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GILL SANS GARAMOND 1926 Gill Sans is a sans-serif typeface designed by Eric Gill. The original design appeared in 1926 when Douglas Cleverdon opened a bookshop in his home town of Bristol, where Gill painted the fascia over the window in sans-serif capitals that would later be known as Gill Sans. In addition, Gill had sketched a design for Cleverdon, intended as a guide for him to make future notices and announcements. Gill further developed it into a complete font family after Stanley Morison commissioned the development of Gill Sans to combat the families of Erbar, Futura and Kabel which were being launched in Germany during the latter 1920s. Gill Sans was later released in 1928 by Monotype Corporation. Gill was a well established sculptor, graphic artist and type designer, and the Gill Sans typeface takes inspiration from Edward Johnston’s Johnston typeface for London Underground, which Gill had worked on while apprenticed to Johnston.

1540 Garamond /ˈɡærəmɒnd/ is the name given to a group of old-style serif typefaces named after the punch-cutter Claude Garamond (c. 1480–1561). Most of the Garamond faces are more closely related to the work of a later punch-cutter, Jean Jannon. A direct relationship between Garamond’s letterforms and contemporary type can be found in the Roman versions of the typefaces Adobe Garamond, Granjon, Sabon, and Stempel Garamond. Garamond’s letterforms convey a sense of fluidity and consistency. Some unique characteristics in his letters are the small bowl of the a and the small eye of the e. Long extenders and top serifs have a downward slope. Garamond is considered to be among the most legible and readable serif typefaces for use in print (offline) applications.[1] It has also been noted to be one of the most eco-friendly major fonts when it comes to ink usage.[2]

M U S IC : songs/i-remember-well-82221497 I Remember Well - Fernando Ortega The Swell Season - Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova Procelain - Helen Jane Long So Long, Lonesome - Explosions in the Sky Echo - Helen Jane Long


The Mortmain family is poor but exotic. Cassandra’s father is a writer suffering from writer’s block who has not published anything since his first book, Jacob Wrestling (a reference to Jacob Wrestling with the Angel), an innovative and “difficult” novel that sold well and made his name, including in America. Ten years before the story begins, he took out a forty-year lease on a dilapidated but beautiful castle, hoping to find either inspiration or isolation there; now, his family is selling off the furniture to buy food. The widowed Mortmain’s second wife, Topaz, is a beautiful artist’s model who enjoys communing with nature, sometimes wearing nothing but hip boots. Rose, the elder daughter, is a classic English beauty pining away in the lonely castle, longing for a chance to meet some eligible (and preferably rich) young men; she tells her sister that she wants to live in a Jane Austen novel. Cassandra, the younger daughter and the story’s narrator, has literary ambitions and spends a lot of time developing her writing talent by “capturing” everything around her in her journal. Stephen, the handsome, loyal, live-in son of the Mortmain’s late cook, and Thomas, the youngest Mortmain child, round out the cast of household characters. Stephen, a “noble soul”, is in love with Cassandra, which she finds touching, but a bit awkward; Thomas, a schoolboy, is, like Cassandra, considered “tolerably bright”. Things begin to happen when the Cottons, a wealthy American family, inherit nearby Scoatney Hall and become the Mortmains’ new landlords. Cassandra and Rose soon become intrigued by the unmarried brothers, Simon and Neil. The brothers differ considerably in character; Neil, who was raised in California by their father, is a carefree young man who wants to become a rancher in America, while Simon, who grew up in New England with his mother, is scholarly and serious, and loves the English countryside. Simon, the elder brother, is the heir and therefore much wealthier than Neil, so although Rose isn’t attracted to him, she decides to marry him if she can, declaring that she’d marry the devil himself to escape the family’s poverty.

At their first meeting, the Cottons are amused and interested by the Mortmains; when they pay a call the very next day, however, the inexperienced Rose flirts openly with Simon and makes herself look ridiculous. Both brothers are repelled by this display and, as they walk away, Cassandra overhears them resolving to drop all acquaintance with the Mortmains. After an amusing episode involving a fur coat, however, all is forgiven and the two families become good friends. Rose decides that she really is taken with Simon, and Cassandra and Topaz scheme to get Simon to propose to her. Simon falls in love with Rose and proposes to her, which then sends Rose and Topaz to London with Mrs. Cotton to purchase Rose’s wedding trousseau. One evening, while everyone else is away, Cassandra and Simon spend the evening together, which leads to their kissing, and Cassandra is cast into an emotional tailspin. She becomes obsessed with Simon but suffers feelings of guilt since he is Rose’s fiancé. Cassandra now faces many pressures: she must tactfully deflect Stephen’s offers of love, and encourage him in his emerging career as a model and movie actor; join forces with Thomas to help their father overcome his writer’s block by the drastic (though apparently effective) expedient of imprisoning him in a medieval tower; cope with her own increasing attraction to Simon; and record everything, wittily and winningly, in her journal (as the journal advances, the relationships she depicts become subtler and more problematic). Meanwhile, unnoticed by anyone but Stephen, Rose and Neil have been falling in love. To conceal their budding romance, they pretend to hate each other. When they eventually elope together, Simon is left heartbroken – Cassandra, hopeful. Before Simon leaves to go back to America, he comes to see Cassandra. In spite of her feelings for him, Cassandra deflects the conversation at a moment when she thinks he may be about to propose to her. The book closes on an ambiguous note, with Cassandra reminding herself that Simon has promised to return, and closing her journal for good by reasserting her love for him.


A S Y M M E T R Y B L O G : of asymmetry in the world. It was “Asymmetry is the rhythm in a broad concept, and I’m not sure if I hit the nail on the head, but which we live.” #design So the above quote was the first here’s what I have: Selby encouraged us to always one-liner that I recorded in Typography 1 in my sophomore year of think in odd numbers and to think the Graphics program at the Uni- more about the negative space versity of Kansas. I expect more than about the occupied space. one liners to come.The quote de- Along with those aspects, in body scribes not only an important as- copy or in short subtext we are to pect of design but also life around create differing line lengths to help us. Complete symmetry in the the reader see what they have alreal world is almost non-existent, ready read, and to help visually by and if there is complete symme- giving the page movement. Great try, it’s often dreadfully boring. first assignment, it was eye openOur teacher, Michael Selby, as- ing to see how much asymmetry signed each of us to take pictures there really is all around us.

Strong Hall, Lawrence KS

The Bell Tower

Long wind-ey road

San Antonio view

Outside of Starbucks on Mass

BOOK RESEARCH BLOG: Last Monday Selby asked us to take pictures of book covers, their cover pages, creative openings, and how the designer manipulated the different aspects of the page. I’m just now getting around to posting a few photos (1AM a week later...), here ya go:

Gill & Gar B L O G O F T H E D AY : Hey so for todays assignment Selby asked us to find 10 examples of our 2 typefaces and put them on the blog. Here goes a combo of Gill Sans and Garamond:



B L O G :

I had fun looking for them- who knew that the Keep Calm and Carry On posters were made from Gill Sans? Oh the irony. Well Selby also had us look for 5 book covers that we really loved off of this insane book cover archive website- It’ll change your life. So here are some of my favorites from my brief scroll:

I’m just a sucker for hand drawn type I think? Even if it’s not hand drawn, it looks like it. Maybe they used a brush? Regardless, I appreciate the repetitive brush strokes, the consistent capital letters. The text itself is a little on the short and pudgy side, which I assume resembles the short stories within it? The simplicity of it is nice and the childish characteristics are endearing. It’s a warm, almost light and airy text, which the color embodies as well. I don’t know what this book is about, and I’ll most likely never read it, but the text- the boldness of it, the white that jumps off the red, the contrasting small black text- freaks me out. It clearly resembles giant white teeth- perhaps that look like the bro off of the Hunger Games movie? That’s all I can envision. The design is great because, even if it is a little creepy, it stirs reaction rather than being overlooked, which is the goal. I loved this one because of the hand drawn type. I like the consistency of the ink and style of the text- big bold and beautiful... The type seems expressive- maybe simply because it’s handwritten? I appreciate the creepiness of the text, maybe it’s a creepy book too? Who knows.

The book looks wide awake. All the text is kerned to a certain extend- the title moreso than the author name and description. The text and negative space created within it but also around it remind me of a deer caught in headlightsthere’s an exposure that the designer captured in the layout. Even without the roman numerals bleeding off the cover, it gets the point across. I’m not sure if this is a cover or what, but it’s nice. Once again I appreciate the simplicity, the boldness of the text. The bleed is nice, the letters say what the title is saying- square. Be there or be square. Haaaa. Okay it’s 1:30AM bear with me... The text is a faded black, seeming lighter than the standard black text, perhaps indicating more about the story? The supporting text adds detail but does not take away from the bold title, which seems like it was hard to do with the excess text. It’s a good example for what we’re doing in class now.

Well this was fun! Let’s do it again sometime. Next week? Okay!


B L O G :

“Music in any context sets the tone for whatever is going on.”- Michael Selby Ohhh the one liners of design. Gotta love ‘em. Okay so I found some songs for I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I Remember Well - Fernando Ortega The Swell Season - Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova Procelain - Helen Jane Long So Long, Lonesome - Explosions in the Sky Echo - Helen Jane Long

I have to say this has been one of the best assignments yet in design school- I really love instrumental music, lyrical is nice too, though. In my opinion music and color go hand and hand, music and design, music and life events, etc. I wish life had a soundtrack, how much more interesting would that be? I guess I could carry around my boom box from the 90s...? Or I could go to sleep while I’m ahead. This was fun!


i CA P TUrE tHE c A S TLe I write this sitting in the kitchen sink.

That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have

padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really

comfortable, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the

only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found that

sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my

very best poem while sitting on the hen

house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it.

Dodie Smith 1948

K itchEn sin k.

I write this sitting in the

That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, w h i c h I h av e p a d d e d w i t h o u r d o g ’s b l a n k e t a n d t h e t e a c o s y. I c a n ’t s ay t h a t I a m r e a l l y c o m f o r t a b l e , a n d t h e r e i s a depressing smell of carbolic soap,

but this is

t h e o n l y p a r t o f t h e kitchen where there is any daylight left.

And I have found that sitting in a place where y o u h a v e n e v e r s a t b e f o r e c a n b e

inspiring s i t t i n g v e r y

o n

g o o d

t h e

h e n

p o e m .


