Today’s Newspaper Cuttings
17 December 2015
Today’s online news The road ahead – Vodafone CSR Direct Fibre-connected 4G network – GO Direct MyMelita app shortlisted as communications authority eBusiness awards finalist – Melita Direct GO launches 4G fibre-connected network – GO Direct Melita plc being sold to Apax France and Fortino Capital – Melita Direct Telecoms in flux as Melita gets new owners – Melita Direct MyMelita app shortlisted for MCA eBusiness award – Melita Direct Melita plc sold to French and Belgian-based companies – Melita Direct Top-up plans ġodda u rigali b’xejn minn Vodafone – Vodafone Direct GO tisponsorja l-Malta iGaming Seminar – GO Direct Melita mistennija tgħaddi f’idejn żewġ kumpaniji barranin – Melita Direct GO tniedi network 4G kompletament imqabbad bil-fibre – GO Direct Free bonus TV and radio channels on this Christmas – Melita Direct GO sponsors Malta iGaming Seminar – GO Direct MyMelita app shortlisted as MCA eBusiness Awardds Finalist – Melita Direct GO launches the only 4G network that is 100 per cent Fibre Connected – GO Direct Vodafone Malta goes POP with new top-up plans and free gifts – Vodafone Direct GO sponsors Malta iGaming Seminar – GO Direct GO launches the only 4G network that is 100 per cent Fibre Connected – GO Direct Vodafone Malta new top-up plans and free gifts this Christmas – Vodafone Direct Free bonus TV and radio channels on Melita this Christmas – Melita Direct Melita announces sale of company to Apax Partners & Fortino Capital – Melita Direct GO sponsors Malta iGaming Seminar – GO Direct Free bonus TV and radio channels on Melita Digital this Christmas – Melita Direct MyMelita app shortlisted as MCA eBusiness Awards Finalist – Melita Direct Melita plc to be sold to Apax Partners, Fortino Capital – Melita Direct Melita mistennija tinbiegħ lil żewġ kumpaniji barranin – Melita Direct
Vodafone in the news
Vodafone Direct 7 December 2015 € 116
VODAFONE MALTA GOES POP WITH NEW TOP-UP PLANS AND FREE GIFTS Vodafone Malta is celebrating Christmas in style this year with the launch of their new POP plans, a totally new range of four top-up plans that offer more value and flexibility.. What sets these plans apart is the way they have been individually designed to meet the needs of different customers and there is literally something here for everyone. Whether you use your mobile mainly for voice calls, or are more interested in texting or mobile data, Vodafone is offering the right POP plan for you.Choose between the POP EASY, POP TALK, POP SMART and POP STAR. With a €10 top-up customers can get started with the POP EASY. This being Christmas, Vodafone is also offering free gifts to anyone choosing any of these POP plans until stocks last. Customers choosing any of these plans will be given free headphones if they opt for POP EASY, a free Powerbank with POP TALK and a Bluetooth speaker POP SMART. Those choosing POP STAR will be given a 3D Virtual Reality headset. And that is not all. Any customer who buys a POP plan before 31st January 2016 will get double credit back on the top-up value of their particular plan. Vodafone Malta is also offering the first POP top-up plan for free to any new customer switching to Vodafone for the first time. All plans offer 4G speeds and HD Voice, with value for money assured, since they offer the cheapest call rates to any local network at any time of the day. Customers can also sleep easy knowing that any out-of-bundle data usage is charged at Vodafone’s RELAX rates only EUR2 per 100MB of data out of bundle with regular notifications to keep the customer informed exactly how much they are spending and which is now also available to all Vodafone prepaid customers.
Vodafone Direct 7 December 2015 â‚Ź 116
For more information on Vodafone’s new POP plans and the POP Christmas gifts and offers, customers are invited to visit their nearest Vodafone store to discuss the best plan that suits their particular needs. Further information can also be found on
Vodafone Direct 9December 2015 € 116
Vodafone Malta new top-up plans and free gifts this Christmas BY GOZO NEWS · DECEMBER 9, 2015
Vodafone Malta has said that it is celebrating Christmas with the launch of their new POP plans, a totally new range of four top-up plans that offer more value and flexibility.. "What sets these plans apart is the way they have been individually designed to meet the needs of different customers." Choose between the POP EASY, POP TALK, POP SMART and POP STAR. With a €10 top-up customers can get started with the POP EASY. Vodafone said that it is also offering free gifts to anyone choosing any of these POP plans until stocks last. Customers choosing any of these plans will be given free headphones if they opt for POP EASY, a free Powerbank with POP TALK and a Bluetooth speaker POP SMART. Those choosing POP STAR will be given a 3D Virtual Reality headset. "Any customer who buys a POP plan before 31st January 2016 will get double credit back on the top-up value of their particular plan." Vodafone Malta is also offering the first POP top-up plan for free to any new customer switching to Vodafone for the first time. For more information on Vodafone's new POP plans and the POP Christmas gifts and offers, customers are invited to visit their nearest Vodafone store to discuss the best plan that suits their particular needs. Further information can also be found on
Vodafone Direct 11 December 2015 € 230
Top-Up plans ġodda u rigali b’xejn minn Vodafone Karl Wright - 11/12/15 03:49 PM
Vodafone Malta qed tiċċelebra dan il-Milied bi stil meta qed tniedi l-POPplans ġodda‚ għażla totalment ġdida ta’ erba’ top-up plans li joffru aktar valur u flessibbiltà. Li jagħmel dawn il-plans aktar differenti minn oħrajn hu l-mod ta’ kif ġew disinjati individwalment biex jilħqu l-bżonnijiet ta’ klienti differenti u issa‚ litteralment‚ hemm xi ħaġa għal kulħadd. Kemm jekk tuża l-mobiletiegħek l-aktar biex iċċempel‚ jew inkella aktar int interessat biex tibgħat il-messaġġi jew tuża data fuq il-mobile‚ Vodafone qed joffrulek il-POPplan li l-aktar jgħodd għalik. L-għażla hi bejn POP EASY, POP TALK, POP SMART u POP STAR. B’top-up ta’ €10 il-klienti jibdew b’POP EASY. Vodafone‚ billi hu l-Milied‚ qed toffri wkoll lil kulħadd rigali b’xejn sakemm jifdal l-istokk. Klienti li jagħżlu xi wieħed minn dawn il-plansjingħataw headphones b’xejn jekk jagħżlu
Vodafone Direct 11 December 2015 € 230
POP EASY‚ Powerbank b’xejn b’POP TALK u Bluetooth speaker mal-POP SMART. Dawk li jagħżlu POP STAR jingħataw 3D Virtual Reality headset. U dak mhux kollox. Kull klient li jixtri POP plan qabel il-31 ta’ Jannar 2016 jingħata lura kreditu doppju fuq il-valur tat-top-up tal-plan partikulari tiegħu. Vodafone Malta qed toffri wkoll b’xejn l-ewwel POP top-up plan lil klienti ġodda meta dawn jaqilbu għal Vodafone għall-ewwel darba. Kull plan joffri veloċitajiet 4G u HD Voice li jassigura valur għal flusek peress li dawn joffru l-aktar rati rħas fuq kull network lokali matul kull ħin tal-ġurnata.
