Keepsake 2012

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Keepsake 2012 速

Dreams Within Reach

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Keepsake 2012 速

Charter Members 2012

Michigan State University Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies

These special friends of the Journal for Minority Medical Students have demonstrated their commitment to reach out to minority medical students by placing their recruitment messages in each quarterly issue. We salute them and encourage our readers to consider these programs as they continue their medical education.




health and fitness


CALLING: family medicine

My family medicine training gave me the skills I need to treat patients on and off the field.


you always wanted to be.
















































Model: Allie Tran Photo illustration by Jeff Garrett

Keepsake 2012 | 3


VISITING ELECTIVES PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS UNDERREPRESENTED IN MEDICINE (VEPSUM) VEPSUM offers four-week electives at Mount Sinai School of Medicine (MSSM) and its affiliates in the Graduate Medical Education Consortium to qualified 3rd-year and 4th-year medical students who are from groups underrepresented in medicine1 and who attend U.S. accredited medical schools. In collaboration with the MSSM Center for Multicultural and Community Affairs, VEPSUM is designed to increase diversity in the house staff and subsequently the faculty of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine and its affiliated institutions.  Electives are available between July and February. Students must have completed their required core clerkships before starting the program.  Tuition is not charged.  Housing and travel expenses are subsidized for one month.  Students are provided the potential to network with residency program directors, residents, minority faculty, and students, and have access to the Office of Graduate Medical Education, Center for Multicultural and Community Affairs, medical school library, seminars, and workshops. To learn more about VEPSUM and the application process, please visit: We look forward to receiving your application and to having you visit with us! For more information please contact: Monique Sylvester, MA at

1 The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) defines groups underrepresented in medicine “those racial and ethnic populations that are underrepresented in the medical profession relative to their numbers in the general population."


KEEPSAKE 2012 PUBLISHER Bill Bowers EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Laura L. Scholes SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Gail Davis CAMPUS REP LIAISON Nisha Branch, Howard University College of Medicine ART DIRECTOR Jeff Garrett CONTRIBUTING WRITER Benjamin Van Loon COPY EDITOR Robert Wilder Blue PUBLISHER’S ADVISOR Michelle Perkins, MD EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT to the PUBLISHER Sara Huff

MYTH: Orthopaedic surgery isn’t welcoming to women and minorities. FACT: More talented women and minorities are entering and enriching the orthopaedic profession every day. The truth is, while males still make up the majority of orthopaedic surgeons today, the specialty is quickly diversifying to integrate more women and minorities. And the profession is taking an active interest in supporting this transition. So, if you’re driven to deliver exceptional patient care, we offer programs that can help open doors.

Choose a career in Orthopaedics – our focused mentoring programs offer personalized guidance and support to help you successfully enter this profession. For more information, visit or email


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You have what it takes to be a... iguring out your future is tough. Thousands of ca-

reer industries are competing for your attention, your time, and your cash. These days, a lot of careers turn over as fast as your paychecks. Lasting careers are built on lasting needs, and despite constant changes in technology, society, and the workplace, one need will always remain: doctors. Within our community, doctors are respected, doctors are


trusted, doctors are well paid, and




tors are always needed. They’re

What are traits that set you apart from the others? You are

modern-day superheroes. A doctor

trusted. You are intelligent. You are confident. You are deter-

might hang up her lab coat after her

mined and focused. You are curious. And most importantly, you

shift, but her responsibilities con-

have faith in yourself. Your goals are clear and you are commit-

tinue 24/7. Her reward (aside from

ted to the health and wellness of your community. You can be a

a big salary) is the satisfaction of a

doctor, and you can start today.

meaningful job well done. Like anything worthwhile, becoming a doctor isn’t easy. You have to be ready for medical school, tests, internships, and the unwritten know-how for navigating the fast-changing world of professional medicine. If you’re up for the challenge and the reward, you can do it.

A WORLD OF OPPORTUNITY A career as a medical professional will bring you places you never thought possible. Doctors work in constantly evolving environments where no two days are the same. You might be servicing families in a rural clinic one day and offering assistance in a busy urban hospital the next. Wherever you go, your knowledge and skill will be valued.

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There are hundreds of different types of medical professionals. As a primary care physician, you will be the main contact for individuals needing everyday care, and you will know how to treat a broad range of health issues. As a specialist, your knowledge will be useful in a particular area: Oncologists specialize in cancer treatment, dermatologists

Can Make An Impact

Ethnic, cultural and social diversity are some of our country’s greatest strengths. It’s time for the medical profession to catch up. Caucasians make up almost 61 percent of the nation’s 77,722 medical students, while Asians comprise 22 percent. Only 7 percent are African American, and about 8 percent are Hispanic. The U.S. needs more doctors from diverse ethnic and social backgrounds to help improve our understanding and treatment of health needs specific to “minority” patients. Here are the ways you will help improve your profession and the care your patients will receive:

are skin specialists, pediatricians

You will improve health care access

work with children. Curious about

Studies show that minority physicians are more likely to treat

the brain? Try neurology. How about

minority and indigent patients and will also be more likely to

pregnancy and prenatal care? Be-

practice in underserved communities.

come an obstetrician.

Your patients will be happy

Your skills as a doctor can also be

Studies also indicate that when minority patients can select

used outside traditional patient care.

a health care professional, they are more likely to choose

You can assist with research at phar-

someone with a similar racial and ethnic background. Rela-

maceutical companies, you can lobby

tionships between patients and physicians of the same race

on Capitol Hill for health reform,

or ethnic background also are characterized by higher levels

you can even teach the next genera-

of trust, respect, and the increased likelihood that patients

tion of doctors at the nation’s leading

will recommend their physician to others.

universities. Have you ever imagined treating sports-related injuries? You can even become a resident doctor for your favorite professional team and stand ringside at every game.

You can help others learn The nation needs a culturally competent health care workforce—that is, one with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors required to provide the best care to a diverse population. Exposure to racial and ethnic diversity in medical school contributes importantly to the cultural competence of all of tomorrow’s doctors, and diversity in the physician workforce ensures that the health care system is representative of the nation’s population and

8 | Keepsake 2012

responsive to its health care needs.

ALLOPATHIC vs. OSTEOPATHIC There are two types of physicians: the MD,

years of medical school.

who practices allopathic (or ‘conventional’)

• Both can choose to practice in a

medicine; and the DO, who practices osteo-

specialty areas of medicine—a such as

pathic (or ‘holistic’) medicine. Both types of

surgery or obstetrics—after complet-

physicians complete medical school programs,

ing a residency program that requires

and both are licensed to practice medicine and

an additional two to six years.

prescribe medications in all 50 states.

• Both must pass state licensing ex-

Approximately one in five medical students


in the United States is studying to become an

• Both practice in fully accredited

osteopathic physician. Osteopathic students

and licensed health care facilities.

receive the same comprehensive training as

Why become an osteopath? Osteopathic

allopathic students. However, osteopaths will

physicians tend to focus on preventive health

also receive additional training in muscular

care, with a greater focus on the musculoskel-

and skeletal manipulation, osteopathic prin-

etal system and how an injury or illness in one

ciples, and other alternative treatments, such

area can affect another. It has been said that

as holistic healing and massage therapy.

osteopaths focus on treating a patient, not a

Other similarities: • Both DOs and MDs complete four

disease. An osteopathic physician’s training focuses on looking at the “whole person,” including home and environmental factors that might be contributing to the person’s health. More than half of all osteopathic physicians practice in primary care areas such as pediatrics, family practice,


obstetrics and gynecology, and internal medicine.

has increased more than nine times over the last

Although osteopathic physicians represent only

40 years. Female enrollment has also grown from

five percent of all U.S. physicians, they handle ap-

three percent in 1969 to just almost 50 percent in

proximately 10 percent of all primary care visits.

2011. There were a record 14,087 applicants to os-

According to a 2010 study by the American As-

teopathic medical schools for the 2010-11 applica-

sociation of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine,

tion cycle. This number is over 200 percent greater

overall osteopathic student enrollment in the U.S.

than the 6,324 applicants in 2003!

WHAT DO DOCTORS EARN? Finding a job is hard. Finding a job that pays well

have your own practice), geographic region, range

is harder. Finding a job that’s personally reward-

of skill, reputation, and of course, personality.

ing and pays well—that’s the job you deserve.

With a large percentage of physicians and sur-

Aside from the personal reward for being a medi-

geons expected to retire over the next 10 years,

cal professional, salaries for physicians and sur-

job opportunities promise to be strong for upcom-

geons are among the highest of any occupation.

ing medical professionals. Job prospects are also

Primary care physicians make about $185,000 a

very good for doctors specializing in areas such as

year and medical specialists can earn upwards of

breast cancer and heart disease, which continue to

$340,000. Salaries vary according to field of med-

affect our rapidly changing and aging population.

icine, whether or not you’re self-employed (if you

10 | Keepsake 2012


HOW YOU CAN PREPARE Medical school admissions are extremely com-

When it comes to admissions, you matter. De-

petitive. There are 133 medical schools in the U.S.

mographics and increased attention to diversity

Only about half of the prospective students who

continue to have a significant impact on who is

apply are accepted.

accepted to medical school. No school wants all

In the early stages of the process, numbers speak

of their students to be white male biology majors

louder than words. A high GPA and strong MCAT

with photocopied MCAT scores. They want to cre-

scores will help set you apart from your competi-

ate a mix of students who will create a strong, uni-

tors. If you’re a motivated student, you’ll have a

fied class as a whole. This means women and men,

much better chance of being accepted. Put all your

science and liberal arts majors, and people of all

effort into the elements you can control (how much

ethnicities. (If you don’t make it into a particular

you study) instead of the ones you can’t (having a

school, don’t take it personally. Just think of it this

parent on the admissions committee).

way: Each school is picking a team, and your “posi-

High School Health Program Profile:

Future Health Care Leaders

The Future Health Care Leaders

(FHL) program is a collaboration with the 21st Century Visions program of the Port Chester High School in Port Chester, NY. All Port Chester High School students are eligible to register for the FHL summer program. The goal of the program is to introduce students to various careers and opIzu Ibe (standing), a first-year med student at New York Medical College, teaches high school students in the Future Health Care Leaders Program to take blood pressure readings.

portunities in the health care field. Students are introduced to health care professionals through workshops, in-

formation sessions, field trips to health care facilities, and hands-on projects. Students are also trained in CPR, first aid, and vital signs. Not only do students have the opportunity to meet health professionals, but they also learn about the topical issues that providers, patients, governments, insurance providers, and many other health care players are facing today. Students receive up to one half of a health or elective credit towards their high school degree upon satisfactory completion of the program. Keepsake 2012 | 11

PREMED TIMELINE FRESHMAN YEAR • Schedule a meeting with the prehealth advisor. • Join a premed club to hear useful talks, meet others with common interests. • Begin working on prerequisite courses, especially biology. • Research majors. • Develop good study habits! • Get some clinical experience by volunteering or shadowing a health professional. • Talk to advisor about research. • Find healthy ways to relax and relieve stress.

major or prehealth advisor for resources and strategies to improve your GPA. • Look for summer volunteer/work/ research opportunities; see your career counselor for internship options. Also try the Summer Medical and Dental Education Program It’s a free (including housing and meals) sixweek summer medical and dental school preparatory program that offers eligible students intensive and personalized medical and dental school preparation. • Maintain fun, enjoyable extracurricular activities.

JUNIOR (APPLICATION) YEAR • Finish science prereqs before studying

SOPHOMORE YEAR • Continue taking premed requisite courses: chemistry, physics, math and English. • Select a major. • Meet with prehealth advisor. • Remain active in premed club. • Cultivate relationships with professors. • Pursue research through volunteering in a lab or for academic credit. • Get more clinical experience (volunteer, intern, paid and/or shadow). • Maintain a strong GPA or consult with 12 | Keepsake 2012

for MCAT. • Consider taking some of the following: biochemistry, physiology, genetics, molecular biology, English lit. • Continue pursuing research opportunities. • Become a leader in a club or volunteer organization. • Get letters of recommendation from professors you have a relationship with. • Take spring or early summer MCAT if applying this year, any date if applying next year. Register early! • Enroll in an MCAT prep course or


study on your own?

• Get more clinical experience.

• Start work on AMCAS personal essay

• Do research.

(and don’t underestimate its importance).

• Consider taking some of the following

• Research medical schools in AAMC’s

courses: math and English prerequisites,

Medical School mission Requirements

bioethics, biochemistry, Spanish, etc.


