2 tsp 3–5 few

Pulot glutinous rice coconut milk salt pandan leaves dried blue pea flowers

250g 100g 50g 100ml

Fillings grated white coconut palm sugar rock sugar water

500克 150毫升 1/2茶匙 3-5 少數

糯米糕 糯米 椰奶 鹽 香蘭葉 藍幹豌豆花

250克 100克 50克 100毫升

餡料 磨碎的白色椰子 棕櫚糖 冰糖 水

Method 作法

Drain the glutinous rice and add coconut milk, water, salt and pandan leves. Steam it for 25 to 30minutes. Remove and use a fork to flake the rice, then sprinkle the violet blue colouring on the rice. Continue to steam again another 10 minutes till completely cooked. Set aside to cool. In a small pot, boil the palm sugar, rock sugar with water. Sift and set aside. Mix the grated coconut with palm sugar syrup and cook it at low heat for about 10 to 15minutes. Set aside. Cut banana leaves into 10cm square pieces. Scoop 2 tbsp of cooked glutinous rice and place it in the centre of leaf. Then top it up with 1/2 tbsp of Fillings. Fold up the two sides to the centre to overlap slightly where the Fillings are shown. Ready to serve.

瀝乾的糯米和添加椰子汁,水,鹽和班蘭萊沃。蒸25到30 分鐘。取出並用叉子剝落米飯,再撒上大米紫藍色著色。繼 續蒸汽又有10分鐘,直到完全熟透。一邊冷卻。 在一個小鍋裡,煮椰子糖,冰糖與水。過篩,並預留。 混合磨碎的椰子棕櫚糖漿,煮它在低熱量約10至15分鐘 的。拋開。 切到10厘米見方的小塊的香蕉葉。舀2湯匙熟糯米,並將其 放置在葉片的中心。然後最重要的1/2湯匙的餡料。折疊起 來,雙方的中心,略有重疊餡料。準備發球。


Natural. Refreshing.


Kindness. Beauty.


Peaceful. Serene.

PANTONE Pulot Inti (Glutinous Rice with Fillings)


Ingredients 材料

250g 200ml 100g 1/2 tsp 250g few drops

250克 200毫升 100克 1/2茶匙 250克 幾滴

glutinous rice pandan juice grated white coconut salt palm sugar pandan paste food colouring

糯稻 香蘭汁 磨碎的白色椰子 鹽 棕櫚糖 香蘭糊食用色素

Method 作法

In a large mixing bowl, place in glutinous rice flour, and add and pandan juice little and little and knead well till form smooth pliable dough. Pinch a small amount of dough (about the size of a calamansi lime) and roll It in your palm to form a smooth ball. Make a small well in the centre of the dough and fill it with chopped palm sugar. Pinch dough to seal, roll into balls again. In a pot of boiling water, drop the “balls” in the simmering pot and when it floats, remove them with a slotted spoon and allow the excess water to drip off. Drop the balls gently on grated on the grated coconut and coat it evenly, then transfer to a plate to serve.

在一個大碗裡攪拌,糯米粉,以及添加和香蘭汁一點 一點地揉,直到形成光滑柔軟的麵團。 捏麵團少量(約為大小的柑石灰)和形成光滑的球滾 動它在你的手掌。做一個小麵團的中心以及填補它與 棕櫚糖切碎。捏麵團密封,再次擀成球。


Sensous in nature. Soothing. Strength. Power.

PANTONE Onde-Onde (Glutinous Rice with Fillings)


Ingredients 材料

60g 20g 20g 175g 125ml 200ml 1/2 tsp

Green Layer rice flour tapioca flour green pea flour sugar pandan juice water alkaline water

30g 30g 250g 1/4 tsp

Coconut Cream Layer rice flour green pea flour coconut milk salt

60克 20克 20克 175克 125毫升 200毫升 1/2茶匙

綠層 米粉 木薯粉 綠色的豌豆粉 糖 班蘭汁 水 鹼性水

30克 30克 250克 1/4茶匙

椰奶層 米粉 綠色的豌豆粉 椰奶 鹽

Method 作法

Green layer: Combine the rice flour, tapioca flour and green tea flour Into a double boil pot and mix It with sugar Add pandan juice, water, alkaline water and mix it well till smooth. Cook It under a double-boiler till almost thickens, then pour it into a 6” x 6” square cake tin tray and steam it for 20 minutes. Coconut Cream Layer: Combine the rice flour, green pea flour and salt into a double boil pot. Gradually add in coconut milk and stir well till smooth. Cook it under a double-boiler till thickens and then transfer to the cake tin and pour over green layer. Steam It for another 20 minutes. Allow to cool completely before cutting Into pieces

