• S'I"ANtJARg t:>Rl NTI:lC CO. , X NEWSPAPER B1NDi i1G J)EP'I • Z:Z0-30 SOUTH FiRS'l' ST .•
. tOUISl:fll,L-E 2 ., KY •
Number 32.
Volume 84.
Tupelo, Mississippi, Friday Morning, May 7, 1954.
. Full United Press Le~ Wire :. . . . . ,..
Member' Audit Bureau of Circulattons
McCarthy Demands Brownell Take·, Turn On Witness Stand
It Happened
Mississippi Tupelo Firm Gets Bid
Troman'sSpeech Corn mu nist Open Artillery .lSecretletfer, Ends Dmocrafs' On Shrinking Fortress · ·. Not Writfe~ By Aircraft Used French, fB,IDirector Parachute Troops At Dien Bien Phu Two.Day,Rally ToEvery.DropAvailable Attorney General
KOSCIUSKO.-A $297,814 contract for sewerage improvements has been awarded to the M and W Construction Company of Tupelo by the city of Kosciusko. . It was part of a $400,0~0 bond issue authorized by Kosciusko. to pay for the improvements. Bids on the purchase of the bon~ issue will be opened tomorrow night'.
within 400 yards of the po~t. A French military spokesman H·t 'U d' denied the latest claim. ·He said I 5 OnJe HANOI, Fri., May 7 (UP)- Re- there had been no fighting in the Data JACKS0N.-A working party serve platoons of regular French region since the last Red claim. , cleaning driftwood from under a army paratroopers ju m Pe d into Latest Fre· i icli· repor·ts said the bridge in Jackson has found the D' G <UP) il~ , 1en B'ien Ph u t Od ay to · bol 5 t er de · rebels were at least 500 to 600 S WASEUNGTON. J h R MMay C th' -decomposed body of a J a c k s o n en. osep . r c ar Y angr Y WASHING'l'ON, May 6_ (UP)- fenses of the besieged garrison yar·ds a,vay. Negro. . . · t " susp1c1ous · · " R e d t' roo ps m · today that be intends to . p res1'd en t H arry S . T ruman agarns The . h1'gh . command r·es_ponded declared Jackson police have identified Former t h' h h ld make public a purported secret movemen s w Jc may era a prom · ptly to a dramatic radio apthe dead man as 40-year-old Willsaid tonight the United States can new all-out attack. "FBJ . lett~r" despite a stern warnson Hobson, who was reported not "insult'• its friends and still h t · · d peal b y De Castries for a suprem ing by Atty. Gen. Herbert Bro...,,,. e veteran para roops iome effort to. re-. s up~ly his hand-toell J r. ,that .suc4 action would 'riot T rri1ssirig last Friday- by his wife. . keep l eadership of the free world v,olunteers who have been drOJ)ped mouth force befor:e ~11e Reds could· 'be "in the public interest." Police say the cause of death in its fight against communism. . to tho aid of the French fortress in launch another maJQr assault. B U. f d th S ·te in has not ibeen determined. small groups for days. The French "Take risks " De Ca·s tries urgr_ow~e m orme . e ena • - The former P1:esident made the high . command said the reg ulars d "P h t dro and bom- veshgahon subcomm1ttee that the " h t · · · e · arac u e PS · . · letter, produced at the Army-Mc• Job' warning as t e two Op Democra tic had been held lll reserve. bardment ~lS&,OllS must contrnue earthy hearings by McCarthy, conQUEEN OF MOTHER 'S DAY - Mrs. A. W. Murdock, Sr., from Sherman was chosen as· Queen of leadel'S in Congress- Senate DemoA high command spokesman said at all cost. stituted "unauthori ed use" f se INDIANOLA, Miss., l\:{ay 6 (UP) Mother cratic Leader Lyndon B. Johnson "suspicious " Communist troop deBy the hundreds the warplaneds cret FBI data. He ~aid its d~clos: t Of a 's Day Thursday by Tupelo Merchants. She was crowned by Jack Reek and given $140 plus IJlO''ments had been ob s er v e d and transports rose from Re d -Burglars took a van age (Tex.J •and House Democratic lead, · · . ure would be "contrary to the pub• patrolman's night off to raid four an array of gifts from Tupelo businessmen. Pictured from left to right is a portion of family: Mickey er Sam Rayburn-lashed out at around the east faee of Dien Bien River de~ta ba.ses t? pour new lie interest." · firms here and officers said today Jolly, Mrs . Wilmon Jolly, Harold Jolly, Mr. A. W. Murdock, Sr., Mrs. Murdock, Mrs. Elonise Pa~pke, President Eisenhower's foreign Pbu's shrunken defenses. h'l stren~th -mto Dien ~~n P~u . and . At the stormiest session yet. Mc• the loot totaled $305. · Mrs. Tommy Jolly, Allen Jolly, Kay Paepke; and David Jolly. -Staff Photo.. policy. , Communist guns, meanw 1 e, rake. its attackers. wit exf osives, Carthy defiantly fired back that he Constable w. w. Billings labeled "We must have friends," the opened a thundering artillery bar- guofll'e and flammg napa m. _ had "no duty" to keep the d.ocuthe raids Wednesday night a "proformer chief executive told a $lOO- rage on-tiny Dien Bien Phu as Red Fi;~nch ?