Josh Munsch Portfolio (Rough)

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Josh Munsch Portfolio 2014 — Visual Communication University of Kansas


Project Brief

— VISC 404 Typography III

Project Information In an ever increasing digital age, the ability to take a step back, reflect and work with one’s hands every once in a while is a huge relief from the constant stream of electronic intake. I had the opportunity to create a book which highlights a few traditional tradesmen who work with their hands every day. Take a look at the lives of a leather worker, blacksmith, and a craftsmen and see the wonderful typographic elements which exist throughout their workspaces. Bruce Barlow, Walt Hull, and Austin Swick are all traditional tradesmen who are a few of the individuals left still making through traditional trade. Each of the men are located in the Lawrence area and were kind enough to let me hang out with them and document their space.


Public Type Book

Work Spaces: Public Typography

Book Details

Book Design / Layout


Book Details

Public Type Book


Book Details

Book Design / Layout


Book Details

Public Type Book


Book Details

Book Design / Layout


Project Photos

Public Type Book


Project Brief

— ADS 560 Hand Lettering

Project Information The following pages are from a compilation of projects completed in a hand lettering course. The class offered a brief overview of the wide variety of mediums within the hand lettering realm. From traditional pen and ink to brush and cut paper, the different topics covered highlighted the endless possibilities of creating beautiful, hand-done type. The book is composed of 10 small hand lettering projects completed over the semester. The projects were then set in the book with a unified color scheme in no particular order.


Hand Lettering Book

Hand Lettering: Compilation Book

Book Details

Hand Lettering


Book Details

Hand Lettering Book


Book Details

Hand Lettering


Book Details

Hand Lettering Book


Book Details

Hand Lettering


Book Details

Hand Lettering Book


Project Brief

— VISC 204 Visual Comm. II

Project Information As a track & field athlete, keeping a close eye on fitness, nutrition, and overall health is a necessary task in order to reach ones full athletic potential. Though counting calories, logging exercise data, and tracking sleep information can appear a bit obsessive, the ability to easily input, view, and analyze this information is an asset any athlete can use in order to better understand their body. With tons of fitness apps hitting app stores as of recently, the majority of those lack the focus and details true athletes need. The project was essentially designed for myself, the app uses beautiful type in order to communication data in an unobtrusive, elegant way.


Loggd Application

Loggd Fitness Application

Dashboard Screen

Loggd Application


Nutrition & Exercise Screen

UI Design / Typography


Nutrition & Exercise Screen

Loggd Application


Nutrition & Exercise Screen

UI Design / Typography


Project Brief

— VISC 520 Visual Comm. IV

Project Information As an individual who sometimes struggles with productivity, the objects I surround myself with as well as the space I inhabit often play a significant role in my inspiration and creative flow. Realizing I am not the only individual who struggles with this, I wanted to create an office and home furniture compnay which uses beautiful design to inspire it users. The creative process is beautiful, therefore the products we use should be too. The company not only focuses on great design but also collaboration and the power of creative minds working together. Mission Statement: Conquer works to enhance the lives and working processes of creative minds alike through design and functionality of our products offered.


Conquer Studios

Conquer Studios: Identity Development

Word Mark

Conquer Studios

Branding / Graphic Design


Logo Mark

Conquer Studios


Book Details

Conquer Studios

–01 Conquer Studios

01. A Look at Today

As a society everchanging, we are a part of a cultural movement focused on self expression, collaboration, and the creative mind. -


Brand Book 2015

Conquer Studios



task/office products lack character and soul

people are unware of the culture that exists all around



cost and function drive design, seen only as utility

people are busy, distracted, and often close-minded







Branding / Graphic Design

01. A Look at Today

work vs. life

“work sucks”


short life span

“no one cares”



Book Details

Conquer Studios

Conquer Studios

We live in a society where self expression exists at our every waking moment. Style, music, culture, etc. has increasingly become an important part of who we are, as well as the people we hang out with. People are becoming more and more aware better made, better designed goods and are demanding it. Thus the objects we purchase and surround ourselves with speak volumes about who we are as creative individuals.

01. A Look at Today



Book Details

Conquer Studios

Brand Book 2015

Conquer Studios 03. Introducing Conquer Studios


Branding / Graphic Design



Book Details

Conquer Studios

–04 Conquer Studios

Conquer Studios is a design company who produces well designed home and office products. Collaboration is a part of what we do.

01. A Look at Today


Conquer Studios

Brand Book 2015

Wynder Munsch Creative director + (264) m: 691 5522 + (264) w: 621 8592 Business Cards

Conquer Studios 85181 Bergnen St. Brooklyn, NY 11032 -

01. A Look at Today

Thank You. Conquer Studios l: + 1 (675) 563 8911 f: + 1 (675) 563 1231 e:

Justin Felides Conquer Studios Collaboration Series 26 – 31 December Product Exhibition

Open Studio

1 – 8 pm Mon - Wed

Brooklyn, New York


Conquer Studios

Thank You Mailer Event Poster




Various Applications

Conquer Studios

Branding / Graphic Design


Project Brief

— VISC 520 Visual Comm. IV

Project Information Throughout my time in school, hours of homework, long critiques, and sleepless nights have become standard practice in the completion of a project. And for what? As my growth as a designer will be ever growing, the following poster takes a retrospective look over the passed three years at 10 different projects completed in school. I used both Bloom’s Taxonomy and the AIGA/NASAD competences to chart and organize each project. As a former track & field athlete at the University of Kansas, the poster was inspired by the hill of Lawrence where all my running took place. The background is an abstracted topographic map of Douglas County and the rises within the graph indicate a competency being met.


Loggd Blooms Application Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Development Poster


Infographic / Poster Design


Poster Detail

Blooms Taxonomy


Project Brief

— VISC 404 Visual Comm. III

Project Information “But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure.”


Loggd Application

Advocacy Poster: Farm-to-Cafeteria

Image Based Poster

Poster Design / Illustration


Type Based Poster

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