1939, January 5 - Roosevelt Warns

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.A T.L R p L






5, 1939


"ffr.~rt~oii ROOS. VELT WARN - EUROPE'S DICT INSIJR ANC ~~::~\N GETS/Me p~i ":oman A_c u ed COUNTY GETS Nf";f{<?. \SCIST Of Kzdnapmg f amzly Of 7 $27;165. FOR '4l~\..,. ~... £._ .,. NT-_ wpA wORK--


o t Of Protection To Il - Low

\:s $1.67



Per I;,amily


MEMPHIS, Jat1.B.4-(U .P.l -today Federal Judge John Martin ordered a grand jury inve tigation of the all ged kidnaping of a fa mily of sev1::n persons by Mr . Carolin Tucker, Memphis r ooming hou e opet"atCl. During an uncontested suit by Woodrow Cruse against Mrs. Tucker in which h e sought 35,000 damages, Judge Martin heard t stimony th:-i.t the landlady had tak n Cruse a nd his family while under quara ntine fo r measles and chickenpox and dumped them and thei r m.,ager belo ngings near L ake View, M1. s. · Cruse, a fa l'mer, won $6,500 damages from Mrs. Tucker. Witnesses tcst1f1'?d tha t_ Cru~'-..!.., i.:

""' :

R. W. Reed, Pr ident of th

wifa ,pouring and fiv.rain . _ children e le.ft in on thewer roadsid after Mrs. Tucker had thro vn their household b longings out o a truck. Cruse said sne had offer ed to move his family to a plantation near Black Lake, Ark., where he could farm, but instead took them to Mississippi against his will. While in Mississippi Cruse said his family could not find shelter because people were afraid t h ey wou ld catch ,their measles and chickenpox. The case ::anw under federa l jurisd iction undf'r the Lindbergh law becaus ~he fa mily alleged] was k idnaped and talc n across a ~ tate line.

Hints Sane As Curb

Bluntly Word d



h • s. urt\ · I emo ra.ei• o Be nrliff r nt To:

