2022PORTFOLIOARCHITECTURE Selected Works 2015 -2022Joshua MacDonald
Hello my name is Joshua MacDonald and I am a recent graduate of McGill University (March ’21) and the University of Waterloo (BAS ’19). I am the proud recipient of the Alpha Rho Chi Bronze Medal (McGill) and the Smale Fellowship (Waterloo), both in recognition of design excellence, leadership, professional merit, and the potential to play a notable role in the profession of architecture. I am a co-founder and chief operating officer at nineplusten Architectural Imagery, and founder of MacDonald Architecture + Design. I am also a parttime course and guest lecturer at various Canadian universities such as, McGill University, Concordia University, and the University of Waterloo. My passion for architecture stems from my strong desire to see how architects can create united communities. I believe architecture has the ability to address issues of social division, exclusion, and climate change.
The following is a curation of my academic, personal, and professional architectural design work. Please reach out if you have any questions.
2 Joshua MacDonald - Portfolio 2022

343231302622181446 TABLE OF BIG3XN/GXNMJMANINEPLUSTENSPARWOODCHALETTHISKNIVSTACVTHEACADEMICPROFESSIONALCONTENTSWORK/PERSONALWORKSOCIALCOMMONSPROJECTCOMMUNITYLEARNINGISNOTASCHOOLSEOUTPOST Master’s ParticipatoryPublicCurriculumThesisVitaeCampusDesigned School Rental WorkshopChalet/Entertainment Space Architectural Imagery Community Design Ecological Design Research Competition Design 3Table of Contents
visualization and animation studio. Playing a key role in the development and creation of visualizations for various clients, focusing on the art of Founderstorytelling.ofasmall design practice focusing on a variety of small scale residential and mixed use buildings. Offering services from concept to construction documentation for Part 9 buildings.
Thesis title: The Social Commons Project Explores the uneven distribution of social infrastructure in cities, equipping the public with tools to help better understand, identify, and co-produce design solutions that address social inequalities.
Tasked with a prominent design role of a 80,000 sqft Community Centre in northern Ontario. Additionally responsibilities included community outreach, graphic communication, RFP proposals, visualization and public presentations. Working at GXN, the innovation unit of 3XN. Focusing on ecological design research through digital processes and innovative material solutions. Working in competition and concept phases for masterplans and multi use mid sized projects. Professional and academic references available upon request
4 Joshua MacDonald - Portfolio 2022
WORK EDUCATIONEXPERIENCE 04/2020SanNew01/2022Montreal,OngoingCAN-OngoingMontreal,CAN09/2020-12/2021Montreal,CAN09/2014-08/2019Cambridge,CAN09/2018-11/2018Rome,IT09/2019-08/2020Toronto,CAN01/2019-04/2019Copenhagen,DK01/2018-08/2018YorkCity,USA05/2017-08/2017Rotterdam,NL09/2016-12/2016Francisco,USA01/2016-04/2016Copenhagen,DK NINEPLUSTEN ARCHITECTURAL IMAGERY MACDONALD ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN MCGILL UNIVERSITY (PETER GUO-HUA FU SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE) (MCGILL) UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE - ROME BJARKE3XN/GXNMJMAINGELS GROUP POWERHOUSE COMPANY MULTISTUDIO - Formerly Gould Evans PHOAM STUDIO Co-Founder / COO Founder / Architectural Designer M.Arch - Professional Master of Architecture (DST) BAS - Bachelor of Architectural Studies Honours, Co-op with Distinction Study Abroad Program Intern Architect GXN Co-FounderArchitecturalArchitecturalArchitecturalDesignTraineeAssistantInternInternInternofaarchitectural
McGill Engineering Networking Event - Architecture Panellist Graduate Architecture Student’s Association - VP Social - McGill University Founder of UWSA Knowledge Sharing (Lecture Series) - University of Waterloo Design Charrette KW Art Gallery - City of Kitchener / Waterloo Waterloo Architecture Students Association - Events Coordinator & Athletic Director - University of Waterloo Admissions Week Interviewer - University of Waterloo
AWARDS & RECOGNITIONS 04/2017201401/201812/201708/201804/201906/201908/201905/202009/202005/202106/202103/202203/202205/202206/2022-2019&11/1511/2015
Global Studio Traveling Fellowship - McGill University Joseph Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship-Master’s - SSHRC
ACADEMIC SKILLSCOMMUNITYEXPERIENCEINVOLVEMENT09/2022 - Ongoing 11/2021 - 12/2021 09/2021 - 12/2021 02/2021 - 03/202204/202107/2020 01/2018 - 12/201809/2021 01/2021 - 12/2021 05/2019 - 08/201906/2019 09/2014 - 08/201904/2017 SOFTWARE FABRICATION LANGUAGES Course Lecturer - URBP 609 Planning Graphics 1 - McGill University Guest Lecturer - ARCH 405 Visualization/Rendering Workshop - McGill University Research Assistant - Postsuburban Densification - McGill University Guest Lecturer - DART 335 Interpretive Public Spaces - Concordia University Guest Critic - DART 335 Interpretive Public Spaces - Concordia University Guest Lecturer - Builds Workshop Summer 2020 - University of Waterloo Student Representative on Interns Committee - Ontario Architects Association
Alpha Rho Chi Medal - McGill University A.F. Dunlop Scholarship - McGill University
Excellent Academic Standing - University of Waterloo International Experience Award - University of Waterloo First Place - ‘Grand River Bridge’- City of Cambridge Pedestrian Bridge - Competition - Built
Rick Haldenby Rome Award - University of Waterloo Design Jury Finalist - ‘Rollick’ - Passageways 2.0 Chattanooga - Competition
Alyson Woloshyn Leadership Award - University of Waterloo
Ping Kwan Lau Prize in Architecture - McGill University Drawing of the Year 2021 - Enscape Award - Archisource
Norbert Schoenauer Fellowship - McGill University
Term Dean’s Honours List - University of Waterloo Smale Fellowship - University of Waterloo Honorable Mention - ‘This is not a school’ - African School Project: Education for the Future - Competition
Alumni Gold Medal: Faculty of Engineering - Nomination - University of Waterloo
Rhinoceros 7 Revit AdobeAutoCADSketchup2021ProPs,Ai, Id, Br & Pr Model Making Laser Cutting CNC FoamMakerbotMillingCutting English (Native) French (Intermediate)HandCNCSLAWoodConstructionWorkingPrintingKnifeCutterDraftingGrasshopperUnrealVrayEnscapeEngine Microsoft Office 5Curriculum Vitae

