4 minute read
Original Research
To begin our research, Paige Kinney, Micaela Head, Lauren Pittas and I went to the Roanoke Hotel. There we observed how a hotel functions pertaining to its guests and employees. We learned that the Roanoke Hotel was built in 1882 and later on was historically renovated. During renovation, hidden treasures were found and are now celebrated within the space. From our observations we came up with a leading question and created a survey.
- Historic preservation policies and applications
- Integration of technology
- Use of signage throughout
Survey Demographics Survey Questions + Answers
What is your gender?
What is your age?
How often do you stay in hotels? Why do people normally stay in hotels?
47.2% for vacation 44.4% for work/business
Amenity Space Preference Rankings
1. Restaurant/Bar 2. Spa 3. Workspace 4. Pool + Recreation 5. Gym
Where do people enjoy spending most of their time while staying in a hotel?
1. Elsewhere 2. Room 3. Common Spaces
Open-Ended Questions
- Have you ever had an experience where lighting was an issue in your room?
- Have you ever had a positive hotel experience? If so, what about it made it positive?
- Has your room or another room impacted your stay in a negative way?
What style hotel do most people prefer?
28.6% Boho 25.7% Historic 22.9% Glam 20% Contemporary 2.9% Fun
Do people prefer hotels with history or hotels that are more up-to-date?
44.4% Historic Hotels 55.6% Newer Hotels
What color scheme do people prefer in a hotel?
1. Black/white modern 2. Neutral with a pop of color 3. Greens and browns 4. Neons
Key Takeaways
- More people prefer historic hotels and traditional design than expected
- People notice lighting and want more lighting control
- People are more aware of design elements than expected (signage, way finding, lighting, etc.)
- People gravitated towards timeless color palettes vs. what is currently trending
- More people advocated for a designated workspace amenity than anticipated
- To accommodate travelers, access to charging ports in a comfortable environment is necessary
- Have you ever had an experience where lighting was an issue in your room?
- Have you ever had a positive hotel experience? If so, what about it made it positive?
- Has your room or another room impacted your stay in a negative way?
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