• Turn in secondary applications and

• Submit AMCAS in summer.

have recommendation letters sent from

• Look for summer volunteer/work/in-

your file.

ternship/research opportunities.

• Find scholarships.

• Attend your prehealth club meetings,

• Check out information on financing

read and discuss health care issues.

medical school on


• Do a video practice interview; recruit a friend to record with a handheld or smart phone camera.

• Make sure you have fulfilled require-

• Interview at medical schools.

ments for your major, core and for medi-

• Along with applying, make sure you

cal school.

are developing ‘Plan B’ in case you are not

• Have fun.

accepted this time.

• Become a leader in a club or volunteer organization.

Keepsake 2012 | 13


“No matter how good you are,

ate to years three and four. During your third and

on your game.”

es and also spend time on rotations in hospitals,

always keep working

—Michael Jordan

fourth years at medical school you will take classwhere you get hands-on medical experience and are able to observe other doctors. USMLE Step 2 will assess your medical knowledge, patient skills, and understanding of clinical

tion” this year may already be occupied.)

science. Step 2 has two parts: Clinical Knowledge,

Medical school takes four years to complete. Af-

a multiple-choice exam that tests (yes) your clinical

ter your second year in medical school, you will be-

knowledge; and Clinical Skills, which uses real-life

gin the United States Medical Licensing Examina-

“patients” to test your ability to work with patients

tion (USMLE), a three-part exam which assesses

and colleagues.


a physician’s abilities and skills to provide effective patient care.

After four years in medical school, you will graduate with a doctor of medicine degree (MD). How-

The first test, USMLE Step 1, covers all basic sci-

ever, before you are allowed to practice medicin,

ence material taught in the first two years of medi-

you need to spend three to eight years in a residen-

cal school. You must pass Step 1 in order to gradu-

cy program, depending on your medical specialty.

14 | Keepsake 2012

For example, family physicians spend three years in residency, while urologists and cardiovascular surgeons spend five.

setting. After you’ve passed Step 3, you can begin your official practice, or you may then decide to special-

During your residency, you must pass USMLE

ize in a particular field (such as gastroenterology,

Step 3 in order to complete the full USMLE exami-

which is a subspecialty of pediatrics and of internal

nation. Step 3 is a final assessment of your ability

medicine). This will require more years of training,

to deliver effective medical care in an independent

though your knowledge will be increasingly valued.

THE MCAT® The Medical College Admission Test, known as the

In determining new student enrollment, medical

MCAT, is the entrance exam required by almost all

schools consider your MCAT score and your GPA as

medical schools in the United States and Canada.

major factors in their decision. Good scores open

Designed by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), the MCAT tests a student’s knowledge of subjects within the biological and physical sciences, and also assesses writing and critical thinking skills. The MCAT is adminis-

AAMC Fee Assistance Program

tered multiple times throughout the year (from

The AAMC Fee Assistance Program (FAP) offers

late January through early September), and is

financial assistance to individuals who might not

about five-and-a-half hours long. You must pre-

be able to afford standard MCAT fees or costs as-

register online. The registration fee is normally

sociated with AMCAS applications. The FAP does

$235, but if you qualify, the fee can be reduced

not offer retroactive fee assistance, so be sure you

to $85 through the AAMC’s Fee Assistance Pro-

get the decision on your FAP application before

gram (FAP). Complete information is available at

you pay the MCAT registration fee. Go to www. for information

You should plan to take the MCAT within the same year that you will apply to medical school.

on eligibility, deadlines, and instructions on how to apply online.

If you’re planning to apply to medical school in

NOTE: FAP eligibility decisions are based on

2012 (for entrance in 2013), you should take the

the U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser-

MCAT that same year. Different medical schools

vices poverty guidelines. For the 2011 calendar

have different application deadlines, so be sure

year, eligibility is limited to applicants whose total

to choose an MCAT test date that meets the re-

family income for 2010 is 300 percent

quirements of the school(s) to which you’re ap-

or less than the 2010 poverty level for


their family size.

Keepsake 2012 | 15

Student Opportunities...

The HEALing Clinics The HEALing Clinics (Healthcare, Education, and Active Living) are student‐run clinics that provides primary care to underserved patients regardless of insurance status or ability to pay in the Howard/Shaw and Anacostia neighborhoods of DC. The clinics are managed by students, funded entirely through student fundraising efforts, and staffed by GW student volunteers. Students take on a number of different jobs at each clinical site including working as part of the exam room team, assisting laboratory technicians, and serving as patient educators.

The Track Program The Track Program at the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences is one of the most unique components of a GW medical education. Hosted by the Office of Student Opportunities (OSO), the popular track program— a for‐ mal series of nine elective paths including: Community/Urban Health, Emergency Management, Environmental Health, Global Health. Health Policy, Integrative Medicine, Medical Education Leadership. Medical Humanities and Research — encourages students to pursue an area of interest beyond the core curriculum.

ISCOPES The Interdisciplinary Student Community‐Oriented Prevention Enhancement Service (ISCOPES) is a year‐long in‐ terdisciplinary team service‐learning experience geared toward providing a wide range of health‐related services in Washington, DC. These experiences involve planning, implementing, and evaluating multi‐dimensional pro‐ jects at selected neighborhood sites around the DC Metro area.

Annual Events... Cookies “Cookies” is an opportunity to mingle, over some yummy cookies, with the Deans and faculty of the medical school. No discussion of classes or exams whatsoever! It is a great opportunity to get to know your professors, Deans and fellow classmates early in the semester, and learn interesting things about them. Follies Follies is a student‐run comedy performance where members from each class are given time to present musical numbers, skits and parodies. A Day in the Life of a Medical Student This day‐long event provides family and friends of medical students an insider’s view of medical students’ lives by taking friends and family through a variety of classroom and clinical experiences. Medical Student Formal This annual event allows medical students and their signicant others or friends enjoy a night on the town in style. This annual event is more affectionately known as the “Medical School Prom.”

For more information, please visit our website: Questions? Email us:

Doctor of Medicine Program Washington D.C. The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences is located in the very heart of Washington, DC. As the nation’s 11th oldest medical school, GW has been at the forefront of clinical medical education since 1825. It boasts an innovative curriculum of traditional lecture, digital laboratory, small groups, hands‐on clinical practice, and community ser‐ vice. The Office of Student Opportunities offers unique learning experiences at local, national, and international levels, includ‐ ing nine Track Programs that allow students to adopt an elec‐ tive course of study. Students can find a collaborative commu‐ nity of learners to compliment their challenging medical train‐ ing. The GW Hospital contains an entire floor dedicated to medical education, including the CLASS Center with a Surgical Skills Simulation Center and 12 Standardized Patient Rooms.

Profile of the Entering Class of 2011  49% female, 51% male  Average age of 24 years  29 states, D.C. and Canada rep‐ resented  89 Undergraduate Schools and 17 Graduate schools represented  Majors/Areas of Study: 109 Science, 45 Non‐Science, 24 Dual Degree

How to prepare for the MCAT ® While there is no one way to prepare for the MCAT, your study plan should begin at least three months before your chosen exam date. Here’s an outline you can model to fit your situation: • Get a copy of The Official Guide to the MCAT Exam (available through bookstores and at • Read and understand the MCAT Essentials (download the free PDF at students/applying/mcat/preparing/). • Read “Preparing for the MCAT Exam” at • Note any material that is unfamiliar to you or that you haven’t studied recently. • Review science topics with relevant course materials such as textbooks, course outlines, and notes. • Take the MCAT practice tests, which are books of practice tests published by companies such as Kaplan and Simon and Schuster. You can also use the diagnostic reports in online tests to help you identify topics and skills that need additional review. • If your test pace is slow, take advantage of any services your college offers to help improve reading speed and comprehension. • Do you have a study partner? Each of you can use your strengths to help the other address weak areas. • Avoid last-minute cramming. • Make sure to get enough sleep, food, and exercise, especially in the days before the test.

doors, so knowledge and preparation are essen-

test your reasoning skills based on a given text.

tial. Many of the questions on the MCAT can be

The Physical Sciences and Biological Sciences

answered from the information covered in the

sections contain questions on biology, general

required premed courses: biology, general chem-

chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics. The

istry, organic chemistry, and physics. Invest your

Writing Sample assesses your ability to develop

time now: Sacrifice nights out with your friends

a well-written, well-organized essay.

so that you can do well in school, and not only

Scoring well on the MCAT is all about good

will you get a good GPA, you’ll also have better

preparation. There are two ways to prepare: Pay

chances to do well on the MCAT.

to take a test preparation course, or study on your

The MCAT contains four sections: Verbal Rea-

own. Most likely, you’ve already completed two

soning, Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences,

or three years of undergraduate study and have

and a Writing Sample. Verbal Reasoning pres-

taken the required course work in the sciences.

ents a series of passages that cover the social and

Before you begin either method, review all class

natural sciences, the humanities, and it will also

notes, outlines, and textbooks that you have from

18 | Keepsake 2012

those courses over the past few years. If your budget allows, test preparation companies such as Kaplan and The Princeton Review can be extremely helpful as you near your test date. Both com-

“Doing the best at this moment puts

you in the best place for the next moment.”

panies offer a wide variety of options for online and classroom-based learning, as well as private tutoring. For studying on your own, these companies also offer up-to-date MCAT review books, which have study material and full-length practice versions of real MCAT exams. All of these books are available online, new or used, for a range of prices. Ex-

—Oprah Winfrey amkrackers is another popular company offering similar options for independent study. Kaplan also offers videos and study materials that you can download on your smartphone or mobile device. Finally, the AAMC has its own practice MCAT exams, books, guides, and lots of free information and resources available on its website.

YOUR APPLICATION: FROM START TO FINISH Get Started Early Unlike admissions to standard colleges and universities, spots in medical school are filled on a rolling basis. In other words, for medical schools— it’s first come, first served. For example, if you complete your primary application in June, submit your secondary application in September, and interview in October, you could get in by December. However, if you finish your primary application in late July, send your secondary in November, and interview in February, there could only be 20 seats left by the time you apply. Instead of competing for one of 145 seats, you’re now competing for one of 20. Don’t let this happen to you!


Start early. Keepsake 2012 | 19

The AMCAS and AACOMAS Primary Applications

Choosing Where to Apply To start narrowing down a list of pre-

Most medical schools in the U.S. belong to the AAMC. For-

ferred schools, ask yourself a few ba-

tunately, all of these AAMC schools accept one centralized

sic questions: Who are the teachers?

application, which you’ll register for and complete online

Where are the alumni working? Would

through the American Medical College Applications Ser-

you prefer to vstay close to your family?


Would you want to go to school in a dif-


(AMCAS ). Once your application is complete, AM®

CAS, which is sponsored by the AAMC, then sends your information to all the schools you request. For entrance to osteopathic medical schools, the process is the same: The Association of American Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOMAS®) also has an online application service. (Osteopathic schools in Texas are an exception; see below for more information.)

ferent state? Can you see yourself living there for four years? Eight years? What kind of aid is available? These are good things to consider. Choose five or six schools you’d really like to attend. They should also be

Using the AMCAS or AACOMAS online application, you

schools where you have a reasonable

can apply to as many AMCAS or AACOMAS medical schools

chance of acceptance. Next, add three

as you wish. The AMCAS application cost is based on how

“safety” schools that you wouldn’t mind

many schools to which you apply. Fee waivers are available through both services. AMCAS and AACOMAS follow set deadlines, so procrastinators beware! Both applications generally contain the same

attending. Finally, add three “dream” schools (because anything can happen). National ranking and “Top Ten” lists

sections: personal information, work/activities history, let-

are helpful, but it’s important for you

ters of evaluation, personal essays, coursework history, and

to pinpoint what you value about your

test scores.

education. Minority medical students

When filling out the work/activities sections, be sure to

often face obstacles unique to their cul-

spotlight those activities and honors that are most impor-

ture, like being responsible for a family

tant to you, and the ones that will help distinguish your application. List them in descending order of priority to draw the attention to your most significant accomplishments. You can also highlight health-related activities, public service work, and scientific or medically-related work experience.