Project: Academic 2021 - Self Directed Thesis Type: Community, Public Space Location: North America Duration: 8 months Advisors: David Theodore & Nik Luka - CGSM - SSHRC Grant- A.F. Dunlop Scholarship- Ping Kwan Lau Prize in Architecture -
The project provides a platform for citizens, city officials, and designers to discuss and co-produce possible futures for public spaces in cities. These co-produced design possibilities will be economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable. The work advocates for small scale development as an alternative to large capital projects, this initiative would allow social infrastructure to be implemented where, and when, it is needed. Finally, this project presents the notion that quality design can not only be affordable, but environmentally positive and socially impactful.
The Social Commons Project explores the uneven distribution of social infrastructure in cities, equipping the public with tools to help better understand, identify, and co-produce design solutions that address social inequalities. Commonly referred to as public spaces, social infrastructures are the physical places in which we build social networks and grow as individuals, and as communities. They play a critical, yet underappreciated role in our modern Thissocieties.body of work is a contribution to the discourses on evidencebased and human-centered design and proposes actionable opportunities for social impact. Through geo-spatial mapping in select North American cities, the correlation between social vulnerability and social infrastructure is detected, illustrating systemic inequalities, and highlighting areas for community improvement. These visualizations enforce the idea that what we build is just as important as where we build it.

