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Invention Journal of Research Technology in Engineering & Management (IJRTEM) ISSN: 2455-3689 www.ijrtem.com Volume 1 Issue 3 Ç May. 2016 Ç PP 01-07

Investigation Of Performance And Emission In A Single Cylinder Ci Di Diesel Engine Using Diesel Additives With Button Stud Bowl Piston Dr.K.Balasubramanian, S.Varadharajan, B.Manikandan MSEC, Chennai, Tamilnadu. MSEC, Chennai, Tamilnadu. Student, MSEC, Tamilnadu

Abstract This research is based on modifying the piston bowl. Button stud type bowl which increases the compression ratio which is one of the vital parameters controlling the complete combustion. Brake Thermal Efficiency, SFC HC,CO,Smoke level are improved significantly. Key words: SFC B TH Eff, HC,CO,Smoke

1. Introduction Shallow hemi spherical bowl is modified into a button stud type bowl in the piston by which the compression ratio is significantly increased. Pre mixing and atomization is controlled during the initial stages of combustion. Aspect ratio is the ratio of bowl diameter to bowl depth. This gives better spray penetration pressure which is critical for swirl velocity of the air and fuel spray. Re entrant is given in the bowl as a lip which prevents toroidal upward movement of the air ejecting fuel particles over the edge of the chamber rim into squish zone so that the majority of the mixing is

Fig. 1 Button stud bowl completed and burnt inside the piston bowl. At the same time lip tends to create and impose micro turbulence within the chamber. This will form a small direct injection combustion chamber promoting a moderate rotational swirl and a large compression squish which combine to form a toroidal swirl within the piston bowl. Injected fuel with this increased rate of turbulence cannot mix with the air which cause in complete combustion and a corresponding high level of emissions. Figure number 1 shows the button stud bowl design. Experimental setup is illustrated in the figure 2. TV1 Kirloskar single cylinder Diesel is chosen to conduct the research work. Modified piston with button stud bowl is assembled and is tested for both performance and emissions. Test Matrix is listed in the Table 2. Properties of the fuel with the additives blends is tabulated in the Table 3. Table 1 Engine specification Make Kirloskar TV 1 No. of cylinder One Type of cooling Water cooling Ignition Compression Fuel Diesel Bore 87.5 mm Stroke 110 mm Compression ratio 17.5 Speed 1500 rpm Rated power 5.2kW SFC 252 g/kW h | Volume 1| Issue 2 |


| May 2016| 1 |

Investigation Of Performance And Emission In A Single Cylinder Ci Di Diesel Engine Using Diesel Additives With Button

1. Air flow meter 9. Speed indicator 2. Air vessel 10. Temp. Indicator 3. Engine (exhaust gas) 4. Dynamometer 11. Temp. Indicator 5. Smoke meter (coolant outlet) 6. CO, HC, analyzers 12. Temp. indicator 7. NO analyzer (coolant inlet) 8. Thermocouple 13. Stopwatch 14. Printer (exhaust) 15. Burette 16. Fuel tank Fig .2 Experimental setup





Table 2 Test Matrix BLENDING QUANTITY PARAMETERS Sole fuel normal 2.5 ML CYCLOHEXYL 5.0ML AMINE 7.5 ML 2.5 ML DEE 5.0ML 7.5 ML 2.5 ML METHYL 5.0ML ACETATE 7.5 ML 2.5 ML AMYL 5.0ML ALCOHOL 7.5 ML

Chemical formula Molecular weight Density @15째C Gross calorific value (kJ/kg) Flash point (째C) Fire point (째C) Cetane Index Auto ignition temp.째C

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REMARKS Base readings Performance Emissions Performance Emissions Performance Emissions Performance Emissions

Table 3. Properties of Additives Cyclo Methyl Diesel hexyl DEE Acetate amine C6H13N C4H10O C3H6O2 99.17 74.8 0.8325 0.8328 0.8334 0.8317

Amyl Alcohol C5H12O 88 0.8327






52 62 51

54 66 52

38 50 50

50 60 53









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Investigation Of Performance And Emission In A Single Cylinder Ci Di Diesel Engine Using Diesel Additives With Button 2. Results and Discussions Brake Thermal Efficiency Thermal efficiency for DEE is higher than that of Diesel and it is 23.7% at 60% load conditions and at 80% load it is 25.8% as against Diesel it is 21.14% at 60% load conditions and the same is 22.5% at 80% load conditions. This is significant improvement for Diesel engines as these are part load operating conditions. 30

B.Th.Eff (%)

25 20 15

Diesel D+DEE D+Iso Amyl D+Methyl D+Cyclo

10 5 0 0


40 60 80 Load (%) Fig.3 Variation of B Th Eff with Load


For Methyl acetate Brake Thermal Efficiency is 23.1% at 60% load conditions and at 80% load conditions it is 23.5% which is also very significant improvement with that of Diesel at part load conditions. Figure 3 depicts the variation of Brake Thermal Efficiency with load.

