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\ .,.o• IL
"Be ~ust And Fear Not"
I ., .
Consolidated With The 'l'upelo Review
Official Newspaper Lee County a nd City of Tupelo
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SI ABILITY "MEXICAN WEED" DRUG CITY Of ·-·BOX rsw~iE~~d~,1J~ POST CARES Survey Gives .Latest FOR STORM' Sum__ mary Of Disaster\lS GOAL OF -A·RREST IS MADE NEAR' CARS .NEARS :I.5u·F-F·ERE Rs RED CROSS BLUE'i MOUNTAIN, ·MISS. COMPLETION As the remit of her un willin g v isit t o Tupelo to view the · '.
1 :~in~r e~ ~s~t,D~l~!: is.! i~~t t~~;li · b ?, un,,b le to walk again, it wa " learned Tuesd;1y. Mrs- Robertson had previousl y wa1k'e d on cru t cI1es b ecause of a Cl'ippled l ef t leg. Sunday many friends ur ged her to get on the truck ·with them . and . h . go t o Tupe IO· Sh e d ic not muc want t p go hut finally ,did c1e- · cide to , i t was r umored. . The truck on which she w as ri din g wi th 39 oth ers s L1·.u cIc a con crete bridge fom; 'miles eJst of Tupelo a nd injured h er ri·.i..1 0 it I eg s o th a t I't h a d t o b e amputa ted.
A cc ord ing to the latest official j ~fi'ec!ed, and 3783 family regsurvey made by the Red Cross, 1sfratlons f.or Re~ . Cr.oss €m?rI d b th , t d . geney and rehnbihtat1on rehe.f · · cI amage one Y e orn a O m have been 1·eceived to date. ---this vicinity included 214 death~, I 1n a dd ~·t·10n, .h un d ~e ds of -p er, . _ ,-.-- - - - - - - - - - - - , 54 incapacitated foi· a considera•ble length -o.f time. 897 homes sons .received. first aid treatment d d •· . t and mnoculat10n for tet anus and . 1 1 1 1 C em o I S le ' an approx ima e 1y 1 ,- t h .d f R d C d t I 50 0 f.a milies directly afi'ecte.d . Ol l' Om e ross oc. ? I'S l In this issu« of the Journal . b ti t and nurses. Hundreds are berng I 011 · we a-re att empting to recor-d , Y 1e s orm • p fed daily, an clothing, shelter, L'.ltest figures gathered fo1· ~he ' food and medic.al supplies a re bet he list of those to wns, ' or2·an1·zat 1'ons, a.nd snecial groupi · JY_ t orn ad °-.c1evas t a t e d Cl'·t·1es of Gain · "ing furnished by the Red Cross ~ -"" l. and C 0r· cJe l e, Geo i·g·ia, Tu • lin fo ur st ormst ru ck sta te;,. who lnve contributed so splen e-v'lle '· 1 · Tupelo's emergency housing ,Local P ost No. 49, American pelo a nd Booneville, Miss. , anc! Alt hough . th~. immediate needs .Per m anent rehabilit ation is the didly to tlie aid o.f 'l'upelo in · problem was apparently solved Leg·ibn, started immediat ely a f- Greensbor o, Nor th Carolina, . list · qf the to(11nad,o jttricken areas u lt imate go·a1 of relief workers t h e time of her geatest need. 1 Investigation And Ar~est Is . h'm g t ouc h t er l I1e t orna cl o_ o£ S uncl ay rug . l1t , I a t otal of .4"6 p":r"ons killed We realize t hat s ome t.o E . t h is afternoon as fims "'-'. - "' · mu3t st1·11 b e met for many of of 'I'u-p elo, a•~ w·a s clear·Jy i·.ep t f C . whom w e would like t o give , ar o ampaign By es w-ere made ti;i:. complete "Box April 5, to rescue t he injured and ancl 3 , 457 mJure d , s t a t e d t h e the victims, the Red Cross i:1 vea 1e d b y t h e Re d c rosg off 1c· d to ' b e one ta 1<e care o·f t h e d ea d m · Cr o"s thanks will be