Vodafone online news monitor 03072013

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Today’s Newspaper Cuttings

03 July 2013

Today’s news online TIMESOFMALTA.COM Silver medal for volley team in Istanbul Tournament – Vodafone CSR Direct Vodafone’s Mobile Wi-Fi at reduced rates – Vodafone Direct Richard England student workshop – BOV CSR Investing in tomorrow’s creativity – GO CSR Direct

DI-VE.COM Vodafone’s Mobile Wi-Fi at reduced rates – Vodafone Direct Go sponsors creative work at MCAST Expo – GO CSR Direct BOV staff act as sparring partner in marathon training – BOV CSR

GOZONEWS.COM Special Olympics Malta Team returns triumphantly to Malta – Vodafone CSR Direct Vodafone launches offer on Mobile Wi-Fi at reduced rates – Vodafone Direct

JOSANNECASSAR.COM Special Olympics Malta Team qualifies for World Games – Vodafone CSR Direct

INDEPENDENT.COM.MT Tentastic rates and free mobile internet from Melita – Melita Direct Gianluca Bezzina pays surprise visit to the Joseph Calleja BOV Children’s Choir Rehearsal – BOV CSR

INEWSMALTA.COM ‘Review’ tas-Samsung Galaxy S4 – Vodafone Direct

MALTATODAY.COM.MT Vodafone’s Mobile Wi-Fi at reduced rates – Vodafone Direct

Vodafone in the news



Vodafone launches offer on Mobile Wi-Fi at reduced rates Posted By Gozo News On July 1, 2013 @ 6:15 pm In Malta News | No Comments

Vodafone has just announced the launch of a new offer, where customers can now buy the Mobile WIFI R205 at €69 and get free internet for one whole month. “The Mobile WIFI R205 is a portable home internet device that allows up to five devices to simultaneously connect to the internet over Vodafone’s network. The device can be used anywhere including at home and on the move.” “Consumers nowadays have an array of WiFi enabled devices that they use both at home and when they’re out and about,” said Sandro Pisani, Head of Marketing at Vodafone Malta. “With this new offer, customers can now have a reasonably well priced and capable device that gives them a versatile portable Wi-Fi hotspot for virtually all kinds of laptops and tablets. Committed to offer the best in cutting-edge technology, Vodafone strives to bring to its customers the best propositions for data-on-themove over a reliable network.” Vodafone said that its prepaid internet plans “include a data allowance of 1GB valid for 7 days for the price of €5 or 10GB valid for 30 days for the price of €25, both of which can be stopped any time at no extra charge. Alternatively, the Vodafone Mobile WiFi R205 is given for free on a 2-year contract. Vodafone provides a number of post-paid data plans which are now discounted. A data allowance of 5GB with download speeds of 21Mbps has now been reduced to €10 a month whereas a data allowance of 12GB with download speeds of 21Mbps has now been reduced to €15 a month. The Vodafone Mobile WiFI R205 can be used with laptops, game consoles and tablets to simultaneously access the internet through a single broadband connection.” “The device is very easy to set up. No wires and no installation are required. It also has a display screen which provides information about the type and strength of the signal available, WiFi connectivity and battery life. The device can be used for up to four hours without charging, making it attractive to anyone who requires internet on the move,” Vodafone said. For further information, call Vodafone Customer Care on 247 from a Vodafone line or on 9999 9247 from any other line, visit Vodafone’s website on http://www.vodafone.com.mt/prepaidinternetplans [1] or Vodafone’s Facebook Page.



