1939, January 14 - House Approves WPA

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Tenants ~reaklLOY~LIST~lffOUSE UpRoadsideCampMAY MOVE , 0

~ JQ~!LvE s,n Denwnstrati~n




1 WP· " · ·:. . ..Jtl .. ..·

Evicted Missoun\GOVERNMENT l S-oTf $$~$$;$ JRupper(s la~t Act EnJ.s f(ILLS· CIVIL Shar 1'A ssass1na . t·10n F eared Quorrel "',th .Babe Ruth SliR " ·v·1nE,g F.OR , ,~ ~ ~pers Wlll Be Declared l · I- ~ ~ :,~ nace· Homes Found I If Mm1sters . . Try ~~ OFF 1-ALs T L a c·t By 1,3~0

t "T/~~~~: war dru~s throb no

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all battle f lags are furled

\ Tn the Podiam,nt of Man,



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The. Federat'~.-on'''of_·_"the World.'"

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MEMPHIS, J. . -$,f,, ·~

In the Su.-vey Gmphie John


-The demonstration in

pro- i

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Col. Jacob died before today but awkwardly with his hat than his big m the 1ast,Ruppert dark hours he moon £ace more serious' it








,~_ugles agp.mst beetles, guns loud , against g~asshoppers, : alarms agamst locusts, mankind against th e Mediterranean ' fly, fo~c~ _wh hout stint against the fighting flea, the world rhade ." ·- safe for anthro-poids ag11inst equatorial msects war -~" ' ~ w~r ,ainst an in'finity·

Butler s-aid it was time to end the demonstration. "We have shown officials of the AAA the pitiful· plight f h !andhavebrough~ tostha:~:i~::~ . . f. th t· , , I~ na 75 80 tlar~~ fa~ I opera ors ,ir,i . ~ou e1?,s. issouri ·j' ;:;ho -~re s~e.:1}t1;-g Jo t ~~e .all of ~he

~ ~o~


oerore tne subcomm1t~ee which aJreadyhad_approved_hisnomina_tion, and did so again when he concluded, the red-haired ''baby" meb~ber -~f President.Roosevelt's. ca met said that the sit.-down had been "thoroughly discrecl,ited" a~c:\ th;it "we have s~en an end of it." Murphy, third lllajor appojptee

!~~:~~ow0 Jtu:d w~i~e si=~~t\;~ make friends again with Babe Ruth . · The road that these two travelec1 t oge ther .f or so 1ong-one of the owner of the New York Yankees and the other the team's grea test player_- forked into two lonesome trails on the day in 1934 when Ruth left the Yankees, a bitter and dissatisfied man. Since then they had been apart. Death had been on the d oorstep of Ruppert's apartment for a week. Suffering from a complication of diseases the baseb all magnate had been growing w eaker. Last night he was in an oxygen tent when the telephone jangled and Al Brenn an, his secretary, answered it. "Hello, Al," said a boomi" ~: voice. "This is Babe Ruth I want to see the Colonel." · "Come right on up, Babe," A Y. m; ago a $1 5-a-week tele- B rennan said. phoiie operator, today Mrs. Then Brennan tiptoed to RupAmie La urie Dodge, above, pert's bedside and whispered: ·wicla v of D:mirl G. Dodge, heir "Babe Ruth is coming up to see to 'a;!,-$9,000,000 Detroit automo- you." mife'.Ho'.r tune , coun ts her wea lth . R up~ert took a long time to in rfiillions bye vi rtue of a court ~1ve his answer and when he did settl'ement of ner claims to the it was only one weak word: ·: L>odge fo rtune. "Fine."