2120 High Quality Facilities - 4th & 5th TierRanking and Distribution - Social Infrastructure 2120 High Quality Facilities - 4th & 5th TierRanking and Distribution - Social Infrastructure 2120 High Quality Facilities - 4th & 5th TierRanking and Distribution - Social Infrastructure 2120 High Quality Facilities - 4th 5th Tier Tier 4 Facility Tier 5 RecreationCommunityLibrariesSeniorYouthSchoolsFacilityServicesCentres&Centres Ranking and Distribution Social Infrastructure Tier 2 Facility Tier 3 Facility Tier 4 Facility Tier 5 RecreationCommunityLibrariesSeniorYouthSchoolsFacilityServicesCentres&Centres Social Vulnerability Locating Social Vulnerability - Determinants of Vulnerability Social VulnerabilityData extracted from the 2016 Canadian Census Data ++ = Least Vulnerable Most Vulnerable Population Vulnerability Measures 1. No English or French - age 5+ who speak less than “well” Eng & Fr 2. Visible Minority - non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour 3. Single Parent - Total lone parent families 4. Children - population age less than 19 5. Elderly - population age 65 and over Socioeconomic Vulnerability Measures 1. Low Income - Based on low income measure, after tax (LIM-AT) 2. Median Income - Median total income of households 3. No Diploma - No certificate, diploma or degree - age 25 - 64 4. Unemployment - age 15 and over seeking work Core Housing Need Vulnerability Measures 1. Crowding - housing units with more than one person per room 2. Not Suitable Housing 3. Major Repairs Needed 4. More on 30% of Income on Housing AreasToolkits 8 Joshua MacDonald - Portfolio 2022 Mapping Inequalities - Case Study City #1 Locating Social Vulnerability - Determinants of Vulnerability

Investing in these areas posse the biggest potential for positive community growth. Community investment in these areas can help strengthen social resilience.
Unequal Distribution
Unequal Distribution
Tier 4 Facility Tier 5 RecreationCommunityLibrariesSeniorYouthSchoolsFacilityServicesCentres&Centres Ranking and Distribution - Social Infrastructure individuals daily built environment of home and work. Tier 2 Facility Tier 3 Facility Tier 4 Facility Tier 5 RecreationCommunityLibrariesSeniorYouthSchoolsFacilityServicesCentres&Centres 1716 High Quality Facilities - 4th & 5th Tier ourselves. Tier 4 Facility Tier 5 RecreationCommunityLibrariesSeniorYouthSchoolsFacilityServicesCentres&Centres Ranking and Distribution - Social Infrastructure individuals daily built environment of home and work. Tier 2 Facility Tier 3 Facility Tier 4 Facility Tier 5 RecreationCommunityLibrariesSeniorYouthSchoolsFacilityServicesCentres&Centres 5756 opportunities for potential sites to not only have a hyper local effect but become a regional asset for the city at large.
A underdeveloped decommissioned rail line provides many vacant sites that cut through the city. Another key activity corridor in the city is the kinsmen trail and Kate Pace
Way. Key Urban Features Primary Streets & Highways Kinsmen Trail Removed CN Rail Line Development Sites Recommended Community Improvement Focus Areas infrastructure reveals gaps in the city fabric, areas in need of community improvement. These zones are seen as unfunded and lacking essential community focused infrastructure Investing in these areas posse the biggest potential for positive community growth. Community investment in these areas can help strengthen social resilience. 5756 opportunities for potential sites to not only have a hyper local effect but become a regional asset for the city at large.
Recommended Community Improvement Focus Areas
High Quality Facilities - 4th & 5th Tierand Distribution - Social Infrastructure
Investing these areas posse the biggest potential for positive community growth. Community investment in these areas can help strengthen social resilience.
Ranking and Distribution - Social Infrastructure
Social vulnerability is a combination of multiple factors, including demographic, socioeconomic, and housing status. infrastructureWhat networks, communities, and can make better versions of ourselves.
vacant sites that cut through the city. Another key activity corridor in the city is the kinsmen trail and Kate Pace Way.
Recommended Community Improvement Focus Areas
Social vulnerability is a combination of multiple factors, including demographic, socioeconomic, and housing status. infrastructureWhat networks, communities, and can make better versions of ourselves.
A underdeveloped decommissioned rail line provides many vacant sites that cut through the city. Another key activity corridor in the city is the kinsmen trail and Kate Pace
vacant sites that cut through the city. Another key activity corridor in the city is the kinsmen trail and Kate Pace Way.
Way. Key Urban Features Primary Streets & Highways Kinsmen Trail Removed CN Rail Line Development Sites Recommended Community Improvement Focus Areas infrastructure reveals gaps in the city fabric, areas in need of community improvement. These zones are seen as unfunded and lacking essential community focused infrastructure Investing in these areas posse the biggest potential for positive community growth. Community investment in these areas can help strengthen social resilience. Community Improvement Area 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9 Mapping Inequalities - Case Study City #4 Evidence Based Development - Case Study City #1 Thesis - The Social Commons Project
Key Urban Features
1716 High Quality Facilities - 4th & 5th Tier
17 High Quality Facilities - 4th & 5th Tier
Key Urban Features Primary Streets & Highways Kinsmen Trail Removed CN Rail Line Development Sites