Vodafone CSR Direct 13 December 2015 â‚Ź 230
The road ahead
At the launch of the project. From left: Dr Anton Bartolo, Prof. Adrian Muscat, Prof. Maria Attard and Rector Prof. Juanito Camilleri from the University of Malta and Jason Pavia, Veronica Nardelli and Vanessa Camenzuli from the Vodafone Malta Foundation. Prof. Maria Attard and Prof. Adrian Muscat are leading the project. A shared demand responsive transport service can alleviate traffic and provide alternative transport options, Prof. Maria Attard and Prof. Adrian Muscat say. Earlier this year, the Institute for Climate Change and Sustainable Development at the University of Malta published a study about the external cost of private and commercial vehicle use in Malta. The results were a staggering â‚Ź274 million in 2012. These costs were estimated to increase by 16 per cent in 2020 should no action be taken to curb private car use and its impacts. Over the years, the institute has been instrumental in highlighting the need for a more concerted effort in transport policy, and for Malta to move towards a sustainable mobility agenda where the transport mix is broadened and encouraged, the public transport infrastructure is improved and given priority over cars, and disincentives for car use be introduced to reverse the trends of auto mobility. In the meantime, new technologies have emerged which are easy to integrate with transport services that do not necessarily increase the capacity of the network with demands for new roads and more parking. Rather, they allow us to increase the capability of the existing network by increasing efficiency of motorised resources, improving the management of road infrastructure, and introducing demand management measures in urban areas. Of course we could redesign our towns and villages but that is a bit more difficult, and while better land use planning decisions are necessary, changes to the urban area will take much longer to implement.
Vodafone CSR Direct 13 December 2015 â‚Ź 230
Recently the institute launched a new project to look into the potential of shared demand responsive transport systems for delivering sustainable mobility goals. This project will specifically address the question of how we can make better use of motorised resources. Essentially, we believe that technology will enable this to happen. The development and implementation phase of the project is being funded by the Vodafone Malta Foundation under its Mobile for Good programme, which promotes initiatives that aim to deliver social change through the application of technology and innovation. Taxi services, private car ownership and public transport systems are the most common on-demand motorised personal transport systems in use. Taxis offer a personalised door-to-door service at a relative high cost while the private car offers a low-cost personalised service but requires the financial and social cost of road infrastructure and parking spaces at each destination and the financial cost of owning and maintaining a car, which is not used for most of the time. Nonetheless it can work out cheaper than a taxi service.
A well-planned DRT system can support a policy that aims at sustainable and efficient transport On the other hand, buses offer the lowest-cost non-personalised service that requires the passengers to organise their life around its routes and schedules. Public transport also results in the longest trip time when priority over traffic is not granted. In this project we are looking at demand responsive transport systems that lie in between the extremes provided by the taxi and the public transport services. The DRT system is a shared on-demand mode, where passengers share the vehicle with other passengers during their personalised trip. This is what makes the problem difficult. The DRT concept is not new and operators, usually in isolation, provide shared on-demand taxi and minivan services to and from specific spots, such as airports and other well frequented venues. This can be carried out manually because the services start from one place.
Recently DRT systems have been reconsidered in an up-to-date ICT and intelligent transport systems setting, mainly to provide the last mile connection in low-density suburban areas, in protected inner city areas and as inter-town connections where demand is low. A number of studies have been carried out in Europe, mainly through the EC-funded Sampo and Samplus projects, which were followed by the implementation of trials in specific cities such as Florence, Italy and Braga, Portugal. Most of these systems were semi-automated, ran a small fleet and resulted in high operating costs that required subsidies. In our project we want to study DRT systems as a direct replacement to private car ownership. The challenge is to offer a good service at a reasonable and competitive price. We have studied a fully automated system that provides origin-to-destination services over a closed service area of 100km2 to obtain an estimate of the
Vodafone CSR Direct 13 December 2015 â‚Ź 230
non-subsidised cost to the end-user. The results show that a well-planned DRT system can support a policy that aims at sustainable and efficient transport. The success of the system depends on the efficient deployment of resources, mainly vehicles and chauffeurs, to maximise vehicle occupancy and minimise travel times. We have already developed a model to study the relationships between the latter system variables. In a nutshell, scheduling in urban areas recognises patterns that look like predetermined paths. The model therefore treats DRT scheduling and dispatch over a large urban area as a collection of time varying routes. In our study we concluded that a last mile connection service in Malta is not feasible, since it triples the cost of a public transport trip. However a full origin-destination DRT service is highly likely to be successful in terms of financial cost to the end-user and therefore, in mitigating private car ownership and related social and environmental problems. We are now extending the project to include real-world measurements. We will be developing the physical prototype to carry out these measurements. The results will give a clearer picture of how the system variables relate to one another. We will also be using the prototype to demonstrate the system. This project is seen as an opportunity for the University of Malta and the Vodafone Malta Foundation to be proactive with actions and research that target one of the critical challenges for Malta. The prototype services will be studied and tested around the University’s Msida campus. It is also an aim to showcase the University as both an initiator and eventually a best practice example for others to follow.