omitted due to car City," believe t h e Red · ~ 1·eport · 'I'he•e - -. f i' "'ure o "• now preasmg on to t h e more 1·a1~~ here Tuesdav. • I·t 1·5 tlie pui·· Phar macists of t he most complete di;;sster - - - - p,'.l t h of the twister that took 0 . not ?nclude those k illed .an d difficult task of a£sisting home- p ose of the Red Cross to return the fact that we did n ot learn · t o JI over m ore th an 40 c1·ty inJured rn 1re1.1ef concentration cent c;rs ev. . ,-... _ . -4 . a few sc'.lttered areas· · 1ess .an d h e1p 1eB.'l f am1·i·1es t-o es- fami'li· es to the nJode of 11·v1·ng a•bout t heir a ctivities. Alw er · esta-blished. - U bloclks, In this la:est su~·vey, 2169 tablih a condition of self sup- t o which t J.ey are .accustomed, we have been busy with r elie.f Over 3000 pounds of marij ua·~ homes were h •ted a " de"t royed Acti·ng D,'i·ector J ohn and h s.ve uot had · ample time d 1·1.,on sai·d. By the end of the week -nearA:bou : 5 0 L ~gion m ires un~ted and l , 259 as~ bad!; d:maged'. port. , t o check and re-ch eck our lists. na, va 1u e a t more than $ 100,ly - 800 ,persons will be making _ and worked thrnughout the m ght "·[ th f .. In flood iareu throughou~ the In cases where the head o.f W th f k t' t I'f . 000, was taken in the raid. · 1 · d'1ggrn · g -o u t "' ore an 5400 ami1ies were (Con•1·nu d P S) th.·e· fam1·1y h ?·- s bee11 k1·11ed -or e knows ·e re ore s ,,ia a nyITho largest seizure oif m arija na . their h omes in the three box m p er,;ona service, e on a~e one of a same organizattl t · t h ' c·t The the v1' ct1 '111· a ·' ca ry ·n "' L l1em ' p ermanently disabled the Red po"'er·ful · ca r se ·· emen s m 1s 1 y. s , nu 1· 1 ., · tion or group of individuals to . " · nar co t'1c M•ex1ran weed · entire project include·s upward Nearly 500 National Guards ' t o em er gency hos pitals and mor-1 Cross offers special considera. ever to be taken in Amerka wa~ . ' tion to the1·r fut·ure "'elfare. Tl1e whom credit should be given from 15 0 box e:ars whi-ch have With 43 Officers Stay j gues" t hey notif y us, a n d we w ill be captured by Tippah county offic ia ls hem donated by t he Frisco lines On Monday mo rning, April 6, Re d ..c ross helps indi.viduals a~d! more than glad to run t heir three miles from Blue Mountain I and the M. & Q. Railroad. In Tup2Io r Legion s h eadquar ters were es(An Editorial) families on the basis -of t hell' I name in any lat er issue, Tuesday 11ight on ( lJc farm uf }I(:r• Every box car is -t>eing com~--- - I tab lish P.c! in th P. nff irP~ nf r. nm Tupelo and the stricken area appreciate beyond deneeds. man Jp1·niga n. · pletely .furnished by the Red mander J ames lVI. Sa.very with scription the im;mediate, unstirnted, and friendly aid that Although .a. per son may have - - - ~ - - - ·· - llr~rn··,,1 1 11 Cross· E lec•t ric lights, b eds, ,Gen er a l J ohn A. O'Kee.fe, of an orgrnization set up that hao: . II f d. t t s. uffe. red. heav. ily in t.h.e d.isaster, $1,0~(_J :;:tt'~'..~·aitt:, L11~wJloll!y! rr· · ct t· 1 · th the people of t his entir e region, as we as ar 1s _ a n .f hi f d h ~ . 