LONDON BETH DIN UPDATE NOVEMBER 2019 This update to The Really Jewish Food Guide 2019 replaces all previous updates. ► = New information since previous update For the latest information visit Works offline and also available as an Android App
KLBD LICENSEE NEWS New KLBD Licensed Caterer: Eat Me Events & Catering Tel: 020 3772 0810 ►Dassy’s Kosher Catering Mob: 07399 031441 New KLBD Licensed Deli: Habiba’s Deli 51 Fairfax Road Swiss Cottage NW6 4EL Tel: 020 7625 4504 KLBD Licensed Restaurant Re-opened: La Fiesta (Glatt Meat) 235 Golders Green Road Golders Green NW11 9ES Tel: 020 8458 0444 New KLBD Licensed Jewish Care Home: Anita Dorfman House
► = New information since previous update KLBD = Certified by the London Beth Din (logo on pack) KLBD = Certified by the London Beth Din (no logo on pack) P = Parev D = Dairy (Not Chalav Yisrael) S = Certified by other Rabbinates NK = Not Kosher
FOOD SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT DRIED GOJI BERRIES High levels of infestation have been found in dried goji berries by the KLBD and other Kashrut agencies.
CONFECTIONERY Cadbury p41 Previously approved Dairy, has changed formulation and is now approved Parev. P Bournville Classic Lindt p44 Listed in error as approved Parev, but is in fact approved Dairy. D Excellence Dark Caramel Sea Salt GLUTEN FREE CEREALS Lizi's p66 Previously certified KLBD Parev, now certified KLBD Dairy. KLBD D Granola Gluten Free MARGARINE
Dried goji berries are therefore not recommended even when bearing a kosher symbol. Goji berry puree and powder and bars containing dried goji berries are all still permitted.
Benecol p79 Previously Not Kosher, now approved Dairy for those who require low cholesterol margarine. It is always preferable to buy margarine with a hechsher. D Light
Nespresso p27 Previously approved Dairy, now approved Parev. P Amaretti
Crusha p80 Previously Not Kosher, have changed formulation and are now approved Parev. P No Added Sugar Raspberry P No Added Sugar Strawberry P Raspberry P Strawberry
CEREALS Lizi's p36 Previously certified KLBD Parev, now certified KLBD Dairy. KLBD D Granola Belgian Chocolate KLBD D Granola High Protein KLBD D Granola Mango Macadamia KLBD D Granola Passionfruit Pistachio KLBD D Granola Pink Apple & Cinnamon KLBD D Granola Treacle & Pecan Listed in the first update as certified KLBD Dairy, is now confirmed KLBD Parev. KLBD Granola Treacle & Pecan Whole Earth p38 Previously approved Dairy, has changed formulation and is now approved Parev. P Cocoa Crunch
PROTEIN WATER Please note that protein waters may contain collagen derived from animal sources, which is not permitted. You are advised to check the ingredients declaration before purchase. The following Protein Waters are known to be non-kosher: Marks & Spencer NK Protein Super Water Vieve NK
Protein Water
Wow Protein NK Protein Water SAUCES & CONDIMENTS Mahi Sauces, available from some supermarkets, bear an unauthorised OK kosher logo. They are neither kosher certified nor approved.
Slim Fast p90 Previously Not Kosher, has changed formulation and is now approved Dairy. D ►Shake Strawberry SOFT DRINKS Snapple p96 Previously Not Kosher, has changed formulation and is now approved Parev. P Kiwi Strawberry YOGHURTS & DAIRY DESSERTS Muller p109 Previously Not Kosher, now approved Dairy. However, since formulations can sometimes be changed, you are advised to check the ingredients before purchase, to make sure that gelatine has not been added. D Light Banana & Custard D Light Cherry D Light Mango/Passionfruit, Peach/Pineapple, Mandarin D Light Natural D Light Orange Dark Chocolate D Light Raspberry & Cranberry D Light Strawberry D Light Toffee D Light Vanilla D Light Vanilla Dark Chocolate D Light Vanilla, Orange, Caramel Dark Chocolate
GIN Whitley Neill The following products were listed in the previous update as certified KLBD. It has come to our attention that when purchased in the UK, they are in fact Not Kosher. Bottles purchased in USA, Canada or Israel with the KLBD logo are kosher certified. NK ►Lemongrass & Ginger NK ►Rhubarb & Ginger
SUPPLEMENTS Vitamin A Previously approved Parev, now certified KLBD Parev. KLBD ►Viridian Beta Carotene Complex Capsules Vitamin D Previously approved Parev, now certified KLBD Parev. KLBD Pro D3 Capsules
LIQUEURS Lejay Delisted from The Really Jewish Food Guide 2019, are now approved Parev. P Apricot Brandy P Banane P Cacao Blanc P Cacao Brun P Cherry Brandy P Creme d'Abricot P Creme de Cassis de Dijon P Creme de Fraise P Creme de Framboise P Creme de Myrtille P Creme de Peche P Curacao Bleu P Litchi P Pamplemousse Rose P Parfait Amour P Poire P Pomme Verte P Triple Sec
FOOD BABY CEREALS Aptamil D Cereal Multigrain & Berry D Porridge Creamed Apricot BABY MILKS Aptamil D ►Sensavia First Infant 1 D ►Sensavia Follow On 2 D ►Sensavia Growing Up 3 Nutramigen D ►3 with LGG Vanilla Vitaflo D
BABY SNACKS Organix NK ►18+ Mini Space Cheese Bites Organix Finger Foods P 7+ Rice Cakes Strawberry
Organix Goodies NK Jammie Monsters
CIDER Please note that, whilst Old Mout Cider Berries & Cherries, listed on p112, is approved Parev, the Alcohol Free version contains grape juice and is Not Kosher.
Goddards p152 No longer widely available. Can be purchased from, Amazon, eBay and kosher stores with the OU logo. S Brass & Copper Polish S Silver Dip
Amarula Previously approved Dairy, was delisted in 2016, but is now confirmed Not Kosher. NK Cream Marula Fruit
p133 Previously Not Kosher, is now approved Parev. P DDAVP Melts
Rakusen's KLBD ►Choc Chip KLBD ►Nice KLBD ►Vanilla Bears
Fibre One p90 Bars were previously listed as certified S Dairy, but the logo has been removed and so they are no longer approved. Old stock bearing the OU-D logo is still permitted.