Other stories in the news
GO Direct 1 December 2015 € 116
GO SPONSORS MALTA IGAMING SEMINAR GO was one the main sponsors of the Malta iGaming Seminar (MiGS) 2015 which took place recently and brought together hundreds of industry leaders for three days of discussion and networking. GO provided fast, fibre-based wi-fi to all the delegates and exhibitors and the necessary data connectivity for the conference. Elaine Fenech, Senior Manager – GO Business, said, “MiGS is a truly global event for the iGaming industry in which all the opportunities and challenges affecting the industry are on the table for discussion. iGaming is a very important sector for Malta and GO because the vast majority of iGaming companies based in Malta use GO’s unrivalled telephony, internet, data processing and hosting capabilities for their business.” Among the topics discussed at MiGS 2015 were regulation, sustainability, cross-border liquidity, emerging jurisdictions, new EU directives on money laundering and VAT, mobile gaming and new payment platforms. In addition to industry representatives, regulators from several countries including Malta also addressed the Seminar.
GO Direct 1 December 2015 € 116
GO sponsors Malta iGaming Seminar Tuesday, 01 Dec 2015, 11:18
GO was one the main sponsors of the Malta iGaming Seminar (MiGS) 2015 which took place recently and brought together hundreds of industry leaders for three days of discussion and networking. GO provided fast, fibre-based wi-fi to all the delegates and exhibitors and the necessary data connectivity for the conference. Elaine Fenech, Senior Manager – GO Business, said, “MiGS is a truly global event for the iGaming industry in which all the opportunities and challenges affecting the industry are on the table for discussion. iGaming is a very important sector for Malta and GO because the vast majority of iGaming companies based in Malta use GO’s unrivalled telephony, internet, data processing and hosting capabilities for their business.”
Among the topics discussed at MiGS 2015 were regulation, sustainability, cross-border liquidity, emerging jurisdictions, new EU directives on money laundering and VAT, mobile gaming and new payment platforms. In addition to industry representatives, regulators from several countries including Malta also addressed the Seminar.
GO Direct 1 December 2015 € 120
GO tisponsorja l-Malta iGaming Seminar Karl Wright - 01/12/15 09:36 AM
GO kienet wieħed mill-isponsors ewlenin tal-Malta iGaming Seminar (MiGS) 2015 li sar dan l-aħħar u li laqqa’ flimkien mijiet ta’ mexxejja tal-industrija għal tlett ijiem ta’ diskussjoni u networking. GO provdiet wi-fi veloċi bbażat fuq fibre lid-delegati u lill-esebituri kollha, u provdiet ukoll il-konnettività tad-data li kien hemm bżonn biex il-konferenza tkun suċċess. Elaine Fenech, Senior Manager - GO Business, qalet li “MiGS hi tassew attività globali għall-industrija tal-iGaming li fiha l-opportunitajiet u l-isfidi kollha li jaffettwaw din l-industrija jkunu diskussi. L-iGamining hu settur importanti ħafna għal Malta u għall-GO, għaliex il-maġġor parti tal-kumpaniji tal-iGaming ibbażati f’Malta jużaw is-sistemi ta’ GO għal servizzi tat-telefonija, internet, proċess tad-data u hosting capabilities għan-negozju tagħhom.” Fost is-suġġett li kienu diskussi waqt il-MiGS 2015 kienu r-regolamenti, is-sostenibbiltà, cross-border liquidity, ġurisdizzjonijiet ġodda, direttivi ġodda tal-UE dwar ħasil tal-flus u VAT, mobile gaming u pjattaformi ġodda ta’ ħlas. Minbarra r-rappreżentanti tal-industrija, reġolaturi minn għadd ta’ pajjiżi fosthom Malta indirizzaw is-seminar.
GO Direct 2 December 2015 â‚Ź 145
GO launches the only 4G network that is 100 per cent Fibre Connected Wednesday, 2 December 2015, 17:16
GO has launched Malta's only fully fibre connected 4G network, which delivers unrivalled superfast and reliable mobile internet. From today, all subscribers on GO Limitless One, Two and Three mobile plans will be upgraded to 4G for free. These mobile plans offer customers peace of mind when using 4G thanks to the 4G-friendly data rates and other functionality which ensures that customers are in control of their spend at all times.
Kurt Camilleri, Chief Commercial Officer at GO, said, "GO had embarked on a multi-year investment to ensure that our 4G network is 100 per cent fibre connected. This means that we are now able to offer customers a unique experience both in terms of speed and reliability. By including 4G in our updated Limitless One, Two and Three plans, GO is delivering further value to customers this Christmas." GO's 4G network will initially be available in high traffic areas enabling 60 per cent of the population, with a nationwide rollout to follow shortly thereafter. It will achieve maximum download speeds that are several times faster than those available on 3G, opening up a range of exciting opportunities for customers in areas such as mobile HD TV and video.
GO Direct 2 December 2015 € 145
The fact that the network is fully fibre connected will mean it is much more resilient and can scale up seamlessly as demand arises. Customers on Limitless One, Two and Three plans who use up their mobile internet bundle will be charged €2 per 100MB thereafter. They will also receive an SMS notification every time they use up an extra 500MB on top of their monthly mobile internet bundle, equivalent to €10, up to a maximum of €50. For further use, customers will then be able to buy an additional mobile internet bundle, at their discretion. In the coming months, GO will also make 4G available to customers on other mobile prepaid and postpaid plans. GO's 4G network has been supplied by Nokia Networks and Alcatel Lucent using their latest technology for next-generation mobile broadband networks. More information on 4G is available from all GO retail outlets and exclusive resellers and from the Terms and conditions apply.