綠層:結合米粉,木薯粉和綠茶粉成一個雙燒開鍋中, 它與糖混合 加入香蘭汁,水,鹼性水,拌勻,直到順利。幾乎變稠, 直到下一個雙鍋爐煮,然後倒入6“×6”的方形蛋糕錫 托盤和蒸汽20分鐘。 椰奶層:米粉,綠色豌豆粉和鹽結合成一個雙熬鍋。 逐漸加入椰奶,並攪拌均勻至光滑。庫克下一個雙鍋 爐,直到變稠,然後轉移到蛋糕錫,倒在綠色層。蒸 20分鐘。 允許完全冷卻之後再切塊。


Neutrality. Purity. Clean. Natural. Healing

PANTONE Kueh Talam Pandan (Green Talam Cake)


Ingredients 材料

600g 1tsp 250ml Some Some

600克 1茶匙 250毫升 一些 一些

glutinous rice fine sea-salt coconut milk, water pandan leaves bunga telang

糯稻 細海鹽 椰奶,水 香蘭葉 藍花

Method 作法

Drain the soaked glutinous rice, add coconut milk, water and salt. Place it in a shallow cake tin with pandan leaves. Steam for 25minutes to 30minutes. Once cooked, flake the rice with a fork and divide it into 2 portions. Mix 1 portion with blue colouring. Then combine white and blue glutinous rice to make “marble color” effect and steam it again for another 10-15minutes. Turn off the flames and use a banana leaf to press the rice to make it compact and firm. Cover with banana leaf and use a heavy object like a granite mortar and pestle to rest on it for a few hours. Remove rice cake when it is cooled and firm. Cut into desired size and serve it with “kaya” 浸泡糯米瀝乾,加入椰奶,水和鹽。香蘭葉,將其放置 在一個淺蛋糕錫。蒸汽為25分鐘30分鐘。一旦煮熟, 片狀的大米用叉子和把它分成2部分。混合1部分用藍 色著色。 然後結合白色和藍色的糯米“大理石色”效果,再蒸另 一個10分鐘。關閉明火和使用香蕉葉按大米使其緊湊 和堅定。蓋上芭蕉葉,並用重物像花崗岩迫擊砲和杵 休息了幾個小時。 冷卻時取出年糕和堅定。切成所需的大小和服務“卡 亞”


Dependable. Rejuvenating.


Peaceful. Calming.


Innocence. Purity.

PANTONE Kueh Pulot Tekan (Steamed Glutinous Rice with Kaya)


Ingredients 材料

1 can 120g 250ml 150g 750ml 1/4tsp

1罐 120克 250毫升 150克 750毫升 1/4茶匙

Sweet corn Mung bean flour coconut milk sugar water salt

甜玉米 綠豆粉 椰奶 糖 水 鹽

Method 作法

In a pot, mix the mung bean flour, sugar, coconut milk, water and whisk it lightly till dissolve, well combined and smooth. Cook at low heat and keep stirring continuously till it thickens. Add salt. Put 1 tablespoon of sweet corn on a banana leaf, then pour in about 3 tablespoon of the flour mixture Wrap the banana leaf and chill In the fridge for an hour. Ready to serve.

在鍋中混合綠豆粉,糖,椰汁,水拂掉以輕心,直到解 散,合併和光滑。 庫克在低熱量,並保持不斷攪拌,直到它變濃。加入鹽。 將1湯匙甜玉米,香蕉葉,然後倒入3湯匙麵粉混合物 用香蕉葉,放入冰箱冷藏一小時。


Jovial. Cheery. Simplicity.

PANTONE Kueh Jagung (Corn Cake)


Ingredients 材料

500g 150ml 50g 800ml 600g 6 to 7 1100ml 500克 150毫升 50克 800毫升 600克 6至7個 1100毫升

Tapioca flour Sago flour Mung bean flour Coconut milk pandan leaves dried blue pea flowers water

木薯粉 西米粉 綠豆粉 椰奶 香蘭葉 藍幹豌豆花 水

Method 作法

Mix water with sugar and pandan leaves, bring to boil. Remove pandan leaves and set aside. Combine all flours in a mixing bowl and add coconut milk a little at a time till well mixed and smooth. Gradually add in syrup and stir continuously till well blended Divide into 3 equal portions, mix with green and red colour respectively, leave the last portion as white colour. Grease a 9” x 9” square cake tin and pour in the green colour layer first. Steam for 10 to 12 minutes. Then pour in white mixture to steam and repeat for the third layer, which red. Steam the last layer for about 20 minutes to ensure it is completely cooked. Leave to completely cool for 4 to 6hours before cutting into pieces.