That • Will Nor h Mississippi Communit ' Further Strain On Furniture And Home Hospital, and J. P. Nanney, secLawlessnes Ab1oad retary, yesterday outlined to th U.S. Relations Is Service ProJ' ect Rotary Club a new program of insurance which will bring ade No'lllT Employ 66 quat hospital car w ithin the . Expected TT r ang of prac'ically every family WASHING'I'ON, J an. 1-W.P.)_ P resident Roosevelt ·to~ w ithin the 25 -mi i r adiu ser ved j day c onde mned dictatorships, threatened economic 11a11cby ~he $300,000 medical center a t TOKY O. Thursday, Jnn . s - CU.P.> P l' sidcnt Rooseveft has approvt ions against l and-hungry aggressors and warned th~ as little as 1.67 a month for an - J a pan today b came \'irtually ed two Lee County women's WPA world that the United States would defen ,J the wester!( entire family . i a com ple te tota litarian ta te when projects for a total allotment '.>f h e_mis phere a.gain t "stor ms fro m any quarter·~ Mr. Reed pr tict d that th in -, B:1ron K iich1ro Hira numa, pr -i$27,165, S nator Pnt Harrison ln a messa ge on the state Of the union deliverecl in pea. suranc would g t under way drn t of th a tiona lis -E ascist said y sterday in telegrams to b f . . ,,.within two or th r months. Many Koguhonshn ( a tiona l Fou nd athe J oumal. l .son e ore a J omt ses~ion of the S eventy- beth C ongretll!i The first allotm nt 011 Project 2,nd b1oadcast in six languages through:mt the civilized ' peop le are no t go ing to the hospi - tion) Soci ty , a sumed th e pr~tal whe n th ~y should because of mi rship and b gan selecti ng min~ o. 30 ,632 is $l 7,924 for the re'world, the Presidenf: said that democracy could and J'llusti tl xp nse Mr. R d a id. is r plcdg d t.o work fo r "one 'f pair ing and _ renovating of old be made t o work in this country through perpetuat ion :...t>f. "This insuranc plan w ill en- ' ingle poli tical pa rt y'' ::i nd al so I .. . furniture ontri but. d t!J th WP 'New D eal social and economic reforms. ~, abl t.hem use t hese ser vices I Ju te go ern mc nt control of 1h!: .fo r f're distr ibution tu I Pedy o1 Ji~se, .tie emphas ized , a re a s an es ential part of natfoD.-.. 1 wh n ver he need arises. We cmpirQ's economic life. the county. , a l defense a s g·uns and bullets. He ap pealed to all ;foreeli believe it will b a help not only 1 Baron Hiranuma , a I ac h •lor, n ~ The second project, u. :rn,630, '- Prellcle!it &oolevelt fo America-labor, capital. a griculture and othel'S-to encl to th hospital but to th peop\ y ars old , was order d to form & I .. • ' . carries an allotment Of 9,24 [ Joi" their bickering 8lld C00perate in presenting a United froJlti of this commumty." J new government las night b? .. furnishing fr e home assistance t 11 f · *d 1 • ff' d h" f ·t1,,.· ~Mayor anney gave the gener- . Emperor Hirohito :iCter Pre1 nier in housework and care of childr n agams a oreJgn J eo og1es· rea 1rme lS a1 u., u,. al details of th plan, which in- Prince Fumimarb Kon ye, a I to n eedy families in which the th~etepdoftiht-systeitmh as symt~olicl of Ameri~an demo cracy lind clud s thr ee c1ass s of insurance: moderate w ho had fot1ght totali By United Press mother is ill and unabl to do the .I. 1Il at W out na 1ona Cooperation the capitalistic Class A. This 1s composed of tarian theories, had re ign d beI o,..na d oes a Jd eye1ones Wednesd a y night le ft five d eaci ,vork herself. SYEltem might fall. · individual memberships. Ten or cause of continuous pre sure from d 1 t . The two proJ·ects would empl0y Calls For unity A Ho ne more people get together in a the extr eme Nationa lists and at; at eas a seore tl'lJUred in four sou t her n states. Se veral . _ M 66 women from nine months to a :uemphis residents reported slight earthqu akes bu tlie year at the present payroll Roo e e lt Say ue tion Is "Time is of paramount fmportance /1 he said.: '-~The dead• g oup and one of the group serves pow r fu l elem nts in th a rmy . line of da.n.,.er from within and without is not w·1'thin 011• .as treasur r. The dues will be 75 ' H iran uma long has bee n known n ~a r . t e ismogcap:1 at t· Lou is failed to r ecord t he schedule. c nt p r mo:ith p er person. The , as a fa natic na tionalist and r Irritating International l & ~ 1 ~·eason for taking all the insurance pea ted ly ha.s been mentioned fo r h .