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FI~ S ~ ST . KY.
atup n Full United P ress Leased Wire.
Volume 80 - Number 168
Preside t'sTai ith cAr hur
Ora ing ear Chief Sees Hulls Of Ships Sunk By Japs At Pea rl Harbor
UN Forces See 'foClose ice On All North Korea
PEARL HARBOR, T. H. (U,P.lPresident Truman today prefaced his scheduled Wake Island conference with Gen. Douglas MacArthur with a warning that the United States cannot control would-be aggressors with "sticks and stones." Americans Score In His r emarks , made in a speech West And South at a Pearl Harbor officers club 1 luncheon , were directed primari- 1 Koreans In The East ly at opponents of heavy defense spending. Earlier it was anTOKYO, Saturday, Oct. 14 nounced officially that the his(U.PJUnited Nations troops toric meeting with MacArthur will take place at Wake Island. snapped a trap on 12,000 North In his talk the President enunKoreans 70 miles southeast of ciated a policy of "world peace Pyongyang today and fa nned out President Chauncey Godwin of the Tupelo K i wanis Club (on righ t ) shakes hands with Presi- and not war." rapidly north and west of cap'I am not one of those peodent-Elect Bill Stroud and wishes both he and Vi ce P resident-Elect Hoyt Payne the best of luck tured Wonsan. South Koreans stabbed northwhen they take office the first of the year . The an n u al club election was held Friday. -Story on ple who think war is inevitable," Truman said. · ward along the East Coast page 8. - Photo by G eorge Ambresler. Mr. Mr. Truman said that he was I through Mun~hon to the banks sure that "people behind the of the Yongtan River, 20 miles Iron Cu rtain feel the same way'' north of W onsan. as he does about there being no Other ROK troops broke need for a World War III. through crumbling resist an ce The President promised an allwest of Wonsan. They drove out effort to get the tru th behind westward toward Pyongyang, the Iron Curtan "and without fess than 74 miles away, from using guns to do it." Majon-Ni, which is 17 miles west T he chief executive's "sticks of Wonsan. 1 Down Payme nts On TV Sets, Radios And Other Home Appliances Now and stones" statement followed U. S. 1st Cavalry Division Visiting Decatur Friday to study northwest Alabama's industrial development program were, an expression of regret fo r Hatroops fought a pitched battle a/ Hiked To 15 Per Cent-Same Appl ies To Furniture; Car Dealers Howl waiian left to right: Harry Rutherford of Tupelo, A. P. J ohnson of Corinth, William Sharp of Corinth, Miss casualties in Korea. round Kumchon, north of the Mr. Truman praised the fight- J eff Dora Reynolds of Corinth, Tom Wyman of We st Point , M. M. Williams of West Point, J oe Bigner 38th parallel at the opposite end T he F ederal Reserve B oard, ing of Hawaiian units and said I WASHINGTON -<U.P.>- The ment u nchan ged at one-th ird of which announced the action, said he was sorry about th e cas ual- of Tupelo, Mayor Thompson McClellan of West Point; J. P. Nanney of Tupelo, J ulius Berry of Tupelo, of the United Nations line this government Friday night tight- the purchase price. down payments will be required ti.es, "but situat:on s like this Charles Rousseau of Tupelo, Frank Thomas of Tupelo, George McLean of Tupelo ,' A. X. Nash of Corin- morning. The Gis attacked eneDown p ayments on TV sets, ened installment credit curbs for the second time since the Korean radios and other home appli- in the future on all purchases of cannot be met with sticks and t!-1, W. E. McClure of Tupelo, Mayor George Maynard of Tupelo and Glover w· · · ~ of Columbus. my · troops trying to fight their way out of a pocket. Intellig ence w ar in a new anti-inflation move ances w ere increased from 15 $50 or more. The previous limit stones and somebody is bound * • • * . officers estimated t here were 12 • which will make it harder to to 25 per cent and the payment was $100. to get hurt. 200 enemy troops in the trap. ' b uy automobiles, television sets period cut from 18 to 15 mont hs. The stiffer requirements were Fresh from a tour of sunken While the UN forces sought to F or furniture, the down pay- put into effect less than 30 days hulks and similar items. warships blasted swing shut a giant pincers on the The restrictions, effective Mon- ment will be 