-eadquarter~.' anno~ncmg ment secret and "I don't intend .fess1·onal •ob." He said $140 was y h troops scurretl from t r e n c h to the maximum effort by airmen, t ,, H . 'd B . ·'-' lf . a-plate Democratic dinner ere. trench in the ever • tightening said it might spell the difference o. . e sa1 rowne 11 wmse ' .m stolen from the Wade _Haridwalre "we're not going to have them if noose around the fortress. b t e defeat and victory at the the celebrated Hany_ Dexter. White Co. safe: $7-0 from Service mp e· . f we insult our allies and f1iends e w en. . · case, had made publtc certam FBI ment Co.; $60 from Jay Feed and 'I;he Red moves resembled Com- long-be sieged fortr.ess. . reports . · 35 f S 'thh t I who helped us win the greates t war munist maneuv.e rs which.have pre· A spokesman Mud another heavy ·MC th d d d th t B M SeoetdorBC.o.; and $ rom mt ar . in history." c'eded past heavy attacks. on the blow by the Communists was exC jlr y eman e a ro..yn· He did not directly attack the fortress . ected "within four or five days." ell ~e called as a witness. Hearmg Police Chle.t Will Love uid a, .President's handling of the nation's . t F t k d .h . . last Satur- Chairman Karl E . Mundt CR-SD) ·5 pecial patrolman was . hired two_ . .... foreign policy. Nor did he_ elabor- 1 Thed FrenchlU111on Ptla ra rdoofpers drhey ad.tac e T_eavd11Y capturing at first refused him . But after Mc· years ago after a series of burJACKSON, Miss., May 6 (UP)- added he planned a weekend of 50 million dollars appropriat.ed £or £ k t eape froin. P anes ga 1ei:e rom ay an again nes a_Y, . . earthy asked Mundt if · he was l th · · · · i.,eg1s r · 1a ture ."doi' ng nothi'ng." , dur.i~,:g his hisstatement brie remar s a all over French • . heldft Indochina. four ·.of the. score glaries to patro e area a1on g The 1954 M1ss1ss1pp1 sc hoo1s, 34 m1·11·1011 w ill be use d t o ate, the dinner, on insultPh of strong pomts ."afr·ai'd" to overrule the a··t·-rney "' Highway 82 but the officer ''IFS off was officially adjou..rned at six The governor wag not present put the plan into . effect this July , Every availab 1e a1rcra was mus- at Dien 'Bien u. g n r M ndt ,, d t hold " 1 0 duty on Wednesday nights . o'clock tonight, · arid the accom- when the session ended in a brief for a one-year tryout, leaving only ing "ouT allies and friends. ' tered to step up· the drop of men De Castries' . men worked like e e a • u a,.ree · 'll ·";°'. Officers theorized the same bur- plishments of its fonr-month session 26-year-<1ld c ere mo n y in which million for the second year of But he said he would go morn and supplies to Brig. Gen. Christian be vers on new defensive _prepar- ~!~t::rion to consider McCarth!ty s · fully policy hes disclosed Bro"·n glars entere d a res t auran t nea r passed into 1aw WI'th on1Y t wo Ke1meth To ler, veteran writer for the b'1ennmm. when into he foreign addresses the problems National de Castries threatened bastion k d. th ations. Radio. d t dispatc. h t t r " · ell told the o•ubcommi·tt Greenville, tried to open a safe and exceptions. the Memphis Comme.rcial-Appeal, other problems facing a special The armada of p I anes ra e e that a · 1ast- 1 c res1s _ance cen e that McCarthy.' s page let r, 2112 , finally se_ttled for $40 in cash from Gov. Hugh Wh,ite completed a banged the gavels in both houses session include wiping out an ex· Press Club next Monday . Communist lines with bombs, flam~ was bemg prepared