Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Ki Seitzei, (28th / 29th August 2020) (שבת קודש פרשת כי תצא )ט' אלול תש"פ
The Rov encourages the Kehilla to try to daven at the same times
ליל שבת
Friday Night Mincha, Kabbolas Shabbos and Maariv
7:30 pm
מנחה \ קבלת שבת \ מעריב
Earliest Candle Lighting (plag hamincha)
6:30 pm
הדלקת נרות שמע אחרי נאכט
Say Shema after nacht
Shabbos Day
יום שבת
7:30 am
השכמה מנין שחרית
9:35 am
סוף זמן שמע
Shacharis Main Minyan(starting from Shochen ad) 9:45 am
10:44 am
סוף זמן עמידה
6:15 pm
שיעור פרקי אבות
Mincha (Pirkei Avos, perek 1 and 2)
6:45 pm
( ב,מנחה )פרקי אבות א
Shkia (Sunset)
7:53 pm
Motsei Shabbos
8:47 pm
מוצאי שבת
8:58 pm
Shacharis Hashkoma Minyan (starting from Baruch She’amar)
Lastest Time for Shema Lastest Time for Shacharis Amida Pirkei Avos Shiur with Rabbi Stepsky (Weather permitting) For Men and Women
Whether you are davening at the 9:45 am minyan or by yourself, please ensure you say shema before 9:30 am; also ensure you finish davening your shacharis amidah by 10:44 am. Maariv on motzei Shabbos will be 11 minutes after Shabbos terminates at 8:58 pm in order to allow people to drive to shul after Shabbos terminates and then drive home. This is a special provision we are making in 'covid' times where we aren't doing mincha, seduah shlishis and maariv all together. Please ensure you say the words 'baruch hamavdil bein kodesh lechol' before you perform any melocho.
For more information, our website is:
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On behalf of the Rabbi and Rebbitzen, the committee and membership of KNY, we would like to wish a hearty mazal tov to
Zecharya Niman "י Jamie and Rachelle and their family on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah the Kehilla is invited to a kiddush after davening sponsored by Jamie and Rachelle
...מזל טוב ל Mazal Tov to: Rabbi Jeremy Rosten and Lindsay Simmonds on the marriage of their daughter, Avigail to Daniel Lederman. Sarah Russell, Chana Boxer, Shalya Sedar, Julia Gleekin and Noam Freedman on their Hebrew birthdays this week. Howard & Marie Milofsky and Russell & Jessica Boxer on their Hebrew wedding anniversaries this week.
Refuah Shleima to:
...רפואה שלמה ל
Sarah Russell – Soroh Chana bas Chaya Roiza Sora Feldman – Sora bas Lotte Dinah bas Chaya Yael bas Dinah Ruth Shaw - Rus Basya bas Blimah
Chaim Aruchim to:
Bayla bas Rivka Devorah Anthony Levy - Avrohom Yidel Ben Chava Jane Freeman – Shaina Esther bas Leah Eliza Shulamit bas Miral Beila Chana Ostilly – Chana bas Cochava
...חיים ערוכים ל
Howard Herskine on his Father’s yarzheit Gidon Blake on his Father’s yarzheit
You can redeem your Aliyah pledge or make other donations to the Kehillah by going to and pressing ‘Donate’. Thank you.
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If you have tzadaka for KNY in your pushka, please contact Moshe Mendel Feldman to arrange a collection on 07956 651 931.
Your Yarzheit, Yizkor and / or “aliya” donations can be made to our HSBC bank account number 41314300 sort code 40-07-24 quoting your name and reason for donation. Thank you.
If you have a special anniversary or celebration coming up please let the KNY Administrator (Nena Abrahams) know by emailing
KNY Education Programme There will be a break in the education programme for the summer, recommencing in Ellul after the holidays, except for the shiur below which will continue to take place online while numbers justify it. Instructions for accessing by video/telephone are given at the end. Date and time Thu 3 Sep, 9.00 pm; Weekly Mon 7 Sep, 8.00 pm; Fortnightly
Subject Pirkei Ovos with HaRav Shraga Feivel Zimmerman * Nach shiur by Rabbi Alan Wilkinson: Sefer Yehoshua
Men or Women Both Women
Instructions for accessing ZOOM via video / telephone Meeting ID: 774 298 9960 Password: 394242
*Thursday evening Pirkei Ovos shiur only
0131 460 1196 Meeting ID: 774 298 9960
Or telephone: +44 330 088 5830, password: 446688, meeting ID: 951 5810 3732, password: 446688
One tap mobile 0131 460 1196,,7742989960
Davening Sunday 29th August to 4th September at KNY’s weekday premises WhatsApp Link to book for weekday davening:
Alternatively, please text Graham Russell on 07869 062 528 to book your place. Day
Mincha / Maariv
8.00 am
7:25 pm
8:00 am
7:25 pm
6:45 am
7:25 pm
6:45 am
7:25 pm
6:35 am
7:25 pm
6:45 am
See Shabbos times
Bank Holiday
You can redeem your Aliyah pledge or make other donations to the Kehillah by going to and pressing ‘Donate’. Thank you.
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Davening Friday 4th and Shabbos 5th September at Tashbar
The links for booking in for shabbos davening on Eventbrite are: Please note that once booked, if you need to cancel your booking you can do this through the Eventbrite website. Friday Mincha/Kabbolas Shabbos Hashkoma Shacharis Shacharis Shabbos Pirkei Avos Shiur Shabbos Mincha Maariv
You can redeem your Aliyah pledge or make other donations to the Kehillah by going to and pressing ‘Donate’. Thank you.