Farmers Given Death Claims.S. J. Hig h Jefferson Street His 78t Birthday UnderpassSeen ,Green Light On On Final Rites For Lifel Tupelo Businessman 1
1951 CottonCrop
Full United Press Leased Wire
Tupelo, Mississippi , Wednesday Morning, October 4, 1950
Volume 80 - Number 159
And Fo rmer Banker Set For 10:30 A.M. Today
As Joo Costly
Funeral services for Samuel James High, who was prominent as Tupelo's oldest active businessman and most enthusi- GM&O Officia ls And 1 All Controls Removed astic booster, will be held at 10:30 o'clock this morning at the Ci ty Board Disc uss And 16 Millie-, Bale family residence, 640 Jefferson Street. Proposal 'On The Spot' Cr.op Asked Next Year The Rev. R. G. Lord will officiate, assisted by the Rev. W. L. Duren of New Orleans, former pastor of the First MethoThe possibility of constructing WASHINGTON CU.PJ - The government T uesday threw overboard dist Church here. Burial will be in Glenwood Cemetery, with an underpass unde r the Gulf,
5,000 School Kids Expected In This City Today For The Fair l!OfA.~ I,
Parade ToSt rt At 10; Other Big Features Slated
P egues Funeral Home in charge of Mobile and Ohio Railroad tracks arrangements. at the J efferson Street crossing Mr. High died at 1:30 p.m. yeshere was ruled out as too expenterday, his 78th birthday, at Comsive and impractical at an onmunity Hospital after a brief illthe-spot conference Tuesday beness. One Reco rd-B reaking tween GM&O officials and MayHe is survived by his wife, Mrs. or George Maynard and the Board Crowd Al ready Seen Annie Belle Allen High; one son, of Aldermen. James Allen High, and three In the place of the underpass, Here Tu esday Night grandchildren, James A., Jr., Henit was suggested that the city and ry and Mary Allen High. the railroad cooperate in a widenThe kids take over the MissisP allbearers are Bill Allen, G . round" plan of year-round passippi-Alabama Fair today but C. Sturdivant, Murphy Thomas , ture and garden, providing food they'll have to go some to match J r., Frank Thomas, Britt A. Roand income for the family 12 the record-smashing opening day gers, L. G. Milam, J r., R A . Wea months of each year. crowd that swarmed over the v er, Bob Weaver, J r., Matt Wiging of the approaches to the crosFairgrounds Tuesday. gi ngton and Reber Bault. sing of the tracks. It appeared The 43rd annual event swings As banker, counselor and busithat the suggestion would be into its second day today with the nessman, Mr. High was identified adopted by the Board. traditional children's parade infor the past half century with th!! No estimate of the cost of the augurating things at 10 o'clock progress of Tupelo and Northeast widening and grade lessening was this morning. Fair officials are Mississippi . He is generally reimmediately available but it was looking for the expected 5,000 cognized as the father of diversibelieved to be a relatively inexschool children and teachers to · ,,..,.. ,. ,_.. fied farming in t his area, work~ pensive project. day to smash attendance records ing feverishly in 1916 to transMR. HIGH The three GM&O officials here for the second straight day. form a cotton blight into a godTuesday estimated that the cost With fair skies overhead Tuessend. of construction of a Jefferson day and a free automobile enticWith such slogans as ''We can Street underpass would be in th<? ing customers Tuesday night, it m ake this the land of milk and neighborhood of $360,00. Railroad was estimated that 15,000 persons honey" and "The cow, the sow l officials participating in the conjammed into the Fairgrounds at and the hen-a factory on every ference were T. T . Martin, vict::t he peak of activity. Tuesday The first-place prize of $150 went to Ingamar of Union County in the community booth exhibit farm," he pointed the way to president in charge of the indus night. economic security as a commutrial department ; W.H. Forlines, at the Miss.