Today’s Newspaper Cuttings
22 January 2016
Today’s online news Vodafone l-ewwel li tneħħi t-tariffi tar-roaming – Vodafone Direct GO ser takkwista l-maġġoranza ta’ Cablenet f’Ċipru – GO Direct Vodafone first Maltese operator to scrap roaming charges – Vodafone Direct GO to acquire majority shareholding in Cablenet – GO Direct Vodafone Malta eliminates roaming charges in the EU through new RED plans – Vodafone Direct Vodafone Malta eliminates roaming charges in Europe – Vodafone Direct GO to acquire majority shareholding in Cablenet in Cyprus – GO Direct Vodafone Malta eliminates roaming charges in the Europe with new RED plans – Vodafone Direct Vodafone Malta eliminates Europe roaming charges with new RED plans – Vodafone Direct GO to acquire majority shareholding in Cablenet in Cyprus – GO Direct Vodafone Malta removes roaming charges on mobile service – Vodafone Direct GO to acquire majority shareholding in Cablenet in Cyprus – GO Direct Vodafone l-ewwel kumpanija lokali li neħħiet it-tariffi tar-roaming – Vodafone Direct GO ser takkwista l-maġġoranza ta’ Cablenet f’Ċipru – GO Direct Vodafone tħabbar ;o se tneħħi l-ispejjeż tar-roaming – Vodafone Direct GO se tixtri l-maġġoranza tal-ishma ta’ Cablenet f’Ċipru – GO Direct Vodafone Malta eliminates roaming charges in Europe with new RED Plans – Vodafone Direct GO to acquire majority shareholding in Cablenet– GO Direct David Casa jilqa’ t-tneħħija mill-Vodafone tat-tariffi tar-roaming – Vodafone Indirect
Vodafone in the news
Vodafone Direct 20 January 2016 € 145
Vodafone Malta eliminates roaming charges in the EU through new RED plans Kevin Schembri Orland Wednesday, 20 January 2016, 10:13
Vodafone Malta is eliminating roaming charges earlier than expected through its new RED plans, launched today. The European Commission announced last year, that roaming charges would be abolished by June 2017. Vodafone Malta has thus jumped ahead of this. Vodafone Malta CEO Amanda Nelson explained that the exact terms of EU regulations are still not final, but would probably allow for some free roaming for customers and not full free roaming. It is not even clear how generous the regulations would be, she said. Vodafone has introduced free European roaming as of today through it’s RED plans, as the company completely revamps its RED tariffs. The new plan also includes large data allowances on the company’s national 4G network and the same rates for out of bundle calls and SMS to all European numbers, no matter if the customer is in Malta or abroad in Europe, a spokesperson said.
Vodafone Direct 20 January 2016 € 145
The costs for the RED plans are slightly higher, by a few euros, than the existing plans, Amanda Nelson explained. Customers on the new RED plans will have the same internet rates on their mobile phones above their allowances at home and Europe, a spokesperson explained. The new roaming service has been designed for customers travelling to all EU countries, as well as Albania, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, resulting in free incoming calls, free calls and texts to Malta for travelling purposes, as well as extra free mobile internet allowances when travelling that is added to the local data allowance. Aside from roaming calls free from charges, the mobile operator has also dropped rates to European numbers with its new RED plans. So if a Maltese person calls a non-Maltese in the UK, the charge would be 25c, and an SMS would cost 5c. The company’s local RELAX internet on mobile rates to the RED Roaming European footprint has been extended through the new plans. Thus, if customers run out of bundle while roaming, a rate of only €2 per 100MB will apply. Vodafone Malta CEO Amanda Nelson said; “In the last couple of years we were the first to launch unlimited domestic tariffs with RED, we brought 4G first to Maltese customers, we launched crystal clear calls on HD voice in Malta and we slashed out of bundle data pricing by 80% with RELAX”. When asked whether Vodafone Malta would take a financial hit from this, she was unable to reveal details, however did say that mobile operators do make certain profits off of roaming charges, and that this was not something the company could do for free. “We listened to our customers” she said. As from March, another move by Vodafone will see roaming charges across 70 non-EU countries streamlined, where customers would be able to receive free incoming calls, 100 SMS and 100 mb of internet for €6 per day. The launch date is yet to be confirmed, however would be made default for all customers.