GO Direct 5 December 2015 € 116
GO LAUNCHES THE ONLY 4G NETWORK THAT IS 100 PER CENT FIBRE CONNECTED GO has launched Malta’s only fully fibre connected 4G network, which delivers unrivalled superfast and reliable mobile internet. From today, all subscribers on GO Limitless One, Two and Three mobile plans will be upgraded to 4G for free. These mobile plans offer customers peace of mind when using 4G thanks to the 4G-friendly data rates and other functionality which ensures that customers are in control of their spend at all times. Kurt Camilleri, Chief Commercial Officer at GO, said, “GO had embarked on a multi-year investment to ensure that our 4G network is 100 per cent fibre connected. This means that we are now able to offer customers a unique experience both in terms of speed and reliability. By including 4G in our updated Limitless One, Two and Three plans, GO is delivering further value to customers this Christmas.” GO’s 4G network will initially be available in high traffic areas enabling 60 per cent of the population, with a nationwide rollout to follow shortly thereafter. It will achieve maximum download speeds that are several times faster than those available on 3G, opening up a range of exciting opportunities for customers in areas such as mobile HD TV and video. The fact that the network is fully fibre connected will mean it is much more resilient and can scale up seamlessly as demand arises. Customers on Limitless One, Two and Three plans who use up their mobile internet bundle will be charged €2 per 100MB thereafter. They will also receive an SMS notification every time they use up an extra 500MB on top of their monthly mobile internet bundle, equivalent to €10, up to a maximum of €50. For further use, customers will then be able to buy an additional mobile internet bundle, at their discretion. In the coming months, GO will also make 4G available to customers on other mobile prepaid and postpaid plans.
GO Direct 5 December 2015 â‚Ź 116
GO’s 4G network has been supplied by Nokia Networks and Alcatel Lucent using their latest technology for next-generation mobile broadband networks. More information on 4G is available from all GO retail outlets and exclusive resellers and from the website
Terms and conditions apply.
GO Direct 5 December 2015 € 230
Saturday, December 5, 2015, 00:01
Fibre-connected 4G network
GO technicians working on the fibre-connected 4G network. GO has launched what it termed as Malta’s only fully fibre connected 4G network, “which delivers unrivalled superfast and reliable mobile internet”. All subscribers of GO Limitless One, Two and Three mobile plans have been upgraded to 4G for free. The provider said the three mobile phone plans offered customers peace of mind when using thesystem thanks to the 4G-friendly data rates and other functionality ensuring customers are in control of their spend at all times. GO chief commercial officer Kurt Camilleri said: “GO had embarked on a multi-year investment to ensure that our 4G network is 100 per cent fibre connected. This means we are now able to offer customers a unique experience both in terms of speed and reliability. By including 4G in our updated Limitless One, Two and Three plans, GO is delivering further value to customers this Christmas.”
We are now able to offer customers a unique experience both in terms of speed and reliability The provider said the network would initially be available in high traffic areas enabling 60 per cent of the population, “with a nationwide rollout to follow shortly thereafter”. It promised that the new system provided maximum download speeds several times faster than those available on 3G, offering customers a range of opportunities for customers in areas such as mobile HD TV and video. The fact that the network was fully fibre connected meant it was much more resilient and could scale up seamlessly as demand grew, GO said. Customers on Limitless One, Two and Three plans who use up their mobile internet bundle will then be charged €2 per 100MB. They will receive an SMS notification every time they use up an extra 500MB on top of their
GO Direct 5 December 2015 € 230
monthly mobile internet bundle, equivalent to €10, up to a maximum of €50. For further use, customers will then be able to buy an additional mobile internet bundle, at their discretion. In the coming months, GO will also make 4G available to customers on other mobile prepaid and post-paid plans. GO’s 4G network was supplied by Nokia Networks and Alcatel Lucent using their latest technology for next-generation mobile broadband networks. More information on 4G is available from all GO retail outlets and exclusive resellers and from the website
GO Direct 6 December 2015 € 230
Sunday, December 6, 2015, 00:01
GO launches 4G fibre-connected network
GO launches Malta’s only fully fibre connected 4G network. GO has launched Malta’s only fully fibre-connected 4G network, which delivers unrivalled superfast and reliable mobile internet. All subscribers on GO Limitless One, Two and Three mobile plans will be upgraded to 4G for free. These mobile plans offer customers peace of mind when using 4G, thanks to the 4G-friendly data rates and other functionality which ensures that customers are in control of their spend at all times. GO chief commercial officer Kurt Camilleri said: “GO had embarked on a multi-year investment to ensure that our 4G network is 100 per cent fibre connected. This means that we are now able to offer customers a unique experience both in terms of speed and reliability. By including 4G in our updated Limitless One, Two and Three plans, GO is delivering further value to customers for Christmas.” GO’s 4G network will initially be available in high traffic areas, enabling 60 per cent of the population, with a nationwide rollout to follow shortly thereafter. It will achieve maximum download speeds that are several times faster than those available on 3G, opening up a range of exciting opportunities for customers in areas such as mobile HD TV and video. The fact that the network is fully fibre connected will mean it is much more resilient and can scale up seamlessly as demand arises.
GO Direct 6 December 2015 € 230
Customers on Limitless One, Two and Three plans who use up their mobile internet bundle will be charged €2 per 100MB thereafter. They will also receive an SMS notification every time they use up an extra 500MB on top of their monthly mobile internet bundle, equivalent to €10, up to a maximum of €50. For further use, customers will then be able to buy an additional mobile internet bundle, at their discretion. In the coming months, GO will also make 4G available to customers on other mobile prepaid and postpaid plans. GO’s 4G network has been supplied by Nokia Networks and Alcatel Lucent using their latest technology for next generation mobile broadband networks. More information on 4G is available from all GO retail outlets and exclusive resellers and from the website
GO Direct 11 December 2015 € 120
GO tniedi netwerk 4G kompletament imqabbad bil-fibre Karl Wright - 11/12/15 02:00 PM
GO nediet l-unika 4G netwerk f’Malta li hu kompletament imqabbad bil-fibre.Dan ifisser internet tal-mowbajls veloċi u affidabbli. Mil-lum, l-utenti kollha ta’ GO Limitless One, Two u Threemobile plans se jkunu upgraded għal 4G mingħajr ħlas. Dawn il-pakketti tal-mowbajl joffru lill-klijenti serħan tal-moħħ meta jużaw il-4G minħabba l-fatt li r-rati tad-data huma 4G-friendly u għandhom funzjonijiet oħra li jippermettu lill-klijenti li jikkontrollaw in-nefqa tagħhom kull mument. Għall-bidu, in-netwerk 4G ta’ GO se jkun disponibbli f’żoni high traffic li jinkludu 60 fil-mija tal-popolazzjoni, biex ftit wara dan is-servizz jitwassal mal-pajjiż kollu. Din is-sistema tilħaq massimu ta’ download speeds ħafna iktar veloċi minn dawk disponibbli fuq 3G.