>ck. Twenty-nine women a re now Relation ·contro • .The hour-glass may be in the hands of other ·na• through groups i:,; in order to cut the pr miership si nce 19~_] . when Hardest hit was c:entral Louisiana wh~re four persons employed on the furniture protfons. Our o wn hour-glass t e lls that al'(l off on a race down collection expenses. the "yo ung officer gro up in the Vi (.r e killed and two injured . Dama g e was estimated a t ject at a monthly payroll of $1,200. to make democracy work, so that we may be' efficient In 1i Class B. This is for husbands a rmy re belled against civilian They repair an d distribute an ROME, Jan. 4-CU.PJ- President peace and therJfore secure in self defense." . · . and wives without dependents. a utho rity an? slart~d its campai~n more than $100,000. aver ag of about 417 pi ces of Roosevelt has appealed to Premier l The messag~ was :d evoted almQst entirely to foreign atThey will pay $1.25 per couple in ManchurJa which r sult d in The dead : furnitur a month to n cdy fami- Benito Mussolini to use his influ- fairs and W8$, m effect, an enunciatio n of a ·new and I per month . Th re must be a miru-1formation of th J a pan -sponsorMr. and Mrs. Ross Metca\te, lies of the county . ence to seek an international stiffer foreign policy and the part the domestic·-:· econoinY t m um »f,, fiv ouples jn each I ed state of Manchuk u and \ av cl both about 35, of .Montgomery, The housekeeping aide servi e solution to the Jewish refu1ee m.ust play in se.t'eguarding_:t his Country from u. nwanted group. killed when th twister splinte1·0 d employs at present 37 women on problem and secure a peacetul h l hi . . h th way for th present hrn SC'· 1 1;; as 1.,;/ 1' amiJ.r unit t omposed J aprm .se war . _. . th ir hom ,- · • · tmthly payroll of 1,050 · l:mderstandlng on the vital issue. :'P ~ 9a~p _e.s ~lldr .wJ1rs, ; ~ e c; ief-~--~~:~tWve. . dirres~d,. of husband nd wife and all P ar]tamentan ans ad m itted that Ed Palmer, 35, winfield truck month. They go into an a ve age Italy announced that the Presi- Ju,wever, to p,~ce fo 11 respons1bTI1ty 1on con~i"e~nrfor d ren under 18 years of age, r • a H ir a nu ma cabinet \V~ certain driver , struck by ligh tning, of 341 homes a month a ru:l take dent's message, deliverd by 11 ing and'·,making more effective the' New Deal's socikl and gardless of the number, will re- · to e ncl Lh r_resr"lt p:irltam~n tary heriff Wilson Palmer, negro, killed charge of the housekeepi.1g duties Duce Tuesd::\y night by Am- &conomlc measures which he said, are inextricably · fn:. ceiv hospitaliza tion for $1.67 per I system and for cast an d_d il101~al by another lightnin g bolt at Win- unt il the wife or m other in th bassador William Phillips, dealt termingled with foreign policy·, .· ) / family per month. There must b strain on ·~apa nese-Am rican . 1 cfield. family is able to resume her work wiJh a possi~~e solution of the Predicts $80,000,000,000 . Income . · , \ ~ five families in each group. la_uons wh ich alr _a dy wer . 111 • I E. B. Bolton, Ed Palmer's comrefugee question For the first 15 days after a per- . !:Httered be~~use of t~,e Ame~1Ca1'1 panion, was seriously injured and Mussolini is r eported to have . He fooli ii firm S?,na again~ curt~ilment of , federal e~ son buys the insurance h~ will $25,000,~00_ war lo_an to Ch111ese . . . three-year -old Willie Metcalfe received the President's proposal .pendit"ilres and proJected a national mcom e of. $80,000,o 23 not be · admitted for hos italiza - Generahssimo Ch1ang K~i-Shek _with only _ days left to pay suffered fractures of both legs. It "with syippath~". and promised ~00,000 within a. "short time" if pres ent J?Olicies . are COJ;tJ , tion except in cas f p 1.d t and anti-Japanese dee.lava hons by 1· r eal estate and poll taxes/ Lee was reported that several others ~ . . .