Th~ P~id Cifeyfation flf The Journal Is Over
·12,000 Volume 84. -
Number 191. I
~ It Happened I In
Angry Protests .Exchanged Over Destruction Of B-2
• • •
Agents Elect
W. J. Pernell President1§ Post Goe!) To Tupeloan
VICKSBURG, Miss., Nov. 8 (UP) -John B. Brunini, lawyer and Catholic lay leader, died today after a long illness. He was 78. Brunini was· a former chairman of the State Highway Commission, a nd a director at the First National Bank here. In 1928 he was made a Knight , of St. Gergory by Pope Pius XI, the first layman to receive tlie honor . He served as attorney for the diocese of· Natchez for more than 40 years.
JACKSON, Miss. Nev. 8 (UP)W. J . Pernell of Tupelo was elected president of the Mississippi Association of County Agriculture agents today as about 400 county and home demonstration agents gathered for their annual meeting. Pernell has been acting president since the reslgnation from· extension ser.vice of Q . S. Vail, now a Booneville businessman. C, s. Nort of Philadelphia was elected vice president and George A. Mulle~ dore of Magnolia, secretary treas~ 1 urer. New officers named by the Homs Demonstration Agents Assn. a1'a '.Miss 'Esther Kerr of Pliiladelphlc1. second vice president; Miss Joyce Williams of Lexington, treasurer; and Miss Clarabel Jordan of Purvis; and Mrs. Genevieve Harris ot Crystal Springs, counceilors . . Mrs. Margaret Clark of CoTu,n. bia was named a y ear ago by- tl1e home agent to succeed in 1955 Mrs. Vela Hunter of Greenville who presided at today's session. • The meeting of the two group~ of Mississippi agricultural extension service workers, will continue through Wednesday noon. A similar meeting for about 100 Negro extension workers is in session in college Park auditorium here. At a , general session at the Ro• bert E . Lee this afternoon, H. C. Sanders, director of extension in Louisiana, discussed the need for a planned public relations program. "Good public relations is not an end _within itself," he said. " The en.d 1s a bet~er and bigger cooperative exte_nsion service supporting a productive, prosperous and free agriculture and healthy, happy and satisfying homes for a permanent republic of freedom loving people." Ben Hilbun, president of Mississippi State College, told the group at a banquet tonight that "you have made great progress, but the surface has just been scratched. There are untold opportunities and limitless possibilities for the agent who has the training, the zeal, the ind~stry and the imagination to provide answers for peoples needs in the rural a.1·eas."
Circuit Court Oockef Heavy 318 Cases Awaiting November Term Action
The tl1ree dockets of Lee County circuit court contain a total of 318 cases fo.r the November term which opens Nov. 15 according to figures released Monday by the circuit clerk's office. RALEIGH - A reserve juror The civil docket has 108 cases has .b een authorized for the mur- listed; the criminal docket has der t rial of Smith County busi- 78 state cases . and 90· city appeal nessman Ross Hawkins. cases; and the grand jury docket It marks the first time a ne\V has 42 cases listed for hearing. Mississippi law permitting a 13th The h eavy docket is · expected jutor has been used. to extend the November term a Circuit Judge Homer Currie full three weeks. sust ained a prosecution request A fourth week session is a postbat the spare juror be authorized l sibility . .i.n view of the many crimfor Hawkins' trial. P r osecution inal cases . attorneys explained that the extra The civil docket, set by loc·~l juror will avoid the possibiH~y attorneys in a meeting with Jud ge · of a mistrial Uli'ough dis-qualifi. Raymond T. Jarvis shows 27 ·c ation of one o.f the regular panel cases marked as set 'for trial. of 12 jurors after the testimony The 318 cases on the various t t dockets of the court give the No ys ar s. , Ten Jurors were approved .to- ember term a docket equal. m day by defense and prosecu!10n bulk to ~hat faced by the sprrn.g . a ttorn~ys to hear the case ~gamst !erm. Bigge~t . backlog of cases H~wkins, accus. ed . of clt:bbmg his is . on t.he ~nmm_a l do_ck~t, where ' w1f~ to death and fakmg a .car mis -tnals m maior cnmmal cases accident to cover up the slaymg. have resulted i n a logjam.
13 th Ju ror Added In Smith County Myrder Hear .In"'~
Retail Business Meeting Today Every Firr:n Is Asked d
To Be Repre-sente
, E very re lail business firm in Tupelo is expected to have a representalive al an important meeting oI local merchants at Hotel Tupelo· this afternoon at 3 o'clock. At the meeting plans . will be completed for Community Value Days, according to Joe Eigner, chairman of the committee in charge of this special city-wid sales event. e "It is very important that everyone who runs a retail firm in Tupelo be present fox Tuesday's meeting," Mr. Bigner emphasized.