1 N · 1 G d , stoves, sanitary p l·umbm g a r e t 1e .2 t10na -uar,- s o · we m ·o perate · con .rnuou~ y ill r ee 1 s m3ncial con 1tion JS s~/ & . ,._ ~ ., .:i•-ct. iL and the po~sibility of beingall being m ade available to tor- j'ackson stated Tuesday Lhat t.h e shifts for 24 hours a <lay since. points, have given to alleviate our suffering, to relieve that he can stand t he loss! w1.,h- 11 ! iined $5000 or five years impl ison:h . ent h ere to The 128 posts of t he American our needs and t a help r esto,:re us to normality. ?ut ~rnreasonable har~ship, he .il. . Jl:i mc;1t ut· both sentences. The na.cfo refuges· Each of tlfo settlemen u will be furnL,l1ed with mefn w do Twei el O s b · g-,,._ e I L egion of Mi ~sissip p i volunteer. h · l h d . t is not a proper applicant for ~, ' yo llng· bi·i'ck d f' . . sa eguar upe are em ... r · d t i · · d f ·i·t· V I/ e recogmze t a, t many peop e ave no esire o . . . . . · mas 0 n an a-i:mc1: 1s a supply headquarter s, set u1J by t d d 11 Thos a 'ten., e 1e1r ser v ices an ac1 1 1es , relief , according to Mr. \lV1lson . ,., ,. S E J . 1 . tl1e1r . goo d d eed·s bu t th 'r he Red Cross expects sufferers - - - -ern1.gan, we11publ.1c1ze · e peopl e of T upeIo Wa n t · ,ne . son o"- . "· • the Red Cross· Yesterday after- . urne h graI u ::ih y. " I ead " l '·f·"t" / anu_, Depar tm ent C omman d er B . . , 1n°· sc oo s av0 a re, Y -·. -, , . k•n own und respected farmer of · p.oon S. J. Frazer, T r.affic Mon- h" 8 1'd B- Al 1en 1s on t 11e. scene to a snst every city, every organization, and every individual to c11emse1ves t.o use their own re- Local And Out -of-Town Doc• '{ . 11 t · . e , a · . ~ in getting th.e ·most beneficial · a,ources, cash, credit, .2 nd earnirn:r ippa conn_ y . · a"'er of the Ftlsco Lines, and S. A~ Buchanan, Supe1·intendent cif 'I he Nra--t!'onal . G,u·m>ils, 412 m en . results. kno•w t hat their contrib1' . ion of skill, money, pow er to r e-establish themselve; tors, Nurses Volunteer George ivfoLean, ecfifo1· of the the. Frisco Line,,, viewed the and 4 3 offi cers, have done w onF r om th. 128 Posts were rushclothe-s, food, medical supplies,. 01'. other material reas f ar as ,possible. Services Here Tp-cl o Journa l, working mith three emergency set-up, a s more than derful . wor k ~ince Tt'.pelo'.:: tor- ed medical suppl ies, food, cloth- 1 sources -»'ill never be forgot ten. Typical Casu l'ippaih county officers and a rep., 100 W. P- A. and railroad em- nado destructwn April 5 · ing , and L egionn aires to be u sed l'esentative of th e state board of Tupelo believes that. it will rise a,g ain to equal or ex~ H ere ar e tw o typical cases, ployees worked feverishly to comThey h ave taken over control in th e relief work, and their treatment a ccording ,W orking from · the first mo- pharmacists, stated that the arrest . plete the immense task. of the police, cl earing t h e city 'I'he local Pos t h 1s been al ceed its former position. We kn.ow that this could never t-o t-he Red Cross : ment the t ornado news rea ched of Jernigan and seizure o-f the "We are g'lad t o 11elp·" Mr, of d ebris, g u arding the city, d i- th e fro nt, in the trenches , over have been·po.ss,i ble without the assi,stance and the· UherMr. A and his fam ily .are dis- them and continuing <lay an-d powerful drug in h is possession Frazer said. "I carrv that mes.