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ISRAEL Feb – Jul 2014

有祢手牵引我 我就勇往向前 愿我所行路径 愿我所历际遇 处处留下有祢同在的恩典痕迹

Technion – Israel Ins

stitute of Technology

Haifa, the city where Technion is located. It is built on the slopes of Mount Carmel, facing the Mediterranean Sea.

Way of Life

Got my first taste of the cost of living after leaving the airport. A 20 minutes train ride from the airport to Tel Aviv cost 16 shekels (almost S$6).

Hummus, Pita, Salads, Shakshuka, Falafel, ‌

Public transportation system here is decent but not the best. I realized the power of Google for navigation and to check bus schedules.

Normal day

Shabbat / Sabbath

Soldiers carrying guns in public is a common sight, and security checks when entering a building or a bus/train terminal is part of daily life. However, Israel generally feels safe.


A day to celebrate the deliverance of Jewish people as recorded in the book of Esther. “Purim” means “lots” because Haman had by lot determined this to be the time of Jews’ destruction, but God had determined it to be the time of their triumph. It is a joyous festival where many people will dress up in various costumes, feast and drink.

Pesach /


Pesach, an important week long festival that is recorded in the book of Exodus, commemorates the escape of the Jews from slavery in Egypt. The Haggadah tells of this story and contains all the procedures for the Seder (dinner on the first night of Passover).

This is one of my biggest feast in Israel. Traditionally, Matzo (unleavened bread) is eaten during Passover. The whole Sedar procedure also includes drinking of wine and eating symbolic food such as bitter herbs. Special thanks to Roy and his family for their hospitality and hosting me during this interesting festival!

Home Away From H


The Holy Land

Sea of Galilee is actually a lake where Israel gets part of its water from today. It is where many of Jesus’ ministry and miracles occurred.

“Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matt 4:19

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

Franciscan Church on Mount of Beatitudes ov building structure represent the eight beatitude

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

verlooking the Sea of Galilee. The octagonal es given on the Sermon on the Mount.

Herod built a large port city and called it Caesa The aqueduct brought water from Shuni spring Roman legions who dealt with the quelling of

area in honour of Emperor Augustus Caesar. gs 7.5km away. This city served as a base for the revolt in 66 BC.

Dead sea, a hypersaline lake that is currently 4 elevation on land. The high salt concentration animals or macroscopic organisms are able to

427 meters below sea level, and Earth’s lowest means people can easily float in it, and no live in it.

The artisan behind the works, the author

of beauty.

From dawn to dusk Look at the wonders He has shown Let all creation stand and sing With wondrous songs of praise Look at the stars in the sky You know them by name How amazing and boundless Beyond all measure From the mountains and the desert To the depths of the sea Creation declares your majesty Great are the works of Your hand

Mount Sodom is made almost entirely of halite, or rock salt. “Sodom� comes from the book of Genesis, in connection with the destruction of the sinful cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

One of the oldest cities in the world that is co Islam. Jerusalem means city of peace, but it is

onsidered holy to Judaism, Christianity and one of the most conquered cities.

Church of All Nations

And they went to a place called Gethsemane. And he said to his And he took with him Peter and James and John, and began to b And he said to them, "My soul is very sorrowful, even to death. R And going a little farther, he fell on the ground and prayed that, And he said, "Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remo

disciples, "Sit here while I pray." be greatly distressed and troubled. Remain here and watch." , if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. ove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will."

Mount of Olives, overlooking the old city of Jerusalem at sunset.

Believed to be the path that Jesus walked, carrying his cross, on the way to his crucifixion at Golgotha.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre, believed to be the site of the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

Stone of Anointing in the church, where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial.

The Holy Sepulchre or the tomb of Jesus in the church.

Garden tomb, the alternative site of the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

‫כי כה אהב אלוהים את העולם‬ ‫עד כי נתן את בנו יחידו‬ ‫למען לא יאבד כל המאמין בו‬ ‫אלא ינחל חיי עולם‬ John 3:16 For God so loved the world That he gave his only Son That whoever believes in Him Should not perish But have eternal life

Dome of the Rock, a Muslim shrine built over ascended into heaven. It is also believed to hav Jewish Temple.

r a sacred stone where Prophet Muhammad ve been constructed on the site of the Second

Model of the Tabernacle in Timna, the portab the time of the Exodus from Egypt through th

ble le dwelling dwelling place place for for the the divine divine presence presence from from ble dwelling place for the divine presence from he he conquering conquering of of the the land land of of Canaan. Canaan. he conquering of the land of Canaan.

Negev Desert

Changes and goodbyes are inevitable We do not know when we will meet again Nor what the future holds But no distances can take away our memories Our smiles, our experiences, our friendship

Our couchsurfing hosts, Miki, Mira and Lilac. T them for treating us like a family, showing us a sure we were adjusting well to our new home f good impression of Israel right from the begin

They are a really nice family. Very grateful to around their beautiful country, and making for 5 months. Thank you for giving me a very nning!

Dorm mates – Max, Damien, and Henry. We l forgetting the trips we had together!

lived together, cooked for each other, and not

Israeli friends – Rawan, Aya, Malak and their f hospitality, inviting us to your homes, and for p

family and friends. Thanks for the warm preparing the great food!

Friends from Taiwan – Bob & Wenhui. Lots o These 5 months wouldn’t be the same without improved!

f awesome trips and fun times together. t you guys, and my languages have definitely

Fellow mates from NUS, dorm mates, project of living together. I have learnt a lot from you

mates, travel buddies, gym buddies. 5 months u guys and more about myself. :)

Chinese Church in Haifa

你是我的主,引我走正义路, 高山或低谷,都是你在保护。 万人中唯独 你爱我认识我, 永远不变的应许,这一生都是祝福。 一步又一步,这是恩典之路, 你爱,你手,将我紧紧抓住; 一步又一步,这是盼望之路, 你爱,你手,牵引我走这人生路。

A small church that is held in the Elder’s home. The physical building or the size of the congregation is not important. The Christians here have shown me a model of Christ’s love through their lives.

Kehilat HaCarmel

A lone sheep wandering over the mountains With uncertainty beyond And down through the valleys With dangers lurking in the shadows Fear surrounds him His pleas seem be in vain

Shepherd of his heart He is watching from afar Following the sound of his bells Hearing every single plea Anger is written on His face But the merciful shepherd shows him the path To a place of eternal dwelling Filled with abundance

It has been a wonderful 5 months in this coun religion, and politics. For a small country, it is a be able to study, travel, and to meet so many n given me another perspective on the ongoing c region.

ntry that is so complex in terms of culture, also very diverse geographically. Thankful to nice people here. Living in Israel has also conflicts here. Praying for peace in this

Special thanks to Wenhui for inspiring me to do this book of my journey in Israel!

My heart is filled with thankfulness To him who reigns above, Whose wisdom is my perfect peace, Whose every thought is love. For every day I have on earth Is given by the King; So I will give my life, my all, To love and follow him.

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