Vodafone Direct 20 January 2016 € 135
Vodafone l-ewwel kumpanija lokali li neħħiet it-tariffi tar-roaming Charlo Lautier | 13:53 | 20.01.2016
Il-kumpanija Vodafone ħabbret li b'effett immedjat se tkun qed telimina l-ħlas żejjed fuq telefonati, sms's u internet għal dawk kollha li jkunu se jżuru xi wieħed mis-27 pajjiż fl-Unjoni Ewropea u ħames pajjiżi oħra li huma l-Albanija, l-Iżlanda, Liechtenstein, in-Norveġja u l-Isvizzera. Il-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-kumpanija Amanda Nelson saħqet li l-Vodafone hija l-ewwel kumpanija f'Malta li qed telimina dawn it-tariffi żejda (roaming) ħafna qabel ma tiddeċiedi l-Unjoni Ewropea kemm se jkun hemm ħin allokat b'xejn bejn il-pajjiżi kollha. Hija qalet li wara stħarriġ intern dwar x'iridu l-iktar il-klijenti ta' Vodafone, ħareġ ċar li jridu aktar roħs fl-internet u telefonati għal meta jkunu msifrin. Il-Head of Consumer Business Tamàs Bànyai spjega li biex wieħed igawdi mit-tneħħija tar-roaming , wieħed irid jintrabat f'kuntratt għal sentejn imsejjaħ 'Red Plan' fejn wieħed jista jagħżel wieħed mit-tliet Red Plans skont l-esiġenzi tiegħu. Huwa qal li wara li persuna tissieħeb f'dan il-kuntratt, m'għandhiex għalfejn tinkwieta kemm se teħel meta tirċievi telefonata, jew inkella kemm se taħli kreditu biex tibgħat imejl jew tiċċekja l-facebook meta tkun imsiefra. Huwa stqarr li l-ewwel li se jgawdu mit-tneħħija tar-roaming se jkunu n-negozjanti li jużaw ħafna l-mowbajl waqt li jkunu fuq xogħol barra minn Malta. Bànyai temm jgħid li huwa kburi li Vodafone Malta hija l-ewwel kumpanija f'Malta li eliminat għal kollox dawn it-tariffi żejda li ma' tantx kienu pjaċevoli għal dawk kollha li jsiefru.
Vodaofne Direct 20 January 2016 € 116
Vodafone Malta eliminates Europe roaming charges with new RED Plans BY GOZO NEWS · JANUARY 20, 2016
Vodafone Malta announced today that it is eliminating roaming charges in Europe with its new RED plans launched today the 20th January. . It said that the new plans also include large data allowances on the company's national 4G network and the same low rates for out of bundle calls and SMS to all European numbers, no matter if the customer is in Malta or abroad in Europe. "Furthermore, with the new Vodafone RED plans Vodafone's customers will have the same rates for using internet on your mobile above their allowances at home and Europe." The new free RED Roaming service has been designed for Maltese customers travelling to all the 27 EU countries plus Albania, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland (altogether 32 countries). This means free incoming calls, free calls and texts to Malta for travelling purposes, as well as extra free mobile internet allowance when travelling that is added on to the local data allowance, the company said. "With the number of Maltese travelling abroad increasing year on year – in August 2015 the National Statistics Office recorded an increase of 15.3% compared to the previous year, with the majority travelling to EU countries – these new plans will respond to a growing need on the part of Maltese consumers." Vodafone said that "the new Red plans were created to keep customers fully connected before, during and after their trip as well. Therefore, on top of the free roaming calls and SMS back to Maltese numbers, Vodafone also significantly dropped the rates of calls and
Vodaofne Direct 20 January 2016 â‚Ź 116
SMS to European numbers and with the new RED plans the same rates apply to these calls and SMS as to national calls and SMS outside the monthly allowance of customers. Again, no matter if they are made/sent from Malta or from other parts of Europe." With the new plans Vodafone said that it extends its local RELAX internet on your mobile rates to the RED Roaming European footprint. This means, if customers run out of bundle whilst roaming, a rate of only 2 EUR/100MB rate will apply (a drop of over 80% from the current 23.6c/MB). Amanda Nelson, Vodafone Malta's CEO said "I think it is safe to say that Vodafone has always taken the lead in Malta, using its unique international network to drive relevant innovation for our customers, ever since we launched our services here 25 years ago. In the last couple of years we were the first to launch unlimited domestic tariffs with RED, we brought 4G first to Maltese customers, we launched crystal clear calls on HD voice in Malta, and we slashed out of bundle data pricing by 80% with RELAX. " For more information, customers are invited to visit their nearest Vodafone store or visit
GO Direct 20 January 2016 € 116
Vodafone Malta eliminates roaming charges in Europe with new RED Plans Vodafone Malta eliminates roaming charges in Europe with new RED Plans Wednesday, 20 Jan 2016, 11:48
Vodafone Malta announced today that it is eliminating roaming charges in Europe with its new RED plans launching on 20th January. The new plans also include large data allowances on the company’s national superfast 4G network and the same low rates for out of bundle calls and SMS to all European numbers, no matter if the customer is in Malta or abroad in Europe. Furthermore, with the new Vodafone RED plans Vodafone’s customers will have the same rates for using internet on your mobile above their allowances at home and Europe. The costs for the RED plans are slightly higher, by a few euros, than the existing plans The new free RED Roaming service has been designed for Maltese customers travelling to all the 27 EU countries plus Albania, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland (altogether 32 countries). This means free incoming calls, free calls and texts to Malta for travelling purposes, as well as extra free mobile internet allowance when travelling that is added on to the local data allowance.