>:- rectin g t h e traff ic w ith t he aid and n n der t he wrecked h ou ses, l .d d astei· su.fferei·s. An expei·i· •. ncecl ni'g11 t steadi'ly UlJ t o t he present was the r esult of an investigation ' L · 1 ality of t hose who have so generous y m e us. ~~ . .age from the President o.f our of the American eg1on, anc without sleep or food f or hours Re<! Cross worker v isits him and date, the State i-Iealth Depn·t- which has been in progress for Lines. We are sta.nding by for co~rdina,Ling. th ~ eff.orls of all. in it.s organized l'elief work. It Disa,ste1;s, in spiite of their horrors, do tend to draw taiks over his si tuat ion fro m ev- ment, a ided by many frotm the some time and is part of the .g enany additional a id we may of- rehef a gen c1es m th 3. m atler of ; has : us closer together and to emblazon anew the ,s pirit of erf a ngle. Perhaps Mr. A is thir - sta ff of the medical division of eral campaign against barbituric fer. Sh ould the situ ation call r ehabilitation. j tH oused ove l' 4 ,000 p eopl e, su f brotherhood. We have had a concerted de1monstratio-n ty-five years old, wit h a wife the, A merican Red CroEs have and mari juna products wJ1ich is befo,r more .cars, the city of Tu1General O'Keefe said, "As ' a fere1·s, legio nn aire~ on duty, Nat · in poor health, fo ur uoung chi· l- doi~e an· enormous amount of ' ing waged by .t he state boa.rd of · 1 G·uar d s, d octors, nur ses, th,a.t l)eop,le can and will forget their own troubles, their , dren and a depenrlent • mother. good work f or t p.e injured· pe.Jo·, an~ the Red Cross can r epresentative of Governo1' ·white, 11ona pharmacists. count on us." I am thankful from the bottom PW.A worker.s, skillccf mechanics, business, their pleasures, and that they will unselfishly H e has Jos t everyt hing in the Miss Velma S t uar t and Miss .c. R. Birdson , <l-eputy sheriff, 8 After a short conferences with of my h eart for the cooperatio n (Continued on P age ) g-ive of t h eir time and money to aid one in distr ess. . (Continued on P age 8 ) Evelyn Morgan, locai nurses on Nick Adair, bailiff of the 3rd disltary K!enning, Red Cross Super- that hae bee n given by a ll re- - .- - - - - - - - - - .- - - - 1.he cou n ty healt h unit l ocated trict, and Ben ton Elliott, county · th e. c ons t rue t·10n o f Iie.f age ncies · · We h o·p e that those who have aided uis have received 1I 1 visor ·Of conc~-rn e d , t 11e "vv' !'h, ~ ~ . . . ~ J{ in th e . court house 11ere, w~re attorney of Tippa•h , were aided in " Box Oar City, the two railroad CCC, RA, ERA, Ame1·ican Lesome measures of ,bhe benefit which has come to us, bethe f irst to t ake over the Job dise-overy o.nd arres t by Lew Walmen return ed to Memph is. g ion , State Highway deparlrn ent, · t cat,se we say quite sincerely that t he uplift of spirit tha t !· · o.f caring ·f or the injured ·which la ce, s z-cret ary of the state board . .A,s word spread throug h town Memphis police, TVA, State b f tt·t d d I . were pouring in t o aH a vailable of pharmacists. 