SECONDARY APPLICATION After each medical school has reviewed your information, it will decide whether or not to invite you to submit a secondary application. This application will include a statement of authenticity (your signed confirmation that all of your information is true and correct), another application fee, and

at a young age or handling significant financial concerns. Upper- and middleclass white students may encounter these issues much less. Because of this, you might consider applying to a medical school that has a high minority enrollment and has programs and resources in place to recruit minority students. For example, African-American students may find that histori-

letters of recommendation (which includes letters from your

cally black colleges or universities can

instructors). Once the school has review your secondary ap-

provide not only an excellent education,

plication, it will then decide whether to offer you an inter-

but also a deep range of cultural under-



20 | Keepsake 2012

Non-AMCAS Schools and Texas Medical Schools For non-AMCAS schools, you will need to contact and apply to each school individually. You can use the application that the school provides, or use a non-AMCAS application service. If you are applying to a medical school in Texas, you’ll need to use their application service: the Texas Medical and Dental Schools Application Service (TMDSAS). Application fees, fee waivers, and deadlines vary from school to school.

If you can’t find diversity information on a particular school you’re interested in (and it usually should be available from the AAMC, as ask. “How important is racial diversity to your

Gather Your Materials

school?” “What kind of support services do you

Request a copy of the official transcript

have for minority students?” You may want to

from each school you attended after high

speak to currently enrolled students with similar

school, and confirm that your grades are cor-

ethnic backgrounds to get a firsthand account of

rect. Professors can make mistakes too!

well as from the school itself), don’t be afraid to

what the school is like.

Use your transcript(s) to help you fill out

Looking at these lists of schools and programs

your AMCAS or AACOMAS application. You’ll

can be daunting, so compare requirements and

be asked to enter information about each and

offerings, and narrow down your list as best as

every course that you enrolled in after high

you can. You can also ask yourself specific ques-



Write class names exactly as they appear on

• Do you prefer large lecture classes or

your transcript. The AMCAS will check your

small-group discussions? Most schools

transcripts against what you’ve written. If the

offer some of both, as well as the op-

information isn’t accurate, costly delays will

portunity for independent study. Ask

occur. Make the process easy for them.

your premedical advisor about what your

Prepare your information in advance. You’ll

potential schools offer.

be asked to supply detailed academic, work,

• Do you want early experience in clini-

and personal information such as coursework

cal work? Traditionally, medical school

details, work hours per week, and academ-

offers classroom work in the first two

ic dates of attendance. Plan to create a full

years, followed by clinical work in the

“sample” version of your application

third and fourth years. Some schools,

to help you fill out the final online

however, involve students in clinical work

application more easily.

as early as the first year. • Is the school’s grading scale important to you? You might want to consider how much of the coursework at your potential school is pass-fail and how much is based on the standard letter-grading system.

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Med School Admissions: The Inside Scoop

Baylor College of Medicine Applicants: 5,000 Vying for: 186 spots

Lloyd Michael, PhD, Senior Dean of Admissions and Karen E. Johnson, MD, Associate Dean of Admissions

What are the biggest misconceptions students have about the med school admissions process? Dr. Michael: One thing I see in our applicants is that they think you have to be a certain kind of major—physics, biology—or that science majors have a leg up on others, such as English majors. At our medical school, we want you to be a diverse person, About 30 percent of our students are non-science majors. In fact, we have at least 45 different kinds of majors in our class of 186 that we have entering each year. The most important thing, no matter what your major, is


that you need to do very well in your science classes. So you can be a philosophy major, but you also need to be a good scientist, and you need to have a good GPA. The major you choose should be something you love Another thing I hear is that students feel they have to speed right into medical school after undergraduate school. For us, that’s just not true. Some of our very best applicants have taken a year or two off to do something else in the world—volunteer, study abroad, Teach for America. If it’s something you’re passionate about, you will likely be in a better position

Let's say a student's academic credentials are just barely on the side of what's considered okay; they’re borderline. What’s the best way for him or her to boost his or her chances of acceptance? Dr. Michael: The bottom line is that you have to have a


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competitive grade point average and good MEDCAT (MCAT)

scores. The competition to get into medical

ing a person who had some difficulty tran-

school is so great; it’s one of those things that

sitioning, who learned how to become more

freshman need to have hammered into them

disciplined and got more focused to improve

over and over. If you have a low GPA and

their GPA.

MEDCAT scores, you could be the greatest compassionate individual in the world, but it

Assuming that general academics requirements are met well, what is the single most important thing an applicant should know about the process of getting into med school?

won’t help you get into med school.

Dr. Michael: Once we know someone’s aca-

volunteer person in the world and the most

So what can you do if your MEDCAT and

demically prepared for our school, we then

GPA are on the edge? You can't do much

start to look at characteristics: motivation,

about improving your GPA if you have 120 or

maturity, perseverance, resilience, altruism,

130 hours already taken. But you might be

and all of the other things that show us who

able to take additional courses or dedicate a

you really are. Many times, these are revealed

couple of years to a master's degree and show

through your extracurricular activities. For

that you can do some graduate work and get

us, it’s much more important to have depth

As. Or you could go to a postbac program.

rather than breadth. If you’ve volunteered

And with the MEDCAT, you can obviously take it again. But if you've tried it for several years and you still can't get the grades and the MED-

for a certain organization consistently since high school, that's better than having your name attached to eight club memberships.

CAT scores you need, then maybe it's time

Do these experiences need to be health care related?

for re-evaluating what you're going to be able

Dr. Michael: Medical schools definitely

to do in life because it might not be possible.

want to know if you know what you're getting

Dr. Johnson: But it’s important to remem-

into. In other words, do you have any expe-

ber that there are plenty of ways to work in

riential base which would suggest that you

health care besides becoming a physician.

might be really happy being a physician? So

I know some students have a bad freshman year, but then really excel the other three years. Do you only look at cumulative GPA?

if that question is answered in other places

Dr. Michael: At the end of the day, the cumulative overall and the cumulative science GPAs are key, but we are very mindful of what you just described. So while we won't dismiss their overall GPA, we appreciate see-

in your application, it doesn't make any difference what kind of volunteer work you do. Dr. Johnson: If we can see from your activities that you care about people’s well-being—teaching, mentoring, etc.—we can make some inferences about your understanding

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of what you're getting into. The main thing is that you need to be passionate about some aspect of helping others.

How important a part of the process is the interview? Dr. Johnson: A face-to-face encounter with the next generation is a good way for us to try to glean some of these characteristics that Dr. Michael alludes to. Our hope is to find some genuineness and some uniqueness that will help us know that this person will be a good fit for our institution. It also gives us an opportunity to assess communication skills, which are paramount to people becoming effective physicians. Something that people applying to medical school really need to understand is that how you communicate with your patients and your peers is crucial. The interview gives us an opportunity to assess that. Dr. Michael: One thing that should also be stressed to applicants is that the interview is the time we confirm that they really are the people that wrote the application. In other words, this person really can talk about these different subjects that he or she brought up in the application. So whatever you put on the application, know that you need to be willing and able to answer potential questions about it. Don't over-stress something if you can't justify it.

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What about the essay portion of the application? Dr. Michael: With the competitive nature of admissions, if you have any part of the personal essay or other parts of the application that raise what we call the “red flag,” it makes it easier for us to just move on to the next application. For example, if an essay has serious grammar or spelling issues, that's a negative to me. It means that you haven't spent enough time getting prepared for the serious nature of the application. And though it should be personal, it should also be logically structured and clear. Some people try to make it something flashy and spectacular, but that can backfire. Dr. Johnson: It may sound trite, but we want to “see” a real person, the real you, in your essay. What meaningful experience or relationship made you want to become a physician? Medical schools want to know: why did you choose to do this? And it needs to be as personal and as experiential as possible. It needs to come from your heart. You've got to spend a tremendous amount of time on this, writing and rewriting and then showing it to other people and asking not only if it’s good, but, "Does this sound like me?" If I see any lack of depth or lack of sincerity, I have a whole lot of others to choose from.

Med School Admissions: The Inside Scoop

Case Western School of Medicine Applicants: 5,200 Vying for: 199 spots

(including MD/PhD and 5-year MD programs)

Christian Essman, Director of Admissions

What’s the biggest misconception applicants have about the med school admissions process? Essman: That you can wait until the deadline. Yes, we have a deadline, but the earlier you get your application in, the better. That’s because we have interview slots we need to fill. There are more interview slots in July than there are in December, so we have a little more latitude with applicants in the summertime. There have been some times in December where we’ve said about an applicant, “If we had seen him back in August, we would have brought him in, but now we don’t have


a chance.” Another big misconception about the process is the cost. It can cost up to $6000 to apply to medical school when you factor in everything: MCAT prep, MCAT, application fees, interview costs. So applying isn’t just a psychological and emotional commitment, it is a financial commitment. You can’t put this stuff in a financial aid package. You have to save up the money or talk to your grandparents or put

the other hand, people think that the personal statement can make or break you, and that’s not true either. That said, when a personal statement is sloppy (typos, punctuation, and grammar errors), we take that as a sign that they’re not paying attention to detail and we wonder: is that how they are as a person? I want our doc-

it on your credit card.

tors to pay attention to detail.

How important is the personal statement to your evaluation process?

much time agonizing over the personal state-

Essman: I’ve heard people say that we don’t

ment that it can delay the submission of their

really read them, and that’s just not true. On

application. We tell applicants it doesn’t have

In terms of content, some students spend so

Keepsake 2012 | 25

to be the Great American Novel; just tell us your

But as far as counseling students that are de-

story and why you want to go to medical school.

laying their application because they want to in-

It should be a professional document, organized,

crease their chances, I’d say if they are a non-sci-

well thought out, with excellent grammar and

ence major, they might want to look into a postbac

punctuation, but it doesn’t have to be something

program. If they were a science major and just

that’s going to win a Pulitzer. Some students

didn’t do as well as they’d have like, it might be

spend so much time agonizing over the personal

worth taking some time off and pursuing a gradu-

statement that it can delay the submission of their

ate program. They then can apply once they have


a good track record established. You have to make

We understand that most of our applicants are undergraduate students and they don’t have amaz-

sure you invest your money wisely.

ing life experiences to relate. I think that makes

Overall, how important is the interview portion of the application process to your decision making?

some people nervous, and so they go over the top,

Essman: It is critical. Usually when a person gets

and it comes off as kind of disingenuous.

an invitation for the interview, that’s when the

Assuming the general academic requirements are met, what is the single most important thing an applicant can do to solidify his or her chances of getting into school?

playing field is level for everybody, and it’s pretty

Essman: The numbers are important, but what

interact with people, and looking for other quali-

we really want to see is that a student is pursuing

ties, like what’s their motivation in life? What are

something he or she is passionate about. That’s

their passions? At this point, it’s not about the

why we don’t always give interviews to the top stu-

numbers. It’s about what they are like as a per-

dents “on paper” (4.0 and a 40 MCAT). We want a

son? Do we see them as being a good fit here for

well-rounded student.

our program?

What would you counsel someone who’s credentials are just good enough to boost their chances of acceptance in such a tight market?

So what constitutes a “bombed” interview for you?

Essman: Often we’ll tell somebody who has marginal academics that doing really well on the MCAT is going to potentially have more value for them. When we’re reviewing an application, we might say, “Well, gosh, they had to work 20 hours a week since they were a freshman, but their MCAT score is 35.” Maybe had they had 20 more hours of free time to study, they would have had a much higher GPA.

26 | Keepsake 2012

much your spot to lose. We’re evaluating interpersonal skills and communication skills, how they

Essman: [laughs] It can be anything from overconfidence—it’s as delicate balance between humility and confidence—where they come across as very arrogant, like they’re entitled. “Well, I have the numbers, so this is just more of a formality, right?” I see that from time to time, and that doesn’t go over well with interviewers. Otherwise, anything that would be considered unprofessional behavior does not go over well— being disrespectful, swearing, or texting during

interview day or talking on your phone during

Every medical school wants to have diverse

the information session. There are a lot of eyes on

classes, and I don’t just mean by skin color either.

people during the interview day.

We want diverse classes from people from dif-

Finally, if they just overall can’t communicate

ferent walks of life, and if you’re a well qualified,

well or their communication skills aren’t smooth,

underrepresented minority student, it’s possible

that can hurt people, too.

that you could have people kind of fighting over

How important is it in the interview process for applicants to show you that they are very enthusiastic about Case Western?


Essman: We realize that the average number of schools applicants apply to is 13-15 so we know we’re not their only choice. What I want to know during the interview is what it was about Case that put us on the radar for them. We tell our faculty interviewers and the medical student interviewers, “Don’t judge them on whether you think they’re going to come here or not if we accept them. If you think they’re a great student and you think they’d be a good fit and we’d be proud to have them as one of our medical

Get advice from your advisors and listen to it. These people can be such a big help in getting you to the right programs and opportunities that will enhance your competitiveness and get you where you want to go.

“Education is the

passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who

prepare for it today.”

students, then let’s give them the opportunity to make that decision to come to Case.”

