1961, September 6 - JFK Orders

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r THE WEATHER NORTHEAST MISSISSIPPI Partly cloudy and warm with widewidely scattered thundershowers tl1rough Wednesdey night. High 9094. Thursday partly cloudy and warm with widely scattered afternoon and evening thundershowers.

rna Full United Press Wires Tupelo, Mississi~pi, W~dnesd ay M orning, Sep:'.t~e~m:':b~e::,r~6'.!_,.::1~96~1:__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __:_::.::.:~--: - -International - - - - - - Leased -----

Telephone VInewood 2-2611

~~-~~~~~~~ Tu~oToV~e

JF~ ~rders ~nderground

~~!~~~~~ond Aldermen Set Date To Coincide With State Referendum

Nuclear Tests Be Resumed U.S. 'Has No

GI'sHurl Gas Grenades At Red Police

Other Choice'

Tupeloans will vote Oct. S in a special election on issuance . of $125,000 in st r e e t improvement bonds, accorcling to action taken Tuesday night during the regular meeting of the board of aldermen. The election date was set to coGives No Hint incide with the state-wide referen- Retaliate For Of Location; May dum on Oct. 3 called to ratify a O · h pair of changes made to the state OUSlnQ It Not Be On Mainland cons.titution by a rece_nt special water streams session of the state legislature. . WASHINGTON (UPI) - PresiFor the bond issuance to be ap- . BERL~N (UPI)-Amencan soldent Kennedy Tuesday ordered proved, three-fifths of those voting diers twice hurled tear gas ger-1 the resumption of no-fallout unmust favor the proposition. Funds ~ades over th~ East-Wes, border derground nuclear tests by the derived from the bond sale would mto East Berlin Tuesday to scatUnited States. He said the step was necessary to protect free go to construct and improve de- ter Com~uni~t police who doused signated city streets. them with fire hose streams of !world security in the face of reIn other action the board em- water ill an effort to keep West- I ployed the local firm of Cook, Cog- erners b~ck from the Reds' bornewed Soviet testing. . . With the approval of both Demgin, Kelly and Cook as city engin- Jder barrier. eers and building inspector. For It was the first time tear gas ocratic and Republican congresa monthly retainer fee of $700, the has been used by U.S. troops sional leaders, th<> President defirm contracted to carry out all en- since they were ordered up to paclared that "we have no other gineering functions of the city oth- trol the East-West city border choice in fulfillment of the reer than those on projects let to two weeks ago. sponsibilities of the U.S. governOn two o c c a s ions Tuesday ment to its own citizens and to contract. The firm will operate from its morning, a U.S. Berlin command the security of other free nations. The U.S. tests will be held "in present offices on Crossover Road spokesman said, American jeep and will issue all building per- patrols lobbed tear gas grenades the laboratory and underground, with no fallout." and will get unmits from that address, . beginning J across the Iron Curtain barrier today. Ernest Kelly, hired la st after Red police bad doused the denvay some time this month. MISSISSIPPI BEAUTIES - Three 01 e Miss students competing in the Miss month as city buildin~ inspec- Americans w it h jets of water The President did not say what America contest this week are shown at Atlantic City. They are, left to right, tor, ,had expressed a desire to re- , from fire hoses hooked to hykind of weapons would be developed, but there has been talk of tire from the post, Mayor James L. drants. Miss Missouri, Sarah Burns; Miss Mississippi, Annice Jernigan of New Albany; Ballard told the boar~. Second The Communist police retreated perfecting a n u c 1 e a r detection and at extreme right, Miss Tennessee, Rita Wilson. Miss Alabama, third from Ward Alderman J. R. Wilson voted into nearby doorways and after IN RUSSIAN PRISON - Marvin Makinen, a 23- system and of producing a "neuleft is not an Ole Miss student. But Mississipi has a fourth ''special interest'' enagainst employing the firm.. the second tear gas barra~e, deyear-old Fulbright scholar from Chassel, Mich. was tron bomb." try not shown here, Miss Florida, who was born at Grenada, Miss., and went to sentenced Tuesday to eight years in prison on charThe President's announcement .The board _voted to advei:t1se for cided they had enough. high school there before moving to Sarasota. l;nds on a pair of constru~hon ~ro- "There'.s been no water from b · b came shortly after the Atomic ects One 1s for a new office build ges of spying on Soviet military o J·echves on eJ. · · the other side since," said Col. Energy Commission clisclosed FOUNTAIN OF BEAUTY mg and sto_rage ar~a f?r the newly Wayne M. Winder, of Sheridan half of U.S. intelligence. agencies. The sentencing of that Russia had detonated anothcreated City Saru~ation . Depart- Ill. commander of the 3rd u.s Makinen by a court in Kiev after a two-day trial er nuclear device in the atmos!~~~· ~::r nf:e f~:typ:~ b!J~: Batt.le group in Berlin. · was announced by the Soviet Government newsphere above Central Asia, its The project is expected to cost Wmder. was correct as far as paper Izvesta Makinen was reported to have third in the past five days. U.S. soldiers were concerned. But pleaded guilty. ........--Journal Telephoto Blast Convinced President about $7,000. The second project is for a Ne- l~te Tu~ay aftern00;'1, Commu• The Soviet shot convinced the gro library which is expected to rust police used their hose to President that Russia "is not inlerested in protecting mankind / cost about $6,000. The county is douse a Western ph_otographer at ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Sept. 5 Jeanette Grimes, who was born at Northeast Mississippi Junior Col - expected to share a portion of the the same ?o~der pomt where the • • . from fallout," the White House said. However, Kennedy left open (Special) - One way or· another Grenada, Miss., and went to high lege in Booneville. at Blue Moun- cost of the library. The library te~ gas mc1dent occurred. The until Saturday his offer to sign the state of Mississippi will have school there but who now lives in tain College and at Ole Miss she bids will be taken du r i n g the ~osrng stopped as soon as a U.S. , an agreement ending all atmosfour shots at the "Miss America" Sarasota Fla. and is entering the has been chosen Most Likely t¢ board!s regular meeting on Oct. 3. Jeep patrol appeared. Succeed, Most Versatile, College A pair of troublesome items for The incident was discl?sed as. pheric tests. title here Saturday night. pageant 'as Miss Florida. And three of those representa- Miss Jernigan, who is being join- Queen, Queen of the Tri-State the board in the past popped up the U.S. commandant m Berlin MOSCOW (UPI>-A Soviet mili- leged "confession." The spokes- "In our efforts to achieve an tives are ~tudents at Ole Miss, the ed at Altantic City this wee~ by Ho:se Show, Miss. Booneville. Miss ~gain last night. ~?e of them, warned the ;,<>viet commandant tary tribunal Tuesday sentenced man said "I think we've had end to nuclear testing we h ave school which gave the country con- New Albany and Tupelo relatives, Umon County, Miss New Albany, shade-tree grocers, was the sub- that the Russians would be held American studen~-tourist Marwin other instances of so-called con- taken every step that reasonable fully resonsibl~ for the actions Makinen to eight years in prison fessions there-I do not place any men could justify," the President secutive Miss Americas in 1959 and has a backg ·ound of perhaps more Q~een o~ the _Confede~at~ ~al! and ject of prohibitive orclinance_. 1960. . . . . . . . honors than aey other pag~an.t «:n- Miss Umvers1ty of M1ss1ss1pp1. The .board adol_lted an orclinance Iof the Communists along the bor- charges of spying on soviet mili- great importance or worth to said in his announcement. "In The Umvers1ty of M1ss1~s1pp1 will ti:y who has represented M1ss1ss1p- The Jaycees at V!cksbu_rg.w~er~ outlawillg ?perat1on of such out- der. tary objectives on behalf of U.S. them." He also denounced Russia view of the acts of the Sobe r.epresented by Anmce Ra:r:e p. . she was chosen Miss M1Ss1ssipp1, door establis~ments. The document intelligence agencies. for holding Makinen incommuni- viet government we must now J erm~an of New_ Albany, who JS I_n, high ~chool she won the D.AR are distributing ten thousand beau- states that displays of veg~tables, The sentencing of the 23-year- cado and sentencing him in a se- take those steps which prudent old Fulbright scholar b a