With the number of Maltese travelling abroad increasing year on year - in August 2015 the National Statistics Office recorded an increase of 15.3% compared to the previous year, with
GO Direct 20 January 2016 € 116
the majority travelling to EU countries - these new plans will respond to a growing need on the part of Maltese consumers. The new Red plans were created to keep customers fully connected before, during and after their trip as well. Therefore, on top of the free roaming calls and SMS back to Maltese numbers, Vodafone also significantly dropped the rates of calls and SMS to European numbers and with the new RED plans the same rates apply to these calls and SMS as to national calls and SMS outside the monthly allowance of customers. Again, no matter if they are made/sent from Malta or from other parts of Europe. With the new plans Vodafone extends its local RELAX internet on your mobile rates to the RED Roaming European footprint. This means, if customers run out of bundle whilst roaming, a rate of only 2 EUR/100MB rate will apply (a drop of over 80% from the current 23.6c/MB). Amanda Nelson, Vodafone Malta’s CEO said “I think it is safe to say that Vodafone has always taken the lead in Malta, using its unique international network to drive relevant innovation for our customers, ever since we launched our services here 25 years ago. In the last couple of years we were the first to launch unlimited domestic tariffs with RED, we brought 4G first to Maltese customers, we launched crystal clear calls on HD voice in Malta, and we slashed out of bundle data pricing by 80% with RELAX. Most recently, we completed our nationwide 4G network rollout to give our customers superfast internet across the whole of Malta and Gozo – something they can still only have from Vodafone. Today we are again taking the lead, and giving our customers free roaming in Europe with the new RED plans. With this we are first in Malta and one of the first operators in Europe. We want to give our customers the best service without them having to worry about the costs not only in Malta but also when travelling in Europe.” From today, customers may opt for the new RED Start, Red Standard or Red Supreme. Business clients may also benefit of updated plans with similar benefits within the new Business Red portfolio.
Vodafone Direct 20 January 2016 € 145
Vodafone Malta removes roaming charges on mobile services In 2015, the European Commission announced that roaming charges on mobile telephony services would be phased out by June 2017, putting Vodafone Malta well ahead of schedule. 20 January 2016, 12:13pm
Vodafone Malta has removed roaming charges on their services, through new contract plans, earlier today. In 2015, the European Commission announced that roaming charges on mobile telephony services would be phased out by June 2017, putting Vodafone Malta well ahead of schedule. Vodafone Malta CEO Amanda Nelson announced the introduction of new post-paid plans that would allow users travelling through Europe with free incoming and outgoing calls and SMS to Maltese numbers and a roaming data allowance. The plans will also offer the same rates for out-of-bundle calls and text messages to European numbers, whether the recipient is based in Malta or in the rest of the EU. Nelson said that with the Maltese traveling more often, the new plans would meet a growing need for Maltese users. The new RED plans are between €2 and €5 more expensive than the old plans, however they also include increased allowances aside from the removal of roaming restrictions. PN MEP David Casa welcomed news of the removal of roaming charges. “Roaming charges have represented an unnecessary barrier within the internal marker to the detriment of the consumer. It is admirable that a Maltese company has taken steps ahead of European legislation that requires the abolition of these charges by 2017.”
Vodafone Direct 20 January 2016 € 145
Casa maintained that the removal of roaming charges constituted an important step in the EU’s Digital Agenda. “Roaming charges are also connected to the on-going debate on net neutrality. The internet must be open, fast and equal. It is these principles that have enabled the internet to be a central platform for free speech, innovation and entrepreneurship. This must be protected and enhanced.”
Vodafone Direct 20 January 2016 € 120
Vodafone l-ewwel li tneħħi t-tariffi tar-roaming Marilyn Mintoff - 20/01/16 11:20 AM
Vodafone Malta ħabbret li se telimina l-ispejjeż tar-roaming fl-Ewropa bil-pjan bl-isem “Red”, li nediet illum. Il-kumpanija qed tintroduċi roaming Ewropew b’xejn. Il-pjanijiet il-ġodda se jinkludu data kbira fuq in-network 4G u se jintużaw l-istess rati baxxi għal telefonati u messaġġi li jsiru fl-Ewropa, kemm jekk il-klijent ikun f’Malta kif ukoll f'pajjiż ieħor Ewropew. B’dan il-pjan il-ġdid, il-klijenti ta’ Vodafone se jkollhom ukoll l-istess rati għall-użu tal-internet fil-mowbajl. Dan il-pjan inħoloq għall-klijenti Maltin li jivvjaġġaw f’wieħed mis-27 pajjiż Ewropew u ħames pajjiżi oħra; l-Albanija, Iżlanda, Liechtenstein, in-Norveġja u l-Iżvezja. B’dan il-mod, Vodafone ħabbret tnaqqis fir-rati tat-telefonati u messaġġi lejn in-numri Ewropej u l-istess rati se japplikaw għal telefonati u messaġġi li jsiru f’Malta u barra minn Malta. Ir-rati lokali għall-100MB b'rata ta' €2 se jkunu estiżi wkoll għall-pajjiżi Ewropej. F'Marżu li ġej, 70 pajjiż se jibbenefikaw minn telefonati b’xejn, 100 minuta lejn Malta, 100 messaġġ għal kwalunke destinazzjoni u 100MB. Għal aktar informazzjoni wieħed jista’ jżur waħda mill-fergħat ta’ Vodafone jew
Vodafone Direct 20 January 2016 € 230
Wednesday, January 20, 2016, 10:29 by Philip Leone-Ganado
Vodafone first Maltese operator to scrap roaming charges
Vodafone has become the first local operator to scrap European roaming charges. The company announced this morning that it was introducing new post-paid plans providing customers travelling throughout Europe with free incoming calls, free calls and SMS to Maltese numbers and a free roaming data allowance. The RED plans will also offer the same rate for out-of-bundle calls and SMS to all European numbers, whether the customer is in Malta or abroad in Europe. The move follows a decision by the EU last year to phase out roaming charges altogether by June 2017. As an interim move, operators will only be able to charge a drastically reduced roaming fee as of this April. Vodafone Malta CEO Amanda Nelson said: “With the number of Maltese travelling abroad increasing by 15 per cent year-on-year, these new plans respond to a growing need on the part of Maltese consumers.” The new plans, which are available from today, are between €2 and €5 more expensive than existing contracts, although the bundles include increased allowances apart from the roaming benefits.