混合水,糖和香蘭葉,煮滾。取出香蘭葉,待用。 結合所有的麵粉混合碗,加入椰奶一點點的時間,直 到混合光滑。逐步添加糖漿中,並不斷攪拌至充分混合 分成3等分,分別用紅色和綠色的色彩組合,留下白色 的最後一部分。 潤滑脂9“×9”方形蛋糕錫和第一次倒在綠色的色層。 蒸10至12分鐘。然後倒在白色的混合物為第三層,其 中紅色的蒸汽和重複。最後一層蒸約20分鐘,以確保 它完全煮熟。 離開前完全冷卻46小時的切塊。


Prosperity. Love.


Luxurious. Prestige.


Relaxing. Balance.

PANTONE Kueh Genggang (Three Layer Cake)


Ingredients 材料

1 kg 250ml 1/4 tsp 500g 1公斤 250毫升 1/4茶匙 500克

tapioca sugar salt grated white coconut

木薯 糖 鹽 磨碎的白色椰子

Method 作法

Peel off tapioca skin and wash. Steam it for 30 minutes or till soft Transfer it to a large mixing bowl and add the sugar immediately. Mash it till sugar is dissolved and compress it. Cut into large cubes and top it with grated coconut. Serve warm

剝離木薯皮,洗淨。蒸30分鐘或至軟 它轉移到一個大碗裡攪拌,並立即加入糖。 醪至糖溶解並壓縮它。 切成大立方體,頂部椰絲。


Luxurious. Prestige. Cherry. Wealth. Friendliness.

PANTONE Ketuk Ubi (Tapioca with Grated Coconut)


Ingredients 材料

1kg 225g 2 tbsp 250ml 60g 1 tsp 1/2 tsp 6 few drops 250g

1千克 225克 2湯匙 250毫升 60克 1茶匙 1/2茶匙 6 幾滴 250克

grated tapioca fine sugar butter (softened) coconut milk sago seeds vanilla essence banana essence ripe banana food colouring grated white coconut

磨碎的木薯 細砂糖 黃油(軟化) 椰奶 西米種子 香草精華 香蕉香精 成熟的香蕉 食用色素 磨碎的白色椰子

Method 作法

In a large mixing bowl, mix grated tapioca with softened butter, fine sugar and mix It well till sugar dissolved. Blend it thoroughly till well mixed. Then add coconut milk, follow by the cooked sago. Mix well. Divide Into two portions to mix with different colouring and essences. Steam the first layer for 15minutes. Then next layer, place in banana and steam it again for anotherr 30 minutes to ensure It is cooked. Allow it to cool, then cut into desired sizes and roll it on the grated white Coconut. Ready to serve.

在一個大碗裡攪拌,混合磨碎的木薯軟化的黃油,細砂 糖,拌勻至糖溶解。徹底攪拌至充分混合。然後加入椰 奶,煮好的西米。 拌勻。分為兩部分,以不同的色素和香精混合。蒸汽的第 一層,持續15分鐘。然後下一層,在香蕉和蒸汽再次另一 個30分鐘,以確保它煮熟。 待其冷卻,再切成所需大小和滾動它磨碎的白色椰子。


Vigour. Passion.


Wealth. Fortunate.


Natural. Organic.

PANTONE Kueh Putu Tegair (Steamed Tapioca with Sago and Banana)


Ingredients 材料

300g 30g 250ml 750ml 2 tsp 1 tsp 1/4 tsp 150g 150g 100g 3 cloves 1/2cm 3 3 1/4 tsp 2tsp 3 tbsp

rice flour corn flour coconut milk water sugar white pepper powder salt minced beef minced prawns chopped shallots chopped garlic ginger fresh red chilies spring onions salt curry powder cooking oil