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S d O ·N prea· Ver . ex I Five Months


A/.CQfraz E scape . Pii0t f




n,. g, '. o a,:Iii\'. '\lit\::ii.':ll!'(t~·~~{.t ,~i1~ •t!'!.iii>~~"Nte"rf•~ ~\'.!9", .: : ; : ; - : \!>',fi ~ · j,~t"9,~npf il? ~ ~ ~L ~~ llJlw II,~ .Jate .Kate (Ma) '.'"¥ '.~:mr •nd, f ~~~e:atl~~\F:~t~~g~o~~~l~~;~ Sl!jF a~1tter 1fIJ~!;;e:~ i:r~:.ii/1)\·m~i~;..,· ~a~-~er, ·thif J\:lcat'ra'z< '.~.~e'v,,<tb


down in the list is the brief notfation-"Babe Ruth, to represent ormer Yankees." , R~ppert had been ill since l!!st " , , ,. April. Best known !lS the owRer S1\~~li:RANC 1S,CO , .Tan. 13-(U.P.)-_-Arthur (Doc) Bark- of the Yankees, he .also was , -$UC-




Rupperthaddozedoffanditw:as l 'V a ~ailf hour before he spoke agam. · 1 1 sa1·d wan t to see the Babe" ' h e R 1· f F "· , . . \I · e Ie rmo M USt B e Hes ,, . right here bes1de the t bed, said a nurse. A weak smile lifted the corners of Ruppert'_s mouth and one hand went shak ily toward the Babe. Bot h of Ruth's big b!own h ands- ! ---Hands that had _g iven Ruppert en;1less hours of JOY w hen they WASHINGTON, J an. 13-<U.PJgnpp~d a bat and arched home The House tonight over - rode runs into the stands-were th rust Presiden t Roosevelt's demands out toward ~he bed. and p assed a $725,000,000 . ciefici They gripped hands for a ency rel ief bil1, $l50,000,000 less moment and nobody spoke. Rup- than the chief executive had repert was too weak to t alk; Ruth'.s quested. ~hroat was too full of whatever it The measure now goes to the is that sorrow puts there. Then Senate. th~ Babe_ swallowed hard and As approved by the House it sa!~ huskily: , . requires that the money be apColonel, you r e gomg to snap portioned over the n ext • five out of it. You _and I are going months : nullifies the President's to see the open.~ng game o-f: the recent order bringing 37,000 season _toget?er. Workers Progress Administration He ~as lymg and bot_h of th~m officials under civil service: ·bans kn~w it, but once agam a fam t relief to aliens, and fixes at ·25 s~mle came across th E: colonel's per cent the rate of differential lips. and he ~ropped mto sleep in WPA wages which may exist a gam.. Ruth t_iptoed to the door, between the North and the South. brushmg at his eyes, .a~d" as ~e A fighting coalition of Re• passe~ Bre~nan he said. Thats publican and Conservative Demothe first time. the col9nel ever crats led the rebellion and capped , called m e Babe, ,;le always called it with a drive to divorce relief

• lme R~th befor e. . -I K l•d. naper Doc B ark. er Slarn ·of:r~might therewas 1ssuedalist ho?-orary pall bearers and

miles. " I Theblow crumbled the ernment's fornt in l go": and M r ower Catal?ma were r~po;~~dc~;a~o:lnytaomg_hlt 1 · • UU e t fr ~! 'i,o ~~a~-~ard ~its of ~ye oya s 1v1s1ons ~ee}q~g to escape bef9re Franco s. i 0.ther



set out on the gceat advent=, he had ever be= before.

