1908, November 13 - Boys and Girls

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.50 per ,.C::::...n.n.um.

$1.. 50 per .A.:n.n.um

''BE JUST AND FEAR NOr.11. ' '





o 33.


Rev. R. G . Porte1·. Tyson McGee • Cu. We the members of the fourth 3rd Prize, $1.00 Bank acC'ount, Quaterly Conference of the Praby F armer s Bank & Tcust Co. irie Circuit, of the Aberd een d istrict, of the North Missis 3 ippi 4th Prize. 1 year's su bscripAnnual Conferenc , of t he Meth Lion to t h e Tupelo .Journal. odist Episcopal Church South d . On the 28th Inst A Nice Lin 5t h Pri zt!, ~1.2~ boy's hat b.v sire to express our profaun-:i .· ') Prices to be Awarded. I-Ioti~ton & Spradlin;; 0 row fol' the unexpected neath ot' FOR CAKE 1 our beloved pastor Rev. R. G. Big mendance Expected 1 lst P rize, ~S.OO silver cake 1 Porter, and the irrepar..:.Lla loss \Vhich \Ve have su~tai,.·2cl a.; a re· - -stand, by J . A. Neely. suit o t his devart.u n ;·rom us Th fi t t' f th i 2nd Prize, .; 2 25 fine china I mee mg O Ours is the loss, th., 1·,· . 1.1 is h1 . e cirs annua e : calm · P 1a t e, St Clair · D rug C o. 's Cl b d t i G' , Ho·.v t:·:.1e th • rl '..:;c1.cation "Tn Bo Y om u a11 ,e 1r1 s d p · 3 the: midst oi: i1' ·, ..: are in death " Domestic Science Club of Lee I r rize, $1.00 bank account B1other G1!,' ,tJy, as he was fa. County wiJ! meet at the court I' by Farmers Bank & Trust Co. miliary ca1leu, was in his seven- house at ten o'clock Saturday ~OR S!1IRT W:.\.IST tieth ycur, and was win <iin g up morning the 28th inst. when the 1st Prize, $~.00 skirt or dress his fiftieth v. ear in 1 • inin;,,try patte1·n 1ny u1ncl s n 111 -:>f the church h P l<,ved !'o n;uch prizes offered will be awarded to . d' . ..._,._ , ro. · · · , a 11· th ese those who have excelled. · H Zn h Pnze, u mbrella, by ll>~l an <l se, veu t·a ,.JLUt•i h J $100 1 YE:"rs hav ing b_een spei;it _on c1 ·o;The work was be.r.nn early iP · ou.g \. e :we er. tncts an1- ::,tat1ons a11u c,r : , . I the year hy SC:lperintendant Clay3t ct Pnze. ..,1.00 hr~ k account He \\'a::. a goo,l prc:ad1e1·, l!X t cl . h C . Cl b h · by People:, Bank r T1 ust Coplainin C", illu!'t··a t.in}i; at1tl <. on an , 1!1 t e o1n u e en- I FLmVBRS f <r i.:i ng Lhe <!.l>etrints and I ar ro\lPd a) utsevent.y contestant~. I 1 p . f b ,. .~ 1 1 and moral princioles of The boj s wen~ fnrnished with I . st rize, or e~l msplay fo.00


,est and Most Complete! Stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats; Caps and Clothing in Tupelo •

We Have It at Right rices Dress Goods and Trimmings of the latest thing out, in all colors .


Shoes in all styles and shapes. Blankets, Comforts, Mattings,



We want you to come in and we will sell you something.

rm::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::~--«-N~MW---DIS - -.WWU

the New When You See ------- /V\odeJs of Michaels=Stern - - -- - - - - Fine _Clothing You Will See DISTINCTIVE Styles -------

I •0

as well as workmanship and detail finis h which outclass all other apparel sold at our modest prices. While most our of N ew Model Fall Suits are DESIGNED FOR MEN WHO STAY YOUNG, we have styles to suit the sober-minded man who'll wear nothing that's not plain.


Fall Sack Suits, $10 to $35 ffl•M~~




is a winner that finds admirers among the "knowy" m en and young men of the town . In qua!ity a nd finish it is in the $5.00 class o.ITered elsewhere. All the new shapes.