1 of the Red Cross project, m any Board of Health , Mayor Na nney, L ocal and imiJor ted Western · ha;s com,e to us ecause O your a u e an your gene- ; W orking night and day since shelters directly after the t orMarij uana is commonly known flqcke d to disast er elief head- s.nd city of.ficiaJs. Union operators, by their im-1 rous service has been int angi-ble but neverthales1s one of the. night of the tornado Post al nado A pril 5. T·hese two nurses as "Mexican Ticed" or " I ndia1,1 quarters in t h e City Hall, John 1Captain Sam Lon.g's loca l unit m e diate and un tiring _effor ts folthe most beneficial services which we ,of Tupelo have employees have bee·n busy re- and the local d octors worked H E.mp" and i3 growin over many C. Wilson, Acting Director of Battery "C" 114t.h fi elJ al'lill ery lowing· t h e tor nado, h elped save I received. pair ing lines and de.livering mess- steadily during the first few sections of t.he country. TheRed Cross Relief; said h e was 11:as the first to rend ei- service countless lives, a lleviate much / ages diI:ectly concerned w ith t he day~, snatching only very shor t narcotic weed i5 smoked in ·t he that all cas es could be Mond ay. Fi'i·st to con1 e i·11 f-_·1•0111 suff.e.rin -e:, i nd r elieved considerWith all the fervor and sincerity of our being we , s t or m an d 1· ts vie · t·nns, ti1ereb y 1·nter·vaJ, . y corr'"dent J.J. • · ,; f or sleep· J'.orm of cigarettes and is es]}ec1a-J 1 handled· out0 of-town -..va_s Maj or Wm. Rob- a.hie men tal anguish, thank you for yoijr much needed aissistance_. · , allevia,t ing much m isery. Miss B e.ssie Nicoll, o.f the S t. dangerous because of its cheapness Con·sfruclion Supervisor Ken- ert'£ Columbus uni t, ancl next· Miss Nan W eil and Mrs, J erry - - -- -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - I Two crews left Memphis and Lo.uis national office, a nived and because of its yowerful s t imuning expTesse-d a pprecbtion to came Major T· B. Bil'<ls ong, ,h.'s Gage, local operatol's, wen t to Birmingham at 10 p.m. Sunday T u esday morning and took over lu s to the crimi nal and· sexual · the railroads a nd the w. p. A. Cla,rks<lale battalion- Various oth- th e W estern Union office imnigbt follow.ing the tornado and her position a s su;ie r visor of the impulses. for their suppor t. "It is pos- ers th en came in lhroughon t lhlJ mediately a Mer the tornado to 1 started work a t 1 a.m. on the I nurse of the R ed Cross for the ----- - - - -0 sible that ea ch o.f the • settle- day. fi nd t h at t hey could no t get a w ires which were only damaged I Tupelo a r ea. ments m a y b e. e quipped with . Gen eral O'Keefe, Cap bi n R. w ire t hrough there. They then . I withi n a r a.dius of a m ile of the ,D r. Wm- DeKleine, medical ditw o public showers apiece," l\fr. H. H olmes, J t'-, Col one.I Hany wen t to t h e F1'.isco station an ti , • . . .., I office. A t six the next. morning rect or of t he Red Cross, of \V,as~Kenn•i ng said. Dalton, and Lieutena n t Sta nl y fina lly su ccee,de d in getting a wire . open- ~ngt o:n , D. C· and DT. Odis 1 repa.fr w as suf ficien t for .Community wood J)il e,;, made Ari ' t all f J. 1 through t o Meridian an d to l\1e111, ing t h e ofifice. Marshall, .assistant . medica l dir ecf th k f TI<> rong, o ac rno11, a r- h ·, Th. t t . .f t h . up o e t orn wr'l.2 ·age Tom rivi::d Mond ay aiftern