court cret trial. men find essential." en.term~ the_ n~tional pageant as c_1tizensh1p award and the P(l · tifully printed brochures over the meats an~ fruits mu~t be m covMiss M1ss1ss1pp1; Sarah Kay Bu:ns grima~e Award: S~e.w~s ~ rnaJor- nation with Miss Jernigan's pie _ ered, sarutary contamers or be K" ft t d yt · l Hold Milit r T ·a1 The United States conducted lb of Caruthersville, who is ent~rmg ette with the M1ss1ss1pp1 L1.o~s A:11- ture on the cover outlined a ainst displayed in a structure meeting In 1ev a er a wo- ay r1a was . . a 3; r1 . . g with the city's builcling code. Vioannounced by ~e gove_rnme~t Izvestia sa1~ Makmen, .a native last atomic test on Oct. 30, 1958. ns Miss Missouri; and Rita Wilson State Band, and was a sem1-fmaltst 11 ma of the state. o{ Huml:)oldt who is representing in a state speaking contest though P . lation can result in a $50 fine. new ~paper Izvestia. ~vestia said of. ~ hassel, . Mich., was tried by a I~ detonated an undergi;>und de• Makmen pleaded gwlty to the m1hta11'. tr1b~nal of ~he supreme vic~, the 19th and las~ m a test Tennessee. · she is using her talents at the piano . The . Ole ~i~s studen.t represe.nt- The second topic was spot-zonmg Missouri m the Mis_s A~er~ca ing. Last night's discussion was on ~AMI (UPI) - Ga 1 es from charges. court. 1n Kiev, capital of the series. a~ t~e Atom I c Ene~gy The fourth girl in which Mississip- in the Miss America contest. pi has a special interest is Sherry During her co 11 e g e years at pag_e3:1t. S_arah Burns, .15 a Junior a request to re-zone as commer- t~op1cal storm Carla Tuesday Makinen has been held incom- Ukrame, Monday and Tuesday. Comm1ss1on s Nevada provmg m~Jorii:g m homemaking at . the cial property a tract of land own- rught b u f fe t e d Swan ~land- municado since •his arrest more The court was similar to th at grounds. It was the most power. imve~sity\11Arou_nd home h"he likes ed by Memory Jenkins on Jenk- where foes of. Cu~an Pre~1er Fi- than a month ago. The official which convicted American U2 pil- 1ful underground man-made _explow ar ue Jeans, w ich are ins Street off Highway 78 w. del Castro mru.ntam a radio prop- Tass News Agency disclosed only ot Francis Gary Powers on spy sion r ecorded up to that time. ball1;ed on the cam_pus. . . At the outset of the talks Mayor aganda outpost. newspaper Izvestia. Izvestia said charges last year and sentenced White House Press Secretary Miss Te:'messee, Rit_a Wilson, is Ballard told the board that the re- Meanwhile Carla's preaec:essor, Makinen pleaded guilty to the him to 10 years in prison. Pierre Salinger said the V.S. nu• Izvestia said Makinen will clear stockpile and its system for also a juni?r at Ole Miss and leads zoning request bad been flatly re- a nor~herly course f~r out m the charges. the. Ole Miss Rebel band as head fused by the City Planning Commis- Atlantic and the weather bureau Makinen has been held incom- spend the first two years of his delivering the bombs was " entirernaJorette. . sion. Also, Mayor Ballard said the wrote of Betsy and her 100 · mile municado since his arrest more sentence in a prison and the rest ly adequate" at present. But he BRASILIA (UP) Vice Presi- and now Senator Juscelino Kubits- Both Kay and Rita wear cont~ct land will likely be needed by the an hour winds ~s any possible than a month ago. The official in a ''labor . corrective camp." said it "is also true that impor• . Tass News Agency disclosed only It quoted the American as tell- tant advances can be made by dent Joao (Jango) Coulart ar- chek, Justice Minister Martins Rod- lense~, as ~oes the current ~iss State Highway Department once threat to the mainland. 1 arived Tuesday to claim t~e figure riguez and Senate Vice President A:encf' Rita has ~ boy -}nen,d construc~ion is started on th~ pro- A late (6 p.m. EDT) advisory Monday that he was in custody. ing the court: further scientific . develop~ent. bead presidency of Brazil under Moura ,:\ndrade. a!llong othe.rs. to Ole Miss as man s posed Highway 78 ovell?ass .ill the placed, the ~enter of . Carla, the The U.S. En:ibassy promptly re- "I am .sorry for what I have Conferred w!th O!f1crnls_ . a written guarantee issued by the Two flies of so~d1ers. !1nd airmen P . . . . area. The overpass proJec_t is now seasons t ~Ir d tropical stoi:m, quested permJSSion to send a rep- done and if I were to come to the Before announcmg hlS dec1s1~n, chiefs of the armed forces. The were drawn up m m1htary array _A five - ~age featured article m before the Bureau o~ Public Roads only 40 ~iles south of a tmy resentative to see him but no an- ~ .S.S.