50c to $1.00 $1.00 to 2.05



Cathenne Jun s, the aged Notice to Holders of W a rehouse Cotton. Why buy a cat in a sack? At our ext' h . t . h F hi bit next week we will show you a grandmother of Mrs. Hawks, died at All , pa_r ies avmg cot on rn t e arm- M · t· the home of her granddaughter in this city on Monday evening at six o'clock! 1 er s Union Wareh?use at Verona for a aJes ic in actual operation. - TR!CE She had bl'cn ill but a few days and longer _term than six mont?s must come RAY MOND HARDWARE Co. owing to her extreme age she was a forwa 1 d and p_ay the char&"es to ~at~. _ ~ easy "nrey to the malady that attacked If holder of.this cotton dcs1r:s to hst 1t " . . . lhe MaJ esttc Manufaclurmg Co., of lwr. Mrs. Jones was a native of Ken- 1to ,be sold .hrongh the . Cenoral offi ce tu,· ky ancl had reached the advanced \h"v. mtust come forward and get new , St. Louis, Mo., will have a man al •lt · .. 11ece1ps. ,, a)>{e o f c1~ 1 y six yeai ::l. Nov. 7th 1908. I RICE-RA Y\fO D store all next week 1 . The funeral service, were conducted J . ·D.MALLOI1.Y, Business Mgr. who will show vou how to bake biscuits tom the re 1<lenceby Rev. M. H. ArVerona ' M'iss. b·iown, top an db ottom, m · three mm· ' mom of the Chi istilr. Church. The interment took place: Tu e.;rlay a[ternoon I iltes. Don't miss this chance of seeing ln!c'urance economy is sometimes the great cooking wonder. in Gleenwood Cernc:Le,y. practiced by buying a thirty cent kind for forty-nine cents, when the price of Be sure and c:i.ll at our store une day best is onl:ir fifty. Buy the be stand Round tr!p t o S ..vannah, Ga., ~ov · , the have a contmumg 111dem111ty. You get nt xt wcek.-TR!C.£-RAYMO D HARD21 to 25th, inclusive, good until r ov. ' it from Savery. WAHZ co. J•J, $17.65 ia Fri.;co. 8




a very small margm. If you cont e m p 1a t e buying one




pay y ou to

see them.

~ - - -.::---~-~ ~,


~--- ---·-·A _

P.eO PI e§ an k & T rust CO..

eop es a k an




am offering at






Our Special Fall Derby at $3.00


well spreaddia-


Two, three and four-bulton sacks, eOPYROOM T '800 THE er with plain or fancy pocket flaps and cuffs COPY.. IAHT 1000 9Y TH< MAKUC O P MI CHAELS-S TERN to match : some with stitchedor patch MICHAELS -ST ERN FINE CLOTH I NG pockets and long, broad, JJeaked lapels- FINE CLOTH I N G J ICHAI.LS, S'TCAN & CO. MICHAELS, STl:"N & CO. ,.ocH<•«•· N, ,. in browns and grays, g r eP.ns and blues, ..ooHuu•, " · Y, in many shades of of each color, brightened with distinct and shadow ~tripes of self and con · trasting colors-clever and very beautiful effects to suit every taste and fancy.

to All

n ice and snappy


lose its shape and ALWAYS LOO r NEW-garments that have a refined, exclusive, made-to-your-measure ap pearance-then see our



choking s ound, and his wife hastened to his side. She w as too late. Medical help was hurriedly · hed summone d ' b ut th e d.ist·mgms mcl.11 and statesman was beyond th e h e IPO f· ear t'n ly mm . istra t ions. Withm fifteen minutes after his death occured the sad news was promulgated over the city, and his associates and friends of th e family hurried to the str icken home. J d C Jl b J 2 18''8U ge · aB lOOnd was b om Man , o , m 1·an en urg, ea de eounty, Kem ucky, the son 01' George Calho,,n and Louise Bran den bunr, and wa::; of S,~ otch-Ir1·s1·1 ~ dece nt , an d was appruaching hi:: 7 lst birthday . When he was scarcely 10 year.,, of age the parents of Jutlge Calhoon moved .I'rom Kentucky and ·ettled in Madison county, where h' I th an d young man IS ear Y you hood was spent, attending th e common schools of Canton until he graduated. He subsequently <'li Lered the Lebanon (Tenn ) Law .:,chool, where he read during 1854 a ,l U:l55, and a f terwar~s t ook uµ school teachmg, r ead mg law ,, . . . "' - . ' 1· L t ne :same time, and when 18 2nd Prize, a fine v1 orch h:it by reacned 1t utter~d ·t 11m.r ,cu.ate, years of ago was adnJitted to _the j - - - -- oar by the then associate Justice, ~ Cotes worth Pmckney Smith. \JI Judge Calhoon's first publie To Be Given Away Absolutely Free 1 :service was as privaLE: secretary to Gov. McWill1e, in J.857, and ( $75 in trade will entitle ' the following year he became secyou to thi genuine retary of the state senate. He Imported China DinDecame ed itor of the Yazoo Democrat 111 1858-59, and then moved ner Set,56 pieces in ~P.t ~ to Helena, A rk , where he was in newspaper work until his return $15 in trade will entitle you to Madison county in 1860. and to a Set of Dinner look up the practice of his profesPla tes valued at 2.40. sion. He enlisted in the Ninth Missis$10 in trade will entitle you ~posi ory or the State of Mississippi sippi m March, 1861, and served to a set of Desert t r. e Confederacy from the first to Plates. valued at $1.50 Every dollar deposited wi th us last, holding the rank of lieutenant-colonel of t he Tenth at the $5 in trade will enLitle you afe-guarded by approYed and surrender. lS to a Cake Plate or SalHe was associated in the pracad Bowl, valued at 50c ~ ',,.. up-to-date methods. tice of law here for many years , with Hon. Marceline Green, and $2.50 in trade will entitle Every patron of this banl.. is acwas a lwa ys considered one of the you to odd 25c pi ces strongest l:1.\':yers at the state bar, corded courteous treatment and and sevc :·'.)d tha t connection Come and buy any amount when appo ..~ted to the supreme from $2.50 to $75.00, and the 11iost liberal terms c onsiste11t court by G~·:. McLaurin, and was you shall have the Ch ina about to cc~1 plete his ninth year, w ith good banking. Free. the legal t"i'm of which would have ended May 11, 1909. Goods Marked in Plain figures. He married Marga ret , <laughter of Gov. Mc:Willie, in December, J 1865. whv survives him , with n o i1vrng children. He leaves a brother,Hon. John Calhoon, rep"THE BANK THAT TREATS YOU RIGHT.'' resentative m the present Jegis1. turc from Marshall e'">·mt. , and TUPELO, Ml3S . THE JEWELER quite a Jar ·e family \..V ,uCd lUn. v