Toolkits Toolkit Iterations The advantages of DryTile Pages 4 7 Installation Pages 8 9 Innovative surface finishes Hytect and Protecta Pages 10 11 DryTile series Pages 12 49 AreaAlcinaPro 16 - 19 Cedra 20 21 Emotion 22 23 Evalia 24 - 25 Kiano 26 27 Like 28 29 Mandalay 30 31 Nova 32 33 Quarzit 34 35 Remix 36 37 Soul 38 39 Stories 40 41 Timeless 42 43 Unique 44 45 Valley 46 47 Joint colors Pages 50 CONTENTS Changemaker-Shop, Zurich, Switzerland Innovative surface finishes Plausible Futures Selected Community Centre Prototype Options BuildingCladdingSize Roof Form Roofing FinishesFinishes 01 / The Social Commons - Social Vulnerability - Social Infrastructure - Sustainable Development Toolkits 02 / Discover: Discovery Toolkit North Bay, ON - Locating Social Vulnerability - Locating Social Infrastructure - Community Improvement Areas - Evidence Based Development Toronto, Drummondville,ON QC Montreal, QC 03 / Design: Co-Design Toolkit - Establishing User Groups Interior Social Spaces - Community Centre Prototype - Design your Community Centre Exterior Social Spaces - Principle Park Amenities - Support Amenities 04 / Deliver: Application of Toolkits - Site Selection - Plausible Futures 10 Joshua MacDonald - Portfolio 2022

SpaceFoundationPlanning OpeningsStructure Furniture and FixturesFurniture and Fixtures 11Thesis - The Social Commons Project Co-Production Visualization Community Centre Prototype Possibilities Co-Design Toolkit - Community Engagement Platform

12 Joshua MacDonald - Portfolio 2022 After School Program Community centre prototype Typical public development project Community Meeting Concert This prototype is designed to fail safely, it can be implemented with lower budgets and built quickly. The prototype provides high quality community design that is deployable where it is needed and when it is needed.

13Thesis - The Social Commons Project Community Centre Prototype Interior Multi-Purpose Diagrams Urban Living Room Movie Night Fitness Class

The Knivsta Community Learning Campus explores the potential for programmatic deterritorialization to create an inclusive educational landscape of intergenerational, intercultural, and transdisciplinary exchange. By combining a technical high school (Tekniska Gymnasium) and a community centre, we sought to interweave new spatial relationships. New community connections could form across the unexpected pairings, juxtapositions and sharing of a radically hybrid, trans-disciplinary, mixed-use campus.
The Knivsta Community Learning Campus proposes a democratic experiment in building new collective freedoms and possibilities by interweaving a shared social and natural landscape. Programmatic deterritorialization can help foster educational experiences and pedagogies that celebrate wandering exploration and collaboration. An inclusive social infrastructure can be intimately embedded within Knivsta’s forested hills and build new connections throughout this rapidly evolving community.
Project: Academic 2020 - Self Directed Type: Education, Community, Public Space Location: Knivsta, Sweden Duration: 8 Collaborators:weeksAndrew Ashbury - Global Studio Traveling Fellowship- Drawing of the Year 2021 - Enscape Award -
Instead of isolated departments, traditional classrooms and lecturebased teaching, the Learning Campus supports new forms of educational exploration throughout a mix of interconnected spaces.
The campus strives to foster a sense of belonging where students take ownership of their education through hands-on project-focused learning and transdisciplinary collaboration. Typical departmental groupings have been redistributed into a trio of buildings, each offering a different typological experiment in circulation armatures, programmatic juxtapositions and relationships to the forested hill.