oon. Pl_ I-:: ey sen ou . n ews o e :P.o.nt ot oc H ospit al, P..o ntotoc, Baby L ong Transfe1·ed from New iL ocal manager, J. A. Cottrell, tor, of the first aid department the_ tornado's ' path, .tod'::iy were · - - - - -o <1s aster and sent m an a [),peal Miss April 14, 1936: Mrs. Cla ude Alba ny Home. . I t t d th t been on dt1ty ivash 1~ngton ha•re ' s a e 9. se.veral work e d eon- 0.f \n b eing caried to the box car \"PA b " f for badly nee ded m edical s up bl <l lk. . · tinuously f.or several ,day,:, Am ong here during t h e first part of the ,, , . survey rev ea I s 1g am- .·i . d . . . . Br o·,·n a e t o be up ·an wa rng ,M A s b ,,.. th d cities. It will ·be u sed as fire T , . f ·t . . . . 1 . 1. f plies, , actors, a nd tramed nurses· ·· ' . · · · · '· rs- . nne · a_ age mo er _an those '\\,h o arrived from ou t-of- week. Blueprin ts of Tupelo Taken . t d 11e :s a1e a ac. or 1n 1ura r e 10 . G .,,, A b D. t. t · around; Mr. ,Claude _ Brown, ·. c ontwo children Ma.ry Sue and Pa I woo d , t h e Rd ·e C ross porn e out· F · · p r A . . · · 1!· s or n e, 1s n c superi• • ., • u town to a ssist wer e: L . H, J a•Dar, Jack Lilly ha s · been emTo Help Plan "City , ore1gn o icy ~socrnt10n n e- 1 · t d t h d b . di.ti on better; Evelyn Brown, con- .Savage bemg "discharged today b" N , . S R -cl b th R d C O nies that J apan hurts our tr.'.lde. ~n en ' 'WJldS r c~ c ; . ~ w1~·eO di.tl on . b etter ; Mr,'.w. ._G ar - to refatives. ·-wm mab. h ome cdo1." ' ..~.·- 0 r leTa.ns, I upt•, 311- Ph1oye . h y e,, t he ross t o 1 Beautiful" Investigators say some donors Jltl • n ory an arnve rn upe re tt Mrs A· W Garrett- Tom ·th · V h .E t B th f o ph m.oore, upe o operator, ave. c arge ·O"e emergency • 1 3 0 111 support a n ti-New Deal g r oups. 1 a : (CPo·n t ,.'n' ,-,e" on P a~_.· . ). _ Hes:ter:; J;Tu i r ; Mr.S· Tom · :i-fester, · VIM·i , .· Saug ·n ,·· rnes ' r-o er O , L. A. Wolfe, A m oTy, Miss., op- clinic in the court house• A ll 8 " · . ' r,, aviage. (Continued on Page 8) · (Continu ed on p age 8) ~o~r:; r~ . .Don~. n;skMis ont . Ml\;rMr. E!clkf-or<i Ivy Daught er an- I . The .T VA ' continues its serrke Jone u s ison , _. · ,. on f, , • l'. nie Louise and N eice Jewell Canto the community by its a-dmin.isw. ~· Mon.ts, Ra1srj ~rs- ~eaHtnede non t o be -d ischarged Monday tration of r-elief as 'it plans f or the Tl·uclr• ·w.·ttt 'ctAo · Passe'nger"'"'. McColl urn, Poor; uz1e May ar - 4 l" . d ' ·11 k th · · h · bu ilding of the " City Beautiful." Hits Concrete Briclge in, (Col ore!IL P oo~. . . . \\:it~ ~~S· ;~niem:. ~anne;~ Blue prints of the ·city were -B-oon eville -Ifospi.tal, B-ooneville, ,er · of Mrs- '· Eekiford ivy, . taken recently by R. S. Leanard, of Out From Town Miss-: Mrs on,. conI tt' 'H·e rse·e H os. . . . J. C- Roberts . ,·. 