If you want Clothing that w ill not

One Price

I have



. ~---~~--- - - - -



Rugs and Underwear of all descriptions.

AU TUMN FO UR-IN-HANDS - rich, handsome colorings and designs FALL SHIRTS - Coat models, with attached or separate cufis

1 "


Hats and Caps




seed corn of the be."t variety and I s,mt, by . Ballard Go~d~ Co . given t he dircctionti furnished by J 2nd J:>, 1ze, any ·i3 00 article at P .. 1, exi) ri encer11 a0 ,. tn:,t ,·~ - t' · Hough the Je ,v..!le;·. ·. · !lS • o,::, 111 oe "·d p ,· ,, 1 I'· , · , ,. ,, ' 'b ,i f 1·t· " d . . "Tv VJ:'1 r l)f com \.t inter·\•al , I ut lll€, o n,,' ) ,at l t, ca::i 1, reau o 1e an t u 111 v1 te "' ' · ,., · r ;:, E p C' • . • thirsty souls tc, the flowing wa . Sup t. Clayton has furnished these · · ia~ LOt.. of the _wells of salvation. He directions to each one of the boys !IAND~E RCHIEr-: a l-,~ wielded the pen of a rea?;,r and where they were followed 1st P r ize, nir:e ro:!kmg chair writer. Ile was rcmarka uly g1 f , . ., Pegues F urniture Co. ted in thi~ respect, as his "Book gooct 1esults were ;:;ecureJ. . :> ·, • • h' · h d d f The bovs h ave taken "TeaL in2 nd I nze, one pair of kid .. , d f or Boy~ an . is un r~ o . "" 1 S · h & H ii c1rtides uublished in our church tere t in their experiments and g ovcs, pig t r " • abunt.rntly prove. He was pleas- the contest will doubtLss show , 3:ct Prize, nice handkerchief ant and_ c_hee1:ful. instr~ctiv1:; an<l some verv fine results. /box by, Pound Kincan. on & Elentertarnmg l!l the soc1:1l circle, . . kin. optimism was one of his most In the Domestic Science Club . promi nent characte1<stics, scat- there a r c also about seventy girls I CHICKENS. tering the exhilarating rays of enrolled. This cluh has for its 1st. Prize for 3 chickens. $2 50 unclouded s~nshi:ne wherever h_e object the improvement of the lamp, by R. W. Reed. went, and his gomg from us _ 1s home life of the families. Its 2nd. Prize, $2.50 lamp, by R. lamented by all who kne v him, . , 1 . N Stone But as God buries his workmen, pur po::.e s to teach ~hOse _thmgs · . · . and carries on the work, and al that go to adorn an oeautify the 3rd. Prize, White P lymouth r ock things work together' for good to home and to provide it w ith those rooster, by E. P. Clayton. them that love God. we bow sub- delicacies which add so much to BUTTER missively to t~is divinely inflict the every day m enu. The young 1st. Pr'1ze, N1'ce butter· d1'sl1 , by ed stroke Jookmg forward t o tha . . . time when through the grace of ladies will furm~h on the day of E. P . Clayton. the Lord Jesus Christ and the the contest, samples of their 2 nd. Prize, One i::eL plates or promised guidance of the Holy handiwork in the culinary de · cups and saucel's, by 5 & 10 cent Spirit we shall .meet and greet partm ent and also artistic v..-ork Store. our brother a~am. V'(e commend with the needle. 3rd. P1·1·ze. One bo.· fancy can· the grief-stricken wife and all . . . · the dear childr en to that God The occasion will brmg togeth · dy, by Topp & Brown . who says " L eave t hy fatherless er many of the friends of the FOR BEST ST.