—Malcolm X

If you had one piece of advice for a URM student who has a dream of getting accepted into med school, what would that be? Essman: It’s possible. I think sometimes when we see underrepresented minority students as prospective applicants at undergraduate universities, they think that because they don’t have family members who are medical professionals they can’t do it. But it is possible. If you are doing well in school and you’re following the advice of your premed advisor, it’s possible.

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Med School Admissions: The Inside Scoop

Stanford University School of Medicine Applicants: 6,800 Vying for: 90 spots

(including MD/PhD programs)

Gabriel Garcia, MD, Director of Admissions

provider? What will others who study with you learn from you? Do you have a professional and personal life that’s grounded in strong ethical principles? Of course, it is much more difficult




life experiences and personal qualities than it is to use quantitative measures of academic readiness. But we value this tremendously, and we want


very, very much make sure that we understand your life experiences from your single voice,

What is the biggest misconception applicants have about getting into med school?

from the voice of the applicant, and from the

Dr. Garcia: I can’t tell you how many times

voices of the people who know the applicant

I speak to students and the first question they


ask is, “What MCAT score do I need to get into

For us, the experience section of the applica-

Stanford?” In some ways, that’s not the con-

tion and the additional questions that we ask

versation that I generally want to have. The

the students in our supplemental application

conversation I generally want to have is: What

and the letters of reference are really what in-

life experiences do you bring? What life experi-

forms our applications the most. We don’t lack

ences have you had that will enhance the learn-

an amazing number of really talented, academi-

ing environment for all the students in your

cally ready students. What we lack is the knowl-

class? What personal qualities do you possess

edge that they also have the life experiences

that will help you be an excellent health care

and personal qualities that we seek.

28 | Keepsake 2012

If a student’s academic credentials are borderline, but you feel this person does have that thing that you’re looking for, what is the best thing he or she can do to boost the chances of acceptance? Dr. Garcia: Academic credentials are either acceptable or not acceptable. Within the acceptable range, some are better than others. If the credentials are acceptable for us, which means we think we can work with this person and have them succeed in our school, then the admissions decision is predominantly driven by their life experiences, by the educational context in which they’ve lived their life, and by the personal qualities that they have demonstrated.

specific questions we ask in our supplemental application, which are quite simple: What kind of career do you have in mind in medicine? How have you prepared yourself for that career up to this point? How will Stanford help you achieve that goal? What unique voice will you contribute to our learning environment? After we go there, we read the essay and the letters of reference that pertain to the specific activities they’ve done and listed in their activities section. So though we don’t start with the essay, it goes without saying that the essay should be well written.

The essay is often one of the most daunting tasks for an applicant. How do you advise students about writing it so their essence and passion comes through? Dr. Garcia: Our undergraduate school, and I know many others, have writing centers and other resources that students can use to help them craft an essay that is well written and reflects who they are. I recommend seeking out and using any and all resources available to you. One thing I want to make clear about our school: When my file reviewers review a student’s file, they do not look at the essay first. They look first at their life experiences. Then they will look at the

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Do you look for your students to have mostly health care related experience in their extracurricular activities?

tee makes its decisions. We expect everybody to behave respectfully and to engage with our

Dr. Garcia: Most medical experiences that stu-

students, faculty, staff equally well when they’re

dents who are anticipating a career in medicine

in an evaluative setting or when they’re in an in-

have are mostly observational. Our successful

formal setting.

applicants generally have greater degrees of

Interviewing is a very scary process for most people. How do you counsel them to put their best foot forward.

community engagement than merely observational, and so our best applicants are probably not doing so many health care experiences as they are doing community engagement experiences in health. What we expect in those experiences is lots of depth and lots of length.

What about the interview at Stanford? What are you hoping to get from that encounter? Dr. Garcia: We use the multiple mini interview technique to evaluate personal qualities on the day of interview for our candidates. We want people who can think creatively. We want people to communicate effectively. We want people whose behaviors and attitudes are rooted in good, strong, and ethical principles. We want people who have leadership skills, and we want people who are empathic, who understand the feelings of others. We evaluate each of those domains in the multiple mini-interview process. Also, students should know that after you’ve been invited to interview, every interaction could potentially be an evaluative moment—

Dr. Garcia: An interview at a medical school in which you seek admissions is a high-risk day, so there’s a certain amount of stress that should come along it. That said, we try to make the day as comfortable for you as we can make it. You get to meet students ahead of time. We send a lot of information in advance about the interview day and what to expect. I actually orient every group that undergoes the evaluation and give them tips on how to succeed in it. But I’m not deluded in thinking that this is not a high-risk day, and an individual who comes to a high-risk day without any stress probably isn’t getting the message that this is a high-risk day for both us and them.

If you had just one piece of advice specifically for our readers, what would it be? Dr. Garcia: My advice would be to learn how to tell your life story very well, both in writing and in person.

from the moment you first make a contact with our office to the moment the selection commit-

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Join our online community for exclusive online content, directory of residency programs, information on upcoming events, and much more! Keepsake 2012 | 31


POSTBACCALAUREATE PROGRAMS Some schools have a formal postbaccalau-

Postbaccalaureate premed programs also

reate premedical program for students who

allow students with similar nontraditional

are trying to enter medical school after

backgrounds and goals to support each oth-

earning their baccalaureate degree. Post-

er. Although postbaccalaureate premed pro-

baccalaureate premed programs generally

grams are generally very expensive, finan-

cater to a specific population; many are tar-

cial aid is available to help lessen the weight.

geted toward helping underrepresented stu-

Just like with medical school, postbacca-

dents of all backgrounds to enter the field of

laureate premed programs often have more


applicants than open slots. GPA is the most

Postbaccalaureate premed programs offer undergraduate premed course work as well as upper-division courses in biology. They provide extensive guidance on applying to medical school and preparing for the MCAT.

32 | Keepsake 2012

important element in choosing who gets admitted to a program.

Here is a list of postbaccalaureate premed programs offered throughout the U.S.: American University: Postbaccalaureate Premedical Certificate Program Washington, DC

OSU Center for Health Sciences: Bridge Program Tulsa, OK index.cfm

California State University: Postbaccalaureate Certificate Program for Pre-health Professionals

Roswell Park Cancer Institute: Student Summer Programs

Los Angeles, CA

Buffalo, NY certprehealth.php

Charles Drew University: Postbaccalaureate Certificate in Pre-medicine

San Francisco State University: Health Professions @SFSU

Los Angeles, CA

San Francisco, CA

Creighton University: Premedical Postbaccalaureate

San Francisco State University: Dental Postbaccalaureate Programs

Omaha, NE

San Francisco, CA

Dominican University: Postbaccalaureate Premedical Studies Program

Southern Illinois University School of Medicine: Medical/Dental Education Preparatory Program (MEDPREP)

River Forest, IL

Carbondale, IL

Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine: Biomedical Science Post-Baccalaureate Program

UC Berkeley Extension: Postbaccalaureate Health Professions Program

Blacksburg, VA

Berkeley, CA

Hunter College of CUNY: Postbaccalaureate Prehealth Certificate Program

UC Davis School of Medicine: Postbaccalaureate Program

New York, NY

Davis, CA html

Indiana University-Purdue University: Purdue School of Science Premedical Program

UC Irvine School of Medicine: Postbaccalaureate Program

Indianapolis, IN

Irvine, CA

Keepsake 2012 | 33

Marshall University

Joan C. Edwards school of Medicine

Did You Know?

Marshall students have participated in international electives in as many as 38 countries.

International Opportunities

Low faculty-to-student ratio Did You Know?

Marshall only accepts 75 students, providing a family-like atmosphere, easy access to dedicated teaching faculty, and greater opportunity for skills development than you might find at other larger schools.

Small class size



Medical Students Rafting

WV Rock Climber

UC RIVERSIDE UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine: Academic Preparation Programs

UNT Health Science Center: Master of Science Degree in Medical Sciences

Los Angeles, CA

Fort Worth, TX Academic_Preparation_Program.cfm medicalsciences.cfm

UCSF School of Medicine: Outreach and Postbaccalaureate Programs

Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center: Premedical Graduate Certificate Program

San Francisco, CA

Richmond, VA cert/index.html

UC San Diego School of Medicine: Postbaccalaureate Program San Diego, CA

University of Massachusetts Boston: The Premedical Program Boston, MA

Washington University in St. Louis: Postbaccalaureate Premedical Program St. Louis, MO

West Chester University: Premedical Program West Chester, PA CAS/MED/post_bac_info.asp

36 | Keepsake 2012

William Paterson University: Postbaccalaureate Premedical Preprofessional Program Wayne, NJ departments/biology/PostBacc/


CHICAGO ACADEMIC MEDICINE PROGRAM (CAMP) CAMP is a part of the summer pipeline programs offered at the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Medicine. You must be a rising 1st, 2nd or 3rd year to apply. The website is:

Worcester State College Postbaccalaureate Premedical Program Worcester, MA Graduate/Shared%20Documents/ Cert/CertPreMedicalPreDental. aspx

GET RECOMMENDED While your test scores and transcripts will reflect your technical skills, recommendation letters are what will truly set your application apart from the rest. These letters shtml. Lizzette Melo-Benitez (University of Chicago Class of 2013) attended CAMP in the summer of 2010.

What’s the goal of the program? Melo-Benitez: The purpose of this program is to expose minority students to the medical field through a series of lectures, labs, and doctor shadowing experiences. The participants are informed about pressing medical issues such as the influence of wealth, geography, and culture in health. Students are also given the opportunity to work collaboratively for biweekly presentations about disease affecting the cardiovascular, reproductive, and nervous systems. The program aims to establish a network among these students sharing an interest in medicine, as well as give them insight in the medi-

advertise your personal skills, your

cal school application process and what it takes to become a

academic dedication, and your abil-


ity to network. They are tokens of respect, and may even be the key to your dream school. Most applicants submit five or six letters with each application.

What was your experience with the program? Melo-Benitez: As a participant, I heard many lectures about three body systems (2 weeks were dedicated to each) and prepared a PowerPoint presentation with 1-2 fellow CAMPers. Preparation for the presentations required that I spend more

Remember: Letters of recom-

time in the library than I would have liked in the summer-

mendation should reflect you as a

time, but developing the necessary skills to research articles

person. Don’t ask for a letter from

from medical journals made it worthwhile.

a random organic chemistry teach-

Each presentation allowed me to practice public speaking

er you barely know. The better you

as we had to present in front of CAMPers, medical students,

know someone, the more enthusi-

doctors, and deans. Presentations were every other Friday.

astic and personal the recommen-

Every Thursday I shadowed a doctor in various fields of medi-

dation will be. Ideally, you should

cine, such as OB/GYN, ansthesiology, cardiology, community health, and emergency medicine.

Keepsake 2012 | 37

Could you talk about the great things about your program? Melo-Benitez: The best part of the experience was shadowing doctors. Not only do you get an opportunity to observe open heart surgery, but you get to see what being a doctor is like in different settings and different stages of the career. Shadowing a resident was always the best because they like to explain everything that’s going on during your observation. Shadowing an attending allows you to ask questions about the choices they made in their career path


that may or may not be helpful to you in the future. Another great part of the program was the topic of health disparities. Although we didn’t get much in-depth discussion from the two books we read throughout the program, I thought it was great to have lectures about how health affects our community as minorities.

What about things in the program that could have been better? Melo-Benitez: A lot us thought that adding a community service component would definitely improve the program. The lectures about health disparities were very interesting, however, just hearing about it wasn’t enough. Having a community-based project we could have worked on over the weekends would have sent a stronger message about taking action rather than just sitting through the lecture.

Anything important that you learned during your experience that you want to share? Melo-Benitez: I would say the most important thing I learned from CAMP is that there really is no “right” way to pursue a career in medicine. It’s easy to forget that sometimes as an undergrad. Well, for me anyway. With the reassurance from all the doctors that shared their experiences with us and my discussion with a Dean of Admissions, I know that I need to make decisions based on what is best for me, not on what everyone else is doing.

Could you explain how you found out about the program, the application process, and any tips for students interested in the program? Melo-Benitez: I found out about the program through a friend. All you have to do is write a short personal statement, send a letter of recommendation and your transcripts.

