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The Chiyuv and Mitzvoh of Maakeh | Parshas Ki Seitzei 5780 The Mitzvoh of Maakeh
When Does the Chiyuv to Make a Maakeh Apply?
1. The mitzvoh of maakeh [making a fence for a roof] applies both in 10. Some poskim say that the chiyuv to make a fence only comes into Eretz Yisroel and Chutz La’aretz. In places in Chutz La’aretz where the force when one lives in a house, not when the building is finished ( עמק houses have sloping roofs, the chiyuv to make a fence is not so מגדל עוז הל' רוצח פי''א ה''ג,)הנצי''ב על הספרי דברים כי תצא פיסקא י''ט. common, but there are places where there is a chiyuv, e.g., by stairs in 11. However, most poskim hold that the chiyuv already takes effect when a house (below, 35) or a low window (43), as will be explained. In Eretz the building is finished ( ' דבר אברהם ח''א סי, מנ''ח שם,פשטות ל' הספרי הנ''ל Yisroel and other places where most roofs are level and used for many הגר''ח קנייבסקי במס' מזוזה פרשה סדורה סי' נ''ח ביה''ל ד''ה לעשות,)ל''ז אות י''ב. purposes, there is a chiyuv to make a fence. There is also a chiyuv to 12. Therefore, to satisfy all opinions, it is best for one to bar access to the
fulfill the mitzvoh of maakeh on a balcony, as will be explained (40).
Source of the Chiyuv 2. Mitzvoh of maakeh. There is a mitzvas asei for a person to make a fence for his roof, as the posuk says ( ח,)כי תצא כ''ב, “ כי תבנה בית חדש
ועשית מעקה לגגך ולא תשים דמים בביתך כי יפול הנופל ממנו.” Simply understood, this is an intuitive mitzvoh: a person should be careful not to cause harm. However, this situation is not common, as people are careful not to fall, yet Hashem still commanded us to make a fence. It is a mitzvoh that we say a brochoh on like any other mitzvoh ( ערוה''ש חזו''א חו''מ ליקוטים סי' ח''י סק''ב,)תכ''ז סק''י. 3. “לא תשים דמים בביתך.” There are things other than roofs that are not subject to the mitzvas asei of making a fence, yet are dangerous and can cause people to fall. We must be careful to prevent these dangers, as the posuk says, “ )ספרי פסיקה רכ''ט( ”לא תשים דמים בביתךso that people don’t die or get harmed ()חינוך מ' תקמ"ז. However, a brochoh is not made when making a fence for these things since it is not a mitzvas asei ()חיי אדם הל' מזוזה ומעקה אות כ''ד.
roof and not go up there until he moves in. Then he should install a fence and say the brochoh on making it. If he is forced to make the fence before moving in, he should eat something in the house so that it is like he lives there, then put up the fence and say the brochoh ( ספר הבית פי''א הע' י''ט,)הגריש''א.
Who Is Obligated to Make a Maakeh?
Builder, Buyer
13. One who builds a new house, one who buys a house – which for him is new ( ד''ה ואחד הלוקח. – )רש''י סוטה מ''גone who inherits a house, and
one who receives a house as a present are all obligated in the mitzvoh of maakeh ( מהריל דיסקין עה''ת כי תצא,)הג' מיימוני פי''א רוצח הל''א.
Renter, Landlord 14. Renter’s chiyuv. One who rents a rooftop house without a fence must make one ()שו''ע חו''מ שי''ד ס''ב, even a simple one that will just