m the very · · a change box and juke box. week-long task of_ studying . a_nd and announced : "The 1954 session pected , 7 ·million dollar d eficit: Johnson said the E isenhower.. ad- ing napalm and gunfire. The large heart of the four hedgehog clusters which _bore the !ypewrittenisl na• k' th ministration's handling of the Indo- cr·aft dropped l ,OOO and 2,000-pound the ain defense area ture cif FBI Director J . dgal' signing some 300 bills to d ay, g1vmg of t)le Mississippi Legislature is facing th e state at tl· 1e en d of . ~ cht'na crisis has "humiliated," the b th US li d C mca 111gdur.s· ?1 ,b·a,vk,, the r_·e: Hoover,·was not written by ver. his approval to two final measures adjourned sine die.." biennium, financial aid for mumc1bom s and · e · · supp e ora11e part~" ! Bnt he confirmed earlier te imony he had earlier said should be veWith Toler were House Clerk palities. and consideration of rec- United States and led to the most sair fighter-bombers flew in low doubt was contrived _with all the that it was based on a slj'cret · • MERIDIAN.-Mississippi Junior toed. "I'm tired," he said, and Roman Kelly and Asst. Senate o]1lmen.dations submitted by a spe· "stunning reversal" in U. S. diplo- with deadly anti-personnel_bombs, skiH of the army engme ae1:s, ~nt~~i page FBI memorandum. ( · 15 Chamber of Commerce members Secretary Bob Brown. There were cial advisory committee on legal matic history. each holding hundreds of darts locki-ng fir~ lanes were 1 1d_ 0 t The memoranclum waft sent tii convene in Meridian tomorrow no members of the Legislature ways of maintaining the traditional Ray burn accused the administra- able to trnnsfic a man. around. Miles of barb~d wire w~s Army and Air Force intelligeuc(in for their 20th annual convention. present. , dual school system should the U.S. tion of mishandling U. S. foreign Tlle all-out aerial assist to Brig. strnng, and mme fields were laid . McCarthy testified .that he reDuring their three -day meeting Of the bills sent to the governor, Supreme Court rule against regre- policy-the one change , he said, Gen . Christi-an' de Castries and his t<;> make 1t as impregnable as pos- 1951 ceived his "letter" · frorf an Army they'll select new officers, pick a White vetoed only two-a 100 mil- gat1011. . that the new administration had French Union garrison was un- Sible. . • . . intelligence officer, bu't flatly " re• 1955 meeting site and map final lion dollar bond issue to build a m~de in the 'p olicies of Mr , Truman leashed when the weather cleared The .break 111, the wea!her gave fused to tell the subcolnmittee the ·plans for the annual "Miss Miss istoll turnpike the length of Missisand fonnE. Secretary of State Dean after torrential monsoon 'rains. the airmen their fi rst b1g_. chance officer''S name _/ , Acheson · Th e c ommum·st v·1e t m1·nh rad1'0 smce · s Ull d ay to ,;a · · among, ) · i" contest in Jackson next sippi and a measure providing for ~ D1'en Bien-Phud. For this reason others 1 k. . appeal · from any state board de' · · _The former ..Presi~ent, des_c:ibio~ claimed th.a t . R~d troops had While transports swooped ~ow an he said it shou!d ~ot be ll'l1'de pu1,'. . our cities, ,Tal'kson, Vicksburg, cision. , . , himself .a s a · private citizen , pushed to witlun,.i100 yards of de multi • colored supply paraf::~=~ lie. Likewise, he added, the orig• ' f 61:t cLB 'l . h t . R d' F B Signed '·today were : biJls requirstr,e ssed t\)~ .nee~ f~E,}l ·~1_1~t.e~ fr9n\ .P!~ '.l ·' ·,, headqu_a rters . . The last blossomed, .c~mbat plam1s.. d inal 15-page "FBI memo niust·1 be . / (~.I' a~he \~~~';/,, ~:~Jn~io~~ y Or .r ipg ins11ec'tfoi1 and gi'ad111g ·ot •'e ggs .,-·m·. to face - up., to. .the .