BAKING POWDER Steenbergs For stockists and online purchases see KLBD Cream of Tartar
The Family Bread KLBD ►Mezonot Pitta Warburtons All products are Pas Palter. KLBD Bagels Cinnamon & Raisin KLBD Bagels Plain KLBD ►Bagels Sesame KLBD Fruit Loaf Cinnamon & Raisin KLBD Fruit Loaf Orange KLBD Muffins Toasting KLBD ►Thins Wonder CAKE DECORATING Coop P
Ready to Roll Icing White
Dr Oetker D Chocolate Chunks Extra Dark D Chocolate Chunks Milk D Chocolate Chunks White Rainbow Dust NK Edible Rainbow Jewels NK Edible Sugar Crystals P Liquid Colour NK Sugarcraft Essentials Cake Decorating Glaze
Sugarflair Available from cake decorating shops, internet and mail order companies. To verify the kosher status of products not bearing the kosher logo you are advised to contact Sugarflair directly. S Airbrush Cleaner S Airbrush Glitter S Colours Paste Satin S Edible Glue S Edible Lustre Glitter S Edible Lustre Spray Pump S Glycerine Tesco P P P P P P P
Kellogg's SD Coco Pops White Choc SD Crunchy Nut Creations Granola Chocolate S ►Disney Strawberry Multigrain Shapes Lizi's Available from Waitrose, and other online retailers. KLBD Granola Low Sugar Maple & Pecan Weetabix KLBD Oatibix Flakes Red Berries KLBD Weetabix Red Berries CHEESE
Flower & Modelling Paste White Icing Ready to Roll Black Icing Ready to Roll Blue Icing Ready to Roll Green Icing Ready to Roll Pink Icing Ready to Roll Red Icing Ready to Roll Yellow
Waitrose P Freeze Dried Raspberries P Freeze Dried Strawberries CEREAL, FRUIT & NUT BARS Larabar P Banana Choc Chip P Peanut Butter Choc Chip
Samson KLBD CY Cream Cheese Full Fat Chives Sol KLBD CY Havarti Slices CHESTNUTS Merchant Gourmet P Chestnut Puree CHOCOLATE & SWEET SPREADS Sesame Kingdom Available online from KLBD ►Halva KLBD ►Tahini Chocolate Sweet Freedom NK Choc Pot
Renshaw The Professionals Choice Ready to roll. Available from cake decorating shops, online and mail order companies. S Icing Extra Range Ready to Roll S Icing Ready to Roll Blue Sapphire S Icing Ready to Roll Brown Dark S Icing Ready to Roll Cassis S Icing Ready to Roll Grey Cool S Icing Ready to Roll Pink Baby P Petal Paste
Pulsin Certified with or without the KLBD logo. Available from selected supermarkets, independent health food shops and online from KLBD Fruity Oat Choc & Raisin KLBD Fruity Oat Orange Choc Chip KLBD Fruity Oat Strawberry
Sainsbury's P Flower & Modelling Paste White P Icing Ready to Roll Black P Icing Ready to Roll Blue P Icing Ready to Roll Fuschia Pink P Icing Ready to Roll Green P Icing Ready to Roll Orange P Icing Ready to Roll Pink P Icing Ready to Roll Purple P Icing Ready to Roll Red P Icing Ready to Roll Yellow
The Coconut Company P ►Powder
Salted Caramel
Alpen Available from Asda. KLBD D Create
Coca Cola P ►Signature P ►Signature P ►Signature P ►Signature
Mixers Mixers Mixers Mixers
Herbal Smoky Spicy Woody
Flahavan's Irish KLBD ►Quick Oats Original Kellogg WK S Granola No Added Sugar S Granola No Added Sugar Cocoa & Hazelnut S Granola No Added Sugar Raspberry, Apple & Carrot
COFFEE & SUBSTITUTES Beanies Flavour Coffee Certified with or without the KLBD sticker. KLBD Variety Pack
Cohens Bakery Buckingham Boulangerie KLBD ►Bagels Mini
COFFEE SYRUPS Tate & Lyle Available online from Amazon. KLBD Salted Caramel CONFECTIONERY Cadbury P D D D
Bournville Giant Buttons Creme Egg Twisted Bag Dairy Milk 30% Less Sugar Darkmilk Original
Firetree Available online from and Amazon. KLBD Madagascar Sambirano Valley KLBD Papua New Guinea Karkar Island KLBD Phillipines Mindanao KLBD Solomon Islands Guadalcanal 69% and 100%. KLBD KLBD
Solomon Islands Makira Island Vanuatu Malekula Island
Klene NK
Mars Available KLBD D KLBD D KLBD D
Excellence Dark 78% Excellence Dark Intense Cherry from discount stores. ►Balisto Original Bar ►Balisto Yoberry Bar Twix White
Rodda's KLBD D ►Classic Clotted Cornish CRISPS & SNACKS
Nespresso D Blond Chocolate Plamil So Free Available from independent health and wholefood shops and online from KLBD ►Bites White Vanilla Polar Bear KLBD ►Cocoa Bites Dark KLBD ►Cocoa Bites Smooth KLBD ►Cocoa Bites White Available from independent health and wholefood shops and online from KLBD Smooth Cocoa & Coconut Sesame Kingdom Available online from KLBD ►Halva Chocolate KLBD ►Halva Coffee KLBD ►Halva Dried Fruits KLBD ►Halva Orange & Coco Nibs KLBD ►Halva Pecan KLBD ►Halva Pistachio KLBD ►Halva Tiramisu KLBD ►Halva Trio KLBD ►Halva Vanilla
Cofresh KLBD Grills Chilli Cheese KLBD Grills Peri Peri KLBD Grills Sweet Chilli Freya's KLBD Fruit Crisps Apple KLBD Fruit Crisps Pineapple Nim's Available KLBD KLBD KLBD KLBD