I wrote my ver y h o u s e . h a v e

b e s t

T h o u g h

d e c i d e d

e v e n

m y

t h a t


M U S T N ’ T

w r i t e

a n y

t h a t

p o e t r y

i s

p o e m

s o

m o r e

w h i l e i s n ’ t


b a d o f

i t .

I write sitting insitting the kitchen sink. I write this this sitting inthis the kitchen ThatThat I write in sink. the kitchen sink. That Ithis write this sitting in rest the kitchen sink. That write sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the of me is onThat the I Iis, write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the I write is, thismysitting in the kitchen sink. That I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That feet are inwhich it; the rest of me is with on the I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is,my my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, I have padded is, feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the is, my feet are inthis it; padded the restin of me is on the I it; write sitting the kitchen sink. That draining board, which I have with is, my feet are in the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t draining board, which I have padded with ourdraining dog’s which blanket and the tea cosy. Ithe can’t is, my feet arewhich in it; rest of me is on thethe board, which Ifeet have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t draining board, I have padded with draining board, I have padded with is, my are in it; the rest of me is on our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t I this write this sitting inreally the kitchen sink. That draining board, which I tea have padded with I write sitting in the kitchen sink. That our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. can’t say that I really am comfortable, and there our dog’s blanket and the tea I Icosy. can’t Icosy. write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That say that I am comfortable, and there draining board, which have padded with our dog’s blanket and the II can’t say that Itea am really comfortable, and our dog’s blanket and the cosy. Iisthis can’t our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. Ithere can’t draining board, which I have padded with I write sitting in the kitchen sink. That say that I am really comfortable, and there is, my feet are in it; the rest of me on the That my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the sayis, that I am really comfortable, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but say that I am really comfortable, and there is, my feet are in it;tea the restbut me is on the is asay depressing of carbolic soap, but our dog’s blanket and the cosy. Iofcan’t that I is am really and there asmell depressing smell of carbolic soap, say that I board, am comfortable, and there say that Icomfortable, am really comfortable, and there our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. can’t is, my feet are in it;and the rest of meI isThat on the is a really depressing smell of carbolic soap, but draining which Iof have padded with Iof write this sitting in the kitchen sink. draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s say that I am really comfortable, there draining board, which I have padded with depressing smell carbolic soap, but this is the only part of the kitchen where I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That I write sitting in the kitchen sink. That isisaathis depressing smell carbolic soap, but I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That draining board, which I have padded with is the only part of the kitchen where say that I am really comfortable, and there I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only part of the kitchen where I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That isour a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but iscosy. a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but say that Ithe am really comfortable, and there draining board, which I me have padded with this is the only part of kitchen where dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. Iit; can’t I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the blanket and the tea I can’t say that I am really is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t this is the only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found That is, my feet are in the rest of is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the this is the only part of the kitchen where is, myonly are inismy it; ofkitchen me issitting on the our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t there isfeet daylight left. And I sitting have found aIisthe write depressing this smell in of the carbolic kitchen soap, sink. butThat my feet are inof it; the rest of me on the this isis,any the only part the where there is any daylight left. And Iis have found Irest write this in the kitchen sink. That is,of feet are in it; the rest of me is on the this is the part the kitchen where this is only part of the kitchen where awrite depressing of carbolic soap, but our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. can’t there is any daylight left. And Ismell have found say that Ithat am really comfortable, and there Ithe this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me isIand on the draining board, which Inever have padded with I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That comfortable, and there is a depressing smell of this is the only part of the kitchen where sayIdraining that I am really comfortable, and there there is any daylight left. And I have found sitting in a place where you have never is on the draining board, which I have draining board, which I have padded with board, which I have padded with there is any daylight left. And I have found draining board, which I have padded with say that I am really comfortable, there that sitting in a place where you have is, this my is feet the only are in part it; the of the rest kitchen of me is where on the draining board, which I have padded with there is any daylight left. And have found writeI iswrite this sitting inthere the kitchen sink. That this sitting in the kitchen sink. That that sitting in a place where you have never is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with there any daylight left. And I have found is any daylight left. And Ihave have found this is the part of kitchen where say that I only am really comfortable, and there that sitting in awhere place where you have never I sitting write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That adog’s depressing smell of carbolic soap, but is, my feet are inwrote it; the rest of me is onsoap, draining board, which Ithe padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I cosy. can’t is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the carbolic soap, but this isblanket the only part of kitchen there is any daylight left. And Inever have found isis,our ais depressing smell of carbolic soap, but that sitting in apadded place have sat before can be inspiring Iwhich my with our dog’s blanket and our dog’s blanket and the tea Ithe can’t blanket and the tea cosy. Ihave can’t that in ablanket place where you never our dog’s and the tea cosy. Ithe can’t is ayou depressing of carbolic but sat before can be inspiring Iany wrote my very draining there is any board, daylight left. Ismell have And padded I have have found with our dog’s and the tea cosy. Ivery can’t that sitting in athe place where you have never my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the is, my feet are in it; rest of me is on the sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very draining board, which I have padded with I write I write this this sitting sitting in the in I write the kitchen kitchen this sink. sitting sink. That in That the kitchen sink. That our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t that sitting in a place where you have never that sitting in a place where you never there is daylight left. And I have found is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the this is the only part of the kitchen where draining board, which I have padded with I write this sitting in I write the kitchen this sitting sink. in That the kitchen sink. That our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really comfortable, and there draining board, which I have padded with where there is any daylight left. And I have found that that sitting in a place where you have never this is the only part of the kitchen where sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really say that I am really comfortable, and there saydraining that I am really comfortable, and there sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very say that I am really comfortable, and there this is the only part of the kitchen where best poem while sitting on the hen house. our that dog’s sitting blanket in a place and where the tea you cosy. have I can’t never say that I am really comfortable, and there before can be inspiring Imy wrote my very board, which Iit; have padded with draining board, which IIis, have padded with best poem while sitting on the henand house. our dog’s blanket and the cosy. Ion can’t is, my is,issat my feet feet are are in it; inwhile the the rest my rest feet me of are me is on in is it; on the the the rest of issink. the say that Iwrote am really comfortable, there sat before can be inspiring Idog’s very sat before can inspiring Iof wrote myme very that sitting in areally place where you have never write this sitting in the kitchen That this is the only part where best poem sitting on the hen house. draining board, which have padded with there any daylight left. And Iof have found our and the tea cosy. IIbut can’t is,issitting my are inwhile it; is, the my rest feet of are me in is it; on the the of me istea on the say that Ibe am comfortable, and there is acarbolic depressing smell of carbolic soap, our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. can’t in athis place where you have never sat before sat before can be inspiring Ihouse. wrote my very there isfeet any daylight left. And Iof found Ithe write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That best poem while sitting on the hen Though even that isn’t ablanket very good poem. comfortable, and there is aIrest depressing I write this sitting in kitchen sink. That is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but abest depressing smell of soap, but poem sitting on the hen house. I write is a depressing I write sitting this in smell sitting the kitchen in carbolic the sink. kitchen soap, That sink. but That there is any daylight left. And have found Though even that isn’t a very good poem. say sat before that I am can really be inspiring comfortable, I wrote and my there very is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but best poem while sitting on the hen house. our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t Though even that isn’t a very good poem. say that I am really comfortable, and there draining draining board, board, which which I draining have I have padded board, padded with which with I have padded with is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but best I write poem this while sitting sitting in the on the kitchen hen sink. house. That best poem while sitting on the hen house. sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the there is any daylight left. And I have found Though even that isn’t abest very good poem. our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. Ipoem that sitting in ain place where you have never say that Iwrite am really comfortable, and there draining board, draining Iisn’t have padded which with Ican’t have padded with Iof write aof Ime this this sitting smell sitting in of the in carbolic kitchen the kitchen soap, sink. sink. but That That this is the only part of the kitchen where say that Iwhich am really comfortable, and there can inspiring Ithat my very while best poem while sitting on the hen house. that sitting in aIonly place where you have never is, my feet are in it; the rest of me ishouse. on the Though even isn’t aboard, very good poem. have decided my poetry is so bad that Ithe smell of carbolic soap, but this is the is,Though my feet are the rest of me is on this the only part of the kitchen where this isbe the part of the kitchen even that ait; very good poem. is, my feet are is my the in feet only it; are the part in rest the the rest kitchen iswhere of on me the where is on the that sitting in athe place where you have never Ithis have decided my poetry is so bad that Iso Idepressing write this sitting in kitchen sink. Iit; write is best Icomfortable, write aand this depressing poem this sitting while in smell the sitting of kitchen carbolic on kitchen the sink. hen soap, sink. That but That this iswrote the only part of the kitchen where Though even that isn’t awrite very good poem. say that Iis, am really comfortable, and there say that IIhave am really and there have decided my poetry is bad that I have is atea depressing smell of carbolic soap, butThat our our dog’s dog’s blanket blanket and the our the dog’s tea cosy. blanket cosy. Ismell can’t Iplace can’t and the tea cosy. Ibut can’t this is the only part of the kitchen where is, Though my feet even are that inbe it; isn’t the a rest very of good me is poem. on the Though even I that isn’t this sitting a very in good the poem. kitchen sink. That best poem while on the hen house. draining board, which I have padded with that sitting in a where you never I decided my poetry is so bad that I say that am really comfortable, and there sat before can inspiring I wrote my very is a depressing of carbolic soap, our dog’s blanket and our the dog’s tea blanket cosy. I can’t and the tea cosy. I can’t is, this my is, feet is my the feet are only in are it; part in it; of rest the rest of kitchen me of is me on where ison the onthe the there isthere any daylight left. And have found is aany depressing smell of soap, but sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t aIthe Though even I have write that isn’t this sitting athe very in good poem. kitchen sink. That sat there before can be inspiring wrote my very which Ibe have padded with have decided my poetry is so bad that Irest mustn’t write any more of it. only part of the kitchen where there is board, which Imy have padded with is any daylight left. And Ipoem. have found ismustn’t daylight left. And Icarbolic have found I aIis have decided my poetry is so bad that I the draining there board, isam any which board, daylight Idraining which left. padded Iboard, And have Iand with padded have found with sat before can inspiring Ion wrote my very write any more of it. is, my feet are in it; the rest of me iswhere is, my is, feet this Though my feet is are the in even are only it; in that it; part rest the isn’t of of the ait. me very of kitchen is me good on is the where the there is any daylight left. And have found Idraining have decided poetry is so bad that isdraining depressing smell of carbolic soap, but a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but mustn’t write any more this is the only part of the kitchen say say that that I I am really really comfortable, say comfortable, that I am really and there there comfortable, and there there is any daylight left. And I have found draining I have decided board, my which poetry I have is so padded bad that with I I have decided is, my feet my poetry are in it; is the so bad rest