FEBRUARY 23, 2022
HELP WANTED HOOTEN FINANCIAL Emory is now hiring CPAS and enrolled agents. Please ap-
ply in person. 149 Tawakoni Dr, Emory, TX 75440 3 D PIZZA Downtown Canton on the square,is hiring drivers and restaurant workers. Apply in person 105 S Buffalo, or call 903-567-4448. BE A PART OF THE WIRELESS INDUSTRY. Canton Boost Mobile Is hiring. Apply in person 222 West Dallas, Canton.
FOR SALE:Brand new 13 Cu.Ft. Panasonic microwave , never out of box. Stainless steel 1100 watts. Never out of box. In Winnsboro. Call 903365-3260.
OFFICE FOR R E N T I N VA N , One or two offices. For details call Darl e n e Tu n n e l l a t 903-963-5101
FOR SALE: Collection OF DVDs. Va r i o u s Titles. Prices
from 50 cents t o a d o l l a r. F o r more information call Thelma at 903-567-0303. FOR SALE: BUMPER for 2012 Ford King Ranch. F-350 $125.00. For more information call Winnsboro 903-365-3260.
Green Roads’ Pain Relief Cream. Great for backaches, arthritis, muscle aches & more. Get pain relief exactly where you need it most. U s e c o d e : PA I N to get three FREE gifts! Visit http://greencbd t o d a y. c o m / l o n e
D I R E C T V N O W. No Satellite Needed. $40/ month. 65 Channels. Stream Breaking News, Live Events, Sports & On Demand Titles. No Annual Contract. No Commitment. CALL 1-866408-1582 LOOKING FOR : metal broon roofing 12 ft barn. Call 903365-3260.
Need s website? of course you do. We t a k e c a re o f design, domain, and hosting and advertising you dite. For more Lone Star Shop222 We s t info...Call 903- per D a l l a s , C a n ton, 865-7002. TX. 75103.
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Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate t o d a y. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-877-2572217.
NOTICE Excludes Rechargable Ec llei amni innagt ef o rgeuvt et er !r LeafFilter, the Batterties most advanced One Of This Areas d e b r i s - b l o c k i n g gutter protecMost Reputable t i o n . S c h e d u l e a FREE LeafFilter Jewelers estimate t o d a y.
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15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & MiliDiscounts. 105 West Sage Street •Winnsboro, TX 75494 t a r y Call 1-877-2572217.
FEBRUARY 23, 2022
SINCE 2007, t h e L O N E S TA R SHOPPER, has been the go to place in East Te x a s to b u y, sell, trade, rent, g i v e - a w a y, or look for hard to find items. Now we are proud to announce personal ads are now free. If your item is worth less than $100. Email it to lonestarshopper@ g m a i l . c o m . Yo u can also mail it t o 2 2 2 We s t D a l las, Canton, Tx. 75193. Also for first time call us 903-865-7002.
D I R E C T V N O W. No Satellite Needed. $40/ month. 65 Channels. Stream Breaking News, Live Events, Sports & On Demand Titles. No Annual Contract. No Commitment. CALL 1-866408-1582
HOOTEN FINANCIAL Emory is now hiring CPAS and enrolled agents. Please ap-
www.lonestarshoppertx.com • 903-865-7002
LOOKING FOR : metal broon roofing 12 ft barn. Call 903365-3260.
Who We Are!
OFFICE FOR R E N T I N VA N , One or two offices. For details call Darl e n e Tu n n e l l a t 903-963-5101
See how good it feels to rehome the stuff you’re not using, and generate some extra cash in the process!
FOR SALE:Brand new 13 Cu.Ft. Panasonic microwave , never out of box. Stainless steel 1100 watts. Never out of box. In Winnsboro. Call 903365-3260.
