Could Nibiru Be The Cause Of The Massive Influx Of UFO's During The 20th And 21st Centuries ? [uvc-youtube id="wqQCfbx3eIY" width="560" height="315" autoplay="1" controls="1"] The 20th & 21st Centuries have been filled with an unparalleled amount of UFO sightings , Higher than any other Century is our written history. Could Nibiru be the cause behind this ?
Nibiru has been tied into many events in our modern day but could Nibiru also be the main cause of the massive influx of UFO sightings taking place in the last and current Century ? As Zecharia Sitchin deciphered the cuneiform tablets of the Sumerians many dates as to the arrival of Nibiru have been given. Most of these dates have coincided with a massive influx of UFO sightings ( In that they all have mostly fallen within the last decade and predicted into the next few decades. ) It would appear as if there is some connection between the many UFO sightings and abductions stories that have been taking place at least as far back as the Roswell Incident. Many have attempted to connect this modern day UFO invasion to the first detonation of the nuclear bomb but what if that is not the case and in actuality is not the reason for the increase in these extraterrestrial visitors ? Nibiru may in fact be the reason for this near invasion. These extraterrestrials may in fact be attempting to warn us about the arrival of Planet Nibiru. Crop Circles, Abductees with Alien messages warning mankind of an impending world wide disaster. These all point to Nibiru ! Could NASA be hiding information regarding Nibiru and ET contacts attempting to warn Humanity? It is very likely and according to MUFON's International Director Clifford Clift NASA has been covering up ET contact information which could very well include knowledge about Nibiru. Not only does MUFON's International Director point this out but NASA Astronaut Edgar Dean Mitchell. Not only does NASA Astronaut Edgar Dean Mitchell point out the fact that NASA is covering up evidence and information regarding Alien contact from outer space but he also proclaims he has eyewitness evidence as tot the existence of Extraterrestrial intelligent life. there is no doubt NASA is hiding information regarding Nibiru Nibiru has been cataloged by many ancient civilizations of the past most notably the Sumerians. with all these ancient writings from the Sumerians regarding Nibiru why is NASA still in denial ? In detail the Sumerians cataloged the history of Nibiru and the Annunaki. They spoke of how the Annunaki needed to spread gold throughout Nibiru's atmosphere to preserve their species and sustain life on Nibiru. Nibiru is by all means well documented so why would the powers that be deny its existence ? There are a number of reasons why world powers would deny the existence of Nibiru for one, it would cause mass world panic if humanity found out Nibiru was arriving and two with the world economy being so fragile the announcement of the world disaster Nibiru would cause would be certain to collapse the world financial markets. So it becomes very clear why world governments would cover up Nibiru and its arrival. In a stunning turn of events Dr Charles Frank Bolden admitted that he believes there is alien life on other planets but that he has no proof of it. could this be a way for NASA to warm up the masses to the arival of Nibiru and the infamous Annunaki ? It is an ancient tactic for Government to subliminally release information about major events in order to reduce the shock and panic said information might