Nibiru To Pass By Earth In August 2013 ! Is August 2013 The New December 2012 ?

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Nibiru To Pass By Earth In August 2013 ! Is August 2013 The New December 2012 ? [uvc-youtube id="wLyo2abC1AQ" width="560" height="315" autoplay="1" controls="1"] Nibiru to pass Earth by August 2013 With Niburu fast approaching and bumping asteroids from the Kruiper belt towards Earth ahead of its approach... it... Nibiru, according to Nibiru researcher James Gordon is about to pass by earth on August 2013. Is August 2013 the new December 21 2012? Many have said that because of the Calendar change to the Gregorian Calendar in the middle ages. That the dates given by the Mayans were off by about one year. One must also take into account human error. It would not be the first time in history that researchers were slightly off center on the correct date of an event taking place. So Nibiru's arrival would not be the first miscalculated event in the history of mankind. So it very well could be possible that Nibiru is set to arrive in August 2013 if it is going to arrive at all. According to those who research Planet Nibiru, The recent barrage of comets entering earths atmosphere most notably the event in Chelyabinsk Russia are a sign that Nibiru is in fact on its way towards planet earth. According to researchers on the subject of Nibiru, As Nibiru passes through our solar systems asteroid belt. Its gravity effects those said asteroids and launches them off in many unpredictable directions some of which are headings towards earth. We have all seen the footage of the meteorite falling through the skies of Russia. Along with all of its side effects such as the massive sonic boom that causes millions in damages and lots of injuries. It seems that evidence is stacking up and those meteor fragments could very well point to the arrival of Planet Nibiru. But one voice has been in un-ending denial about Nibiru that voice is none other then the collective of world government. Governments around the world have been bring out every Tom Dick and Harry. In an attempt to pull the wool over humanity's eyes regarding Nibiru. One of those voices is NASA Senior Scientist, David Morrison PhD. In a video posted on NASA's website. Morrison assures a child who has written in a letter asking if Nibiru does in fact exist (mentioning how her and her classmates are scared of the possibility of Nibiru entering our solar system) That Nibiru in fact does not exist, that there is no evidence in photograph or scientific analysis. Is Morrison stating a fact ? Or is he just another tool of the Illuminati used to cover up the impending doom that is Nibiru. One thing is certain there are many voices readily available in opposition of Nibiru's arrival and those who wish to warn humanity. James Gordon was recently a guest on George Noory's coast to coast am in which he made some very interesting revelations about Nibiru. According to James Gordon , The world is being primed for a “ major announcement about Nibiru “ this announcement James Gordon believes is the arrival of Nibiru into our solar system. James Gordon explained that the Zeta Council Of Worlds or ZCOW. Is demanding that presidents and leaders world wide especially our very own President. Announce to the world the truth about Planet Nibiru and how Nibiru will be arriving shortly. Also according to James Gordon, That would not be likely. Because as far back as president Eisenhower , Presidents since who have taken office had to sign an order agreeing never to talk about Nibiru, Until those higher powers ( The Illuminati ) gave them the go ahead or permission to do so. There is a sort of stand off according to James Gordon between world government and Aliens from other worlds ( Who belong to the Zeta Council Of Worlds ) who James Gordon claims he is in constant contact with on the subject of Nibiru. Can these revelations of

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