online from Crisps Apple & Beetroot Crisps Pineapple & Beetroot Crisps Pineapple & Cucumber Fruit Crisps Watermelon
Scrubbys Available from kosher stores. KLBD Chips Quinoa Tomato & Roasted Garlic Tiptree Available KLBD KLBD KLBD KLBD KLBD KLBD
online from Crisps Beetroot & Parsnip Crisps Pepper & Courgette Crisps Tomato & Cucumber Fruit Crisps Apple Fruit Crisps Pear Fruit Crisps Pineapple
Walkers P Crisps Hint of Salt Natural Sea Salt NK Crisps Hint of Salt Olive Oil & Herb
Crazy Sours Fruits Tropical Wild Berry
Starburst P Chews Original Fruit Minis Tic Tac P
Rakusen's KLBD ►Crackers Traditional English Water KLBD ►Matzos Tea CREAM
Millions NK Vimto
Skittles P P P P
►Intense Mint
Toblerone D Crispy Coconut
from selected health shops & kosher stores. Blue Style French Cheddar Style Strong Edam Style German Style Smoked Gouda Style Slices Red Leicester Style
Nescafe Dolce Gusto KLBD D ►Flat White KLBD Starbucks Americano House Blend KLBD Starbucks Americano Veranda Blend KLBD D Starbucks Cappuccino KLBD Starbucks Espresso Colombia KLBD Starbucks Espresso Roast KLBD Starbucks Espresso Roast Blonde KLBD D Starbucks Latte Macchiato
Lindt D D
Starbucks Ground and whole bean coffee. Available from selected Starbucks coffee shops. KLBD Caffe Verona KLBD Colombia KLBD Espresso KLBD Espresso KLBD Espresso Blonde KLBD House Blend KLBD House Blend KLBD Pike Place KLBD Veranda Blend
DAIRY FREE DESSERTS Freaks of Nature KLBD Hot Pudding Cherry Bakewell KLBD Hot Pudding Lemon Sponge DAIRY FREE MILK & DRINKS Alpro P P
Almond Organic Unsweetened ►Oat Unsweetened
Borna For stockists and online purchases visit KLBD ►Pistachio Lightly Sweetened KLBD ►Pistachio Unsweetened Glebe Farm For stockists and to purchase online see KLBD Oat Drink M+lk Plus NK Salted Honeycomb Hazelnut Rude Health KLBD ►Oat Barista DAIRY FREE YOGHURTS The Coconut Collaborative NK Blueberry NK Mango & Passion Fruit DESSERTS Halo Top NK ►Desserts Hartley's P Fruit in Jelly Apple in Blackcurrant P Fruit in Jelly Mandarin in Orange P Fruit in Jelly Mango in Mango P Fruit in Jelly Peach in Strawberry P Fruit in Jelly Pineapple in Pineapple P Glitter Jelly Mixed Berry P Glitter Jelly Raspberry P Glitter Jelly Strawberry
Jelly Crystals Sugar Free Jelly Cubes Jelly Pots 10 Cal Apple & Watermelon Jelly Pots 10 Cal Black Forest Gateau Jelly Pots 10 Cal Cranberry & Raspberry Jelly Pots 10 Cal Elderflower & Lemonade Jelly Pots 10 Cal Key Lime Pie Jelly Pots 10 Cal Lemon Cheesecake Jelly Pots 10 Cal Mango & Passionfruit Jelly Pots 10 Cal Orange Jelly Pots 10 Cal Peach Melba Jelly Pots 10 Cal Raspberry Jelly Pots 10 Cal Strawberry Jelly Pots 10 Cal Strawberry & Kiwi Jelly Pots Orange Jelly Pots Pineapple Jelly Pots Raspberry Jelly Pots Strawberry Juicy Jelly Pouches Lemon & Lime Juicy Jelly Pouches Orange Juicy Jelly Pouches Raspberry Juicy Jelly Pouches Strawberry No Added Sugar Jelly Pots Apple No Added Sugar Jelly Pots Blackcurrant No Added Sugar Jelly Pots Orange No Added Sugar Jelly Pots Raspberry No Added Sugar Jelly Pots Strawberry No Added Sugar Jelly Pots Tropical
EGGS & EGG REPLACERS Follow Your Heart Available from Holland & Barrett, Ocado and other online retailers. S VeganEgg ENERGY & PROTEIN SNACKS Boostball NK Protein Balls NK Protein Bites Creative Nature Available online from Ocado and KLBD Flapjack Apple Pie Protein KLBD Flapjack Cacao Orange KLBD Flapjack Raw Cacao KLBD Flapjack Raw Ginger Teatox KLBD Flapjack Raw Goji Goodness KLBD Flapjack Salted Caramel KLBD Snack Bar Raw Carrot Cake
Pulsin Certified with or without the KLBD logo. Available from selected supermarkets, independent health food shops and online from Please note the following products are made with kosher grape juice. KLBD Brownie Almond & Raisin KLBD Brownie Maca Bliss KLBD Brownie Peanut Choc Chip KLBD Brownie Salted Caramel KLBD Protein Booster Choc Chip Mint KLBD Protein Booster Choc Chip Orange KLBD Protein Booster Choc Chip Vanilla KLBD Protein Booster Maple & Peanut KLBD Protein Booster Peanut Caramel Choc KLBD Protein Booster Peanut Choc ENERGY DRINKS Monster Energy D Espresso Milk D Espresso Vanilla P Hydro Manic Melon P Hydro Mean Green P Hydro Tropical Thunder NK Juiced Mango Loco P LH 44 NK Punch Mixxd P Punch Pipeline P Ultra Blue P Ultra Citron P Ultra Violet Red Bull P P P P P P
Organics Bitter Lemon Organics Ginger Ale Organics Simply Cola Organics Tonic Water The Edition Tropical The Edition Tropical Sugarfree
Relentless P Passion Punch FISH SMOKED H Forman & Son Available from supermarkets and online at Only kosher certified when bearing a kosher sticker. KLBD ►Salmon Jerky Gravadlax is neither kosher certified nor approved.