\; \; . ' .., Ambassador Phillips that it would tinuerl· If the legislat ors scrap them and v1eld to demand&' 1s ~rffe' senfd or ~imila r ca use . eTl~is afcocr ethne administration $ p O k:e s·men in ,Ct.O.\,tlhntlal1 f _ing collections were inJ"ured but ·their names receive his careful consideration. that a-overnment spendin'-" be reduced im medi:atelv, t he'n · ·_ · · f .. . · Washington .· .·.a ··· e s 1e1·.1 s o . ice past $5 000 J ~·;.. i \,J~ · ~ e 'nttrpose o · preventm<> a person · ;· · d - Off D · · could not be learned. · · · · _,. · · · · · .;.,i P resid_ent Roo&evelt is said to Mr- Roosevelt snid they must b ear the r esponsibility · f~r ~~1ho is go ing to h ave"' an operaHiram~n:ia s till_:' wa$ in: conver, f a : · -a:7, · . lee · eJ.Juty Eldridge The how ling twister swept - -have pomted_ ou.t to Mussolini,. · future events whieh h e indieated plainl'_·,, IJ would~ b""'0 ao:n~ --- . Be . .1,r om b uym . g t 11e insurance . sat1onw1th ,L 1l ly· .~a1d · ,,, " '"' t wn · · ·· ·poJ1tiqal.le.adersearly ,· . ·: . . .. . .. · . last . . 111ght. · . . down into Montgomery and Win:.. F uneral S · e1·v 1ces "f 111 w h o ..h as mst 1gatd e an ant1° trarv to the. public wl}], · ·: oi:Je clay so that he can go to the today and· had not _an,n?1.J_nc~d the . . The co_un~y tax rolls did not ar-. field late last night. Torrential H Id . R 'd On Semitic program based somewhat The galleries were •ammed to overflowing and m:anw , hospital the next day. name~ of a_~:V ·of, J-ns _m1r11ste.rs . ·..·.n ve . until ab9 L1t_ the f1rst of the rain, lightning and high winds e At . es1 ence on that of Germany, that the dl 1 t i 1 d' H Th h d , . ., ·- ''The big difference between the · Resignatio~ oUhe Konoye g:o:v-.-·. y_ear and b~gn~nmg of tax callee- followed on it heels and did not Friday Morning J ewish problem is a "canker in, T> oma s, nc u mg r. ans om~en, c nrge- .e affairs Nort h Mississippi Commttnity ernm.e nt, which, h ad b~en m _pow, ~va~·delayed almost a month. subside until 18 hours later. international relations." 'I()., the ,German emhaEsY, were present w h en chief ,? H o~pital insurance plan and those er smce shortly b,e fo;e,. : th~ .o ut - · The tush_ . between now and Roofs were ripped from stores - - -"It is advisable" President ~xecubve entered the House ch amber at 1 :02 'P· m. :·/ (,, of commercial organizations is brea~ of the1 C~mese~Japa~ese , F eb:, l , ·deadlin~ ~or tax payments, and merchandise drenched a nd Mrs. Enoch Wesley Curry, Roosevelt is understood to have · .Mr. Roosevelt began by warning the l egislators th'at ·l 'th at you will get complete hos- war. in July, 937,, \VaS" :mnou11:c- rs expec_tef to ..0 e _so. he~vy tht ruined. Telegraph,' telephone and formerly of Kosciusko and Laurel, said, "that we remove this irrita• ~'reace is not asaured·" He said_that storms a broad had , pita 1. service," Mr. Reed said. "The ed at noi:m yesterday a.nd Hut?'" the _she riff s office is staym~ open power lines were dem olished and died at the home of her daughter, tion as soon as possible." c hallenged three institutions indispensable to Americans-I\ pa tient w ill hav e benefit of all numa was called -to _the -palace c1t I un til 8 or 9 0 clock each mght to for a time t his was a dark, wind- Mrs. J .M. Lynch, on North Madireligion; democracy .a nd internationa l good .f aith.He men• the laboratory, X-ray, and other 9 p . m . a nd order ed to ~0 ri:1 a n ew accomodat e tax payers, Mr. Lilly swept town w ithout communica- son Strte2et ' hlerel yesterday afterlioned no country by name but said that any order of M h . d g noon a serv ices he needs regardless of government, after h e had . been sa id_: Tupelo r esidents who w ork 1. o c oc c ~ L • hf h l t d , f h cost. Und ei· the average insur- r ecommen_ded by_ the_ v: perable , dur1 ~g. · r egt_-1l ar hours of t he .:ion. any ouse~ were ama F uneral services w ill be held · · . , . . eoc1ety W · C re ega es emocracy an,d good ait among ancP \Jlan, these services are limit- Pn~1:e K1m1;1oc\~1 s_alOrJ:)I_, ·.ch 1e.f: I shenft S of.flee are expe_cte d to ancld a bus statwn and tayern I at the residence Friday morning ,!fiations to the background is abhorrent to this c o untry. .,.