300克 30克 250毫升 750毫升 2茶匙 1茶匙 1/4茶匙 150克 150克 100克 3瓣 1/2厘米 3 3 1/4茶匙 2茶匙 3湯匙

米粉 玉米粉 椰奶 水 糖 白胡椒粉 鹽 碎牛肉 剁碎的蝦 切碎的青蔥 蒜茸 姜 新鮮的紅辣椒 蔥 鹽 咖哩粉 食用油

Method 作法

Fillings: Heat up a wok with cooking oil, add the chopped and minced spices and sauté it for about one minute, then add minced beef and prawns. Add curry powder and stir fry till the minced meat are cooked. Finally add chopped spring onions and salt to taste. Remove from heat and set aside. In a pot, mix the rice flour, corn flour, sugar, white pepper powder, salt and gradually whisk It by adding in diluted coconut milk (premix coconut milk with water) little by little till it forms a smooth mixture. Bring the pot to the stove and cook it at low heat till It begins to thicken. Add in filings and keep stirring for 5 minutes. Transfer the mixture to a cake tin or tray. Steam for 15 to 20minutes till It becomes cake form. Allow to cool before cutting into pieces

餡料:熱了油鍋,加切碎和肉末香料的,炒約一分鐘, 然後加入剁碎的牛肉和蝦。加入咖哩粉,翻炒至肉末 熟。最後加入蔥花和鹽調味。起鍋待用。 在鍋中混合米粉,玉米粉,糖,白胡椒粉,鹽和逐漸拂 它一點一點地加入稀釋的椰奶(預混椰奶與水),直到 它形成一個光滑的混合物。 把鍋火爐,煮,用小火燒至開始變濃。 加入提交的文件中,並不斷攪拌5分鐘。將混合物轉移 到一個蛋糕錫或托盤。蒸汽1520分鐘,直到它變成餅 形式。允許冷卻前切塊。


Spirituality. Wisdom. Royalty.


Luxurious. Prestige.

PANTONE Kueh Talam Berempah (Savoury Rice Cake)


Ingredients 材料

20 6 200g 6tbsp 375g 120g 1 tsp 1 tsp

Egg yolks Egg whites Castor sugar Condensed milk Butter plain flour mixed spices baking powder

20 6 200克 6湯匙 375克 120克 1茶匙 1茶匙

蛋黃 蛋清 白砂糖 煉乳 黃油 普通麵粉 混合香料 發酵粉

Method 作法

Beat egg whites with sugar till froth. Set aside. Beat butter with condensed milk till very creamy. Then add in egg yolks one at a time till well mixed. Add flour a little at a time, add mixed spices and baking powder, then fold in the egg whites froth. Bake at 175C layer by layer. Bake each layer till light brown. Bake approximately 2 to 3 minutes for each layer.

擊敗蛋清,糖,直到泡沫。 牛油煉乳至非常滑膩。再加入蛋黃的時間,直到充分混 合。添加麵粉一點點的時間,添加混合香料,發酵粉, 再拌入蛋清泡沫。 烘烤175C逐層。烤每一層至淺棕色。烤約2〜3分鐘的 每一層 。


Natural. Tropical.


Wealth. Organic.

PANTONE Cake Lapis (Indonesian Layer Baked)


Ingredients 材料

100g 250g 1 tsp 1 tsp 50g 1/4 tsp 150ml 1 tsp 100克 250克 1茶匙 1茶匙 50克 1/4茶匙 150毫升 1茶匙

Icing sugar Plain flour Baking soda Baking powder Ground almonds Salt Corn oil Vanilla essence

糖粉 普通麵粉 小蘇打 發酵粉 磨碎的杏仁 鹽 玉米油 香草精

Method 作法

Shift flour, icing sugar, baking soda and baking powder Into a mixing bowl and mix well with grounded almonds and salt. Add the vanilla essence and corn oil till it becomes dough. Roll it out and cut into desired cookie moulds. Place on a baking tray and bake It in a preheated oven at 175C for 10 to 12 minutes Allow to cool and store it In an airtight container.

移位麵粉,糖粉,小蘇打和泡打粉到一個碗裡攪拌和 帶接地杏仁和鹽拌勻。添加香草精和玉米油,直到它 變成麵團。 滾出來切成所需的餅乾模具。放在烤盤烤10至12分鐘 預熱烤箱175C 允許冷卻,並將其存儲在一個密閉的容器。


Sensuous. Personal.

Organic. Tropical.