Rich's 1l carton bearing the KLBD logo. Available from kosher stores. KLBD Whip Topping Dessert
Tesco Free From KLBD ►Wensleydale Cranberries
Selfridges & Co KLBD Salmon London Cure Severn & Wye Smokery For direct orders or for a list of distributors contact via telephone 01452 760191 or email KLBD Gravadlax Lemon & Pepper KLBD Gravadlax Plain Cure KLBD Halibut Smoked KLBD Salmon Cold Smoked (Unflavoured) KLBD ►Salmon Frozen Raw Fillets with Skin KLBD Trout Chalk Stream Fresh KLBD Trout Chalk Stream Smoked KLBD Tuna Smoked The Can-D Food Co Available online from KLBD Smoked Salmon Candied FLAVOURINGS Steenbergs For stockists and online purchases see KLBD Peel Lemon KLBD Peel Orange KLBD Sugar Mulled Wine Vanillabazaar Where applicable, Organic and/or Fairtrade versions are also KLBD certified. Available online from KLBD Madagascan Vanilla Extract 12% KLBD Madagascan Vanilla Extract 26% KLBD Madagascan Vanilla Powder Gourmet KLBD Madagascan Vanilla Powder Premium KLBD Madagascan Vanilla Seeds Exhausted KLBD Purity Madagascan Vanilla Extract KLBD Purity Madagascan Vanilla Extract Seeds KLBD Vanilla Pods Gourmet KLBD Vanilla Pods Premium KLBD Vanilla Pods Supreme Organic
Fruit Bowl S Fruit Flakes Unicorn Go Go Squeez S Apple & Peach S ►Apple Berries S ►Apple Tropical
Clearspring S ►Instant Power Porridge Dorset Cereals Available from selected Waitrose stores. KLBD Muesli Blissful Berry KLBD Muesli Tasty Tropical Doves Farm Freee KLBD ►Porridge Oats
GLUTEN FREE BISCUITS & CAKES Kookie Cat Available from health food shops and online from KLBD ►Almond Chocolate KLBD ►Salted Caramel
Glebe Farm Available online from KLBD Granola Oat KLBD Granola Oat Chocolate KLBD Granola Oat Organic Nature's Path S Leapin Lemurs GLUTEN FREE CRACKERS
Prewetts Chocoful Caramel is neither certified nor approved. KLBD D ►Chocoful KLBD D ►Cookies Chewy Oat & Raisin KLBD D ►Cookies Spicy Dark Chocolate & Ginger Milk Choc Digestives are neither certified nor approved. KLBD D ►Digestive Biscuits KLBD D ►Jammy Wheels
Schar NK
Schar D D D D D D D D NK D D
Biscuits Bourbon Biscuits Rich Tea Biscuits Viennese Breakfast Bakes Chocolate Chip Cookies Chocolate Fingers Chocolate O's Chocolate Shorts Chocolix Custard Creams Milk Chocolate Nobbles
GLUTEN FREE FLOUR & BAKING POWDER Glebe Farm Available online from KLBD Plain KLBD Self Raising
Clearspring S ►Pasta S ►Pasta S ►Pasta S ►Pasta
Brown Rice Quinoa & Amaranth Buckwheat Green Pea & Quinoa Red Lentil & Brown Rice
Doves Farm Freee S ►Buckwheat Penne S ►Green Pea Penne S ►Maize & Rice Lasagne S ►Multigrain Penne S ►Red Lentil Penne
GLUTEN FREE BREAD & ROLLS BFree Available from some kosher stores. Visit for online purchases and stockists. KLBD English Muffins KLBD Pitta Breads Mini KLBD Pitta Breads Wholegrain KLBD Rolls Bake at Home White Soft
Farabella Available from Tesco and Sainsbury's. S Gnocchi Potato GLUTEN FREE PIZZA BASES & WRAPS BFree KLBD
Wraps Sweet Kids
Native Hebridean For further information visit For orders call 0131 718 8512. KLBD Salmon Cold Smoked
Bear Available from Asda and Sainsbury's. KLBD Paws Apple Pumpkin KLBD Paws Mango Carrot
Harris & Lewis For orders call 0131 718 8512. KLBD Salmon Cold Smoked
Picklecoombe House KLBD Acacia KLBD Acacia & Comb KLBD Acacia Almonds KLBD Acacia Chopped Ginger KLBD Acacia Comb KLBD Acacia Hazels KLBD Acacia Walnuts KLBD Bee Pollen & Sunflower KLBD Bee Pollen Premium Granules KLBD Chilli KLBD Cinnamon KLBD English Blossom KLBD English Blossom Set KLBD Lavender KLBD Manuka Blend KLBD Manuka NPA 10+ KLBD Manuka NPA 5+ KLBD Mixed Blossom KLBD Orange Blossom
Rose Rosemary Sunflower Soft Set Thyme
Spray Olive Mild & Delicate
Clearspring S ►Argan Toasted S ►Hemp
ICE CREAMS, LOLLIES & SORBET Rowntrees P Fruit Blaster Lolly Sainsbury's Taste the Difference KLBD D Blackcurrant & Vanilla KLBD D Salted Caramel & Honeycomb
Frylight P Spray BBQ & Grill Good Hemp KLBD ►Hempseed Extra Virgin PEANUT & NUT BUTTERS
Borna For stockists and online purchases visit KLBD Pistachio Coco Nutty Smooth KLBD Pistachio Rich Cocoa Crunchy KLBD Pistachio Seedy Kick Crunchy KLBD Pistachio Sweet Roast Crunchy
Coop P P
Duerr's P Almond Butter P Cashew Butter
The Gruffalo D Ice Tusks Wall's D NK
Magnum Mini White & Almond White Stick Solero Peach Organic Stick
Ready to Roll Golden Ready to Roll White
Renshaw The Professionals Choice P White Original (No Preservatives) MILK POWDER Milfresh D Skimmed Gold
Meridian Organic P Almond
Honest D D D
Coffee Cappuccino Coffee Latte Coffee Mocha
Kernel King P Economy P No Added Salt & Sugar P Peanut Crunchy P Peanut Smooth
NUTS & SEEDS Cofresh KLBD Peanuts Caramel Sesame Coated The Dormen Available online from Ocado and KLBD Cashews Salted KLBD Peanuts Salted OIL
Whole Earth P Almond Smooth P Peanut Crunchy Dark Roasted P Peanut Crunchy Hi Oleic P Peanut Hazelnut Crunch P Peanut Smooth Hi Oleic P Peanut Sunflower, Pumpkin & Flax Seeds P Peanut, Cashew & Hazelnut P Peanut, Pecan & Walnut P Peanuts 100% Crunchy P Peanuts 100% Smooth Wowbutter S Peanut Free PICKLED VEGETABLES NVR P
Dill Chips
Bertolli P Spray Olive P Spray Olive Extra Virgin
Propercorn KLBD Kids Pinch of Salt
