London (CNN)Governments often call referendums as a way out of a political dilemma. But as Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos just found out, referendums don't always produce the expected result and the ramifications can be momentous.
In Greece in 2015, the government, called and lost a referendum on EU and IMF-imposed austerity measures to ease the country's debt crisis, and had to hold a second one having made its proposals more palatable to the electorate.
"In the case of the Scottish referendum, it is difficult to see how to put the genie back in the bottle. It was billed as a once-in-a-generation event. "But if all you are in politics for is independence and constitutional change, then you will continue calling for it until you get it -- even -- as was the case in Scotland -- you lost," says Tom Harris is a former Scottish Labour MP, who lost his parliamentary seat in 2015 due to a surge in support for the Scottish Nationalist Party.
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