PANTONE Almond Cookies 16

Ingredients 材料

120g 12 - 15 1/4 tsp 1/4 tsp

120克 12到15件 1/4茶匙 1/4茶匙

green bean flour pandan leaves salt green food colouring

綠豆粉 香蘭葉 鹽 綠色食用色素

Method 作法

Place the pandan leaves in a blender with 1 litre of water and salt. Blend it till fine and use a muslin cloth to sift into a pot. Add the green food colouring and the green bean flour little by little while whisking till well mix and smooth. Bring to the stove and boil It at low hear, stirring continuously till thickens. Remove from the heat immediately and leave to stand for about 5 minutes. Place the frame for making green bean flour droplets on a basin of Ice water. Pour the cooked green bean flour mixture on to the frame. Use the back of a big spoon, press mixture in long downward strokes. Leave droplets to set In the iced water till firm and ready to use.

香蘭葉放置在攪拌器中,用1升的水和鹽。至精混合, 並用薄紗布放入鍋中篩選。綠色食用色素和綠豆麵粉 一點一點添加,同時攪拌,直到井組合和光滑。 置於爐子燒開聽到低,持續攪拌,直到變稠。取出的熱 量立刻離開站約5分鐘。 綠豆粉滴上了一盆冰水,將幀。倒入煮好的綠豆粉混 合在框架。使用一個大勺子的背面,按下混合物在長 期向下的筆劃。離開液滴設置在冰水泡堅定和準備 使用。


Luxurious. Prestige.


Balance. Growth.


Sophistication. Introspection.

PANTONE Chendol 17

Ingredients 材料

250g 1/2 tsp 175ml few drops 250g 250g 250g 250ml 8 - 10 250g 1litrel 1/2tsp

Coloured Tapioca tapioca flour bicarbonate soda hot water colouring Sweet Sauce Red sweet potatoes yellow sweet potatoes yam water pandan leaves rock sugar coconut milk salt

250克 1/2茶匙 175毫升 幾滴

彩色木薯 木薯粉 碳酸氫鹽蘇打 熱水 染色

250克 250克 250克 250毫升 8至10 250克 1升 1/2茶匙

甜麵醬 紅地瓜 黃地瓜 薯 水 香蘭葉 冰糖 椰奶 鹽

Method 作法

In a mixing bowl, sift the tapioca flour and bicarbonate soda and pour hot water little by little using a wooden spoon to mix It up. Then knead to form dough. Divide Into 3 portions and add In difference colouring respectively. Roll each colour into long strips of about 0.8mm in diameter and cut it Into small triangles. Set aside In a pot of boiling water, add the coloured triangles and stir it to prevent it from sticking to each other. Once it floats, scoop it out and place It in a basin of cold water. Cut the sweet potatoes and yam Into cubes. Steam for 5 to 8 minutes. Set aside. Boil rock sugar and pandan leaves with 250ml water. Lower the heat, add the coconut milk and salt. Once boiling, remove from heat. Set aside.

在攪拌碗,木薯粉和碳酸氫鹽蘇打過篩,倒入熱水, 一點一點用木勺混合起來。然後搓揉成麵團。分為3部 分,分別加入著色差異。 每種顏色的滾動到直徑0.8mm左右的長條,切成小三 角形。擱置 在一個鍋裡的開水,加彩色的三角形和攪拌防止粘彼 此。一旦它漂浮,舀出來,並把它一盆冷水。 切紅薯和山藥切塊。蒸5〜8分鐘。拋開。 煮冰糖,香蘭葉水250毫升。低熱量,添加的椰奶和 鹽。一旦煮沸,離火。拋開。


Energetic. Enthusiastic. Creativity. Romance. Nurturing. Cooling. Balance. Growth.

PANTONE Bubor Cha-Cha 18

Ingredients 材料

250g 2 tbsp 350g 600g 750ml 10 - 12 few drops

rice flour tapioca flour sugar white grated coconut water pandan leaves various food colourings

250克 2湯匙 350克 600克 750毫升 10到12件 幾滴

米粉 木薯粉 糖 白色椰絲 水 香蘭葉 各種食用色素

Method 作法

Mix grated coconut with 1/2 tsp of salt and then steam for 15 minutes, set aside. Boil water with pandan leaves and sugar for about 10 to 15 minutes. Allow to cool In a large mixing bowl, add the rice flour and tapioca flour and mix well. Add the cooled pandan syrup little by little till smooth. Keep stirring. Divide the mixture into 4 portions and add food colourings respectively. Fill tea cups up with the mixture. Steam for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove from steamer, leave to cool for about 15 to 20 minutes before removing the cakes from the tea cup moulds.

