1963, November 20 - Red Spy Charge

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WEATHER NORTHEAST MISSISSIPPI·· Mostly cloudy through Wednes• day night. High 60·68, low 50· 55. Thursday partly cloudy and


Full United Press International Leased Wire

Tupelo, Mississippi, Wednesda y Mo rning,. November 20, 1963

Telephone VI 2-26 l l

Contracts Let For Krueger Plant Here

Barghoorn Tells About Red Spy Charge Frameup Police Waiting To Grab Him As Roll Of Papers Is Thrust Into His Hand By Young Stranger

Com pany To Build Paint Spray Booths, Finishing Departme·n-t

me a roll of newspapers" or WASHINGTON (UPI) - Yale situation would work itself out. 7:25 p.m. Oct. 31 to prepare for what looked like newspapers. Prof. Frederick C. Barghoorn He said the Soviets have dif- his departure early the next " I thought it was some sort said Tuesday that Soviet police ferent interpretations of spying morning fo r Warsaw. He said that he had just said of propaganda material," Barggrabbed him outside the Metro- and that he does go about talkhoorn said, and "foolishly I pole Hotel in Moscow and ing to people and taking notes. goodbye to a friend and was took it and put it in my coat... rushed him to jail after a But again he said he was not turning to go into the hotel almost simultaneously a couple when a "youngish looking man" "youngish ma n who spoke Eng- engaged in espionage. He said that one fortunate who so far as he knew was a of men grabbed me and took lish" thrust a roll of papers note about the whole affair " complete stranger," carrying me off in an auto.. ." into his hands. He s aid he later learned in Awarding of the contracts was the fact the Russians al- what "looked like a r oll of Barghoorn said a roll of newscam e three days after bids were newsp apers ... asked me . .. I prison that the "youngish lookhim to bring his r esearch lowed papers, shown him later, conopened by the board. At that think in English .. ·.'Are you an ing man" had been arrested but tained what looked like photo- materials out with him when he American citizen?' " time, two other contracts were he did not know and never saw · left Russia. graphs. But he said he had no being contemplated in addition ' Barghoorn said that, startled, him again. Barghoorn said he was arrestmilitary experience and could to the five awarded and their " Barghoom said that " I did he "stepped back a bit'·' but not say just what they weFe . ed just as he was preparing to the young man "pushed toward total worth exceeded available ( C ontinued on Page 15) enter the Metropole Hotel about that the Russians lat· He added funds. FIRST CLASS IN NEW VOCATION AL PROGRAM - The first class, one in er charged the documents conHowever, it was announced mechanical technology, in the area's new Vocational Technical Center was held tained military secrets. Tuesday that contracts will not Tuesday, with a total of 18 students from seven Mississippi Counties and one from He declined to describe his be awarded for paint spray Alabama attending. Shown here are·: from left, J . R. Reed, Columbus, student; Hol- arrest as a frame-up but said booths and finishing department lis Martin, Fulton, student; Rex Deghu e e, mechanical engineer from Rockwell r eporters had the facts and as building of these facilities could draw their own concluswill be taken care of by the Manufacturing Company, instruct or; Larry Otis, director of the Vocational Tech- ions. nical Center. This program has been int roduced to tr ain men for skilled jobs in company. . Shown Papers Contracts awarded Tuesday various fields of employment. Counties represented were Lowndes, Lee, Itawamba, Barghoorn explained at a In arguments on the New WASHINGTON (UPI) - A The other four, from New York, included: Lee Watson and Sons Monroe, Chickasaw, Pontotoc and Calhoun. -Photo by Sallis news conference that he did not week of arguments on appor- Alabama, Maryland and Virgin· York City congressional dis· of Hamilton, $220,400, for the have an opportunity to look in- tion ment of stat e and federal ia , dealt with a'PPOrtionment of tricting, attorney Justin N. general contract ; Kirksey side the roll of papers at the legislative districts ended Tues- state legislatures. F eldman t old the court that the Plumbing and Electrical Com· time they were thrust into his day before the Supre me Court There is no way to tell when state legislature in 1961 drew pany of Fulton, $70,928, for the hands. Later, in prison, he was with some spirited debate con- the court will issue its decisions up the 17th or "silk stocking" mechanical contract; Indust · shown what was alleged to be cerning alleged racial discrimi- in the cases _ only that they district to "jam the Negro race trial Electrical Company of the same papers, which were nation in mapping congression- will be handed down some time . into the 18th so as to· deprive Tupelo, $71,900 for the electrithen opened up, to disclose al districts in New York City. before the end of the current them of imluence in the rest. cal c o n tr a c t; Southeastern photographs of milita ry installaof New \<ork County." The state of New York de- term next June. Sprinkler Company of Jackson, tions . However, he had no way Assistant state solicitor Gen$10,981 for the sprinkler sys · PNOM P ENH, Cambodia from throughout the country by the prince on a stand in the of knowing whether this was nied that racial considerations eral Irving Galt, responded that tern ; and Harnischfeger of Mil- (UPI)-Cambodia renounced all and containing many young peo- middle of the throng. the roll actually shoved into h,is were involved in the alignment, the law produced a "perfectly but said there wa~ no constituwaukee, Wisc., $15,626 for t he U.S. foreign aid Tuesday and ple, approved Sihanouk's anAfter public questioning by hands just prior to his arr est. tional violation in any event. redistricting." commonplace overhead crane. staged a public trial of two al- nounced intentions t o end U.S. the prince and his ministers, Barghoorn said he did not Attorneys representing chalFeldman contended that race Voters of the third and fourth leged