Ti r~ a d, . . s lll•t urI .O O 0 e" ' ta tes F..i·ve Kz~- lle· d







r~ .





W· CURRY 8] o-,vs HERV



~li~ .




~i :orJ!tar:i,1,ee·.l'no1.no.er ea, nO dUll_'f pwlaen.miaskae po~;_.~~~~ al~~::i_; e


money, th e rates will be reduced." All persons covered by the group insurance w ill be entitled to 21 days of hospital service a year, Mr. _N ann ey said, including the followin g: . i . Boar d and a becl in a fourbed room.. 2. Genera l nu'rsing care by a staff nurse. . 3. Us·e of oper a ting room, delivery room, nursery care, anesethet1c, . x-r ay a1:d laborntory !~am;~~t10nsd surg1ca~ dr~~s~ngs, o ma ry rugs an m e icm e.;;. Th e service of the doctor, surgeon, or dentist is not covered by the hospital insurance and each ~. pers9n rhay select his own physi, ~ian . . . . 1· Members of the group insurance plan may occu py single or tw_o be~l rooms by payment of the drfJe1ence rn th_e cost between these ' iooms and a I ed m !I four-bed room , . . . care . beyond the 21 \ . H?spi:al \ iif,Y.8 P\ovided . m th e insurance 1 1'>. icil'\. " '. l be prov:ded at a r edu~tion of 33 1-3 pde1d c[: entl, band pe1 { soni> recornmen _e or a ora tory, • x-i;~y:; em~ rge?cr w?rk b~~1 11 ne~~ m ~ · ?~pita l~ati.~n W I .: .a .) / er cen t r e uc wn on ~~ 1 ~~: pital insurance must be pijrchaRed in groups ' as outlined

j l

or ~t fi{ above. .

. -- - --

-'-o •


. .. . = .The mercury climbed to a summ er -lik e 74 degr ees in Tupelo yesterday from a low of 58 during the night. Today's forecast for Mississippi: partly cloudy and cooler Thursday. Friday fair,

t~~~~e he~p~:~~-.,

FLA·G SALUTE-, ~r LA\V .UPHELD f ~ ed~cahft~~~awmmh.~orem.anh,b w~s ;;,;o~:c~~~to:~rtl~~eF~:rrvl:th!~ U~ s. Is Wiser And Tougher Sine~ 1~29 oun ang 111 g on is neig ors d " t Ch h t· g B r· 1 BY TRIBUNAL ' Bluntly, he ;;aid that the e x perienc es which: we liad' door, his body torn and crushed. l~ll b ~ c K 1c~ 111 . u 1a endured since t h e d epression of 1929 had made us •