01 | 07 | 2013 at 16:07

Vodafone’s Mobile Wi-Fi at reduced rates Article By: di-ve.com news editorial@di-ve.com Vodafone has just lauched a new offer, where customers can now buy the Mobile WIFI R205 at €69 and get free internet for one whole month. The Mobile WIFI R205 is a portable home internet device that allows up to five devices to simultaneously connect to the internet over Vodafone’s network. The device can be used anywhere including at home and on the move. “Consumers nowadays have an array of WiFi enabled devices that they use both at home and when they’re out and about,” said Sandro Pisani, Head of Marketing at Vodafone Malta. “With this new offer, customers can now have a reasonably well priced and capable device that gives them a versatile portable Wi-Fi hotspot for virtually all kinds of laptops and tablets. Committed to offer the best in cutting-edge technology, Vodafone strives to bring to its customers the best propositions for data-on-the-move over a reliable network.” Vodafone prepaid internet plans include a data allowance of 1GB valid for 7 days for the price of €5 or 10GB valid for 30 days for the price of €25, both of which can be stopped any time at no extra charge. Alternatively, the Vodafone Mobile WiFi R205 is given for free on a 2-year contract. Vodafone provides a number of post-paid data plans which are now discounted. A data allowance of 5GB with download speeds of 21Mbps has now been reduced to €10 a month whereas a data allowance of 12GB with download speeds of 21Mbps has now been reduced to €15 a month. The Vodafone Mobile WiFI R205 can be used with laptops, game consoles and tablets to simultaneously access the internet through a single broadband connection. The device is very easy to set up. No wires and no installation are required. It also has a display screen which provides information about the type and strength of the signal available, WiFi connectivity and



battery life. The device can be used for up to four hours without charging, making it attractive to anyone who requires internet on the move.



Sunday, June 30, 2013

Silver medal for volley team in Istanbul tournament

The Special Olympics squad that took part in the unified volleyball tournament. The Special Olympics volleyball team, supported by the Vodafone Malta Foundation, returned home recently with a silver medal won in a European Unified Second Division volleyball tournament which was played in Istanbul. Thanks to their fine showing in Turkey, the Maltese team also earned the right to play in the Special Olympics World Games in Los Angeles, in 2015. “Considering that our team is relatively new and that this was our first participation in the European tournament, we are very happy with the result and we feel that the whole experience was a great success,” Anna Calleja, National Director of Special Olympics Malta, said in a statement. “We don’t like to rush things and we take our time to introduce new sports disciplines to make sure that before competing in international events we achieve the desired level. “The mainstream players were also very honoured to have been invited to participate in such an event and although they have been training with us for quite a while, they were surprised with our athletes’ level of determination and spirit. “We would like to thank Vodafone Malta Foundation for their on-going support and their assistance for all Special Olympics Activities including these Games.” On the first day of the tournament, Malta played two games against the Czech Republic and Finland before being classified in Division Two along with Germany and Azerbaijan. On Day two, Malta beat Germany 2-1 but lost 1-2 to Azerbaijan. The Azeris won the first set 25-23 but Malta hit back to even matters (25-23). However, Azerbaijan won the decider 15-10 at the end of a hard-fought contest. “We congratulate all participants for their success,” Martin Gregory, Head of HR at Vodafone Malta, said.



“We are honoured to assist Special Olympics Malta to enable our athletes to participate in competi-tions of this kind. “We also look forward to similar partnerships in future.”



Sunday, June 30, 2013

Vodafone’s Mobile Wi-Fi at reduced rates Vodafone customers can buy the Mobile WIFI R205 at €69 and get free internet for one month. The Mobile WIFI R205 is a portable home internet device that allows up to five devices to simultaneously connect to the internet over Vodafone’s network. The device can be used anywhere including at home and on the move. “With this new offer, customers can now have a reasonably well priced and capable device that gives them a versatile portable wi-fi hotspot for virtually all kinds of laptops and tablets,” said Sandro Pisani, head of marketing at Vodafone Malta. Vodafone prepaid internet plans include a data allowance of 1GB valid for seven days for the price of €5 or 10GB valid for 30 days for the price of €25, both of which can be stopped any time at no extra charge. Alternatively, the Vodafone Mobile WiFi R205 is given for free on a two-year contract. Vodafone provides a number of post-paid data plans which are now discounted. A data allowance of 5GB with download speeds of 21Mbps has now been reduced to €10 a month, whereas a data allowance of 12GB with download speeds of 21Mbps has been reduced to €15 a month.