Sectional Perspective 16 Joshua MacDonald - Portfolio 2022 Programmatic Deterritorialization Massing Concepts Tower Shed Pit Place of CommunityEducationSpace A New Meeting Place

Tower Approach - Recipient of the Drawing of the Year Award 17Knivsta Community Learning Campus

Project: Competition 2019 - African School Project Type: Secondary School Location: Benga, Malawi Duration: 3 Collaborators:weeksJonas Swienty - Honorable Mention -
The project, “This is not a school,” aims to redefine our traditional perceptions of education and re-imagine the archetype of the classroom. Education does not only transpire within the confines of four walls. The opportunity to learn exists in our everyday lives and the spaces that surround us. Our goal is to create a project that can facilitate as many unique learning opportunities and spaces as possible in order to create the best achievable educational Eachconditions.building has a unique footprint, roof structure, and color accent, giving the spaces individuality and identity within the greater school community. While we propose options for potential placements of these buildings on the site - which we believe possess the greatest collaborative synergies - the goal is to involve the community in the planning of the project. Through this collaboration, we hope to give the users a greater sense of ownership to the project in its planning phases while also providing local involvement in the construction. The given solutions in this proposal accommodates the needs of the school today while anticipating the future demands and growth of an expanding school in a sustainable way. When combined together the catalogue of unique and playful building types create a sequence of distinct but harmonious educational spaces, that can create something much greater, a community. By introducing woodlots throughout the site we hope to use the woodlots to teach students about the pressing issue of deforestation and its effect on Malawian lives. Eventually as the school grows these same trees will be used in the construction of new buildings.

20 Joshua MacDonald - Portfolio 2022 MinimalLearning From Nature Building With The Community Building over time Concept Diagrams The Classroom The Library The Lab Place of

21This is not a School Fully Built Maximum Green Space NeighbourhoodsMasterplan Concept Possibilities Building Typology Catalogue Worship Office Building Dining HallStudent Housing Type 01

The site is one of five lots in this forested landscape. The project rests on a plateau overlooking a nearby river. Careful attention was given to the sitting of the chalet in order to minimize the need for additional clearing and disturbance of surrounding vegetation. In time the chalet will blend further into the natural landscape as the natural cedar siding greys with age.
Located an hour and a half north of Montreal, Chalet SE is a two bedroom rental chalet that has the capability to host up to seven guests. The chalet provides a natural getaway for those looking to escape the busyness of city life.
The simple gable form design minimizes additional construction costs and creates ease of construction for the client who intends to self-build. The simple floor plan creates a single loaded corridor layout where the north facing wall integrates a collection of builtin storage, seating and a flexible workspace. Vista views can be experienced from the open concept living space that opens out onto a large deck space that is shared with a screened porch and wood storage.
Office: MacDonald Architecture + Design - 2022 Type: Location:ChaletSainte-Émélie-de-l’Énergie, Québec Duration: 8 Phase:Collaborators:weeksIndividualConcept-Design
Development Status: Construction Fall 2022

Bathroom Longitudinal Section 24 Joshua MacDonald - Portfolio 2022 Legend 1. Dining Banquet 2. Living Room 3. Kitchen 4. Mechanical 5. Bathroom 6. Secondary Bedroom 7. Primary Bedroom 8. Reading Nook 9. 10.WorkspaceScreened Porch 11. Storage 7 110 9 8 7