Melo-Benitez’s Tips for Getting into the Program The central theme of the program is diversity, so I suggest using the essay portions of the application to express why you feel diversity is important in academic medicine. Also, if you have demonstrated an interest in serving underprivileged populations in any way during high school and/or your college years, definitely include that in your application. 38 | Keepsake 2012

Top Ten AMCAS Application Tips 1. Read the AMCAS Instruction Manual and use the Help section of the online application. 2. Begin your application as early as possible. 3. Know the admissions requirements and restrictions for your medical schools. 4. Request official transcripts for every institution from which you have attended. 5. Use a copy of your official transcript when completing the Course Work section. 6. Proofread, Proofread, Proofread! Especially in the Essay(s) section.

have a good relationship with a professor, physician, or another well-respected person who can truly speak to your abilities. For example: Are you working with a mentor in a lab? Can that mentor vouch for your work ethic and scientific rigor? If you don’t like doing research, then find recommenders from fields you’re interest-

7. Very few updates/edits/changes are permitted once you have submitted your application.

ed in pursuing. This can be a

8. Resubmit your application in order to save any post-submission changes.

directly with nurses or doc-

9. Monitor your application’s progress and read your e-mails.

where you’ve volunteered as a

10. Make sure the contact information that AMCAS has for you is correct and current.

counselor; or in a totally non-

hospital where you’ve worked tors; at a mental health clinic

medical related arena such


Source: AAMC


Keepsake 2012 | 39

as sports, theater, or the arts. Let the admissions committee hear from people who know the “real” you. Be sure to have at least two of your letters reflect your scientific skills. Other than that, make sure the other sides of you (writing abilities, communication skills, academic diligence) are well represented in your letters.

INTERVIEW LIKE A CHAMPION Now that you’ve done all of the legwork—test scores, transcripts, recommendation letters and essays—admissions will review your work and invite you for an interview. The


interview puts the cap on your application and gives you a chance to make a meaningful impression.

Men: Wear a suit and tie, or, at the very least,

Interviews are generally one on one, with two

wear khaki slacks and a sport coat. But the tie is

interviews per school. An interviewer may be a

a must: Dress like you mean business, or your

faculty member, a current medical student, or

interviewers won’t take you seriously.

a voting member of the admissions committee.

Women: Stick to sleek, conservative and pro-

You may or may not be told who will interview

fessional business attire. You want to present

you, and the interviewer may or may not know

yourself as a mature woman, not a sexy teenager.

whom he or she is interviewing. The interview

Both: Be professional. Talk about yourself in a

format varies for each school. Do your research.

thoughtful, informative way, but be a good lis-

Know what to expect.

tener, too. Come prepared with questions. Don’t

40 | Keepsake 2012

S.T.A.R.S. The University of South Alabama’s Student Training for Academic Reinforcement in the Sciences (S.T.A.R.S.) Program is an enrichment program for rising seniors in high school and provides students with a standardized test guidance, science and math reinforcement, col-

Shawnterrica Junior and Eglon “E” Mitchell, along with Beverly Rossini, assistant librarian at the USA Biomedical Library, apply a formula for analyzing credible information on Websites.

lege and career awareness, tutoring, and shadowing internships. The program’s ultimate goal is to increase the number of minority students who graduate from college in the sciences and assist them in becoming health care providers who will address minority health disparities through culturally appropriate health care and research. The program requires six weeks of summer coursework and a six-week summer internship in a health care provision site.

talk over your interviewer. Your goal is to have a good, two-way conversation about your interests and what you have to offer. Finally, avoid coming into your interview with loose papers and a school catalog slipping out of your nervous, sweaty hands. Bring a folder to hold personal information that you can refer to (a copy of your recommendation letters, test scores, etc.), plus materials that you’ll receive during your interview. You can find stylish, professional folders at any good office supplies store. Keepsake 2012 | 41

At Midwestern University, health care education is all we do. As a graduate-level institution, we offer 13 health science programs in eight colleges on two campuses. Our Downers Grove, Illinois campus is home to over 2,300 students and is located on 105 acres 25 miles from vibrant downtown Chicago. The Glendale, Arizona campus houses over 2,800 students and is located in a desert oasis on 144 acres, just 20 miles from the growing city of Phoenix. Midwestern University has over 100 years of history in educating future health care professionals and employs the latest technologies and innovations, creating an interdisciplinary, team-oriented atmosphere for a 21st-century health care team. To train future professionals in the art of patientcentered care, the University has invested in dedicated, skilled faculty committed to providing an outstanding professional education. We offer solid programs in the sciences, extensive hands-on experience in local and national clinical rotations, and a compassionate perspective toward your patients. Our faculty and programs inspire excellence in our students, and our graduates are found in leading hospitals, private practices, laboratories, phar-

macies, and health care facilities across the United States. Midwestern University is actively engaged in community service through University-sponsored events, alliances with health care organizations, and numerous student work-study programs. Faculty and students also participate in a wide variety of outreach projects, including TOPS (Team of Physicians for Students), St. Jude Chicago to Peoria Run, Health Sciences Career Day for High School Students, DuPage PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter and Services), and Give Kids a Smile; provide health screenings and education throughout Illinois and Arizona; host numerous fund-raising and awareness events in the community; and offer expert advice through the Midwestern University Community Health Lecture Series and the Mini Medical School. Midwestern also offers a range of leadership opportunities and peer interactions through its numerous diverse student organizations, such as the Emergency Medicine Club, Sports Medicine Club, National Osteopathic Women Physicians’ Association (NOWPA), Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Wilderness Medicine Club, Student Volunteers for Optometric Services to Humanity (SVOSH), and dozens of others. Our commitment at Midwestern University is to provide a rigorous and complete education for our students; comprehensive, compassionate care for our patients; and generous, giving service to our community. We are tomorrow’s health care team. Midwestern University can be found online at For more information, contact the Midwestern University Admissions Office at 800.458.6253 (Downers Grove, IL Campus) or 888.247.9277 (Glendale, AZ Campus).


Physician Assistant Studies Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Biomedical Sciences

Cardiovascular Science/ Perfusion Podiatric Medicine

Nurse Anesthesia Clinical Psychology Health Science



SMDEP PROGRAM SITES Case Western Reserve University, Schools of Medicine and Dental Medicine Cleveland, OH


Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons and College of Dental Medicine New York, NY

Medical school is more than just

David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and UCLA School of Dentistry

going to classes and taking tests.

Los Angeles, CA

It’s a lifestyle. The Summer Medical and Dental Education Program (SMDEP) is a six-week summer academic enrichment program designed to prepar you for the medical school life. Best of all, SMDEP offers free housing, food and tuition! It’s designed as a tool to be used by students of all social, ethnic, and academic backgrounds... and did we mention that it’s free? SMDEP takes place at 12 program sites across the nation. Each site provides scholars with academic enrichment in math, the basic sciences, clinical experiences, career development



Duke University School of Medicine Durham, NC

Howard University: Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Dentistry, and Medicine Washington, DC

University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Jersey Medical School and New Jersey Dental School Newark, NJ

University of Louisville, Schools of Medicine and Dentistry Louisville, KY

University of Nebraska Medical Center, Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry Omaha, NE

University of Texas Dental Branch and Medical School at Houston Houston, TX

and study skills seminars, and a financial planning workshop. Pro-

University of Virginia School of Medicine

grams have varied start times and

Charlottesville, VA

different emphases within their core curricula, but all of them will

University of Washington, Schools of Medicine and Dentistry Seattle, WA

be valuable in the long run. Yale School of Medicine New Haven, CT

For more information on SMDEP, go to: 44 | Keepsake 2012

In the Spotlight

Amelie Muse Romelus, MD Med School + Residency: University of Florida Recent med school grad Dr. Amelie Muse Romelus emigrated from Haiti when she was 10 and credits her mother for much of her success and drive. Her mom boldly moved to the U.S. from Haiti alone, working and preparing for a year to bring her children to South Florida. Romelus describes her mom as the type of woman who would do anything for her kids and has worked two jobs since she’s been in this country. After staying with an uncle in Haiti for a year, Romelus moved to Boynton Beach to join her


mom. It wasn’t easy. She landed in a country where she couldn’t understand the language and was placed in an English language program at school. In Haiti, she spoke Creole at home and French at school. But she and her two younger sisters excelled—one sister is a pharmacist in Tampa and the youngest, who’s 17, wants to become a dentist. Their mother encouraged her daughters to go into health care, viewing it as a stable field. “She inspires me, and she works so hard for me,” Romelus says. “I feel it’s only fair for me to work just as hard for her.” Romelus initially resisted the notion of becoming a doctor, getting bachelor degrees in psy-

Keepsake 2012 | 45

chology and health science, then her master’s degree in health administration, all from University of Florida (UF). She was involved in numerous leadership organizations, including being an ambassador for UF through Florida Cicerones, and was named UF Homecoming Queen in 2003. After working as a receptionist for an administrator at a local nursing home while she was in high school, Romelus’ original goal was to become a hospital executive. She loved working with geriatric patients and thought such a job would allow her to lead as well as have hands-on experience in her work. But she reconsidered her choice during graduate school when she overheard one of her classmates commenting that he was going into health-care administration so he wouldn’t have to deal with patients. She was still volunteering at a nursing home in Gainesville because she loved the elderly patients and knew she wanted regular patient contact. “I realized I needed to go to medical school,” Romelus said, adding that meant she had to take the needed prerequisite classes for medical school while finishing her master’s degree program. Medical school was intense, mainly due to the amount of information she had to digest and master in a short time. It’s the friendships she’s made in her class that have gotten her through, she said, adding that one of her favorite things to do to relax is cook new recipes to share with friends. “There are late nights and early mornings, and you get through it together,” she says. “Sometimes all you need is for someone to sit there with you and not say anything.” There have been tough times, like the catastrophic earthquake that hit Haiti in January 2010. She recalled her mom calling the morning of the quake, telling her to turn on the news. After seeing the death and destruction in the island nation, she spent five agonizing days, unable to reach anyone in Haiti and fearing the worst. Fortunately, everyone in her immediate family survived, although the home and business of the uncle she had stayed with as a child was destroyed. Romelus chose internal medicine because she likes the close, continuing relationship with patients that the specialty offers. One of her role models within the specialty is George J. Caranasos, MD, a professor in UF’s division of internal medicine. “His patients trust him and he genuinely loves what he does,” she says. We’re sure Romelus’s patients feel the same way about her.

46 | Keepsake 2012


connections USING THE LMSA MENTORING PROGRAM TO BOOST YOUR SUCCESS IN MED SCHOOL The Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) Mentorship Program helps match up prehealth students with medical student members of their organization to help you figure out all the challenges of getting into medical (or other health professional) school. Want an LMSA mentor? It’s as easy




Stanford University

UC Davis

UC Irvine


UC Riverside

UC San Diego

UC San Francisco

U of Arizona

USC Keck

U of Utah

U of Washington


as sending an email!

WEIGH YOUR COSTS The most important question for medical

usually cover such items as books, supplies, and

school is the money question. Medical school

sometimes room and board; you’ll need to fac-

isn’t cheap. Not including housing and living ex-

tor in other items like equipment, transporta-

penses, annual tuition and fees for state medi-

tion, and class-related travel. Find out exactly

cal schools in 2010-2011 averaged $24,150 for

what the fees for your prospective schools will

state residents and $44,816 for non-residents.

cover. Personal expenses like clothing, rent or

Annual fees for private medical schools average

mortgage, public transportation, child-care ex-

$43,616 for residents and $43,788 for non-resi-

penses, credit card payments, relocation costs,

dent students.

and internship/residency applications and in-

Tuition and fees aren’t the only financial obligations you’ll have in medical school. While fees

terviews are generally not covered within a financial aid package.

Keepsake 2012 | 47

PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE The practice of medicine is a delicate balance of art and science, new technology and conventional wisdom. Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine provides a holistic approach to health care and education that combines the most current advances in medical training with the time-honored tradition of human interaction. PCOM and GA–PCOM have a commitment to underserved populations and present opportunities for students to train in cultural competency to become effective physicians in a variety of settings. And, with a “Doctor from Day One” philosophy, students are given the opportunity to interact with patients during their first year.

PCOM medical students learn primary care skills with the assistance of standardized patients—actors who simulate patients. Students receive honest, constructive feedback based on their performance as they become proficient in performing medical exams.

As an osteopathic medical college, PCOM embraces a “whole person” approach to medicine. Students learn to see patients in their entirety, not as a collection of systems. With a focus on preventive care, doctors of osteopathic medicine help patients develop attitudes and lifestyles that don’t just fight illness, they help prevent it as well. Philadelphia College of Osteopathic is also home to the Robert Berger, DO, Clinical Learning and Assessment Center, which houses some of the most sophisticated medical simulation technology available today. From human patient simulators to laparoscopic, endoscopic and arthroscopic trainers, simulators provide the opportunity for students to become proficient in a wide range of medical scenarios. New to PCOM is a combined DO/PhD program in cellular and molecular biology. The dual degree is offered in conjunction with University of the Sciences in Philadelphia.

