Vodafone Malta Foundation supports LAND Article published on 09 September 2012
The Vodafone Malta Foundation supported a group of people who form part of the Living Ability not Disability (LAND) organization. The Maltese youths joined another 350 youths from all over the world. The annual Summer Camp was held in August in Balatonfoldvar, Hungary. “We are very pleased to be supporting such initiatives and it helps in knowing that we are raising much needed awareness on the LAND organisation,” said Roberta Pace, from Vodafone Malta Foundation. “Through these funds we will endeavour to ensure that more and more youths with disabilities have the opportunity to enjoy the joy and benefits of camps abroad and to be in touch with different people from different cultural backgrounds.” The fun filled Summer camp consisted of a week full of activities, sports, games and cultural tours, including beach games, board games, swimming in Lake Balaton, pottery and sweets decorating. Youths were thrilled when taken on excursions, with the first one being a visit to the Formula 1 track in Hungary. Among all the activities were an International night, a visit to the Zoo and the Lazar Equestrian Park where they watched one of the amazing shows and ate various typical Hungarian dishes. The Malta team also took a boat trip to some interesting sightseeing areas and visited the Annagora Aquapark. Every evening a themed disco was organized for the youths and the Summer Camp closed off with a visit to Budapest by night. Daniela Schembri, President of LAND said, “I must say that we have learnt and grew a lot from these experiences and together we made the camp a successful one. The organization of the whole event was great and everyone was really helpful. This amazing camp would not have been possible without the help of relatives, assistants and sponsors such as the Vodafone Malta Foundation. This event gave us the possibility to interact with different people from around the world and everyone participated .” Living Ability Not Disability was established in 2002 with the objectives to educate, enhance the independence of persons with a physical disability and promote inclusion through mainstream socialization. LAND is the only organization in Malta that embraces persons with physical disability and non-disabled persons in order to interact together during activities thus developing friendships whilst creating an awareness of social inclusion in all spheres of life.
Vodafone Malta tappoġġja lil LAND 14:12 | 10.09.2012
Il-Vodafone Malta Foundation appoġġjat grupp ta’ żgħażagħ mill-organizzazjoni Living Ability not Disability (LAND) li ngħaqdu flimkien ma’ 350 żgħażagħ oħra minn madwar id-dinja f’kamp annwali tas-sajf. Din is-sena l-attività saret f’Awwissu f’Balatonfoldvar fl-Ungerija. “Sodisfatti ħafna li bħala fondazzjoni qed nappoġġjaw inizjattivi bħal dawn għax permezz ta’ dan lappoġġ qed inqajmu kuxjenza meħtieġa fuq l-organizzazzjoni LAND,” qalet Roberta Pace minn Vodafone Malta Foundation. “Permezz ta’ dawn il-fondi qed nagħmlu ħilitna biex niżguraw li aktar u aktar żgħażagħ b’diżabbiltà jkollhom l-opportunità li jgawdu l-ferħ u l-benefiċċji ta’ kampijiet li jsiru barra minn Malta, kif ukoll ikunu f’kuntatt ma’ nies differenti minn kulturi differenti.” Il-kamp divertenti kien jikkonsisti f’ġimgħa mimlija attivitajiet, sports, logħob u mawriet kulturali, fosthom logħob fuq il-bajja, board games, għawm f’Lake Balaton, xogħol tal-fuħħar, u tgħallim dwar kif isir il-ħelu. Iż-żgħażagħ kienu ħerqana biex jibdew il-ħarġiet ippjanati għalihom, bl-ewwel waħda tkun iż-żjara fit-track tal-Formula 1 tal-Ungerija. Fost l-attivitajiet organizzati kien hemm lejl internazzjonali, żjara fiz-Zoo tal-lokal kif ukoll l-Lazar Equestrian Park fejn ittella' wieħed mill-aqwa shows akkumpanjat b’ikel tipikament Ungeriż. It-tim Malti mar ukoll vjaġġ fuq dgħajsa lejn postijiet turistiċi u żar l-Annagora Aquapark. Kull filgħaxija sar disco organizzat apposta għaż-żgħażagħ u l-Kamp tas-Sajf ntemm bi żjara f’Budapest bil-lejl. Daniela Schembri, President ta’ LAND qalet, “tgħallimna u kbirna ħafna minn dawn l-esperjenzi u flimkien għamilna l-kamp wieħed ta’ suċċess. L-organizzazzjoni ta’ dan l-avveniment kienet eċċellenti u kulħadd ta l-għajnuna tiegħu. Dan il-kamp ma kienx ikun possibbli mingħajr lgħajnuna tal-qraba, l-assistenti u l-isponsors bħall-Vodafone Malta Foundation. Dan il–kamp għen biex kulħadd jintegra ma’ persuni differenti minn madwar id-dinja kollha u kulħadd jipparteċipa b’mod attiv fil-varjetà ta’ avvenimenti organizzati.” Living Ability Not Disability kienet stabbilita fl-2002 bl-għan li teduka, ittejjeb l-indipendenza talpersuni b’diżabbilità fiżika u tippromwovi l-inklużjoni permezz tas-soċjaliżazzjoni. LAND hi l-unika organizzazzjoni f'Malta li tħaddan persuni b’diżabbiltà fiżika kif ukoll persuni mingħajr diżabbiltà, tgħin ukoll biex jintegraw waqt attivitajiet organizzati għalihom. Permezz t’hekk jiżviluppaw ħbiberiji ġodda waqt li tinħoloq kuxjenza dwar l-inklużjoni soċjali fl-isferi kollha tal-ħajja.
