1950, August 11 - Battle Raging

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Vol. 80. - Number 113.

· Full United Press Leased Wire.

Tupelo, Mississippi, Friday Morning, August 11, 1950.

Army Wants All I~MBLE INN cRowNs ITs K ~ E~~ Mrs. McGaughy Battle Raging In Flaming Pohang Streets .6-Year Reserves '!'·l Passes Away At As Ene my Drives Into City O f 30,000 ;

Back In Training

Home In Tupelo Ne arby Airfield Is Threatene d By Reds

ORC Office Here Is Ass igning Them To Tupelo-Corinth Units A tough new Army policy, aimed at getting aJl of its six year reservists back into Organized Reserve Corps training, has been started in Mississippi, Captain William C. Bruns, ORC instructor for northeast Mis~issippi, said Thursday . \ Si::-G-year-reservists we re defined by Capt. Burns as the postwar draftees who served 21 onths in the Army under the Selective Service Act of 1948 and were required upon discharge to transfer to the Enlisted Reserve Corps for a p eriod of six years. Capt. Burns said that his office was sending letters to all six-year reservists in the eightcounty northeast Mississi ppi area assigning them to Organized Reserve Corps units in Tupelo or Corinth and pointing out that the law makes it compulsory for them to attend all dr ill periods. The reservists will be assigned to Company B, 346th Infantry Regiment, Tupelo or to Headquarters Battery, 3040th Division Artillery, Corinth. Six y ear r eservists in Lee, Itawamba, Pontotoc, Tishomingo, Prentiss, Alcorn, Tippah and Union countie1:> will be affected by the letters. The penalty for failure to comply with the law requiring their attendance or ORC drills is trial in a civil court or an additional 112 months of active duty with J:1 • Army. The law, however, sets up certain exceptions to be , judged by Army officials. ' Captain Burns indicated that the drive to get all six-year reservists back into regular ORC training schedules was part of a state-wide effort ordered and directed by the Mississippi Military Distr ict headquarters in Jackson.

Funeral Se rvices For Beloved Local M~tron Set For 10 AM Today


Gl1s Usina Ta nks In Grim Effo rts To Dri ve Comu nists Out Of City; On Sou the rn Front, Americans Edge Fo rwa rd Against Stiff Resistance But Push On Pohang Is Most Serio us Threat; Drive On Taegu Expected

