Why You Should Get Your MBA

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Why You Should Get Your MBA

A Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) takes a scientific approach to management. During your MBA studies, you will take courses in statistics, accounting, finance, business law, management, and marketing. You can also take elective courses and major in concentrations in areas such as international finance. This article will tell you of some of the many benefits of getting an MBA degree. Outside of average pay, which gets higher for MBA graduates, the upsides range from spending long periods of time in academia to gaining the upper hand in the business world.

1. You Can Stay In School While some students look forward to the day that they can wear their cap and gown on their graduation day, others love the long days and nights of studying for tests, preparing for classes, and chatting with professors. When you get into an MBA program, you’ll spend a large portion of your time working with your classmates on assignments. The great thing about enrolling in an MBA curriculum is that your classmates are just as ambitious and goal-oriented as you.

2. You’ll Get Paid More Money

According to Forbes, students who graduated from an MBA program earned 50 percent more than students who went to work after completing their bachelor degrees. You may not consider money as the most important factor for selecting your post-graduation plans. However, those student loans will need to get paid back in some form or fashion. So if you have an English degree and want to know what to do next, consider getting an MBA.

3. Your Resume Will Look Awesome After you graduate from college, you will encounter a lot of competition for the most desirable jobs. You may have done a couple of internships in college, but so did everyone else. You may have gotten a 3.9 GPA in college, but the leading candidate got a 4.2 GPA while working full-time. One way you can stand out is by getting your MBA. Your vast knowledge of business, accounting, and statistics will impress any HR representative.

4. Your MBA Will Show That You Can Commit Getting an MBA takes a huge commitment of money, time and effort. When an HR representative or recruiter sees that you have an MBA degree on your resume, they will see a job candidate that can commit for the long haul. The people who will hire you want to see people who can stick with a project in both good days and bad. An MBA acts as the perfect way to show your talent for commitment.

5. You Can Fit In Any Work Environment No matter where you work, management will always act as a vital part of your company’s operations. If you earn an MBA, you can operate in the upper ranks of many companies. If you don’t get an MBA, you will have to follow the orders of the people who did get one. Josh Gruss is the Chairman, CEO and founder of Round Hill Music

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