Trailblazing Newsletter - Winter 2016

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WINTE R 2016

The newsletter of Josh McDowell Ministry

INSIDE Page 2 Changed lives YOU help make possible Page 3 TECHNOLOGY: the language of today Page 4 Use technology to help share the gospel

New technologies like hotspots broadcast wireless access to libraries of Josh McDowell resources — even in closed countries of the Middle East.

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world . . .” Matthew 24:14a

The Digital Era: unleashing the gospel in closed countries How you are providing safe, effective and cutting-edge technologies that share the truth about Jesus Aziz (not his real name) is a believer in a closed country.

2001 West Plano Parkway, Suite 2400 Plano, TX 75075 @josh_mcdowell

More than anything, he wants others to know about Jesus. But sharing the gospel where he lives is dangerous. Those who mention the name of Jesus to the wrong person could find themselves arrested — or worse.

Technology opens doors for evangelism in closed countries But YOU are helping make it possible for Aziz and others to share

the gospel safely and effectively. He’s reaching more people than he ever dreamed of! Each morning, instead of parking outside his workplace, Aziz drives to a populated area downtown near the train station. He parks his car and turns on his hotspot — a portable device that provides a free internet connection via Wi-Fi. He then walks the few miles to work, leaving his hotspot to broadcast till the battery runs out. KEEP READING to see how your gifts are sharing the truth >>>

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