יג מדות
זצ"ל 'ה
Hashem - 'ה Kindliness ' הthe first time, is the declaration that all reality came into existence by His word. “For He spoke and it was; He commanded, and it arose” ( תהילים ט:)לג. Everything in the world demonstrates kindliness of purpose; therefore the act of bringing the world into existence was an act of supreme and universal kindliness.
Hashem – 'ה ' הbefore the sin (is) ' הafter the sin (: ;)ר"ה יזkindliness to limit according to one’s level.
' הthe second time, is the declaration that not only did ' הbring the world into existence, but also that He maintains the existence of the world. Every moment that the world continues to exist is due solely to '’הs continuing will every moment. Even though men may misuse their free-will to corrupt the world, ' הdoes not retract His command (הי ְ ְי- let it be) but continues to will the existence of the world. Even though after the sin the circumstances have changed, yet 'ה did not become less kindly than before. Thus when אדם הראשוןwas expelled from גןְעדןbecause of his sin it was done entirely for his benefit, for the previous circumstances in the garden were no longer beneficial. When one has ruined his digestion by overeating, he can no longer eat the foods that he enjoyed previously; and it is the greatest kindliness to limit his diet now to less-appetizing foods which are easier to digest. 2
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Abridged. See A Nation is Born (34:6-7) for further detail. עי' בספר תורת אביגדור ח"ד עמ' מ"ג
G-D – ל-א Denotes power
Included in this מדהis the concept of energy such as the activation of light, of heat, of motion and of sound, all of which are forms of energy. These are all intended for the purpose of kindliness and their common source is ל-א ֵ , Who bathes the world in His boundless energy. Included in this מדהis also the quality of Wisdom – ְה'ְבחָ כמָ ה ְא ֶרץ ָ י"ט) יָסַ ד:(משלי ְג. The bottomless wisdom even in a single cell of protoplasm, such as the trillion separate bits of information on the DNA molecule of something as minute as the E. Coli in our intestines, testifies by its infinite Plan and Purpose to the wisdom of it’s creator. Wisdom is power, and is therefore included in the attribute ל-א.
Merciful – ַרחּום The Creator, blessed is He, is more merciful to us than the most merciful person. All mercy or compassion that comes from anyone is actually due to '’הs mercy and compassion ()חוה"לְשערְהבטחוןְפ"ג. This verse declares that He is the author of all mercy. It is ' הalone that causes a mother to have pity on her child. [This ]מדהalso denotes '’הs constant and uninterrupted attention which is focused intensively on Israel.
And gracious – וְ ַחּנּון ))ְהּואְנֹותןְל ֶֶחם"ְ(ברהמ"ז,ים ֵ (לשוןְחןְ–" ְבחןְב ֶח ֶסדְּוב ַרחֲ מ
The apple could have been colorless and tasteless and it would still be a great gift of mercy; but the creator in His “graciousness” ( )חןcolored the apple with beautiful and alluring tints, and He bestowed a sweetness with a hint of tartness to add enjoyment. In regard to בניְישראל, ' הnot only is merciful to them but He also favors them with His special grace ()חן. The true Jew lives more successfully than anyone else, and his nation is favored by '’הs special gifts.
Long to anger – ֶ ֶֽא ֶרְך ַא ַ ֶֽפיִם Gives opportunity to correct sin
Most men could not survive without this principle, because they commit some form of wrongdoing. This מדהallows men to repent even in the moment before death. The fact that the sinner is permitted to live, and with sufficient effort can regret and return to 'ה, is a superlative kindness for which we could never be grateful enough.
And abundant in kindliness – וְ ַרב ֶ ֶֽחסֶ ד Vast kindliness of afterlife
This attribute is not a repetition of the others, but is a declaration of the extent of '’הs attributes. No matter how abundant we can imagine the goodness of ' הis, it is nothing in comparison to the true magnitude of happiness bestowed in the life of eternal existence.
And truth – וֶאֱ ֶמת Steadfast - )(נֶאֱ ָמןְו ַקיָםְלָעַ ד
This is the attribute of '’הs steadfastness in fulfilling His promises. The כהונהis given forever to the seed of אהרן. The crown of royalty was bestowed forever upon the seed of דוד. בניְישראלare chosen forever.
Keeping kindness with the – נצר ֶ ֶֽחסֶ ד ָלאֲ ָלפִ ים thousands [of generations] All that ' הever did for our people, and all that He will do is in the merit of the three fathers- אברהם יצחק ויעקב.3
מ"ג:רמב"ם מו"נ ג
And He forgives avon (iniquity) - נשא עָ ֹון Form of sin that causes wrong consequences
Even when done by mere carelessness, this sin is severe because of the harm it causes, especially the harm to the doer. Just as suicide is considered murder and even worse because it is done against one’s self, so is every iniquity a crime against one’s own self, even when it may seem to cause no harm to anyone else.
And transgression – ָו ֶ ֶֽפ ַשע Bold act of sin 4
The effrontery of the deed renders it more serious. Even when there’s no harm that results (as in )עון. פשעis a category by itself, because the corruption of the soul by an act of rebellious insolence is a fundamental ruination of the most serious nature. And when the sinner regrets his evil deeds, ' הis נושא. And He removes the transgressions and heals the soul.
And sin – וְ ַח ָט ָאה Lack of achievement
Even with repentance, ' הdoes not forgive the sin of failure to achieve Perfection. Yet even this disaster can be compensated by '’הs mercy, if new opportunities can be offered so that one can achieve that which they have failed to achieve previously.
And clearing He shall not clear – וְ נַקה ל ֹאְינ ֶַקה This is understood as follows: And (as for) clearing (which ' הdoes for those who repent properly) He shall not clear (for those that did not repent). 4 Behavior
or an attitude that is so bold or arrogant as to be insulting
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