(CNN)More and more Americans are losing faith in their institutions. Trust in Congress, the justice system and the media are at record lows. If we are going to restore our faith in these institutions, we can't lose faith in the institution that gives us the ability create change -- our democracy.
So, when I hear anyone claim that an election is going to be rigged or that voters will be disenfranchised, I take notice.
Our state's elections officials are also held accountable because from start to finish, the way we conduct our elections is open and transparent. Election observers and the media are permitted at polling locations as ballots are cast and can be present during the vote counting process after the polls close. We work tirelessly to maintain accurate and up-to-date voter rolls so that only eligible, qualified electors are casting ballots. Through our efforts we have removed more than 515,000 deceased voters from the rolls, resolved more than 1.5 million duplicate registrations and contacted more than three million Ohioans to either update their voter registration or encourage them to register to vote. When it comes time to cast their ballot, voters are required to provide some form of identification so local elections officials can verify that the voter is eligible to vote. True, even with these safeguards in place, voter fraud does exist. But it is rare, and we prosecute violators. There is also no credible evidence of systemic voter fraud in Ohio.
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