3 minute read
Welcome from Keith And Kristyn
Dear friends,
A warm welcome to you at this year’s Sing Conference! We and our whole team are excited to see you here and to sing with you! Eager that every moment might count in this short time together, we have invited guest speakers and artists and musicians and church leaders that we know will inspire and instruct and challenge. We have tried to craft this program book in an easy-to-follow way, filled to the brim with all the happenings and opportunities about to unfold! In Colossians 2 Paul longs to see the hearts of the believers “encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col 2:2-3 ESV). The idea of being knit or woven together is a beautiful illustration as we gather to share the same melodies and lyrics and the same love and hope in Christ. This year’s theme of “Christ Our Hope in Life and Death: Prayers and Confessions” will focus on how the gospel shapes the liturgy of our services and the liturgy of our lives, weaving us together as the church past, present and future. Joan Murray, our artist-in-residence for this year’s conference, invites you to bring the thread you received at registration to her at the loom in the lobby. Throughout the event she will weave these threads together to represent all who have come, our different paths and stories and the Lord who by warp and weft knits our hearts together.
What cloth have we to clothe our souls against a dark world’s weather? O take these tangled threads with me, we’ll weave that cloth together side by side, by warp and weft we’ll weave that cloth together -Malcolm Guite
Grace and peace,
Keith and Kristyn
SPECIAL THANKS: Keith and Kristyn would like to thank all the conference contributors and all the teams at Streamline Event Agency, CSI DMC Event Management, and Getty Music for your wonderful partnership in the SING! Initiative.
Getty Music would like to extend our deepest thanks to our Official Missions Partner, The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM). Because of their partnership, we have been able to expand the vision and reach of the Sing! movement beyond what we would have ever dreamed possible, resulting in the equipping of thousands of churches and leaders even amid a global pandemic. Their friendship and support have energized us during this season of ministry, and we could not be more thankful.
The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is a nonprofit, interdenominational missions organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill his Great Commission — no matter the cost.
As a special gift, every attendee will receive a free copy of “Imprisoned by ISIS” from VOM. We highly encourage you to sign up for their free prayer calendar and magazine to know how you can better pray for and serve the persecuted church around the world.
6 Welcome from Keith And Kristyn 12 Vision for Sing! Conference 18 About Getty Music 32 Focus Gatherings and Special Events 36 Conference Information 43 Exhibit and Bookstore Information 58 Speakers and Musical Artists 76 Session One 80 Session Two 86 Session Three 96 Session Four 106 Session Five 110 Online Breakouts
Malcolm Guite
We lie upon the grass on God’s good earth and listen to the Requiem’s intense, long, love-laden keening, calling forth echoes of Eden, blessing every sense with brimming blisses, every death with birth, until all passion passes into praise.
I bless the winding paths that brought us here, I bless this day, distinct amidst our days, I bless the light, the music-laden air, I bless the interweaving of our ways, the lifting of the burdens that we bear, I bless the broken body that we share
Sanctus the heart, Sanctus the spirit cries, Sanctus the flesh in every touch replies
Used with permission. Published as “Epilogue” in Sounding the Seasons: Seventy Sonnets for the Christian Year (Norwich, UK: Canterbury Press, 2012).