Mrs. Mattie Bro wn McGaughy, TOKYO, Friday, Aug.-(U.P.>- Communists attackers in a lightning thrust out of the wife of the late F ranklin Clay mountains smashed into the port city of Pohang today and swept within sight of the big McGaughy who was a pr~minent American air base nearby. businessman and civic leader in American troops raced to the defense and fought the North Koreans through the streets Tupelo for man y years, died at of the burning city. Slashing southward, some of the Communists were within two miles her home on Main Street here of the airfield where the Fifth Air Force commander was personally directing U. S. at 11 :30 Thursday · morning, affighter pilots seeking to stem the Red advance. The threat to take ter an illness of several weeks. P ohang was the gravest danger She was 85. 1 aced by the Americans at the Services will be conduc,ted faced by the Americans at the from the home at 10:30 this morn. Gen. Douglas MacArthur indiing with the Rev. R. G. ·Lord, 1 cated the worst is yet to comepastor of the First Methodist at the opposite side of the Allies' Church, officiating, . assisted by box-like defense area. the Rev. H. R. Holcomb, pastor The spokesman said five North House Vote On Pr ices-Wages-Rationi ng Plan of the First Baptist Church. B urKorean divisions are massing aial will be in Glenwood CemeIs Overwhelming; Senate Action Comes Soon long the Naktong River opposite In special cer emonl.::s at the American Legion Hµt Thursday tery with P egues in charge of Taegu, temporary South Korean night, Miss Marj orie Eubank was crowned queen and Tulane Posey arrange men ts . WASHINGTON, (UP)-The House passed a broad home- capital and the heart of the Al· king of Amble Inn. Miss Betsy Ross Lawhon was named duchess Mrs. McGaughy, one of Tufront mobilization bill Thursday giving President Truman lied operations on the north and and Thomas Beaudrot duke. Harry Rutherford, chairman of the pelo's best loved residents, was power to control prices and wages, ration consumer buying western fronts. Preparing for an born in 1865 at Aberdeen, daughcity's Recreation and P ar k Committee, placed the crowns on the assault on Tae-gu, the Reds opter of the late Robert Calhoun and speed up war production. The roll call vote was an posite royal.family after they were chosen by popular vote by members Brown and Mary the city are gathering the Haughton overwhelming 383 to 12. greatest concentration of forces of Amble Inn. Approximat ely 200 parents and teen-agers attended Brown. After attending h igh The measure, approved by a bipartisan majority, also pro- anywhere else on the front, the the special event, marking the close of the 10-week summer indoor school at Aberdeen and college vides for consumer credit curbs and makes hoarding a crime spokesman said. r ecreation program. The royal fam ily, shown in the picture above, at Jackson, Tenn., Mrs. McTaegu is 45 miles southwest of puni shable by fines up to $10,000 are left t o right: Duke Beaudrot, Queen Eubank, King Posey and Gaughy came to Tupelo in 1891 the Ponhang port where the Comto teach the second grade of t he Duchess Lawhon. -Staff Photo by Thompson. primary school. munists pulled their surprise atani k~!ss~~t~ec~e~ft!~ iCTc?:i;!~ tack today after pushing south• gan debate during the day. on a Four years later, in 1895, sh e similar bill. The Senate is expectward through the rugged mounwas married to F . C. McGaughy tains about 10 miles from the who was the n with the Clarkeast coast. Hood mercan tile firm here. In The Communists were attempt1902, Mr. McGaughy opened his to the President when to invoke ing to grab the initiative on the own ready-to-wear store in T·uthe price-wage-rationing and othother fronts, too. pelo and it ,g rew rapidly i.J).to Disbarment Efforts Jerry Garrett of Tupelo Route er control powers contained in the one of the most popular in t his At least two regiments, possi• bill .. entire area under his guidarj.ce, 2 is shown with the 70-pound bly 6,000 troops, were across the Mr. Truman, who did not 11sk Are Bei ng Waged . Other Contracts Tentatively Let By Aldermen ; until his death in 1926, and. of "Pride of Georgia" watermelon for the price-wage-rationing auNaktong defense line in t he which he raised after it was plant- thority, indicated he is not ready his children in later years. Changnyong bu].ge area. Some JACKSON, Miss. (U.P.lJohn Total Falls Just Short Of Esti mates Mr. and Mrs. McGaughy es- ed oy his grandfather, Lynn Mer- to impose such severe r estrictions R. Poole, Jackson lawyer against of them broke out of the Ameri• -Staff Photo by Vartan on the civilian economy. tablished their home on Main cer. can defense ringing the bulge to Airport construction contracts totalling $136,286.98, sub~ Street at the same site on which A reporter at his n ew3 confer.