prevent a person from falling. Some say a renter’s chiyuv is deoraisa ( ארעא דרבנן הובא בפתח''ת שם סק''ב, ;)כנה''ג חו''מ תכ''ז הגב''י סק''יothers say it is only derabanan ( אורחות חיים ח''ב סי' ט''ז,)הג' מיי' פי''א רוצח סק''ט. House without a Maakeh 4. Forfeits asei, lav. If one doesn’t make a fence for a roof that requires 15. The chiyuv takes effect right when he enters the house, even before he lives there for 30 days ( מו''ר בעל שבט,חקרי לב חו''מ תכו ד''ה אמנם one, he forfeits the mitzvas asei. Every single moment, he transgresses )הקהתי, unlike the chiyuv of mezuzah, which in Chutz La’aretz only the asei, as well as the lav of “)מנ"ח מ' תקמו( ”לא תשים דמים בביתך. takes effect after 30 days ()שו''ע יו''ד רפו סכ''ד. It could be that one 5. Going up to the roof. Even when there is a chiyuv to make a fence, shouldn’t say a brochoh when installing a fence within 30 days of there is no issur to go up to a roof that doesn’t have one since as long moving in. as one is careful, it is unlikely that he will fall ()חזו''א שם סק''ד. 16. Landlord’s chiyuv. Most poskim are of the opinion that a landlord Fulfilling the Mitzvoh has a chiyuv deoraisa to make a fence for his roof since the house is 6. Even if a house’s roof already has a fence, one can inspect it regularly his ()מנ''ח מצוה תקמ''ו. However, some poskim hold that Chazal took to make sure it is still stable and hasn’t become shaky or insecure over the chiyuv away from the landlord and placed it on the renter time. This is a fulfillment of the mitzvoh of maakeh ( ,יוסף אומץ סי' תפ''א (')תופעות ראם סי' רל''ד אות ב. Therefore, in a rental, it is best for the )שו''ת דברי יציב ח''א סוף סי' מ''ט, and every moment that one has a renter to install the fence so that he can also say a brochoh without rooftop fence on his property and is consciously aware of it, he fulfills doubt ( מס' מזוזה הל' מעקה שער הציון אות ט''ו,)הגר''ח קנייבסקי. a mitzvoh ()חרדים פ''ה אות כ''ב. 7. Apartment with a roof. If one has the option to buy a penthouse so 17. The prevalent minhag today is for the landlord to make fences for the balconies. These types of matters all follow the local minhag that he can fulfill the mitzvoh of maakeh, but it is more than 20 amos ( רמ''א חו''מ סי' שי''ד ס''ב,)רמב''ם. from the ground and he will not be able to fulfill the mitzvoh of neir Brochoh upon Making a Maakeh Chanukah in the best way [less than 20 amos], he should still buy the penthouse. This is because he will constantly be fulfilling the mitzvoh 18. Some poskim say that Chazal did not enact a brochoh on making a of maakeh, and it is a mitzvas asei deoraisa ()הגר''י זילברשטיין. rooftop fence ( סתימת שו''ע,: מאירי מגילה כ''א,)רוקח סי' שס''ו. However, 8. Spending more than a fifth. If necessary, one must spend more than most poskim hold that they did enact a brochoh on making a rooftop a fifth of his money on the mitzvoh of maakeh since otherwise he fence ( עי' שד''ח מערכת ברכות סי' א' אות, כל בו סי' צ''ח,רמב''ם פי''א ברכות הי''ב forfeits an asei every moment ()מנ''ח, and especially because he also שו''ת מנחת יצחק ח''ו סי' קי''ב,)ט''ז, and this is the minhag. transgresses a lav ( מו''ר בעל שבט הקהתי, מזוזת ביתך סקי''ד,)מסכת מזוזה. 19. Text of the brochoh. Some say that the brochoh is “ אקב"ו לעשות Issur to Live in a House without a Maakeh רע''א ופתח''ת ( ”מעקה, חיי אדם סוף כלל ט''ו, בעל העיטור סוף הל' ציצית,רמב''ם שם 9. Some poskim say that although one who lives in a rooftop house )סי' תכ''ז. Others say that one should say “הלכות פסוקות ( ”על עשיית מעקה without a fence forfeits an asei and a lav, there is no issur to live in the או''ז ח''א סי' קל''ט,)הל' לולב עמ' ל''ו. Even the Rambam holds that when one house, similar to tzitzis ()מרדכי הל' קטנות הל' ציצית. However, others say makes a fence for someone else, he says “)רמב''ם שם( ”על עשיית מעקה. that there is definitely an issur to live in a rooftop house without a Many poskim also cite the Rambam’s version – “ – ”לעשות מעקהfor fence; it is not like tzitzis since the mitzvoh of maakeh has the lav of someone making a fence for himself ()בירור הלכה חו''מ סי' תכ''ז עמ' רל''ד. “' י''ט( ”לא תשים,)עמק שאלה שאילתות קכ''ז.