that of me I is on the Though even that isn’t a very good poem. our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very I write this sitting I write in the this kitchen sitting sink. in the That kitchen sink. That mustn’t write any more of it. is agood smell of carbolic soap, but best poem while sitting on the hen house. this is the only part of the where say that Idepressing am really say comfortable, that Isitting am really and comfortable, and there draining there draining is board, any board, daylight which which Iso left. have Ikitchen And have padded Ipadded padded have with found with in athere place where you have never this is the only part of the kitchen where very poem. I have decided my poetry is bad I have decided is, my feet my poetry are in it; is the so bad rest that of me I is on the best poem while sitting on the hen house. our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t mustn’t write any more of it. any daylight left. And I have found that our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t that sitting in a place where you have never that sitting in a place where you have never mustn’t write any more of it. our dog’s that our blanket sitting dog’s in and blanket a place the tea and where cosy. the tea you I can’t cosy. have I never can’t best poem while sitting on the hen house. draining board, which I have with draining draining there I have board, is decided board, any which daylight which my I poetry I left. have padded And is padded so I with have bad with that found I that sitting in a place where you have never I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That mustn’t write any more of it. this is the only part of the this is the only part of the kitchen where there isany any daylight And Ipadded have found is aisdepressing aeven depressing smell smell of carbolic of akitchen depressing carbolic soap, soap, but but ofleft. carbolic soap, but in aI rest place where you have never our mustn’t dog’s blanket any and more the of tea it. cosy. Iwhere can’t mustn’t write draining board, more which of it. Isoap, with Iis have decided poetry ishave bad that I the say that am really comfortable, and there best poem while sitting on the hen is,be my feet are in is, it; my the feet are ofsmell in me it; the is on rest the of me ishouse. this iswrite the only part of the kitchen where that isn’t asitting very good poem. there is any daylight left. And Iso have found issay aThough depressing smell is of athat depressing carbolic soap, smell but of carbolic but our that our dog’s sitting dog’s blanket in blanket amy place and and the where tea the cosy. tea you cosy. have Ithere can’t Ion never can’t sat before can be inspiring Ipadded wrote my very is any daylight left. And Iwrote have found that Ithere mustn’t write any more it. mustn’t write draining board, more which of it. Ithe have with Though even that isn’t aleft. very good poem. say Iof am really comfortable, and sitting in aany place where you have never say that I am really comfortable, and there sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very sat before can inspiring I wrote my very that sat I say am before that really I can am comfortable, be really inspiring comfortable, and I there and my very there Though even that isn’t a very good poem. our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t our our dog’s that mustn’t dog’s blanket sitting blanket write in and a any place and the more tea where cosy. tea of it. cosy. you I can’t have can’t never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very is, my feet are it; the rest of me is on the there is any daylight And I have found there is any daylight left. And I have found that sitting in a place where you have never this this is the is the only only part part of this the of the is kitchen the kitchen only where part where of the kitchen where sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very say that I am really comfortable, and there our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t mustn’t write any more of it. is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but Though even that isn’t a very good poem. draining board, draining which I have board, padded which with I have padded with there is any daylight left. And I have found I have decided my poetry is so bad that I that sitting in a place where you have never this is the only part this of the is the kitchen only part where of the kitchen where say sat that say before that I am I can really am be really comfortable, inspiring comfortable, I wrote and and there my very there best poem while sitting on the hen house. that sitting in a place where you have never our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t Ithat have decided my poetry is so bad that I is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but before can be inspiring I house. wrote my adepressing depressing smell of carbolic soap, but best while sitting on house. best poem while sitting on the hen house. isisisaathere best isisin apoem depressing smell while of sitting carbolic smell of on carbolic soap, the hen but soap, but Iam have my poetry is sohen bad that I say that Idecided am really comfortable, and there say that say sat that Icarbolic am before I really can really comfortable, be comfortable, inspiring and I And wrote and there there my very poem while sitting on the hen house. draining board, which Inever have padded with sitting abest place where you have that sitting in aasat place where you sat before can be inspiring Iso wrote my very there any is any daylight daylight left. there left. And And is Ipoem any have Ihave have daylight found found left. Ithe have found best poem while sitting on the hen house. depressing smell of soap, but say that Inever am really comfortable, and there this is the only part of the kitchen where Iour have decided my poetry is bad that I our dog’s blanket and dog’s the blanket tea cosy. and can’t tea cosy. Ivery can’t that sitting in place where you have never mustn’t write any more of it. sat before can be inspiring I wrote my there is any daylight there left. And is any I have daylight found left. And I have found best a depressing is a poem depressing while smell sitting smell of carbolic of on carbolic the soap, hen soap, house. but but Though even that isn’t a very good poem. sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very say that I am really comfortable, and there mustn’t write any more of it. this is the only part of the kitchen where very best poem while sitting on the hen this is the only part of the kitchen where Though even that isn’t a very good poem. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. this is Though the this only isThough even the part only that of the part isn’t kitchen of very the where kitchen good poem. where write any more of is amustn’t depressing smell of carbolic soap, but is abe depressing is best aplace depressing poem smell while smell of sitting of carbolic on soap, the soap, hen but but even that isn’t aand very good poem. our dog’s blanket the tea cosy. Ithe can’t sat before can be inspiring Imustn’t wrote my very sat before can inspiring wrote my very best poem while sitting on hen house. that that sitting sitting in athat in place where that where you you have in have acarbolic never place never where have never Though even that isn’t asmell very good this the only part the kitchen where is aIIsitting depressing of carbolic soap, but there is any daylight left. And Ipoem. have write any more of say that Iaof really say that comfortable, Ismell am really and comfortable, and there satisbest before can be inspiring wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. that sitting in adecided place where sitting you in have abad place never where you have never this Though this is the is even only the only part that part isn’t of the of athere very kitchen kitchen good where poem. where Iam have decided my poetry is so bad that Ifound poem while sitting on the hen house. is a depressing of carbolic soap, but there any daylight left. And I have found house. Though even that isn’t a very good there is any daylight left. And I have found I have decided my poetry is so bad that I Ibest have decided my poetry is so I there is I have any there daylight is any left. daylight my And poetry left. I have is And so found bad I have that found I this is the only part of the kitchen where this this is Though the is only the even only part part that of the of isn’t kitchen the a kitchen very where good where poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I say that I am really comfortable, and there poem while sitting on the hen house. best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. sat sat before before can can be inspiring be inspiring sat before I wrote I wrote can my be my very inspiring very I wrote my very I have decided my poetry is so bad that I there is any daylight left. And I have found this is the only part of the kitchen where that sitting in aof place where you have never ismustn’t awhile depressing is smell awrite depressing of carbolic smell soap, of but carbolic soap, but best poem sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. sat before can be inspiring sat before I wrote can be my inspiring very I wrote my very there I have there is any decided is daylight any daylight my poetry left. And left. is And I so have bad I have found that found I mustn’t any more of it. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. this is the only part the kitchen where that sitting in a place where you have never poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that sitting in a place where you have never mustn’t write any more of it. write any more of it. that sitting mustn’t that in athat place in any place more you where ofmore have it. you never have never there is any daylight left. And Ihen have found there is Iadepressing have any is daylight any decided daylight left. my And left. poetry And Ipoetry have isIon so have found bad found Ithat mustn’t write any of it. isthere awhere smell of carbolic soap, but Though even isn’t asitting very good poem. Though even that isn’t aathis very good poem. Ion have decided my is so bad I best best poem poem while while sitting best on the poem the hen while hen house. house. sitting house. mustn’t write any more of it. that sitting insitting awrite place where you have never there is any daylight And Ithat have sat before can be inspiring Ithe wrote my very this is the only part is of the the only kitchen part where ofleft. the kitchen where Though even that isn’t very good poem. Ibe have decided is so bad that Ifound best poem while sitting best on poem the while hen house. sitting on the hen house. that mustn’t that sitting sitting write in amy in place any apoetry place more where where of you it. you have have never never I have decided my poetry is so bad that I there is any daylight left. And have found sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very that I mustn’t write any more of it. sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very sat before sat can before be inspiring can inspiring I wrote my I wrote very my very that sitting in a place where you have never that that sitting mustn’t sitting in a write in place a place any where more where you of you have it. have never never this is the only part of the kitchen where I have decided my poetry is so bad that I II before have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it. Though Though even even that that isn’t isn’t Though a very a very good even good poem. that poem. isn’t a very good poem. sat can be inspiring I wrote my very that sitting inaIwhere avery where you never best while sitting on the hen house. there is any daylight there left. iswhile any And daylight have left. found And Iwrote have found have decided my isofpoem so bad that Iplace mustn’t write any more of it. Though even that isn’t Though apoetry very even good that isn’t good poem. sat before sat before can be can inspiring be inspiring Imy wrote Imy myhave very myvery very mustn’t write any more it. that sitting in apoem. place you have never best poem sitting on hen house. best poem while sitting the hen house. best poem best while poem sitting while on sitting the hen on house. the hen house. sat before can be inspiring Ivery wrote my sat before sat before can be can inspiring be inspiring IIAnd wrote I wrote very there ison any daylight left. Iathe have found mustn’t write any more of it. mustn’t write any more of it. I have I have decided decided my my poetry poetry I have is so decided is bad so bad that my that poetry I is so bad that I best poem while sitting on the hen house. sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very Though even that isn’t very good poem. that sitting in a that place sitting where in you a place have where never you have never mustn’t write any more of it. I have decided my poetry I have decided is so bad my that poetry I is so bad that I best best poem poem while while sitting sitting on the on hen the hen house. house. sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very Though even that isn’t a very good poem. Though even that isn’t amore very good poem. Though even Though that even isn’t that aasitting very isn’t good apoem very poem. good poem. best while sitting on the hen house. best best poem poem while while sitting sitting on the on hen the hen house. house. that in a place where you have never mustn’t mustn’t write write any any more mustn’t of it. of it. write any more of it. Though even that isn’t very good poem. best poem sitting on the hen house. I be have decided my poetry is bad that I sat before can sat inspiring before can Iwhile wrote inspiring very Isowrote my very mustn’t write anymy more mustn’t of it. write any more of it. Though even even that that isn’t isn’t amy ahen very good good poem. poem. best poem while sitting the house. Ibefore have decided my poetry isvery bad that Ipoem. I havedecided decided my poetry isThough so bad that Ibe II have I have decided poetry my isisThough poetry so bad iseven that so Ithat that I good isn’t aso very good Though Though even even that that isn’t isn’t abad very aon very good poem. poem. sat can be inspiring Iisn’t wrote my very have decided my poetry so bad that I Though even that a very good poem. mustn’t write any more of it. best poem while best sitting poem on while the hen sitting house. on the hen house. Iofhave Ieven have decided decided my poetry my poetry isbad so bad bad that that I II Though that isn’t aon very poem. mustn’t write more of it.good mustn’tmustn’t writeany any more ofdecided it. mustn’t more any more it. it.any Iit. have decided my poetry isis so bad I write have I have decided myof poetry my poetry is so isthe bad so that that Iso I that best poem while sitting hen house. mustn’t write write any more of I have decided my poetry is so bad that I Though even that Though isn’t a even very that good isn’t poem. a very good poem. mustn’t mustn’t write write any more any more it. it. Imustn’t have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write ofof it. mustn’t write write any more any more ofany it.very ofmore it.of Though even that isn’t aany good poem. mustn’t write more of it. I have decided I my have poetry decided is so my bad poetry that I is so bad that I write my any poetry more ofis it. I mustn’t have decided so bad that I mustn’t write any mustn’t morewrite of it. any more of it. mustn’t write any more of it.