GO Direct 30 November 2015 â‚Ź 145
GO sponsors Malta iGaming Seminar Monday, 30 November 2015,
GO was one the main sponsors of the Malta iGaming Seminar (MiGS) 2015 which took place recently and brought together hundreds of industry leaders for three days of discussion and networking. GO provided fast, fibre-based wi-fi to all the delegates and exhibitors and the necessary data connectivity for the conference. Elaine Fenech, Senior Manager - GO Business, said, "MiGS is a truly global event for the iGaming industry in which all the opportunities and challenges affecting the industry are on the table for discussion. iGaming is a very important sector for Malta and GO because the vast majority of iGaming companies based in Malta use GO's unrivalled telephony, internet, data processing and hosting capabilities for their business." Among the topics discussed at MiGS 2015 were regulation, sustainability, cross-border liquidity, emerging jurisdictions, new EU directives on money laundering and VAT, mobile gaming and new payment platforms. In addition to industry representatives, regulators from several countries including Malta also addressed the Seminar.
Melita Direct 13 December 2015 € 230
Sunday, December 13, 2015, 00:01
Company briefs MyMelita app shortlisted for MCA eBusiness award Melita’s self-care app for smartphones and tablets, named MyMelita, has been shortlisted as a finalist for the Malta Communications Authority eBusiness Awards 2015. Since its launch, the app has been downloaded more than 20,000 times. Developed by the in-house technology team at Melita, the app is unique in the local telecom industry for its features and functionality. MyMelita aims to make life easier for customers seeking information about their Melita accounts by providing easy-to-use features for managing all four services offered by the company: mobile, television, internet and telephony. In addition, the app includes access to information that is normally sought through the company’s call centre such as monitoring usage for data, SMS and calls, credit top-up for prepaid mobile numbers and requests for information from Melita’s customer support representatives. Through the phone’s in-built GPS technology, the app also enables users to identify the nearest Melita store and prompts notifications of service interruptions happening on their home or office services. The app also facilitates the bill settlement process by accepting payments through mobile. All functions are available round-the-clock on both Android and iOs platforms.
Melita Direct 1 December 2015 â‚Ź 145
MyMelita app shortlisted as MCA eBusiness Awards Finalist Tuesday, 1 December 2015, 18:46
Melita's self-care app for smartphones and tablets, aptly named MyMelita, has been shortlisted as a Finalist for the Malta Communications Authority eBusiness Awards 2015. Since launch, the app was downloaded more than 20,000 times. Developed by the in-house technology team at Melita, the app is unique in the local telecom industry for its features and functionality. MyMelita aims to make life easier for customers seeking information about their Melita accounts by providing easy-to-use features for managing all four services offered by the company: Mobile, Television, Internet and Telephony. In addition, the app includes access to information which is normally sought through the company's call centre such as, monitoring usage for data, SMS and calls, credit top-up for prepaid mobile numbers and requests for information from Melita's customer support representatives. Through the phone's in-built GPS technology, the app also enables
Melita Direct 1 December 2015 â‚Ź 145
users to identify the nearest Melita store and prompts notifications of service interruptions happening on their home or office services. The app also facilitates the bill settlement process by accepting payments through mobile. All functions are available round-the-clock on both Android and iOs platforms. "The launch of this app marked a very important milestone in Melita's efforts to provide more online customer service touch points and to improve the overall customer experience through an enhanced delivery of customer services. The shortlisting to the final stage of the MCA eBusiness Awards gives recognition to the hard work put into this project by Melita's technology and customer care teams" said Malcolm Briffa, Director of Customer Experience. The evaluation and shortlisting process was carried out by an independent committee setup for this purpose by the Malta Communications Authority. The committee included representatives of the academia, industry and government.
Melita Direct 1 December 2015 € 145
MyMelita app shortlisted as MCA eBusiness Awards Finalist Since launch, the app was downloaded more than 20,000 times 1 December 2015, 2:25pm
Melita’s self-care app for smartphones and tablets, aptly named MyMelita, has been shortlisted as a Finalist for the Malta Communications Authority eBusiness Awards 2015. Since launch, the app was downloaded more than 20,000 times. Developed by the in-house technology team at Melita, the app is unique in the local telecom industry for its features and functionality. MyMelita aims to make life easier for customers seeking information about their Melita accounts by providing easy-to-use features for managing all four services offered by the company: Mobile, Television, Internet and Telephony. In addition, the app includes access to information which is normally sought through the company’s call centre such as, monitoring usage for data, SMS and calls, credit top-up for prepaid mobile numbers and requests for information from Melita’s customer support representatives. Through the phone’s in-built GPS technology, the app also enables users to identify the nearest Melita store and prompts notifications of service interruptions happening on their home or office services. The app also facilitates the bill settlement process by accepting payments through mobile. All functions are available round-the-clock on both Android and iOs platforms.
Melita Direct 1 December 2015 € 145
“The launch of this app marked a very important milestone in Melita’s efforts to provide more online customer service touch points and to improve the overall customer experience through an enhanced delivery of customer services. The shortlisting to the final stage of the MCA eBusiness Awards gives recognition to the hard work put into this project by Melita’s technology and customer care teams” said Malcolm Briffa, Director of Customer Experience. The evaluation and shortlisting process was carried out by an independent committee setup for this purpose by the Malta Communications Authority. The committee included representatives of the academia, industry and government.