-Ala. Fair and Dairy Show. The exhibi t pictured a five-point program with emphasis Police officials had their hands nity-minded banker. - Staff Photo by Thompson full with parking problems. Hardivision superintendent wit h on dairying, truck, forestry, poultry and cotton. Story on Page 7 A cheerful, humble man, Mr. headquarters at Jackson, Tenn., ried Chief of P olice D. B . Crockett High was noted for his optimism Open House Planned and F.W. J ohnson, executive gensaid late Tuesday night that trafand integrity. His friends said eral agent, Jackson, Miss. fic Tuesday n ight had been '"the of him: "He always believed that In New Offices Friday The railroad and city officials heaviest he had ever seen." Cars the future held something good. agreed that construction of a were lined up bumper to bumper H is loss will be keenly and greatDr. H . A. Curtis, a member of $3 60,000 underpass would be "imthe length of Main Street. ly felt." the Tennessee Valley Authority's practical and an economic waste" Opening day events Tuesday The heart of Mr. High's philo - three-man governing board, will in view of long-range plans to saw record entries in the Stat sophy is contained in these re- head a list of guests from three extend Highway 78 from its interSwine Show and Open Duroc cent words: states who will be here Friday for sl!ction with Highway 45 north TOKYO, Wednesday, Oct. 4 . CU. P.l Communist China yesterday, de- rean troops captured Kosong, 55 Show as the new livestock show "When I started out. I wanted the open house celebration plan- of the city through the northern -Communist reinforcements and stroying or damaging 87 trucks ring got its baptismal. A crowdto be a useful citizen in my com- ned for the formal opening of the edge of town and bypassing the supplies are rolli ng southward and six big guns ... But low-hang- miles inside Red Korea along the ed entry list was also recorded Eastern Costal Highway. munity." new district TV A offices in Tu- bui;iness district. from the Manchurian border to- ing clouds over the Japanese air for the junior and senior beef This record of usefulness soeaks pelo. In a n ew atrocity report, Gen. cattle shows, which were also held The planned extension of the day under a blanket of clouds pro- bases and above North Korea pre. for itself. From 1904 to 1930, Mr. MacArthur's headquartDouglas Dr. Curtis will address a dinhighway calls for an viding protection from the U. S . vented the U.S. fighters from tak. Hi gh was cashier and later presi- ner meeting Friday night to east-west ers announced that th e Commu- Tuesday. Judging of the community overpass over the GM&O tra~ks warplanes which already h ave ing off again this morning. dent of the Peoples Bank and which guests from Tennessee, near the Milam As the Communists pushed nists massacred an estimated 500 booths found the Union County battered the 100-mile-long conManufacturmg Co. here. During this pe- Alabama and Mississippi have Company plarit at a point where voy. Million Dollars Asked Trust through reinforcements from civilians before withdrawing from community of Ingomar coming . riod he became one of the most been invited. American planes slashed a t the Manchuria to the North Korean the West Caost port of Mokpo out o ntop, with Shannon second steep banks and a deep cut would For Wa ter, Sewer Job . prominent bankers in the South, For residents of Tupelo and the enemy column moving out of capital of P yongyang, South Ko- when R.O.K. Marines landed and Palmetto third. The flower (Continued on Page Eight) b eing chosen president of the there Monday. show results and prizes in the wonearby area, the open house will Official action setting Friday, Mississippi Banking Association It was not known whether the men's divisions were announced. begin at 9:30 o'clock Friday mornOctober 27 , as voting day fo1· a in 1915 and head of the state Communist reinforcements were Flower show entries also t opped ing and continue to 11 a.m. D urpr0posed $1,050,000 water and (Continued on Page five) Telephone R_ate Hearing \ Chinese troops, but there were all other records. in this period the public is inse,·• ,r bond issue el1.1 clion was Put Off Until November unconfirmed reports from Hong Th e Cavalcade of Amusements vited to visit the new TVA oftaken by the Tupelo Board of Kong that the Chinese Fourth lmd th\! 