this sitting inI write the kitchen sink.

dOdi sMiTh



S M I t H

I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded

I am really comfortable, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only part of the kitchen where with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that

there is any daylight left. And I have found that sitting in a

place where you have never sat before

can be inspiring I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that

isn’t a very good poem.mustn’t I havewritedecided my poetry is so bad that I any more of it.

I CAPTURE THE CASTLE I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really comfortable, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found that sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it.









I Capture the Castle I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really comfortable, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found that sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it.



I CAPTURE the CASTLE Dodie Smith I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really comfortable, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found that sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it.


I Capture the Castle

Dodie Smith 1948

I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really comfortable, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found that sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it.

I C APTURE THE C ASTLE I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really comfor table, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only par t of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found that sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it.

I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really comfor table, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only par t of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found that sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it.

dodie smith


i CA P TUrE tHE c A S TLe I write this sitting in the kitchen sink.

That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have

padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really

comfortable, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the

only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found that

sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my

very best poem while sitting on the hen

house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it.

Dodie Smith 1948

K itchEn sin k.

I write this sitting in the

That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, w h i c h I h av e p a d d e d w i t h o u r d o g ’s b l a n k e t a n d t h e t e a c o s y. I c a n ’t s ay t h a t I a m r e a l l y c o m f o r t a b l e , a n d t h e r e i s a depressing smell of carbolic soap,

but this is

t h e o n l y p a r t o f t h e kitchen where there is any daylight left.

And I have found that sitting in a place where y o u h a v e n e v e r s a t b e f o r e c a n b e

inspiring s i t t i n g v e r y

o n

g o o d

t h e

h e n

p o e m .


I wrote my ver y h o u s e . h a v e

b e s t

T h o u g h

d e c i d e d

e v e n

m y

t h a t


MU S T N ’ T

w r i t e

a n y

t h a t

p o e t r y

i s

p o e m

s o

m o r e

w h i l e i s n ’ t


b a d o f

i t .