SFC (g/kWh)

Specific Fuel Consumption Variation of SFC with Load is illustrated in the figure 4.Lesser SFC at 60% load conditions for DEE, Methyl acetate and Cyclohexyle amine is 0.36 kg/kWh, 0.37 kg/kWh and 0.39kg/kWh respectively. SFC is 0.41 kg/kWh at 60% load conditions for Iso amyl alcohol and it is the same for Diesel at 60% load conditions. Calorific value of the Methyl acetate, DEE and Cyclohexyle amine are more and it is one of the reasons for lower SFC at part load operations. Initial SFC is more at 20% load conditions as the engine needs to overcome the inertia forces. It reduces as the load increases, which means more Oxidation of the fuel with air available in the combustion chamber which leads to complete combustion and releases more energy from the fuel the engine consumes at higher loads. 0.9 Diesel D+DEE 0.8 D+Iso amyl 0.7 D+Methyl 0.6 D+Cyclo 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Load (%) Fig. 4 Variation of SFC with Load Peak Pressure As the compression ratio increases, the cylinder compression pressure and temperature raises and reduces the ignition lag period. Peak pressure for DEE 73.1 bar at 60% load conditions and at full load conditions it is 76.37 bar. Likewise for Amyl alcohol,Methyl acetate and cyclo hexyle amine it is 70.17 bar,70,25 bar and 71.02bar respectively at 60% load conditions where as the same is 74.135 bar at 60% load conditions and 81.08 bar at full load conditions for Diesel. Air fuel ratio varies from rich 20:1 at no load and 100:1 weak at full load. Figure 5 shows the variation of Peak pressure with load.

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Peak Pressure (bar)

Investigation Of Performance And Emission In A Single Cylinder Ci Di Diesel Engine Using Diesel Additives With Button 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Diesel D+Cyclo D+Methyl D+Amyl D+DEE



40 60 80 100 Load (%) Fig. 5 Variation of Peak Pressure with Load

EGT (°C)

Exhaust Gas Temperature Since compression ratio is the same, exhaust gas temperature variation with load also remains uniform irrespective of the additives that is used with Diesel. This variation is shown in the figure 6. For diesel it is 287° C at 60% load conditions and 422°C at full load conditions. EGT is 301°C,287°C,307°C and 285°C at 60% load conditions for Cyclohexyl amine, Methyl acetate, Amyl alcohol and DEE respectively whereas it is almost consistent at full load conditions as 422°C,412°C,413°C,419°C and 415°C for Diesel, Cyclohexyl amine, Methyl acetate, Amyl alcohol and DEE respectively. 450 400 350 300 Diesel 250 D+Cyclo D+Methyl 200 D+Amyl 150 D+DEE 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Load (%) Fig. 6 Variation of EGT with Load Residence time for Oxidation of fuel air mixture is the limiting factor in the combustion at full load conditions. Constant speed operation limits the air induction which remains almost the same except the fuel additives Auto Ignition Temperature and Calorific value controls the EGT at lower load conditions.

Nox (g/kW h)

Oxides of Nitrogen Variation of NOx with load is illustrated in the figure 7.Pre mixed portion of the fuel before the peak cylinder pressure is attained is one of the reasons for the formation of NOx.Cetane number for the additives is more than Diesel which reduces the ignition delay and mass burning rate is also increased which causes more NOx formation. 20 Diesel D+Cyclo D+DEE D+Amyl D+Methyl

15 10 5

0 0


40 60 Load (%)



Fig 7 Variation of NOx with Load | Volume 1| Issue 2 |


| May 2016| 4 |

Investigation Of Performance And Emission In A Single Cylinder Ci Di Diesel Engine Using Diesel Additives With Button At higher loads intake charge dilution, reduces the combustion temperature as the air concentration is constant and the fuel concentration is more to take up the increasing loads. Methyl acetate, Cyclo hexyl amine, DEE and Amyl alcohol at 60% load conditions have NOx level as 8.4 g/kWh, 9.34 g/kWh, 8.18 g/kWh, and 8.96 g/kWh whereas for the Diesel it is 12.12 g/kWh at the same load conditions. Additional quantity of additives with Diesel requires more time for oxidation which is inadequate during the pre mixing period near the cylinder walls cuases the reduction in NOx level.