- whom disbarment efforts are be- menace the American base of ject to a two-week waiting period and approval by the Civil the McGau ghy resid ence now ing made, was asked Thursday Masan on the south. ence reminded the chief execuAreonautics Commission, were awarded by the Board of stands. Throughout the years Other Communist forces in battive he said a few weeks ago that to file an answer to the charges Mrs. McGaughy had won the talion strength threw a new wage-price controls would not agai nst him. Aldermen Thursday night. · · come until there was total mobilThe contracts went to the following firms: Landing strip highest love and esteem of all The action was taken at a meet- bridgehead across the Naktong who knew her, haq taken an north of Weagwan, in another ization. paving, Memphis Stone and Gravel Co., for $102,959.53; air- active part in. the First Methoding of the State Board of Bar threat to Taegu. On the northAsked if such broad scale moport lighting, Kemp Electric Co., Louisville Miss., for $5,788; ist Church endeavors and had bilization is in sight, the Presi- Commissioners h ere at which ern front the North Koreans were WASHINGTON ~(U.P.lThe water line from Frisco tracks to been a devoted mother to her Poole and his lawyer appeared. attacking in an at tempt to start dent said no, not yet .. the field, B. G. Coggins, Nettle- children. Army probably will iss ue a man However, the administration is Recently the Jones County bar a southward drive on the temOrder Affects Those ton, for $26,366.50. datory call today for individual She leaves two daughters, Mrs. anxious to beg;n using some of group asked the state group to porary capital. The contract for fencing went to D. S. Hunter of Tupelo and Mrs. reserve officers, informed sources In the southern se~tor, 1!he the industrial controls Mr. Tr1,1- t ake action against Poole for Signi ng Up After War · · Cyclone Fence Division, Amerisaid Thursday ni,g ht. Gleen Stephenson of BirmingAmerican offensive mounted by man did ask ior, partic ularly the "conduct unbecoming a memcan Wire and Steel Co., Jackson, ham, Ala.; three sons, Franklin It will be the Army's fir st The Marine's call-up of its en- p ·,wer to a!loct>te scarce mater ·.• ber of the Mississippi Bar Task Force Kean was running Miss., for $1,01 0.95, while the con- Clay McGp.ughy, Jr., of San Ao~ mandatory call in the Korean Assa iation." He was charged into ·i ncreasingly st~ff resistance, tire volunteer ,reserv.e "will affect als to war intlustTies. tract• for culverts under entrance toriio, Texas'; Nor ton McGaug~y war for reserV'E! .'l!lffie. S whd ..are battali"·nS The bill passed by the H_?use with "aHgning himself with sub- and two American road was awarded B. G. Coggin, of Tupelo; a nd Paul W. Mc- <!11 Tupelo-area ex-Marine enlistnot members of organized rewere pinned down by gunflfe would: versive elements." Nettleton, for $162. ed men who signed up in the serve units. Last Friday it called Gaughy of Nashville, Tenn.; and 1. Give the President club-inPoole represented Willie Mc- from Communist troops who had The contracts were just $38 less eight grandchildren. Geo rge Bristow Gets than to active duty on an involunreserves after the war and .who the closet authority to impose Gee, convicted negro "rapist, whose b een by-passed in the advance. estimates drawn up more tary basis 62,000 reserve en list·P allbearers will be Norton are not a~signed to organiz- wage and price controls and ra- case has been pressed by the CiThe fire in Pohang, a city of Plantersville than two months ago by City En- Nisbet ed men who are not members , Guy Mitchell, J r., Murphy tioning at any time he deems n'?c- vil Rights Congress, a group cited 30,00, raged from a big fu(el gineer Leland ·cook. Mr. Cook ed 'Units, official' Marine Corps of organized reserve units. T he contract for construction not only came remarkably close T homas, Jr., R obert Weaver, Jeff information from Washington in- essary. If he clamps on pnce as subversive by the Justice De- dump on the northern outskirts. Previously, the Army urged of Pla nter sville's n ew high school to ceilings he would have to hold partment. It was set afire by the fighting. pinpoint estimate of the cost Cole, Glenn Sturdivant, Ernest invidual reserve officer and en- build in g was awarded Thursday but also judged f:Orrectly that the J oyner and Britt A. R ogers. down wages. The commissioners voted also American South Korean troops dicated Thursday. 2. Make it a criminal offense, to poll their members on the fought grimly with guns and listed men to volunteer for ac- by the L ee Co unty Board of Ed u- K orean War would not bring the -~~~o,--~-The order will also affect a11 punishable by a $10,000 fine and question of legal liquor in the tive duty. Today's call may in- cation t o George Bristow of Tu- price increases expected. (Continued on P age Seven) Marine officers of the last war, a year in jail, to hoard food, state after being asked to do so 01---~ clude ·doctors, who repor tedly pelo, described as the low bidOnly one of the hiders, an unwho were automatically trans0 by the Junior Bar Association. have not been volunteering in der. s uccessful one, mentioned the differred into the reser ves when (Continued on P age Eig ht) sufficient numbers. they were demobilized . EnlistMr. Bristow's bid was $45,800. ficulty of obtaining matel·ials in 0----ed men and non-commissioned The bid in cludes all construction his bid. The prices on the low officers went into the reserves costs except the wiring and bids were considered excellen t by only if they signed Up for it. pl umbing. The wiring bid was city officials. engineers for Mississipawarded to the F urr Electric pi,CAA The information defined volE. W. Anderson and Bruce Co., Tupelo. Action on awa rding Campbell, uriteer reserv;es "as those reatte nded the meeting Damages Sought In the pl umbing bid was not ta ken and predicted that final CAA apservists not in organized units," at Thursday's meeti ng. Sepa rated In College but pointed out that all ex-MaCOARL GABLES, Fla. <U.P.lproval would come in from At- Wreck Nea r Sherman rine enlisted men are not necesTh e n ew hig h school building lanta in about a week. no longer than A 24-ounce baby I They Join Air Fo rce lt1s All Beca use Of Plan tersville will have six A $25,000 civil damage suit for sarily in the reserves. Mr. Cook announ ced that the a telephone receiver passed her De'legate Austin at Ex-Marine enlisted men and classrooms and an audi torium. completion date for the 3800 foot personal injuries suffered in an fourth day in a hospital incuBuddies all the way through State's New Law It will be a one-story brick biuld- runway paving job had been ex- auto accident February 18 on non-commissioned offic ers who bater Thursday, blissfully un- Tupelo High School, four Tupelo Speaks Mind In UN ing. t ended to November 16 because Highway 78 near Sherman was did not sign up in the reserves Lee County sup~rvisors · have aware that she has only one young men have started basic School official s hope to see of t he delays encountered in ob- filed in Lee County circuit co ur t are not aff ected by the mobili- taken a $21.60 per month salary chance in 20 of continuing to training at the Air Force's LackLAKE SUCCESS, N . Y. (UP.lland Air Base; San Antonio, . Russia Thursday refused to end the building completed by .J anu- tainin g fi nal approval of the plans Thursday by Mrs. Mary Wingo zation order. The Marin e order cut as the result of a new inter- live. Goodwin, Tupelo, a.gainst Carl mobilizing the volunteer Teserve pretation of county pay scales Blue-eyed Carol Ann Kelly is Tex., after enlisting together at its blockade against United Na- ary first, but in dica ted Thurs- and specifications. · The only project not included completes the Corps' activation d ay that material shortages beW. Phillips, Lee County farmer. by the State Attorney General only nine and one-half inches the Tupelo recruiting station. tions wor k on Korea and t old Thursday night's action was Mrs. Goodwin was injured of its entire reserve component. and State Auditor. the Security Council it has not cause_of the war might push com- in long. She was born three months The men arc Medford Mem the one-story administration There are no organized Marine B ased on laws passed by the prematurely to Mrs. Joseph W. Leake, James Norris Caldwell, supplied arms to the North Ko- pletion of the b uilding b eyond building. Plans and specifications when a pickup truck in which Billy B. Ly le, and Claude H. reans since it pulled out its oc- the fi rst of the year target date. for that structure have not been she was riding collided with a reserve units in Nortl1east Mis- 1950 session of the legislature, Kelly. Construction is expected to start car driven by Mr. P hillips. Mrs. sissippi. Official figures on Marine the official opinions cut the suDespite her tiny size and wispy Hopkins. The four youths went cupation troops. (Continued on P1tge 7) Goodwin's son, Billy C. Good- reservists, bpth · officer and en- pervisor's salaries from $200 a weight, Dr. Donald E. Forner said in different direction s after tehir Soviet Delegate Jacob A. Ma- late in August . ~~~~ o· ~~~win, was the driver of the truck. listed, in the Tupelo area were month to $179.40, computed at Carol Ann is comparatively g:raduation from Tupell> High lik, council president, d enounThe accident took place at the unava ilable but the n um ber is $6.90 per day. ced Western "hints" that Russia healthy s o far. She must be fed School but remained close friends Await Degrees Mrs. Mary Bea rd Dies intersection south of Sherman believed· to be small. Board member salaries had with a medicine ropper, but despite · the distance. is arming the Red Korean in-,o~ ~ ~ ~ on new Highway 78. The suit bee1,1 raised. to · $200 ~ month ef- kicks and gurgles and sometimes L eake went to Duke Univervaders as "slanderous a nd un- At State Colleoe Baldwyn; Services STARKVILLE, Mi;·s . .