Areas that Require a Maakeh
When to Say the Brochoh
20. Final blow. Some say that the brochoh on making a rooftop fence is House Roof that People Live Under said before the final hammer blow, when the last gap is closed; 31. The chiyuv of maakeh is primarily for a house roof that people live before that, it is not a proper fence ( שו''ת שבט הלוי,חת''ס או''ח סי' כ''ב under and utilize frequently. The house must have a minimum area of תשובות והנהגות ח''ב סי' תשכ''ב,)ח''ד סי' רכ''ח. 4x4 amos ()רמב''ם, and the roof must be a minimum of 10 tefachim 21. Before starting to make it. Many Acharonim hold that the brochoh high from the inside and outside ( מס' מזוזה סק''ה,)הגר''ח קנייבסקי. is said right before starting to make the fence, in the same way that 32. Roofs that are not used, e.g., sloping, tiled roofs, as well as roofs that do brochos on all mitzvos are said before they are done ( 'עיטור ח''ב הל not have an entrance or a ladder ( )מו''ר בשו''ת קנה בשם ח''ב סי' ק''יdo not require שדי חמד מערכת ברכות סי' א' אות ט''ז,)ציצית שער ג' ח''ב. This is like the a fence ( ערוה''ש ס''ה,)שו''ת הרשב''א ח''ב סי' מ''ג. Even if someone goes up on
brochoh we say before bedikas chometz which is also for the next occasion, e.g., to fix or tar the roof, or to fix or clean a solar water heater, day’s burning of the chometz ( מס' מזוזה סק''א,)הגר''ח קנייבסקי. there is no chiyuv to make a fence ( שו''ת דברי יציב חו''מ סי' כ''ד, ספ' הבית,)הגריש''א. 22. Forgot to say a brochoh. One can say the brochoh until the final Along Stairs hammer blow that strengthens the fence ()שם ביאה''ל ד''ה מצות. If one 33. Ramp. The Sifri says, “Why does it say ‘your roof’ [‘ ?]’גגךTo exclude a forgot to say the brochoh and he completed the whole fence, he lost ramp from the obligation.” Several Rishonim quote this and say that a the brochoh ()שיירי כנה''ג או''ח סי' תל''ד הגב''י סק''ד. ramp, even if it is taller than ten tefachim, does not require a fence Fixing a Maakeh ( סמ''ג עשין ע''ט,)יראים סי' מ''ה. The reason for this is that people are 23. If one replaces an old fence with a new one, he says a brochoh on careful when they go up a ramp because it is meant for walking, not the new one since the brochoh on the first one expired ( ע''פ שו''ת other usage. We are only worried about people falling from roofs since ערוך המשפט תכ''ז עמ' ל''ו, שו''ת שבט הלוי ח''ב קנ''ח,)מהר''ם שיק יו''ד רפ''ה. they are busy with what they are doing ()מלבי''ם פ' כי תצא אות ס''ו. Similarly, if one adds to an existing fence to bring it to the requisite 34. Stairs. Based on the above halachah about ramps, some Acharonim height of ten tefachim, he says a brochoh ()בית ברוך ח''ד ק' המזוזה. write that stairs also do not require a barrier along them since people Having Someone Else Make a Maakeh pay attention on stairs ()ספרי דבי רב. 24. Jew. Someone who is unable to personally make a fence for his roof 35. However, most poskim hold that stairs also require a barrier ( הר' יונה can fulfill the mitzvoh through a Jewish worker acting as a shliach. It ח"א כלל ט''ו סכ''ד,)בספר היראה אות רע"ז. The ramp that the Sifri exempted is proper to verbally appoint him as a shliach, as stated with regard was the Mizbeiach’s ramp ()מנ''ח, which was wide and thus not easy to to the mitzvoh of bris milah ()מנ''ח. fall from ()ספרי דבי רב. Also, Kohanim are vigilant ()תורה תמימה. 25. Brochoh. Some poskim say that the worker says the brochoh of “ על 36. The consensus of the poskim is that one should make sure to install a ”עשיית מעקהeven if the homeowner is standing over him ( ,רמב''ם barrier along stairs that is at least one meter tall, but no brochoh is said )פתח''ת חו''מ סי' תכ''ז סק''א. Others say that if the other person is the (' שו''ת מחזה אליהו שם אות ו,)שו''ת בצל החכמה ח''ד סי' קט''ו. homeowner’s employee [“poeil”] – whose actions are like his 37. If there are babies in the house that do not yet know how to walk up employer’s actions – he is more than a shliach; it is like the or down stairs, one should install fences or gates at either end of the homeowner is personally making the fence, and the homeowner stairs so that they don’t go up or fall from the stairs, chas veshalom. can say the brochoh. However, if the worker was contracted for the Balcony job [“kablan”], the worker should say the brochoh ( מחנה אפרים שלוחין38. The Chazon Ish has the unique opinion that strictly speaking, the main מס' מזוזה סק''א, הגר''ח קנייבסקי,)סי' י''א. Some poskim do not chiyuv and mitzvoh to build a fence is on a roof that people live under; a differentiate between a poeil and a kablan and hold that the balcony that juts out from a building and has airspace under it is not homeowner always says the brochoh ()ערוה''ש סק''ג. To avoid what the Torah calls “a roof” with regard to the mitzvoh of maakeh. This uncertainties about the brochoh, it is best for the homeowner to do is consistent with his view (above, 2) that the mitzvoh of maakeh is not an some sort of action to attach part of the fence to the building, intuitive one, as in the