15 per cent instead after origina l imposition of the in 1941ofbyU.theS.Japaneses in Pearl North Korean capital of Pyong. day, reduce the payment period of nothing. The time payment new " Regulation W" on Sept. Harb or, Mr. Truman told graveyang from the south and east, WASHINGTON -1.U.P.l - The for. automobiles from 21 to 15 period will be cu t from 18 to 15 18. ly abiout hi£l visit to Korean Allied naval might and air powmonths but leave the down pay- months . The board said it acted be- wounded at Fairfield-Suisan Air Census Bureau estimated Friday er blasted coastal areas. cause of rising prices in many Force Base Hospital in Califor- night that the p opulation of the The air and naval attack on J. P. Na nney Named Head Of Group In Meeting North lines during the past five weeks. nia Thursday night. Korean supply lines carUnited States on Sept. 1 was In only one instance did the to within a few miles of Just before Mr. Truman spoke, 151,695,000, compared wiith an Held In Ala bama; Organization Session Slated ried new rules fail to live up to ad- his press secretary, Charles G. estimated 150,778,000 on April Russia and Red C hina. vance warnings. The board fail- Ross, officially confirmed that 1. Municipal officials and civic lar program in Northeast MisA front dispatch said the imed to exten d credit curbs to de· Wake Island , just across the inmediate objectives of the South sissippi. Th.e bureau had announced a partmen t store charge accounts ter'JJationaE cl.ate line in mid- "preliminary" 1950 census figure leaders of four North~st MisJ. P. Nanney, president of the K oreans racing up the Ea!it sissippi cities, meeting Friday in had been predicted. The month-toPacific, was to be the site of of 150,500,000. Tupefoan Is Threatening Impeachmen t Move as Government Bank of Tupelo, was elected Coast from W onsan were the economists had the President's conference with month estimates are based on Decat ur, Alabama, to study that chairman and Harry Rutherford, rail junction of Kowon and the been keepin g a close check on MacArth ur. Against Bra nnan; Eastlan d, Whitten Active of Yonghung. 1940 census fig ures and vital area's industrial developm ent Jour nal editor, was chosen sec- highway hub the curbs since they first went At Tokyo it was announced statistics supplied by vario us program, voted to call a larger retary of a temporary committee Troops of the 3rd and Capitol R ep. John E. Rankin Friday de- ed against the farmers of this into effect. President Truman's that MacArthur left Haneda Air- federal agencies. Data on births m eeting in the near future to to make plans for the meeting at Divisions joined in the assault nounced Agriculture Secretary country." economic advisers did not think consider organization of a simi- which organization plans will be A dispatch from Seoul repo~t(Continued on Page Eight! and deaths are incomplete. Charles Brannan's order limiting "If Mr. B rannan does not re- they were stringent enough to ed that the N orth Korea n air<'ns' ered by a larg r MU export of cotton and threatened v~ke that razy order at once, I discourage iQflationary buying, a for e haa returned to action for from the four cities. to file impeachment charges a- propose to file impeachment char- view which the Reserve Board the first time in nearly a month gainst Brannan "as soon as Con - ges against him as soon as Con- now has upheld. On t he other Tom Johnson, manager of the Planes dropped four bombs early gress reconvenes." Northwest Alabama Associates,. t oday, two on Kimpo Airfield hand, businessmen generally had gress reconvenes," Ran kin said. Big Eight Conference told th~ _local group b~untly th~t (Continued on l'age E ' ht) Brann an 's cutback order limit- complain ed the curbs were hu rt"He (Brannan) ought to resign Clarksdale 21, Tupelo 6 competition for new industry 1s ig ed exports to 2,000,000 bales th r- ing them. now,''. the fiery Rankin said. O Vicks burg 26, Corinth 0 so keen that cities lacking such The n ew restrictions, one of a Rankin described Brannan's ough n ext March 31 because of Jack son 50, Columbus 0 outside contacts as those prolimitation order as "ene of the a critical shortage of this year's series of steps taken by the govGreenwood 52, Meridian ~O vided ~y private power uti~i~ies