~ 1tical. wciffa pr.ev10us .. claim .by the Reds over at _R ed anti-.a1r'craft _batteues an ·kept secret'in accordance with the ta e President Van· Richardson Bids for pur.chase of the $500,- and creating a real estate licensituation., - \.. ~ the weekend .was that they were artillery pos1t10ns. FBI's policy of making sure that . He lauded as * * ,. • • • "'t '•;.: f . Greenwood says 14 new clubs 000 Day-Brite industrial bond is- sh1g b. oard. The governor had o_b,secretary of Acheson's· state and service pointedly i s f il es wi'll. b e kep t con f'd 1 ential ." . ; .ie,.been added dunng the past sue will be opened by the boar(;l jected to the egg bill because 'of C' f"' Ser t h McCarthy immediately demand: of aldermen this morning. its "many imperfections ," but ap~ .J.. \ ~nera V remarked that my secre ary as ed that Brownell be questipnec year. proved it after a typographicar tY not been consulted on how to oper· · · about the security 'of liis shorter City offici als ·a re hoping .the ei·ror had been corr··ected. S • ate foreign policy of .the govern'd d t f bl. ds on the bonds reflect the low T us 1s · Ad "letter." He sa1 :he oes .no ee1 The Real Estate Board bill prohe ··Genera ervices · -,ment." bound to keep secret any FBI ·doc• figures discovered Tuesday when vides for registration of any type ministration announced Thursday i Wheth"r' the American people like ument . it bas been distribJACKSON. Miss., May 6 (UP)- construction bids were opened. of license with the secretary of it was seeking two year leases on it or not,1 be said. the United States uted" to· other government agen• A ·protest by city_officials against City Clerk W. T. Franks re- state's office. White signed it "only property located on the prospec- holds the leadership of the fr~e cies. , f "No'rrumandirectiveisgoingto locating the state's permanent ported wide interest in the bond with the understanding that the t ive site of Tupelo's new post- world and it must accept the relethal gas chamber here was la- sale among security houses. In- clause will be taken out in a later office building. sponsibility. • C prevent me from making available beled belated by Gov. Hugh White formation on the bond issue and special session.'' ,. The arnouncement apparently To do so, he said, there must be . to the American ·people what I today. the city has been requested by 12 . The provJS1on, .White sai<l· ruled out- :my chance for a new a united front in foreign relations . have , here," he declared, He re• Commission&s D. L. Luckey ,and different firms, he said. "would require even fishin g lie, r. y''Jostoffice build(bg here for anJohnson charged the Umted GENEVA, May 6 (UP )-Ho Chi HONG. KONG, Fri. , May 7 (UP) £erred to . former Pre,,sident. Tm· f~;::iyeri/P~::~?,dfi ~!1:~~ia::!1 The Day-Brite bonds are of $1 ,- ses to be registered" with the se-1 othei< '. '·vo_ 1 eai>f • . States "has _been caught bluffing Minh's Communist rebels today -The Civil Air Transport Airlines man's order barring 'disclosure of 000 denomination each. They will retary. He called the clause The'· pro ivet'ty, at· the corner oi by our enem1e_s. We stand m clear anno\inced todav that a Cl 9 "Fly- government loyalty information. during this year's legislative ses- mature over a 20 year period, e1gn" to the bill. West Main and Church streets, danger of bemg left naked and . coldly turned down a French ap- i·og Boxcar" flo~vn by an Americ. an· The o_rder has been. c_ontin.ued b~ sion establishing the gas chamber. d' · 1974 · 1 · 'bl 1 t l , l · h t'l ld " ,, t ·t . en mg m • A specia sess1011, poss1 y a er consists of · .three ots, t wo o, a one m a os 1 e wor · peal for a mercy w·u~e o permi pilot has been either -shot down or the Eisenhower. admm1stration. in Jackson .. The Building Comdm~sTheth'bids will· be Th opened at 11 this year, was anticipated by which contain houses. · Johnson ·and House Democraticg e· vacuation of the 1,200 wounded de- forced dow.n in Indochin . · a. McCarthy did ,not sa_y w_hen, tiion has tentaJively approve its b'd h't h 1· t· d s R b construction In the proposed High- a.m. ts morning. ' e 1 5 are W 1 e. The_ sc 001 equa iza ~on pro-Sealed bids on the twn Ye at Lea er_ ~m ay urn were amon fender; of the Indochina bastion of It was the first re.ported case of ' how he will make public his · , ' sealed -bid style, a factor that will