Melita Direct 2 December 2015 â‚Ź 116
Free bonus TV and radio channels on Meltia this Christmas BY GOZO NEWS ¡ DECEMBER 2, 2015
Throughout the month of December, Melita said that it is offering free viewing of five of its most successful entertainment TV channels to all melita digital and HD TV customers: Fox, Fox life, Melita more, E! Entertainment and Food Network. The channels are available on all subscription tiers from until the 4th of January 2016. During the free viewing period, each station will have a special channel number: Fox (Channel 302), Fox Life (Channel 304), E! (Channel 750), Melita More (Channel 751) and Food Network (Channel 752). It is also adding a Christmas radio channel on channel 947 throughout December and the early days of January. Melita's digital music partner, Stingray, brings over 50 years of the best Christmas music from a library of more than 2,000 tracks. Featuring evergreen favourites, the best of the new Christmas releases for 2015 and cover versions of classic songs, the company said. "The free viewing period is part of various promotions for Melita's customers to reward them for their loyalty to the company," commented Mireille Muscat, Head of Marketing at Melita. For full information on Melita TV channel lists kindly visit
Melita Direct 6 December 2015 € 230
Sunday, December 6, 2015, 00:01
MyMelita app shortlisted as communications authority eBusiness awards finalist
Melita’s self-care app for smartphones and tablets, aptly named MyMelita, has been shortlisted as a finalist for the Malta Communications Authority eBusiness awards 2015. Since its launch, the app was downloaded more than 20,000 times. Developed by the in-house technology team at Melita, the app is unique in the local telecom industry for its features and functionality. MyMelita aims to make life easier for customers seeking information about their Melita accounts by providing easy-to-use features for managing all four services offered by the company: mobile, television, internet and telephony. In addition, the app includes access to information which is normally sought through the company’s Call Centre such as monitoring usage for data, SMS and calls, credit top-up for prepaid mobile numbers and requests for information from Melita’s customer support representatives. Through the phone’s in-built GPS technology the app also enables users to identify the nearest Melita store and prompts notifications of service interruptions happening on their home or office services. The app also facilitates the bill settlement process by accept-ing payments through mobile. All functions are available round-the-clock on both Android and iOs platforms. “The launch of this app marked a very important milestone in Melita’s efforts to provide more online customer service touch points and to improve the overall customer experience through an enhanced delivery of customer services. The shortlisting to the final stage of the MCA eBusiness awards gives recognition to the hard work put into this project by Melita’s technology and customer care teams,” said director of customer experience Malcolm Briffa, The evaluation and shortlisting process was carried out by an independent committee set up for this purpose by the Malta Communications Authority. The committee included representatives of academia, industry and government.
Melita Direct 8 December 2015 â‚Ź 116
Melita announces sale of company to Apax Partners & Fortino Capital BY GOZO NEWS ¡ DECEMBER 8, 2015
Melita's Board of Directors has announced that an agreement has been reached between Melita's current shareholders (GMT Communications Partners, MC Venture Partners, Blackrock Communications and the Gasan Group) and international investors Apax Partners (France) and Fortino Capital (Belgium) for the acquisition of the company. It said that the closing of the agreement is subject to regulatory approval by the competent authorities. Joseph Gasan, Chairman of Melita said "I am delighted that Melita, which I founded 23 years ago is now in a position, after a period of growth and transformation, to start a new phase under new ownership". The company's management team has welcomed the deal and described it as recognition of Melita's consistent growth throughout the past years, based on a clear strategy of delivering customer value through convergence. "This transaction further highlights that Melita is recognised as one of the more advanced telecommunications players in Europe with converged fixed cable and mobile networks and
Melita Direct 8 December 2015 â‚Ź 116
services. With the support of these new shareholders, Melita will be able to continue its investment programme and growth benefiting consumers, businesses and the country as a whole," commented Andrei Torriani, CEO at Melita. "As the company continues to grow, invest and roll-out new offerings, we expect Melita to continue being a strong employer in Malta," added Mr Torriani. Apax Partners and Fortino Capital together bring more than 30 years of experience in the Technology, Media and Telecom (TMT) sector. Through their investments and professional participation the new investors bring experience from companies such as Numericable Belgium & Luxembourg, Cabovisao, Outremer Telecom, Telenet, Primacom and KPN. Melita said that over recent years the company has completed "key infrastructure investments that have been recognised by the European Commission and enabled Malta to place at the top of the European charts for next generation broadband coverage." "These investments include nationwide 3G mobile network, laying of a submarine cable connecting Malta to mainland Europe, nationwide deployment of next generation broadband with speeds up to 250Mbps, construction of a state-of-the-art data centre for co-location and hosting services, as well as the roll-out of melita WIFI – the next-generation Wi-Fi service providing seamless superfast connectivity across Malta and Gozo. Melita also continues to invest in dedicated Fibre connectivity to businesses across all Malta and Gozo," Melita concluded.
Melita Direct 8 December 2015 € 135
Melita mistennija tinbiegħ lil żewġ kumpaniji barranin 11:08 | 08.12.2015
Il-kumpanija Melita mistennija tinbiegħ lil żewġ kumpaniji barranin, dik Franċiża Apax Partners u dik Belġjana Fortino Capital. Sal-lum Melita tinsab immexxija minn erba’ kumpaniji – GMT Communications Partners, MC Venture Partners, Blackrock Communication u Gasan Group. Iż-żewġ naħat laħqu ftehim dwar dan il-bejgħ imma l-għeluq tiegħu jiddependi mill-approvazzjoni tal-awtoritajiet kompetenti. Il-kumpanija twaqqfet 23 sena ilu minn Joseph Gasan ta’ Gasan Group of Companies li huwa wkoll iċ-ċermen attwali tagħha. Meta kkummenta dwar dan il-pass, Gasan qal li huwa kuntent li l-kumpanija li waqqaf kibret sal-punt li llum tista’ tibda fażi ġdida taħt sidien ġodda. Andrei Torriani, Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Melita, irrimarka li l-bejgħ tal-kumpanija juri kemm hija rikonoxxuta bħala waħda mill-ewlenin fil-qasam tat-telekomunikazzjoni fl-Ewropa. Apax Parnters u Fortino Capital għandhom 30 sena esperjenza bejniethom fejn tidħol it-teknoloġija u l-mezzi tax-xandir.