混合椰絲1/2茶匙鹽,然後蒸15分鐘,備用。 燒開水,香蘭葉和糖約10至15分鐘。允許冷卻 在一個大碗裡攪拌,放入米粉,木薯粉和拌勻。 添加冷卻班蘭糖漿,一點一點,直到順利的。繼續攪 拌。除以混合物分為4個部分,分別添加食用色素。 填寫茶杯混合物。蒸10至15分鐘。從蒸籠中取出,待冷 約15至20分鐘後再取出蛋糕從茶杯模具。


Royalty. Sophistication. Cherry. Friendliness. Balance. Growth.

PANTONE Kueh Lompang (Steamed Rice Cake with Grated Coconut)


Ingredients 材料

200g 3 tbsp 175g 250ml 650ml few drops

200克 3湯匙 175克 250毫升 650毫升 幾滴

rice flour tapioca flour sugar coconut milk water red food coloring

米粉 木薯粉 糖 椰奶 水 紅色食用色素

Method 作法

In a large mixing bowl, combine the flours and sugar. Add coconut milk and water little by little till thin batter Is formed. Divide the mixture Into 2 portions, one portion remain as white and add few drops of red food colouring into another portion to make deep pink. Pour some pink batter into a 7” x 7” shallow tin to form a layer of about 0.5cm thickness. Steam it for about 6 to 8 minutes. Follow by white layer and repeat process till all batter used up Leave to cool before cutting into desired sizes.

在一個大型攪拌碗,結合麵粉和糖。加入椰奶和水一 點一點,直到形成稀麵糊。 除以混合物分成2部分,一部分仍然為白色,並加入幾 滴紅色食用色素到另一部分,使深粉色。 倒入一些粉紅色的麵糊倒入7“×7”淺錫,形成一層厚 度約0.5cm。蒸汽,約6至 分鐘。 按照白層和重複過程,直到用完所有麵糊 發表冷卻後再切成所需大小 。


Excitable. Eros.


Romance. Feminine.

PANTONE Kueh Lapis Surabaya (Rose Layer Cake)


Ingredients 材料

600g 1litre 1litre 1 tsp few pieces 350g 350g

600克 1升 1升 1茶匙 幾塊 350克 350克

Fine sugar Coconut milk water fine sea-salt pandan leaves rice flour tapioca flour

細砂糖 椰奶 水 細海鹽 香蘭葉 米粉 木薯粉

Method 作法

Mix fine sugar, coconut milk, water, salt, pandan leaves and bring to boil at low heat till sugar dissolved. Discard the pandan leaves, turn off flame and allow to cool slightly. In a large mixing bowl, mix the rice flour and tapioca flour. Then add the coconut milk mixture, whisk slightly till well blended. Divide batter into 9 portions. Ready to steam layer by layer, by adding in desired colour Into each layer such as white, green, yellow, pink, blue and the final top layer as red.

混合細砂糖,椰奶,水,鹽,香蘭葉,煮滾後,用小火燒 至糖溶解。丟棄香蘭葉,關閉火焰,並允許略有降溫。 在一個大碗裡攪拌,混合米粉,木薯粉。然後加入椰奶 混合,攪拌至混合均勻略有。 劃分成9份麵糊。準備層蒸汽層,每一層所需的顏色加 入到如白色,綠色,黃色,粉紅色,藍色和最終的頂層 為紅色。

PANTONE Kueh Lapis Kukos (Steamed Nine-Layer Rice Cake)


Ingredients 材料

600g 5 tbsp 525g 750ml 1800ml 1/4 tbsp 1/4 tbsp 1/4 tbsp 600克 5湯匙 525克 750毫升 1800毫升 1/4湯匙 1/4湯匙 1/4湯匙

rice flour tapioca flour sugar coconut milk water rose flavouring pandan paste flavouring vanilla essence

米粉 木薯粉 糖 椰奶 水 玫瑰调味 香兰糊调味料 香草精华

Method 作法

In a large mixing bowl, combine the flours and sugar. Add coconut milk and water, little by little till thin batter is formed. Divide the mixture into 3 equal parts. One remain as white with vanilla essence, add red colouring into second portion to form pink and add pandan paste in third portion. Pour some pink batter into a 7”x7” shallow tin to form a layer of about 0.5cm thickness. Steam it for about 6 to 8 minutes. Follow by white layer and then green layer. Repeat process till all batter is used up. Leave to cool before cutting into desired sizes.

