L A PROCLAMATION by the President of the United States School yearbooks not only chronicle educational achievement and school tradition but are a part of them. For nearly two centuries American students have produced yearbooks to commemorate the accomplishments of the school year and to compose a lasting record, written and pictorial, of campus, classmates, teachers and school staff. In later years, alumni treasure their yearbooks for the memories they hold of times gone by and friends of long ago. The students who compile yearbooks likewise treasure all that the experience can teach them about teamwork and about writing, the graphic arts and business skills. The practical cooperation and specialization that students learn in yearbook production stand them in good stead when they enter college or pursue other opportunities. PROCLAMATION 5703 signed by President Reagan, Sept. 17, 1987
ET’S CELEBRATE! October 6-12, 2013, is National Yearbook Week. What a great time to recognize the efforts of your staff with a special celebration or activity. It is also the perfect opportunity to generate excitement about the amazing yearbook your staff is creating right now. The first National School Yearbook Week was celebrated in October 1987, by proclamation of President Ronald Reagan. It coincided with the Bicentennial celebration of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, guaranteeing freedom of the press. National Yearbook Week recognizes the important role that yearbooks play in recognizing and remembering school culture and spirit. As this year’s National Yearbook Week draws near, here are a few ways to celebrate the yearbook tradition in your school: // Submit a press release with photos to local media about your school’s yearbook program. // Create a display showcasing your school’s yearbooks from years past. It is a great way to show how the book has evolved over the years. // Ask teachers to bring in a copy of their yearbook and ask students to correctly identify their portrait photos for a prize. // Let students see what your staff is working on this year — show the cover design, the theme or a few sample spreads. It is a great way to build interest and increase sales! // Hold a photo contest. Use your ReplayIt site and request students submit photos for the book. You can specify the categories or let students submit the photos of their choice. Display the winners and award prizes to the top three. // Include National Yearbook Week information in morning announcements along with reminders about when books are on sale and how to purchase. // Host an open house and invite administrators, parents and members of your community to the yearbook room to see first-hand how the yearbook is produced
and the important, real-world skills gained by yearbook staff members. // As a staff, prioritize your goals. Create a staff flag and write of pledge of allegiance focused on those goals. // Set up a photo background, complete with props, in a commons area and let students take selfie photos of themselves and their friends. Give prizes for the most creative photos. // Show your yearbook pride by wearing your staff T-shirt. // Print and post photos that will be in the yearbook all around the school so students can appreciate all your hard work. // Create a video commercial promoting your yearbook. // Make a statement as a yearbook staff at a pep rally. Dress in costume. Perform a skit. Show your school spirit. // Plan a social media campaign, including Twitter and Facebook. If your yearbook isn’t on social media, National Yearbook Week is a perfect time to launch your efforts. // Take the time to eat! Order a cake decorated like the yearbook cover. Order pizza. Pop popcorn.