Medical simulators allow students to become skilled in critical thinking, decision making, clinical techniques and team work in areas ranging from emergency medicine to obstetrics and gynecology.

Hands-on learning is an essential part of the PCOM experience. Students conduct original research with PCOM faculty, often serving as co-authors on published papers.


Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine has been training highly-qualified, caring osteopathic physicians for over 100 years with a long-standing commitment to minority students. Whether you choose PCOM in Philadelphia or GA–PCOM in Suwanee, Georgia, when you are accepted to PCOM, you become part of a rich tradition of excellence in education and leadership. Dedicated to providing every student with the resources necessary to be successful in their field, PCOM seeks individuals who demonstrate compassion and dedication to the challenges of a career in osteopathic medicine.

WE ALSO OFFER THE FOLLOWING GRADUATE PROGRAMS: Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Georgia Campus – Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Physician Assistant Studies Clinical Psychology Counseling and Clinical Health Psychology School Psychology Biomedical Sciences Forensic Medicine Organizational Development and Leadership

Biomedical Sciences Doctor of Pharmacy Organizational Development and Leadership

Contact Marsha Williams at 800-999-6998 or 215-871-6700

Keepsake College Student Profile RHODA ASIMENG SIENA COLLEGE

Rhoda Asimeng, a junior at Siena College in Loudonville, NY, received national attention when she was featured on the American Medical News website for her participation in a summer program at Montefiore Medical Center in Bronx, NY. The Montefiore program was designed to give students from racially diverse backgrounds the opportunity to explore ca-


reers in medicine. During the intense six-week program, Asimeng attended lectures, learned medical techniques, and shadowed physicians in a variety of different spe-

“Rhoda impressed me immediately with her moti-

cialties. Asmieng also conducted research and wrote

vation and commitment to pursuing her education,”

a final paper on infant mortality rates.

said HEOP Associate Director Cynda Brousseau. “It

“The whole experience gave me a sense of confidence,” said Asimeng. Asimeng has dreamed of becoming a physician

was evident that Rhoda was a student who would engage thoroughly in the Siena experience and give back to the Siena community wholeheartedly.”

since she was 13 years old. It is a dream that stemmed

Asimeng is actively involved in the HEOP peer-

from her experience with both of her parents being

mentoring program. Asimeng is also a member of

diagnosed with cancer. The compassionate medical

the American Red Cross Club, Ambassador Club, Bi-

care her parents received sparked her interest in a

ology Club, and was an orientation leader for first-

career based on helping others. Asimeng hopes to

year students. Her experiences and interactions at

become a general practitioner in a high-needs area.

Siena are preparing her for a career in the medical

“Minorities don’t have access to good physicians,” said Asimeng. “It’s easier to relate to a doctor if you’re from the same background.” Asimeng is a member of Siena’s Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP).

field. “People here care about each other. I’ve learned how to be compassionate and personable,” said Asimeng. “These are qualities that will make me a good physician.”

HEOP gives students who might not be able to at-

While Asimeng still has a long road ahead, she re-

tend college, due to educational and financial limi-

mains focused on achieving her dream. “With Rho-

tations, the chance to study here at Siena. When

da’s drive, determination, and perseverance,” said

Asimeng applied to the program, she was one of

Brousseau, “I have no doubt that we will be calling

seventeen students chosen from an applicant pool of

her Dr. Asimeng someday.”

more than 470 students.

50 | Keepsake 2012


Once you’ve calculated your expected costs, move on to determining how much funding a school may provide in scholarships and grant aid. Remember:

“Teaching is

touching life.”

The real issue is not how much school costs. It’s how much you will actually have to pay.

—Jaime Escalante

DON’T BE DETERRED Medical school may be one of the biggest invest-

cal school continues to swell, while some physician

ments you’ll ever make. Even in the years before

salaries have plateaued or dwindled. Yet, even with

tuition inflation, aspiring medical students were

higher debts, there are lots of options to help lessen

shouldering heavy debts. They were confident

your costs (and give you more experience).

about these investments because of the projected

A wide array of loans, scholarships, and grants

income waiting for them at the end of their residen-

are available to those who are determined to get a


medical education. Some of these may minimize

These days, with new areas of specialization and

your debt. Some are need-based; some are not.

longer training periods, students have to wait lon-

Some options are targeted to individuals who plan

ger to start earning an income. The cost of medi-

to pursue careers in primary care or who agree Keepsake 2012 | 51

to practice in underserved areas for a predetermined amount of time. However, you will need to plan your budget carefully so that you don’t end up with more debt than necessary. Most medical students borrow at least a portion of the money they need to finance their education. According to the AAMC 2010 Graduation Questionnaire (GQ) data, an average of 86% of medical students graduate with some type of educational debt. Many receive substantial financial assistance from loans guaranteed by the federal government. The GQ data from 2010 shows that the median student debt was $160,000. That’s no small amount. However, a medical education is an investment that promises strong returns throughout the entirety of your career.

SCHOLARSHIPS School scholarships are reserved for the best of the best. If you work hard, you can make yourself eligible for these special gifts. Most medical schools have scholarships they award from endowed funds donated by individuals or organizations. These awards are distributed according to a particular donor’s applicant-eligibility criteria. For an exhaustive list of scholarships, see the AAMC site:

52 | Keepsake 2012

A few scholarship opportunities we really like... Herbert W. Nickens Medical Student Scholarships Though it takes a while to qualify for this one, this AAMC scholarship is well worth the wait. It recognizes outstanding academic achievement of medical students entering their third year who have shown leadership in efforts to eliminate inequalities in medical education, health care, and the educational, social, and physical needs of minorities in the United States. Recipients receive a $5,000 scholarship in November of the year the scholarships are awarded. For more information: overview.html

National Medical Fellowships (NMF) NMF’s mission is to diversify the health care workforce, and to do that, they award millions of dollars to minority students through needbased scholarships, grants and fellowships to medical students. More than 65 percent of NMF scholars have annual family incomes of $35,000 or below. For more information:

SERVICE SCHOLARSHIPS & REPAYMENT PROGRAMS Some programs offer you the option to supplement your medical school expenses with work or other service-based opportunities. These help build your resume and your bank account.

NHSC With the passage of the Healthcare Reform Law (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act), the





Corps (NHSC), a popular service scholarship program, received a huge financial boost. The law permanently authorized the program and awarded it over $1.5 billion of enhanced funding. This money will help an estimated 15,000-17,000 clinicians. It works like this: Successful applicants receive up to $170,000 in loan repayment for completing a five-year service commitment in underserved communities across the country. If you don’t have that much time, there’s also a two-year option that pays back $60,000 of your loan. Recipients of these awards will commit to practice in NHSCapproved sites located in Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs). Approved HPSAs include rural and Indian Health Service clinics, public health department clinics, hospital-affiliated primary care practices, managed care


networks, prisons, and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforce-

Keepsake 2012 | 53

ment sites. About half of the NHSC members serve in federally-supported health centers. For more information:

The Military HPSP In return for active military service, the U.S. Air

“Without a struggle, there

can be no progress.”

—Frederick Douglass

Force, Army, and Navy offer the Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP). HPSP pays full tuition and fees, books and supplies, along with a monthly stipend, for 12 months. For each year students participate in the program, they must serve one year in the Armed Forces. Applicants are selected based on academic performance, leadership potential, faculty recommendations, and a strong commitment to practice as a medical officer. Applicants must meet the following criteria: • Be a United States citizen. • Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment in an accredited medical school in the U.S., Puerto Rico, or any U.S. territory. • Be physically and morally qualified. • Sign an agreement to complete the program, accept commission in the appropriate service, and accept an internship in a military institution. Medical students in the HPSP also receive a small monthly remuneration for living expenses. In return, students must serve a year-for-year match in terms of active and reserve duty. Students can typically attend the medical school of their choice. It is important to note, however, that they must be accepted by the medical school prior to applying for HPSP. The military does not help


students gain admittance to medical schools. Accepted students in the HPSP are commissioned as inactive reservists

during their school studies. However, they are still required to participate in 45 days of active duty each year as part of their scholarship requirements. Upon graduation, students will apply for medical residency through a military match program and are elevated in rank to officer status. Typically this residency

54 | Keepsake 2012

is served in one of the military hospitals, although in some instances, it can be served in a civilian hospital. Upon residency completion, the student must complete four years of active duty. At the end of four years, doctors can choose to continue their military career or enter into service in the civilian sector. If doctors choose the civilian option, they must offer four additional years as a reservist. For additional information, contact your local Armed Services Recruitment Office.

NIH If medical research is your passion, the National Institutes of Health can help you repay your student loans with assistance from one of their generous Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs). NIH created its LRPs to encourage outstanding health professionals to pursue careers in biomedical, behavioral, social, and clinical research. To qualify, you must commit at least two years to conducting qualified research funded by a domestic nonprofit organization or U.S. federal, state, or local government entity. In return, NIH may repay up to $35,000 per year towards your qualified student loan debt (which covers most undergraduate, graduate and medical school loans). Repayment benefits are in addition to the institutional salary you will receive during your research. For more info:


Keepsake 2012 | 55


It all begins with


Summer Scholars applications are available online at

w w w. o u c o m . o h i o u . e d u / S u m m e r S c h o l a r s / a p p l i c a t i o n . h t m .


It can be difficult preparing for and surviving medical school but you don’t have to do it “ Summer Scholars and the Prematriculation program gave me the skills and confidence I needed heading into medical school. Because of OU-HCOM’s premedical programs and the college’s commitment to training culturally competent physicians, I can proudly say that I’m living my dream of becoming a family physician.” – Mirna L. Martinez, First-Year Resident Specializing in Family Practice and Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment

alone. In fact, the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine is committed to making sure that you don’t. With a range of programs designed to assist underrepresented, economically and/or educationally disadvantaged students, OU-HCOM provides resources for your success every step of the way.


Medical Students: A Career In Pediatrics Can Open Up New Doors The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has a membership opportunity for medical students. The AAP offers many benefits, both general and specific to medical students, including:  Affiliate membership in the Section on Medical Students, Residents and Fellowship Trainees  FREE admission to the AAP National Conference & Exhibition (NCE)  Discounts on all AAP products and services  Pediatrics 101—a resource guide from the AAP  Online Resources - An e-newsletter for medical students, - Medical Student Listserv®, - Access to the YoungPeds Network AND the new networking site YPConnection!!! And much, much more!

For information please contact us at: or call Julie Raymond at (800) 433-9016 ext. 7137 or visit

Student debt statistics • $157,944—According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), the average educational debt of indebted graduates of the class of 2010. • 78 percent of graduates have debt of at least $100,000.


• 59 precent of graduates have debt of at least $150,000. • 88 percent of graduating


medical students carry outstanding loans.

Because medical students have a high probability of post-

Source: AAMC 2010 Graduation Ques-

graduation employment, private student loan agencies


consider them “safe” options. This can work in your favor. More than 88 percent of all medical students borrow money to pay for their education, with debts averaging almost $160,000 after four years of medical school for medical students who graduated in 2010. Despite these numbers, loans are an accessible and popular tool for subsidizing the high costs of education. Borrowing limits vary by lender, but most offer up to “full-expense less aid,” though “full-expense” can sometimes be liberally defined. Individual lenders (like those listed below) set their own interest rates.

Here’s a brief list of loan providers: Access Group

Nellie Mae

Citi Student Loans & CitiAssist Health Professions and Residency Loans

Sallie Mae

Graduate Leverage


Keepsake 2012 | 59

Minority Funding Programs and Information If you’re a member of an underrepresented minority group, be sure to check out This AAMC website is targeted toward increasing diversity in medicine and is chock full of information and inspiration, including real-life testimonials from people like you. National Medical Fellowships (NMF)—see page 42. Indian Health Service—Scholarships for Native Ameri-


can and native Alaskan students are also available. Check out the Indian Health Service Loan Repayment program:

FINANCIAL AID RESOURCES American Educational Guidance Center, Free Scholarship Searches htm Catching the Dream, Native American Scholarship Fund College Board CollegeNET Mach25 Scholarship Search CollegeView Financial Aid, “Paying” Financial Aid Guide Scholarship Guide

60 | Keepsake 2012

FinAid! The SmartStudentTM Guide to Financial Aid FreSch! Free Scholarship Search Hispanic Scholarship Fund Minority College Scholarships html Sallie Mae ® Sallie Mae® College Answer® U.S. News & World Report, “Paying For College” index.html

MEDICAL STUDENT RESOURCES American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine

Association of American Medical Colleges, Considering a Medical Career

American Medical Association, AMA Resources for Medical Students

The Education Resources Institute

American Medical Student Association Association of American Medical Colleges,

Penn Medicine, The Office for Diversity: “The Journey to Medical School” Student Osteopathic Medical Association Summer Medical and Dental Education Program




DOING IT.” —James Baldwin Keepsake 2012 | 61

The American Dental Education Association (ADEA) and are committed to preparing individuals from diverse backgrounds for careers in the health professions. is a comprehensive source for information about health careers including healthrelated education and training programs, financial aid resources, and contemporary topics in health care.