The latest BlackBerry Curve 9320 is here! The device that Blackberry fans have been waiting for is now available at all Vodafone stores across Malta and Gozo. The latest addition to the Blackberry family has just been launched by RIM who have been working to provide a better, improved version of this sought after device. The new affordable Blackberry Curve is an improved version of the Blackberry model which comes with a better operating system that supports both 3G and Wi-Fi. “We are truly excited to be offering the Blackberry Curve 9320 to the Maltese consumers, particularly the Blackberry fans,” said Alexandre Froment-Curtil, Head of Marketing at Vodafone Malta. “The first Blackberry Curve appeared on the scene without 3G and suffered for it. However, now thanks to the Blackberry 9320 we have an extremely improved version of the Blackberry OS. It comes with the much faster 7.1 OS making it more enjoyable to use then previous models and it also supports both 3G and Wi-Fi.” With the Blackberry Curve 9320, social life is now at your fingertips. The dedicated BBM shortcut key helps users get connected in an instant and chat in real time and share pictures, videos and files. The BBM application is built into your favourite apps such as Facebook, Twitter and the BlackBerry App World storefront. You can share your Facebook status update, latest Tweets or the app you have just downloaded directly through BBM, without ever leaving the app. Having the next generation Blackberry 7.1 operating system – the Blackberry Curve 9320 is packed with powerful new features and innovative pre-installed apps, delivering the smoothest and fastest Blackberry experience to date. Another useful feature is the
mobile-hotspot which allows you to share your Wi-Fi Hotspot with up to five devices at once. The Blackberry Curve 9320 comes with a full QWERTY keyboard, one of the reasons that makes this phone appealing. It has a built-in FM radio, useful for listening to your favourite local stations and updates on local news and music and a battery that is the longest lasting yet in a 3G Blackberry Curve smartphone. The new BlackBerry Curve 9320 can be found at all Vodafone stores around Malta and Gozo for the price of €249 or for €99 on Smartphone 35 Plan or for free on Smartphone 55 Plan, Smartphone 75 Plan and Smartphone 95 plan. For more information visit or call customer care for free on 247 from a Vodafone line or 9999 9247 from any other line.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Foundation supports Land The Vodafone Malta Foundation recently supported a group of people, who form part of the Living Ability Not Disability (Land) organisation, to attend the annual summer camp in Balatonfoldvar, Hungary. The youths joined another 350 youngsters from all over the world. The camp consisted of a week full of activities, including sports, games and cultural tours. The youths visited the Formula 1 track in Hungary, the zoo and the Lazar Equestrian Park, where they watched one of the shows. They also tasted typical Hungarian dishes. Land was founded in 2002 to educate and enhance the independence of people with disability and promote inclusion through mainstream socialisation.
HSBC employees complete triathlon in aid of the MCCF Published on Monday, 10, September, 2012 at 11:18 in Malta News | No Comments
Over 70 HSBC employees ran, swam, cycled, and walked their way across the Maltese islands for the 4th annual HSBC triathlon challenge. Organised by the HSBC Malta Foundation together with the Bank’s Sports and Social Committee, the triathlon raised funds in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund’s L-Istrina. The freestyle triathlon took off with a run in Gozo, from Gharb to Hondoq ir-Rummien, after which participants swam from Hondoq to Malta through Comino, ran through Cirkewwa and Marfa, then cycled to Ta’ Qali National Park. A “cool down” walk brought participants to the President Residential Palace at San Anton where they were greeted by President George Abela, HSBC’s CEO Mark Watkinson and representatives of the Malta Community Chest Fund. No hard and fast rules restricted how long a participant chose to swim, cycle, run or walk but the overall distance of 50 km was covered collectively as a group. The sum collected from the triathlon was topped up with proceeds donated by employees as part of a Dress Down Day held recently at HSBC, and organised specifically in support of L-Istrina.