greatest outrages ever perpetrat- supply and increased m ilit ary and ernl)1ent to head off higher prices Greenville 15, Hot Springs 6 have little chance of obtamrng civilian demands. and make materials available for Arou nd Pla tes Board Of Supervisors 21, Hattiesburg 20 Brookhaven factories today unless they make "If they had let th is mark et a- the rearmament program also Pasc agoula 7, Laurel 18 lon e, cotton probably would have require " unclassified loans 1' t o be Yet To Be Purchased ~1e1hi~j~bc:triis,ma:ct tt~ ~oi! Will Re-Advertise Natchez 12, Gulfport 0 gone to 50 cents a pound or more paid off in 15 months instead of McComb 0, Moss Point 7 -and sh ould have don e so," With less than one-fifth of the city to bear, he pointed out. 18. The Lee County Board of SuLittle Ten ConfeTence Rankin cited Treasury Departtli.gs for Lee County's estimated Mr. Johnson had just landed But home improvement loans pervisors will re-advertise for Heart Attack Fatal ment figures t o show that cotton will continue to be granted on a bids on the proposed re-model- Okolona 20, Houston 19 7,000 cars and small trucks sold, for Decatur a new synthetic wool officials of the sheriff's office Fri- plant which will represent an went to 40 cents a pound in 1920 10 per cent down payment and ing of the county's courtroom be- West P oint 19, Aberdeen 6 day urged car and truck owners to investment of $35,000,000 at t he To Van Do rsett and reached the same . level on (Coniin ued on Page Eight) cause the board said Friday it Oxford 0, Charleston 6 buy now and prevent a repetition beginning and a probable future Aug. 31 of this year when t here had received "no satisfactory Starkville 0, Gren ada 14 PONTOTOC - (Special) - Van P ontotoc 0, New Albany 32 of the usual ,nerve-wrecking last- plant investment of 100 million was four times as much m on ey b ids" at its Octo ber meeting. Fou nda tion Sha ped To in circulation. Dorse tt, 48-year-old superint enOt h er s day rush. dollars. At the time the Northeast dent A total of four bids were subof the Toccopola High School, "The Dep artment of Agriculmitted for Board consideration Artes ia 19, Shannon 31 A Sheriff's office spokesman Mississippi group arrived in De- died at 12:30 p .m. Friday of a Raise ture taki n g this artifij!ial method catur to <Study the Alabama plan, su_dden heart attack while talking I at its regular meeting this month. Booneville 13, Fulton 42 outlined the problem in facts and JACKSON, Miss. (U.P.>State of pullin g cotton prices down beThree of the bids were for new Calhoun City 39, Woodlawn 19 figures Friday. There are an es- Mr. J ohnson was in Huntsville with two students in his office 4-H Club leaders have set two low the cost of pr oduction is simfurnishings and t he fourth for Alabama 34, Furma n 6 timated 7,000 cars and small with another industrial · prospect at t he sc hool. Boston College 0, Fordham 27 mai n goals for thei r organiza- ply a vicious outrage ." the repainting. trucks in the county for which for that city. F u neral arrangements we~e inArkansas F rosh 14, Ole Miss tags must be sold. As of Friday, tion for the coming year. Northwest Alabama Associates co~plete Fr_iday. night, pending A lack of a bid on the carpenFrosh 13 WASHINGTON. (U.P.l Secreonly 1500 such tags had been sold. was organized by Decatur an d arrival of his wife from Illinois, The group's Advisory Council try work and the "unsatisfacof Agricul ture Char les F . Will Conduct Voting To avoid paying a 25 per cent Huntsville 17 months ago, each w h ere she had gone to visit one of has created the 4-H Foundation tary(Coniinued tory" label placed on the four on Page Eight) penalty, all tags must be pur- city spending $15,000 from its her sisters who is ill. Browning of Mississippi, Inc., which is b ids submitted was given as the Vishinsky Says Reds On City Bond Issue chased 6n or before October 31. electrical department funds for F uneral Home is in charge. charged with raising $50,000 for reasons for the decision to re' That 25 per cent penalty will pro motion of new industrial uses completion of three permanent Four Airforce Men Die Appoin tmen t of election h old- adver tise for bids. Mr. Dorsett had been in the Will Go Ha lfway In bring most of the car and t ruck to get the program started. Ath- t eaching profession for a score of camps for the state's 106,000 4-H ers for the October 27 water and The proposed re-modeling calls owners who have not yet pur- ens and Cullman have now come years a nd had served as superinClub members. In Alabama Crash sewer bond issue elect ion her e for a repainting of the court- World Peace 'Talks' The 4-H Club Thrift CommitLAKE SUCCESS, N. Y. (U.P.)