'M en.d.1an "· n a 1e the TVA land planniug divisi-on, 1 <l1t· ion· Fair; Mrs . Lily Ruth erfor d, ·t I Wh·t t· t c · d·t· B d J D J.. p1 a , 1 e pa. 1en s, on 1 1011 and TVA ofiTcial DTaper is ex,H ersch ell ParkH', 23, a nd Miss D1smrnse ; . , or · 0 · en- 0 f 11 G 00 d w N M pected Thur ..;day to begin actual nett, · CITY DIRECTORY ' t emporaril y in . B elden. i Fair; Mrs. Pe'~rl Br own, a . : · · a.rquess, Ann Grady, 20, bot h of Tre,clothing and household items- , received from tran2cient camps pl'·ocedure 011 i hc r ehabilitation F a irly good tonigh t (to be disE E. S av age, M •. c. Cr umpt on, Because m ore than half of the Mr. ,a nd Mrs . . W. D. Austin m ont, Miss., were kille d Sund !! y · d s t d ·· M : A J A. \ V, T.anner, Joe Tanner , Con- distributed through WPA a gencies a t Brookhaven, Gulfport, Hat- work to be done b,v the TVA here. wh en tl~e truck on which · Lhey r c,sidents of 1' upelo have n e;\v a d- with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bry- m1sse- . a ur a y; r s. · · ·· G · L · 1· J· B ·1 I mmediately after . the "disaster St k t · G Id · M' · · Fair me · r e en, om<'. vy, 1m a 1 ey, or u nder its direction tot:1l ed ties•burg, Jackson, Vicksburg, aud were · r iding s h·uck a concr e te di-esses since 1.hc t orn ado, Ll1e son, South Church.oc on, o . ~n, iss. M , E W F0J M H 14,710 pieN~ throu gh M onday, Meridian• · (Pr ob:ihle · d ismiss 4-15 ) · Mrs· • r,,. "· · g_ e ~, , . rs· orTupelo J ourn nl is preparin~· a city Mrs . Gu s Bain e with :Mrs.· April 1 3. tFood s t uffs dishibuted in the Ap1'il 5, TV A sent 150 elect1'icians, bridge four miles east of Tu . ' ' . · a ce Hall Sudie . Grissom, · bhr-,e ambulances, four docto~e, ' . pelo. Eight others w er e sel'iously dil'eetory of these, s•pecify ing where I Cbrence Grne n 011 J efferson . ·. Mat1lcla Umfress, Restless nig h t ; , 1 1 d The WPA main tains .of fices T up elo are a i nc u e -ap,p es, c1. l b t · fifty reservoir clesrance men, a . Meridian, Miss:, Mattie Herth ey a r e ·to b e found. Th e list a s Mr. a nd Mr s: J . R. B::iker with W. · B. tJmfress, · Dismissed· · · injur.ed· for distribution o.f clothing and trous frui t, oa·t mea , eggs, u p1·ep a rccl so far is given below, an d ML .an d Mr s. .J. A. Coleman , {) ko tona, Mis.s., _.Wicks Ho;;pit::d : see Hospital : The· f,ollowing are f.ood , Their commodities have al- ter, prun e juice, -o:ra.n ge j uice, g-roup of first ai-d men, an;d three Po:rty sight s eer s of Tremon t Colored . a rtd · condition Good sanita tion m en to give emer.g1mcy were piled on this l arg e truck, all t h·oso wiih n ew a rkiresscs w ho Madirnn Heigh ts. Mr. Ca1T, Condition Good ; !Vlr5. s o been turned int o t_h e Red crac k.8:'s, p~r,k an d b ~a ns, t oma- ceiief. M rs. W ill Br.own wi th Miss Carr, Fair; E liza,beth. Ami Can, .Prim·er Ivory, Joe ·Connor, R oy Cr6ss and other agencies to be t o Jutce, Jello, . t urnips, cocoa, Those injured and their in- ar.o no t listed h er e arc urg·ed to Electi-i-city was given all emer~omrnunicate wilh lhc Journal of- L ela Dickon, B road wir.,,. Temp , 103, bad cold; Mrs· Et - Green, Abe Mosely, William Hin- u sed for t he storm ·suffcre1·s, c. anne d b eef ' d r1e d P:a·s , t o t a1• jur ies a r e a s flolows : Mr . Will Brown with Dr. and n ect, Good; S:t.ella Watt, Good. t on, Willie Curtis B arr, Rose an,d supplied to hospi tals in thl.5 J mg 8 carIoa,d s a n d f IVe t rue,_ . _10. T. Brown, cut.:; and bruis- fico. l grncy: 11os1Jitals by 2.30 l\f.onday 1 d morning, and WO'l' k on other lines City of.ficials an d Reil Cross Mt's. G- L- Bro wn, Ma ~lis on St. e s; Mr£. 