Hilltop Honey For stockists and online purchases visit KLBD Blossom For stockists and online purchases visit KLBD ►Brazilian Mountain KLBD British Blossom KLBD British Soft Set KLBD ►Bulgarian Coriander KLBD ►Chinese Vitex KLBD Cut Comb KLBD Cut Comb Acacia KLBD Hungarian Acacia KLBD Manuka NPA 10+ KLBD Manuka NPA 15+ KLBD Manuka NPA 5+ KLBD Mexican Yucatan KLBD Organic Acacia KLBD Organic Fairtrade KLBD Organic Lime Flower KLBD Organic Multiflower KLBD Scottish Heather KLBD Soft Set KLBD Spanish Lavender KLBD Spanish Orange Blossom KLBD Spanish Thyme KLBD Uruguayan Eucalyptus KLBD Welsh Blossom
Rice & Easy Rice & Tasty
Buckwheat Super Seeds Corn Cake Thins ►Corn Cakes Ancient Grains Corn Cakes Chia Seeds Rice & Corn Cakes Blueberry & Vanilla Rice Cake Minis Belgian Milk Chocolate Rice Cake Thins Unsalted Organic Rice Cakes Apple & Cinnamon Rice Cakes Spicy Chilli
SALAD DRESSINGS & MAYONNAISE Follow Your Heart Products bearing the KOF-K logo. For a full list see
Zeal Available KLBD KLBD KLBD
from kosher shops. ►Sriracha ►Sweet & Sour ►Thai Sweet Chilli
SLIMMERS FOODS Slim Fast D ►Shake Drink Cookies & Cream D ►Shake Drink Mint Chocolate SNACK BARS Nakd KLBD KLBD
►Banoffee Pie ►Strawberry Sundae
Quaker NK Porridge to Go SOFT DRINKS
Hellmann's NK Mayonnaise Organic
Kofners Available from kosher shops. KLBD Garlic Mayo KLBD Mayonnaise Real SAUCES & CONDIMENTS Geeta's For stockists visit KLBD ►Chutney Lime Sweet Premium KLBD ►Chutney Mango Spreadable Premium KLBD ►Chutney Tomato & Chilli Premium KLBD ►Pickle Chilli Premium Heinz NK Ketchup Balsamic Vinegar NK Ketchup Roasted Garlic P ►Saucy Sauce Only plastic bottles bearing the MK logo are permitted. S Tomato Ketchup No Added Sugar & Salt Hellmann's NK Fish & Chips Kofners Available KLBD KLBD KLBD
Nando's Kosher when bearing the South African Beth Din logo. S Bag & Bake
Amazing Almond Courageous Coconut
Appletiser NK Grapetiser P Spritzer Apple & Blood Orange P Spritzer Apple & Lime P Spritzer Apple & Passion Fruit Bioitalia Available from kosher shops. KLBD Smoothie Pear & Banana Capri Sun P Cherry NK Fruit Crush Apple & Strawberry NK ►Fruit Crush No Added Sugar Tropical P Fruity Water Lemon Lime P Fruity Water Peach Apricot P No Added Sugar Apple P No Added Sugar Summer Berries Coca Cola P Diet Twisted Strawberry P Zero Cinnamon P Zero Raspberry P Zero Vanilla
from kosher shops. American Mustard Classic BBQ Tomato Ketchup
Fanta P
Fever Tree P ►Ginger Ale Premium P ►Ginger Ale Refreshingly Light P ►Ginger Ale Smoky P ►Ginger Ale Spiced Orange P ►Ginger Beer Premium P ►Ginger Beer Refreshingly Light P ►Lemonade Premium P ►Lemonade Premium Refreshingly Light P ►Lemonade Premium Sicilian P ►Lemonade Sicilian Refreshingly Light P ►Madagascan Cola P ►Madagascan Cola Refreshingly Light P ►Soda Water Premium P ►Tonic Lemon Sicilian P ►Tonic Water Aromatic P ►Tonic Water Aromatic Refreshingly Light P ►Tonic Water Cucumber Refreshingly Light P ►Tonic Water Elderflower P ►Tonic Water Elderflower Refreshingly Light P ►Tonic Water Lemon Refreshingly Light P ►Tonic Water Mediterranean P ►Tonic Water Mediterranean Refreshingly Light P ►Tonic Water Premium Indian P ►Tonic Water Refreshingly Light Fuzetea P Mango Chamomile P Peach Hibiscus Honest NK NK NK P P
Kids Appley Ever After Kids Berry Berry Good Kids Twisted Tropical Punch Lemonade Classic Lemonade Pink
James White P Organic P Organic P Organic P Organic P Organic P Organic P Organic Oasis P P P
Blood Orange Zero
Fruit Twist Zero Grape Zero Pink Grapefruit Zero
Apple Apple & Cherry Apple & Ginger Carrot & Apple Pear Pear & Raspberry Tomato
Aquashock Chilled Cherry Aquashock Spiced Raspberry Citrus Punch Zero
Veetee NK NK
San Pellegrino P Clementine P Grapefruit P Lemon P Lemon & Mint Infusion P Orange P Orange & Blood Orange P Orange & Prickly Pear P Pomegranate & Orange Schweppes P Golden Ginger Ale P Muscovado Musky Dark Mixer P Russchian P Tonic Water Crisp P Tonic Water Cucumber P Tonic Water Floral P Tonic Water Light P Tonic Water Salty Lemon Sprite P P
Cranberry Lemon Lime & Cucumber
Tango P P
Sugar Free Strawberry Watermelon Sugar Free Tropical
Tropicana NK Mango, Kiwi & Passionfruit NK Mixed Berries Vim2o NK
Fruity Spring Water
Vimto NK NK
Squeezy Water Enhancer Still
Vimto Remix P Fizzy Mango, Strawberry & Pineapple P Fizzy Raspberry, Orange & Passionfruit P Fizzy Watermelon, Strawberry & Peach P Squash Mango, Strawberry & Pineapple P Squash Raspberry, Orange & Passionfruit P Squash Watermelon, Strawberry & Peach P Still Mango, Strawberry & Pineapple P Still Raspberry, Orange & Passionfruit P Still Watermelon, Strawberry & Peach Whole Earth P Apple P Orange & Lemon
Zinger P P P P
Ginger Extra Hot Ginger Organic Lime & Chilli Turmeric
SPICES, HERBS & SALTS Steenbergs For stockists and online purchases see KLBD 3 Colour Pepper KLBD 4 Pepper Mix KLBD Apple Pie Mix KLBD Argentinian Herbs KLBD Bouquet Garni KLBD Chawage KLBD Deli Rub KLBD Fines Herbes KLBD Frankincense KLBD French Pepper Mix KLBD Garam Masala KLBD Herbes de Provence KLBD Indian Fish Rub KLBD La Kama KLBD Lebanese 7 Spice KLBD Lebkuchen KLBD Lemon Pepper KLBD Mediterranean Salt KLBD Mesquite Chicken Seasoning KLBD Myrrh KLBD Panch Phora KLBD Pickling Spice KLBD Pumpkin Pie Mix KLBD Qalat Daqqa KLBD Quatre Espices KLBD Rose Petals KLBD Salmon Rub KLBD Salt & Herbs for Poultry KLBD Salt Pink Himalayan KLBD Savory Powder KLBD Shot Pepper Mix KLBD Smoked Sea Salt SPORTS & NUTRITION SiS Science in Sport KLBD ►Gel Go Energy + Caffeine Citrus KLBD ►Gel Go Energy + Electrolyte Lemon & Mint KLBD ►Gel Go Energy + Electrolyte Raspberry KLBD ►Gel Go Isotonic Energy Apple KLBD ►Gel Go Isotonic Energy Blackcurrant KLBD ►Gel Go Isotonic Energy Lemon & Lime
