Evaluation: Diploma in Technology-Enhanced Learning 2011-2013
Unit 9:
EDU5648 - Learning through Collaboration and Sharing II: Technology-mediated social contexts.
Themes covered in this unit: Web-based communities; Social Networking; Managing and designing Collaborative learning experiences; best collaborative practices for the blended learning classroom; Computer-mediated Communication; e-Twinning. Gender: Male Teaching Track: Primary Female Secondary Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements by ticking ONE answer for each statement. (5 Strongly Agree – 1 Strongly Disagree) Strongly Strongly Disagree Agree Unit Content/Method 1. The information provided was relevant to my needs 1 2 3 4 5 2. Unit had clear aims and learning objectives 1 2 3 4 5 3. Unit content met my expectations 1 2 3 4 5 4. The tutors were knowledgeable and competent 1 2 3 4 5 5. The style of the unit was stimulating and motivating 1 2 3 4 5 6. The assignment was relevant for my teaching 1 2 3 4 5 7. The assignment/s involved too much work. 1 2 3 4 5 8. The assignment/s was/were clearly explained. 1 2 3 4 5 Comment about the content and method of unit 9. Write your suggestions for improvement.
This credit included different content which are all associated with learning through online collaboration. Social networking was very interesting as it has become a popular means of communication and so it offers an already available and practiced tool that can be used for educational purposes. Web based communities and e-Twinning complemented properly with the Blended Learning which is the continuum created by face to face and online sessions.
I believe that this credit was overloaded; having several parts to be covered, leaving modules such as web communities and e-Twinning to be briefly tackled so as to keep up with the number of ECTS and hours provided.
9. 10. 11. 12.
Learning Environment The unit was structured well, comprising both FtF and on-line components. The blended approach served to give a good insight of the theme. The on-line component of this unit should be extended. I was able to work on activities and assignments with other colleagues
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Evaluation: Diploma in Technology-Enhanced Learning 2011-2013 13. 14.
On-line learning tools were user friendly 1 2 3 Tools were available to share unit content and activities with 1 2 3 other learners 15. Accessing on-line material was easy and user friendly 1 2 3 16. I learnt to use a variety of digital tools 1 2 3 17. When I came across problems in using digital tools, I knew 1 2 3 where to get help from 18. This unit gave me ample opportunity to learn from other 1 2 3 participants Comment about the learning environment of unit 9. Write your suggestions for improvement.
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We always had face to face lectures at the university education labs for this credit, which is an appropriate place to deliver such sessions as there is all the IT equipment needed. However, similarly to how we worked our assignment in group work, the sessions could have been divided into face to face and online sessions so as to practice the theories that we were discussing about computer mediated communication and about collaborative practices for a blended classroom.
For the eTwinning module, we could have had at least a session at the eLearning Centre for those students who have never been to the eLearning Centre. Usefulness of the unit 19. My knowledge of the subject now includes some new aspects 1 2 3 4 20. I am able to put what I learned in the unit into practice 1 2 3 4 21. Through this unit I increased my skills in TEL 1 2 3 4 22. As a result of doing the unit, I feel better at managing 1 2 3 4 collaborative blended learning 23. I will recommend this unit to prospective course participants 1 2 3 4 24. Unit content was relevant to my teaching job 1 2 3 4 Comments about the usefulness of unit 9. Write your suggestions for improvement.
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This was a very useful unit. I got a very good insight, through the literature covered, about social networking and the use in education. Moreover, we had the opportunity to develop learning packs for a blended learning scenario which we then shared among us. This was very motivational, especially knowing that such learning packs can be used in our teaching profession.
All modules related to our profession; However, even though a common platform (Fronter) for all state schools has been established, the module Web Communities does not directly relate to my real situation. Nevertheless, the theories and literature that we researched loaded me with a good foundation to work with the tools that Fronter provides in a more appropriate way.
Evaluation: Diploma in Technology-Enhanced Learning 2011-2013 Suggestions for future Courses Indicate the relevance of the following topics in this unit for future courses: 25. Computer-mediated Communication 1 2 3 4 26. Skills for on-line collaboration 1 2 3 4 27. Web-based communities 1 2 3 4 28. Social Networking 1 2 3 4 29. Managing Collaborative learning experiences 1 2 3 4 30. Designing Collaborative learning experiences 1 2 3 4 31. Best collaborative practices for the blended learning 1 2 3 4 classroom 32. e-Twinning. 1 2 3 4 Other topics to be included in this unit Please feel free to suggest any additional topics that you consider important to be included in this unit. ..include the recent teaching approach called the Flipped Classroom as an alternative approach to teaching in a Blended learning scenario
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