gram, which took the full four leases will be opened at the GSA the prmc1pal speakers at a ·$190· a Cll 9 transport flown by the U.S . ter." . . way Patrol Building north of the eliminate the tedious verbal bid- months to complete, must receive offices in Atlanta on May 17. · a-plate Jefferson-Jackson Day dm- Dien Bien Pim. civilian pilots being downed. One It appeared, howeve.r, he wou1 ci!;· can't see why they have to ding that is prevalent when open additional financing in 1955. Of the The announcement seeking bids ner to raise Democrattc -ft(nd~ for They said any action 011 the pro- of the pilots was disclosed recentlr not do 50 until afte~ Mundt c_alls bring conde,mned criminals from bidding is held. ' · · · on, the leases described the thre~ the _fall congressional .elections . posal would have to await the for- to have been injured by anti- the secret subcomnuttee meeting. This morning, the aldermen lots as "the land acquired by th~ President Truman spoke extempor- mal start of the Indochina negotia- aircraft fire but the plane .re- Mundt said it might be possible to all over the state for execution in United States as a site for a: post aneously. . · . d turned safely. . . liold such a meeting tomorrow aft· ·our city," Alexander said. Luckey are .also scheduled . to award the said the chamber should be located construction contracts for the . · · · office building to be erected in' Johnson .a 11d R'.1y~urn 11!t liard tions, no~ set for Satur_ ay. . The Cat line announced last week ernoon . . The subcommittee w i 11 at Parchman state penitentiary. 100,000 square foot Day-Brite . ·~ T 1O· \vb n consh'uction funds at the admuus tratwn s foreign pol- The .failure of the French efforts that pilot Paul Holden, ~2 , of hold no public televised ihe~ring toWhite observed that the objec- building. ~pe ·1 b! '' · icy, a sharp departure from pre- was disclosed here a few hours aft. Greenleaf, Kan ., suf~ered severe morrow afternoon_. but w~l meei 1 s w er e opened· C. ons t rue t 1011 a:te avai a e. ·t ocrats vious Democratic The Dem. . 1 wounds m . the rig . l1t t'· am . b"d tions should have been made before The gover.nme11t a nnounce d 1_ generally policy. have been soft- er French- Premier Josep h L an1e .mgh. a nd right f rom 9 : 30 a .m. tintil 11·30 . · , the Legislature approved bUls abol- Tuesday afternoon. T he general would rese1ve the nght to red 11•on a vote of confidence in the 1arm when a Commumst 37mm EST, . . • low level of the bids brought '. . · • peddaling foreign policy issues an . , shell hit his . flying boxcar as •1t The hearmg - dunng which Mc· ~:Jnn.gro~~~uJ;~~~b~:e~~~1:J~/~!~~ pleased expressions from city· ofmove the house_s from the lots up hitting the Republicans on such National Assembly and a f1ce hand dropped supplies to Dien Bien Phu . earthy talked of " several months" ''I caR do nothing but carry out •fi'cials. onTt~ ~hi!eni°0t{~e;t the corner of dome stic matters as farm and tax to push at Geneva for a settlement '.the •co-pilot, Wallace Duford of of -proce dings - ,~also produced The· apparent low bids, based Chur·ch and West Main were ac- issues. · <if the war. Kansas · City, Kan., managed to these developments : . the Legislature's wishes," he said. d b D Johnson and Rayb1trn also spoke p · d' t h ·d th "~he protests come too late.'' on the alter nates desire Y ayquired s_everal years , ago as , the caustically of Sen. Joseph R . Mc· ans 1spa c es sa1 · e govern- complete the supp1y d rop an d fl Y 1 • At tb e sugges t'1011 of Sen. J oh , Brite and the city, totalled slightA t f T l st ment's efforts to arr a 11. g e the the Boxcar back to base where J. McClellan CD·Ark), the grout 00 If th i!J'd · number of new contributors future st e O • upe os new po • Carthy (R-Wis l, the "silly"_Army- mercy truce had been a factor in Holden was hospitalized. _voted to refer all past and futurE • · · · · ly over S400,0 • ese 'tl st~re to the Community Development office when it became _apparent McCarthy hearings, ''disw11ty" m Laniel's