►Gel Go Isotonic Energy Orange ►Gel Go Isotonic Energy Pineapple ►Gel Go Isotonic Energy Tropical ►Gel Go Isotonic Pink Grapefruit ►Powder Advanced Isolate+ Mint Chocolate ►Powder Advanced Isolate+ Strawberry ►Powder Beta Fuel Lemon & Lime ►Powder Beta Fuel Orange ►Powder Go Electrolyte Blackcurrant ►Powder Go Electrolyte Lemon & Lime ►Powder Go Electrolyte Orange ►Powder Go Electrolyte Raspberry ►Powder Go Electrolyte Tropical ►Powder Go Energy Blackcurrant ►Powder Go Energy Lemon ►Powder Go Energy Orange ►Powder Overnight Protein Chocolate ►Powder Rego Power Chocolate Brownie ►Powder Rego Power Strawberry & Cream ►Powder Rego Power Vanilla Custard ►Powder Rego Rapid Recovery Banana ►Powder Rego Rapid Recovery Chocolate ►Powder Rego Rapid Recovery Chocolate & Orange ►Powder Rego Rapid Recovery+ Chocolate ►Powder Whey Power Chocolate Brownie ►Powder Whey Power Strawberries & Cream ►Powder Whey Power Vanilla Custard ►Powder Whey Protein Chocolate ►Powder Whey Protein Strawberry
from WH Smith stores. Dark Chocolate Dark Chocolate Orange & Almond Extra Dark Chocolate Milk Chocolate Hazelnut & Macadamia Milk Chocolate Nut Filling Milk Chocolate Praline Nut Filling
Sesame Kingdom Available online from KLBD ►Halva Chocolate KLBD ►Halva Coffee KLBD ►Halva Mix Nuts KLBD ►Halva Pistachio KLBD ►Halva Walnut
Sour Cherry Apple Sour Kiwi Apple
Icing Mix
Splenda S Zero
SYRUPS & TOPPINGS The Groovy Food Company For stockists & online purchases visit KLBD ►Agave Blueberry KLBD ►Agave Chocolate KLBD ►Agave Chocolate Orange KLBD Agave Honey KLBD Agave Strawberry KLBD ►Agave Toffee KLBD Agave Vanilla TEA Nim's Available KLBD KLBD KLBD
Taylors of Harrogate Where applicable, the listing covers bags and leaf tea. KLBD Yorkshire Tea KLBD Yorkshire Tea Decaf KLBD Yorkshire Tea Gold KLBD Yorkshire Tea Hard Water Twinings P ►Cold Infuse Apple, Cucumber & Mint P ►Cold Infuse Coconut, Pineapple & Green Tea KLBD Cold Infuse Passion Fruit, Mango & Blood Orange P ►Cold Infuse Pink Grapefruit & Orange KLBD Cold Infuse Rose Lemonade KLBD Cold Infuse Watermelon, Strawberry & Mint
Canderel Available from Sainsbury's. KLBD Red Zero Liquid KLBD Yellow Sticks Natvia S
Lemon Balm, Linden, Long Ching, Matcha, Mate, Nettle, Oatstraw, Oolong, Osmanthus Oolong, Pu-Erh, Raspberry Leaves, Red Clover, Rosehip, Rwandan Black, Safflower, Sencha, Skullcap, St Johns Wort, Valerian, White Downy, Yunnan.
online from ►Beetroot & Parsnip ►Pineapple & Kiwi ►Pineapple, Beetroot & Parsnip
Steenbergs The following Steenbergs Teas are KLBD certified Parev: Artisan Tied, Assam, Baihao Oolong, Bamboo Leaf, Bancha, Catnip, Ceylon, Chamomile, China, Rose, Chinese White, Ching Wo, Chun Mee, Green, Cornflower Petals, Dandelion Leaf, Dandelion Roots, Darjeeling, Decaffeinated Black, Decaffeinated Green, Elderflowers, Genmaicha, Gingko, Gotu Kola, Green Earl Grey, Gunpowder, Hawthorn Berries, Hawthorn Tops, Hibiscus, Hops, Jasmine, Keemun , Kenya, Lapsang Souchong,
Clearspring P Soya Chunks Gosh Selected products from range available from major supermarkets, independent health food stores, kosher shops and online from Ocado. KLBD ►Bites Goan Cauliflower KLBD ►Bites Saag Aloo KLBD ►Falafel Beetroot KLBD ►Sausages Sage & Blackpepper The Meatless Farm Co Available from Sainsbury's and Morrisons. KLBD Meat Free Burgers KLBD Meat Free Mince KLBD Meat Free Sausages WORLD FOODS Clearspring S ►Noodles S ►Noodles S ►Noodles S ►Noodles S ►Noodles
Soba Soba Somen Udon Udon Brown Rice Udon Wide
Explore Cuisine P Fettuccini Black Bean & Sesame P Fusilli Chickpea P Lasagne Green Lentil P Penne Green Lentil
Penne Red Lentil Rotini Mung Bean Spaghetti Chickpea Spaghetti Red Lentil
Sesame Kingdom Available online from KLBD ►Tahini Sharwoods NK Hoisin & Spring Onion Sauce Truffle Hunter Available online from KLBD ►Black Truffle YOGHURT DRINKS Benecol D Cranberry & Apple D Mango & Passionfruit D Multifruit Bio Tiful D Kefir Baked Milk NK Kefir Flavoured Munch Bunch Squashums D ►Strawberry Yoplait D D
►Petits Filous Strawberry ►Petits Filous Vanilla
YOGHURTS & DAIRY DESSERTS Benecol D Greek Style D Greek Style Mango & Passionfruit Muller NK NK NK NK NK
Light Fruitopolis Light Goodies Light Greek Style Light Kremas Rice 5 Grains Blueberry
Munch Bunch NK Organic Pouches Munch Bunch Squashums D Strawberry & Peach Yoplait D D D D
►Frubes Tubes Banana & Strawberry ►Frubes Tubes Chocolate Caramel ►Petits Filous Smoothie Peach & Apricot ►Petits Filous Smoothie Strawberry & Banana
Pulsin Certified with or without the KLBD logo. Available from selected supermarkets, independent health food shops and online from Excludes flavoured varieties. KLBD Protein Hemp Natural & Unflavoured KLBD Protein Pea Natural & Unflavoured KLBD Protein Powder Soya Natural & Unflavoured KLBD Protein Rice Natural & Unflavoured