I write sitting insitting the kitchen sink. I write this this sitting inthis the kitchen ThatThat I write in sink. the kitchen sink. That I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the I is, write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are insitting it;sink. thein rest is on the I write is, thismysitting in the kitchen That I write this the kitchen sink. That feet inwhich it; the rest me isof onme the Ifeet write this sitting the kitchen sink. That is,my my feet are the rest me on the draining board, Iinme have padded with is, feet are inin it;it;are the rest ofof isisof on the draining board, which I have padded with I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with is, my feetdraining are in it;board, themyrest of me isit; onpadded therestinwith is, feet are inthis the of me is on the I it; write sitting the kitchen sink. That which I have is, my feet are inhave the rest of me iscan’t on the draining board, which I padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t draining board, which I have padded with draining board, which I have padded with is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t I this write this sitting inreally the kitchen sink. That draining board, which I tea have padded with I write sitting in the kitchen sink. That our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. can’t say that I really am comfortable, and there our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I Icosy. can’t Icomfortable, write this sitting the kitchen sink. That say that I am and there draining board, which I can’t have padded with our dog’s blanket and the Iin say that Itea am really comfortable, andpadded our dog’s blanket and the cosy. Iisthis can’t our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. Ithere can’t draining board, which Ithere have with I write sitting incan’t the kitchen sink. That say that I am really comfortable, and is, my feet are in it; the rest of me on the That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the say that I am really comfortable, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but say is thatdepressing I am really comfortable, andinsoap, there is, my feet are it;and the rest ofcosy. mebut on the of carbolic but our dog’s blanket and the teasoap, Iiscan’t that I is am really there asmell depressing smell of carbolic say that asay I board, am comfortable, and there say that Icomfortable, am really comfortable, and there our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. can’t is, my feet are in it;and the rest of meI isThat on the is a really depressing smell of carbolic soap, but draining which Iof have padded with I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s say that I am really comfortable, there draining board, which I have padded with depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only part of the kitchen where I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That I write sitting in the kitchen sink. That isisaathis depressing smell carbolic soap, but I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That draining board, which I have padded with is the only part of the kitchen where say that am really comfortable, and there I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only part of the kitchen where I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That isour a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but say that I am really comfortable, and there draining board, which I have padded with this is the only part of the kitchen where dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t this is the only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is, my are in it; the rest of is on theThat is, mythis feet in it; the rest of me isthe on the is are theis only part of kitchen where is, my feet are in it; the rest of me isthis on the our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. Ime can’t there daylight left. And I sitting have found ismy aIisthe write depressing this smell in of the carbolic kitchen soap, sink. butThat is,any my feet are in it; rest of me on the this is the only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And Iis have found Ifeet write sitting in the kitchen sink. That is,of feet are in it; the rest of me is on the this is the only part the kitchen where this is the only part of the kitchen where a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t there is any daylight left. And I have found say that I am really comfortable, and there I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with Iis write this sitting the kitchen sink. comfortable, and there is ain depressing smell of this iscomfortable, the only part of the kitchen where sayIdraining that Ithat am really and there there isthat any daylight left. And Iam have found sitting in ain place where you have never is on the draining board, which IThat have draining board, which Iof have padded with board, which Isitting have padded with there any daylight left. And Iaonly have found draining board, which I have padded with say that I really comfortable, and there sitting in a place where you have never is, this my is feet the are in part it; the of the rest kitchen me is where on the draining board, which I have padded with there is any daylight left. And I have found write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That I write this sitting the kitchen sink. That that in place where you have never is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with there any daylight left. And Idraining have found there is any daylight left. And I have found this is the part of the kitchen where say that I only am really comfortable, and there that sitting in awhere place where you have never I issitting write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That adog’s depressing smell of carbolic soap, but is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on board, which have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I cosy. can’t is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the carbolic soap, but this isblanket only part of kitchen there is any daylight left. And Inever have found isis,our ais depressing smell of carbolic soap, but that sitting in apadded place you have sat before can be inspiring Iwhich wrote my with our dog’s blanket our dog’s blanket and the tea Ithe can’t blanket and the tea cosy. Ihave can’t that in ablanket place where you never our dog’s and the tea cosy. Ithe can’t is athe depressing smell of carbolic soap, but sat before can be inspiring Iany wrote my very draining there is any board, daylight left. Iand have And padded I Ihave have found with our dog’s and the tea cosy. Ivery can’t that sitting in athe place where you have never my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the is, my feet are in it; rest of me is on the sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very draining board, which I have padded with I write I write this this sitting sitting in the in I write the kitchen kitchen this sink. sitting sink. That in That the kitchen sink. That our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t that sitting in a place where you have never that sitting in a place where you never there is daylight left. And I have found is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the this is the only part of the kitchen where draining board, which I have padded with I write this sitting in I write the kitchen this sitting sink. in That the kitchen sink. That our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really comfortable, and there draining board, which Isitting have padded with where ispart any daylight left. And have found that that sitting in acomfortable, place where you have never this issatthe only of the kitchen where before can be inspiring Iwrote wrote my very best poem while on the hen house. the tea cosy. Iwhile can’t say that I of am really say that IIwrote am really comfortable, and there say that Ithere am really comfortable, and there sat before can be inspiring Iam my very say that I am really and there this is the only part the kitchen where best poem while sitting on the hen house. our that dog’s sitting blanket in a place and where the tea you cosy. have I can’t never say that I am really comfortable, and there sat before can be inspiring I my very draining board, which I have padded with draining board, which I have padded with best poem sitting on the hen house. our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t is, my is, my feet feet are are in it; in the it; is, the rest my rest of feet me of are me is on in is it; on the the the rest of me is on the say that I really comfortable, and there sat before can be inspiring Idog’s wrote my sat before can be inspiring Iof wrote mykitchen very that sitting in avery where you have never Ithe write this sitting iniscosy. the sink. That this is only part the kitchen where best poem while sitting on the hen house. draining board, which Idepressing have padded with there ispoem any daylight left. And Itea have found our blanket and the tea Ifound can’t is,issitting my are inwhile it; is, the my rest feet of are me in is it; on the rest of me on the say that Ithe am really comfortable, and there is acarbolic smell of carbolic soap, but our dog’s blanket and the cosy. Iplace can’t in athis place where you have never sat before sat before can be inspiring wrote my very there isfeet any daylight left. And Iof found Ithe write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That best while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. comfortable, and there is a depressing I write this sitting in kitchen sink. That is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but abest depressing smell of soap, but poem sitting on the hen house. I write is a depressing I write sitting this in smell sitting the kitchen in carbolic the sink. kitchen soap, That sink. but That there is any daylight left. And I have Though even that isn’t a very good poem. say sat before that I am can really be inspiring comfortable, I wrote and my there very is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but best poem while sitting on the hen house. our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t Though even that isn’t a very good poem. say that I am really comfortable, and there draining draining board, board, which which I draining have I have padded board, padded with which with I have padded with is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but best I write poem this while sitting sitting in the on the kitchen hen sink. house. That best poem while sitting on the hen house. sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the any daylight left. And Iand found Though even that isn’t abest very good poem. our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. Ipoem that sitting in ain place where you have never say that Iwrite am really comfortable, there draining board, draining Iisn’t have padded which with Ican’t have padded with Ion write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That Ithere write isIme ais this depressing this sitting sitting in smell the in of kitchen the carbolic kitchen sink. soap, sink. That but That this is the only part of the kitchen where say that Iwhich am really comfortable, and there can inspiring Ithat my very while best poem while sitting the hen house. that sitting in aIonly place where you have never is, my feet are in it; rest of me ishave on the Though even isn’t aboard, very good poem. have decided my poetry is so bad that Ithe smell of carbolic soap, but this is the is,Though my feet are the rest of me is on the this the only part of kitchen where this isbe the part of the kitchen where even that ait; very good poem. is, my feet are is my the in feet only it; are the part in rest of of the the rest kitchen isthis of on me the where is on the that in aon place where you have never Ithis have decided my poetry is so bad that Iso Isitting write sitting in the kitchen sink. That write is best Icomfortable, write aand this depressing poem this sitting while sitting in smell the sitting in of kitchen the carbolic on kitchen the sink. hen soap, sink. That house. but That this iswrote the only part of the kitchen where Though even that isn’t awrite very good poem. say that Iis, am really comfortable, and there say that IIhave am really and there Iit; have decided my poetry is bad that Ipadded is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but our our dog’s dog’s blanket blanket and the our the tea dog’s tea cosy. blanket cosy. I can’t I can’t and the tea cosy. I can’t this is the only part of the kitchen where is, Though my feet even are that in it; isn’t the a rest very of good me is poem. the Though even I that isn’t this sitting a very in good the poem. kitchen sink. That best poem while on the hen house. draining board, which I have with that sitting in a place where you have never I decided my poetry is so bad that I say that am really comfortable, and there sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very is aof depressing smell of carbolic soap, but blanket and our the dog’s tea blanket cosy. Idaylight and the tea cosy. Ithe can’t is, my feet are in it; the rest of isthe on the is, my is, feet my feet is are the in are only it; in the it; part rest the of rest of me of kitchen is me on isme the on where there is any left. And have found is aany depressing smell of carbolic soap, but sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t aIkitchen Though even Isat write that isn’t this sitting acan’t very in good poem. kitchen sink. That satour before can be inspiring wrote my very draining board, which Ithe have padded with Iishave have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it. only part the kitchen where there is draining board, which I have padded with there is any daylight left. And I have found there is daylight left. And I have found Idog’s decided my poetry is so bad that I draining there draining board, is any which board, daylight I have which left. padded I And have I with padded have found with before can be inspiring I wrote my very mustn’t write any more of it. is, my feet are in it; rest of me is on the is, my is, feet this Though my feet is are the in even are only it; in the that it; part rest the isn’t of rest of the a me very of is me good on is the on where poem. the there is any daylight left. And have found I have decided my poetry is so bad that is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but mustn’t write any more it. this is the only part of the kitchen where say say that that Ireally am I my am really really comfortable, say comfortable, that Ifeet am and really and there there comfortable, and there there is any daylight left. And Ivery have found Idraining have decided board, which poetry I this have iscarbolic so padded bad that with Isitting I have decided is, my my poetry are in it; is the so bad rest that of me I is on the Though even that isn’t a good poem. our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very I write this sitting I write in the this kitchen sink. in the That kitchen sink. That mustn’t write any more of it. is a depressing smell of soap, but best poem while sitting on the hen house. is the only part of the kitchen where say that I am say comfortable, that I am really and there comfortable, and there draining board, which I have padded with draining draining there board, is board, any which daylight which I have I left. have padded And padded I with have with found sitting in a place where you have never this isblanket only part of the kitchen where very good poem. Idecided have decided my so bad have is, my feet my poetry are in isIcan’t the so bad rest that of me is on the best poem while sitting on the hen house. our dog’s blanket and tea Ithat can’t mustn’t write any more it. any daylight left. And Ipoetry have found that our blanket and the tea cosy. Iit; that sitting in ayou place where you have never that sitting aIthe place where you have never mustn’t write any of it. our dog’s that our sitting dog’s in and blanket amore place the tea and where cosy. the tea you Iwhich can’t cosy. have Iisthe never can’t best sitting the hen house. draining board, which Ion have padded with draining draining Ithere have board, is decided board, any which daylight my poetry Ithe left. have padded And is padded so IIcosy. with have bad with found Iand that sitting in aof place where have Ismell write this sitting in kitchen sink. That mustn’t write any more of it. this is the only part of the kitchen this is the only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And Iis have found is adog’s isdepressing aineven depressing smell of carbolic of apoem depressing carbolic soap, soap, smell but but of carbolic soap, but that sitting in awhile place where you have never our mustn’t dog’s write blanket any and more the of tea it. cosy. Iwhere can’t mustn’t write draining any board, more which of it. Isoap, have padded with Iis have decided my poetry isnever so bad that I the say that Iit. am really comfortable, there best poem while sitting on the hen house. is, my feet are in is, it; my the feet rest are of in me it; the is on rest the of me on this is the only part of the kitchen where Though that isn’t a very good poem. there is any daylight left. And I have found is a depressing smell is of a depressing carbolic soap, smell but of carbolic but our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t our our dog’s that dog’s blanket sitting blanket and a place and the tea the where cosy. tea cosy. you I can’t have I can’t never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very there is any daylight left. And I have found that I mustn’t write any more of it. mustn’t write draining any board, more which of I have padded with Though even that isn’t a very good poem. say that I am really comfortable, and there sitting in a place where you have never say that I am really comfortable, and there sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very satsay before can be inspiring I wrote my very that sat I say am before that really I can am comfortable, be really inspiring comfortable, and I wrote there and my very there Though even that isn’t a very good poem. our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t our our dog’s that mustn’t dog’s blanket sitting blanket write in and a any place and the more tea the where cosy. tea of it. cosy. you I can’t have can’t never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very is, my feet are it; the rest of me is on the there is any daylight left. And I have found there is any daylight left. And I have found that sitting in asmell where you have never this this isdecided the isany the only only part part of this the of the is kitchen the kitchen only where part where ofIplace the kitchen where sat before can be inspiring wrote my very say that Ionly am really comfortable, and there our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t mustn’t write any more of it. is a depressing of carbolic soap, but Though even that isn’t a very good poem. draining board, draining which I have board, padded which with I have padded with there is daylight left. And I have found I have my poetry is so bad that I that sitting in a place where you have never this is the part this of the is the kitchen only part where of the kitchen where say that I am really comfortable, and there say that say sat that I am before I really am can really comfortable, be comfortable, inspiring and I wrote and there there my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. that sitting in athat place where you have never our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. Ithe can’t Ibest have decided my poetry iscarbolic so bad that Iwhile is awhile depressing smell of carbolic soap, but sat before can be inspiring Ipoetry wrote my isathere adepressing depressing smell of soap, but best poem sitting on hen house. poem while sitting on the hen house. is best is a poem depressing smell while of sitting carbolic smell of on carbolic soap, the hen but soap, house. but I have decided my is so bad that I say that I am really comfortable, and there say say sat that I am before I really am can really comfortable, be comfortable, inspiring and I wrote and there there my very best poem sitting on the hen house. draining board, which I have padded with that sitting in a place where you have never that sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very there is any is any daylight daylight left. there left. And And is I any have I have daylight found found left. And I have found best poem while sitting on the hen house. is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but say that I am really comfortable, and there this is the only part of the kitchen where I have decided my poetry is so bad that I our dog’s blanket our and dog’s the blanket tea cosy. and I can’t the tea cosy. I can’t that sitting in a place where you have never mustn’t write any more of it. sat before can be inspiring Iagood wrote mysoap, very there issat any daylight there left. And is any Iis have daylight found left. And have found isreally apoem. depressing smell of carbolic soap, apoem depressing best asmell depressing poem smell while smell sitting carbolic of carbolic onsoap, the hen but house. but but Though even that isn’t aof very poem. before can be inspiring Ionly wrote my very say that Ikitchen am comfortable, and there mustn’t write any more of it. this iskitchen the part ofon the kitchen where very best while sitting the hen this is the only part of the where Though even that isn’t very good poem. Though even that isn’t a very good this is Though the this only is even the part only that of the part isn’t of a very the where kitchen good poem. where mustn’t write any more of it. is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but is a depressing is best a depressing poem while smell of sitting carbolic of carbolic on soap, the soap, hen but house. but Though even that isn’t a very good poem. our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. that that sitting sitting inthat athat in place place where that where you you have inisn’t have areally never place never where you have never Though even that asmell very good poem. thissitting the only part the kitchen where is aIsitting depressing of carbolic soap, but there is any daylight left. And Ikitchen have found mustn’t write any more of say Iaof really say that comfortable, Ismell am and comfortable, there and there satisbest before can be inspiring wrote my very best poem while on the hen house. that in adecided place where you in have abad place never where you have never this is the only part of the where this this Though the is only the even only part part that of the of isn’t kitchen ait. kitchen very where good poem. Iam have decided my poetry is so bad that I where poem while sitting on the hen house. is asitting depressing of soap, but there any daylight left. And Iand have found house. Though even that isn’t acarbolic very good is any daylight left. And Ipart have found Iis have decided my poetry is so bad that I I there have decided my poetry is so that Isitting there is I have any there daylight is any left. daylight my And poetry left. I have is And so found bad I have that found I this is the only part of the kitchen where this this is Though the is only the even only part of the of isn’t kitchen the a kitchen very where good where poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I say that I am really comfortable, there best poem while sitting on the hen house. best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. sat sat before before can can be inspiring be inspiring sat before I wrote I wrote can my be my very inspiring very I wrote my very I have decided my poetry is so bad that I there is any daylight left. And I have found this is the only part of the kitchen where that sitting in a place where you have never is a depressing is smell a depressing of carbolic smell soap, of but carbolic soap, but best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. sat before can be inspiring sat before I wrote can be my inspiring very I wrote my very there is any daylight left. And I have found there there is I have any is daylight any decided daylight left. my And left. poetry And I have is I so have found bad found that I mustn’t write any more of it. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. this is the only part of the kitchen where that sitting in a place where you have never poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that sitting in a place where you have never mustn’t write any more ofthe mustn’t write more of it.of that sitting mustn’t that in athat place in any place more you where of have it. you never have never there isImore any daylight Iit.have there is Iadepressing have any is daylight any decided daylight left. my And left. poetry And Ileft. have isleft. IAnd so have found bad found that Ibad mustn’t write any of it. isthere awhere smell carbolic soap, but Though even isn’t asitting very good poem. Though even that isn’t aaany very good poem. have decided my poetry is sofound that I best best poem poem while while sitting best on on the poem the hen while hen house. house. sitting on hen house. mustn’t write any more of it. that sitting insitting awrite place where you have never there is any daylight And have found sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very this is the only this part is of the the only kitchen part where of the kitchen where Though even that isn’t very good poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I best poem while sitting best on poem the while hen house. sitting on the hen house. that sitting in a place where you have never that that sitting mustn’t sitting in a write in place a place any where more where you of you have it. have never never I have decided my poetry is so bad that Ikitchen there isinspiring any daylight left. And have found sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very that Ipoetry mustn’t write any more of it.very sat before caneven be inspiring I is wrote my very sat before sat can before be inspiring can be I wrote my I wrote very my that sitting in a place where you have never that that sitting mustn’t sitting in a write in place a place any where more where you of you have it. have never never this is the only part of the where I have decided my poetry is so bad that I I have decided my so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it. Though Though even that that isn’t isn’t Though a very a very good even good poem. that poem. isn’t a very good poem. satI before can beisn’t inspiring Ithat wrote my very sitting inaIwhile avery where you have never best poem sitting on the hen house. there is any daylight there left. iswhile any And daylight have left. found And Iwrote have found have decided my isof so bad that Iplace mustn’t write any more of it. Though even that Though apoetry very even good that isn’t good poem. sat before inspiring Imy wrote my very sat before sat before can be can inspiring be inspiring Imy Imy my very my very mustn’t write any more it. that sitting in apoem. place where you have never best poem sitting on hen house. best poem while sitting the hen house. best poem best while poem sitting while on sitting the hen on house. the hen house. sat before can be inspiring Iwrote wrote very sat before sat before can be can inspiring be inspiring IIcan wrote I be wrote very very there ison any daylight left. And I the have found mustn’t write any more of it. mustn’t write any more of it. I have I have decided decided my my poetry poetry I have is so decided is bad so bad that my that poetry I is so bad that I best poem while sitting on the hen house. sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very Though even that isn’t a very good poem. that sitting in a that place sitting where in you a place have where never you have never mustn’t write any more of it. I have decided my poetry I have decided is so bad my that poetry I is so bad that I best poem while sitting on the hen house. best best poem poem while while sitting sitting on the on hen the hen house. house. sat can be inspiring Ihen wrote my very Though even that isn’t a very good poem. Though even that isn’t amore very good poem. Though even Though that even isn’t that abefore very isn’t good a asitting very poem. good poem. best poem while sitting on the hen house. best best poem poem while while sitting on the on the hen house. house. that sitting in place where you have never mustn’t mustn’t write write any any more mustn’t of it. of it. write any more of it. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. best poem while sitting on the hen house. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I sat before can be sat inspiring before can I wrote be inspiring my very I wrote my very mustn’t write anymy more mustn’t of it. write any more it.isn’t Though even that a that very poem. Though even even that that isn’t athe very aisn’t very good good poem. poem. best poem while sitting on hen house. Ibefore have decided my poetry so bad Igood I havedecided decided my poetry isThough so bad that Iof II have I have decided poetry my isispoetry so bad isthat so Ivery that I very Though even that ais good poem. Though Though even even that that isn’t isn’t abad aisn’t very good good poem. poem. sat can be inspiring Iisn’t wrote my very have decided my poetry so bad that I Though even that a very good poem. mustn’t write any more of it. bestany poem while best poem onwhile the hen sitting house. the I that have decided my poetry isbad sohouse. Iof Ieven have decided decided my my poetry ison so is bad sohen that that Ibad Though isn’t aon very poem. mustn’t write more of it.good mustn’tmustn’t write more of it.sitting mustn’t any more any more it. of it.any Ihave have decided my poetry isbad so I IIthat I I write have I have decided decided my poetry my poetry ispoetry so isthe bad so that that Ibad Ithat best poem while sitting hen house. mustn’t write write any more of it. I have decided my poetry is so bad that Though even that Though isn’t a even very that good isn’t poem. a very good poem. mustn’t any more of it. mustn’t mustn’t write write any more any more of of it. Imustn’t have decided my poetry so bad that I mustn’t write any more ofit. it. mustn’t write write any more any more ofwrite it. ofis it. Though even that isn’t aany very good poem. mustn’t write more of it. I have decided I my have poetry decided is so my bad poetry that I is so bad that I write my any poetry more ofis it. I mustn’t have decided so bad that I mustn’t write any mustn’t morewrite of it. any more of it. mustn’t write any more of it.