21 grandstand acts openfices in the . Kirk-Feemst-er ProAlderm!'n Tuesda , night. -JACKSON, Miss. OJ.PJ The Field Almy had crossed the ot'th ed to the showman s- dream-a fessional Building at Main and State Public Service ComThe action calling the election Korean frontier from Manchuria. full house. Church Streets. mission Tuesday continued until and setting th e date made official U. S. officers here pointed out Fa ir General Manager J . M. The offices, occupying the ennext month a South ern Bell Telt?preli minary steps taken at an t hat there probably are many Savery reported Tuesday_ night tire second floor of the part of phone Co. request for an intraunofficial meeting of the Board North Koreans of military age, (Continued on Page Eight} Captures 12 Awards who Some 15,00 Ot hers the building now finished, were state rate increase. have been trained in Man:asl week. especially designed to meet the The telephone company asked In 4-H Club Exhibits churia. Best estimates were that By calling for voter approvi!'l Lend Thejr Appla use needs of the TV A, the space inthe commission 'for a rate increase these trainees might total 80,000 of a bond issue that would ftTo Report Tomorrow cluding a home planning center, and the case was set for hearing Margaret Ann Harris of P lant- to 90,000 men. (P hoto on P age 8) nance a major water line, sewage consisting of an all-electri:: kitchIt was put off for ano- ersville placed in 12 different deThe South Koreans' capture of line and sewage disposal plant At Fort Jackson L. A . T urner of Dorsey, Rt. 1, Tuesday. en, an automatic laundry and a ther month at least. The company partments of the girls' 4-H Club Kosong put them roughly half construction progra m here, the rode proudly out of the Missis- did not specify the amount of the division at the Miss.-Ala. Fair way betwee n the 38th parallel Board put in m ot ion steps that Scheduled to report for active small auditorium. The offices of the 20-member sippi-Alabama Fair and Dairy increase it wanted. and Dairy Show Tuesday. and Wonson, biggest city on the very probably will lead to. the Army duty tomorrow at Fort Miss Harris racked up wins Korean East Coast where the Reds issuance of the largest smgle Jackson, S . C . , are one Tupelo rv A district staff are completely Show grounds T uesday night in irl the canned fruit, flower and were reported preparing to make bond issue in the city's history man and six other Northeast Mis- modern throughout, being elect- a brand new Ford automobile, fresh vegetable displays. a stand. Permits In September -approxima tely $800,000 more sissippians who are members of rically heated and air-con dition - given away by Tupelo merchant5 ed . From this office all TV A opWinners in the divisions judgThe Communists apparently than has ever been issued. the Enlisted Reserve Corps. Tota l $102,016 as a means of boosting the Fair. erations in Mississippi are directed Tuesday were (listed first, sec- were preparing t o defend P yon gThe motion calling the elecPfc. Earl E. Turner, 24, of Tuond and third places respective- yang and all of North Korea aHis was the l ucky ticket of t ion and setting the amount of pelo will report to Fort Jackson ed with the aid of two-way radio September building figures for ly)gainst South Ko rean forces movthe proposed bond issue at o_ver and then . proceed to F ort Man- equipment and an independent some 450,000 issued here in the Tupelo showed a sharp slump, communications system with most ing in for the kill. Tomatoes Ann ette Haydock the million dollar mark sailed mouth, N. J . The son of Mr. and past several days most of which, Formosa reports said the Chi- figu r es released by Mayor George of Palmetto; pears-Margaret through the Board with no oppo- Mrs . Claude T urner of S altillo, ot!ler office!i and principal power apparently, were brought to the centers on the entire TV A sysnese Communist 4th Field Army Mayan rd revealed Tuesday. Ann Harris; peaches-Mary Jane sitio n on a unanimous favorable Rt. 2, Earl, previously served one The monthly report submitted under Gen. Lin Piao had moved tem. fairgrounds by the record _breakWood of Cedar Hill, Margaret vote. At last week's unofficial year in the Coast Artillery. He Dr. Charles Nash To by Building Inspector W. J. ConInvited for the open house event from Antung, Manchuria, into the ing opening day crowd eshmate:d Ann Harris; blackberries-Marmeeting, Aldermen Clark and married the former Gladys Smith Friday are representatives of lists a total of 25 business, by F air President J . M. Savery Ta ke Physical Exa m· garet Ann Harris, Robbie Nell North Korean t own of Sinu iju way Daugherty had urged that voters ol Guntown. resid ential and repair permits iswholesale power distributors of to nu mber more than 15,000 peoHester; tomatoes-Margaret Ann just across the Yalue River. How. sued for a total of $102,01 6 worth be given the opportunity to vote Called to active duty on the TVA in Mississippi, officials of A Tupelo dentist, Dr. Charles Harris, Mary Ellen Johnston , ever, military sources were inclinon th e sewage disposal