normal course of events, people can be careful in thereby obligating himself to say the brochoh ()הגריש''א. these areas. Therefore, the chiyuv only applies to a house’s roof. 26. Non-Jewish poeil. Some say that even if the worker is a non-Jew, his Although there is a chiyuv to prevent the hazard of falling, it does not actions are like his employer’s actions, and the homeowner says the have the ten-tefach requirement of a maakeh ()חזו''א חו''מ ליקוטים סי' ח''י. brochoh. Even though there is no shlichus for non-Jews, a poeil is 39. However, the poskim argue with this reasoning. They hold that our balconies, which are regularly used and an essential part of an more than a shliach ( עי' נתיה''מ סי' קפ''ח סק''א,)מחנה אפרים שם. However, apartment, are definitely obligated in the mitzvoh of maakeh even if many poskim argue and hold that one should certainly not say the there aren’t living quarters underneath, and the fence should be no brochoh when using a non-Jewish worker ( מהרי''ט,רע''א בהג' למחנ''א less than ten tefachim ( בירור,כתבי קהילות יעקב החדשים מס' סוכה סי' ק''ס ')אלגאזי יו''ט הל' בכורות אות כ. שו''ת רב,הלכה מהגר''י זילבר תשד''מ עמ' רמ''ו בשם החזו''א שיש לעשות י' טפחים 27. When one orders a fence for his balcony, roof, or anything else, )פעלים. One can also say the brochoh upon installing a fence on his someone else usually installs it. To make sure that he fulfills the mitzvoh, balcony ( מו''ר בשו''ת שבט הקהתי ח''ב סי' שט''ז,)שו''ת שבט הלוי ח''ג סי' ס''ו. one should lechatchilah have in mind to fulfill the mitzvoh of maakeh. If he can build a part of it himself, that is the best since then all poskim 40. Very often, balconies have a low stone “wall” with bars installed on top. Strictly speaking, the wall counts as part of the ten tefachim, agree that he can say the brochoh. If he cannot do anything himself, he which start from the balcony floor ()הגריש''א. Nevertheless, if children should at least make sure to get a Jewish worker whom he can appoint stand and climb on the stone wall, the fence should be made high as a shliach or employee, and then he gets credit for the mitzvoh. enough so that none of them fall, chas veshalom, situation sensitive.
Height and Quality of a Maakeh
Height of a Maakeh 28. A maakeh cannot be less than ten tefachim so that no one falls from the roof ()רמב''ם ה''ג. According to the Chazon Ish, ten tefachim in today’s
Windows 41. There is no chiyuv to install bars in windows that are higher than ten
tefachim off the floor. However, any window with a windowsill accessible to children should have bars installed so that children do not terms is one meter, or at the very least, 98.2 cm. Rav Chaim Na’eh is fall, chas veshalom ()מו''ר בשו''ת שבט הקהתי ח''ד סי' שי''א. also more machmir for the size of a maakeh: he writes that a maakeh 42. Regarding windows that are less than ten tefachim off the floor, some must be 114.2 cm, or at the very least, 89 cm ()שיעורי מקוה עמ' קס''א וקכ''ג. say that one must make a barrier until the ten-tefach point from the He is machmir for a maakeh since we are more stringent in preventing floor ( ענין מעקה,)עמק הברכה. However, others hold that this is not a danger than issur. Therefore, the fence should be no less than a meter chiyuv since strictly speaking, there could be some gaps in a maakeh. under any circumstances in order to be machmir for a mitzvas asei If there are children around, there is obviously a chiyuv to block deoraisa that prevents danger. Some always make sure to use the windows with a barrier to prevent any potential grave danger ( תשוה"נ highest number for a maakeh to prevent danger ()מהר''א מבעלזא. ' שו''ת מחזה אליהו ח''א סי' קכ''א א,)ח''א סי' תתמ''ח.
Strength of a Maakeh
Building a Succah on a Roof
29. The fence must be strong enough that it will not fall if someone leans 43. If someone builds a succah on his roof and only uses the roof to walk on it ()רמב''ם ה''ג. It is not enough to use string, thin iron rods, etc. to his succah, he does not need to build a fence since that is not 30. Glass. Some poskim write that a maakeh should not be made of glass significant usage. He should make some sort of barrier, e.g., a cord since glass is not so strong and can break if a person leans on it ( עמק from the entrance to the roof until the succah as a signal not to get )הברכה. It could be this was only said with regard to thin glass that used close to the edge. If the walkway is near the roof’s edge, it is no
to be standard back in the day. However, the thick, double glazed, or tempered glass that is commonly used today for balconies and the like and does not easily break can be used lechatchilah for a maakeh ( שו''ת ')מחזה אליהו ח''א סי' קכ''א אות ב.
different than a pit, ditch, cavern, or other dangerous area, and he should make a fence without a brochoh. If children use the succah, he must make a proper barrier in any case to prevent them from getting close to the roof’s edge (קי''ג-)שו''ת להורות נתן ח''ב סי' קי''א.
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