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Hunting/investment/recrea t i o n a l p r o p e r t y. S t a r t i n g LONE STAR SHOPPER a t $ 6 5 0 / a c IS r e . AT rFREE a n s P edistribucos tion publication serving Alba, r e g i o n . A l s o t h e HBen i l l CWheeler, ounCanton, Colfax, Cedar Creek, t r y Edgewood, EmE d w a r d s Grand , M e n a Saline, r d , C o kGreene, ory, Fruitvale,( Golden, Va l Ve r d e ,C Lake o u n t i Tawakoni es ville, Kaufman , Lake Fork , f r eOak, e r a nMineola, g i n g e x o tQuinlan, i c s ) , S o uQuitth Lindale, Lone T e x a sTerrell, ( D u v a Tyler, l C o u nVan, t y Wills man, Sulphur Springs, - w h i& t e Other t a i l , h oEast g s ) . Texas L a r g eTowns. or Point, Winnsboro small acreage. 30-year Deadline is Thursday at 5:00 PM. We distribfixed rate owner financing, ute Tuesday-Wednesday. You can email clasonly 5% down. Call sifieds to lonestarshopper@gmail.com.\n t o l l - f r e e o r e m a i l f o r i n d i -Our
phone number is 903-865-7002.\n Visit us on line at www.lonestarshoppertx.com Follow us on Facebook.\www.facebook.com/lsshopper. check out our twitter page. LONE STAR SHOPPER does not warrant, nor guarantee the accuracy of any advertisement, nor the quality of the goods or services offered. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all claims made and to use good judgment and reasonable care when dealing with people you don’t know.
Furniture, Electronics, Appliances, Handbags, Jewelry, Sporting Goods, Baby Gear, Bicycles, Tools & More! AND PRIVATE PARTY ADS ARE FREE IF EMAILED TO LONESTARESHOPPER@GMAIL. COM. DEADLINES ARE THURSDAY AT FIVE P.M.
Nourish your health, vitality and mood with natural nutrition Need a little boost to get you through? Come on in and see us for a Delicious Nutritious Shake and Energy Tea!
ply in person. 149 Tawakoni Dr, Emory, TX 75440.
W h e r Yo u R e a d T h e L O N E S TA R S H O P P E R Yo u A r e S u p porting Our Local Economy
Call 903-865-7002 Or email lonestarshopper@gmail.com
1062 NORTH PACIFIC • MINEOLA • 75773 newjourneync@gmail.com • (903) 440-2307
TUNNELL Real Estate 149 West Main • Van TX 75790 Darlene Tunnell Owner/Agent 903-963-5101
Jo Davis Broker Agent 903-288-2427
F E AT U R E D P R O P E R T Y V 392 This 4 BD 1.5 BA Brick House has Apx 1,400 sqft which includes a good size living room, dining area, kitchen, and utility room. L - 9 1 A p x 0 . 4 6 1 A C l o t i n t o w n Va n . N i c e open residential land off of Main St. Electric, sewer and water are available. Come see this lot today!
L-93 Apx 1.294 AC lot has both open areas and trees. L a n d i s i n t o w n Va n a n d h a s e l e c t r i c , s e w e r a n d w a ter available. This lot will go quickly! Call today!
1 2 9 E a s t K a n s a s , Va n
L - 9 2 A p x 0 . 5 9 3 A C n i c e o p e n l o t i n Va n . E l e c tric, sewer and water are available. Great location for your new home. Come see it today! A-292 Apx 28.537 AC of beautiful country land in Hawkins. This property has UN E R easy access of both HWY both open and wooded areas. The location is D within 14 and 80. This piece of land has incredible C O N potential! T R A C T Call to see it today!
V- 3 9 1 C h a r m i n g 2 B R 2 B A a p x 1 , 2 8 8 s q f t h o m e i n Va n . H o u s e i n c l u d e s K i t , D i n i n g , A r e a , O f f i c e o f f o f BR, Living Room w Utility hook ups, and Master BR w fireplace. Rooms are spacious. Fenced large yards with a storage shed. Call to see it today!
tre@texascellnet.com • office 903-963-5101 website : www.tunnellrealestate.net The Information Here Is Deemed Reliable, But Not Guaranteed
FEBRUARY 23, 2022
W .
www.lonestarshoppertx.com • 903-865-7002 PAGE 3
Whether you’re buying or selling, JR Simpson and Century 21 Lake Country Realty can save you time, help you avoid costly mistakes, and ensureyou get the best value. Call or visit us online today tostart your home search, We a re l o c a l & experienced
H u n t i n g / i n v e s t ment/recreational p ro p e r t y. Starting a t $ 6 5 0 / a c r e . Tr a n s Pecos region. Also the Hill Country (Edwards, Menard, Coke, Va l Ve r d e C o u n t i e s free ranging exotics), South Te x a s (Duval County - whitetail, hogs). Large or small acreage. 30-year fixed rate owner financing, only 5% down. Call toll-free or email for individual prices and t e r m s , w w w. r a n c h e n terprisesltd.com, 800-876-9720.