(U.P.l-Defectlve Apnl 1 of this year _fol- cries lustily . sity, Caldwell t o Ole Miss, and found ed." He ins isted all ma~~au;s P~1ri\1s~nce on the part WEATH ER FO RECAST Be Held P.M. low ing passage of the leg1slaDr. Fortner said Carol Ann will Lyle and Hopkins to Mississippi t erial used in the R ed assaul ts grees will be a\vard ed t o 338 canThe damage sui t was docketed tion and initial interpr tat10n of remain cradled in the incubator State. was "sold" to the No rth K oreans didates at Mi ssissippi State ColBALDWYN - (Special) -Mrs. MISSISSIPPI - Partly cloudy the pay scales. The pay <;ut will · for at least several ·weeks until The four men enlisted in the before the Soviet Army with- lege at the summer commence- Mary H ardcastle Beard, long pro- for the November term of cirher weight increases. ' Regular Air Force for duty with drew. ment Aug. 21. m inent in Methodist churc h activ- cuit court. The law firm of Lump- Friday and Saturday. Gentle to be retroactive _to Apr il 1. kin and Burgess represents Mrs . , moderate so uthe rly winds on the '.l'he leg1slat10~ f1x~s the salOx y,gen will h ave to be used ground units. The San Antonio Malik's denial th at Ru ssia is This will be a record gradu a- ities and social life here, died at coas t. · anes . of supervlsors m Class 4 to help her tiny lungs function base is a basic training center for now arming the Red K or ans tion for summer commencements 4 p.m. Thursday at Caldwell Clin- Goodwin. (Continued on Page Eigh J ic h ere following an illness of counties, such as. L ee County, properly for a month, he said. t he Air Force's ground troops. at the college. at $6.90 per working day rather , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -about two weeks. She was 75. than at a flat $200 a month. S ervices for Mrs. Beard will ---~-o~~~~ b e held a t 3 p .rn . today from Waters Funeral Horne with the Rev. Mrs. George McKi ss ick W . C. McCay officiating. Burial will be in the Masonic Cemetery Dies Of Hea rt Attack; here. , '-.i 'i By GENE GRATZ Mrs. Beard whose husband, the Se rvices At 3 :30 P.M. · PHILADELPHIA, Miss. <U.P.l- 'as subversive by the Justice De- late T. J. Beard, was a prominent Credit the town of Houston and state. The three runways, the Mrs. George McKissick, highSelection of Tupelo as the 1951 school and college programs. Gov. Fielding Wright said Thurs- partm en t lumber dealer, moved to Baidwyn the Chickasaw Flying Club with longest 3800 feet, provide excel- ly re-garded resident of the Fel- convention site for the Southern E. D. Dunbar, Troy, Ala, presi. day . he i~ "no~ a candidate !Or McGee· received a last minut e about 50 years ago from Alaba- the most active promotion of pri- lent landing facilities for both 1owship Community near Sal- States Forest Fire Commission dent of the commission, reported any public office," thus sp1kmg . m a. single and twin engine planes. tillo for the past 36 years, ,died was announced Thursday at the - reports that he would seek a: Stay of execution from U. S. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. vate flyin,g in northeast Missis- The field was used as an auxil- at 4:30 p.m. Thursday at her commission's annual meeting in that $150,000 had been spent in seat in the U. S. Senate. Supreme Court Just ice Harold Elmer Dyer of Baldwy n ; Mr s. J. sippi. conservation education efforts iary base for the A rmy's Grena- hom e of a heart attack. She was Pulaski, Va. Gov. Wright spoke to a crowd Bu rton and G ov . · Wright said M. Carnes of Sulphur Springs, The decision to hold the 12th during the last ten years. T he Defin itely proud of Houston's da Air B ase during the war. 70,. at the Neshoba Co unty F air here Burton's action, "in effect said to, Texas; a brother, J . T . Hardcastle three runway airfield, its newly Services will be held at 3:30 a nnual commission meeting in main objective of the timber a nd The airport m anager is a vetduring th€ day and s aid, " I th e nation tha t the courts of ·Of Mergerum, Ala.; four grand- purchased Taylorcra ft plane and eran pilot, E. W. Shott. p .m. today at the Fellowship Tupelo beginning on the last wouldn't run against J ohn Sten - Mississippi h ave been so negli- children and five. great grandchil- an almost completed hangar, the Monday in April, 1951 , was a un- game promotion program is to Flying club m embers are near- church with the Rev. Guy Mcnis or James 0. Eastland. Both gent in this case, the stay should dren. · Chickasaw Flying Club has ing completion of a 30 b y 40 neil officiating. Burial will be in animous one and followed the enlist the aid of woodland own ers are doing a fine job. I couldn't be granted. " ·0 boosted its membership to 12 hangar to house their jointly- the adjoining cemetery with Pe- reading of numerous letters from in selective cutting of young tim• run for governor if I wanted T wo candidates for the Fifth Airfield At Clarksda le and officers say the club intends owned plane . The club meets the gues in charge of arrangements. bankers and lumbermen calling ber for pulpwood, saw logs and to keep "right on growing." Mrs. McKlssick was born and for selection of Tupelo as the site home needs so that the land will to. I shall not be a candidate District seat in Congress in the To 6e Imp roved f Or and third Tuesday night of for any state office." Aug. 22 primary also spoke durT he club membership is cur- first reared Van Buren Com- of the 1951 