In the face of death, many of us would be deeply humbled and look to others, and even to a higher power. A sickness like cancer threatens to take our lives, and in the meantime, tests our fortitude and perseverance. Shannen Doherty has been fighting breast cancer for many months, and has been vocal about her struggles, exposing her vulnerabilities to friends and fans. She even released a series of photos documenting her journey, showing that cancer does not discriminate against the glitz and the glamour of celebrities. But she’s not the only celebrity who is struggling with a grim diagnosis. Singer Michael Like our Page Share on Facebook
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Bubl is facing a cancer diagnosis, too his son’s.
Instagram / Michael Bubl
He and his family have been, of course, devastated by the 3-year-old’s illness.
Instagram / Shannon Doherty
Shannen recently attended the IJust trust in your doctors. Make sure you have amazing doctors, a great team and know that organizations like the American Cancer Society, Stand Up to Cancer they are doing so much good for cancer. She added, T
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