California family has sunlit nursery awaiting newborn. Secure future, devoted grandparents, gentle pet. Generous living expenses paid. Andrew and Erin 747-788-0260 or attorney 310-663-3467
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Subject to credit approval. Call for details.
3 0 3 C o r k y B o y d Av e , Wills Point, TX. 75169 (866) 668-5663 • : 903-873-2451 www.deenkubota.com/ •A Family Tradition of Service Since 1933. •Free Delivery Options Available. •Get a new Kubota Tractor Package for as low as $269/month. •0% Financing Available •Elite Service Certified. • Models include L-Series, B-Series, BX-Series, M-Series, MX-Series, LX-Series.
Mon-Thurs: 8am-11pm, Fri-Sat: 8am-5pm, Sun: 2pm-8pm EST *For those who qualify. One coupon per household. No obligation estimate valid for 1 year. **Offer valid at time of estimate only 2The leading consumer reporting agency conducted a 16 month outdoor test of gutter guards in 2010 and recognized LeafFilter as the “#1 rated professionally installed gutter guard system in America.” Manufactured in Plainwell, Michigan and processed at LMT Mercer Group in Ohio. See Representative for full warranty details. CSLB# 1035795 DOPL #10783658-5501 License# 7656 License# 50145 License# 41354 License# 99338 License# 128344 License# 218294 WA UBI# 603 233 977 License# 2102212986 License# 2106212946 License# 2705132153A License# LEAFFNW822JZ License# WV056912 License# WC-29998-H17 Nassau HIC License# H01067000 Registration# 176447 Registration# HIC.0649905 Registration# C127229 Registration# C127230 Registration# 366920918 Registration# PC6475 Registration# IR731804 Registration# 13VH09953900 Registration# PA069383 Suffolk HIC License# 52229-H License# 2705169445 License# 262000022 License# 262000403 License# 0086990 Registration# H-19114
Prepare for power outages with a Generac home standby generator REQUEST A FREE QUOTE!
7-Year Extended Warranty* A $695 Value! Limited Time Offer – Call for Details
Special Financing Available Subject to Credit Approval
*To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions.
Indian Arrowheads Wa n t e d – Point Ty p e : C l o v i s , Yu m a , Firstview & Eden. Must be old, authentic & unbroken. Absolute TOP DOLLAR paid – up to 5 figures for one point. I am a very serious high-end c o l l e c t o r. C a l l 9 7 9 218-3351.
Jourdanton Police – N o w H i r i n g Te x a s Peace Officers – $2,500 sign-on incentive. TMRS Retirement, uniform allowance, certific a t i o n p a y, 1 3 p a i d holidays, zero cost health, insurance premium, FSA account, required equipment provided, competitive sala r y, d e n t a l / v i s i o n policy and more. For comp
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FEBRUARY 23, 2022
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I s y o u r c a r, t r u c , van or suv not performing to your satisfaction? May we reccomend Craig Tipps and Iron Man Automotive. Craig is an expert in all facets of aut o m o t i v e r e p a i r. H e and his staff gets the job done right the first time. Iron Man Mechanic is located in Quitman at 527 South Main in Quitman. Iron Man also sells quality used vehicles with low mileage as well as great prices. Iron Man has the proper equipment to make the repairs i n y o u r f a m i l y c a r,
Check us out on Facebook. There, you can see some of the current cars, trucks, vans and SUVS. Good vehicles, great prices always at Iron Man Automotive. Iron man Automotive is open weekdays from 8 am till 5 pm. They are closed on Saturday a n d S u n d a y. Iron Man accepts credit cards as well as checks and cash. From oil changes all the way to complete overhauls you can count on Craig Tipps and his staff at Iron Man Mechanic in Quitman. Yo u c a n c a l l C r a i g
903-763-8228. Craig’s email is craigtipps71@hotmail.com. It’s no secret, Iron Man Mechanic is one of the best kept s e c r e t s i n e a s t Te x as and Quitman. They will fix it right the first time. Ask about our used c a r s a l e s . We s e l l used sedans, sporty cars, trucks, vans and SUVS. Iron Man Mechanic is located at 527 South Main in Quitman. It’s a shame if you don’t find out how good the technicians at Ironman Mechanic in Quitman is. They really are one of the best,
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Get the most out of your lawn this spring. SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY!
Insurance Underwritten By: Freedom Life Insurance Company of America Not all products available in all states. Exclusions & limitations apply. Please see a Licensed Agent for details.
