Today’s Newspaper Cuttings
27 November 2015
Today’s online news Malta Properties Company shares begin trading – GO Direct Vodafone waħda mill-isponsors tal-Fun Run tal-President – Vodafone CSR Direct Bla linja? Mhux minħabba r-Reġina – Vodafone Direct GO b’offerta għal-Limitless Mobile għal €10 biss fix-xahar – GO Direct Malta properties Company tibda tinnegozja l-ishma taghħa – GO Direct Limitless mobile calling for just €10 monthly from GO – GO Direct Vodafone Malta Foundation sponsors President’s Fun Run – Vodafone CSR Direct Selection of Christmas offers available to GO customers – GO Direct
Vodafone in the news
Vodafone CSR Direct 25 November 2015 € 116
VODAFONE MALTA FOUNDATION SPONSORS PRESIDENT’S FUN RUN Vodafone employees continue to show their support with their participation in the 7th edition of the President’s Solidarity Fun Run Sunday 15th November. “This is an annual event for us and Vodafone employees have always participated enthusiastically in the run,” said Veronica Nardelli, Corporate Affairs Senior Executive. “This year the Vodafone Malta Foundation was pleased to be one of the official sponsors and this link made the experience even more special for those members of our staff who took the time out of their weekend to take part.”
Vodafone Direct 25 November 2015 € 120
Vodafone waħda mill-isponsors tal-Fun Run tal-President Karl Wright - 25/11/15 01:57 PM
Impjegati ta’ Vodafone komplew juru appoġġ bil-parteċipazzjoni fis-7 edizzjoni tal-Fun Run tal-President li saret il-Ħadd 15 ta’ Novembru. “Dan hu avveniment annwali għalina u l-impjegati ta’ Vodafone dejjem ħadu sehem b’entużjażmu kbir,” qalet Veronica Nardelli, Corporate Affairs Senior Executive. “Din is-sena, il-Vodafone Malta Foundation hi kburija li kienet waħda mill-isponsors uffiċjali u din il-konnessjoni għamlet din l-esperjenza waħda aktar speċjali għal dawk l-impjegati li ħadu l-ħin mill-ħin tal-mistrieħ tagħhom biex jieħdu sehem.”
Vodafone Direct 26 November 2015 € 120
Bla linja? Mhux minħabba r-Reġina Josianne Camilleri - 26/11/15 08:15 PM
Mhux minnu li s-servizzi tat-telefonati u tal-internet twaqqfu sakemm l-ajruplan tar-Reġina niżel f’Malta. Kelliema għal Vodafone qalet ma’ li assolutament mhux il-każ li s-servizz twaqqaf minħabba l-wasla tar-Reġina Eliżabetta f’Malta llum waranofsinhar. Dan wara li xi wħud qalu onlajn li saru jafu mingħand uffiċjali tal-kumpanija li s-servizz ġie sospiż minħabba f'hekk. Il-kelliema spjegat li fit-14:56pm żviluppat ħsara f’apparat li wasslet biex xi klijenti esperjenzaw diffikultajiet biex jirċievu jew jagħmlu telefonati u biex jibagħtu jew jirċievu messaġġi. Is-servizz tad-data ma ġiex affetwat. Parti mis-servizz reġgħet bdiet taħdem fi ftit minuti filwaqt li s-servizzi kollha ġew lura għan-normal madwar 20 minuta wara.
Other stories in the news
GO Direct 24 November 2015 € 145
Limitless mobile calling for just €10 monthly from GO Tuesday, 24 November 2015, 17:43
GO has launched a number of Christmas offers, particularly for customers who use bundled services across mobile, phone, internet and TV. These include the brand new Limitless Flex Lite mobile plan, which is available for just €10 per month to existing Limitless Home Pack or Limitless Duo Pack subscribers. For added convenience the Limitless Flex Lite plan would be included in the same bill as the bundled service already being used by the customer. The convenience of one bill for all bundled services including mobile is yet another first for GO. Limitless Flex Lite customers will benefit from Limitless calls to all GO Mobile numbers, €10 prepaid mobile credit and 300MB of mobile internet at 42Mbps monthly. The €10 prepaid mobile credit every month is a special offer. After 31 January 2016, the amount of mobile credit will be €5 every month. All other benefits will remain unchanged. These benefits will be on top of the benefits already available to Home Pack and Duo Pack customers including the free calling to other Home Pack community members. Customers who subscribe to Limitless Home Pack Interactive will also be able to enjoy a free upgrade to Interactive TV for six months while also benefitting from a six month free upgrade of their internet service to 35Mbps and six months free access to the GO Stars TV channel. Customers subscribing to Limitless Duo Pack will get six months free internet during which period they will pay just €9.99 irrespective of the internet speed they opt for. More information on GO's Christmas offers is available from all retail outlets and exclusive resellers and from the website Terms and Conditions Apply.