~ . again I would never do the !'.'re~ i_d en t conferred with group of 1s)e.ts located off the swer has yet been received from 1t agam." atomic officials and key_1;1embers big jet transport in which Goul- to form an. honor guard for. Goul- Life Magazille a couple of weeks for _approval, he said. art made the 1,200-mile flight to art from his plane to the airport. ago commented in th.ese words on First Ward Alde:~an C.C. E_as- 1 coast of British ~ondruas: The the Soviet government. Makinen is the first American of Congress of both pohhcal parBrasilia from Porto Alegre More than 30 newsmen, photog- the fact that Ole. Miss h~s three on _expressed . a dislike for go!ng weather b~reau said the cente! I A State Department spokesman citizen t.o be tried and convicted ties. He also notified the governtouched down here about 6:35 raphers and newsreel were pres- st~dents entered m the Miss Am- agaills~ t~e views of the I'.lannmg was at latitude 16.8 north, long1- in Washington denied Makinen in the Soviet Union since the Pow- ments of B r i t a in, France and . . was a spy and brushed off his al(Continoed On Page 13) I (Continoed On Page 13) p.m. EDT. ent to record the scene. . . er1~a pa~ean_t at Atlantic City: Comm_1ss1on. Al~o, he sai~, t~e tude 83.8 west. fu~~~~~~~M~ n~~p~~~~th~~ 'Th~IB~qre~~asto~~UJS~~~d~re~~~ ~~was zilli and the heads of the three made public the text of the the University of Mississippi can and nearby property owners are and was expected to become a armed forces _ War Minister written guarantee for Goulart's keep producing such pulchritude, likely to lodge a vigorous protest full-fledged hurricane Wednesday. Odilia Denys, Navy Vice Admiral sa!ety and polit~cal future o~ly but ~o disagreement whatsoever against any change in zoning stat- Top winds were estimated at 60 Silvio Heck and Air Force Brig. mmutes before his plane came m- that it does. us. miles per hour Tuesday. Hurri- 1 • Gen. Grun Moss - were at the to sight. . "As K~Y. Rita, a_nd Annice pra~- However, other aldermen fe ~ t cane force winds are winds of 75 1· ·1 ·1 airport to greet Goulart. The text read: t1ce lookmg beautiful for the big that the matter should be aired ill mph or higher Also on hand were Archbishop 1. The. armed fore.es s~pport an? pageant, .it is perfectly clear that ~ts entirety and set a protest meet- The storm · was moving at Jose Milton Batista de Almeida, respect rnte~r~y Cmt~n!Yl) Pres1- one~ ag~m qle M!.5:' has a _leg up mg for Oct. 3 on the matter. Aid- a slow nine mph to the west- WASHINGTON (UPI( - Tl1e Acting Speaker John W. Mc- ' gency fund . The vote was 152-127. who had personally "underwrit- dent Ramen Mazzilh. 2. The on its thu-d title -- six legs, m fact, erman Eason opposed this move. northwest a / course that pointed House under Republican prodding Cormack (Mass.) and Rep. Carl The House appropriations comten" the army's safe - co~duct arn:ed forces support fully the a~ well - attached and all splen- The .h?ard waded th:ough ~ stack it t Ow~ rd British Honduras gave President Kennedy a major Vinson, D-Ga., chairman of the mittee slashed a total of $896 mil. . of pet1t1ons from _various pomts in and the Yucatan Peninsula. victory Tuesday night by voting House Armed Service Committee, lion, almost half of it in military guaranty for Goulart. ex-president National Congress. 