在一個大型攪拌碗,結合麵粉和糖。加入椰奶和水,一 點一點,直到形成稀麵糊。除以該混合物分成3等份。 一是保持白色的香草精華,加入到第二部分的紅色著 色形成粉紅色,加香蘭粘貼在第三部分。 倒入一些粉紅色的麵糊倒入7“X7”淺錫,形成一層厚 度約0.5cm。蒸汽,約6〜8分鐘。 按照白色層和綠色層。重複此過程,直到用完所有的 麵糊。 保持冷卻,然後再切割成所需的尺寸。


Prosperous. Warmth. Rich.


Healing. Fertility.


Sincere. Simple.

PANTONE Kueh Lapis

Pandan, Rose & Vanilla

(Three flavoured Steam Rice Cake)


Ingredients 材料

250g 3 3 cloves 50g 3 tbsp 100ml 2 tsp 1/2 tsp 1/4 tsp 2 tbsp

minced pork large onions garlic winter melon roasted coriander powder water dark soy sauce white pepper powder salt cooking oil

250克 3 3瓣 50克 3湯匙 1 百毫升 2茶匙 1/2茶匙 1/4茶匙 湯匙

剁碎的猪肉 大洋葱 蒜 冬瓜 烤香菜粉 水 老抽 白胡椒粉 盐 食用油

Method 作法

In a heated wok with cooking oil, sauté the chopped onions and garlic for about 1 to 2 minutes, add minced pork and stir-fry till meat is cooked. Then add the coriander powder, winter-melon, dark soy sauce, pepper, salt and water. Simmer for about 15 minutes till all ingredients are well soaked and marinated. Allow to cool and set aside.

在加熱的油鍋,炒切碎的洋蔥和大蒜約1至2分鐘,加 入剁碎的豬肉煸炒,直到肉煮熟。 然後添加香菜粉,冬瓜,黑醬油,胡椒粉,鹽和水。火 煮約15分鐘,直到所有的成分都浸泡和醃製。允許冷 卻並預留。


Comfortable. Nurturing. Recharge. Renewal. Tropical. Relaxing.

PANTONE Rempah Babi (Pork Gultinous Rice)


Ingredients 材料

200g 1000ml 1/2 tsp 150g 750ml 4 to 5 1tsp 2tsp

Kueh rice flour coconut milk salt Rose Syrup sugar water pandan leaves rose essence red food colouring

200克 1千毫升 1/2茶匙

粿 米粉 椰奶 鹽

150克 750毫升 4至5個 1茶匙 2茶匙

玫瑰糖漿 糖 水 香蘭葉 玫瑰精華 紅色食用色素

Method 作法

Rose Sugar Syrup: In a small pot, combine the ingredients and bring to boil. Remove pandan leaves and set aside. Kueh: Mix flour and coconut milk together in a medium non-stick pot and bring to a boil slowly, stir constantly. Cook until the mixture becomes very thick, smooth and pour it into a square tray. Allow to cool and cut into small pieces. Place it into a dish and pour in Rose Sugar Syrup. Ready to serve.

玫瑰糖漿:在一個小鍋裡,結合材料煮滾。取出香蘭 葉,待用。 粿:混合麵粉和椰奶一起在一個中等不粘鍋慢慢煮 滾,不斷翻炒。 庫克,直到混合物變得非常厚,光滑,把它倒進一個方 形托盤。允許冷卻和切成小塊。 成菜,把它倒在玫瑰糖漿。準備發球。


Romance. Pretty.

Prestigious. Special.

PANTONE Som Som Rose 24

Ingredients 材料

400g 125ml 225ml 1/2tsp 80g

Bottom Layer glutinous rice coconut milk water salt lepak kachang

5 500ml 150g 50ml 100g 3tsp 1/2tsp few drops

Top Layer eggs coconut milk sugar pandan juice rice flour corn flour salt food colouring

400克 125毫升 225毫升 1/2茶匙 80克

底層 糯米 椰奶 水 鹽 紅豆

5 500毫升 150克 50毫升 100克 3茶匙 1/2茶匙 幾滴

頂層 雞蛋 椰奶 糖 班蘭汁 米粉 玉米粉 鹽 食用色素

Method 作法

Bottom Layer: Drain the glutinous rice and black-eyed beans, place it in a cake tin with a bed of pandan leaves. Add coconut milk, water, salt and stir well. Steam it for 30 minutes, then sprinkle with the bluepea flower colouring. Continue to steam for another 15 minutes till cooked. Allow to slightly cool. Press the warm glutinous rice using a banana leaf to make it compact. Top Layer: Cook the coconut milk, sugar, pandan juice and salt at very low heat till all dissolved. Set aside. In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs. Then add the coconut milk mixture and combine to whisk, gradually add in rice and corn flours bit by bit till completely well mixed. Add food colouring to form desired colour. Pour the mixture by sifting it on the warm steamed cooked glutinous rice. Steam it for 20 to 25 minutes till set. Allow to completely cool before cutting into pieces