Palmer Gavit quotes with ap- t est of the fe d eral ~f;,"6<>._, --.n program w ill end tom or1 ' proval this ca ,umn's su ggestion row 'Y11en 1,300 sh 9 . ;,; . · ' mp ed along- 150 miles of: I HENDAYE, Franco- Spani sh · that if the radio people had h-1gh wav!'. m . southeast· ·-', , -:~ r J a n • . 13- (U·" I!" ..,- , ,eak camp to accept 1 Fronti·e' - R e ports been able ~o sustain a little "l .,lt · , d '" "•d ,.-; . " that t~e L?yahst _government was longer the impression that there ,, .h ,, er .sec ure ,>Y ... e er / cies, it .w~. learned to- plannmg . . . 1D1mediate transfer of was an attack from Ma rs there m i;;ht. mmistenes from Barcelona to would have LE'en t he greatest Homc?S on o ccupied farms in t h e area were found for Valencia reachP.d the frontier togetting together this earth h as t h e evicted_.s h,,a r·e_cro,__l pers b y government . who ~ight as Insurgent armies closed ever know n. Fascists and Comagen cie,s m the seaport of Tarragona and munists .w o uld have forgotten conducted a survey of Mississippi,*-- Barcelo1_1a's outer defenses. their bailles w ith each other 11 Pemiscott, . New iy1adrid, Scott, Loyalists were reported to have and with democrats, New Deal- and Dunklin counties. • lJ • urged the dispatch of a French ers a nd anti-New Dealers would J . R. Butler, president of t he warship to remove government have march~d as one, labor and Southern Tenant Farmers Union officials if the capital was apcapital would. h~ve united , is- and leader of the demonstration, proached by Insurgent armies. sues of race and religion would left tonight for Sikeston. He said • It was reported that two Loyalh ave becom~ trifli ng. he would instruct m embers to ist envoys had crossed the border ,:, accept the se!'v 1~es of the agen- New Attorney General Is and were en route to Paris to a sk To the extent that effect ive cies seeking alleviation of sufferthe French government to insure world organization depends up- ing among tenants who claimed Defended By High the safety of t.he government of on r ecogn ititon o.f a common j !hey w_ere gin n t~e choice of beFord Official Premier Juan Negrin if it was en emy, a natural enemy to mg evicted N bemg reduced to forced to give up BarcelQna. Overland t::-avel to the French identify for the pu rpose would the status of a day laborer so seem to be \v ar itself, since it lS that landlord s w ould not have to WASHINGTON, J an. 13-(U.P.)- frontier, the/ Loyalists said, might indeed the enti'my of all man- share crop reduction benefits Attorney General Frank Murphy lead to captu1e of the government kind. -But sincP. that doesn't with them. ' today condemned the sit-down officials by Catalonian e:Ktremists work, and the attack from Mars I The "sh anty towns" in which stri~e as an in strument of labor who had threatened to kill any ofhas been driven off, how about the sharecropperf are living will policy ::in°: _read a lette~ to . a ficial attempting to flee from the ' tlie Insect world? We heard a be declared menaces to the pub- Se~ate ,J~d1ciar_y ~ubcommittee .m city. r distlnguish~d scientist speculat- . lie health today by Dr. Harry · which his _mediation of labor disGeneralissimo Francisco Franl ing: the other day on the possiParker state health board direc- p~tes_, while he w~s governor. of co's Mo:r;occan army corps capt;urbility that man migh t someday '1 tor, S~perintendent B. M. Cas- Michigan, was praised by a high ed Tortosa 42 miles south of be overwhe lmerl by a great host J tell of the state highway p atrol official of the Ford Motor Com- Tarragona on the estuary of the of insects. l probly will order them off . the pany. . . Epro, and drove up the Mediter. i - ._· . • Appearmg at his ~wn request ranean coastal hi'1hwav for 16


NEW YORK, J a~. 13-W.Pl-


- So . Ruth oam, up, fumbling ·- ""' !I. ·



from politics. _T_wo Republican attempts to J1m1t the appropriation to. $350,• 000,000 pending an investigation to determine future reli~f ne~; were defeated .. Stich a· p~oposar was embraced I? a~ ame~dm~f· by Re?resent~t1ve . J oh,n 0 Ta~er,

r·r·:m)!;tNe'\ 1'


'"· ·\"~""'