_ ch ased tags into the Sheriff's of- into the program and other cities t endent of several schools in P onWHITEHALL, Ala. (U.P.>- An was announced Friday by Elec- room and adj oining ro om ; retee will promote a caJmpaign to Air F orce C-47 lost an engine on tion Commissioner W. J . Conway. pairing of the adjoining witness Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei fice between today and Tuesday, are considering joining it, thus totoc County. HE! was graduated reducing its cost to its origin a- from the University of Missisencourage each club member to a routine flight and crashed and Election personnel for the city's and attorney rooms; and refur- Y. Vishin sky promised in the October 31. It was pointed out that Lee tors. buy at least one $25 savings bond burned in a pasture n ear here six wards were announced as fol- nishing with more comfortable United Nation li Friday Russia sippi with a Master of Arts degree. Countians can avoid the jams and "To provide jobs for the peoduring the coming year. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Mabel F r iday, killing its fo ur crewmen. lows: chairs and facilities for jurors, would meet the West "halfway" crowds that usually accompany F irst Ward (Sheriff's Office): attorneys and court attaches. ple of our area is the most im- Norwood Dorsett; a daughter, State and district awards will if the West would drop its Officials at Craig Air Force sales in the last three days of the p ortan t task I know," Mr. John- Mrs. Marvin Chittom of Pontotoc; be made to the clubs buying the B ase n ear Selma, said the four I. A. Wright, Mrs. A. G. Bowen "tough" policy and enter peace month by purchasing their tags son declared in emphasizing the a brother, Michael Dorsett of Toclargest amoun ts of bonds and to men died On a routine tr ain in g and Mrs. L. D. Bickerstaff, man - NEW ORLEANS SPOTS t alks. today and n ext week. Five sales value being placed on the pro- copola; and his mother, Mrs. Min the club with the largest per- flight fro m Craig Field to Max- agers. T. A. Jenkins, bailiff. Mrs. Vishinsky warned that r earm( Continued on Page Five ) nie Tutor of Toccopola. S pots closed steady with mid- ament by t he United States and windows are open to provide centage of members buying well Air F orce B ase at n earby Russell Brown and Mrs. J . B. Epting, clerks. dling at 38.75, down 25 points. its allies could not make Russia speedy, . immediate service. bonds. Montgomery. However, despite the added Second Ward (P olice court - Sales totaled 4,017 bales. "shake in its boots." 1 personnel to handle the auto and room): Perrin Purvis, Mrs. A. F . truck tag sales, the last minue 1 Harvey, and Mrs. Guy Bruton, crowds seen here during he last ma n agers. D. E . T urner, bailiff. days of the month usually overMrs. Lynn Power an d Mrs. A. C. tax facilities. Last October, 5,· Hooper, clerks. 972 tags were sold during the Third Ward (Board of Ald ermonth, with most of the sales men room): M. 0. Reams, Mrs. WONSAN, Korea (U. PJ - More of J esus Church in Wonsan, coming in the closing days. than 500 anti-Communist North was one of the 20 survivors of the LONDON <U.P.l - A sailor stag- , to sleep than the palace. All those J . . Troy, Miss Loberta Dillard, The sale of the approximately Korean political prisoners were mass execution. By Miss R~E SP ARKS ~ered into "impregnable" B_uck- rooms. And he knew the way to managers. J. R. Ledbetter, bail1,.500 1951 automobile and small murdered by retreating Reds just He said the political prisoners mgham Palace Thur sday mght, . . . . , iff. Mrs. D. L . Andrews and Miss University of Mississippi Journalism St udent truck tags so far this month has before Wonsan fell 'to t h e Allies, were· kept in 48 three-by-12 foot stole a box of diplomatic papers g':t m, despite his maJesty s sol- Dabney L edyard, clerks. Written for the Tupelo Journal