‘Review’ tas-Samsung Galaxy S4 14:41 | 02.07.2013

Vodafone nehdiet is-Samsung Galaxy S4 li prattikament jista’ jagħmel kollox! F’termini ta’ karatteristiċi u speċifikazzjonijiet, dan il-mudell hu l-aqwa fost il-kumpetituri tiegħu bħal m’huma l-iPhone 5 u l-HTC One. L-S4 huwa kkunsidrat li għandu forma perfetta b’‘software’ superjuri meta mqabbel ma’ smartphones oħrajn. Is-Samsung Galaxy S4, hu l-ismartphone ta’ wara l-Galaxy S3 li ħareġ is-sena l-oħra. Dawk li japprezzaw tekonoloġija nnovattiva se jinġibdu mill-ewwel lejn il-Galaxy S4. Samsung qiegħda tiffoka fuq l-użu u l-kwalità tas‘software’. Il-Galaxy il-ġdid għandu għamla aktar lixxa iżda d-dehra tiegħu hija simili ħafna għal dik tal-S3, b’karatteristiċi simili bħall-‘home button’ li hija ‘trademark’, kif ukoll il-logo ta’ Samsung fil-parti ta’ fuq. Id-‘display HD’ ta’ 1080 pixels jipprovdi viżwal mill-isbaħ u t-titjib fuq il-proċessur jagħti prestazzjoni aqwa minn dik ta’ mudelli preċedenti. L-S4, b’disinn magħmul b’attenzjoni u bi skrin ikbar u irqiq għandu ħafna ‘settings’ differenti li jagħmlu l-mowbajl personalizzat skont il-gosti tiegħek. ‘Upgrades’ oħrajn jinkludu l-batterija li sservi 20% aktar, li hi impressjonanti għax hi eħfef minn dik tal-S3. L-S4 għandu wkoll riżoluzzjoni aqwa, b’kamera ta’ 13-il megapixel fin-naħa ta’ wara tal-mowbajl. Ħafna millkonsumaturi huma midħla ta’ xi karatteristiċi popolari tal-S4 fosthom il-‘wave-to-answer’ u l-‘eye-movementtracking’. Il-Galaxy S4 kapaċi jagħmel ħafna mit-‘tasks’ bażiċi mingħajr ebda diffikultà u fl-istess ħin jagħti lil min jużah iċċans li juża numru ta’ ‘applications’ mingħajr ma jaffettwa l-prestazzjoni tal-ismartphone. Dan ma jħallix impatt kbir fuq kemm tiflaħ il-batterija peress li l-Galaxy S4 għandu batterija aħjar minn dik tal-S3. Il-‘motion controls’ huma innovattivi. Li xxejjer l-mowbajl biex tkun tista’ tħaddmu hi karatteristika innovattiva, bħalma hi li tiskrollja ’l fuq u ’l isfel f’‘web page’ permezz ta’ manuvrar bl-idejn. L-inklużjoni ta’ dawn il-karatteristiċi ma jagħmlu l-ebda ħsara u dawn jistgħu wkoll jintfew, iżda tistennix li dawn il-karatteristiċi se jbiddlulek ħajtek kif jissuġġerixxu r-riklami. Is-Samsung adattaw qoxra tal-plastik fuq wara tal-S4 kif insibu f’ħafna mid-‘devices’ tagħhom. Din il-qoxra tista’ titneħħa b’mod faċli ħafna biex tkun tista’ tiddaħħal il-‘micro SD card’. Jekk qed tfittex smartphone ġdid bis-sistema Android, l-S4 huwa soluzzjoni aqwa mill-S3 anki jekk il-prezz huwa kemxejn ogħla minħabba l-innovazzjoni li fih.



Is-Samsung Galaxy S4 huwa disponibbli mingħand Vodafone Malta. Is-Samsung Galaxy S4 qiegħed jinbiegħ millħwienet kollha ta’ Vodafone madwar Malta u Għawdex għal 699.99 ewro u jiġi għall-prezz irħas ma’ offerti esklussivi li joffru Vodafone permezz tal-Vodafone RED plans il-ġodda.



Business Tuesday 2 July 2013 - 07:21

Vodafone’s Mobile Wi-Fi at reduced rates Vodafone has just lauched a new offer, where customers can now buy the Mobile WIFI R205 at €69 and get free internet for one whole month.

The Mobile WIFI R205 is a portable home internet device that allows up to five devices to simultaneously connect to the internet over Vodafone's network. The device can be used anywhere including at home and on the move.