1 -~r~~~nteeJ ! Hospj~le~ died t ~?I~h l in '1s:ancf'~~cr,e~S! p~~i.. '~~~f~hi;~irl~:~: r~tJ~it ti?!· ~~1:io+e_co~ma-:i ; J ~e~ ~ : ag.ainst that tnei\.ace? Could we Bt;n~ett, For~ per.sonnel director, ~orth of Perello and 20 nules Leil1,iary of_gm ,shot wounds s uffered when he.. and ; f our and more to baseball and h is only th1s OPJ_ective but, develop ,vorld flag, a world co~ mending the President's so~th of Tarragopa. . other convicts a t tem pted., to escape. H e was t he fourth order to men wh? ran his'valuable on a v01ce .".ote. ' . ' . .; Hvy, . \Xrorld ~h~~c:i::t t~;fi~~:J1erB!~vewo~ as member of the Barker family to ,die violently since Ma ,properties was "win t~e ad~~i~f:;~I~~1:s r es~~~:!~nst/~: a~t 1em, wolrdi fpatnotism_along cribed Murphy a·s a "mnaen wehs- the time of Christ, was menaced Bar.Ker and h er s ons l eft t h e Oklahbm a b 2-ckwoods and Money· was no consi·derati·on · gram came in th e face·of<>,~r~te wi 11'f]Ja 'wguns? or . oIf spray brigades o hi on : II si"des tonight · . · · bank, robbery, .k1dnaping, , · · killing. · ..,. Whi. and we could and co~pletely comprehends the rewith the ,0 1::g~n acreers u"" and He lost .thousands of dellars be-· H ous~ ~arnm~ that the lesse:r '-P.~ >if tha"i. is th,~ only way ·w~ can qmrements of the employe and ~l way north of :13arcelona-50 Al'thur was s erving a life sentence on the Am . cause he . insisted that the proprration w ill fore;~ thousancl_s ,. , - ' ct · t . . · those of the employer" mi es away-as the only avenue erican Yankees go mto the World Seri·es of needy off the relief rolls be·. h ' e o orgamze . i . and win in four straight games ue. ,m-a agamst · Murphy ·sa~d that ·he had re, of. escape :£or its • normal popula-, "D e:7 · 1T s I s l an d" f or , the 1934 kid· · if f ore next July 1-, end of· the: · fiscal ri" f;, q1~rre s a nd k_illceiy-~d the letter, which. was un- tion of 28,000, swollen in the last I n ~pmg of Edward Bremer, the~ could. The owners do not year. . .· I. ; sohci~ed yesterday. · \ ;f ', bu s PT Yd~or ~he_~om;!lg · · month by thousands of refugees. wealth? s_t. Paul brew~r. He was begn:i to shar e in World Series Representative Clarence Cani. b gh. o i~ o a _ug ite Murphy asked the . committee -o . wounded m the leg . this morning receipts until after the fourth non, Democrat of Missouri, touch;: ' \ ~ : ~ : ',", , ~ at 1 , fur pe"!'ission fu appeat after $179,564,883 IS LENT . " he fled from .guatds. . ga!"e; the pla,(ets ~,t ." an. He ed off th.' frcsurredfo,j w~© )re J h_ i s nommi:it.10_n -was . subjected to ON NATION'S CO The four convicts attempting to paid the best salaries m baseball spoke for the ~~esident ~nd de0 0 County's Share Of Equalizing severe criticism, especially by · TTON · · escape from th~· im pregnable is- and got the best ·:men. When mantled the ongmal $875,000,0QO. • In_Cong~ess ~there 1s much Fund I D R~pr~sentative" Clare Ho~fman, a WASHINGTON, Jan. 13_(U.P.)