Beavertown P Smog Rocket Smoked Porter Edinburgh Beer Factory Available online from KLBD Futurism Modern Brown KLBD IPA Untitled KLBD Moonstrips Smoky Wheat KLBD Slow Jazz Cherry Saison KLBD ZEEP Mediterranean Pale Laine Selected products available from some kosher shops and online from KLBD Mangolicious KLBD Revelator IPA KLBD Ripper Session KLBD Source Pale Ale CIDER & PERRY Kopparberg P ►Alcohol Free Blueberry & Lime P ►Apple Rose P ►Apple Sweet P ►Black P ►Light Cranberry P ►Light Passionfruit P ►Light Raspberry P ►Passionfruit P ►Rhubarb P ►Sparkling Raspberry P ►Sparkling Strawberry Old Mout Cider NK Berries & Cherries Alcohol Free Thatchers KLBD Rose COCKTAIL SYRUPS Jordan's Available from Kosher Kingdom, TK Maxx and online from Amazon S Skinny Syrups Monin P P P P
Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit
Puree Puree Puree Puree
Carrot Cherry Lychee Pineapple
Teisseire P Grenadine 0%
P Fruit Puree Rhubarb P Fruit Puree Yuzu The following products are only permitted in 70cl and 1l bottles. 25cl bottles are not approved. P Syrup Anise P Syrup Apple Pie P Syrup Banana Green P Syrup Basil P Syrup Blueberry P Syrup Brownie P Syrup Butterscotch P Syrup Cherry P Syrup Chestnut P Syrup Chocolate P Syrup Chocolate Mint P Syrup Coffee P Syrup Cranberry P Syrup Donut P Syrup Falernum P Syrup Gin P Syrup Gingerbread P Syrup Guava P Syrup Hazelnut Roasted P Syrup Hibiscus P Syrup Jasmine P Syrup Lemon P Syrup Lemon Pie P Syrup Macaroon P Syrup Mango Spicy P Syrup Pina Colada P Syrup Pistachio P Syrup Praline P Syrup Pumpkin Spice P Syrup Salted Caramel P Syrup Spicy P Syrup Tiramisu P Syrup Tonka Bean P Syrup Vanilla French P Syrup Violet
Malibu NK
Pina Colada
►Mango Crush ►Passion Fruit ►Pink
GIN Beefeater P Pink Strawberry Broker's Available from Amazon and other online retailers. KLBD Premium Pink Gordon's P ►Pink Hyke NK
Kopparberg P ►Mixed Fruit P ►Strawberry & Lime Luxardo KLBD London Dry KLBD Sour Cherry KLBD Sour Cherry Whitley JJ Available from independent retailers and selected online wine merchants. KLBD London Dry Whitley Neill Available from most supermarkets and online retailers. See KLBD Aloe & Cucumber KLBD Blood Orange KLBD Dry KLBD Pink Grapefruit KLBD Quince KLBD Raspberry LAGER Edinburgh Beer Factory Available online from Not to be confused with Paolozzi Vino, which is neither certified nor approved. KLBD Paolozzi
CREAM LIQUEURS Baileys P Almande D ►Salted Caramel FLAVOURED ALCOHOLIC DRINKS Kopparberg P ►Strawberry & Lime with Lemonade
Thunder KLBD Rhubarb & Ginger
Whitley JJ Available from independent retailers and selected online wine merchants. KLBD Potato
Campari NK Negroni De Kuyper NK Bebo Cuban Coffee NK Lemongrass NK Triple Sec Curacao
Luxardo Products now bear the logo, but old stock not bearing the logo is also covered. KLBD Amaro Abano KLBD Angioletto KLBD Bitter Orange KLBD Cherry Sangue Morlacco KLBD Fernet KLBD Sambuca Cinnamon KLBD Sambuca Coffee KLBD Sambuca Cola KLBD Sambuca Cranberry KLBD Sambuca Pear KLBD Sambuca Pomegranate KLBD St Antonio Padova KLBD Triplum Triple Sec TEQUILA Del Maguey P Mezcal Vida
Astonish KLBD Oven Clean Power Spray
OVER THE COUNTER MEDICINES CALCIUM SUPPLEMENTS P Calceos Chewable P Calcium Lactate Tablets P Natecal D3 Chewable CHAPPED LIPS Tins and Balm Sticks. Aloe Vera, Cocoa Butter, Original and Rosy Lips. P Vaseline Lip Therapy CONSTIPATION P Cosmocol P Cosmocol P Cosmocol P Cosmocol
Half Sachets Lemon & Lime Sachets Orange Sachets Orange, Lemon & Lime Sachets
DENTURE PRODUCTS P Seabond Denture Fixative Seals P Steradent Pro White Tablets
Espresso Marmalade Naked Oak Smoked Original Potato Rhubarb
DIARRHOEA P ORS Hydration Blackcurrant Tablets P ORS Hydration Lemon Tablets P ORS Hydration Strawberry Tablets HAYFEVER & ALLERGIES P Loratadine Tablets
Grey Goose P Cherry Noir P Ducasse P La Vanille
INDIGESTION & ULCERS P ►Gaviscon Double Action Mixed Berries Chewable
Gavison Double Action Mixed Berries Chewable
IRON SUPPLEMENTS P Ironorm Drops ORAL HYGIENE P Listerine Go Tabs P Tung Fresh Mint Gel PAIN KILLERS P Tesco Rapid Pain Relief Tablets SORE MOUTHS P ►Lypsyl Cold Sore Gel SORE THROATS P Vocalzone Blackcurrant Pastilles P Vocalzone Honey & Lemon Pastilles VITAMIN D Available from Boots, Lloyds Pharmacy, Independent Pharmacies and Health Food Stores and online from and Amazon. KLBD Synbio Colecalciferol Capsules KLBD Synbio Colecalciferol Liquid
COUGHS & COLDS P ►Buttercup Bronchostop Junior Syrup P Vitabiotics Echinacea Tablets
Ilegal Mezcal P Joven
Chase P P P P P P
LIQUID FEEDS P ►Thicken Aid PRESCRIPTION ONLY MEDICINES P Azathioprine Suspension P Cosmocol Paediatric Sachets P Desitrend Granules P Epilim Chronosphere Granules P Levetiracetam Granules P Losec MUPS Tablets P Monuril Granules P Nystatin Suspension
SUPPLEMENTS AMINO ACIDS Available from Boots, Lloyds Pharmacy, Independent Pharmacies and Health Food Stores and online from and Amazon. KLBD Synbio L-Arginine BONE & JOINT HEALTH Available online from Amazon or P Dietapplements Marine Collagen Capsules CYSTITIS P Cranmed Forte Capsules P Cysticare Tablets P Effercitrate Effervescent
Jelley's Organic Available online from KLBD ►Elderflower KLBD ►Grain Straight KLBD ►Pomegranate & Rosemary
Skinny KLBD
Laine Available from some kosher shops and online from KLBD Word