"Consumers nowadays have an array of WiFi enabled devices that they use both at home and when they're out and about," said Sandro Pisani, Head of Marketing at Vodafone Malta. "With this new offer, customers can now have a reasonably well priced and capable device that gives them a versatile portable Wi-Fi hotspot for virtually all kinds of laptops and tablets. Committed to offer the best in cutting-edge technology, Vodafone strives to bring to its customers the best propositions for data-on-the-move over a reliable network."

Vodafone prepaid internet plans include a data allowance of 1GB valid for 7 days for the price of €5 or 10GB valid for 30 days for the price of €25, both of which can be stopped any time at no extra charge. Alternatively, the Vodafone Mobile WiFi R205 is given for free on a 2-year contract. Vodafone provides a number of post-paid data plans which are now discounted. A data allowance of 5GB with download speeds of 21Mbps has now been reduced to €10 a month whereas a data allowance of 12GB with download speeds of 21Mbps has now been reduced to €15 a month. The Vodafone Mobile WiFI R205 can be used with laptops, game consoles and tablets to simultaneously access the internet through a single broadband connection.

The device is very easy to set up. No wires and no installation are required. It also has a display screen which provides information about the type and strength of the signal available, WiFi connectivity and battery life. The device can be used for up to four hours without charging, making it attractive to anyone who requires internet on the move.

For further information, call Vodafone Customer Care on 247 from a Vodafone line or on 9999 9247 from any other line, visit Vodafone's website on http://www.vodafone.com.mt/prepaidinternetplans or Vodafone's Facebook Page.



Special Olympics Malta Team returns triumphantly to Malta Posted By Gozo News On June 27, 2013 @ 5:30 pm In Malta News | No Comments

The Special Olympics volleyball team arrived back in Malta with a silver medal won in the 2nd Division. Thanks to this honour the team, qualified for the Special Olympics World Games to be held in Los Angeles, USA in 2015. Special Olympics Malta, supported by the Vodafone Malta Foundation was represented by a delegation of 14 people during the European Unified Volleyball Tournament in Istanbul, Turkey. “Considering that our volleyball team is fairly new and that this was our first participation in the European tournament, we are very happy with the result and we feel that the whole experience was a great success,” said Ms Anna Calleja, National Director of Special Olympics Malta. “We don’t like to rush things and we take our time to introduce new sports disciplines to make sure that before competing in international events we achieve the desired level. The mainstream players were also very honoured to have been invited to participate in such an event and although they have been training with our athletes for quite a while, they were surprised with our athletes’ level of determination and spirit. We would also like to thank the Vodafone Malta Foundation for their ongoing support and their assistance for all Special Olympics Activities including these games.” On the first day of the European Unified Volleyball Tournament, Malta played 2 games against the Czech Republic and Finland and placed in Group B/2nd division alongside Germany and Azerbaijan. Following that, on the second day, Malta won their game against Germany at 2 sets to 1 and lost at 2 sets to 0 against Azerbaijan with great honour. Malta lost their first set at 23-25, won the second set at 25-23 and lost the last set at 10-15. “We congratulate all participants for their success,” said Martin Gregory, Head of HR at Vodafone Malta. “We are delighted to partner with Special Olympics Malta again this year to enable our athletes to participate alongside other Special Olympics organisations from across the globe. We also look forward to similar partnerships in the future.”



Special Olympics Malta Team qualifies for World Games The Special Olympics volleyball team arrived back in Malta with a silver medal won in the 2nd Division. Thanks to this honour the team, qualified for the Special Olympics World Games to be held in Los Angeles, USA in 2015. Special Olympics Malta, supported by the Vodafone Malta Foundation was represented by a delegation of 14 people during the European Unified Volleyball Tournament in Istanbul, Turkey. “Considering that our volleyball team is fairly new and that this was our first participation in the European tournament, we are very happy with the result and we feel that the whole experience was a great success,” said Ms Anna Calleja, National Director of Special Olympics Malta. “We don’t like to rush things and we take our time to introduce new sports disciplines to make sure that before competing in international events we achieve the desired level. The mainstream players were also very honoured to have been invited to participate in such an event and although they have been training with our athletes for quite a while, they were surprised with our athletes’ level of determination and spirit. We would also like to thank the Vodafone Malta Foundation for their ongoing support and their assistance for all Special Olympics Activities including these games.” On the first day of the European Unified Volleyball Tournament, Malta played 2 games against the Czech Republic and Finland and placed in Group B/2nd division alongside Germany and Azerbaijan. Following that, on the second day, Malta won their game against Germany at 2 sets to 1 and lost at 2 sets to 0 against Azerbaijan with great honour. Malta lost their first set at 23-25, won the second set at 25-23 and lost the last set at 10-15. “We congratulate all participants for their success,” said Martin Gregory, Head of HR at Vodafone Malta. “We are delighted to partner with Special Olympics Malta again this year to enable our athletes to participate alongside other Special Olympics organisations from across the globe. We also look forward to similar partnerships in the future.”