3. ~e arr_ned di~. . It 1~ evide.nt that ~le Miss ~as the city. One which wa~ approved Storm Carla's gales fanned out- to restore $300 million of the $400 voted against the amendment. assistance funds, from the Presiforces SUPJ?Ort the dehberatio!1s Two Area Men Are of the National Congress .an~ its somethmg go1?g f~r it. Accordmg was a r~qu_est from Bill Brunson ward 200 m i I e s to the north- million cut from the military as- They were already committed dent's foreign aid bill last week. promulgat1on of. the .co~shtutional to. th~ Ole .Miss girls. that some- for permission to construct a ser- east of its center and 100 miles sistance section of h is foreign aid to a $175 million compromise Passman, who last mont-h acNominated By JFK ame!ldment which mstitutes the th1~g is envrro~ment. They say that vice station for an as yet unnam- t O th th t b . . th bill. The vote was l64 to 125. worked out e a r Ji e r with Rep. cused the Kennedy administration e. 5?U wes rmgmg. em . _ h . f t r t t h. ·t parliamentary system of govern - their campus 1s a sort of hothouse ed tenant at West Main and Stone For Postmasters ment. 4. The armed forces, in for nurturing beauty. ( Continued on Pa e well w1thm range of the radio an- The act1?n thus reversed a rec- Otto E. Passman, D _La., .c air- o a emp mg o ge 1m to qui g 13 ) tennae towers on Swan Island. omm1:ndahon by t~e House Ap- man .of _the House for~1gn aid ap- his chairmanship, said he reached consequence, assure the neces- "The end . product of their conTwo Journal area men have been sary guarantees for the disem- centrated course in graciousness is propr1at1ons ~omm1ttee to ~ut prop1 1at1o~s subco:11m1ttee. the decision duri.ng the h.oliday ~ommated by Pr~sident Kennedylbarkation in this capital on this that the girls feel they have an back arms aid lo u.~. Alhes Ford pitched his whole ar~u- weekend to permit restorat1_on of ,or postmasterships. date of President Joao Goulart, edge on winning ways when they i rr.or_n an alrea~y:authonzed 1.7 m~~t on th~ danger of. cuttmg some of the funds. He said he In nominations sent to the Sen- his permanence in Brasilia and his confront the icy eye of the beauty b1ll1on to $1.3 billion. m1htary ass15ta1:c~ durmg the ~pe~t .a lot of the .v.:ee~end ate Tuesday, J . Kyle Lindsey was investiture in the presidency of jt:dges. But the_ House refused to re- present world cr1S1s. thm~:ng over the eris~ m ,.the nominated for the post at Boone - the republic. "On the other hand, a dissident . store a smgle penny of the $496 He demanded .to know what world and talkmg w!t~ top ville and Travis N. Holman for The statement was signed by group of anti - environmentalists WASHINGTON (UPI) A he found merit in the current million cut by the House Appro- had happened smce Thursday, echelon" government officials. the heads of the three armed subscribe to the heresy that the House judiciary subcommittee measure and would support it. I priations Committee from ecooom- when the Congress approved the Rep. Sidney Yates, D-Ill., told the post at Tishomingo. forces. reason there are so may charmers Tuesday approved a measure But he said he would fight any ic loans and other key parts higher authorization figure to the House he intended to seek resof the program. justify the $400 million cut want- , toration of $350 million in develGoulart took no chance on be- at Ole Miss is that so many good- which would increase the perm a- effort to go beyond 438 J FK Names Negro To ing ~urpris_ed by a military co~p looking girls go there in the first nent House membership from 435 S k S R yb · d ' The House later reaffirmed its ed by the house committee. opment grants. . . • on his arnval. The Caravelle Jet place. to 438. pea er am a urn an action on the military aid boost House Refused Cut But Passman said the $175 mil. Centen nial Group on which ~e trav~led had a par- . "Th~y point out th:tt the Univer- The new seats would go to Mis- other House leaders are opposed with a 242-151 roll_ call vote. It In the economic aid cuts, the lion for military assistance satis. tab_le radio s~ahon aboard _on mty. gives scholarsh!ps to drum souri, Massachusetts and Pennsyl- to any membership increase. then passed the bill 270-123 and House refused by a 132-110 vote fied the White House and both WASHINGTON (UPI) . - Presi- which he kept m close touch with maJ?rettes, a notorio~sly ~ood : vania, which are among the states These opponents have argued sent it to the Senate. to restore a $175 million cut in Democratic and Republican condent Kennedy Tuesday named the develop~~nts on the ground both lookm~ group. Both Miss ~1ssouri due to los·e congressional seats be- that such a change would make As the bill stands, it provides the economic loan program to gressional leaders. He stuck to his first Negro member of the Civil at Br~sil~a •and Porto. Alegre. He and Miss Tennessee are maJorette- cause of the 1960 census. the House unwieldy. 