CO ( g/kW h)

Carbon monoxide Lack of Oxidants and low gas Temperature CO will be left out without oxidation. Combustion of fuel air rich mixture usually produces high CO emissions. At 60% load conditions CO level for Diesel is 0.388 g/kWh where as it is 0.12 g/kWh for Cyclohexyle amine, 0.11 g/kWh for DEE, 0.11 g/kWh for Amyl alcohol and 0.11 g/kWh for Methyl acetate respectively. At full load conditions, CO level is 0.306 g/kWh for diesel which is lower than that of Cyclohexyl amine, DEE, Amyl alcohol and Methyl acetate. Variation of CO with load is shown in the figure 8. 0.9 Diesel 0.8 D+Cyclo D+DEE 0.7 D+Amyl 0.6 D+Methyl 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 L0ad (%) Fig 8 Variation of CO with Load Carbon di oxide Higher cetane number reduces the ignition delay and oxidation of Carbonaceous particles in the fuel during complete combustion forms CO2. Larger quantity of premixed fuel produces a higher gas temperature upon combustion in the cycle and more CO2 is formed in the lean fuel range. At 60% load conditions, CO2 level for Diesel, Cyclohexyle amine, DEE, Amyl alcohol and Methyl acetate is 4.03 g/kWh, 3.75 g/kWh, 2.73 g/kWh, 2.97 g/kWh and 2.86 g/kWh respectively. At full load conditions CO2 level is 2.81 g/kWh for Diesel, 2.2 g/kWh for Cyclohexyl amine, 2.06 g/kWh for DEE, 2.97 g/kWh for Amyl alcohol and 2.19 g/ kWh respectively. Figure 9 illustrates the variation of CO2 with load. 12 D+Cyclo D+DEE D+Amyl D+Methyl Diesel

CO2 (g/kW h)

10 8 6 4 2 0 0






Load (%) Fig. 9 Variation of CO2 with Load Hydro carbon Fuel distribution variation, gas temperature and injection duration contributes HC emissions. Locally over rich mixture, delay ignition and bulk quenching are well controlled with the Diesel additives . Significant reduction in HC emission level at part load conditions. Variation of HC with Load is depicted in the figure 10. HC emissions is lower at full load conditions for Cyclohexyle amine and it is 0.136 g/kWh whereas the same is 0.18 g/kWh for Diesel at the same load conditions.

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Investigation Of Performance And Emission In A Single Cylinder Ci Di Diesel Engine Using Diesel Additives With Button 0.6

Diesel D+Cyclo D+DEE D+Amyl D+Methyl

HC (g /kW h)

0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0



40 60 80 Load (%) Fig. 10 Variation of HC with Load


Smoke Shows the variation of smoke level with Load. Time for injecting the fuel over 23° crank angle movement at 1500 rpm is 2.56 micro seconds. This is half of the total injection timing. Fuel air mixing time is insufficient, results in high level of soot formation and expel out thick smoke. 120 Diesel D+Cyclo D+Amyl D+DEE D+Methyl

Smoke (HSU)

100 80 60 40 20 0 0






Load(%) Fig. 11 Variation of Smoke level with Load Heat Release Rate Ignition delay is reduced with the Diesel additives 2° increase in CA for Cyclo hexyle amine and 1° CA difference for Methyl acetate and DEE. With Methyl acetate and DEE heat gain rate commences at -14° CA whereas for Diesel it is gained at -16° CA. Maximum heat release rate for Diesel is 135 kJ/kg ° CA. HRR for Methyl acetate is 140 kJ/kg°CA.

HRR kJ/kg °CA)

Diesel D+Methyl D+Amyl D+DEE D+Cyclo






155 145 135 125 115 105 95 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 -5 -5 -15 0


Crank Angle (θ°) Fig. 12 Variation of HRR with Crank Angle

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Investigation Of Performance And Emission In A Single Cylinder Ci Di Diesel Engine Using Diesel Additives With Button 3. Conclusion Table 3 Cumulative results of additives Diesel Cyclohexylamine Parameters 60 (%) 100(%) 60(%) 100(%) 21.14 26.22 20.8 24.6 B TH Eff (%) 0.4 0.33 0.38 0.33 SFC (g/kWh) 74.81 81.1 73.1 76.4 Peak Pressure (Bar) 9.11 4.52 6.15 2.67 NOx (g/kWh) 0.29 0.2 0.09 0.19 CO (g/kWh) 4.04 2.82 3.15 2.2 CO2 (g/kWh) 0.26 0.17 0.16 0.14 HC (g/kWh) 75.9 98.6 64.4 84.5 Smoke (HSU) Methyl acetate Amyl alcohol Parameters 60(%) 100(%) 60(%) 100(%) 23.01 24.7 18.22 21.11 B TH Eff (%) 0.33 0.47 0.43 0.37 SFC (g/kWh) 70.26 77.8 70.26 77.3 Peak Pressure (Bar) 6.31 3.14 6.74 3.48 NOx (g/kWh) 0.08 0.43 0.08 0.4 CO (g/kWh) 2.86 2.13 2.05 2.98 CO2 (g/kWh) 0.13 0.17 0.12 0.16 HC (g/kWh) 60.3 86.8 72.3 98.7 Smoke (HSU) DEE Parameters 60(%) 100(%) 23.7 B TH Eff (%) 26.2 0.36 0.32 SFC (g/kWh) 73.1 76.4 Peak Pressure (Bar) 6.31 76.4 NOx (g/kWh) 0.08 0.52 CO (g/kWh) 2.73 2.05 CO2 (g/kWh) 0.14 0.18 HC (g/kWh) 57.9 89.9 Smoke (HSU)

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