Illustrated newspaper - Let’s draw about ˘Fantastic Zoo˘
Martyna Wójcik-Śmierska, http://www.martynawojcik.com
Fantastic Zoo Errratum is a free paper, produced on a quarterly basis, 16 colored pages, A3 printing. We have been internationally diffused. (UK, US, JAPAN, GERMANY, CANADA, etc.) We send the quarterly newspaper Errratum all over the world, if you know a place where we can send it, tell us ! Our goal is to share art with public, gallery, book store, freely in the whole world. Diffuse it, share it, swap it with your customers, or friends... SEND US YOUR WORK Next theme : "CRAZY FOOD" Technical constraints : A3 format, CMYK, 300DPI. Dead line 15th of March.
I. Marc Hoffmann
La saveur de la liberté. Le parfum frais et solaire de la rosée dégoulinant sur sa peau, pareille à la rivière des poissons volants dont parlaient les légendes. Le bleu du ciel se reflétait dans ses yeux, ainsi que dans les pupilles de toutes les couleurs des oiseaux aux plumes de cristal chantant sur la cime des immeubles. C’était comme un rêve : respirer à nouveau, sentir son esprit virevolter entre les mains des gorilles rouges de la jungle du nord. Le bitume et la pierre l’avaient rendu comme un caméléon ayant tellement reflété les grilles grises et les sillons noirs qu’il ne se souvenait de sa peau verte, comme celle de ses cousines des rivières de jasmin. Perdre son armure humaine dans une sensation sucrée et parfaite, se déplacer dans les ruines verdoyantes de la cité de verre, comme un lion à la crinière de miel revenant sur ses terres sauvages. L’homme était un animal d’un zoo de sensations, s’animant dans ses veines et se déversant en lui. L’auteur de ce texte publie ce mois-ci le nouveau tome de sa saga ‘’le royaume de feu’’ aux éditions DEMDEL, Plus d’info : http://www.demdel-editions.com/69-le-royaume-de-feu-tome-2-9782875490575.html
We look forward to hearing from you. Errratum. Publishing Director : Pierre -Louis Bouvier Co-editor : Elodie Frénehard Graphic design : Pierre-Louis Bouvier
INTERNATIONAL EDITION ISSN : 2268-3259 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is strictly prohibited.
II. Extract of the novel The Honey Farm, by Harriet Alida Lye
Close your eyes. You won’t be able to see anything anyway. Listen. It starts with the bees. All day long the low, throttling hum of movement, the moment of lift-off – the bassnote that never goes away. Then, swelling from the sidelines as day falls away comes the digital tick of tobacco-brown crickets – percussion – chkchking like an automated sprinkler, chrpchrping like needy birds. In come the fiddling grasshoppers – strings – from the balcony of trees, birch poplar and pine, followed by the lazy, peripatetic buzz of a fly. The high whine of mosquitos – the fugue – soars above the rest. You will not be able to hear the bees whispering, and you would not understand their secrets even if you could. What you will hear is a hungry, unearthly cringe: the rub of wings as they fly. A science – no, a magic – that you will never know. The sticky slurp of suction, nectar, thirst, sex, a sound that does not relate to your basic human functioning. It is nothing at all like love. Look. The gluey honey is cracking from the cloud-gray hive bubbling from the branch; it’s cracking too from the ceiling where the colony has swarmed. Open mouth. Blood on the teeth. It starts with the bees and, just you wait, it’ll end this way too.
Böckhstraße 40 / 10967 Berlin
Artists in this issue : 10 rue Hégésippe Moreau 75018 Paris
Cover : Martyna Wójcik-Śmierska p. 3 - Julia Spiers, p. 4 - Jessica Das, p. 5 - Karol Banach, p. 6 - Renaud Vigourt, p. 7 - Vincent Trefex, p. 8 - Studio Violaine & Jérémy, p. 10 - Mathieu Demore, p. 11 - Luana Fortes, p. 12 - Alessandro Ripane, p. 13 - Vladimir Stankovic, p. 14 - Robert Deutsch, p. 16 - Julie Buguet
CONTACTS : journalerrratum@gmail.com https://facebook.com/journalerrratum http://www.journalerrratum.com
Free - Printed in 1000 copies .................... / 1000
This issue has been signed by :
Julia Spiers, http://juliaspiers.com
Jessica Das, http://www.jessicadas.com
Karol Banach, http://www.karolbanach.com
Renaud Vigourt, http://www.renaudvigourt.com
Vincent Trefex, https://www.flickr.com/photos/51526133@N05
Studio Violaine & Jérémy - ©Jérémy Schneider - http://violaineetjeremy.fr - https://www.behance.net/violaineetjeremy
Mathieu Demore, http://www.mathieudemore.com
Luana Fortes, http://lufortes.com
Alessandro Ripane, http://alessandroripane.com
Vladimir Stankovic, http://vladillus.com
Robert Deutsch, http://robertdeutsch.blogspot.de
Ju de Bug, http://hellojudebug.tumblr.com