brought $20,566 into the couny from a locked room under the diers who stand sentry duty at it was learn ed Friday. cells-20 or more to a cell. Fourth Ward County SuperinMrs. Tupelo Housewife isn't though prices have been up for As t he Communists prepared In one of the biggest mass atrocollective noses of 200 servants, the palace night and day. tenden t of E ducation office) : J im worrying too much these days the duration of the Korean War, till. Sales on some of the last-mincities of the Korean war the Com- to flee from Wonsan during the then slept the night through on So he climbed the wall again. Wilson, Mr J. Marlin Reese, and about her n ext pound of coffee they will go down again soon. the palace grounds, embarrassed B ut this time, police said, hi s legs Robert B ..s .eal, managers. R. L. package of sugar, or pound of ba~ Norton Nisbet, owner and ma- ute days range as high as $10,000 munists tied 530 political prison- South Korean approach, they reScotland Yard authorities admit- gave way. They found him Powell, ba1hft, Mrs. qlenn Bal- con. It's only the price that's wor- nager of Nisbet's Market and Gro- but harried clerks and . deputies ers together in small groups, h er- leased common criminals. Then -ted Friday. "passed out" on the grass F rid ay lard and Miss Myrtice Stone,. rying h er now-her fears have cery, said "We can't get all we at th eSheriff's office would pre- ded them into a cave or to th e sea- they tied the political prisoners amount to be spread ou. shore and t hen murdered them, together in groups of four an d The seaman with the unsteady morn'ing. Unaware of his ni_ght's cler!cs. nothing to do with "so called" want, but there are plenty of com- fer"Tthe hat's why we're begging 'em one of the survivors said. marched them either to the cav e legs, 26-year-old Douglas Monro activities, they t ook h im to a cell Fifth Ward (Lawhon School) : shortages. In other words, folks modi ties for eve:·yone." "Although On the western city li mit s of or to the harbor area to be shot. of London, was lodged in Can - to sleep, it off. Aaron Morgan, Charles E. Brown in Tupelo just don't hoard. the wholesale distributors are to come in now,'' said one of the - non Row Police Station Friday Then a ragged old man rum- and W. A. McCoy, managers. G . A survey shows that despite backlogged with orders, there is clerks with a worried glance at the captured port at a cave in a About 300 w ere killed in the cave. hill overlookin g he Wonsan pris- The other 220 died on the shore and will be charged in Bow Street maging in a garbage can,' found W. Martin, bailiff. M r~. Carl the rush on canned goods, coffee, definitely no shortage," he added. the calender. on, were scores of twisted bodies of the J apan Sea. Court today. But for a few hours the dispatch case and turned it Long and Mrs. W. W. K mgsley, sugar, black pepper, and lard af. Since the start of the Korean J ung Myung Han said there lying where the Reds made t heir he had most of the London police over to police. A general alarm cler!ts. . ter the first few weeks of the Ko- War, people have been through Body Of Jackson Man captives kneel and then sh ot had been a total of 800 prisoners, force and all of Scotland Yard sounded-no one connected MunSixth Ward (Ran kin School): rean War, people have realized that "scare buying" stage and sevof whom 550 were political ofthem through the head. in a tizzy. ro with the theft. The faithful 0. B. Gardner, A. H. J ackso n and that there is no shortage. eral mo:1ths ago became thor- Fou nd In River Lining the path were white -clad fenders. The others were comKing George and Queen Eliza. retainers at B uckingham P alace Mrs. Grover Johns_o~, managers. ROLL ING FORK, Miss. (U.P.l Reports from the food stores in- oughly sold on the idea that hoarbeth were in Scotland, but the were grilled. The press hinted J . C. McCarthy, bailiff. Mrs. Ola dicate that all heavy buying and ding is useless; that there are The body of C. C. Majure ' of Korean women and children wail- mon criminals. The minister said he was led t o monarch was notified by tele- darkly at an international plot . Evans and Mrs. Malcolm McHaf- hoarding have ended. Steve Gun- enough n ecessities of life for ev- Jackson, who h ad been missing ing lamen ts for murdered