I write this sitting in the kitchen sink.

dOdi sMiTh



S M I t H

I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded

I am really comfortable, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only part of the kitchen where with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that

there is any daylight left. And I have found that sitting in a

place where you have never sat before

can be inspiring I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that

isn’t a very good poem.mustn’t I havewritedecided my poetry is so bad that I any more of it.

I CAPTURE THE CASTLE I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really comfortable, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found that sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it.









I Capture the Castle I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really comfortable, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found that sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it.



I CAPTURE the CASTLE Dodie Smith I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really comfortable, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found that sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it.


I Capture the Castle

Dodie Smith 1948

I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really comfortable, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found that sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it.

I C APTURE THE C ASTLE I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really comfor table, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only par t of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found that sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it.

I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really comfor table, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only par t of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found that sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it.

dodie smith


this sitting inI write the kitchen sink.

dOdi SMiTh E


I write sitting insitting the kitchen sink. I write this this sitting inthis the kitchen ThatThat I write in sink. the kitchen sink. That Ithis write this sitting in rest the kitchen That write sitting the kitchen sink. That is,I feet my feet aresitting inthe it;are the of me issink. onThat the I Iis, write this sitting inin the kitchen sink. That my are in rest ofit;kitchen me is on the write this in the sink. is, my feet insitting the rest of is on the I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That I it; write this in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is onme the I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with is, my is, feet are indraining it; which the rest ofrest me is on the board, Iof have padded with I it; write this in the kitchen sink. That my are inrest the of me is on the board, which Ithe have padded is, my draining feetdraining are feet in it; themy me issitting onpadded is, feet are in it; the rest of me iswith on the I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That board, which I have with is, my feet are inhave it; Ipadded the rest of me iscan’t onofthe draining board, which Ihave padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. Irest draining board, which Imy with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t is, feet are in it; the me is on thethe draining board, which have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t draining board, which I have padded with draining board, which Iit;have padded with is,which my feet are inpadded the rest of me is on our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That draining board, I have with I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really comfortable, and there our say dog’s blanket and the teathe cosy. I cosy. can’tthere Icomfortable, write this sitting thecosy. kitchen sink. That that I amsay really and draining board, which I can’t have padded with our dog’s blanket and tea Iin that I am really comfortable, and there our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t our dog’s blanket and the tea I can’t draining board, which I have padded with I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That say that I rest am really comfortable, andthe is,say myis, feet are in it; the rest of me isthe on the That are in it; the rest of me isand on dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. Ithere can’t is, my feet are it; the of me isofblanket on say that Ifeet really comfortable, and there is aam depressing smell carbolic soap, but that Iinour am really comfortable, and there is, my feet are in it; the rest ofcosy. mebut on the is amy depressing of carbolic soap, but our dog’s and the teasoap, Iiscan’t say that I is am really there asmell depressing smell of carbolic say that I board, am comfortable, and there say that Icomfortable, am really comfortable, and there our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. can’t is, my feet are in it;and the rest of meI isThat on the is a really depressing smell of carbolic soap, but draining which Iof have padded with Iof write this sitting in the kitchen sink. draining Idraining have padded with our dog’s am really there draining board, which Iwrite have padded with depressing smell carbolic soap, but this isthat the only part of the kitchen where II sitting this sitting in the kitchen write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That I write sitting in the kitchen sink. That isisaathis depressing smell carbolic soap, but write this in the kitchen sink. That board, which Ikitchen have padded with is the only part of the kitchen where say that Icomfortable, am really comfortable, and there Iwhich write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That isIboard, asay depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only part of the where I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That isour a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but say that I am really comfortable, and there draining board, which I have padded with this is the only of the where dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I kitchen can’t Iblanket sitting in the kitchen sink. is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the blanket the tea cosy. Ipart can’t say that Iand am really isis aany depressing smell of carbolic soap, but our dog’s blanket and the cosy. Iwrite can’t this the only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And have found sink. That is, my feet inIthis it; the rest is, my are in it; the rest of is on theThat is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the this isisand the only part of kitchen where is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the our dog’s the tea cosy. Ime can’t there daylight left. And Iare have found ismy atea Iisthe write depressing this sitting smell in of the carbolic kitchen soap, sink. but That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me on the this is the only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And Iis have found Ifeet write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is,of feet are in it; the rest of me is on the this is the only part the kitchen where this is only part of the kitchen where awrite depressing of carbolic soap, but our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t there any left. And Ismell have found say that am really comfortable, and there Ithe this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it;never the rest of me is on the draining board, which Inever have padded with Iis write this sitting the kitchen sink. That comfortable, and there is ain depressing smell of this isis the only part of the kitchen where sayIdraining that Ithat am really comfortable, and there there isIthat any daylight left. And Iam have found sitting in ain place where you have of me ishave on the draining board, which Ihave draining board, which Iof padded with board, which Idaylight padded with there any daylight left. And Iaonly have board, which Iboard, have padded with say that Ihave comfortable, and there sitting in adaylight place where you have is, this my is feet the are in part it; the the rest me iswhere on the draining board, which I really have padded with there is any left. And Ifound have found write this sitting inthere the kitchen sink. That IIdraining this sitting the kitchen sink. That that sitting in place where have never is, my feet are inyou it; the rest of me is on the draining which Iof have padded with there iswrite any daylight left. And Idraining found is any daylight left. And Ikitchen have found this is the part of the kitchen where say that I only am really comfortable, and there that sitting in awhere place where you have never write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That adog’s depressing smell of carbolic soap, but is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the board, which I have have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I cosy. can’t is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the carbolic soap, but this isblanket the only part of the kitchen there is any daylight left. And Inever have found isis,our ais depressing smell of carbolic soap, but that sitting in a place you have sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very have padded with our dog’s blanket and our dog’s blanket and the tea I can’t blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t that sitting in a place where you have never our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very draining there is any board, daylight which left. I have And padded I found with our dog’s and the tea cosy. I can’t that sitting in a place where you have never my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the is,sitting my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the sat before can be inspiring Ileft. wrote my very draining board, which I Ihave padded with I write Ifeet write this this sitting sitting in the in Ikitchen write the kitchen kitchen this sink. sitting sink. That in That the kitchen sink.but That our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. Ihave can’t that insitting a place where you have never that sitting in apadded place where you have never there is any daylight And found is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very is, my are in it; the rest of me is on the this is the only part of the where draining board, which I have padded with I write this in I write the kitchen this sitting sink. in That the kitchen sink. That our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really comfortable, and there draining board, which I have with where there is any daylight left. And I have found that that sitting in a place where you have never this is the only part of the kitchen where sat before can be inspiring Iwrote wrote my very best while sitting on the hen house. the tea cosy. Iwhile can’t say that I of am really say that Iwrote am really comfortable, there saydraining that I am really comfortable, and there sat before can be inspiring Iam my very say that Ipoem am really comfortable, and there this is the only part the kitchen where best poem while sitting on the hen house. our dog’s sitting blanket in aare place and where the tea you have Itea can’t never say that Ithat am really and there sat before can be inspiring Idog’s my very board, which Iit; have padded with draining board, which IIis, have padded with best poem sitting on the hen house. our blanket and the cosy. I can’t is, my is, my feet feet are are in it; inwhile the the rest my rest feet me of me is on in is it; on the the the rest of me isand on the say that Iwrote really comfortable, and there sat before can be inspiring Idog’s my sat before can be inspiring Iof wrote my very that sitting in avery place where you have never Icomfortable, write this sitting incosy. the kitchen sink. That this is the only part the kitchen where best poem sitting on the hen house. draining board, which have padded with there ispoem any daylight left. And Iof have found our and the tea Ifound can’t is,issitting my inwhile it; is, the my rest feet of me in is it; on the of me is on the say that Ithe am really and there is acarbolic depressing smell of carbolic soap, but our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. can’t in athis place where you have never sat before sat before can be inspiring wrote my very there any daylight left. And Iof found Ithe write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That while sitting on hen house. Though even that isn’t ablanket very good poem. comfortable, and there is aIrest depressing Iisfeet write kitchen sink. That isare acarbolic depressing smell of carbolic soap, but abest depressing smell soap, but poem sitting on the hen house. IIbest write is aare depressing Ithis write sitting this in smell sitting the kitchen in the sink. kitchen soap, That sink. but That there is any daylight left. And I cosy. have Though even that isn’t atea very good poem. say sat before that Ithe am can really be inspiring Icomfortable, wrote and my there very is asitting depressing of carbolic soap, but best poem while sitting on the hen house. our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. Ihouse. can’t our dog’s blanket and cosy. IIdaylight can’t Though even that isn’t acomfortable, very poem. say that am really comfortable, and there draining draining board, board, which which Ithe draining have Ismell have board, padded with which with Igood have padded with isIof ain depressing smell of carbolic but best write poem this while sitting sitting in the on the kitchen hen sink. That best poem while sitting on the hen house. sat before can be inspiring Isoap, wrote my very is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on theThat any left. And Iand found Though even that isn’t abest very good poem. our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. that sitting in ain place where you have never say that Ipadded am really comfortable, there draining board, draining have padded which with IIcan’t have padded with Ion write this sitting in the kitchen sink. Ithere write is Ime write ais this depressing this sitting sitting in smell the in of kitchen the carbolic kitchen sink. soap, sink. That but That this is the only part of the kitchen where say that Iwhich am really comfortable, and there can inspiring Ithat my very poem while best poem while sitting the hen house. that sitting in aIonly place where you have never is, my feet are in it; the rest of me ishave on the Though even isn’t aboard, very good poem. have decided my poetry is so bad that Ithe smell of carbolic soap, but this is the is,Though my feet are it; the rest of me is on this the only part of kitchen where this isbe the part of the kitchen where even that isn’t ait; very good poem. is, my feet is, are is my the in feet only it; are the part in rest of of the the rest kitchen isthis of on me the where is on the that in aon place where you have never Ithis have decided my poetry is so bad that Iso Isitting write sitting in the kitchen sink. That write is best Icomfortable, write aand this depressing poem this sitting while sitting in smell the sitting in of kitchen the carbolic on kitchen the sink. hen soap, sink. That house. but That this iswrote the only part of the kitchen where even that isn’t a very good poem. say that IThough am really comfortable, and there say that I am really and there I have decided my poetry is bad that I is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but our our dog’s dog’s blanket blanket and the our the tea dog’s tea cosy. blanket cosy. I can’t I can’t and the tea cosy. I can’t this is the only part of the kitchen where is, Though my feet even are that in it; isn’t the a rest very of good me is poem. the Though even I write that isn’t this sitting a very in good the poem. kitchen sink. That best poem while on the hen house. draining board, which I have padded with that sitting in aonly place where you have never Ithe decided my is so bad that Iis say that Ihave am really and there sat before can be inspiring IIpoetry wrote my very is aof depressing smell of carbolic soap, but blanket and our the dog’s tea blanket cosy. Idaylight and the tea cosy. Ithe can’t is, my feet are in it; the rest of isthe on the is, my is, feet my feet is are the in are it; in it; part rest the of rest of me of kitchen is me on isme the on where there is left. And have found is aany depressing smell of carbolic soap, but sitting on hen house. Though even that isn’t aIkitchen Icomfortable, write this sitting in kitchen sink. That Though even that isn’t acan’t very good poem. satour before can be inspiring wrote my very draining which Ithe have padded with have decided my poetry isany so bad that Irest mustn’t write any more of it. only part the kitchen where there board, which Imy have padded with