Other stories in the news



Tentastic rates and free mobile internet from Melita Monday, 01 July 2013, 12:50

Melita has launched its summer mobile offers with a prepaid mobile top-up plan that offers calls at just 10c per minute to any local network whenever customers top up their credit with €10 or more. This pre-paid plan also offers SMS at just 1c to any local network (Melita, Go and Vodafone), 100MB free mobile internet and receiving 20 minutes of free calls when travelling to the EU. Melita’s Tentastic pre-paid plan is the only mobile package offering very low call rates and SMS to any network. When topping up with €10 or more, customers will automatically start benefitting from Tentastic top up rates for 30 days without needing to send an SMS to activate the offer. At just 10c/min and 1c/SMS, talking and texting any network has never been cheaper. With 100MB of free mobile internet and 20 free minutes of incoming calls when travelling to any EU country, Melita’s Tentastic rates are surely hard to beat this summer. Customers topping up again after or during the 30 days will automatically renew their Tentastic rates for another 30 days and no credit will be lost. The offer is valid for both new and existing Melita mobile prepaid top-up clients.



Sunday, June 30, 2013

Richard England student workshop

Richard England talking to students from the Faculty of the Built Environment. Richard England conducted a workshop for a group of 50 second- and fifth-year students from the Faculty for the Built Environment. During the workshop, Prof. England was accompanied by Prof. Lino Bianco. The workshop was held at BoV Centre in Santa Venera, which is currently hosting its 21st Retrospective Exhibition celebrating the works of Prof. England himself. The participants had the opportunity to experience, first hand, the architect’s works of art displayed at the exhibition. Against this backdrop, the internationally renowned artist opened up about his works, his inspirations and spoke about the man behind the artist-architect. The BoV Centre’s foyer is currently a veritable gallery, with 150 panels featuring Prof. England’s works in architecture, sculpture, graphics and art.



Sunday, June 30, 2013

Investing in tomorrow’s creativity

Yiannos Michaelides, Stephen Vella and Anthony Saliba, deputy principal at the Mcast institute, watch a design student working on a brass magazine holder. Go chief executive officer Yiannos Michaelides recently visited the Mcast Institute of Art and Design in Mosta where students were busy preparing for this year’s end-of-year students exhibition, entitled Revolution – The Final Show, taking place at the institute’s campus at Tarġa Gap, Mosta. Mr Michaelides said Go was proud to be sponsoring the institute, stressing the importance of the creative industry and its vital contribution to the future of almost all industries. After remarking that the event marks “the beginning of a future partnership between the two parties”, Mr Michaelides announced that Go is preparing a youth-centric strategy that is expected to kick off after the summer season. Though it was still in the very early stages of planning, he hinted that in the very near future “Go will be testing your creative proficiency”. Institute director Stephen Vella accompanied Mr Michaelides around the institute, including the state-of-the-art studio that is the institute’s pride and joy. The exhibition will be open until Wednesday.



Last Updated 02 | 07 | 2013 at 12:44

BOV staff act as sparring partners in marathon training Article By: di-ve.com news As the final preparations for the BOV Volleyball Marathon fall into place, a volleyball team made up of BOV staff members acted as sparring partners and drew the lines against the marathon players. Training for the marathon is in full swing with 40 players from a total of around 200 volunteers working around the clock since the beginning of June to ensure that this event is a success. This training session proved useful a few days ahead of the kick-off of the gruelling 53-hour marathon to raise money for Dar tal-Providenza. “Bank of Valletta is for the third year running, the main sponsor of the Volleyball Marathon in aid of Dar tal-Providenza. Through the BOV Volleyball marathon we want to encourage a healthy lifestyle while helping to raise funds for Dar tal-Providenza to enable it to continue carrying out the very important role it plays within the Maltese society. Moreover this year, the bank took up an active step in the preparation for the marathon and set up a team made up of staff members to take part in a training session against the marathon players,� Elvia George, Chief Officer Finance at Bank of Valletta said.



