Today’s Newspaper Cuttings
19 May 2015
Today’s online news President vcisits GO – GO Direct Il-President ta’ Malta żżur lill-GO – GO Direct President visits GO – GO Direct GO launches superfast 500Mbps internet – GO Direct
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GO Direct 19 May 2015 â‚Ź 145.00
President visits GO Tuesday, 19 May 2015, 14:00
Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, President of Malta, has paid an official visit to GO plc. the President was welcomed at GO Head Office in Marsa by Chief Financial Officer, Edmond Brincat, and given a tour of various departments during which she had the opportunity to meet staff members. Mr Brincat said, "It is indeed a privilege for GO to welcome Her Excellency today. Our company has, for a number of years, been a very strong supporter of The Malta Community Chest Fund. In addition to strong financial support to L-Istrina, GO also provides all the communications infrastructure to make this annual event happen. We also support numerous other events organised by the Fund throughout the year. Her Excellency has always shown immense gratitude for this support and we are honoured to see that reinforced once again today." During her visit to GO, the President was also briefed on significant investments which GO is currently undertaking including GO fibre and 4G and the positive impact these will have on Malta's communications infrastructure. Ms Coleiro Preca said, "GO plays a crucial role in our society, providing essential communications services which help us all to live our lives, and run our businesses, in a more fulfilling way. As a major player in Malta's economy GO has also always taken its social responsibilities seriously and I would like to take this opportunity to once again personally thank GO and all the staff for the support they give to The Malta Community Chest Fund."
GO Direct 19 May 2015 € 116.00
President visits GO Tuesday, 19 May 2015, 11:15
Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, President of Malta, paid an official visit to GO plc. Her Excellency was welcomed at GO Head Office in Marsa by Chief Financial Officer, Edmond Brincat, and given a tour of various departments during which she had the opportunity to meet staff members.
Mr Brincat said, “It is indeed a privilege for GO to welcome Her Excellency today. Our Company has, for a number of years, been a very strong supporter of The Malta Community Chest Fund. In addition to strong financial support to L-Istrina, GO also provides all the communications infrastructure to make this annual event happen. We also support numerous other events organised by the Fund throughout the year. Her Excellency has always shown immense gratitude for this support and we are honoured to see that reinforced once again today.” During her visit to GO, Her Excellency was also briefed on significant investments which GO is currently undertaking including GO fibre and 4G and the positive impact these will have on Malta’s communications infrastructure. President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca said, “GO plays a crucial role in our society,providing essential communications services which help us all to live our lives, and run our businesses, in a more fulfilling way. As a major player in Malta’s economy GO has also always taken its social responsibilities seriously and I would like to take this opportunity to once again personally thank GO and all the staff for the support they give to The Malta Community Chest Fund.”
GO Direct 18 May 2015 € 145.00
GO launches superfast 500Mbps internet The new GO 500Mbps plan, which includes Limitless monthly download and upload usage, will transform the customer experience of using the internet. 18 May 2015, 1:34pm
Following the recent launch of GO fibre, through which GO is investing €50 million in order to deliver fibre optic connections directly into customers’ homes, the Company has now launched a new 500Mbps superfast internet plan. The new GO 500Mbps plan, which includes Limitless monthly download and upload usage, will transform the customer experience of using the internet. With a download speed of 500Mbps and an upload speed of 20Mbps, customers will now be able to run multiple internet devices at home simultaneously and download or upload large volumes of data in seconds. Kurt Camilleri, GO’s Chief Commercial Officer, said, “GO’s Fibre-To-The-Home project is a real game changer. Having a fibre optic connection directly into your modem at home will transform the way you use the internet. With a 500Mbps connection, it will now take less than 1 second to
GO Direct 18 May 2015 € 145.00
download ten songs. It’s not just the volumes of data but the number of devices; computers, laptops, smartphones, televisions, even alarms, kettles and fridges, that can all be connected and controlled seamlessly thanks to superfast fibre internet connections.” The national roll out of GO fibre is expected to take five years but more than 17,000 homes in the Sliema, St Julian’s and Lija areas already have access to fibre connections and can therefore start benefitting from fibre internet speeds. A total of 33,000 homes are expected to be passed by the end of 2015. Those who wish to experience what a fibre connection means, and to try out the much talked about Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, can also visit the GO fibre stand at The Point on Level -2 every Saturday until the end of May. The GO fibre 500Mbps internet plan is available as a standalone service and as an add-on to any GO Limitless Home Pack or Limitless Duo Pack Plan starting from €115 per month in those areas which are already fibre enabled. More information on GO fibre is also available at
GO Direct 19 May 2015 € 120.00
Il-President ta' Malta żżur lill-GO Karl Wright - 19/05/15 10:57 AM
Il-President ta’ Malta, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, għamlet żjara uffiċjali lill-uffiċini ta’ GO plc fil-Marsa. Hi ngħatat merħba mill-Kap tal-Finanzi, Edmond Brincat u żaret għadd ta’ dipartimenti fejn kellha l-okkażjoni li tiltaqa’ ma’ wħud mill-membri tal-istaff. Brincat qal li “hu tassew privileġġ għall-GO li nilqgħu lill-President Coleiro Preca fostna. Il-kumpanija tagħna ilha għal numru ta’ snin tappoġġja b’mod attiv il-Malta Community Chest Fund. Minbarra appoġġ finanzjarju lill-Istrina, GO tipprovdi l-infrastruttura tat-telekomunikazzjoni kollha li tintuża waqt l-attività. Matul is-sena noffru wkoll l-appoġġ tagħna lil għadd ta’ attivitajiet organizzati mill-Fond. Il-President dejjem uriet gratitudni għall-impenn tagħna u aħna onorati li din iż-żjara qed isservi biex isaħħaħ dan l-impenn.” Matul iż-żjara tagħha, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca ngħatat tagħrif dwar l-investimenti sinifikanti li GO qed twettaq, fosthom it-tnedija tas-servizz ta’ GO fibre u 4G, u l-impatt pożittiv li dawn qed iħallu fuq l-infrastruttura tat-telekomunikazzjoni ta’ Malta. Coleiro Preca min-naħa tagħha qalet li “GO għandha rwol important fis-soċjetà tagħna, għaliex tipprovdi servizzi essenzjali ta’ telekomunikazzjoni li jgħinuna ngħixu ħajjitna u nħaddmu n-negozji tagħna aħjar. Bħala membru important fl-ekonomija ta’ Malta GO dejjem kienet minn ta’ quddiem fir-responsabbiltajiet soċjali tagħha u nixtieq nieħu din l-opportunità biex nirringrazzja personalment lill-GO u l-istaff kollu għall-appoġġ li jagħtu lill-Malta Community Chest Fund.”