Opportunities for Minority Students in U.S. Dental Schools expands on these resources for individuals interested in dentistry and includes profiles of dental professionals, information on the necessary preparation for dental school, and additional resources of interest to minority students. For more information on the American

62 | Keepsake 2012


Dental Education Association and to order

Opportunities for Minority Students in U.S. Dental Schools, visit

You have what it takes to be a...



othing brightens your day like a perfect smile. Dentists

make these smiles happen. As a dentist, you can build relationships with your patients, you can be your own boss, you can make your own hours—and your car will look nice, too. Dentists are well paid, intelligent, and independent professionals. Dentistry is also one of the oldest forms of health care. While not everyone enjoys office visits, their smiles will speak volumes.


WHY DENTISTRY? Dental care is a life-long necessity. No matter how old people are, they will need cleanings, checkups, corrections, and the occasional cosmetic consultations. While other jobs on the market are being terminated or downsized, the need for dentists stays the same. As lifestyle habits and choices continue to evolve, the dental profession will continue to utilize the skills of dynamic young professionals. New technology, treatments, and methods are constantly introduced into the dental profession, bringing with them a need for knowledgeable

and adaptable specialists. Increasingly, efficient pain management methods and treatments help ease patients’ apprehension, making everyone’s job a little better. Finally, new breakthroughs in cosmetic dentistry make once-expensive treatments more affordable, allowing dentists to serve a broader range of clientele. As a dentist, you are awarded greater professional flexibility than other medical professionals. Many dentists will open an office in their own name, utilizing their dental skill along with a healthy dose of good business sense. As a potential business owner, you will enjoy tax incentives to develop your business, you can build a staff around your professional philosophy, and you

“The point is not to pay back kindness

but to pass it on.”

—Julia Alvarez Keepsake 2012 | 63

can make your own hours. Alternately, you can enter into a partnership with another practice and enjoy the reward of working with others. After you get the cool new technology, your name on the door, and a meaningful career, the real reward of being a dentist is the simple satisfaction of a job well done. While some people will work for years with little to show, you’ll see smiles around town and know that you’re the one making those smiles shine.

WHAT A DENTIST EARNS According to the American Dental Association (ADA), the average net income for an independent private practitioner who owned all or part of his or her practice in 2009 was $192,680 for a general practitioner and $305,820 for a specialist. Dental school enrollment was at its highest level during the late 1970s/early 1980s, with peak enrollment of 22,842 in the 1980-81 academic year. In the last ten years, first-year predoctoral enrollment has risen an average of 1.8% annually. It’s estimated

What Does a Dentist Do? • Diagnoses, prevents, and treats teeth and tissue diseases, injuries and malformations. • Fills cavities, removes decay, and performs

that the need for new dentists will continue to grow, especially in underserved areas.


corrective surgery on gums and supporting bones

Though you might have only visited your

to treat gum disease.

dentist at a community clinic or private

• Extracts teeth and makes models and take

practice, dentistry skills can actually be

measurements for dentures to replace missing

used a wide variety of areas.

teeth. • Gives instructions on dental care such as diet, brushing, flossing, and the use of fluoride. • Examines x-rays, place protective sealants on children’s teeth, and repairs fractured teeth. • Administers anesthetics and write prescriptions for antibiotics and other medications.

PRIVATE PRACTICE The most common way to be a dentist is also the most hands-on. You can work in solo private practice or in partnerships with other dentists. The majority of private practice dentists own their own practices.

• Hires and oversees a staff of dental hygienists,


dental assistants, dental laboratory technicians

An academic dentistry career combines

and receptionists.

teaching, research, community service, and patient care. The university is an intellectually stimulating and exciting environment,

64 | Keepsake 2012

and there is a huge need for URM dentists in the academic setting. For more information, go to the American Dental Education Association’s (ADEA) website,

PUBLIC HEALTH DENTISTRY As opposed to a solo or group private practice, dentists in public health work in a community clinic or other community setting. You’ll work to promote dental health, develop health policy and prevent disease, as well as have opportunities for research and teaching. Through the U.S. Public Health Service, you can have the chance to work in unique settings: Indian Reservations, Coast Guard bases, Federal prisons, and others.

RESEARCH If you’re more interested in scientific de-


velopment for dentistry, a research career might be right for you. As a dental researcher, you’ll be on the cutting edge of scientific discoveries that improve patient care. Researchers often work at universities, though some also work for federal agencies such as the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), Unless you limit yourself to clinical research (research within the scope of your practice), a research degree requires an advanced degree or additional training beyond the dental degree.

INTERNATIONAL HEALTH CARE Love to travel? A career in international health could be your ticket. You could work with populations around the globe for such agencies as the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

HOSPITAL DENTISTRY If you’re energized by working in a hospital setting, you might want to consider hospital dentistry. You’ll

Keepsake 2012 | 65

work alongside physicians and other health care



treat patients with medical conditions and disabilities. Hospital dentists




strong interest in medicine and collaborative care and have spent a year or more training in a hospital-based setting after dental school.



Statistics indicate that 58 percent of the population will be comprised of

ties need you! Individuals and families living in

underrepresented groups by the year 2050, which

underserved communities often lack the resourc-

means that the need for dentists in these commu-

es to visit the dentist regularly or ensure proper

nities will continue to grow. Dentists from diverse

dental care. Many of these communities may not

ethnic and social backgrounds will often practice

even have a local dental office.

in their home communities, and those communi-

DENTAL SPECIALISTS If you want to do more than fill cavities and tell

• Pediatric dentists specialize in den-

people to floss, you might want to consider a den-

tal care for children from toddlerhood

tal specialization. You’ll have to spend a little

through adolescence.

longer in school, but your specialty can be used

• Endodontists perform a variety of

across different fields (and your paychecks will be

procedures including root canal therapy,

a little bigger, too).

endodontic retreatment, surgery, treating

• Periodontists diagnose, prevent and

cracked teeth, and treating dental trauma.

treat gum disease. They can also place

Root canal therapy is one of the most

dental implants as well as perform cos-

common procedures.

metic periodontal treatments.

• Orthodontists treat malocclusions

66 | Keepsake 2012

(improper bites), which may be a result of tooth irregularity, disproportionate jaw relationships, or both. The most common treatment is the use of braces and retainers, but some orthodontists actually work on

“If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it,

then I can achieve it.”

—Muhammad Ali

reconstructing the entire face rather than focusing exclusively on teeth. • Prosthodontists help their patients regain function and appearance after suffering with missing or deficient teeth. They do cosmetic restoration and tooth replacement.

BECOMING A DENTIST Much like the medical school process, dental school takes a lot of work. The best way to get started is to dedicate yourself to the basic sciences as an undergraduate, and compliment your education with relevant extra-curriculars that will look good on your résumé. When it’s time to apply, every little bit counts. Dental school typically takes four years to complete. Schools award either a degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) or a Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD). Additional postgraduate training is required to if you wish to pursue a dental specialization, such as orthodontics or periodontics (see above).

BOSTON UNIVERSITY Keepsake 2012 | 67

DENTAL SCHOOL TIMELINE Freshman & Sophomore Years Plan your coursework • The prerequisite courses covered on the Dental Admission Test (DAT) should already be completed as you end of the spring semester of your junior year of college. • At a minimum, these courses are 8 semester hours of general biology, 8 semester hours of inorganic chemistry, and 8 semester hours of organic chemistry. • Be aware that the DAT covers general biology topics. • Note that physics is not covered on the DAT; many predental students take the required physics courses in their senior year, after they have taken the DAT.

Make contact with your college professors While you are in college, take the time to establish personal connections with your professors. You are going to need to ask some of these instructors for letters of recommendation, and they can’t write a letter if they don’t know you. Additionally, these professional connections can become useful as you continue your education and career.

Make good use of your summers • Take part in an academic enrichment program such as the Summer




Education Program http://www. It’s a free (including housing and meals) six-week summer medical and dental school preparatory program that offers eligible students intensive and personalized medical and dental school preparation. • You can also try to work in a dental office to see what the day-


to-day life of a dentist is all about. • Get information from schools regarding diversity and admis-

68 | Keepsake 2012

sions requirements. Talk to guidance coun-

dation. If you get started early, you can

selors at these schools to get an idea how

build in room for errors, which will make

you’ll fit with their programs.

things easier for you and the AADSAS.

Junior and Senior Years Take the Dental Admission Test (DAT) as early as possible • The DAT is a computerized test given in local testing centers across the US almost every day of the year. • You can apply to take the DAT at www. • Plan to take the DAT either in late spring or very early summer between your junior and senior year in college, or take it early in the year you plan on submitting your ap-

Send in all parts of your dental school application • Applications become available May 15, and AADSAS starts processing on June 1. An early application significantly enhances your chances of being admitted to dental school. Don’t procrastinate and let that application deadline sneak up on you! • Submit your AADSAS application. Note: fee reductions are offered to individuals who can demonstrate extreme financial need.


Prepare for your interview

• Important: you must wait a minimum

If you are selected for an interview, it will help re-

of 90 days to retake the DAT. If you’re not

lieve your anxiety if you come prepared. Participate

happy with your scores and you waited too

in mock interviews offered by your predental orga-

long to take the DAT, you may not be able

nization or college career center.

to retake it in time to affect your applica-

• Get a good interviewing outfit. Profes-


sional business attire is the norm, and if

Apply to AADSAS • File an application with the American Association of Dental Schools Application Service (AADSAS) in the summer a year before you plan to enroll in dental school. • The earlier you apply to AADSAS, the earlier your application can be reviewed by the Admissions Committee. • Applying early allows you plenty of time for the unexpected; things like test delays, or lost mail and late letters of recommen-

you look sharp, you’ll make a great first impression. • Know where the school is located and how long it takes to get there. • Congratulations! All your hard work paid off and you got into dental school! Use the summer before your fall enrollment to travel, relax or work to earn a bit of money before starting your first year. Whatever you do, have fun and enjoy the beginning of your new career path!

Keepsake 2012 | 69




Why dentistry? Growing up, my father stressed to my brothers and me that we should always strive to make a change in the lives of others. I was 17 when I saw that dentistry would allow me to provide health care to those in need, give


back to the community, and, most importantly, develop relationships that truly impact the lives of others. My second eldest brother had just enrolled in dental school, and it was through his guidance and mentoring

that I realized dentistry was the medical field for me.

Any advice for applicants? People say that applying to dental school is all about efficiency and playing your cards correctly. They are right! Get your applications in as soon as possible. Give yourself ample time to take the DAT; it is one of the most important tests of your young career and you’ll want to be well prepared. Dentistry is a great profession. Go to your nearest dentist and shadow him or her. You will see the profession up close and if it’s truly for you.

What are your short-term and long-term goals? I am focusing on learning and absorbing as much as possible during my clinical years of dental school. There is so much to learn, and so little time to learn it. After graduation, I would like to continue my dental education and pursue a specialty in orthodontics. While in pursuit of my ultimate goal, I will continue to be a strong advocate for community outreach by encouraging betters standards in oral health care.

WHAT SCHOOLS WANT FROM YOU Dental schools want smart, dedicated, and self-reliant students. Because of this, they’re going to look at your GPA and Dental Admission Test (DAT) scores before they look

“I change myself,

at anything else. Your background, experience, internships, and letters of recommendation are also important. The more work you do at the front end, the better your chances will be.

70 | Keepsake 2012

I change the world.” —Gloria Anzaldua

HOW TO APPLY Plan on starting the application process at least a year before you’ll be admitted. There are three main steps in the application process: • Take the DAT at least a year before you want to start school. • Submit a centralized application form to AD-

Tips For Standing Out

EA’s Associated American Dental Schools Appli-

• Apply early!

cation Service (AADSAS).

• Read all instructions carefully

• Submit all of your school-specific materials.

before completing the ADEA AADSAS application.


• Print a copy of your ADEA AADSAS application. • Monitor your application online.