Vodafone Direct 20 January 2016 € 230
A Facebook post by Labour MP Luciano Busuttil Ms Nelson declined to comment on how the removal of roaming rates might impact Vodafone financially, but said that if customers upped their data usage overseas, as expected, the company would face additional costs from foreign operators for the use of their network. In a statement this afternoon, Nationalist MEP David Casa welcomed the removal of the charges which, he said, represented an unnecessary barrier within the internal marker to the detriment of the consumer. The removal of roaming charges, he said, constituted an important step in the EU’s Digital Agenda. “Roaming charges are also connected to the on-going debate on net neutrality. The internet must be open, fast and equal. It is these principles that have enabled the internet to be a central platform for free speech, innovation and entrepreneurship. This must be protected and enhanced,” Mr Casa said.
Vodafone Direct 21 January 2016 â‚Ź 145
Vodafone Malta eliminates roaming charges in Europe Thursday, 21 January 2016, 10:33
Vodafone Malta announced yesterday that it is eliminating roaming charges in Europe with its new RED plans. This is a first which once again confirms Vodafone's commitment to offering a superb customer experience. The new plans also include large data allowances on the company's national superfast 4G network and the same low rates for out of bundle calls and SMS to all European numbers, no matter if the customer is in Malta or abroad in Europe. Furthermore, with the new Vodafone RED plans Vodafone's customers will have the same rates for using internet on your mobile above their allowances at home and Europe. The new free RED Roaming service has been designed for Maltese customers travelling to all the 27 EU countries plus Albania, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland (altogether 32 countries). This means free incoming calls, free calls and texts to Malta for travelling purposes, as well as extra free mobile internet allowance when travelling that is added on to the local data allowance. With the number of Maltese travelling abroad increasing year on year - in August 2015 the National Statistics Office recorded an increase of 15.3% compared to the previous year, with the majority travelling to EU countries - these new plans will respond to a growing need on the part of Maltese consumers.
Vodafone Direct 21 January 2016 â‚Ź 145
The new Red plans were created to keep customers fully connected before, during and after their trip as well. Therefore, on top of the free roaming calls and SMS back to Maltese numbers, Vodafone also significantly dropped the rates of calls and SMS to European numbers and with the new RED plans the same rates apply to these calls and SMS as to national calls and SMS outside the monthly allowance of customers. Again, no matter if they are made/sent from Malta or from other parts of Europe. With the new plans Vodafone extends its local RELAX internet on your mobile rates to the RED Roaming European footprint. This means, if customers run out of bundle whilst roaming, a rate of only â‚Ź2/100MB rate will apply (a drop of over 80% from the current 23.6c/MB). Amanda Nelson, Vodafone Malta's CEO said "I think it is safe to say that Vodafone has always taken the lead in Malta, using its unique international network to drive relevant innovation for our customers, ever since we launched our services here 25 years ago. In the last couple of years we were the first to launch unlimited domestic tariffs with RED, we brought 4G first to Maltese customers, we launched crystal clear calls on HD voice in Malta, and we slashed out of bundle data pricing by 80% with RELAX. Most recently, we completed our nationwide 4G network rollout to give our customers superfast internet across the whole of Malta and Gozo - something they can still only have from Vodafone. Today we are again taking the lead, and giving our customers free roaming in Europe with the new RED plans. With this we are first in Malta and one of the first operators in Europe. We want to give our customers the best service without them having to worry about the costs not only in Malta but also when travelling in Europe." From today, customers may opt for the new RED Start, Red Standard or Red Supreme. Business clients may also benefit of updated plans with similar benefits within the new Business Red portfolio. For more information, customers are invited to visit their nearest Vodafone store or visit
Vodafone Direct 21 January 2016 € 116
VODAFONE MALTA ELIMINATES ROAMING CHARGES IN EUROPE WITH NEW RED PLANS Vodafone Malta announced today that it is eliminating roaming charges in Europe with its new RED plans launching on 20th January. This is a first which once again confirms Vodafone’s commitment to offering a superb customer experience. New RED plans: free European roaming, large 4G data allowances and more Vodafone introduces free European roaming as the company completely revamps its RED tariffs on 20th January. The new plans also include large data allowances on the company’s national superfast 4G network and the same low rates for out of bundle calls and SMS to all European numbers, no matter if the customer is in Malta or abroad in Europe. Furthermore, with the new Vodafone RED plans Vodafone’s customers will have the same rates for using internet on your mobile above their allowances at home and Europe. Free RED Roaming in Europe The new free RED Roaming service has been designed for Maltese customers travelling to all the 27 EU countries plus Albania, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland (altogether 32 countries). This means free incoming calls, free calls and texts to Malta for travelling purposes, as well as extra free mobile internet allowance when travelling that is added on to the local data allowance. With the number of Maltese