Nine Journal Area 4-H Club Members Win State-Wide Honors For Annual Projects
·Lavish Spending 'Mr. F~ve-By=Five/ Object Of Intensive Search By FBI CHICAGO, Nov. 8 (UP)-The ·F ederal Bureau of Investigation today spearheaded a search for "Mr . Five-by-Five,'' a portly, lavish spending night club habitue who vanished leaving debts of up to 10 million dollars. . Also sought wel'e the gorgeo11 s redhead and statuesque brunet~e he squired to northside bisLros before dropping · out of sight. Harry Lester, 42, alias Hy Calvert, was known as a man · good for a big tip every time he heaved his 280-pound bulk .into a bar or night club. Bartenders said their tip usually was double the size of Lester's bar bill. Waitresses said the smallest tip t..'1ey recalled was $5 for a plate ti ham and egg!.
But the FBI said Lester w as wanted on a $30,000 fraud complaint filed by a Buffalo, N. Y., bank a11d a bankruptcy proceeding there involving $1,194,000. At least one hotel bill of $20,000 was -reported against ltim here, and author.i ties said it was believed he owed thousands of dollars to bookmakers on bad gambling debts. Altogether, police believed, his opet·ations may have totaled up to 10 million dollars in losses to cred:·t tors. Lester disappeared Oct. 2 and ~ast was seen entering a taxicab iµ the downtown Loop. He came ht?re about 18 months ago from
club strip because of his blocky shape. Police said they had a report that Lester , before he vanished, told a friend he was going to Buf~ falo with $700,000 he wanted to cache. But investigators discounted any theory he m ay have been ,vaylaid and sl ain by undcrwodd elements for welshing on debts. "If he had been dead, we'd ha ve known about it by this time," one .officer said. p'olice throughout this country and in Mexico have been alerted to look for him. Officers said he may have r t , d to N y k e urne ew or , New York and became known as where he was reported to have
"\'· FiY~b>-Flve" ~ the night
Form Bureau Opens
Jackson .convent.Ion · ·
A~KSON, Nov_. ~-<U:P.l-:--Stc.kholde1s of the. Mississ1pp1 l arm Burei;LU federa~1~n meet tomorrow m01:um~ t? officially open t he org:am~at10n s three • day convenhon 111 Jackson. , ~egisl?tive and agriculture pohcies will be presented tommorrow afternoon by ~h.e, federation's 26-member resolutions committee which met today and again ti)· night to whip the policies into
, h,pe.
Nine Journal Area 4-H club . the major award for her citizenmembers were announced Monday ship project; Lamar Hussey, as state • wide winners in annual State College student, named state club projects ranging from ;oil w inner in the 4-H j unior leaderconservation to rural r ecreation ship project. and ·a rts. S ar ah Kathe1·ine Hall, of Ce.dar ·The winners - all from Lee, Hill selected as state winner a· Mon.roe. Prentiss . and P ontotoc· m orig those carrying on a recreatcounties gave the Northeast ion and r ural arts project; Jamee Mississippi area a substantial re- Surrat t, also of Cedar Hill, one presentation among the state win- of t h e two state winners in the ners. P ersonali:ty Improvement Contest. 1n addition to having _the nine And Ernestine Davis and Billy youngsters who were . named Jo P hillip s of Cedar Hill, named state proj ect. winners, · this area as the state's best , dairy foods also has the winning man and wife demonstration tea·m. . team in 4-H club leadership. They Winners in other Journal Area a1·e Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Morgon, counties included: of the Lawhon School in East J ohn Wayne S tutts. of the Tupelo. Thrasher clu b in P rentiss County, Six of the nine state winners w ho became st ate winner among from this area are outstanding boys carrying on soil ahd water members of Lee County 4-H cl11bs. conservation projects. ' , They are: Shirley Francis. of Billy Joe S t alnaker, of tM AlTupelo, now at MSCW, who won soma Club of P ontotoc County,
boys' winner i,n health pl'oje:cts. And Sue Kendrick, of the Becker Club in Monroe County state winner among girls carrying out health projects . Many of the winners will re• ceive trips to the State 4-H Round up in Jackson Nov. 16-17 as rewards for being state winners. Miss SmTatt, as Personality contest winner. receive~ a $100 scho· Jarship and a trip to Memphis in addition to the j ourney to J·ackson, Miss Kendrick, as state heaitlt winner, win s an expense • paid trip to the National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago. The mem• bers of the dairy foods demonstration team each will receiv11 gold watches from the Carnation Co. Stories and pictures of the winners will appear in the Daily Journal beginning this morning,