The BOV Volleyball Marathon, 53 hours of continuous play in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza, will be held between Friday 5th and Sunday July 7, 2013. Contributions can be made by calling 50602011 for a €10 donation, 50602012 for a €15 donation and 50602013 for a €25 donation or through BOV Mobile Pay on 79324834. A donation of €7 can be made by sending a blank SMS to 50618944.



Gianluca Bezzina pays surprise visit to the Joseph Calleja BOV Children’s Choir rehearsal

Tuesday, 02 July 2013, 13:53

The Joseph Calleja BOV Children’s Choir has started its series of rehearsals leading to the eagerly anticipated concert by Joseph Calleja and other artists on the 1st August. A surprise visit by Gianluca Bezzina, the Maltese representative at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest, was the highlight of the second rehearsal held this week. Gianluca was given an enthusiastic welcome by the over 200 choir members. The young singers also had the opportunity to rehearse the choir parts of the song Tomorrow together with Gianluca in preparation for the live performance at the Granaries Square, Floriana on the 1st August. The rehearsals of the Joseph Calleja BOV Children’s Choir are being held at the Divine Mercy Church in San Pawl tat-Targa under the direction of Choir Director Gillian Zammit. Bank of Valletta is the main sponsor of the Joseph Calleja concert which is being organised by NnG promotions on the 1st August and is also the sponsor of the Joseph Calleja BOV Children’s Choir that will be accompanying Joseph Calleja and the other artists, Zucchero, Rebecca Ferguson, Gianluca Bezzina and the DJ duo Tenishia who will also be performing at the concert.



26 | 06 | 2013 at 20:34

GO sponsors creative work at MCAST Expo Article By: Charlene Mifsud GO CEO, Yiannos Michaelides today visited the MCAST Institute of Art and Design in Mosta, in honour of GO being one of the main sponsors of this year’s Students Exhibition titled ‘Revolution – the Final Show’ for which students were preparing. The exhibition, the twelfth of its kind is taking place at the Institute’s campus and forms an integral part of the MCAST Expo. Director of MCAST Institute of Art and Design gave a walkthrough to GO’s CEO around the Institute. Mr Michaelides said, “GO is proud to be sponsoring the MCAST Institute of Art and Design. Today’s event marks the beginning of a future partnership between the two parties.” The MCAST Institute of Art and Design Exhibition is also hosting some holographic material, which are the first in their kind in Malta and for which interest has already been expressed from South Africa. The MCAST Institute of Art and Design has six departments with the institute mainly focusing of interior design, fine art, photography and interactive media.



One of the Deputy Directors at the MCAST Institute of Art and Design, Mark Theuma talked through some of the courses being offered at the Institute, mentioning the Media course which operates using state of the art, full HD equipment and is one of a kind in Malta. Mr Theuma also mentioned courses such as Design Crafts, 3D Design and Interiors, Graphic Design and Interactive Media, Fine Arts and Media Moving Image. The students are taught to make use of various materials and adapt them to the different situations that they must apply them to. Mr Theuma stated that the students are taught above all to be adaptable to the environment they find themselves in. They are trained using the best materials and technologies on the market and can incorporate this in their work life later on. Mr Theuma also mentioned the Film Production on the web which the Institute is focusing after observing the current trends. GO CEO, Michaelides also said that “GO is preparing a youth centric strategy that is expected to kick off after the summer season. Though it is still in the very early stages of planning, too early to give details, I am pleased to inform you that in the very near future GO will be testing your creative proficiency.” The Exhibition will be officially launched next Friday June 28, 2013 where Minister Evarist Bartolo will be present and will remain open for the public until July 4, 2013. More information and photos can be seen on the Institute’s Facebook Page.

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