victory. The ci'.vili an. Cat pilots have been testimony to the Justice · Departi 1011 accepted , the cost of cons rue Foundation' n l budg t d ive that the -p resent postofflce struc- the GOP and the "depression." th t F 1 d " · · 11 JAC~S.9N, Miss., May 6_ (U_P)- per-square foot will be approxis a nua e r f th Failure of_ e s renuous renc 1 flying the transports un er . con- ment for "whatever act~on 1s ca ' The c_h1ef counsel for the National m ately four dollars. were reported Thursday as the ture was too sma_11 0.r e growJohnson, who Wednesday attend- efforts to wm an evacuat100 truce tract for some weeks. They fly to ed jor. Sen. Stuart Symmgton (D campaign entered its second week. ing volume o.f mail bemg handled. ed a secret briefing ' by Secretary dashed all hopes that the formal Dien Bien Phu unde1· protection Mo ) said somebody ltad broken th1 Assoc1at10n for the Advancement of Colored People said tonight CORRECTION Drive · Chairman Felix Black , However, lack of federal fund of State John Foster Dulles on the talks could begin in a mood of con- from French fighter planes.. law in giving McCarthy secret FH segregation in the South is "on its said the number of new firms and appropriations has completely Gene va Far Eastern conference , ciliatlon between the two parties. The Cat aiJ:line was established data. Each side ·\Jas ·accused th, way out" and predicted Southernindividuals contributing to the stymied a start on construction. said "American foreign policy has A French spokesm an said the by retired Maj. Gen. Claire , Chen- other of "false" statements. ers would accept integration .as foundation for the first time was never in all its history suffered communists first had expressed a nault leader of -the ·famed "Flying 2. McCarthy accu sed Army Sec r "very encouraging." . such a stunnint; reversal." · "mild interest" in working out a Tigers" of world war II. retary Robert T. Stevens of com " law abiding citizens." ThUl'good Marshall said the "im,''. Initial reports on, the progress ' "Om· friends and allies ar e truce. But th ey notified the French ------mitting "perjury" . when Steven portant point is to get segregation of the campaign are encouraging,'' £rightenea- and wondering, as we do, toda y that it would have to await C changed earlier te stimony \bout 1 laws off the books, and let local ,I,. siring concert by · Tupelo Mr. Black said. y -.J where we are headed.'' he declared. the opening of the nine-nation talks O · Fe)). 24 meeting at the Pentagon communities ·work out t heir own and Columbus city school pupils All teams in the campaign Unuay "Only a few days ago we ·obsel'ved on Saturday. TOUGALOO.-Tpugalon Col- Stevens originally said he ·oould re salvat.ion." He spoke at a NAAtf was · incorrectly scheduled · for were urged to cbmplete · their . "Youth Sunday" will· be observ· our final hun;tiliation in the specHe said the contacts with Ho 0hi lege has received a $50,000 dona- call no such meeting, but said t~ meeting here to raise S5,0'00 for the Friday night in 'the story's head- assignments as soon .as possible so ed at All-Saints Episcopal Churc·h tacle of the merican secretary of Mioh's negotiators he'r e had been tion from one of its trustees. Har- day he ·met with 21 other persons. association's 10 mi 11 i on dollar lines in Thursday's paper. as to permit a speedy wind-up of this week with a pr~yer service state backtrackiltg .the Atlantic made through the Red Chinese del- old C. Warren, president of the· 3. Stevens cited support fron "Fighting Fund for Freedom.'' The correct ·da,te is Tuesday, the annual fund raising campaign. conducted by young people of . the · from the conference at Geneva ." egation. · • Negro institution, says the dona- FBI Director Hoover in bis defens Marshall saiti the problem of .m.ay .11, .as was stated in the Reports should be turned in to church and a newly-orgamzed Turning to the , Army-McCarthy French Foreign Minister Geo1·ges tion was made by Mrs, Lucius R. against MCJCarthy's chargtts tha segregation , is predominantly · a story. the Community Development youth choir. .. . · hearings , J.o hnson said that "in the Biclault found his hand greatly 11:astrnan of New York. the Army was negligent in fightin The pupils are under the di- Foundation's central office on the · The services, markmg nationa\ name of the American people , I strengthened for the impending ne., - - - - -·-·- .