there any daylight left. And Ipoem. have found there left. And have found Idog’s have decided my poetry is so bad that I the draining there draining isam any which board, daylight IThough have which padded Iboard, And have Iand with padded have found with before can be Iis wrote my very write any more of it. is, my feet are in it; rest ofthe me isIcosy. on the is, my is, feet this my feet is are the in even are only it; in the that it; part rest the isn’t of of the ait. me very me good on is the on where the there is any daylight left. And have found Iboard, have decided poetry is so bad that isdraining aIsay depressing smell of carbolic soap, but is aaismustn’t depressing smell of carbolic soap, but mustn’t write any more this is the only part of kitchen where say that Idaylight am really comfortable, say comfortable, that Iis am really and there there comfortable, and there there any daylight left. And Ivery have found Idraining have decided board, my which poetry Isat have isleft. so padded bad that with Iinspiring Ireally have decided is, my feet my poetry are in it; isIso the so bad rest of me is on the Though even that isn’t aof good poem. our dog’s blanket and the tea I found can’t sat before can be inspiring I have wrote my very IIsitting write this sitting Ithe write in the kitchen sitting sink. in the That kitchen sink. That mustn’t write any more of it. is depressing smell of carbolic soap, but best poem while sitting on the hen house. this is only part of the kitchen where say that Ithat am say comfortable, that Iis am really and comfortable, and there draining board, which Ithat have padded with draining draining there board, board, any which which have Ithe left. have padded And padded Ithe with have with sitting in place where you never this isblanket the only part of the kitchen where very good poem. Idecided have decided my poetry bad is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on have my poetry isIcan’t so bad that best poem while on the hen house. our dog’s blanket and tea Ithat can’t mustn’t write any more it. any daylight left. And Iis have found that our blanket and the tea cosy. Ithis that sitting in ayou place where you have never that sitting aIreally place where you have never mustn’t write any of it. our dog’s that our sitting dog’s in and blanket amore place the tea and where cosy. the tea you Iathere can’t cosy. have Iisthe never can’t best sitting hen house. draining board, which Ion have padded with draining draining Ithere have board, is decided board, any which daylight which my poetry Idaylight left. have padded And is padded so IIcosy. with have bad with found Iand that sitting in aof place where have Ismell write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That mustn’t write any more of it. this is the only part of the kitchen this is the only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And Iis have found is adog’s isdepressing aineven depressing smell of carbolic of apoem depressing carbolic soap, soap, but but of carbolic soap, but in awhile place where you have never our mustn’t dog’s blanket any and more the of tea it. cosy. Iwhere can’t mustn’t write draining any board, more which of it. Isoap, have padded with Iis have decided my poetry isnever bad that I the say that Iit. am really comfortable, there best poem while sitting on the hen house. is,be my feet are in is, it; my the feet rest are ofsmell in me it; the is on rest the of me this iswrite the only part of the kitchen where Though that isn’t asitting very good poem. there is any daylight left. And Iso have found issay asay depressing smell is of athat depressing carbolic soap, smell but of carbolic but our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t our our dog’s that dog’s blanket sitting blanket and a very place and the tea the where cosy. tea cosy. you Ithere can’t have Ion can’t never sat before can be inspiring Ipadded wrote my very there is any daylight left. And I have found that I mustn’t write any more of it. mustn’t write draining any board, more which of I have with Though even that isn’t a very good poem. say that I am really comfortable, and sitting in a place where you have never that I am really comfortable, and there sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very sat before can inspiring I wrote my very that sat I say am before that really I can am comfortable, be really inspiring comfortable, and I wrote there and my there Though even that isn’t a very good poem. our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t our our dog’s that mustn’t dog’s blanket sitting blanket write in and a any place and the more tea the where cosy. tea of it. cosy. you I can’t have can’t never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very is,sat my feet are it; the rest ofwrote iscarbolic on the there isisany daylight left. And Iis have found there daylight left. And IIwrite found that sitting in asmell where you have never this this isany the only only part part of this the of the is kitchen the kitchen only where part where ofIplace the kitchen where before can be inspiring my very say that Iis am really comfortable, and there our blanket and the tea cosy. Iwith can’t mustn’t any more it. abad depressing of soap, Though even that isn’t ame very good poem. draining board, draining which Ihave have board, padded which with Iof have there isthe any daylight left. And have found Iishave decided my poetry is so that Ithe that sitting in asmell where you have never this the part this of the is the kitchen only part where of the kitchen where say Ireally am really comfortable, andbut there say that say sat that Idog’s am before Ithat really am can comfortable, be comfortable, inspiring and Imy wrote and there there my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. that sitting in athat place where you have never our blanket and tea cosy. Ipadded can’t Ibest have decided my poetry is so bad that Iplace is awhile depressing of carbolic soap, but before can be Ipoetry wrote my adepressing depressing smell of carbolic soap, but best while sitting on hen poem while sitting the hen house. is ais best isonly apoem depressing smell while of sitting carbolic smell of on carbolic soap, the hen but soap, house. but Ion have decided my is so bad Ihouse. say Iinspiring am really comfortable, and there say say sat that Idog’s am before Ithat really am can really comfortable, be comfortable, inspiring and Iinspiring wrote and there there very poem sitting on the hen house. draining board, which Inever have padded with that sitting in abest place where you have that sitting in aasat place where you sat before can be Ithat wrote my there is any is any daylight daylight left. there left. And And is Ipoem any have Ihave have daylight found found left. And Ithe have found best poem while sitting on the house. ismustn’t athere depressing smell of carbolic soap, but say that Inever am really comfortable, and there this is the only part of the kitchen where Iour have decided my poetry is so bad that I very our dog’s blanket and dog’s the blanket tea cosy. can’t the tea cosy. Ivery can’t that sitting in place where you have never write any more of it. sat before can be inspiring Iahen wrote my there any daylight there left. And is any IThough have daylight found left. And Iof have found is apoem. depressing smell of carbolic soap, but apoem depressing isIkitchen best asmell depressing poem smell while smell of sitting carbolic of carbolic on soap, the soap, hen but house. but Though even that isn’t aand very good poem. before can be inspiring Ionly wrote my very say that am really comfortable, and there mustn’t write more of it. this the part ofon the kitchen where best while sitting the hen this isThough the only part of the where even that isn’t very good poem. Though even isn’t athe very this isisissat the this only isthat even the part only that of part isn’t kitchen of agood very the where kitchen good poem. where mustn’t write any more it. isany akitchen depressing smell of carbolic soap, but is abe depressing is best aplace depressing poem while smell of sitting of carbolic on soap, the soap, hen but house. but Though even that isn’t aand very good poem. our dog’s blanket the tea cosy. IAnd can’t sat before can be inspiring Iis wrote my very sat before can inspiring IIsitting wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. that that sitting sitting in avery in place aof where that where you you have in have acarbolic never place never where you have never Though even that isn’t asmell very good poem. this the only part the where is a depressing of carbolic soap, but there is any daylight left. I have found mustn’t write any more of it. say that I am really say that comfortable, I am really and comfortable, there and there sat before can be inspiring wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. that sitting in a place that where sitting you in have a place never where you have never this is the only part of the kitchen where this this is Though the is only the even only part part that of the of isn’t kitchen a kitchen very where good where poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I best poem while sitting on the hen is athe depressing smell of soap, but there any daylight left. Iand have found house. Though even that isn’t acarbolic very good is any left. And Ipart have found Imy have decided my poetry so bad that I I there have decided my poetry is so bad Ihouse. there isIsat have any there daylight decided is any left. daylight my And poetry left. IIIeven have is And so found bad Imy have that found IAnd this is the only part of the kitchen where this issitting Though is only the only part that of the of isn’t kitchen the avery kitchen very where good where poem. Idaylight have decided poetry is so bad that Iis say that Ithe am really comfortable, there best poem while sitting on hen house. best poem on the hen house. Though even isn’t akitchen very good poem. sat before before can can be inspiring be inspiring wrote Imy wrote can be my very inspiring Imy wrote very Ithis have decided my poetry is so bad that I my there is any daylight left. And have found this is the only part of the where that sitting in asoap, place where you have never ismustn’t awhile depressing is smell abefore depressing of carbolic smell of but carbolic soap, but best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t anever very good poem. sat before can be inspiring sat before Isat wrote can be inspiring very Ithat wrote very there is any daylight left. And I have found there there is I have any is daylight any decided daylight left. my And left. poetry And I have is I so have found bad found that I mustn’t write any more of it. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. this is the only part of the kitchen where that sitting in a place where you have never poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that sitting in a place where you have never mustn’t write any more of it. write any more of it. that sitting mustn’t that in sitting a write place in any where a place more you where of have it. you never have there isImore any daylight I have there there is I depressing have any is daylight any decided daylight left. my And left. poetry And Ileft. have isleft. IAnd so have found bad found that Ibad write any of it. ismustn’t aisn’t smell of carbolic soap, but Though even that isn’t asitting very good poem. Though even that aathis very good poem. have decided my poetry is sofound that I best best poem poem while while sitting best on on the poem the hen while hen house. house. sitting on the hen house. write any more of it. that sitting inmustn’t a sitting place where you have never there is any daylight And have sat before can be Imy wrote my very this is the only part is of the the only kitchen part ofinspiring the kitchen where Though even that very good poem. Ibe have decided my so bad that Ifound best poem while best on poem the while hen house. sitting on the hen house. that sitting in awhere place where you have never that that mustn’t sitting in awrite in place apoetry place any where more where you of you have it. have never never I have decided my poetry is so bad that Ikitchen there is any daylight left. And have found sat before can be inspiring Iis wrote very that Iisn’t mustn’t write any more of it. before caneven be inspiring Isitting my very sat sat can before be inspiring can Iin wrote my Iplace wrote very my very that sitting in apoem. place where you have never that that sitting mustn’t sitting awrote write in place aeven any where more where you of you have have never never this is the only part of where Isat have decided my poetry is so bad that Iathe IIbefore have decided my poetry is so bad that IIplace mustn’t write any more of it. have Though Though even that that isn’t isn’t Though ainspiring very very good good that poem. isn’t ait. very good poem. sat before can be inspiring Ithat wrote my very sitting in where you never best poem sitting on the hen house. there is any daylight there left. is any And daylight have left. found And Iwrote have found have decided my isaof so bad that mustn’t write any more of it. Though even that isn’t Though apoetry very even good that isn’t aIwhile very good poem. sat before be inspiring Imy wrote my very sat before sat before can be can inspiring be inspiring Imy wrote Imy my very my very mustn’t write any more it. that sitting in apoem. place where you have never best poem while sitting on hen house. best poem while sitting the hen house. best poem best while poem sitting while on the hen on house. the hen house. sat before can be inspiring wrote very sat before sat before can be can inspiring be inspiring IIcan wrote wrote very very there ison any daylight left. And I the have found mustn’t write any more of it. write any more of it. Imustn’t have I have decided decided my my poetry poetry Iasitting have isbad so decided is bad so bad that my that poetry II where isI that so bad that I very best poem while sitting on the hen house. sat before can be inspiring I wrote my Though even that isn’t a very good poem. that sitting in that place sitting where in you a place have never you have never mustn’t write any more of it. I have decided my poetry I have decided is so my that poetry I is so bad I poem while sitting on the hen house. best best poem poem while while sitting on the on hen the hen house. house. sat can be inspiring Ihen wrote my very Though even that isn’t asitting very good poem. Though even that isn’t amore very good poem. Though even Though that even isn’t that abefore very isn’t good a best very poem. good poem. best poem while sitting on the hen house. best best poem poem while while sitting on the on the hen house. house. that in asitting place where you have never mustn’t mustn’t write write any any more mustn’t of of it. write any more ofvery it.I wrote Though even that isn’t asitting very good poem. best poem sitting on the hen house. Iit. have decided my poetry so bad thatpoem. I sat before can be sat inspiring before can Iwhile wrote inspiring my very mustn’t write any more mustn’t of it. write any more of it. Though even that aisthat very Though even even that that isn’t isn’t amy very aisn’t very good good poem. poem. best poem while sitting on the hen house. Ibefore have decided my poetry so bad Igood I havedecided decided my poetry isThough so bad that Ibe II have I have my decided poetry my isispoetry so bad isthat so Ivery that I very Though even that ais good poem. Though Though even even that that isn’t isn’t abad aisn’t very good good poem. sat can be inspiring Iisn’t wrote my very have decided poetry so bad that I that Though even apoem. very good poem. mustn’t write any more of it. bestmy poem while best poem on while the hen sitting house. the hen I that have decided my poetry isbad sohouse. Iof have Ieven have decided decided my poetry my poetry ison so is bad so that that Ibad Though isn’t aon very poem. mustn’t write any more of it.good mustn’twrite write any more of it.sitting mustn’t mustn’t any write more any more it. of it. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I IIthat I I have I have decided decided my poetry my poetry is so is bad so bad that that I I best poem while sitting the hen house. mustn’t write any more of it. I have decided myisn’t poetry isit. so bad that Though even that Though isn’t aeven very that good poem. ait. very good poem. mustn’t write any more of it. mustn’t mustn’t write write any more any more of of I have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it. poem. mustn’t mustn’t write write anythat more any more ofaany it. ofmore it. good Though even isn’t very mustn’t write I have decided Imy have poetry decided is somy bad that Iof is it. so bad that I write any more ofispoetry it. I mustn’t have decided my poetry so bad that I mustn’t write any mustn’t morewrite of it. any more of it. mustn’t write any more of it.