3,657,500,000 for new foreign aid help underdeveloped countries. guns on the rest of the bill. . There was some doubt that the I Rayburn's main point has been spending this fiscal year. Ken- The amendment was offered by He said he was offering the War Centennial Commission. also invited an estimated lOO sc~olars. . newsmeenl· photographtoers and Andb Justt by turnmg out 50 bill would clear Congress during that once the door was open for nedy originally had sought about Rep. Silvio O. Conte, R-Mass. amendment at the specific suffesHl· s selecti·on was Roy K . Dav- newsr e cameramen accom- many eau y queens every year th' · . · · h b h' h . . Th ls · d t· f d · · tr t· 1 d d enport of the District of Colum- pany his flight to the federal Ole Miss natural! tends to attract 15. session . .But su~mm1ttee 1 mcreasmg t e mem ers ip, t ere $4.8 b.1ll.1on. B.u~ C~ngress set a e House a o reJecte , ~4- 10n. o a m1ms a 10n ea ers an bia, special assistant to the un- capital. girls who wan/ to be beaut ch~1rman Edwm E. Willis, D-La., would ~e no place to stop. He also $4.2 b11l1on ce1lmg m a separate 131, an amendment by _Rep. S1d- 1 A~tmg Speaker John W. McCordersecretary of Army for person- The written guarantee for his queens just as Yale attracts boy~ said he felt there was a good has pomted oll:t th~t. the perma- 1authorization measure late last ney R. Yates , D-111., :V~1ch would m1ck, D-Mas~ . Both ~ennedy an~ have r~s~ored ~9l m1JJ1on of. the Jormer President Dwight D. Et· nel. Davenport will continue in safety extended Goulart _ the who want to join country clubs and chance the House eventually nen~ m.embersh1p ce1lmg has been week. his pentagon job. second in as many days _ was Ohio state attracts fullbacks. would approv~ so!Yle form of en- ma11:tamed for. the. last ~ years The military restoration move $121 m1Jhon which the committee senhower had. ~rged ~ongress ~ Davenport was named ~ a made necessary by a early-morn- "But the girls, themselves, re- farg~~ent l~gislatlon. . . . des~1te a steadily mcreasmg poP- was led by Rep. Gerald R. Ford chopped fr o ~ . develo~ me~t r.estore the m1htary aid fu~d~ in v_acancy created by the res1gna- ing "pocket revolt" of young air main convinced that there's some- W1lh_s said the full Jud1c1.ary ulat1on. . . Jr., R-Mich., and received the grants, the old pomt four 1 aid light o~ ~he P:esent :W?rld cr!51s. t~on of Dewey Short, former as• force officers who blocked Gaul- thing in the Ole Miss air which committee, headed by Rep. A temporal')' limit of 437 mem- support of H O u s e GOP Leader program. . ~~mm1stration of-f1c1als said the s1stant secretary of the Army. art's scheduled midday arrival does it. Emanuel Celler, D-N.Y., was bers was set som: years ago to Charles A. Halleck (Ind.). who It turned aside another move or!g1~al cuts m~de by the approDavenport has been on the here. The officers seized the Bra- " At Miss" says Rita. "even one scheduled to take up the mem- allow one congress1onal seat each . by Rep. Edward P . Boland, D- pr1at1ons committee would have for Alaska and Hawaii. That /led about 45 Repubhcan .Hou~e Mass., to restore $100 million of crippled plans for armed forces civilian P~ofessional staff of the silia airport and threatened to of the girls' who is not very pretty bership measure Wednesday. Army adJutant. general for 18 shoot down Goulart's plane if it can smile and look very beauti- Celler, who has opposed in- ceiling is due to expire Jan. 1, members up the center aisle m the $125 million cut from the modernization in Korea, Formosa. years. sought to land. ful." crease proposals in the past, said 1963. a teller vote on the issue. President's contingency or emer- Greece and Turkey.

He Declares

Mississippi Has Four Shots At Mi~s I e. Th ree From 01 e M.Iss Ame r1.ca r·t1


U S Stu den t TOu rIst

Gets 8y ea rs As sPY


Storm Co rlo In Western



Cori bbeo n

Goulart In Brazilia ToClaim Presidency






~~~ns~q ~~-~-~~~~~~~~--~------~-~--------------H R $3 00 M·11 •

ouse est,ores I Ion Of M 1tary A d Fu nds sIash


House Subcomm;ttee OKs Members h.• H•.ke To 438






Beginning Today Tupelo Stores Wil I Be Open On Wednesday Afternoons

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