- - Reds. Stevens testified he talke Southern one, but he said durin g the past three years, more than 45 rection of Marvin ·z ·o schke of first floor of the City-County Youth· Sunda.v , will be at 11 a.m. want to rise to a point of orde'r." gotiations through his _ g overn Wea' fher forecast with Hoover by telephone today an colleges in 12 Southern states have the University Extension De- B 'Jd' The rector. the Rev. W . F. Bum·. "What have these silly · quarrels ment's. vote. of confidence as he . . . . . he "spoke in highest terms" of c~ admitted some 2,000 Negro stu- partment. The public is inv)ted, UJ mg. sted will deliver he sermon. to do with the problems of security met with Vietname se leaders to Nortl1east M1ss1ss1pp1 - Fa_i.r to operat · between the FBI alll Some 100 wnrkers are seeking · · · , v.1'1\ against th e gatherrng · dents. . There is no admission. Leadmg t he 1wayer service s t orm that plan strategy, The Viet Na. m _dele- partyly . c_loudy throug h Fri d ay. Ar·my 11011 ·11 telligence. , . · h 1 1· l' D s 1·1 ts Bob 1·b t " h · k d t G tl to raise $41.,200 to support the be C ares ~ee, ,e,· · e. e , ·. threatens 1 er Y e as e · gation declined to reveal its ideas Slowly r1smg tempe_r_a ures: en e . 4. Mee_arthy's chief counsel. Ro' community foundation's activities by DeSilets, Southwell Orcutt, am\ "Tomorrow all Asia may be in for a settlement_of the war, except mostly southerly wmds. ~1gh Fri, M. Cohn, charged t hat some me!!' in business, indu~try, and y outh Marcelle Rogers. . flames and· the day after the West. to rule out part1t10n. clay 82,85. bers of the Army 's loyalty boar and community deyelopment. . Usbe ·s will .be Jimmy Brow11 ern alliance which the Democrats · "had records of Communist • fro!' ' and John Thomas Asters. AcoJy., so painstaki~gly built up brick by activity and consistently voted t Rev. tes are Charles Lee and }:l,ex De·, brick, will lie in ruins. clear Communists" in the Armi Silets. The offering will be sent for. Coho said Stevens and Army com church work in Haiti. ' t d A smiling 65-year-old woman family. Mr. Murdock has been 1'he youth chofr· is sronsorecl b y, . In 9 0 sellor John G. Adams refuse 1 1 from Sherman was crowned afflicted with three serious ill- Messaae To Mrs. Phyllis Wilson. It include~ Queen of Mother's Day Thursday. nesses in his life. Ari unusual feature of Christian Britt Rogers.III, Maurice Rich. tee because the testimony wo ul night .by Tupelo me1·chants in a At present Mrs. Murdock is Family Week will be a radid Bobby Desilets . .Southwell Orcutt.' CIVS ayor a Or. The Lee County 4-H Girl will girl s from 12 to 13 ; Cfass II girls have been " personally embarras: special ceremony. presdient of the Sherman Worn- broadcast to Methodis,t fa mi 1 y Vicki Armstrong. Susan H;,ywood.' T upelo parking meters will put her b.-st foot forward to'd ay ·from 14 and over. . ing.'' Mrs. A. W. · :Murd:ock; · Sr.; ert•s· Society ·of ,Christlap Service. gatherings over the city tonight Donna :Pull, Rosemary Rich, Mar-'. continue to be policed on Wed- at 10 a .m. whe11 4-H Attainment Four-L eaf Clover girls are 5. Adams testified that one men mother of ten children, grandShe has sold cosmetics door to when the Rev. Jeff Cunningham, celle. ~ogers. Cynthia Orcutt anc\ nesday afternoons so long a s a Days begin in the City-County those under 12. . ,· ber of the loyalty board, who Coll mother of 28 and great-grand- door, taken in washing and has pastor of the First Methodist Patnci~ Clarkson. . portion of dow ntown business Building. The contest will start off. this said had "Communist • front re, mother of one ·child ·was crowned don·e ·wotk in· th!? WPA sewing Church, sp aks to the . family - - -- - -.