~=;~;~f;eat)y throu gh m ght tax b f 1 ff' · trnxwus ~o . resign ec~~s~ 0 11::_ Cons icle1ably less 1.han a four th O _ d1.staste fo1 the fascistic_ demands of the taxes m the county h ave His wife was found on the steps w1Mrs.eCaurryo,sw c mhso ow. a·s 81 year's Court U pholds Expelling Of d h , " Th b . 1 of the extrem e n at1onall~ts back- been 'paid thus fa r, Mr. Lilly said, of the same house, and she diad School · Who "wiser an a tong er nation· en, 0 VlOUS y point ing t o edby, a chque of powerful army and . all levies, r eal estate, pe ~·- on the way to a hospital. Their· old, ha d made her home for many Children fand-grabbing "bandit" nations which he condemned in off1 ce1s. sonal, an? poH taxes, must be paid j child was fo und lying at the rear y ears in Tupelo, wher e she was Refuse To Salute his famous Chlcago· "quarantine" sp~ech, he said that . by the ftrst of Februar y. of another neighbor's house. loved by a wide circle of friends. ''God-fearing d emocracies·' cannot s afely be indifferent to I LON (CDOI'!, Jadn. 4- < PU.P.J- ~ o>rma - - -o Monroe Willis, 40-year-old She is survived by four daugh BOSTON, Jan. 4- CU.P.>-Validi- international fawlessness anywhere . · . . 0 n O 1 onhnue AT TH.E, HOSPITAL farmer, d ie. d e,f 1mJunes · · · · d ville, ters, Mrs. P. Wynne of Farm· 1 A n e ffect1've protest must be made , hP cont1·n ued but ·· · - ~ age I ,'-\. receive Va., J. Mrs. G. E. Curtiss of . t Y of Massach usett' s cont roversia 1 Adm itted: Miss Julia P etty, when a cyclone destroyed his Washington, Mrs. P. K. Lu tken flag salute law was upheld today ;h~ democracies must proceed along "practical , peaceful Shannon ; Kim ble Crosley, Vern- farm home n ear Bolivar, Tenn. of Jackson, Miss., and Mrs. Lynch by a federal cou r t ruling. iines:' The me1•e fact that the democr acie~ do n ot inter~ on, Ala.; Oscar Hutson, Bexar, Four other persons w er e injured and three .grandsons, P eter, Don- ' Constituhohalty of the law was 'Vene with arms to prevent acts of aggressi on, he cautioJi;. Ala.; Muzetta Cowley, Saltillo ; and a two-year-old baby was ald, and Wesley Lutken. ·challe nged by. William A. John- ed, does not mean that they ignore the act or c ountenane~ Walter Christian, Tupelo ; Mrs. C. taken to a Memphis hospital. SevPallbear ers will b e Dr . W . H. son of Deerfield whose three it· ...~;· .-•i, <l:/;}r'~ -,..;1 ,1 ' A. Whites ides and baby girl, Ful - eral building'> n ear Bolivar were Eason, Dr. G. L . Brown , W . L . ch"ildren were put out of school : '-'W;c.:rds may tie futile, but W~r is n ot the only of ton. . damaged . . Sadler, Charlis B etts, R. c. because they r efused t o salute the commanding a decent respect for the o pin:<.'ns of man Hopes Payments Will Ease Discharged : w . R. Moore, SalAbout 30 n egro children escap- D h t W H D · 1 H C United Stat es flag. · h d h• · f ·• tillo; Mrs. Evans Miller, Tupelo; ed injury at Memphis when a au g er Y, . . ame, d F. . J ohnson ch arged that the kind,'' he said. "There are many met o s s ort o war, bµ_~ Road To Freedoin As baby boy Long, Tupelo; Emma tornado struck a school and ~ -cNJ;t~ !.· FP~i~! ~· ~~11 .a~e · i~ Fourteenth Amendment of the ~tronger and more effective than words, or bringing hollle Term Nears End Beck, Cc), . Tu pelo. church, unroofed a store, and charge of funeral arrangements. federal Constitution ' guaranteeing to aggressor governments the aggregate sentiments of our ,Other patients : Mrs. Adrian demolish ed an unoccupied house religious freedom was violated. ~Wn peo:p]e. , -~;_. O Farmer and ba by, Ackerman; 12 miles from the· city. '.!,'he negro JOHN TAYLOR He contended that the religious • ••At the very least, we can ·a nd· should ,·a void a~ CHICAGO, ,l an. 4-<U.P.> -Scar - B etty S ue Lawrence, Tupelo; J ack children were in the school wh en . sect, J ehovah's Witnesses, t o action, or any lack of action, which wiU encourage, assist face Al Capone paid $3 7,69 2 in Grissom, Guntown ; Mrs. E . H. the storm struck. DYKES DlES AT which his children b elonged for- or build up an aggressor- We have l earned th~t when fines to the federal government Burton, Tupelo; Mary Shelton, The cyclone which s truck at . . :, . EN bade their saluting a flag because deliberately tr% to legislate neutralit y, our neutrality laws today to speed his r elease from Verona; Mrs. J. R. 