travelling abroad increasing year on year – in August 2015 the National Statistics Office recorded an increase of 15.3% compared to the previous year, with the majority travelling to EU countries – these new plans will respond to a growing need on the part of Maltese consumers. Same rates for calling and texting to Maltese and other European numbers The new Red plans were created to keep customers fully connected before, during and after their trip as well. Therefore, on top of the free roaming calls and SMS back to Maltese numbers, Vodafone also significantly dropped the rates of calls and SMS to European numbers and with the new RED plans the same rates apply to these calls and SMS as to national calls and SMS outside the monthly allowance of customers. Again, no matter if they are made/sent from Malta or from other parts of Europe. Same rates for using more internet on your mobile whilst travelling in Europe as in Malta
Vodafone Direct 21 January 2016 € 116
With the new plans Vodafone extends its local RELAX internet on your mobile rates to the RED Roaming European footprint. This means, if customers run out of bundle whilst roaming, a rate of only 2 EUR/100MB rate will apply (a drop of over 80% from the current 23.6c/MB). Amanda Nelson, Vodafone Malta’s CEO said “I think it is safe to say that Vodafone has always taken the lead in Malta, using its unique international network to drive relevant innovation for our customers, ever since we launched our services here 25 years ago. In the last couple of years we were the first to launch unlimited domestic tariffs with RED, we brought 4G first to Maltese customers, we launched crystal clear calls on HD voice in Malta, and we slashed out of bundle data pricing by 80% with RELAX. Most recently, we completed our nationwide 4G network rollout to give our customers superfast internet across the whole of Malta and Gozo – something they can still only have from Vodafone. Today we are again taking the lead, and giving our customers free roaming in Europe with the new RED plans. With this we are first in Malta and one of the first operators in Europe. We want to give our customers the best service without them having to worry about the costs not only in Malta but also when travelling in Europe.” From today, customers may opt for the new RED Start, Red Standard or Red Supreme. Business clients may also benefit of updated plans with similar benefits within the new Business Red portfolio. For more information, customers are invited to visit their nearest Vodafone store or visit
Vodafone Direct 20 January 2016 € 145
Vodafone Indirect 20 January 2016 €
David Casa jilqa’ t-tneħħija mill-Vodafone tat-tariffi tar-roaming
20/01/2016 13:37
L-MEP Nazzjonalista David Casa laqa’ d-deċiżjoni tal-Vodafone f’Malta li telimina t-tariffi tar-roamingqabel tidħol fis-seħħ liġi Ewropea fl-2017. David Casa rrefera għal dawn it-tariffi bħala piż inutli fis-suq intern u faħħar lill-kumpanija f’Malta li antiċipat il-liġi Ewropea. Il-Kap tad-Delegazzjoni Nazzjonalista fil-Parlament Ewropew ħadem fuq diversi rapporti dwar is-suq intern u ddeskriva t-tneħħija ta’ din it-tariffa bħala pass importanti fl-aġenda diġitali tal-UE. David Casa qal li dawn it-tariffi huma marbuta mad-diskussjoni kontinwa dwar in-newtralità tal-internet hekk kif insista li din għandha tkun miftuħa, b’veloċità u għal kulħadd.
Other stories in the news
GO Direct 20 January 2016 € 116
GO to acquire majority shareholding in Cablenet in Cyprus BY GOZO NEWS · JANUARY 20, 2016
GO has announced that it is to acquire a majority shareholding in the Cypriot 'triple play' telecommunications company Cablenet Communications Systems Limited, in which it previously held a minority stake. The comapny said that in September 2014, in line with its strategy to pursue growth opportunities wherever it was logical to do so, GO had acquired 25% of the issued share capital of Cablenet in Cyprus. GO had also extended Cablenet a loan of €12,000,000 which was convertible into equity and, moreover, obtained an option to acquire majority control should it wish to do so. GO's Board have now agreed to proceed with converting the loan to equity. As a result of this, GO's stake will increase from 25% to 45% of the issued share capital of Cablenet. GO said that it is also exercising the option, included in the original Share Purchase Agreement, to acquire a further 6% of the issued share capital, bringing its total stake to 51%, and thereby acquiring majority control. Cablenet is a privately owned business which began operations in 2003 as a cable TV provider in Cyprus. Since then the company has consistently expanded its network and its operations. Today, Cablenet is the leading privately owned broadband provider and offers packages which include broadband internet access, fixed telephony and digital HD TV to an increasing number of subscribers. Mr Yiannos Michaelides, CEO at GO, said, "apart from bringing us access to a larger market, and new income streams, our increased stake in Cablenet will enable us to leverage clear synergies between GO and Cablenet. Certainly, we will be able to share winning strategies and best practices in a number of areas and we see potential for further growth in a market that, although with its own characteristics, has many similarities to Malta.'' Mr Deepak Padmanabhan, GO's Chairman commented, ''GO firmly believes in the Maltese market, as evidenced by our Group's recent acquisition of a controlling interest in an IT solutions entity. Committed as it is to Malta, GO also has a broader, regional vision and Cyprus fits in well with this." "Since our acquisition of a minority stake in Cablenet in 2014, this company continues to perform strongly, delivering steady, double-digit growth in both revenue and EBITDA over recent years. We are therefore encouraged by the significant potential which this asset continues to offer us."