Floor Plan Main Living Space 25Professional Work - Chalet SE 1 11 10 23456 98

Office: MacDonald Architecture + Design - 2022 Type: Workshop / Entertainment Space Location: Sparwood, British Columbia Duration: 10 Collaborators:weeksJeremy Hapchina, P.Eng
The project is a merging of traditional timber frame and barn style with a contemporary spin. The main building uses typical stick frame construction methods but uses local Douglas Fir timber members as the support elements for both large exterior overhangs. The outpost is cladded in beautiful Japanese Cypress treated with a shou sugi ban treatment. This cladding offers an unrivaled aesthetic and the ability for the project to sit modestly on site complementing its natural surroundings.
The first component of the design is a large working garage with a double door connection into a large wood shop. The primary building entrance opens into the entertainment space, while still providing access to the adjacent wood shop. The entertainment space is a double height room that opens out towards a covered terrace - ideal for barbecues and gatherings of all sizes. The arrangement of the floor plan allows the garage and wood shop to be perpendicular to the main residence for ease of access and use. While the entertainment wing of the project angles itself so that it is perpendicular to the awe inspiring views of the Rocky Mountains.
The Sparwood outpost is located just outside of Fernie, BC. The project is situated in a clearing surrounded by tall west coast pines, walking distance from the client’s main residence. With a growing desire to experiment, create, and entertain the clients requested an outpost building that could offer them beautiful and practical spaces to enjoy year round.
Phase: Concept - Construction Documents Status: Construction Fall 2022 OUTPOST

Longitudinal Section Ground Floor Plan Garage Elevation 28 Joshua MacDonald - Portfolio 2022 Legend 1. Garage 2. Wood Shop 3. Mechanical 4. Bathroom 5. Entry 6. Wet Bar 7. Entertainment Space 8. Covered Terrace 9. Loft Space 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Entertainment Space Entertainment Space Cross Section 29Professional Work - Sparwood Outpost 6 7 9

30 Joshua MacDonald - Portfolio 2022 I am a co-founder and chief operating officer at nineplusten architectural imagery, where I lead our company in business acquisition and client communication. Entering our second year of business , we have offered visualization services for over 20 different projects across Canada. Nineplusten is dedicated to the art of storytelling. We place special attention on the lighting of spaces, the texturing of materials and careful consideration to colour. This in turn allows us to create the desired atmospheres and environments that help highlight our client’s work. Office: nineplusten Architectural Imagery Type: Various Programs and Scales Location: Various Duration: 2020 - 2022 NINEPLUSTEN Project 117 - Hydrolux Culture Centre- SOCA BCIT Student Plaza - HCMA Family Residence - Affect Studio -Hydrolux 38 Walmer Road - TAS Impact, Suulin Architecture and gh3*

NORTH BAY CRC Tournament Rink View From Track Level Seasonal Use Diagrams Early Winter Morning Hockey PracticeRunning Track and Bleachers Cross Section
I had the privilege to work on the North Bay Community & Recreation Centre in my hometown. It is a 80,000 sqft twin pad arena with walking track, and multi purpose community room. The project sits itself within its natural context, complementing the other public amenities located at the Steve Omischl Sports Complex.
Office: MJMA - 2019/2020 Type: Community & Recreation Centre Location: North Bay, Canada Duration: 8 Months Phase: Pre-Concept - Design Development Status: Undergoing Net Zero Modifications Roles: Renderings, construction documentation, material studies, daylight studies, costing documents, accessible design and graphic communication.
I was involved in the project from the early pre-concept phase untill the end of design development. I played an instrumental role in program relations, massing, and other major design components. In a team of 3, we prepared community engagement, stakeholder, and cost consulting documentation at various phases of the design.
31Professional Work - MJMA

32 Joshua MacDonald - Portfolio 2022
I had a very active role in the shaping of the design and concept where my tasks were but not limited to, facade design, space planning, 3D modeling, concept narrative and general graphic communication.
Working in a small team of 4, we completed a competition proposal, tasked with creating a new community heart and gathering place for the city of Buddinge. The project program included a health house, employment center, kindergarten, youth and senior living. We proposed a village of appropriately scaled buildings that could facilitate beneficial synergies for the community.
Office: 3XN/GXN - 2019 Type: Mixed Use Location: Buddinge, DK Duration: 3.5 weeks Phase: Competition Roles: Program development, 3D modelling, concept development, facade, site research, diagrams and graphic communication.
Axonometric Drawing of Community Complex Design Morphology Diagrams Cross Section Through Health House