_ I - . . ~~nd w ith_him w ere: Dale Stamp- other c_~ubs complained that the He war1:ed that the $150,000,s ue Early Mic_h!gan Rep.'ublican and long a ~he Commodities Credit Corpora- I Tupelo Association C har.ges mll, servmg . life . gor kidnaping; Yankees were . dominating base- 000 r educt10n would ,throw -1',l~p,. .s~nt1ment m : vor of the so\ called ~udlow amendment, callNext Week political and _personal foe: ·o f the t10n announced today that it has Off O I $66 Of $1 325 -000 . I ~ufus McCam, ~19 years for . na- ~all'. the colonel's answer ~as 000 persons ou_t of_'?79rk a_n d;bnng ~m g for a oopular refer endum ___ former _go~ernor. Hoffman cen- .made loans of $17.9,564,883 on , n Y . .' ' ', ~ional ba~k rnbbery and. kidnap- bmld :¥Our te~ up to ours." untold hardship to _the _d~st:~ute. Lee County will receiv e .ap- tered his fire on Mui;phy's policy 3,914,184 bales of cotton as off Lent Dur.mg- Five Yea rs mg; Kenn Young,. 20 years for Born here. m New York on Bluntly he r eminded h_is col"' ~efo~e war. may be d ecl::ir e_d. · rob bi_ng a national bank; William Aug. 5, 1867, Ruppert had not leagues that the _Pr:esiden_t';s ,e~ti-_ , ,e:~t trI1:e1:t 1s t_he name f~r 1~, m proximately $ 0,000 iyronday as it.; during t~e 1937 automobile sit- yesterday. The loans averaged I om opm10n, smce: there is little 1 share of the 3quarterly cl'istribu- down strikes. 8.81 cents per pound. The num.. Martm, negro, 35 years for armed been seen mor e .than h alf a dozen ~ate had been fixed by off1c1als or no s<':nse. T~e . amend~ent tion of th~ '.ltate equalizati0n The Ford letter said that "re~ per of bales by states on which . The _annua l stockholders m~et- . robbery of a postoffice. baseba~l games .when he purchas- i1_1 cl?se touch with the -r~liE!f_ ~ould ,;npp~e this _c~untry m _all ~und, w. A. Roper, county super - ~ardless of what expressed Qpin- loans were made include: Ala- mg _of the . Tupelo Produ ct10n Barker was hit in the left le ed an mterest in t he Yankees i~ . situa~10n and that · hap~az,rd , :ts ne~o_tiations with foreign mtendent of eclucation, said la£t ion may h ave beeli, w e personal- ba_m~ ~19:035, Arkansas 665,881 , Credit "?-ssoc1a l10n was attended and head. Stamnhill was struc: 1914. At 29 he becam e h ead of ch~nges should not be m ade_· by _ l! have always felt that your ac- Mississippi 602,609, and Tennes- by 589 farmers from 13 northeast in both legs. the Ruppert brewer y when h is u ninformed n:embers. , . ) · cpuntn~s. H would encourage night. aggres_sions ~ased .on- a prepThe quarterly payment will go . hons were. ~uided and prompted see 290,177. Mississippi counties, Secretary · McCain y . ; father r etired from the business, Repr~sentatJve Emanuel Cell~r, o Treasurer M. C. Daughert y sa.id d d , f ~ un~ an~ Martm sur- so he never had to worry about D~mocrat of New York, plea~~d su mpt1~n _that w e wouldn t or into the county's school fund to ?Y . a spmt of fairness and . . last night. fe:i.1 a t~r B-,rkeI and Stamp- money. with the . De~ocrats t,~ "uphol~ ,i::ouldn t figh t or that we qmld dd ray regular expenses of the JUStic~.'' be ? e_aten be!ore the process of county school system. Murph! _read the missive after T d ' Highlight of the meeting was . the ~residents hand. . Re~redec_1dmg to fight _w as co~plete. The Stat~ Dr partment of Edu- he ~all fmished lon, statemept, o ay s Mississippi forecas t: the address ot .ksse B . Hearin Martin suffered scratches and sentative J. Burwood :1)al~, Oemo~t is peace senhrnentahty of cation is also sending out blanks settmg forth his views on the generally fair, continued cool. The president of the P roduction Cred~ abrasions as h e slid down a rocky ~rat ?f Pennsylvama, at tacJced tpe most d eadly sort. It coul~ to Mississippi schools over the labo: _movem ent and policy . and ~mperature in Tupelo went to a it Corporation of New Orleans on bank ·to the \Vater. reactio?