GO Direct 20 January 2016 â‚Ź 116
He concluded, "the fact that GO is a position to embark on such strategic investments, at this point in its history, makes amply clear GO is a well-capitalised and dynamic entity with a clear forward-looking vision that encompasses not only its core domestic market but further afield. I believe this is good news for all stakeholders. ''
GO Direct 20 January 2016 € 145
GO to acquire majority shareholding in Cablenet in Cyprus Wednesday, 20 January 2016, 08:31
GO plc, Malta’s leading quad play telecommunications company, is to acquire a majority shareholding in the Cypriot ‘triple play’ telecommunications company Cablenet Communications Systems Limited, in which it previously held a minority stake, the company said in a statement this morning. In September 2014, in line with its strategy to pursue growth opportunities wherever it was logical to do so, GO had acquired 25% of the issued share capital of Cablenet in Cyprus. GO had also extended Cablenet a loan of €12,000,000 which was convertible into equity and, moreover, obtained an option to acquire majority control should it wish to do so. GO’s Board have now agreed to proceed with converting the loan to equity. As a result of this, GO’s stake will increase from 25% to 45% of the issued share capital of Cablenet. GO is also exercising the option, included in the original Share Purchase Agreement, to acquire a further 6% of the issued share capital, bringing its total stake to 51%, and thereby acquiring majority control.
GO Direct 20 January 2016 € 145
Cablenet is a privately owned business which began operations in 2003 as a cable TV provider in Cyprus. Since then the company has consistently expanded its network and its operations. Today, Cablenet is the leading privately owned broadband provider and offers packages which include broadband internet access, fixed telephony and digital HD TV to an increasing number of subscribers. Mr Yiannos Michaelides, CEO at GO, said: “Apart from bringing us access to a larger market, and new income streams, our increased stake in Cablenet will enable us to leverage clear synergies between GO and Cablenet. Certainly, we will be able to share winning strategies and best practices in a number of areas and we see potential for further growth in a market that, although with its own characteristics, has many similarities to Malta.’’ Commented Mr Deepak Padmanabhan, GO’s Chairman, "GO firmly believes in the Maltese market, as evidenced by our Group’s recent acquisition of a controlling interest in an IT solutions entity. Committed as it is to Malta, GO also has a broader, regional vision and Cyprus fits in well with this. Since our acquisition of a minority stake in Cablenet in 2014, this company continues to perform strongly, delivering steady, double-digit growth in both revenue and EBITDA over recent years. We are therefore encouraged by the significant potential which this asset continues to offer us. The fact that GO is a position to embark on such strategic investments, at this point in its history, makes amply clear GO is a well-capitalised and dynamic entity with a clear forward-looking vision that encompasses not only its core domestic market but further afield. I believe this is good news for all stakeholders ’’
GO Direct 20 January 2016 € 135
GO ser takkwista l-maġġoranza tal-ishma ta’ Cablenet f’Ċipru 09:13 | 20.01.2016
GO plc, il-fornitur ewlieni tas-servizzi tat-telekomunikazzjonijiet „quad play‟ f‟Malta, ser tkun qed takkwista l-maġġoranza tal-ishma ta‟ Cablenet Communications Systems Limited, kumpannija Ċiprijotta tat-telekomunikazzjoni „triple play‟ fejn qabel GO kellha biss sehem minuri. F‟Settembru 2014, f‟konformità mal-istrateġija tagħha li tikseb opportunitajiet ta‟ tkabbir kull meta dan jagħmel sens, GO kisbet 25% tal-kapital azzjonarju ta‟ Cablenet f‟Ċipru. GO kienet estendiet ukoll self konvertibbli ta‟ €12-il miljun lil Cablenet li seta‟ jkun konvertit f‟ekwita‟ (equity), kif ukoll l-għażla li, fil-futur, takkwista l-kontroll tal-maġġoranza tal-ishma fil-kumpannija Cablenet. Il-Bord ta‟ GO issa ddeċieda li jagħmel dan il-pass u jikkonverti s-self f‟ekwità. B‟riżultat ta‟ dan, is-sehem tal-ishma ta‟ GO fil-kumpannija Cablenet ser jiżdied minn 25% għal 45% tal-kapital azzjonarju ta‟ Cablenet. Barraminhekk, GO qed teżerċita wkoll l-għażla, li kienet inkluża fil-ftehim oriġinali tax-xiri tal-ishma, li tikseb 6% oħra tal-ishma kapitali, biex tilħaq total ta‟ 51% tal-ishma u b‟hekk tikseb il-maġġoranza tal-ishma. Cablenet hi kumpannija privata li bdiet topera fl-2003 bħala l-fornitur tal-cable TV f‟Ċipru. Sa minn dak iż-żmien, il-kumpannija espandiet in-netwerk u l-operat tagħha b‟mod konsistenti. Illum, Cablenet hi l-fornitur privat ewlieni għall-broadband f‟Ċipru u toffri pakketti li jinkludu aċċess għall-internet bil-broadband, telefonija b‟linji fissi u HD TV diġitali lil għadd ta‟ abbonati li n-numri tagħhom dejjem qed jikbru.