husphone. The theft was the second Police even awoke Munro to fey, clerks: . . ner, manager of the Jitney Jun- eryone. since Tuesday , was fou,nd in the bands, sons and fathers, whose the hillside and marched into the bodies, twisted and bloated be- cave tied to three other men. All from the cluster of royal residen·c - ask about the box, but he grogMeanwhile, Mr. Conway md1- gle Food Market, is emphatic Sunflower River late Friday . Yes, that's the score. People in s around Buckingham P alace in gily replied that he didn't know cated that approximately. _the about his answer to the h oarding Employed by William H. Al- yond recognition lay in the eerie had their hands bound behin d their backs, he said. four months. anything about a box. He went same n~mber of pers~ns eligible question. "Ev eryone bought hea- Tupelo just plain and simply are sup and Associates of J ackson, grave. "They ordered us to lie on our to vote m the August al.l'port elec. vily at first but after the first not hoardi ng these days. Most of the victims were youn g Monro scrambled unseen over back to sleep. Majure had been workin g on an college and high school students. stomachs," he said. "A guard put the guarded palace walls, enter"The man detained has no con- tion would be eligible to _vote in scare was o,.;er, no one bought a REA project out of Hollandale. ed the palace itself where he lift- nection with the theft of the di- the water and sewer election. great amount of items," he said. SO-Day-Old Strike A coroner's jury returned an All had made the fatal mistake }tis foot on my head. He shot two o:Nhe men and was about to shoot ed the box of correspondence plomatic papers," police confiThe grocers attribute a large A . total of 2,710 Tupelo'.1ns we_re open verdict pending further in- of belonging to one of Wonsan's me when the man on my left raislocked in Maj. Gen .-A. C. Salis- dently announced. Then Munro eligible to vote on the al.l'po_rt is- part of the lack of hoarding to the Ends At Jac kson three anti-Communist societies or vestigation into his death. of making public speeches pro- ed his h ea d. The guard shot him bury-Jones' room at 5 p.m., and awakened refreshed and began sue an_d the numbe~ of . reg1stra- rise in pri::es. Several blame the JACKSON, Miss. .(U.P.)l..... The testing the Red regime. Some again then moved the pistol past emerged undetected. He became I to chat amiably with police. The tJons smce that ~lection 1s expect- price rise on labor costs and make 50-day old strike at the ArmFOR ECAST were reported to have been mem- his foot which still was on my irked because he couldn't open full story came out. ed. to b very slight, Mr. Conway the i:: r ediction that food prices strong Cork Co .. here was at an WEATHER the box and stuffed it in a gar"There are n o political impli- said. Mississippi: Fair today and bers of the Republican Military head and shot the fourth man. wil go even higl;ier. end Friday following approval "The other guard noticed somebage can. . cations," a red-faced Scotland Passag_e of the ".later and sewCarl Wren , manager of Kroger, last night of a new cont ract which Sunday. A little warmer today. Information Bureau- the Sou th thin g was wrong and asked if he Then he became weary. He Yard spokesman said. "The rest er bond issue reqmres only a ma- takes an optimistic v iew of the calls for an average 13 and one- Gentle to moderate no rtheast to K orean Secret Service. (Continued on Page Five) J ung My u ng Han, 44, minister couldn't think of a better place will have to wait for court." east winds on the coast. jority of the votes cast. situation by saying that even half cents per hour raise. , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
iDrasti.c New Credit Curbs Are Ordered; iAutos Must Be Paid For In 15 Months
Population Is Set
At 151,695,000
Cities Of Area Consider Plan To Develop Industry
Rankin Joins 'Others In Blast On Limits For Cotton Exports
Grid Results·
CourtroomBids Are Rejected
AvoidThe Rush
On.Auto Tags 7,000
Sfate 4-H Clubs Set ajor Goa Is $50,000
Sailor Invades King s Palace A d Sp~nds Night On Grounds
sCh00 I M · an D.-1es At Toccopola
·Election Holders Are Named Here
Bodies Of 'Anti-Red Koreans Found Crammed Inside Caves
Hoarding Isn't Stylish HereOle Miss Co-Ed Discovers