Melita Direct 8 December 2015 € 145
Melita plc to be sold to Apax Partners, Fortino Capital The company’s management team has welcomed the deal and described it as recognition of Melita’s consistent growth throughout the past years 8 December 2015, 10:46am
Melita’s Board of Directors announced that an agreement has been reached between Melita’s current shareholders (GMT Communications Partners, MC Venture Partners, Blackrock Communications and the Gasan Group) and international investors Apax Partners (France) and Fortino Capital (Belgium) for the acquisition of the company. The closing of the agreement is subject to regulatory approval by the competent authorities. Joseph Gasan, Chairman of Melita said “I am delighted that Melita, which I founded 23 years ago, is now in a position, after a period of growth and transformation, to start a new phase under new ownership”. The company’s management team has welcomed the deal and described it as recognition of Melita’s consistent growth throughout the past years, based on a clear strategy of delivering customer value through convergence. “This transaction further highlights that Melita is recognised as one of the more advanced telecommunications players in Europe with converged fixed cable and mobile networks and services. With the support of these new shareholders, Melita will be able to continue its investment programme and growth benefiting consumers, businesses and the country as a whole”, commented Andrei Torriani, CEO at Melita. “As the company continues to grow, invest and roll-out new offerings, we expect Melita to continue being a strong employer in Malta,” added Torriani.
Melita Direct 8 December 2015 â‚Ź 145
Apax Partners and Fortino Capital together bring more than 30 years of experience in the Technology, Media and Telecom (TMT) sector. Through their investments and professional participation the new investors bring experience from companies such as Numericable Belgium & Luxembourg, Cabovisao, Outremer Telecom, Telenet, Primacom and KPN. Over recent years Melita completed key infrastructure investments that have been recognised by the European Commission and enabled Malta to place at the top of the European charts for next generation broadband coverage. These investments include nationwide 3G mobile network, laying of a submarine cable connecting Malta to mainland Europe, nationwide deployment of next generation broadband with speeds up to 250Mbps, construction of a state-of-the-art data centre for co-location and hosting services, as well as the roll-out of melita WIFI - the next-generation Wi-Fi service providing seamless superfast connectivity across Malta and Gozo. Melita also continues to invest in dedicated Fibre connectivity to businesses across all Malta and Gozo
Melita Direct 8 December 2015 € 120
Melita mistennija tgħaddi f’idejn żewġ kumpaniji barranin Charlene Valentina Giordimaina - 08/12/15 03:36 PM
Il-kumpanija Melita mistennija tinbiegħ lil żewġ kumpaniji barranin, Apax Partners u Fortino Capital, li huma kumpanija Franċiża u oħra Belġjana rispettivament. Bħalissa Melita hi mmexxija minn erba’ kumpaniji, li huma GMT Communications Partners, MC Venture Partners, Blackrock Communication u Gasan Group. Iż-żewġ naħat laqħu ftehim dwar il-bejgħ, iżda l-konklużjoni tiegħu jiddependi mill-approvazzjoni tal-awtoritajiet kompetenti. Il-kumpanija twaqqfet 23 sena ilu minn Joseph Gasan ta’ Gasan Group of Companies li huwa wkoll iċ-ċermen attwali tagħha.
Melita Direct 8 December 2015 € 230
Tuesday, December 8, 2015, 09:46
Melita plc being sold to Apax France and Fortino Capital Melita plc is being sold to France-based Apax Partners and Fortino Capital, the telecommunications company revealed this morning. The sale is subject to regulatory approval, said Melita's owners, GMT Communications Partners, MC Venture Partners, Blackrock Communications and the Gasan Group. Chairman Joseph Gasan said he was delighted that the company, which he founded 23 years ago, was now in a position to start a new phase under new ownership. The company’s management team welcomed the deal and described it as recognition of Melita’s consistent growth throughout the past years, based on a clear strategy of delivering customer value through convergence. CEO Andrei Torriani said that as the company continued to grow, invest and roll-out new offerings, it should continue to be a strong employer in Malta.
As the company continued to grow, invest and roll-out new offerings, it should continue to be a strong employer in Malta Apax Partners and Fortino Capital together bring more than 30 years of experience in the technology, media and telecom sector. Through their investments and professional participation the new investors bring experience from companies such as Numericable Belgium & Luxembourg, Cabovisao, Outremer Telecom, Telenet, Primacom and KPN. Over recent years, Melita completed key infrastructure investments that have been acknowledged by the European Commission and enabled Malta to place at the top of the European charts for next generation broadband coverage. These include nationwide 3G mobile network, laying of a submarine cable connecting Malta to mainland Europe, nationwide deployment of next generation broadband with speeds up to 250Mbps, construction of a state-of-the-art data centre for co-location and hosting services, as well as the roll-out of Melita wifi - the next-generation wifi service. It continues to invest in dedicated fibre connectivity to businesses across all Malta and Gozo.
Melita Direct 9 December 2015 € 230
Wednesday, December 9, 2015, 00:01 by Kurt Sansone
Telecoms in flux as Melita gets new owners
Melita’s new owners will be Apax Partners and Fortino Capital. Melita shareholders have agreed to sell out to French and Belgian investment firms as the local telecom sector faces upheaval. The decision, made public yesterday, comes months after the majority shareholder in GO, a rival telecom company, announced plans to sell its entire shareholding. Melita’s new owners will be Apax Partners, a French private equity firm that manages funds in excess of €2.4 billion, and Fortino Capital, a Belgian venture capital company. The two firms will buy out GMT Communications, MC Venture Partners, Blackrock Communications and the Gasan Group. The price tag for the sale was not revealed. Melita plc has an issued share capital valued at €12.2 million. Its primary shareholder is Melita Capital plc, with an issued share capital of €144 million. Earnings before tax are expected to supersede €31 million this year, up from €16 million seven years ago. The telecom company offers cable TV, internet, telephony and mobile phone services. It has 110,000 unique subscribers in a market shared with GO and, to a lesser extent, Vodafone. The acquisition is subject to regulatory approval but it will spell the end of Gasan Group’s involvement in the telecommunications sector.