~ry _Democrats. wh o Th e convicts sawed their way would Jom "':1th 1;;ep ubhcans to r esult, ~s so m~ch of such senti- week end for the annual census ~eta_1ling some· of his nego_tfations f i? h of 50 . degr ees yesterday "Why Agriculture Requir es a n:1entahty can, 111 the w~rst pos- to determine the number of educ- m sit-_dow~ strikes stageg by af- . rom a lo_w of 37 di,iringthe night, Specia l Crectit s ,_,stem of Its out of their cells and were alslap_the .f'.r~sident. . . a-b le chi"ldren i' n eac'. lContmued On . ..na"e then dropped back to ·39 at sun- Own," and r, br ief., discussion by mos t 111 . the swlt' . 1·mg ti"des of San .. dr_ew the · fire of lj s1ble war. ·" coun t y The r • •') ·set R His cnt1ci t t _sm Cl i, " ·~ found m . th . , . census. d ··,·. . F 1·t·z IMcC oy, r·i0l.d representative Francisco Bay w . hen guards L .r1umber . ruepresen D a ivet O. f ifton v 1· · A.· 'Wood· The Lu,d low_ am endment is . termines the amount of per capfta from New OrlP:> ns in "True and caugh t up with them. Prison arge Prizes Are Offered m, emocra ~_gu~ia,.ch~ir~casedbon an Jdead t~at peace funtds adllowed each coµnty 'by the False Facts of P.roduction Credit acounth?crti tihesddidbtnot kdnothw how the For Yard Improvement : :mffte:he :fu~~op~=~i~~J JS ~ - j O an e preserve simply by sta e epartment of edcuatio, . Associations." vi s a ame e saws. R It h " f. t d f. .· h · , . . · assing a la• ·" ""g . t war" Th ese per cap!·t a f und s ' ar1e I n ct· · w1·nners ooseve lS lrS e eat 11n t e ' • vv « ~ms I . President J . w Haynes of the . icat mg a C'arefu 11y planned new congress by recomnrertdin P ;~i:: s i Asso: tat~ Editor Ra_lph stre~~t~ened by the . re~!.l)~r · Tu~elo asso<:iation rep?rted that break, the attempt was m ade in a that the appropriation b e sliced.g; . s n The ~.1a1:ta Constitu- ~quah_zi_n g funds to counties ,,n .h . _ durmg the fiv0 vears s 111 ce 1t was dripping fog-the thickest fog to Names of 12 Lee County girls, Leaping to his feet in closin h~n. But the '. hmg "wotSe than msuffac,ent tax revenues tn pcoorgani,ed, the T,,peto Ptodudion blanket th,· s , n Ftandsco atea in selected by eo,mty 4-H Jeadets th, debate Woodrum said, . . g that, it see~,, u s. To try to ,perly· support their schools.. HOLLYWOOD, J an. _ (U.P.>· . Credit Associ'cltion had Jent ap- months. and the home demonstration "It is rediculous and childish.·, 13 a two Gable, wh? will ~ortray the proximately $1,325,000 and that . A gigantic search for the fugi- agent, were en ter ed last night in for anyone to say that because a r:eserve pea~- - by ~assmg 0 a law . M~re than $1,000,000 will be David 0 . Selznick ended not only 1mposs1ble but can ~hstnbuted ne~t w eek in equaliz- year search for a Scarlett O'Har • swa~hbuc~lmg Rhett Butler. th e actual amount charged off tives was organized and under the Mississippi ,1-H Yard Improw,.- Democrat does not vote every- 1 bf! :3 sur e w:.y :o war. · mg fu~ds to ti1e counties elig"ble to~ay by deciding upon Vivie! dMiss Leigh a lreadr has ~cquir- was only $66.r,1. way when Warden Johnston an- ment Contest. thing that is asked in the budget ,, r-, .. ,., . to receive the payments.. Le~g!1, young and almost unknown : he a t outhern ~ccent,, which, as M. S . Swoone of Columbus was nounced the men had been capThe girls, ~II m ember s of local that he is t aking a slap at the ' o Bnti~h actress, as the screEin , diff!e~UC!;!r s said, was not much elected to the" :ive man board of tured. 