plant as same Army orders are the follow- the Extension Service, w holesale ple. Both grandstands were packof building. Six permits for new ed and the overflow filled all ash, III, a five-year veteran of Shannon; tomato juice-Margar- ed to doubt this report. ing men from this area: a separate iten on the ballot. electric appliance distri])Utors a_nd of the South Kore- residences were issued along However, as a result of TuesCpl. Everett L . Burleson of manufactm:-ers of electrical eqmp- space in loudspeaker hearing dis- W orld War II, has been ordered et Ann Harris, Mary Ellen Johns- anSpearheads 7th and 8th Divisions joi ned with three busin ess construction tance of the platform where the to Fort Benning, Ga ., October 10 ton; green beans-Mary Ellen day night action, the $305, 000 Mantac hie, P FC. Jesse J . Hardon ment. up with South Korean Marines permits and 16 repair permits. officials assembl~. P ractically for physical examinations pendJ ohnston, Margaret Ann Harris; sewage plant will be included of Booneville, Rt. 3., P vt. William Residential building permits The banquet at whicn Dr. Curstreet and parking spot in ing a "probable" call to extended field peas-Mary Ellen J ohnston, late Tuesday at Kumgon g. 10 in the overall figure. T he bonds H. Christopher of Plantersville, t is will speak is schedulecl at Ho- every miles northeast of Seoul, and totalled $44,400, business permits Tupelo was filled with automoactive duty, it was announced Margaret Ann Harris; lima beans calledd for are revenue bonds. Rt. 1., Sgt. Everard G. Baker, Jr., tel Tupelo Friday night at 7 biles, buses and trucks. here Tuesday. -Ma ry Ellen Johnston, Margaret drove on for the Communist fro n- $49,791 and repair per mits $7,If approved, the million dollar of Starkvillle, PFC John J . Craw- o'clock. A social hour for wives 825. Only one ticket was drawn by The Mississippi Military DisAnn Harris ; corn-Margaret Ann tier. bond issue would finance sewer ford of State College, and Recruit of the oui-of-town visitors will little Gloria Gretona, member of Leading business construction One hundred miles northeast trict orders directing Dr. Nash to Harris. Bobby Gene Miller of and water additions to Willis Edwin C. Lowrey of Houston. be held at 4 o'clock Friday after- the famed Gretona 'family that the main body of the S outh Ko- permits went to the Daybrite Heights. East Tupelo, North Tu- 1 Orders state that reservists will noon at the home of Earle Baugh- performes in the grandstand show undergo the physical examination Mooreville; five-jar exhibit-Shir- rean 3rd Division occupied Kan- Corporation for a $30,000 warepelo and South Tupelo, in addi- serve for 21 months unless sooner man, distri.ct TV A manager, on on the tight wire. Mr. Turner next week pointed out that the ley Hussey of Mooreville, Betty song, 30 air miles north of the house and to Hardin's Bakery for Tueplo dentist "had been select- J ean Robinson of Cedar Hilltion to the sewage disposal plant. relieved. North Madtson Street. sprinted the entire distance from ed for probable call to active duty Class II, Margaret Ann Harris, 38th parallel, and moved on an- the wiring of its new building, (Continu ed on Page Eight) a job estimated to cost $11,791. the grandstand to the platform under the current program for Bobby J ean Miller. he realized he was the lucky the calling of reserve medical deFi remen Do Dou ble Duty when B iscuits Janie Surratt of person out of the vast crowd. Cedar Hill, Sarah Miller; muff"I told everyone I was com- partment officers." During Fa ir WeekThe purpose of the p_hysical ins-Brendia Mae Norris of Feling after it," he exclaimed, "but is to determme Dr. lowship, Tommy D. Mc utt of They're Policemen Too I didn't think I was telling the examinations ash's physical acceptability for B irmingham; zinnias-Margaret To the lis of people working truth." Mrs. Turner was as hapactive duty in the event of a Ann Harris, Eunice Baker and extra long hours during Fair py as her husband. call the orders said. Selections Shirley Wilson ; tomatoes (fresh) All You Need To Do Is To Holler '~ey, Red' And week here add the men of the Jerome Reynolds was master of are' made at Third Ar my head- -Margaret Ann Harris, Shirley Two Tupeloans, Superintendent manent council and election of ceremonies and delivered the welFire Department. Hussey . You'll Get The Broadest Grin You've Eve r Seen Tupelo of Schools W. D. Allen and Lieu- officers; plus