The Dental Admission Test (DAT) is a computerized

Check messages from ADEA AADSAS

test given by the ADA and is required for admissions

by email or online.

by all dental schools. The test is composed of four ar-

• Remember that ADEA AADSAS

eas: natural science survey, perceptual ability, read-

considers your application complete

ing comprehension, and quantitative reasoning. DAT

and will begin processing your appli-

tests are held year round, and take about five hours.

cation after they receive your submit-

The current cost of the test is $320.

ted ADEA AADSAS application, your

The test is designed to measure general academic

official college transcripts from all

ability, comprehension of scientific information, and

schools attended (even if coursework

perceptual ability. While all dental schools require

is posted to another, more recently at-

applicants to take the DAT, test results are only one

tended college), and the total applica-

factor considered in evaluating the admission poten-

tion fee.

tial of an examinee. For more info:


ASSOCIATED AMERICAN DENTAL SCHOOLS APPLICATION SERVICE (AADSAS) Most dental schools use the Associated American Dental Schools Application Service (AADSAS), which provides a single, standard application form. This saves you time filling out multiple applications and also gives dental schools the ability to access a single set of information. The fee for the 2011 ADEA AADSAS application is $235 for the first dental school and $75 for each additional school. ADEA AADSAS offers a Fee Assistance Program (FAP) for applicants who demonstrate extreme financial need. Details of this program can be obtained at Keepsake 2012 | 71

INTERVIEWING FOR DENTAL SCHOOL The dental school interview is the final step for your application. It gives you a chance to learn more about the school,


and have the school learn more about you. Treat it like a job interview. Make a good impression and in a few years, you might be on the other side of that desk. Dress conservatively and be prepared by practicing with a friend first. A video camera is helpful for improving your style. Interviewers will be asking you questions to assess your self-confidence, ability to meet challenges, capacity to work independently, and motivation for seeking a dental career. Be sure you ask questions about the program to learn if it’s right for you.

PAYING FOR DENTAL SCHOOL Even though dental school isn’t cheap, the risk is worth the reward. Think of the price of your education as an investment in your future success, but be smart about how you invest your money. The choices you make now will affect the path of your career. Aside from private and federal loan assistance, seek out scholarships designed for people like you. The Underrepresented Minority Dental Student Scholarship program was created by the ADA for underrepresented students in dental schools: The Scholarship for Disadvantaged Students (SDS) program provides scholarships for full-time, financially needy students from underprivileged backgrounds enrolled in a health professions program. The Loans for Disadvantaged


dents (LDS) program


offers long-term, low-

Over 77% of graduates have a debt over $100,000

interest rate loans to

Source: Annual ADEA Survey of Dental School Seniors: 2009 Graduating Class



72 | Keepsake 2012


does the Health Professions Student Loan (HPSL) program. Go to dsa/ The American Fund for Dental Health offers scholarships of $2500 for first-year minority students. Write to them at 211 E. Chicago Ave. #820, Chicago, IL 60611. Applications are due by July 31, prior to the second year of dental school. The Hispanic Dental Association Foundation has four different scholarship funds to encourage the entry of Hispanics into dental health careers. Go to http://www.hdassoc. org/site/epage/8351_351.htm. The National Health Service Corps offers loan repayment for dental school. http://


DENTAL STUDENT RESOURCES Associated American Dental Schools Application Service American Dental Association National Dental Association

American Academy of Periodontology Hispanic Dental Association Society of American Indian Dentists Association

Student National Dental Association

Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science

American Dental Education Association

Black Dental Edge:

American Student Dental Association

Keepsake 2012 | 73






Salary: Salary: $30,000-150,000

Salary: $41,000-56,000

Training: 5-8 years

Training: 4-6 years



Salary: Salary: $110,000-120,000

Salary: $90,000

Training: 6-8 years

Training: 7-8 years



Salary: $35,000-40,000 Training: 6 years

Salary: $32,000-62,400 Training: 2-4 years



Salary: $52,000-90,000

Salary: $50,800-100,000

Training: 8 years

Training: 6-10 years



Salary: $33,000-86,625 Training: 6-9 years

BIOSTATISTICS Salary: $33,000-63,000 Training: 6-9 years

74 | Keepsake 2012

Salary: $35,000-60,000

CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATOR (CSI) Salary: $27,683-52,471 Training: 2-6 years



Salary: $54,870-66,766

Salary: $38,175-136,237

Training: 4-5 years

Training: 6-9 years



Salary: $27,248

Salary: $37,479-48,431

Training: 1-2 years

Training: 4-6 years



Salary: $55,307

Salary: $35,000-70,000

Training: 2-6 years

Training: 4-6 years



Salary: $28,496

Salary: $27,683-52,471 Training: 4-8 years



Training: 2-4 years

Salary: $27,683-52,471 Training: 4-6 years

DIETITIAN Salary: $42,000-55,000


Training: 4-5 years

Salary: $45,000-55,000 Training: 4-6 years


HEALTH ADMINISTRATOR Salary: $40,000-110,000

Training: 2 years

Training: 4-6 years



Salary: $45,000-110,000

Salary: $37,050-161,400

Training: 4-6 years

Training: 6-9 years



Salary: $45,000-113,000

Training: 2-5 years

Salary: $25,000-45,000

Training: 4-6 years

MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH Salary: $33,000-63,000 Training: 6-9 years

Keepsake 2012 | 75



Salary: $21,620-24,460

Salary: $80,000

Training: 1-2 years

Training: 8 years



Salary: $30,000-40,000

MEDICAL ILLUSTRATOR Salary: $63,000-77,000 Training: 4-6 years

MEDICAL LIBRARIAN Salary: $40,832-158,000 Training: 6-10 years

Salary: $65,000 Training: 1 years

NURSE ANESTHETIST Salary: $130,000 Training: 6-7 years

NURSE EDUCATOR Salary: $70,000-90,000 Training: 6-10 years


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76 | Keepsake 2012

While it varies by pharmacy practice area, recent pharmacy graduates can earn top salaries right out of college! Pharmacy is a career that offers great benefits, flexible work schedules, outstanding growth opportunities, profit sharing and much more.

Outstanding opportunities. There is a need for pharmacists in a wide variety of occupational settings.

If you enjoy working with people, excel in science and would like a rewarding healthcare career, pharmacy is for you!

A well-rounded career. Pharmacy is an exciting blend of science, healthcare, direct patient contact, computer technology A vital part of the and business. healthcare system. Pharmacists play an integral role in improving patients’ health through the medicine and information they provide.

Excellent earning potential. Pharmacy is one of the most financially rewarding careers.

A trusted profession. Pharmacists are consistently ranked as one of the most highly trusted professionals because of the care and service they provide.* *According to data by Wirthlin Worldwide and Gallup International

“This is an exciting time to be in the profession of pharmacy…” The demand for pharmacy services continues to grow and, according to the Pharmacy Workforce Center, there will be a need for more than 400,000 pharmacists in 2020. As the demand for services increases, the professional opportunities for pharmacists will expand. Currently, pharmacists have the ability to work in a variety of settings such as community, hospital, clinical, industry, government, consulting and academia. Because of their drug therapy knowledge, pharmacists have a critical role on the health care team. They are responsible for working with other health professionals to manage patients’ medication therapy regimen. Oftentimes this includes selection of the medication and dose to ensure the best outcome for the patient. As the minority population continues to grow in the U.S., the profession has recognized the need to train more minority pharmacists. Pharmacists with similar backgrounds as their patients are more likely to be aware of the cultural factors that Rondall E. Allen, PharMD may impact patients’ treatment regimen and quality of life. This is especially important when managing diseases that disproportionately affect minorities such as diabetes, cancer and HIV/AIDS. -Rondall E. Allen, PharMD AACP Member Clinical Assistant Professor Associate Dean for Student Affairs Xavier University of Louisiana College of Pharmacy

Visit the AACP Web site to learn more about pharmacy education and careers at



Salary: $70,000

Salary: $25,600-35,000

Training: 6-10 years

Training: 1-2 years



Salary: $74,812

Salary: $104,414

Training: 6-8 years

Training: 8 years



Salary: $95,000-100,000

Salary: $33,742-89,334

Training: 8-11 years

Training: 4-6 years



Salary: $16,640-29,120

Salary: $60,000-90,000 Training: 4-6 years


PEDIATRIC NURSE Salary: $48,000-68,000

Training: 4-6 years

Training: 4-6 years



Salary: $63,472

Salary: $45,000-80,000

Training: 5-8 years

Training: 4-6 years



Salary: $54,660

Salary: $107,403 Training: 6-8 years


OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSISTANT Salary: $38,430 Training: 2 years


78 | Keepsake 2012

PHARMACY TECHNICIAN Salary: $25,625 Training: 1-2 years

PHLEBOTOMIST Salary: $25,177-30,470 Training: 2-4 years



Salary: $68,000

Salary: $42,110

Training: 6-9 years

Training: 4-6 years



Salary: $37,000

Salary: $42,078-73,000

Training: 2 years

Training: 2-5 years



Salary: $93,105

Salary: $29,100-49,500

Training: 2-6 years

Training: 4-10 years



Salary: $134,414

Training: 6 years

Salary: $45,000-68,600

Training: 8 years

PSYCHOLOGIST Salary: $30,000-76,604

SURGICAL TECHNOLOGIST Salary: $31,210 Training: 1-2 years

Training: 6-8 years

PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE Salary: $51,000-55,000

VETERINARIAN Salary: $101,040 Training: 8 years

Training: 4-6 years


VETERINARY TECHNOLOGIST/ TECHNICIAN Salary: $25,000-27,000 Training: 2 years

Training: 6-9 years



Salary: $42,000-65,000

Salary: $31,440

Training: 1-4 years

Training: 1 year

REGISTERED NURSE (RN) Salary: $57,784 Training: 3-4 years

Keepsake 2012 | 79

Ad Index Ad Index

American Academy of Family Physicians


American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons


American Academy of Pediatrics American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy American Dental Education Association Georgetown University School of Medicine George Washington University School of Medicine

58 76-77 62 CV4 16-17

Harvard Medical School


Kaiser Permanente


Marshall University School of Medicine Michigan State University-Kalamazoo Midwestern University Mount Sinai School of Medicine

34-35 58 42-43 4

Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine


Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine


University of Alabama at Birmingham


Keepsake 2012 is published annually by Spectrum Unlimited, 1194 Buckhead Crossing, Suite A, Woodstock, GA 30189. Request for permission to reprint should be sent to the Permissions and Reprints Department. The title Keepsake is a registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Contents copyright Š 2012 by Spectrum Unlimited, Inc. All rights reserved. Noting can be reprinted in whole or in part without express written permission from the publisher. Printed in the U.S.A.

80 | Keepsake 2012

Student Programs at Harvard Medical School Boston, Massachusetts

VISITING RESEARCH INTERNSHIP PROGRAM (VRIP) Sponsored by the Harvard Catalyst Program for Faculty Development and Diversity, VRIP is an 8-week mentored summer research program open to 1st and 2nd year U.S. medical students, particularly underrepresented minority and/or disadvantaged individuals from accredited U.S. medical schools. VRIP is designed to enrich medical students’ interest in research and health-related careers, particularly clinical/translational research careers. VRIP offers students housing as well as a salary and transportation reimbursement for travel to and from Boston. Applicants must be U.S. Citizens or U.S. Noncitizen Nationals or Permanent Residents of U.S.

SUMMER CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAM (SCTRP) Sponsored by the Harvard Catalyst Program for Faculty Development and Diversity, SCTRP is a 10-week mentored summer research program designed to enrich students’ understanding of and interest in pursuing clinical and/or translational research, as well as to increase underrepresented minority and disadvantaged college student exposure to clinical/ translational research. College sophomores, juniors and seniors are eligible to apply, particularly those attending Minority Biomedical Research Support (MBRS) and Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) NIHfunded institutions, historically black colleges and universities, Hispanic-serving institutions, and/or Tribal Colleges with baccalaureate degree programs, and/or alumni of the Harvard Medical School Minority Faculty Development Program and/or the Biomedical Science Careers Program. SCTRP offers students housing as well as a salary and transportation reimbursement for travel to and from Boston. Applicants must be U.S. Citizens or U.S. Noncitizen Nationals or Permanent Residents of U.S. For more information please contact: Program Director: Vera Yanovsky, Program Coordinator Joan Y. Reede, MD, MPH, MBA Phone: 617-432-1892 Dean for Diversity and Community Partnership E-mail: Associate Professor of Medicine Web Site: Harvard Medical School

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