底層:瀝乾的糯米和黑眼豆,把它放在床上的香蘭葉蛋糕錫。 加入椰奶,水,鹽,並攪拌均勻。 蒸30分鐘,再撒上藍豌豆花著色。另外15分鐘至熟,繼續蒸。 允許稍微冷卻。按下溫暖的糯米,用香蕉葉,使其緊湊。 頂層:庫克椰子奶,糖,香蘭汁和鹽,熱量非常低,直到全部溶 解。拋開。 在一個碗裡攪拌,打蛋。然後加入椰奶的混合物並結合拂在 水稻和玉米麵粉的點點滴滴,逐漸加至完全混合。添加食用色 素,形成想要的顏色。 倒入篩分暖蒸熟糯米混合。蒸20至25分鐘,直到集。允許完全 冷卻前切塊。


Open. Honesty.


Serenity. Kindness. Gentle.


Success. Thoughtful.

PANTONE Kueh Sarlat Lepak Kachang (Black-Eyed Bean Gkutinous Rice)


Ingredients 材料

200g 150g 400ml 200ml 1tsp 3 1/2tsp

Bottom Layer green bean flour sugar water coconut milk rose essence eggs salt

6 500ml 250g 1 tbsp 4 tbsp

Top Layer eggs coconut milk sugar rose essence plain flour

200克 150克 400毫升 200毫升 1茶匙 3 1/2茶匙

底層 綠豆粉 糖 水 椰奶 玫瑰精華 雞蛋 鹽

6 500毫升 250克 1湯匙 4湯匙

頂層 雞蛋(打散) 椰奶 糖 玫瑰精華 普通麵粉

Method 作法

Bottom layer: Mix the green bean flour, sugar, coconut milk, water, rose essence, beaten eggs and salt into a smooth mixture and cook it at very low heat. Remove from flame when it is about to thicken. Transfer to a tray/ cake tin and steam it for about 30 minutes. Top layer: Whisk the eggs with sugar till dissolved and add coconut milk. Gradually add the flour little by little till smooth batter is formed. Finally add the rose essence. Pour it onto the bottom layer and steam for 45 minutes or till cooked. Leave to cool before cutting into pieces and then serve.

底層:綠豆粉,糖,椰汁,水,玫瑰精華,打碎的雞蛋和 鹽混合成光滑的混合物,並在非常低的熱煮。從火焰中 取出時,它是要加厚。轉移到一個托盤/蛋糕錫和蒸汽 約30分鐘。 頂層:拂雞蛋與糖,直到溶解並加椰奶。慢慢加入麵粉 一點一點,直到形成光滑的麵糊。最後加入玫瑰精華。 倒到底層,蒸45分鐘或至熟。待冷切塊前再服。


Sensous in nature. Healing. Knowledge.


Reliable. Trustworthy.

PANTONE Kueh Laman Sari 26

Ingredients 材料

300g 100g 1000ml 260g 5g

Bottom Layer yam sugar thick coconut milk rice flour salt

250g 200g 1000ml 5g 4

Top Layer sugar wheat flour thick coconut milk salt eggs

300克 100克 1 千毫升 260克 5克

底層 薯 糖 濃椰漿 米粉 鹽

250克 200克 1 千毫升 5克 4

頂層 糖 麵粉 濃椰漿 鹽 雞蛋

Method 作法

Bottom layer: Mix all ingredients in a pot and cook at low heat till well dissolved and well mixed. Turn off flame and transfer to a tray. Steam for 30 minutes. Upper Layer: Mix the above ingredients in a pot and cook at low heat till well blended. Pour the mixture onto the bottom layer. Steam again for another 30 minutes. Leave to cool before cutting into pieces.

底層:將所有原料在一個鍋內煮,用小火燒至很好地 溶解,並充分混合。 關閉火焰,並轉移到一個托盤。蒸30分鐘。 上層:將上述原料混合在一個鍋裡,煮用小火燒至充 分混合。 將混合物倒入到底層。蒸汽再另外的30分鐘。待冷切 塊前。


Gentleness. Dependable.


Platinum. Classy.

PANTONE Kueh Talam Keladi (Steamed Rice Cake and Yam)


a typography II project by Joseph Tan


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