I write this sitting in the kitchen

sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest

of me is on the draining board, which I

have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really comfortable, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the

only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found that

sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my

very best poem while sitting on the hen

house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it.

Dodie Smith 1948









I Capture the Castle I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I


can’t say that I am really comfortable, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found that sitting in a place where you have



never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad




that I mustn’t write any more of it.

Dodie Smith 1948

K itchEn sin k.

I write this sitting in the

That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, w h i c h I h av e p a d d e d w i t h o u r d o g ’s b l a n k e t a n d t h e t e a c o s y. I c a n ’t say that I am really comfor table, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap,

but this is

t h e o n l y p a r t o f t h e kitchen where there is any

daylight left.And I have found that sitting in a place where y o u h a v e n e v e r s a t b e f o r e c a n b e

inspiring s i t t i n g v e r y

Dodie Smith

o n

g o o d

b a d m u




t h e

h e n

p o e m .

t h a t


’ t




I wrote my ver y h o u s e . h a v e




d e c i d e d


b e s t

T h o u g h

n y


m y


p o e m

e v e n

r e

t h a t

p o e t r y



w h i l e i s n ’ t

i s i



I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really comfor table, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only par t of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found that sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it.

I CAP TURE THE CAS TLE I write this sitting in the kitchen

sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really comfortable, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the

only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found that sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a

very good poem. I have decided my

poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it.

Dodie Smith 1948

I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with our dog’s blanket and the tea cosy. I can’t say that I am really comfortable, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have found that sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen house. Though even that isn’t a very good poem. I have decided my poetry is so bad that I mustn’t write any more of it.

I Capture the Castle 1948


s o





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