*Requires purchase of annual plan. Special price is for first Lawn application only. Requires purchase of annual plan, for new residential EasyPay or PrePay customers only. Valid at participating TruGreen locations. Availability of services may vary by geography. Not to be combined with or used in conjunction with any other offer or discount. Additional restrictions may apply. Consumer responsible for all sales tax. †Purchase of annual lawn plan required for Healthy Lawn Analysis, which is performed at the first visit. ◆Guarantee applies to annual plan customers only. BBB accredited since 07/01/2012. ©2022 TruGreen Limited Partnership. All rights reserved. In Connecticut, B-0153, B-1380, B-0127, B-0200, B-0151.
FEBRUARY 23, 2022
Dear Dave, I’ve been seeing lots of ads lately for debt consolidation companies, debt settlement companies and the HELOC. Are any of these methods for reducing debt a good idea? Brent Dear Brent, No. These are all bad ideas when it comes to getting out of debt. There’s a lot of buzz these days surrounding all the “quick” and “easy” ways to clean up debt and get control of your finances. But the truth is neither one is ever easy. If something
sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Debt consolidation is basically a loan that combines all your debts into one single payment. Sounds like a great idea at first, right? But then you find out the lifespan of your loans increase, and that means you’ll stay in debt even longer than before. The low interest rate that looks so appealing in the beginning usually goes up over time, too. Stretching out the amount of time you’re paying off debt, plus adding interest, is just dumb.
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Debt settlement companies are awful. These crummy outfits will charge you a fee, then promise to negotiate with your creditors to reduce what you owe. In most cases, they take your money up front, do a bad job “negotiating” your debt and leave you responsible for what’s left. A home equity line of credit (HELOC) is also a bad idea. With a HELOC, you’re borrowing against your home. On top of that, you risk losing your house if you can’t pay it back on time. All these plans are really just gimmicks that only treat the symp-
www.lonestarshoppertx.com • 903-865-7002 PAGE 5 toms of your money SEY ON THESE STAAM KCMC Texarkana, problems. They never TIONS! TX help you address the AM KEES root issue of why you 1430 landed there in the first Longview/Tyler, TX • 9 PM-12 AM CT1070 place. Personal finance AM KBCL Shreveport/ is always 80% behavior, and 20% head • 1-4 PM CT1450 AM Bossier City, LA knowledge. You have to 95.7 FM KNET Paleschange your behavior tine, TX • 1-4 PM CT1240 AM if you want to make a lasting, positive impact KASO Shreveport/ • 5-7 PM CT1080 AM on your finances! Minden, LA * Dave Ramsey is a KRLD Dallas, TX seven-time #1 national best-selling author, • 1-4 PM CT1510 AM personal finance ex- • 8-11 PM CT930 AM KAGC Bryan, TX pert, and host of The KDET Center, TX Ramsey Show, heard • 3-5 PM, 7-9 PM by more than 18 million listeners each week. He • 3-6 PM CT107.1 FM CT1410 AM KNTX has appeared on Good KTFS Texarkana, TX Morning America, CBS Bowie, TX 12-3 AM This Morning, Today Show, Fox News, CNN, • 9PM-12 AM CT740 CT Fox Business, and many more. Since 1992, Dave has helped people regain control of their money, build wealth and enhance their lives. He also serves as CEO for Ramsey Solutions. — Dave
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Please join us for mending fences a 12 step recovery program 6-7 pm Gate Cowboy Church 217 NE Front ST. Edgewood
Page 6
www.lonestarshoppertx.com • 903-865-7002
FEBRUARY 23, 2022
Q U A L I T Y M E A T D O E S N O T H AV E C O C O S T M O R E AT A L E X A N D E R ’ S M E AT M A R K E T I N W I N N S B O R O bake cassoroles . Yo u ’ l l f i n d d e l i cious flavors including baked potato and brocolli and rice and cheese. We s p e c a l i z e i n custom smoking, deer processing, in season. Now making summer sausage, beef sticks, as well a delicious smoked sausage. We a l s o h a v e a v a i l able, E.E. Wilson S y r u p , h o n e y, r i b bon cane, as well as sorghamand moonshine syrup. The selection of meat at Alexander ’s is second to n o n e . We h a v e b o n e less beef tenderlon, ;lean ground beef, boneless pork chops, and boneless
chicken breast. There is also ribeye a n d T- B o n S t e a k s . How about St. Louis Ribs as well as deli meats and cheese Alexander is open Tu e s d a y through Friday 8 a.m. till 5:30 pm. Satrdsay 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Closed Sunday and M o n d a y. Donnie and Kelli invite you to come b y t o d a y, o r v i s i t them online at Facebook. Yo u c a n v i s i t t h e m o n l i n e a t w w w. a l e x andersmeatmarket. n e t . Yo u c a n a l s o email them at alexandersmeatmarket@yahoo.com. Of course you can call them at 903342-0300.