- houses remain open all day WedJudging :l'or the contest will morning with projeds in h~me ords," ·h ad not been allowed to s by Jac,k Reed. at 7 p.m. before room. ~ -meetings at 7:30 p.111. over,WELO. j nesdays, Mayor James Ballard take place in the Home Demon- improvement, food preservat10_n, on any board proceedings sine some 300 onlookers. · 1 • Her moth er and mother-in-law Families in the membership at MEMPHIS , May 6 (UPl-Mem·. announce1. ,. stration office. · vegetable judging, home electnc, February 1953. When a new boar Mrs. Ml:U'dock has ·b een married lived with the Murdocks·for ·more· the First Methodist Church here bers of the Miss issippi River Com-. In previous years, the parkmg All girls. are asked to come t:o yard beautification and foods. was set up last November, Adarr 46 years. She is known as "Mama than 15 years and. were cared for will meet in neighborhood zone mission were told tod11y the Yaz<><j jneters had been "free" on Wed- the conference room at 9:45 a.m. Judges are Mrs. H . . T. Marlin, said, the man-referred to as "M Ollie" by scores of people in Sher- by Mrs. Murdock. Both lived into meetings at 7 p.m. for supper ·and River levees in the Mississippl nesday afternoons when virtually for further instructions in the an- Mrs. Joe Be:.sley, Mrs. J. S. Hen- X"-was dropped. man. their nineties and were a 1 most fellowship. There will be about Delta need to be "built up tC\ all business houses 'closed for the nual event. · derson, Mrs. Lillian Bourland, 6. McCarthy charged I that Syn According to one let.ter submit- helpless. the last few years. 36 ·zone meetings of Methodist strength to provide a proper safet~, half day. Girls taking part in the contest Mrs. W. C. ·Hussey, Mrs. Morgan ington and Sen. Henry M. Jacksc ted about Mrs. Murdock: "On Despite her extra efforts· says families over the city. In each factor." However, several downtown reare award winners from the 25 Estes, Mrs. Clyde Schumpert, (D-Wash) were trying to block h • · 1 Sundays djdn't know whether ,· d h zone · meeting supper will be Will T. McKie, chief engmeer, tail houses announced this week entrants of the Community At, Mrs. Winnie Horton,, Mrs. Luther ·efforts to "dig Communists out • . , she would have ten children · or Mrs. Mwdock 5 fuen s,. s e. as brought by the families an:d en- told the commission "we are dis:. their intentions ef remaining op- tainment Day. Adams, Mrs. Charles Harding, government" when they said the 0 ten extras at dinner." always been available to ne'igh- jo;ved in a family fellowship per- mayed" over futu1·e money pros·. en ail day 011 Wednesdays through Contestants will be divided into Mrs. D. F. Ray, Mrs. Luther ficer who gave McQarthy his ''.lf She worked to help eupport her bors in Sherman for help. · iod. p~cts. · the summer montlu,. thJ,"ee classes: Class I will include Bright and Miss Mexie Chism.. ter" may have broken t he law.
Former President Warns U. S. Against JI nsu Iting' Friends
Negro's Body Found
• II
By LOUIS GUILBERT United Press Staff Correspondent
nau th • Use Of Secret
Leg •ISIa t ure Off• . IC •la 11 y Ad .. J·•OU rn eel . Wh I•te pIans.wee·ken·d Of IN. oth'·" • 9.
Jaycee onvent1on
. i
C•1ty· TOOpe·· n BondI'ss··ues·d .I. s Building Cqn,!.racts ·o"ay- rite" ea
New pOS ff•I , to Ce
pr' o-s· p··,ec·fs';','·D' .
U f: ·1ces See k p~.[oper Lease
Official Protest ·
Rebe·IsRefuse .CAT Repor·ts Pl ea For Tru.ce M ' ,1s.s•·1ng· c•119
D en ders s·ee k'mg TO Remove Wounded ·
u. s. c·1v·,1·,an
Pilot, Forced· Or Shot Down
CDF Cont•1nues Budgef Dr."1ve
Progress Reported 'Very Encourag·ing'
·NAACP Opinion
Headline Writer G'e'l.s' Confused On
All-Saints Church To Conduct Service hS Fo·r out
Date Of Concei:t
II D . ege onat1on
. rs. A.. Mu r·d·o·c·k' (: rowned M TUpe IO MOthe.r.,s..Day Queen
Will Offer Radio
pa rk. 'N Free ,. Wednesday Aft~rnoon S. M B l'3l d
4-H Atta"1nment Days G d Th•, IS ,Morn1ng • . et ' n erway Anl)ual
~~~a~tb~o~~c~~te~;~e~~1b~~m~~ 1
Lev.ees Need Strength
:, \