Telle brandbook

Page 1

Table of Contents 6 Introduction 8 History 10

Mission & Vision statement

14 Philosophy 18

Tone & personality


The way we talk

24 Logo 27 Colors 28 Fonts 29

Icons & Elements

30 Photography



Glad you could join us Remember the good ole days? When you had to remember phone numbers? You had to ask who was calling, and prank phone calls were easier than feeding the dog? The world is so fast paced nowadays, which makes the time you are spending on your phone that much more valuable. Telle is your shadow, your best bud, not looking to be your parents and tell you what to do, more so giving you an outside perspective on how your running things and an overview of where your precious seconds are being spent. But let’s go back for a second....



Let us hit you with a little history The telephone was invented in roughly around the 1860’s, so they’ve been around a while, approximately 150 sum years, and now our smartphones can do everything except for a back flip... However they may be able to teach you how to perform one.

It’s all about the 40’s and 50’s... But why? There is a pretty widening gap between how phones are used in today’s society and how they were used in the 1940’s or 1950’s. In the old days phones were hooked to a wall, a rotary, no caller id, and who remembers party lines? Telle is about that nostalgia and trying to create consideration for history and not taking our smartphones for granted.


Distancing ourselves Telle distances itself from the rest of its competitors by the overall feeling that is associated with Telle. The way Telle talks to you makes it seem as though you are talking to a friend. We understand that not all the time you spend on your phone is bad. We focus around a humanistic path where we connect you with your community while informing you of your smartphone usage


MISSION We act as an intellectual and concerned friend, providing insight into our users everyday lives and how they are spending their time using their smartphones.




VISION A general smartphone literacy, informed usage, and a more enriched physical interaction between an individual and their community.


Philosophy Smartphones are devices that we as a society have become so dependent upon whether it be the fear of missing something within friend groups or not being able to sustain from texting while at the family diner table. Telle is based around the idea that we are becoming disconnected from each other in physical space and losing a bit of personal interaction. Smartphones do a lot of good but like my mother always said “Too much of a good thing is a bad thing�. We cannot change behavior, we cannot stop someone from using their smartphone, although giving them the insight into how they are using their smartphone might just be enough for the user to change their behavior or at least understand it.

Founding principles Telle was founded on the idea that people are reckless with their phone usage and truly do not understand how they are using their smartphones. Our society is almost surgically connected to their smartphones. As such Telle is here to educate not dictate.



The way we sound Nobody likes to be told what to do or even talked down and it seems that people like to do that. That’s not what Telle is about, we like to look at everything from an adult to adult relationship. Were not here to boss you around and tell you if your spending your time wisely or not. We give you that best friend advice, the kind that truly comes from the heart.



Brand tone and personality A mixture of retro and spunky vocabulary is something that makes the Telle brand so fresh and intriguing. Telle uses a business casual tone, we loosen the tie, mess up the hair and get to work. We are like a best friend we care more than you really know and our advice is valuable but were not going to twist your arm.

Call to actions Telle is not anti smart phone, we simply implore our users to be conscious of their smartphone usage.



The way we talk Kickin it old school Built on the love of interaction with people Tell implores the usage of phrases and terms from the 1940’s and 1950’s

Don’t forget the smart Telle is a mobile app, and focuses around the usage of smartphones, therefore when referring to what Telle does, there should be an emphasis on “smartphone” over the simple “phone”.


Phone awareness We at Telle believe that our vision is spreading phone awareness and how the fact that people understand that thats what were trying to do.


The way we look Telle is so fancy and clean cut we make Sintra look like a hobo. We maintain our dapper look through various graphic elements and a simple yet beautiful color scheme.



Logo The Telle logo is the first impression and as everyone knows, first impressions are everything, so we want look as good as we can all the time. It is a symbol of nostalgia and the difference between phone usage then and now. Also there is an emphasis on time usage which is embodied in the clock face in the receiver.






Logo no no’s Refrain from changing the Telle logo in ways such as‌ Changing the color, stretching the size, placing an effect that defamates the image (ex. Weird squiggly effect). Most of all never present the Telle logo with simply the text, the logo must always be accompanied by the telephone alpha glyph.


Colors The colors that Telle uses are specifically chosen to exemplify an older time, a better time. We expect that all of those who speak for Telle adhere to these color guidelines.


C0 M82 Y70 K0 R241 G86 B78 HEX #EF5B50

C0 M82 Y70 K0 R19 G180 B177 HEX #38BEBB

C0 M0 Y10 K0 R255 G253 B253 HEX #FFFDE9

C22 M100 Y100 K15 R172 G31 B35 HEX #AC1F23

C86 M32 Y52 K9 R9 G127 B124 HEX #037F7C

C0 M0 Y10 K10 R232 G230 B212 HEX #E8E6D4




Wisdom Script

Futura Std.

Wisdom Script should be primarily used for headers and short phrases. It resembles the vintage script that Telle prides itself on.

Futura std is a very clean and readable type, and should be used for body text. Futura was also a font designed before the 1950’s therefore a practical application.


Iconic elements The all mighty alpha glyph, the Telle icon element is another piece to the brand puzzle that helps to speak for us when words cannot. The phone icon must follow the same guidelines as the original Telle logo.


User interface icons Our icons are meant to be used exclusively for user interface, they are specifically chosen for their readability and simplicity.


Photography Telle prides itself on the our vintage and nostalgic feel that we really drive home with our colors, and icons. Another piece that we truly love is the photography asset. The photographs are a true gateway into the original Telle brand.

Keep it Black and white This really helps us to maintain our vintage look, and makes our colors really pop.





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