IMMUNITY P Vitabiotics Immunace Original Tablets MALE HEALTH Available from Boots, Lloyds Pharmacy, Independent Pharmacies and Health Food Stores and online from and Amazon. KLBD Synbio Botanicals Shilajit Capsules MULTIVITAMINS & MINERALS P Berocca Blackcurrant Effervescent P Better You Multi Vit Spray P Sambucol Immuno Forte Gummies Available from Boots, Lloyds Pharmacy, Independent Pharmacies and Health Food Stores and online from and Amazon. KLBD Synbio Daily Boost Capsules KLBD Synbio Multivitamin & Minerals Capsules KLBD Synbio One +1 Capsules P Vitspritz Adult Multivitamin Spray OMEGA OILS FISH NK Haliborange Omega 3 DHA Chewable Capsules P Holland & Barrett Gelatine Free Cod Liver Oil Capsules PREGNANCY & NEW MOTHER P ►Pregnacare Gummies PROBIOTICS & DIGESTIVE AIDS D ►Holland & Barrett Super Lactase Enzyme Capsules D ►Milkaid Lactase Enzyme Raspberry Tablets SLEEP REMEDIES & TRANQUILLISERS P ►Bio Health Passiflora Herb Capsules P Utmost Me Neuro Rest Capsules STRESS & ENERGY P Bach Rescue Plus Berry Effervescent Tablets P Neuro Biologix Advanced Neurotransmitter Support Available from Boots, Lloyds Pharmacy, Independent Pharmacies and Health Food Stores and online from and Amazon. KLBD Synbio Sport Complex Capsules
Synbio Sport D3 4K Capsules Synbio Sport Magnesium Malate Capsules Synbio Sport Max Capsules
SUPERFOOD SUPPLEMENTS Available online from KLBD Advance Biotech Raw Hemp Extract CBD Paste Available online from KLBD Advance Biotech Spagyric Ashwagandha Tincture KLBD Advance Biotech Spagyric Baobab Tincture KLBD Advance Biotech Spagyric Cacao Tincture KLBD Advance Biotech Spagyric CBD Oil KLBD Advance Biotech Spagyric CBD Water Soluble Liquid KLBD Advance Biotech Spagyric Guarana Tincture KLBD Advance Biotech Spagyric Maca Root Tincture KLBD Advance Biotech Spagyric Nettle Tincture KLBD Advance Biotech Spagyric Turmeric & Black Pepper Tincture KLBD Advance Biotech Spagyric Turmeric Water Soluble Liquid Available online from KLBD Provacan CBD Oil Available from health food stores, mail order and internet companies. KLBD ►Seagreens Iodine Lite+ Capsules Available from Boots, Lloyds Pharmacy, Independent Pharmacies and Health Food Stores and online from and Amazon. KLBD Synbio Botanicals Amla Capsules KLBD Synbio Botanicals Ashwagandha Capsules KLBD Synbio Botanicals Curcumin Capsules KLBD Synbio Botanicals Karela Capsules KLBD ►Viridian Black Seed Capsules Available online from KLBD Vitality CBD Full Spectrum Berry Drops KLBD Vitality CBD Full Spectrum Berry Spray KLBD Vitality CBD Full Spectrum Lemon Drops KLBD Vitality CBD Full Spectrum Lemon Spray KLBD Vitality CBD Full Spectrum Natural Drops KLBD Vitality CBD Full Spectrum Natural Spray VITAMIN B P Vitspritz Vitamin B12 Spray VITAMIN C P Boots Vitamin C Sustained Release Tablets
VITAMIN D Available from Boots, Lloyds Pharmacy, Independent Pharmacies and Health Food Stores and online from and Amazon. KLBD Pro D3 Liquid KLBD Pro D3 Liquid Drops KLBD Pro D3 Liquid Forte KLBD Pro D3 Vegan Capsules KLBD Pro D3 Vegan Orange Drops KLBD Pro D3 Vegan Orange Liquid Available from Boots, Lloyds Pharmacy, Independent Pharmacies and Health Food Stores and online from and Amazon. KLBD Synbio D3 Capsules KLBD Synbio D3 Orange Drops KLBD Synbio D3 Orange Liquid KLBD Synbio Vegan D3 Capsules P Vitspritz Vitamin D3 Spray VITAMINS, MINERALS & PROBIOTICS FOR CHILDREN P ►Health Aid Baby Vit D Drops D Natures Aid Kids Pro 5 Powder P Sambucol For Kids Gummies P Vitspritz Junior Vitamin D3 Spray P Vitspritz Multi Junior 3+ Spray WEIGHT LOSS P XLS Medical Max Strength Tablets
DELISTED PRODUCTS The following products are no longer approved: Cooks & Co Green Olives Sun Dried Tomatoes ►Disney Kitchen Multipack Freezepops Disney Frozen ►Disney Kitchen Multipack Freezepops Disney Pixar ►Disney Multipack Freezepops Star Wars Galpharm Junior Ibuprofen Suspension Granny Cool Curds Hi Pro Peanut Butters Hipp Baby Cereals Hipp Baby Foods ►Lurpak Spreadable Lighter Olive Oil ►Mars Galaxy Almond Ice Cream Stick ►Mars Galaxy Caramel Ice Cream Stick ►Mars Galaxy Triple Chocolate Ice Cream Stick ►Mars Galaxy Vanilla Ice Cream Stick ►Marvel Kitchen Multipack Freezepops Avengers Monin Black Forest Syrup Monin Rose Syrup Morrisons Marzipan Naturya Goji Berries Sun Dried
HEART & CIRCULATION P Vitabiotics Cardioace Tablets
HAIR, SKIN & NAILS NK ►Perfectil Plus Hair Skin & Nails P Starpowa Vitamin Gummies P Vitspritz Biotin Skin & Hair Spray
FEMALE HEALTH KLBD ►Viridian Red Clover Capsules
Perry Court Farm Snacks Red Bull The Edition Orange Rude Health Muesli The Ultimate Sanchi Miso Genmai Organic Sanchi Miso Mugi Sanchi Miso Mugi Organic Sanchi Soy Sauce Shoyu Sanchi Soy Sauce Shoyu Organic Sanchi Soy Sauce Tamari Organic ►Slim Fast Snack Bar Chocolate Caramel ►Slim Fast Snack Bar Chocolate Nutty Nougat SMH Protein Powders SMH Superfood Powder ►Tesco Brown Soft Dark Sugar ►Tesco Brown Soft Light Sugar The Raw Chocolate Company All Products
KEY ► = New information since previous update KLBD = Certified by the London Beth Din (logo on pack) KLBD = Certified by the London Beth Din (no logo on pack) P = Parev D = Dairy (Not Chalav Yisrael) S = Certified by other Rabbinates NK = Not Kosher