Vodafone online monitor 13 november 2015

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Today’s Newspaper Cuttings

13 November 2015

Today’s online news Independent.com.mt Busiest day for Vodafone’s High Speed Network on Thank You Day – Vodafone Direct GO employees entertain Roseville Home residents – GO CSR Direct

Maltatoday.com.mt GO employees entertain Roseville Home residents – GO CSR Direct

Josannecassar.com GO employees entertain Roseville Home residents – GO CSR Direct

Newsbook.com.mt Jum impenjattiv għan-netwerk veloċi ta’ Vodfone – Vodafone Direct L-impjegati ta’ GO jiddevertu lir-residenti ta’ Rosevelle Home – GO CSR Direct

Vodafone in the news


Vodafne Direct independent.com.mt 12 November 2015 â‚Ź 145

Busiest day for Vodafone's High Speed Network on Thank You Day Thursday, 12 November 2015, 19:28

Whereas the Liking, Pinning or Tweeting are common on the net, saying thank you is new. Vodafone spent the past weeks thanking its customers, with the initiative culminating in a full day of Free mobile internet for everyone. Customers made full use of Vodafone's special Thank You day, celebrated last Monday. This event, which was a first for any telecoms service provider in Malta, saw each and every Vodafone customer enjoying completely free and unlimited mobile data for a full day without even having to ask for it. Customers took full advantage of this offer by downloading more mobile data than ever registered before on the Vodafone network, an increase of over 60% when compared to an average working day. To give some idea, the amount of data downloaded in just this one day was equivalent to 64,000 hours, or 7 years, of You Tube videos. Vodafone confirmed that network performance was stable throughout the day. Amanda Nelson, Vodafone Malta's CEO explained the reasoning behind the event by saying "Having just achieved the 99% population coverage on our 4G network we could think of no better way to celebrate this achievement than by giving each and every one of our customer the


Vodafne Direct independent.com.mt 12 November 2015 â‚Ź 145

freedom to use unlimited mobile data through our network for a full day, entirely free. We are immensely pleased that this means of saying Thank You seemed to have hit the spot so well judging by the level of response we received." Vodafone prepared intensively for this event and over 100 employees were involved behind the scenes to make this a special day for their customers, from engineers and technicians in Vodafone's Technology Department, to customer service representatives who were ready to assist customers who took advantage of the event to use mobile internet for the first time. Kim Zahra, Systems Engineer, explained "We were looking forward to 9th November for some weeks now. For those of us who work day in and day out to keep our network operating at its best it was so gratifying to be able to thank each and every one of our customers by giving them the chance to use our network to the full and to enjoy all that mobile internet has to offer." Matthew Galea, Networks Engineer, also commented, "This was an opportunity to demonstrate that our network is more than capable of handling all the extra traffic that was generated. We say we have the best network. 9th November gave us the chance to prove it."


Vodafone Direct newsbook.com.mt 12 November 2015 € 120

Jum impenjattiv għan-netwerk veloċi ta’ Vodafone Karl Wright - 12/11/15 02:31 PM

Vodafone irringrazzjat lill-klijenti bl-inizjattiva li laħqet il-qofol tagħha b’ġurnata ta’ internet b’xejn għal kulħadd. Il-klijenti ħadu vantaġġ mill-ġurnata ta’ ringrazzjament li kienet iċċelebrata t-Tnejn li għadda. Dan l-avveniment, li kien l-ewwel wieħed għal kwalunkwe kumpanija tat-telekomunikazzjoni f’Malta, ra lil kull klijent ta’ Vodafone igawdi minn internet b’xejn fuq il-mobile għal ġurnata sħiħa. Il-klijenti ħadu vantaġġ minn din l-offerta billi niżżlu ammont fenomenali ta’ data, bl-aktar ammont irreġistrat ta’ downloading data min-netwerk ta’ Vodafone, b’żieda ta’ 60% meta kkomparat ma’ ġurnata oħra matul il-ġimgħa. L-ammont ta’ data li tniżżel f’ġurnata waħda hu ekwivalenti għal 64,000 siegħa jew 7 snin ta’ vidjows fuq il-YouTube. Vodafone ikkonfermat li l-prestazzjoni tan-netwerk kienet stabbli matul il-ġurnata kollha.

Other stories in the news


GO CSR Direct independent.com.mt 11 November 2015 â‚Ź 145

GO employees entertain Roseville Home residents Tuesday, 10 November 2015, 19:36

GO employees turned out in force recently to entertain residents at the Roseville Home in Attard. The GO team, in fact, put on a whole morning of activities including a tombola, which proved extremely popular with the elderly residents of the home. Josephine Grima, Senior Manager - HR Operations, said, "GO employees have a great track record of actively helping out in the community. Through the GO Cares committee, employees organise events regularly to support children, the elderly, animal sanctuaries, supported NGOs and other facets of society. This latest initiative to organise a morning of events at Roseville Home continues to demonstrate the GO team's commitment to being caring towards one another, which is one of our four key values." Mario DeBattista, Facility Manager at Roseville, commented, "On behalf of all the residents that attended, I would like to thank GO employees who dedicated some of their free time to come and organise this wonderful occasion. This event was surely a success with our residents and we were pleased to see a lot of happy faces on the day."