\LK. children, I will preserve them, boys and girls who will lend enand let thy widows trust in me.' couragement to their tirst con1st. P t·ize, One $3.00 watch, by Hough, the Jewele··. J · H · HAU'I'ON, w· WATSO N, J • vention by their presence. G. GATHINGS, AMOS KENDALL. Below is list of handsome priz2nd. Prize, $1-00 Bank Accoun t , es offered the men1 bers of these by Peoples Bank & Trust Co. Trustees Sale Notice. 3r d . P r1ze, · 1 years su bscrip · tc '. ubs to be awarded on Nov. 28th. ion to ;:,outhcrn Farm GazeL~e. Pursuant to th e provisions of a cer tain Deed ofand Trn~t B. LARGEST YIELD PER ACRE. Sturdiv:;nt hi, executed wir~. Mc:,l.Y "· E. by E. P. Cayton. 1st Prize, $10.00 in gold b:;' E . _ _ -•turdivant, or• the !3th c':i} ot D •..:I'mber, A. D. 190" , to se::urti cert:1in inJudge Calhoon Di ~, 3 dde ly. delitedncss th,,rein mentioned to R. B. P. Clayton, Supt. ·). 1~!~~\ta~h~~:ghe:~c~;/r~:1~k'~\.1~~~ 2nd Priz I $6. 50 B. ,~· No. 5 Jack,~on. N:>,, 1)-H)tl SJlIof Lee cc,Junty, Mis is.,,ippi, i 1 Deed Joh n Deere Plow by 1rice Ray- omon SJ.lad in Calhu J l, a. ;o.;iat~ }{ecord Book No. 83, pa_ge 149, I w111 a . mond Hard warp Co. rrus Pe, rn :,aid Deed of Tru~t. crn the justice of the supreme cou ·~ of . 9 23th c'a1of Novemb~r A. D., 10.03 a• vrd. Prize tobe awarded t o ~he Mississippi, ll ie l ,, 11 l .,,il; to· the po toffice door in thtJ town of al- boy under 15 vears olrl who tillo. Lee county, Mis issippi, within · · night at nis hom e on S tate ;;t"ee:, I gal hoursoIT<:!r for saieat p11b1ic outcry m akes the most corn lJc. ~..:,e and withouL a word uf warn in~ or h f · H h to the h:ghest. bidder for cash, th e gives the neatest accoirntof same. following- des n b d property, v,z: . . sig o pam. e sat. on t e One hundre~ and six and t wo thirds 1:'- $5.00 smgle barrel .breech 10ad- bench with his assor iates as L,sual ,~~1i~~fi~t; s~~~eo ~t!~ot;t~!~i ~~~r~lf mg shot gun. by Lumpk in H ard until courL adjr)Urned at 6 o'clock, and wen t to h i.:; home, a sqaare No:th Eist ~our:,~h of . Section . Eight, ware & 1:'urn1ture Co. all rn Township Eight, Range s,x, East 4th Pnze t:> the boy unJer 15 . . . , ~cc coun ty. tate o_f Mississi~pi· u.:h . I fr0 .n the c1p1tol, m h,s umal tttle conveyed as _is vested ,n. me a!\ years old , who can and does give gen ial smilirg and kindly m')Od 1 T• l'u•tee t'1e rnoc;t romplet , ,. , •nrcl of i,;s - : · family • 11 i l as ch aforesaid. d-iy of o ~tob,, r 1903. ' · . _e · c,· He Jomed his at· supper ALLE McNIEL, Trus t~e. c,orn. pc.Le h . :-LOO m ca ,h. b. J ., and with t he exception of feeling 1 ' 'la k h f B an 1{ Ot"T ure,,,. v 1 , cas 1er o " n iittlc slow,' a. h<. cxiJrc ... seJ 1 12 UNI F v. 1 I EARS. I it, seemed well. He rrtirc:tl t0 1 1 1st Pt'iz :! a $3. 0) N 107 B 'i'. , his r oom shortly be for<! 10 o' ~loc:, A very B ig Boll plow by Asa ~v . I and prepar d for Lhc n i:;ht's 1 eEt. Allen Co. IHe approa ·he l th . bed ,qtJ a;; he

to suit any man, boy or child .

.Remember: We Sell the 8:,5t


~ .,Lianity in a unique ~nd or1, 1] way. l Ie was ~ strong Ito break m the puip1t, know ing how u11to the peonle tlw




MISS TUPELO, · ~~m~;:-'.!7.~~~~~-Ea,

J. J. l<OGERS, Pres't


.i. J. 1IIG!1, Cash·c:



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