gathering. ea ch month for gro und work in- munity inoftheItawamba Commission Vice - President produce cash timber crops, Mr. rently equally divided between struction. County. Reports had p ersisted recent- ing the day. They were the In- Commercial Use C. E . Richardson, Pulaski, said Dunbar said. ly that Gov. Wright, whose term cumbent Rep. Ar thur Winstead flyers and non -flyers, but the Since moving to Fellowship she The commission convention also Tupelo was considered as the The club 's 11 men and one woexpires next year, m igh t seek of P hiladelphia and J. 0. Hollis CLARKSDALE, Miss. - (U.Rl- latter are in the process of gethad taken an active pare in all " north Mississippi received a resolution favorin g a forest center" man she's Miss J ean Lowry of a post in the United States Sen- of Carth age. Mayor Kinchen O'Keefe told a ting their wings under the exthe local affairs of church and in naming it as the scene of the congressional appropriation and ate. Senator Stennis will be up Winstead r eviewed his record meeting of city and airline offi- pert instruction of the club's six Bruce - are headed by James social life. 1951 meeting, which will attract law enactment to deport any perfor re-election in 1952 and Sena- in Congress and criticized R oss cials Thursday that n ec:essary re- licensed pilots, many of them L. Kyle, president. Other offiShe leaves her husband, Gearge delegates from ten southern son found guilty of setting woodpairs will be made to the local cers are Bill Clements, vice ex-service pilots. McKissick ; a step-son, Dewey lands afire. The resolution re• tor E astland in 1954. J . Collins, one of his opponents. airpor t as soon as possible to prestates. Club members fly anytime- president ; Thomas Dalton, treas- McKissick; two step-daughters, In his speech, Gov. Wright a- Collins, a for mer congressman, pare it for commercial use . The 1951 convention in Tupelo commended the purchase of Dev urer and Dr. W. L. Stabler, secMrs. Charlie Hall and Mrs. Has- will hear first reports on plans il's Island as the locale for the gain reviewed the sending of a has attacked Winstead's recor d Clarksdale's Fletcher Field is after work, on Sundays, on Satdelegation to Jackson by ithe in h is speeches. on the proposed airline route urday afternoons. The club's Tay- retary. The board of directors is kell Beene, all of near Saltillo ; for a ten year program of inde- forest fire offenders. composed of war time Army Air The resolution was deferred for two brothers, G. T. Raden of pendent forest conservation eduCivil Rights Congress to seek "If I had spent 20 year s in from Memphis to New Orleans torcraft is used both lfor inclemency for Willie McG ee, con- Congress and eight years' as at- which w ill be inaugurated by Oct. strucitional work and pleas,ure Force pilots John G. Vance and W inter Garden , Fla.; Ruff S. Ra- cation set up at the commission's further study. flying and costs the club mem- John P. Herrington, plus Mr. den of Nettleton, Rt. 1 ; one sis- meeting in Pulaski this week. vict€d negro rapist. torney gen eral and 70 years in 1 by Southern Airways. • j He criticized Communists and this w orld as my opponent (ColAmong the airport repairs to be bers only $2.75 an hour. Monthly Dalton . ter, Mrs. Coll Bean of Winter A budget of $250,000 with One of the club's members, Garden, Fla. said the visit of the CRC dele- lins) has," Winstead said, "I m ade will be remodeling of the dues are $2. New Or leans Spots which to defray the costs of the Facilities at the Houston ai r- Marlin Blanton, is a radar man gation to Mississippi was a would talk more about my rec- tower and administration buildP allbearers will be Bill Kindt, campaign was agreed on .and will Spots closed steady with mid~ ; lan ned program to des troy the ord tha n I would about such a ing and the construction of a con- field are rapidly being improved in the Air Force Reserve and has Columbus, Hoyt and James Hall be pro-rated in 300 southern South and Mississippi in par- weak man as my opponent says crete landing strip 100 by 4,000 to make the field one of the been called back to active duty Norris, Clarence Langston and counties and parishes in which dling at 37.90, 30 points lower, ticular." Th CR has been cit d I am." feet. ., finest small town aiJ:ports in the at Eglin Air Base, Florida. Dan Tanner. the commission will set up local Sales totaled 1,324 bales.

I ,

Broad Home-Front Plans For Mo·bilization OK d


Jackson Lawyer :~;:taiTft~if\:~:!t::: :~ Offered H·1s Say

Met:nphis Firm Given .Job Of Paving Airport Strips $136,286



Of.Area Called


contract Is Let For New ·s·Ch·00I Job

~2~,000 Suit Is Filed Here

New Blast Hurled

Al Soviet Russia


Lee Supervisors

Take Salary Cut

24 -0 unceCar:olAnn Is Four Days Old Still Going Strong

four Tupelo Pals TQgether Again

U. S.



At To

Will Not Run Agains Stennis Or Eastland, Says Wright


At 3

Chickasaw Flying Club Proud Of Achievements In Houston

Tupelo Gets 1951 Convention ,Of Forest Fire Commission

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