GO Direct 25 November 2015 € 120
Malta Properties Company tibda tinnegozja l-ishma tagħha Karl Wright - 24/11/15 04:19 PM
L-ishma tal-kumpanija Malta Properties Company, MPC, mil-lum bdew ikunu nnegozjati fuq il-Borza ta’ Malta, wara li l-bieraħ kienu aċċettati biex jitniżżlu mal-lista tal-kumpaniji fuq il-Borża. Dan it-tragward storiku jirrappreżenta l-pass finali fis-separazzjoni ta’ MPC minn GO plc. Dan il-proċess beda f’Lulju ta’ din is-sena u matulu l-azzjonisti kollha ta’ GO ingħataw l-istess ammont ta’ ishma fl-MPC daqs kemm kellhom ma’ GO. Il-kumpannija MPC hi s-sid u l-amministratur ta’ numru ta’ propjetajiet li jkopru 12-il sit differenti. Qabel ma twaqqfet l-MPC bħala kumpanija separata minn GO, dawn il-propjetajiet kienu stmati li għandhom valur ta’ €53 miljun. L-għan tal-kumpanija hu li tilħaq il-potenzjal konsiderevoli tal-iżvilupp ta’ dawn is-siti u li ssir kumpanija ewlenija f’Malta li toffri l-aqwa propjetajiet immobbli. MPC diġà qed taħdem fuq pjani biex tiżviluppa mill-ġdid is-siti li għandha fiż-Żejtun u l-Marsa. Fis-sit taż-Żejtun Exchange qed ikun ippjanat l-ikbar ċentru modern tal-informazzjoni.
GO Direct 25 November 2015 € 116
Selection of Christmas offers available to GO customers BY GOZO NEWS · NOVEMBER 25, 2015
GO has launched a number of Christmas offers, particularly for customers who use bundled services across mobile, phone, internet and TV. The company said that this includes the new Limitless Flex Lite mobile plan, which is available for €10 per month to existing Limitless Home Pack or Limitless Duo Pack subscribers. "Limitless Flex Lite customers will benefit from Limitless calls to all GO Mobile numbers, €10 prepaid mobile credit and 300MB of mobile internet at 42Mbps monthly. The €10 prepaid mobile credit every month is a special offer. After 31 January 2016, the amount of mobile credit will be €5 every month. All other benefits will remain unchanged." GO also said that customers who subscribe to Limitless Home Pack Interactive "will also have a free upgrade to Interactive TV for six months, as well as benefiting from a six month free upgrade of their internet service to 35Mbps and six months free access to the GO Stars TV channel." "Customers subscribing to Limitless Duo Pack will get six months free internet during which period they will pay just €9.99 irrespective of the internet speed they opt for." More information on GO's Christmas offers is available from all retail outlets and exclusive resellers and from the website Terms and Conditions Apply.
GO Direct 25 November 2015 € 120
GO b'offerta għal-Limitless Mobile għal €10 biss fix-xahar Karl Wright - 25/11/15 01:45 PM
GO nediet għadd ta’ offerti tal-Milied, b’mod partikolari għall-klijenti li jużaw il-bundled services tal-mowbajl, telefonija, internet jew TV. Dawn jinkludu l-Limitless Flex Lite mobile plan il-ġdid, li jinsab disponibbli għal €10 biss fix-xahar għal dawk diġà abbonati mal-Limitless Home Pack jew Limitless Duo Pack. Għal iktar konvenjenza, il-Limitless Flex se jkun inkluż fl-istess kont tal-bundled service li diġà qed jintuża mill-klijent. Il-konvenjenza ta’ kont wieħed għall-bundled services kollha, inkluż dak tal-mowbajl, hi karatteristika oħra unika ta’ GO. Il-klijenti ta’ Limitless Flex Lite se jibbenefikaw minn telefonati bla limitu għan-numri kollha ta’ GO Mobile, €10 f’kreditu prepaid tal-mowbajl u 300MB ta’ internet tal-mowbajl b’veloċità ta’ 42Mbps fix-xahar. Il-kreditu ta’ €10prepaid tal-mowbajl kull xahar hi offerta speċjali. Wara l-31 ta’ Jannar 2016, l-ammont ta’ kreditu tal-mowbajl se jkun ta’ €5 fix-xahar. Il-benefiċċji kollha l-oħra se jibqgħu l-istess. Dawn il-benefiċċji se jkunu addizzjonali ma’ dawk diġà disponibbli mal-HomePack u Duo Pack fosthom li wieħed iċempel b’xejn lill-membri oħra tal-komunità tal-HomePak. Il-klijenti li jabbonaw mal-Limitless Home Pack Interactive se jkunu jistgħu jgawdu minn upgrade b’xejn għal Interactive TV għal sitt xhur filwaqt li jibbenefikaw minn internet upgrade ta’ 35Mbps u aċċess mingħajr ħlas għall-istazzjon GO Stars TV għal sitt xhur.Il-klijenti li jabbonaw għal Limitless Duo Pack se jirċievu sitt xhur internet b’xejn u matul dak il-perjodu se jħallsu €9.99 biss irrispettivament mill-veloċità tal-internet li jagħżlu.
GO Direct 25 November 2015 € 230
Wednesday, November 25, 2015, 00:01
Malta Properties Company shares begin trading Shares in Malta Properties Company (MPC) began trading on the Malta Stock Exchange yesterday, following admittance to listing on Monday. This milestone represents the final step in MPC’s spin-off from GO plc which began in July this year and through which all GO shareholders received exactly the same number of shares in MPC as they already had in GO. MPC owns and administers a property portfolio covering 12 different sites which were valued at €53 million prior to the spin-off from GO. The company’s aim is to fulfil the considerable redevelopment potential of these sites and become a leading provider of premium real estate in Malta. MPC is already working on plans to redevelop the sites of the existing Żejtun and Marsa exchanges, with the former earmarked to become Malta’s largest state-of-the-art data centre. “Today marks the birth of MPC as a company in its own right, completely separate from GO and focused on delivering premium property services to our clients, particularly our anchor tenant GO plc, as well as maximising long-term value for our shareholders from our extensive property portfolio,” said Deepak Padmanabhan, MPC’s chairman. “The spin-off from GO has already given all GO’s shareholders an excellent return and, from today, MPC also offers the broader investing Maltese public a great opportunity to participate in our journey.”