GO CSR Direct independent.com.mt 11 November 2015 â‚Ź 145

Roseville is located in Attard, adjacent to San Anton Palace and is a unique architectural gem featuring an early 20th century house which is one of Malta's few Art Nouveau villas. The façade boasts floral sculpted windows surrounded by painted motifs, recalling the Art Nouveau houses found in places such as Brussels, Antwerp and across Central Europe. The home offers elderly residents all the care and attention they need whilst offering them all the support required to continue to live independently as possible.


GO CSR Direct maltatoday.com.mt 11 November 2015 € 145

GO employees entertain Roseville Home residents The GO team put on a whole morning of activities including a tombola, which proved extremely popular with the elderly residents of the home. 10 November 2015, 3:26pm

GO employees turned out in force recently to entertain residents at the Roseville Home in Attard. The GO team, in fact, put on a whole morning of activities including a tombola, which proved extremely popular with the elderly residents of the home. Josephine Grima, Senior Manager – HR Operations, said, “GO employees have a great track record of actively helping out in the community. Through the GO Cares committee, employees organise events regularly to support children, the elderly, animal sanctuaries, supported NGOs and other facets of society. This latest initiative to organise a morning of events at Roseville Home continues to demonstrate the GO team’s commitment to being caring towards one another, which is one of our four


GO CSR Direct maltatoday.com.mt 11 November 2015 € 145

key values.” Mario DeBattista, Facility Manager at Roseville, commented, “On behalf of all the residents that attended, I would like to thank GO employees who dedicated some of their free time to come and organise this wonderful occasion. This event was surely a success with our residents and we were pleased to see a lot of happy faces on the day.” Roseville is located in Attard, adjacent to San Anton Palace and is a unique architectural gem featuring an early 20th century house which is one of Malta’s few Art Nouveau villas. The façade boasts floral sculpted windows surrounded by painted motifs, recalling the Art Nouveau houses found in places such as Brussels, Antwerp and across Central Europe. The home offers elderly residents all the care and attention they need whilst offering them all the support required to continue to live independently as possible.


GO CSR Direct newsbook.com.mt 11 November 2015 € 120

L-impjegati ta’ GO jiddevertu lir-residenti ta’ Roseville Home Karl Wright - 11/11/15 12:32 PM

L-impjegati ta’ GO ħarġu bi ħġarhom biex jiddevertu lir-residenti ta’ Roseville Home f’Ħ’Attard. Fil-fatt, it-tim ta’ GO ipprepara għodwa sħiħa ta’ attivitajiet fosthom il-logħba tat-tombla li kienet suċċess kbir mar-residenti. Josephine Grima, Senior Manager – HR Operations, qalet li “l-impjegati ta’ GO ta’ spiss jorganizzaw attivitajiet bl-għan li jgħinu b’mod attiv lill-komunità. Permezz tal-Kumitat GO Cares, l-impjegati jorganizzaw attivitajiet ta’ appoġġ għat-tfal, santwarji tal-annimali, NGOs u organizzazzjonijiet oħra fis-soċjetà. Din l-inizjattiva, li saret f’Roseville Home, tkompli turi l-impenn li t-tim ta’ GO għandu lejn membri oħra tas-soċjetà u li fil-fatt hi waħda mill-erba’ valuri ewlenin tagħna.” Roseville tinsab f’Ħ’Attard, biswit il-Palazz ta’ San Anton u hi ġawrha arkitettoniku unika li tikkaratterizza dar tipika tas-snin bikrin tas-seklu 20 u li fil-fatt hi waħda mill-ftit vilel Art Nouveau f’Malta. Il-faċċata hi msebbħa bi twieqi skolpiti u mdawrin b’disinn oriġinali, tipikament tad-djar Art Nouveau li jinsabu fi Brussell, Antwerp u madwar l-Ewropa Ċentrali. Id-dar tal-anzjani toffri lir-residenti l-kura u l-attenzjoni li għandhom bżonn filwaqt li toffrilhom l-appoġġ kollu meħtieġ biex jgħixu kemm jista’ jkun ħajja indipendenti.


GO CSR Direct josannecassar.com 12 November 2015 € 116

GO EMPLOYEES ENTERTAIN ROSEVILLE HOME RESIDENTS GO employees turned out in force recently to entertain residents at the Roseville Home in Attard. The GO team, in fact, put on a whole morning of activities including a tombola, which proved extremely popular with the elderly residents of the home. Josephine Grima, Senior Manager – HR Operations, said, “GO employees have a great track record of actively helping out in the community. Through the GO Cares committee, employees organise events regularly to support children, the elderly, animal sanctuaries, supported NGOs and other facets of society. This latest initiative to organise a morning of events at Roseville Home continues to demonstrate the GO team’s commitment to being caring towards one another, which is one of our four key values.” Mario DeBattista, Facility Manager at Roseville, commented, “On behalf of all the residents that attended, I would like to thank GO employees who dedicated some of their free time to come and organise this wonderful occasion. This event was surely a success with our residents and we were pleased to see a lot of happy faces on the day.” Roseville is located in Attard, adjacent to San Anton Palace and is a unique architectural gem featuring an early 20th century house which is one of Malta’s few Art Nouveau villas. The façade boasts floral sculpted windows surrounded by painted motifs, recalling the Art Nouveau houses found in places such as Brussels, Antwerp and across Central Europe. The home offers elderly residents all the care and attention they need whilst offering them all the support required to continue to live independently as possible.

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