As Melita grows, we expect it to continue being a strong employer Joseph Gasan, chairman of Melita, said: “I am delighted that Melita, which I founded 23 years ago, is now in a position, after a period of growth and transformation, to start a new phase under new ownership.” In their
Melita Direct 9 December 2015 € 230
statement, Melita’s current shareholders said Apax and Fortino would bring more than 30 years of experience in the technology, media and telecom sector. The two firms have investments in communication companies such as Numericable Belgium & Luxembourg, Cabovisao, Outremer Telecom, Telenet, Primacom and KPN. Melita chief executive Andrei Torriani said the transaction showed that the company was recognised as one of the more advanced players in Europe with converged fixed cable and mobile networks. “As the company continues to grow, invest and roll out new offerings, we expect Melita to continue being a strong employer in Malta,” he said. In July Melita’s rival GO hived off its property portfolio to a separate company, and a day later Emirates International Communications, which has a 60 per cent stake, announced the intention to sell its shareholding in the short term. The substantial shareholding held by EIC, a subsidiary of Dubai’s Tecom Investments, means that any potential buyer would have to make an offering to the other shareholders as well. GO is a listed company, and the sale by its principle shareholder could squeeze the smaller shareholders out and may also lead to delisting.
Melita Direct 13 December 2015 € 230
Sunday, December 13, 2015, 00:01
Melita plc sold to French and Belgian-based companies Melita plc is being sold to France-based Apax Partners and Fortino Capital. A statement by the telecommunications company said that Melita’s current shareholders (GMT Communications Partners, MC Venture Partners, Blackrock Communications and the Gasan Group) and international investors Apax Partners (France) and Fortino Capital (Belgium) have reached an agreement for the acquisition of the company. Melita chairman Joseph Gasan said: “I am delighted that Melita, which I founded 23 years ago, is now in a position, after a period of growth and transformation, to start a new phase under new ownership”. The company’s management team has welcomed the deal and described it as recognition of Melita’s consistent growth throughout the past years, based on a clear strategy of delivering customer value through convergence. “This transaction further highlights that Melita is recognised as one of the more advanced telecommunications players in Europe with converged fixed cable and mobile networks and services. With the support of these new shareholders, Melita will be able to continue its investment programme and growth benefiting consumers, businesses and the country as a whole,” Melita CEO Andrei Torriani said. “As the company continues to grow, invest and roll out new offerings, we expect Melita to continue being a strong employer in Malta,” Mr Torriani added. Apax Partners and Fortino Capital together bring more than 30 years of experience in the technology, media and telecom sector. Through their investments and professional participation the new investors bring experience from companies such as Numericable Belgium & Luxembourg, Cabovisao, Outremer Telecom, Telenet, Primacom and KPN. Over recent years Melita completed key infrastructure investments that have been recognised by the European Commission and enabled Malta to place at the top of the European charts for next generation broadband coverage.
Melita Direct 27 November 2015 € 145
Free bonus TV and radio channels on Melita Digital this Christmas During the free viewing period, each station will have a special channel number: Fox (Channel 302), Fox Life (Channel 304), E! (Channel 750), Melita More (Channel 751) and Food Network (Channel 752). 27 November 2015, 11:14am
Throughout the month of December, Melita is offering free viewing of five of its most successful entertainment TV channels to all melita digital and HD TV customers: Fox, Fox life, Melita more, E! Entertainment and Food Network. The channels are available on all subscription tiers from 1st December until 4 January 2016. During the free viewing period, each station will have a special channel number: Fox (Channel 302), Fox Life (Channel 304), E! (Channel 750), Melita More (Channel 751) and Food Network (Channel 752). For the holiday season all these entertainment channels will be airing special broadcasts and programming including shows like: The Walking Dead, Homeland, American Horror Story: Hotel, Scream Queens, White Collar and Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D on Fox, and the Bones 6, The Grinder and The Muppets on Fox Life. Food Network will bring fresh new content dedicated to mouth-watering recipes ideal for Christmas. Gossip and insight into the homes and private lives of celebrities during the holiday season will be available on E! Melita is also adding a Christmas radio channel on channel 947 throughout December and the early days of January. Melita’s digital music partner, Stingray, brings over 50 years of the best Christmas music from a library of more than 2,000 tracks. Featuring evergreen favourites, the best of the new Christmas releases for 2015 and cover versions of classic songs, this is the perfect soundtrack for your Christmas or New Year’s party.
Melita Direct 27 November 2015 € 145
“The free viewing period is part of various promotions for Melita’s customers to reward them for their loyalty to the company. Apart from the bonus channels this Christmas, through melitaWIFI service, Melita’s mobile and internet clients also benefit all year round from free access to more than 45 outdoor Wi-Fi zones and some 50,000 indoor Wi-Fi hotspots”, commented Mireille Muscat, Head of Marketing at Melita. For full information on Melita TV channel lists visit
Melita Direct 29 November 2015 â‚Ź 145
Free bonus TV and radio channels on this Christmas Sunday, 29 November 2015, 18:05
Throughout the month of December, Melita is offering free viewing of five of its most successful entertainment TV channels to all melita digital and HD TV customers: Fox, Fox life, Melita more, E! Entertainment and Food Network. The channels are available on all subscription tiers from 1st December until 4th of January. During the free viewing period, each station will have a special channel number: Fox (Channel 302), Fox Life (Channel 304), E! (Channel 750), Melita More (Channel 751) and Food Network (Channel 752).
For the holiday season all these entertainment channels will be airing special broadcasts and programming including shows like: The Walking Dead, Homeland, American Horror Story: Hotel, Scream Queens, White Collar and Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D on Fox, and the Bones 6, The Grinder and The Muppets on Fox Life. Food Network will bring fresh new content dedicated to mouth-watering recipes ideal for Christmas. Gossip and
Melita Direct 29 November 2015 â‚Ź 145
insight into the homes and private lives of celebrities during the holiday season will be available on E! Melita is also adding a Christmas radio channel on channel 947 throughout December and the early days of January. Melita's digital music partner, Stingray, brings over 50 years of the best Christmas music from a library of more than 2,000 tracks. Featuring evergreen favourites, the best of the new Christmas releases for 2015 and cover versions of classic songs, this is the perfect soundtrack for your Christmas or New Year's party. "The free viewing period is part of various promotions for Melita's customers to reward them for their loyalty to the company. Apart from the bonus channels this Christmas, through melitaWIFI service, Melita's mobile and internet clients also benefit all year round from free access to more than 45 outdoor Wi-Fi zones and some 50,000 indoor Wi-Fi hotspots", commented Mireille Muscat, Head of Marketing at Melita.