“L-Istrina is a major charity event, and one that is close to the heart for us all at HSBC,” said Mr Watkinson. “Special thanks go out to all those involved in this fund-raising challenge. Their efforts contribute towards a very worthy cause.”
GO supports LifeCycle Organisation once again Article published on 09 September 2012
GO has teamed up with LifeCycle organisers once again and has pledged its full support as a platinum sponsor to the Betfair LifeCycle Challenge 2012. This year’s challenge will see a total of 40 participating cyclists hit the road in the coming days to cover the gruelling 1900km journey from Brisbane to Melbourne, Australia in just 11 days. The Betfair LifeCycle Challenge is one of the toughest modern-day endurance events. The main contributing factor to its success is the sheer determination and commitment of the cyclists and their support team. LifeCycle Organisation has three main aims namely to create awareness to the stark reality of renal disease, to collect funds for the purchase of cutting-edge equipment necessary to upgrade the Renal Unit at Mater Dei and enhance the quality of life for patients suffering from end-stage renal disease by allowing them access to the highest and most sophisticated levels of healthcare. Speaking about the Betfair LifeCycle Challenge 2012, Michelle Bonnici, Chief Human Resources Officer at GO said: “We are pleased to be joining forces with the LifeCycle Organisation once again and are proud to have supported this worthy cause and its ongoing achievements throughout the 14 years of its existence.” “We have no doubt that the whole team made up of cyclists and the support team will do Malta proud yet again this year. After long months of gritty training, when the time comes in a few weeks, Betfair LifeCycle Challenge cyclists will be fully geared to face the gruelling challenge down under.” “Sponsoring humane initiatives with a strong social implication – such as the LifeCycle Organisation cause – underpins GO’s corporate social responsibility and further reflects its strong social conscience. GO takes the opportunity to wish the best of luck to all the team involved in the Betfair LifeCycle Challenge 2012,” she said. One of the cyclists, who has signed on to the challenge this year and committed himself to take part in the 11-day venture, is in fact a GO employee – Marcel Saliba. A dedicated volunteer, Marcel Saliba has been an active participant for six of the challenges and this year will be his seventh Challenge. Since his first participation in 2003, he has always strived to raise awareness to the devastating effect of renal disease without ever looking back and GO have always supported him in doing this. “We have high hopes of topping the total amount raised in funds last year to help meet the cost of treatment, life-saving equipment as well as research to support patients on dialysis,” he said. Marcel took the opportunity of thanking GO for its continued support over the years and said that the
success of LifeCycle largely depends on the generosity of caring companies like GO and hefty donations from the public. The foundation collected over â‚Ź1 million since the first edition of the challenge 14 years ago.
ospice Malta’s Children’s Summer Club supported by HSBC Article published on 09 September 2012
The Hospice Malta’s Children’s Summer Club has been in full swing this summer with new activities, such as muffin baking and novel handicrafts. The Club, organised annually with ongoing support from the HSBC Malta Foundation, meets twice a week to keep the children of Hospice Malta’s patients engaged and entertained throughout summer. The children aged between four and 12 years are cared for by volunteers from various backgrounds, such as teachers, university students and seminarians, who conduct the Club’s 10-session programme. This includes cultural outings, swimming lessons, crafts and other fun activities. “The Children’s Summer Club is very important to us at Hospice Malta. By allowing us to building stronger relationships with the children, the Club also helps us be better prepared to assist children, if and when necessary,” said Hospice Malta General Manager Antoinette Shah. “The Club also serves as an ideal opportunity for voluntary workers, many of whom are students or teachers on summer break, to gain valuable experience. This quality time in a voluntary work setting simply wouldn’t be possible at other, far more busy, times in the years,” added Ms Shah. HSBC Malta Foundation Deputy Chairperson Sarah Watkinson said: “HSBC Malta Foundation’s support goes a long way in assisting the patients and staff of the Hospice Malta’s Children’s Summer Club. We are encouraged to see that this Club offers children a good time and opportunities to make new friends, whilst also providing much appreciated respite to the children’s parents and their families.” Hospice Malta is a voluntary organisation that offers palliative care for persons with cancer, motor neurone disease and other terminal diseases.