the authorization The firemen are doing double coming speech. Norton McGau- quarters. Meanwhile, a committee com-' Home _ Improvements: dre~s1;r tenant Governor Sam Lumpk in, of an unbiased, thorough study duty this week-first as members ghy represented the participating posed of s~ate professional asso- scarf-Shtrley Hussey _and Billte will altend a meeting next Mon- of education in Mississippi and B y R OGER BRYANT of the Fire Department and then merchants. ciation heads will determine Joe Rayburn; dr_a penes-Peggy This record breaking opening He's been coming to the Fair I "Red" and chances ;ire he'll grin as extra members of the police day in Jackson that would or- the creation of a steering comin Tupelo for the past 42 years and wave. force. Living at Fire Department day throng, greeted by perfed whether or not Dr. Nash's actual Gray of Dorsey; pillow cases (not ganize a state-wide, layman- mittee to direct the study. call should be delayed on consack)-Margaret IAnn Harrjs, and he'll be in that School ChilHe won't be hard to spot, be- headquarters during the week, weather, is expected to make the dominated Council on Education Such a study, it was pointed dren's Parade today-barring cause you couldn't miss seeing the firemen alternate between 43rd annual Mississippi-Alabama siderations based on "essentiai- M.a ry Jane Wood of Cedar Hill, aimed at engineering a private- out, would delve into present sltp - S hirley Hussey, Sarah ly-financed exhaustive study of conditions in Mississippi schools Fair and Dairy Show, the best at- ty to the community." sleet, snow, tornadic winds and him even if you t ried. police and fire duties. Dr. Nash entered the Army's Ruth Bru.ce of Sherman; scho_ol education in Mississippi. high water. You can bet your He's the little red-headed. and would point out desired im~ Nine firemen are participating tended of any in h istory. D ntal Corps as a fir t lieutenant dress-Shirley Hussey and LilSunday's best bandana on it, freckle-faced peckerwood far in the police duty to give the The purpose of the proposed provements. in April, 1941, and was r eleased ha n Agnew of P r~tts; su1t-Mar- council, according to the three Russia R ep resented too! back in the rear ranks, and he police force the extra men needFormation of a citizens' counWashington (SF) Russian from active duty five years later garet Ann Harns, Mary Jan e agencies sponsoring the meeting cil for a thorough study of MisHe's probably still in the sev- probably wouldn't be caught ed during Fair Week, Fire Chief as a Lieutenant Colonel. He serWood; S~nday dress-Margaret books in the U. S. Library of enth grade and they're going to keeping step with the balance Arthur Hutch inson said. next Monday, is "to seek an im- sissippi education would achieve Congress outnumber those in any ved overseas in the Far East as Ann Harns and Mary Jane Wood; proved education for the youth the results sought without suchave to do more than burn the of the parade even if they hogthe chief of dental service at an sack pillow case-Billie Joe Rayother library outside Russia. schoolhouse down to get him tied him and horse-whipped him, of Mississippi." cess at the last session of the Missjssippi Woman, Army station hospital. burn and Mary Blanche H aygood out. too. Sponsoring agencies are the legislatu re by the Mississippi Ed- - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - of Cedar Hill. It hasn't happened in .two-score K eep your eye peeled for him A Polio Victim, Mississippi Congress of Parents ucation Association. - ~ -~-o-----years and two, and there's no when the bands and banners and T he MEA called on the legisand Teachers, the State Depart$135,000 Registered reason to think he'll be out of boys and, girls do their stuff down Mother Of Ba by Girl ment of Education and the Mis- lators to adopt a resolution dessissippi Education Association. It ignating the formation of a joint the picture anytime within the the main drag towards the FairMEMPHIS -CU.P)- Mrs. Mary From City Sales Tax next century. grounds this morning to open the Jean Meacham, 2 6 - year - old was indicated that 20 or more education study comm ittee comToday JACKSON, Miss. CU.P.l - Mayor agencies would be represented at posed of an equal number of repHe won't attract half the at- second day's activities of the 43rd Batesville, Mi!s., polio victim. was Children's Day: Gigantic parade with floats and bands; Allen Thompson said Tuesday