Hit Your Target Audience
or visit us online to place your real estate listing. www.lonestarshopertx.com
No requirements, just receive with no obligation the love of Christ and food to help you and your family!
Put the finishing touch on your barbecue with our house-made salads and bakery-fresh breads!
Prepare for power outages with a Generac home standby generator REQUEST A FREE QUOTE!
7-Year Extended Warranty* A $695 Value! Limited Time Offer – Call for Details
Mineola Chirch of the Nazarene 503 North Line • Mineola 903-569-3057
Special Financing Available Subject to Credit Approval
*To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions.
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Reverend Randy Larpenteur says, “If you have a need, don’t be bashful, come visit with us. No Judgement, No Comdemenation. MINEOLA CHURCH OF THE NAZAR E N E h a s a f o o d b a n k Tu e s d a y s s t a r t i n g a b o u t e i g h t t h i r t y u n t i l 11 : 3 0 a . m .
We Will Help You Find The Right Cut Of Our Fresahest Cuts Of Our Meat Bonless Been Tenderloin • Ribeye Or T-Bone Steaks • Lean Ground Round Boneless Pork Loin Roast • Boneless Pork Chops • St. Louis Ribs • Boneless Chicken Breast • Deli Means And Cheeses!
When you’re ready to sell your home, advertise in the local publication that reaches more than 100,000 potential buyers throughout THE WOOD, RAINS AND VAN ZANDT COUNTIES
There are no supply chain problems at Alexander Meat Market in Winnsboro. Yo u d o n ’ t h a v e t o pay more for qality meat. Alexander Meat is owned by Kellie and Donnie Alxander and is located at 308 E Coke Rd W i n n s b o r o , T X 75494. Alexander predicts that you are going to be loving all of your purchases from Alexander ’s Meat Market for years to come!! come stock up today! Alexander Meat Market also has great suggestions for family dinners. While there you can now get take and
Designed for pain relief & easy use
Savings include our own American Standard Right Height Toilet ($500 VALUE)
FEBRUARY 23, 2022 C o n s i s t e n c y i s w h a t s e t s J O H N ’ S T I R E S A PA R T
Tire shops come and go but in Mineola and East Te x a s , there is only one name you need to know for tire satisfaction. John’s Tire located at 709 South Pacific in MIneola has been servi n g E a s t Te x a s f o r quite some timw now with quality tires and service. John’s Tires hires only the most knowledegable people to make sure you the customer are treated right the first time. Yo u ’ l l f i n d t h e best tires for economy cars, sedans truck and SUVS as well as tires for use on the ranch or the farm. Here at John’s
Tires of Mineola, they are a locally owned and operated company that focuses on providing the highest quality service, m a i n t e n a n c e , and tires. John’s Tires has been in business for more than 30 years, and will always be your “home town tire source.” On a tight budget? John’s tires has quality used and economy tires for most needs. Yo u c a n a l s o r e p a i r, m o d i f y , o r upgrade your tires at John’s Tires. When you get tires at John’s Tires they will balance as well as rotate tires as needed. John’s is very easy to find. they
are located at709 S Pacific St, Mineola, TX 75773 John’s is open Monday-Friday: 8am-5:30pm Saturdays: 8am12:30pm Sunday: Closed. While at John’s ask about our credit offers. Find us on Facebook and visit John’s on line at www.johnstiresofmineola.com. Don’t ride around on bald tires, make your next stop at John’s Tire Center 709 South Main Mine o l a , Te x a s 7 5 7 7 3 . Yo u c a n C a l l John’s tire at 903-569-5996. John’s also offers brand name feeders for your livestock needs. John’s Tires!
1 3 2 0 W F r a n k S t . G r a n d S a l i n e , Te x a s 7 5 1 4 0 Phone: (903)962-7742 • Cell: (214) 908-3187 Fax: (903) 962-7836 abeltrucksales@suddenlink.net
IN 200 T DU ERNA 2 R T Va c u u A S TA I O N m R 4 AL / Ta nk Indu 300 $ 3 7 Tr u c s t r i a l , 5 ks
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FEBRUARY 23, 2022
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