GO Direct 20 January 2016 € 135
Yiannos Michaelides, il-Kap Eżekuttiv ta‟ GO, qal: “Apparti mill-fatt li dan ser iwassalna għal aċċess ta‟ suq ikbar, u sorsi ġodda ta‟ dħul, iż-żieda tas-sehem tagħna f‟Cablenet ser tippermettielna sinerġiji effettivi bejn GO u Cablenet. Żgur li ser ikollna strateġiji rebbieħa u l-aqwa prattiċi f‟numru ta‟ oqsma. Qed naraw ukoll potenzjal li nkomplu nikbru f‟suq li, minkejja li għandu l-karatteristiċi tiegħu, hu simili ħafna għal Malta.” Deepak Padmanabhan, iċ-Chairman ta‟ GO, ikkummenta, „‟GO temmen bis-sħiħ fis-suq ta‟ Malta, kif muri biċ-ċar mill-akkwist riċenti tal-maġġoranza tal-ishma f‟kumpannija li tispeċjalizza f‟soluzzjonijiet tal-IT. Minkejja l-fatt li hi impenjata bis-sħiħ lejn Malta, GO qed tħares b‟viżjoni fuq skala reġjonali, u Ċipru għandu parti sew minn din il-viżjoni. Minn dakinhar li akkwistajna sehem minuri f‟Cablenet fl-2014, il-kumpannija kompliet tikseb riżultati b‟saħħithom, kif jintwera mit-tkabbir notevoli kemm tad-dħul kif ukoll tal-EBITDA matul dawn l-aħħar snin. Għalhekk qed naraw potenzjal sinifikanti li ser ikomplu joffrulna dawn l-assi. Il-fatt li GO hi f‟pożizzjoni li tidħol għal investimenti stateġiċi bħal dawn, proprju f‟dan il-punt tal-istorja tagħha, turi kemm GO hi entità dinamika, kapitalizzata tajjeb, u b‟viżjoni ċara ta‟ fejn trid tasal mhux biss fis-suq ta‟ Malta imma „l hemm minn xtutna. Nemmen li din hi aħbar tajba għal kull min hu involut b‟mod jew ieħor fil-ħidma ta‟ GO.
GO Direct 20 January 2016 € 145
GO to acquire majority shareholding in Cablenet in Cyprus GO has agreed to proceed with converting a €12 million loan to equity, increasing its stake from 25% to 45% of the issued share capital of Cablenet.
Matthew Vella 20 January 2016, 9:46am
GO plc will acquire a majority shareholding in the Cypriot „triple play‟ telecommunications company Cablenet Communications Systems Limited, in which it previously held a minority stake. In September 2014 GO acquired 25% of the issued share capital of Cablenet in Cyprus. GO had also extended Cablenet a loan of €12,000,000 which was convertible into equity and, moreover, obtained an option to acquire majority control should it wish to do so. GO‟s Board have now agreed to proceed with converting the loan to equity, increasing its stake from 25% to 45% of the issued share capital of Cablenet. GO is also exercising the option, included in the original Share Purchase Agreement, to acquire a further 6% of the issued share capital, bringing its total stake to 51%, and thereby acquiring majority control. Cablenet is a privately owned business which began operations in 2003 as a cable TV provider in Cyprus. Since then the company has consistently expanded its network and its operations. Today, Cablenet is the leading privately owned broadband provider and offers packages which include broadband internet access, fixed telephony and digital HD TV to an increasing number of subscribers. GO chief executive officer Yiannos Michaelides said: “Apart from bringing us access to a larger market, and new income streams, our increased stake in Cablenet will enable us to leverage clear
GO Direct 20 January 2016 € 145
synergies between GO and Cablenet. Certainly, we will be able to share winning strategies and best practices in a number of areas and we see potential for further growth in a market that, although with its own characteristics, has many similarities to Malta.” GO Chairman Deepak Pahdmadhaban said GO had a broader, regional vision that included Cyprus as a good fit. “Since our acquisition of a minority stake in Cablenet in 2014, this company continues to perform strongly, delivering steady, double-digit growth in both revenue and EBITDA over recent years. We are therefore encouraged by the significant potential which this asset continues to offer us. The fact that GO is a position to embark on such strategic investments, at this point in its history, makes amply clear GO is a well-capitalised and dynamic entity with a clear forward-looking vision that encompasses not only its core domestic market but further afield. I believe this is good news for all stakeholders.”