Embossed Dome Table CopperShadeInteriorDark Rockwool, White Paper Lighting + Rockwool Projekt nr. 40095 Projekt name Fischer Lighting + Rockwool UPDATE 18/02/2019 Fischer Lighting + Rockwool 18/02/2019 Dark Dye - Metal Inerior White Rockwool Bowl White Dye - Metal Interior White Dye - Paper Interior Dark Rockwool, White Paper Dark Rockwool - Copper Interior 40095 | Fischer Lighting + Rockwool 18/02/2019 Round 01 Black White Dye Rockwool Round 01 Black - White Interior Round 02 White Fabric Mesh - Copper InteriorFabric Mesh - White Dye Dark Dye - Metal Inerior White Rockwool Bowl White Dye - Metal Interior White Dye - Paper Interior Dark Rockwool, White Paper Dark Rockwool - Copper InteriorRound 01 Black White Dye Rockwool Round 01 Black - White Interior Round 02 White Fabric MeshFabric Mesh - White Dye Round 01 Black White Dye Rockwool Round 01 Black - White Interior Round 02 White Fabric Mesh - Copper InteriorFabric Mesh - White Dye 33Professional Work - 3XN/GXN
Throughout this process I contacted various suppliers, gathered competitive quotes and took a project from initial design phase all the way through to administration.
Office: 3XN/GXN - 2019 Type: Location:LightingCopenhagen, DK Duration: 7 weeks Phase: Concept - Shop Drawings Status: Built Roles: Material studies, 3D modelling, product research, material pricing, contacting suppliers and contractors, prototyping and graphic communication. FISCHER LIGHTING Built Exhibition Stand on Display Shade Attachment Sketches ‘August’ Downlight FixtureConcept Sketches of Portable Exhibition Stand
Working with the recently finished, award winning ‘August’ fixture, I was involved with the further development of a sustainable and upcycled retrofit light fixture, components made from recycled net. I led various parts of the project including the design of an acoustic attachment, the sourcing and pricing of packaging and the design and construction of a portable exhibition stand for the fixture.

OPCIONES DE TERRAZAS 36 BJARKE INGELS GROUP / HCP ELEMENTOS PREFABRICADOS OPCIONES DE TERRAZAS 35TORRE DEL RIO PROPUESTA DETERRAZASIDEASCONCEPTOJARDINERAPAVIMENTO DE TERRACOTA EN TERRAZASELEMENTOS DE HORMIGÓN PREFABRICADO 34 Joshua MacDonald - Portfolio 2022 While working on this project my roles included but were not limited to concept and massing development, complex facade modeling, physical model making and leading the architectural visualizations in a double concept entry submission. Office: Bjarke Ingels Group - 2018 Type: High End Residential Location: Confidential Duration: 9 weeks Phase: Competition Roles: Visualization, site research, 3D modelling, concept development, facade studies, physical modelling, diagrams and graphic communication. RESIDENTIAL TOWERS Promenade View Various Arch Modules 1:50 Foam ModelEntrance Plaza

MUSEUM MASTER PLAN View from Entry Road Park Gateway Masterplan Site Plan Unreal Engine Animation Timeline
In the act of designing this project my roles included but were not limited to concept and massing development, complex facade 3D modeling, physical model making. Throughout the project I was fortunate to take the lead on producing final visualization material. Additionally in a short 2 week period following the design submission I was tasked along with another colleague to learn Unreal Engine and produce a 3 minute long cinematic animation as a critical component of the competition submission. Bjarke Ingels GroupType: Master Plan Location: Confidential Duration: 10 weeks Phase: Competition Roles: Animation, visualization, site research, 3D modelling, concept development, facade studies, physical modelling, diagrams and graphic communication.
35Professional Work - Bjarke Ingels Group

Joshua MacDonald email: phone:website:j.macdonald1295@gmail.comjoshuamacdonald.ca+17054945222