0. T . Bo·w n, fractured Dr . Hansell, City Hospital ; 0 <5t~ae~la : 0~:e~' Le~;a; ~l~ and other cilies where s torm oa S· • skull and br oken shoulder ; Miss lPadcr ,; stat ed Tuesdav that a com - 1 Mrs. Ael e Baker wi th Mrs. p ~l Pettigr ew, ,condition Good; victims .are being · cared fot; A total of 28:li_ have been ce1·- followe-d immerhat..Jy. 'I'he longest .Mrs- H - L. Slawson, Good, (Prob- B obo, Mamie Be'll Danzy, Lillie as well as t o the soup kitchen'. ti:fied for \ VlPA work. 'l.'he av- .:ha t any one was with,)Ut lights Moselle ·Brow-n , possibl e frac tur- pl ete l ist of all n~w addresses J ack Con dry -0n N or th Robin s. Mr. ~nd Mrs. Glenn Ba llar d a bly dismiss 4-16) ; H. J. R eeves, Jones, J essie Mae E llzie, Ad-die e d p elvis ; Mrs• lVl:uy Robertson, wc,u ld g1·eatly fac ilitate 1:Jhefr r eerage number iVPA w.orkers i:.~- was twenty hours and twenty Approximatei:,r 20 tr ucl{ load£ signed in the st ricken area daily minu tes, am! the g1·ea.t majority of Mae Smit h, Lillie Lue William£, with Mrs. D- S, Ballar d on Maga. Good. cuts and bruises ; Miss Dos·ki e Iief work. , . . Mildred Elliott, P auHn e W illiams, of clothing have been checked in has approximated 1,2 00. The av-· li-g-hs were in onler by Monday Robertson, inj u ry of · righ t leg; Mrs. J·o hn Allen with M1;s. D : zi ne. Colored : Mmme P oe, Ger.9ldm e Ben White B ennie Griffin H ook- by WPA fr.om MetComb City, Miss Linnie B.3rcrof.t with H olly J . J\,1. Stbne, cut ana oruise;<s ·a nd W . R obim, 532 S. Church St. P.oe, condition s F air; ~~rline Poe, er Elliott,' Jimmie ·Ad.am~, Ge-o. Brookhave; ; H attiesburg, I ndian- erage number of WPA trur;ks aiernoop. Mr . and Mr s. J ohn Anders on Sprin·gs friends . Miss P,attie Grad y, cutts and in operation daily\ is 45· A. H. Sullivan, Chattanoog~, aswith Mr. and Mrs. C. K. ClayMr . and Mrs. W. E. Battle ,at Charles D. · Poe cond1bons Good·_ .Alle n Rennie L ee Frisson Ad- ola , Gu lfport, Greenville, Greenbruises• B ox Car Villages No. one and j sistant chief electrical engineer . !Bramlett . Hospital,: . Oxford-:die / Thomas, Oiyte l\fo'O~e, Iwood, Gtenada, Meridian, and tha Homestead , ,Q. A. L ockerage was the driv- ton ,· S . Church St No. t wo i n.stalleq/ £ewerage sys- took charge of all .e-merg--ency work. An.dy Tutor, Mr· Joe Johnston, r e e· Moo-r e J anie Moore· Laura J ackson . In 2.ddition cots, t 2.n ts, er o.f the tn; k· terns un,der PWA <liroction and H. A. fo.rphy and ·r . G. Burl,c, of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Adam s, {Continued on ~aee G) Mrs. J ,oe . J -ohnsto.n, · Di.smisse<l. {Cont!~ued on pa&41 ;) m artt r esses and pillows have been
About 150 Cars Will , Be Used by Families For Homes
Over 4000 Are I-loused I . By Amer1can LeN g1on ost o. 49
Fa1nilies To Be Given A . 'd R eIa t'Ive TO
. ·
Tippah Officials H J . Put ermau ern1gan $1 000 Bond WAL.LAC .. .
Thei'r· Needs
· ·.
Wie. ~'hank You
IJ Ep T l IilEALTll _s GRVATLY I A 0
1- -- - -- - - -----·-· - ·- -- I POST A L W O R S- ! i DAY AND NIGHT I
Con d l'f l•On, · 'L 0 Ca f l•On 0 f ln1· u red ls G 1· V en
New Add . resses Of' TllOSe Left Horneless Is G1·ven
w PA o·ISt r1_ •but es 'NearIy
15000 Cl0th·Ing p·1eces
P age 8)
( Contmuecl on P a~e 8)