GO Direct 20 January 2016 € 120
GO se takkwista l-maġġoranza tal-ishma ta’ Cablenet f’Ċipru Karl Wright - 20/01/16 10:40 AM
GO plc, il-fornitur ewlieni tas-servizzi tat-telekomunikazzjonijiet ‘quad play’ f’Malta, se tkun qed takkwista l-maġġoranza tal-ishma ta’ Cablenet Communications Systems Limited, kumpanija Ċiprijotta tat-telekomunikazzjoni ‘triple play’ fejn qabel GO kellha biss sehem minuri. F’Settembru 2014, f’konformità mal-istrateġija tagħha li tikseb opportunitajiet ta’ tkabbir kull meta dan jagħmel sens, GO kisbet 25% tal-kapital azzjonarju ta’ Cablenet f’Ċipru. GO kienet estendiet ukoll self konvertibbli ta’ €12-il miljun lil Cablenet li seta’ jkun konvertit f’ekwita’ (equity), kif ukoll l-għażla li, fil-futur, takkwista l-kontroll tal-maġġoranza tal-ishma fil-kumpanija Cablenet. Il-Bord ta’ GO issa ddeċieda li jagħmel dan il-pass u jikkonverti s-self f’ekwità. B’riżultat ta’ dan, is-sehem tal-ishma ta’ GO fil-kumpanija Cablenet se jiżdied minn 25% għal 45% tal-kapital azzjonarju ta’ Cablenet. GO qed teżerċita wkoll l-għażla, li kienet inkluża fil-ftehim oriġinali tax-xiri tal-ishma, li tikseb 6% oħra tal-ishma kapitali, biex tilħaq total ta’ 51% tal-ishma u b’hekk tikseb il-maġġoranza tal-ishma. Cablenet hi kumpanija privata li bdiet topera fl-2003 bħala l-fornitur tal-cable TV f’Ċipru. Sa minn dak iż-żmien, il-kumpanija espandiet in-netwerk u l-operat tagħha b’mod konsistenti. Ill
GO Direct 20 January 2016 € 230
Wednesday, January 20, 2016, 09:06
GO to acquire majority shareholding in Cablenet GO is to acquire majority shareholding in the Cypriot telecommunications company Cablenet Communications Systems Limited, in which it previously held a minority stake. In September 2014, in line with its strategy to pursue growth opportunities wherever it was logical to do so, GO acquired 25 per cent of the issued share capital of Cablenet in Cyprus. It also extended Cablenet a loan of €12 million which was convertible into equity and obtained an option to acquire majority control should it wish to do so. GO’s board have now agreed to proceed with converting the loan to equity. As a result, GO’s stake will increase to 45 per cent of Cablenet’s issued share capital. GO is also exercising the option to acquire a further six per cent of the issued share capital, bringing its total stake to 51 per cent. Cablenet is a privately owned business which began operations in 2003 as a cable TV provider in Cyprus. It has since expanded its network and operations and is today the leading privately owned broadband provider.
GO Direct 20 January 2016 € 145
GO Direct 21 January 2016 € 116
GO TO ACQUIRE MAJORITY SHAREHOLDING IN CABLENET IN CYPRUS GO plc, Malta’s leading quad play telecommunications company, is to acquire a majority shareholding in the Cypriot ‘triple play’ telecommunications company Cablenet Communications Systems Limited, in which it previously held a minority stake. In September 2014, in line with its strategy to pursue growth opportunities wherever it was logical to do so, GO had acquired 25% of the issued share capital of Cablenet in Cyprus. GO had also extended Cablenet a loan of €12,000,000 which was convertible into equity and, moreover, obtained an option to acquire majority control should it wish to do so. GO’s Board have now agreed to proceed with converting the loan to equity. As a result of this, GO’s stake will increase from 25% to 45% of the issued share capital of Cablenet. GO is also exercising the option, included in the original Share Purchase Agreement, to acquire a further 6% of the issued share capital, bringing its total stake to 51%, and thereby acquiring majority control. Cablenet is a privately owned business which began operations in 2003 as a cable TV provider in Cyprus. Since then the company has consistently expanded its network and its operations. Today, Cablenet is the leading privately owned broadband provider and offers packages which include broadband internet access, fixed telephony and digital HD TV to an increasing number of subscribers. Mr Yiannos Michaelides, CEO at GO, said: “Apart from bringing us access to a larger market, and new income streams, our increased stake in Cablenet will enable us to leverage clear synergies between GO and Cablenet. Certainly, we will be able to share winning strategies and best practices in a number of areas and we see potential for further growth in a market that, although with its own characteristics, has many similarities to Malta.’’
GO Direct 21 January 2016 € 116
Commented Mr Deepak Padmanabhan, GO’s Chairman, ‘’GO firmly believes in the Maltese market, as evidenced by our Group’s recent acquisition of a controlling interest in an IT solutions entity. Committed as it is to Malta, GO also has a broader, regional vision and Cyprus fits in well with this. Since our acquisition of a minority stake in Cablenet in 2014, this company continues to perform strongly, delivering steady, double-digit growth in both revenue and EBITDA over recent years. We are therefore encouraged by the significant potential which this asset continues to offer us. The fact that GO is a position to embark on such strategic investments, at this point in its history, makes amply clear GO is a well-capitalised and dynamic entity with a clear forward-looking vision that encompasses not only its core domestic market but further afield. I believe this is good news for all stakeholders. ’’ Ends