thl! the meeting. tention that's bound to go to annual Mississippi-Alabama Fair reported in good condition Tuesresentatives from the House and half-cen t city sales tax collections those prancing drum majorettes and Dairy Show. Emphasizing that the respon- Senate. The legislation that day after giving birth to a normal State Junior Dairy Show; Open and Junior Poultry Show. will amount to more than $135,at the head of the line but he'll He's liable to be p inching the 7 1h pound baby girl. sibility for "originating, initiating would have set up the machinery Thursday 000 for the past three months. have just as much fun, maybe cute little blonde in front of him and promoting a good school pro- needed for the proposed educaPhysicians at John Gaston Farmers Day: State Open Jersey Show, Halter Horse Thompson said State Tax Com- gram" belongs to all Mississip- tion study was rejected by the a lot more, than a covey of mon- or kicking the shins of the big Hospital here said that it was a Show. told him the Aumission officials keys in peanut patch. over-grown eight grade bohunk n ormal delivery, and the mothpians, the three sponsoring agen- legislature. Friday gust collection s would be $53,308, cies announced that after the forHis name? That isn't import- behind him. But if you holler loud er's third child. Mr. Allen was invited to parabout $1,000 below July. In Jun!', Labor Day: Registered duroc sale, Mule and horse pulling ant. enough you can attract his atmation of a permanent organiza- ticipate in Monday's meeting as Mrs. Meacham was admitted to the tax brought in $34,000. You don't even have to know tention. tion they would pass control to president of the Mississippi AsMemphis Isolation Hospital for contst. his name or where he comes Just bellow out "Hey, Red !" the council and would assume a sociation of School Administrapolio treatment on July 18. Sa turday from . At least, you don't have to And you'll see the broadest, NEW ORLEANS SPOTS similar to that of other tors. Mr. Lumpkin said he would Physicians said Mrs. Meacham 4~H and Future Farmers Club Day: Amateur and profes- · Spots closed steady with mid- status know his real name. most honest-to-goodness and most was "progressing well and will attend as a "citizen sincerely and participating agencies. J ust holler at him when the genuine for ty\.four dollar gri:n soon return to isolation for fur- sional radio jamboree in front of grand stand at 1 p.m., Free dling at 40.50, down 25 points. Chief goals of the meeting Mon- deeply interested in the probparade goes by . . . call him you've seen in years. ther polio treatment." 1951 Buick automobile given away free at 10 p.m. day are the setting up of a per- lems of education in Missis~ippi." Sales totaled 5,5 10 bales.
all cotton planting and marketin g curbs for 1951 and called for a 16,000,000-bale crop n ext year to m eet the nation's war-boom needs. That would be 6,000.000 bale3 larger than this year's crcp and on I par with the 1949 near record pr oduction . Secretary of Agriculture Charl es F . Brannan gave cotton growers the green light to produce all they can by announc in g there will be no acreage allo~:nents or marketing quotas on next year's crop. T hese are government controls used to keep the cotton within specified limits to avoid costly surpluses. · Brannan said that "at least" 16,000,000 bales are n eeded next year, and that removal of all curbs "will help insure this production needed to take care of increased domestic aP4:l E'xport demand and to· avoid depleting ou r reserves." Cotton has become abnormally scarce this year, and Brannan attributed this to a combination of conditions. He noted that plantings were d own this year-"well below the established national allotment." And he added that the yields-bales per acre--were the lowest since 1946. "At the same time," he said, " p rospective disappearance of cotton for this marketing year is a t a high level." (Continued on Page Five)
TVA irector To Spe kHere
· einforcements For North Korea n Army Moving Down From Manchuria
City's Bond Vote Set For Oct. 11
Plantersv1·11e6·1rl Scores At Fair
Dorsey MnIs inner Of Auto
S n11 r Entering Service
Building Figures Show SharpDrop.
TupeloDentist May Enter Army
He'll Be In That Giant Parade Today-You Can Depend On It
Lumpkin And Allen To Attend Council On Education Meeting
This Week's Fair Program
It's Children's Day, Jun ior Dairy Show Day And Forest Queen Day At upelo Fair