International Journal of Fuzzy Logic Systems (IJFLS) Vol.2, No.4, October 2012
FUZZY INTERFACE SCHEME FOR COLOR SENSOR SYSTEM S.T.Patil1, R. R. Mudholkar2 Department of Electronics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur1, 2
ABSTRACT The shade of color in the visible range not only depends on the wavelength but it also a function of intensity. This is vital in many applications, where color matching is highly desirable. In view of this we have made and attempt to assign some degrees to basic colors and shades around them. Since color identification by its shade a matter of degrees and involves the uncertainty. To circumvent this problem we thought of an idea of exploring the Fuzzy Logic Inference, where uncertainty in color identification can be handled via Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Reasoning. In this paper we communicate the development of Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) that can compute the degree for a color taking both the wavelength and intensity in to account. The results found are very interesting and degree of color varies saw-tooth fashion when visible color spectrum being scanned from one color to adjacent color. The hardware implementation is under consideration and we are proposing to build it around semiconductor color sensor PD153 and PIC 16F877.
KEYWORDS Visible Color Spectrum, Color Identification, Color Shade, Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Reasoning.
1. INTRODUCTION The history shows some traces of foundational ideas of Fuzzy Logic in the philosophical thoughts put forth by Buddha, who lived in India during 500 BC. His philosophy was based on the thought that the world is filled with contradictions, that almost everything contains some of its opposite, or in other words, that things can be A andnot-A at the same time. Obviously there exists a clear connection between Buddha's philosophy and modern Fuzzy Logic Theory. Since then up to 1965 the concept of Fuzzy Logic came across in many people’s mind such as Romans, Aristotle and many more. But the real era of Fuzzy Logic began in the 1965 with the proposal of fuzzy set theory by Lotfi Zadeh. Zadeh [1973] based on the “Principle of Incompatibility”, which claims that in any application when complexity of a system exceeds a certain limit then precise and meaningful description of system behavior becomes impossible. According to Prof. Zadeh this was the origin of Fuzzy Logic. Fuzzy logic is a huge concept including fuzzy set theory, fuzzy measure and others. Fuzzy logic tries to measure that degree and to allow computers to manipulate such information. Fuzzy logic has been applied to many fields, from control theory to artificial intelligence. DOI : 10.5121/ijfls.2012.2401