4-H home improvement projects, President. I heard the f r es,i dent . A st ep toward~ the c?-operahon and good vn ll wh ~ch ca.n heroine of "~one With the Wind," one. t from her own natural directors yesterday for a thr ee"They got out of a cell building are: Pauline Gunter, Plantersville: sa); from this rostmrrt only_a few m ean much for Am~nca this Admitted : Mrs. J . w. McKis- Margar:t Mitchell's story. , • year term. R. s. Raden o.f Nettle- about 4 a. m.," Warden J ohnston P auline Che~k , P lantersville; days ago that only con gr ~ss has new year w_~uld ~<': some sort of sack, TuP,elo ; Mrs. Am anda RogThe film pr~ducer said that the ton was r e-Pl::!ctecl for another ~aid. '.'A lieavy fo g enveloped the Lorene Kilpatrick, Guntown· power_to. make appropriations.'\ . agr ee_me:1t 1.1 \:~ibng between ers, Saltillo. gre~~-eyed. girl with the tiny . term 011 the board. The other island. · . Mamie Johnson. Blue Springs: . He m sisted that pass~g: of ~h,~ ~ontracti~g par.ies of. t1:e le_ft Discharged : 0 . L. Payne, Plant- waist and dark tresses was the three board members are: J . W. "The fugith·8s attempted to get Mavis Woods, Saltillo; Mar y b~ll would be an_ administration· and t~_e n ght that b ehevmg m . er sville ; Mrs. J. C. Mann, W. N. only perfor1:1er amo_ng hundreds ' . Haynes, New A' bany, association to the water, but·were defeated in Ag_n~s Grissom, Guntown; Louise ~1ctory, bec~us~ it embra~es ~e orgamzed lab0r do.es not make' Meek, Elwood Pickens, Tupelo ; t~sted who hved up m every par• pr esident; P . D. Carter, Van the attempt by guards. Phillips, Guntown; Lou Nell Mills, hu11;?ne obJectlves of the Pres1_a. m_an com:-1umst_ and be- Frank Bronson. , ticul~r to _the d~scription of 'ScarVleet, vice-pi·esident; and o. M. "The convicts were so d esperate Tupelo ; Mar gar et · Jo Kingsley, j.dent. . ()ther patients: Mrs. W. B. 1Wil- lett m . Miss Mitchell's t elephone BERLIN, J an. 13- "(U.P.) - Ger- Hinton of• Corinth. in their .effor ts to get to the wa- Ne~tleton; Opal Gregory, Tupelo; He "."as applauded _lo~dly _by h evmg m p ~ofi t o_n mvest~enJ does not make him a reaction- son and baby Tupelo . A M Cog book-sized novel. many took a lor-g stride tow rd M C D l i ter, however, that two of them Olhe Mae Estes Mooreville· Republicans and Democrats. (!.nd ary ' · Nettle: · Selznick - ambitions a in secretary-treasm · · aug ier erY·was re -elected ' Chns · t·!ne ·F ranc1s, · S~ltillo.· ' · ' . a teller ,; e the art of gins, Pontotoc' ; Edd Sisk, .,. ..h a_st e~ed t_o forestall realization of her L. G . M _ Barker _a nd Statnphill, were shot . , vot e was or d ered -9~ · · This _ .bec:aus ' n ar.ne calhn,,, h as ,been develop- ton; Mrs. L. £. West a nd baby puss1bL cr_iticism of his selectlon eastern Europe today when Hu g- Cl . t t ' t , c befor e they halted. Their r ecords durmg the com- Canno:1 amendm ent to r e.stor e Johnston said a routine check- ing year will be judged # rst for a the on gmal amount. It was ,"~e- . :~.d . to such ~n I~ pressionistic boy, J ackson ;::. Y. Robinson, Cor- f~ an English girl by pointing out ary join,ed the German-Itali~n- er u:~·d a:~: a·~el:~r; ag-tr ~as~rp~mt that ~x trem ists of the inth;, Maggie K eith, Tupelo; Eva .a~ the Southern aristocracy of Japanese alliance and qioved µito legal clerk. . aug er Y, up at 4 a. m. led to d iscovery county prize of a gold medal, feated , 226; to 137. A total '9.f } 011 , _right ~ave per suaded a lot of May Merrill, Dorsey· baby irl Ci~1~ War days was proud of its closed collaborl',l.tion with the . . that the m en wer e m issing from then for a state prize of a $50 (Coni.ntJ~d on Page 4} . us m1ddlE:-of-1he-r~ad people Miller., East T upelo ; 'Mrs. C g A British ance~try and that insofar Rome-Berlin axis. . The assoc_iat!on y esterday r e- their cells. . watch, a regional prize of a trip -- o,- - - th~t t~et~ >s somethmg aetually Whitesides and haby. git!, F uiton: as ~: fd Drreclot. Geo,~, Cuko, · Soon after Hungatian Foteign :.:red 1 ~h m l0ans /com $137,Batket, knoWn in the undet- to Chkago, and a national ptfae VOTE ON HOPKINS IS r fl 1;c\ al out the 1dea of , .or- Walter Christian, Tupelo ; Muzett~ ~outl is~over , Miss Leigh in a Minister Count .Chqrles Csaky's z t · m t $44"\\;,a~ of_its or gam - ~or l~ as "Doc," was a companion of a $300 college scholarship. DELAYED FOR W.J,<;EI( ~.a m ze aboc, and extremists . Cowley, Saltillo: Cecil Brown us e. a~ . straw bonn~t was an statement was published in Buda- ,a ion, o ;:i, • urmg 1938. m crime of Alvin (Old Creepy) . .. . . . , ~fhe~~eofleufst thhavte p ef~tsuaded Fulten; Oscar Putt, Tupelo; Mont~ : 'i!~\~!~~~~~t e ?f the ~ma~inary p~st saying th~t Hungary ' would C. i·t· f ol3 t Karpis, k idnapcr, bank robber and a ~pr~ci~o!~:aJ~1!~msp1nvw enhti.ec1d1 WASHINGTON, Ja·n, 13.:....:_(U.P.Y-· Sh . . Jom the anti-Com:rpunist alliance izens o sta es of th2 murderer_:_at one time America's t . . ,. . The Senate C,)mmerce 'Cor;imitt~e,' . l . . a pro i s ar~ Hall, Tupelo; Mrs. Lynn Fowler· t u~gs m which only. T?rie~ and Fµ\ton ; Duree . Ware· and bah ' e , will go __be.fore the techni- tbe German, Ja anes nd I : ,Union are taxe.d to pay pensions Public Enemy No. 1. was a _orerunner ~f the sterilm_np today postponE'd ~ntil_W edner;day 0 ,raitors~to-progr ess };i~lieve. - girI ··(c), ~harmon.. . - ' " . ,, i the . en~ of this Jlia11 m inister s ca1J~d :~ hn a~d t~ . ;veterans of_~9th side5 of the ' Members·o~ the faip.Uy ihciuded_ . ~ "; ~Id~}Y -~s~d m . ,.the flood m:-.i a vot~ on the nommatwn of trarrr 1. ,co~~h -Ip ' pJ~Y~_!~g- 01:)P(?S* C~ark <>ccepted his b1".t of as's1· C1yil War. . . ' . . .. . (C'ontinit•d: ..g ...::.p··.... ~) ., . '-' u,~ _:r1es,lor :f1ll~ s, .formN' WPAommerce. admintstra• . . ,s,ance. . , . ... -·· l.lJ __..Irl.Old __ ~-- and, · _bac- ·I1· Hop1<;m · ....4 ., - ·- ·-· · - · . " · ., _,. . . .. · ··'if' _.,_ _ _ . -- . .. -· .. , tena· t or, as s.eere ,,, . t ary ofC / .


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_the' nem?nstration) a:1 aehtf_l;ved its goal, and , that 1t ;ou!d bet u~ne~ess~~ t'o_stJect I th: s!~!r~s~~~t ~r;h:a;~se on Earlier tonight Butler ,s~id ·he . (Cont·mueel o n p.... . , • 8) ·.

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UJn k nown B ritish •·' • Actress · p.lCk d. A. . . 0 'H e · 8 car,ett , ara















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