'Hester, Ver on a ; Bolivar is believed the same one AGE OF 1~ IFTE it violated the Tenth Command- may operate urievenly and unfairly:- ·-may actually give prison probahly ~<)me time this Otis Caldwell, Ra ndolph ; J ean which Sa ulsbury, Tenn., demolish . ent. . aid to an aggressor and deny it to the victim/' :;_ month. Milam, Saltillo; Mrs. c . c. Phil- ing several homes, barns, and John Taylor Dykes, 15-year-o ld Bot h charges were overruled by In tbis way the P resident brought ·int o the o p e n tltf Abe · Titelba um, lawye r for the lips, Saltillo ; Ralph Wigginton, outhouses a nd leav ing several son of Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Dykes, the federal tnbunaL The quest ion administration'! oppoE-ition to the pres ent n e utralfty . act deposed Chicago vice lord, t urned H amilton ; Frank Bronson, Tupelo; persons hurt. died at his home at Shiloh, north · of religious .i'.rP.ecl.om, the ·threeover the money lo the clerk of the E va May Murrell, Dorsey; Jim One of the h<\rdest storms re_. e ast of Nettleton, early last night. I judge court found, had already the ground that it is too inflexible. State D e partment offi.. district court from which Capone Bryan, Nettleton ; Raymond Wil - ported was a t Luray, Tenn., F uneral services will be held at been settled by the Supreme cials a~d so~e conpess~e n would like to see it-amended was sentenced in 1932" to 10 years l'iams, T upelo ; baby Dill, Saltillo· wh ere sever al persons were injur- 1:30 o'clock this afternoon at New Court in dismissing appeals from t o provide w19cr d15cretl!)nary p~w .ers. , ·. · .. • in prison a nd (in . d $50,000' . for 0 . L. White, Plantersville; Mag~ ed and many buildings were Chapel. Bur ial w ill be in the New J ersey and G eorgia in simi- . . Ro?sevelt emphatically reJected a pohcy ?f Amer1failure to m ake t~·icome tax p'ay - gie K eith . Tupelo ; Mrs. Virgil leveled to the ground. Heavy cemetery ther e w ith Pegues in lar cases. fcan ISolation• He said that the defense of religion, of me nts on his pro tits. fi:om rack.et- Tutor, Pontotoc; George W hite damage was reported at Hornsby, char ge. , . ~omoc~acy,,and of good faith a.mong nation,! is , "all the eering. · · . · . , ·· ·· .. · .· .(cl, Sh er man ; Willie Abbott (c), Tenn. M ore dam age was repor_ted o 20 DROWN AS BLIZZARD i,s ame ~ight· To save one, he s~1d, we m u st nQW.~ tk~ :OP The lawyer paid., $2,692 in cash j Shannon. from Marks und R~m e, Miss., CLAIM G-1\'IAN HEAD RAGES O VER BLACK SEA our mmds to save aU. The Umte d States, no morf:! th~n 0 and a check for $3 5,ooo draw n on · wher e roofs were n pped from E ' pther nations, can afford t o be surr ounded by the}~nenues th: Chicago (;: Hizen_s ) 3.ank , a n<;l Huge' Crater To Be Erased houses and tree~ were uprooted. WILL .NOT R ; S IGN ISTA~B_CTL, Turkey, J an. 4- of our faith and ouc humanity/' · · ..-:: Ti_t!st Cqmpa~y. , , . _: . ·,. _ . WILLOWS, Cal. (U.P.>- Contracts Only damage 1.n Arkansas re · ClJ.P.l--Officials were concerned to- ' Q • kl th th p "d t 1 · d th' t th'18 d ti . Ihe paymeiit: c.over ed .. flne!:: ·. o_q. have b ~en awarded to _loca_l gra in ported up t~ 10 p m , Wednesday WASHINGTON, J a n. 4-(U,1!>- day fo r h undreds . of seamen • . UlC y en • e rest en , e x p 3:me . ·ti .. _oes no $ L0,000 each on . t hr ee felony and rice farmers to fill 111 the ni ght was at Farmington, wh ere Officials close to J . Edgar Hoover, I a board ships on the B lack Sea m:ply that A!D,encan r epubhc~ d 1Sass?,~1at... t~emsel~es counts for -fail11r-i fo . pay income crater of a gas well that blew out . several h omes and barns were h ead of the nation's G -men, I to": over which was r aging a violent fr.-,m the nations of other .continents - ~( ~ o.es not m.e~n taxes and C0.1Jlt <:osts ':o f $7,692. ]~st J a nuary and · . h as just sub- da maged. I n i.ght den ied publish ed r eports I blizzard. The Turkish steamer the Ameri'1~ against the rest ?f t~e wor 1~. Th~ . U ruted Capone still owes two other f ines sided. The crater 1s 182x190 feet . _ __ _ 0 I that he would retire soon. They IMillett went down w ith the loss States, he said, stands o n Its h1sto!IC offer ~o JOm with of '$lO,OOO eacn for fa ilure to ·p ay and between 60 a nd 80 feet in The eggs of m&ects .follow bun- said th e reports were " without . of twenty sailors. Two men were other ~orld powers to' ep.d a ggression and armam·e nt race_~· taxes on his bootleg profits. · depth. . . . dreds of intricate desi~ns. founda tion or fact." . saved, . .. _( ~ntmued On Page .S) :_ 1 ·



QF $37·692·









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