American-backed rebels. aid by acclamation and called the prince threatened to turn know what prompted the Soviet was the only logical explana• districts approved a $450,000 Prince Norodom Sihanouk, upon the government to make the men over to the " justice actions, but he offered several lengers argued that Negroes tion for the "wiggle and squigare deprived of voting strength.BAWI bond issue last August to chief of state of this rtseatgical- it effective immediately. of the people." The crowd surged possible explanations. They said any use of race by gle" of the boundary line. finance construction of the plant. Prince Norodom Sihanouk, (In Washington; the State De- forward menacingly and troops Denies Spy Mission the state for districting purThe firm will manufacture met- chief of state of this strategical- partrri'ent said it had received had to intervene to prevent the Although Tupelo was treated Otherwise, he said, the r edis· The professor, who talked to poses is unconstitutional. al folding chairs. ly-placed Southeast Asia King- no notification of the action and r ebels from being lunched. to a few sprinkles Monday tricting was merely a "crazy newsmen ·after meeting with An intervening group headed night, there was no measurea- quilt," with no rational basis. dom, presented the show trial in categorically denied Sihanouk's It became evident quickly State Department officials for by Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, Says It Unconstitutional front of the 20,000-member Peo- charges about the CIA. that the United States was ·on more than four hours , said he D-N. Y., which supports the ble rainfall for the 14th straight Feldman said it was inherent~ K Ret urns To ple's Congress convened to r ati( " We deplore any activities trial at the mass gathering and was a U. S. "intelligence offi- state, said the complainants day, during the 24-hour period ly unconstitutional to create a fy his decision to cut off all which would undermine Cam- not the two supposed Cambo- cer" in Germany in 1949-1951. ending at 5 p.m. Warning Cen'Diplomatic Scene failed to prove racial segrega- ter Director Charles Spain re- voting district on the basis of American aid. bodia's independence and neu- dian rebels. He said he interviewed Soviet tion. race, r egardless of whether Neported. Sihanouk charged that the trality," a State Department MOSCOW (UPI) -Premier The people's rally unanimous- refugees in West Germany. groes were hurt or benefitted. Division Dates Unknown ly adopted a resolution re- But he denied· he was on an Nikita S. Khrushchev returned U.S. Central Intelligence Agen- spokesman said. ) High temperature, he said, In the Georgia case, where a However, attorney Jawn A. Two self-confessed members no~ncing all U.S. military and espionage mission in Russia. to the diplomatic scene Tues- cy (CIA) was plotting against Sandifer , a Negro, disagreed was 79, low 52 and at the close districting plan was challenged day in his first reported ap- his government and aiding r eb- of a Cambodian rebel group- economic aid to Cambodia and Barghoorn told State Depart- with one point in the state's po- of the period the mer cury stood by Atlanta attorneys James P. pearance since he reviewed el groups in exile in neighbor- identified only as Preapin and calling on the government to in- ment o:flficials he was very tired sition by contending that segre- at 69 degrees. Wesberry Jr. now a state senaNov. 7 revolution celebrations ing nactions. Sangsar, the latter a son of a form the' Uniter! States the de- and nen ;ous and r ather dreaded ·gation would be a ,constitutionUnofficial midnight temper- tor, . and Candler Crim, the The congress, summbned palace chauffeur - we;:e placed cision was effective immediate- -the pros_pest .oi _meeting with al violation if proved. in Moscow. · ature downtown was 55 degrees. court was urged to declare un·, -newsmen. However, he handled ly. ' • Following a congr essional On November 19, 1962 the constitutionai a 1931 Geor gia The resolution also called for himself well at the news con- case from Geor gia, the New high temper ature was 49 and the withdrawal from this country of ference, although he showed the York dispute was the last of low 41. One hundredth of an law carving out the state's 10 the U.S. military assistance ad- strain he has been under in r e- six appeals to be heard by the inch of rain was recorded on districts. Atlanta attorney Frank T. 1 visory group and the civilian cent days . His eyes were slight- court in 17 hours of arguments . that day. (Continued on P age 15) aid mission. ly bloodshot and he appeared The rally, which had been tired. called by Sihanouk, approved State Department sources said the resolution by acclamation that his news confernce presen· after the chief of state read a t ation was "a very accurate statement claiming he had summary" of the far lengthier Hendrick for the s e c o n d ther proceedings in his case. proof that the United States report which he gave to State J ACKSON, Miss., Nov. 19 (UP I) - An attorney for By- straight day reset the murder However, the mandate calling was helping a rebel movement Department officials, including r on De La Beckwith, accused case for call Monday at the for execution of the order is against his regime. Soviet affairs expert Llewellyn Slayer of Negro leader Medgar request of Cunningham. "It def- held up pending expirations of (The U.S. State Department Thompson, in the course of the Evers, said Tuesday he will do initely will be called then," the a 15-day period granted for fil. categorically denied Sihanouk's afternoon. everything be can to have Beck- judge said. Was Worried ing of any suggestion of error charges. A department spokesAMORY, Miss. Monroe Amory, carrying the baby, SunGarrett said the mother told with present when the case is The unexpected delay in get- in the case. man said in Washington that The professor conceded he day night with the hope of leav- him she had eight other childcalled for the third time in cir- ting Beckwith here for trial The clerk of the Supreme "we deplore any activities was " worried" during his im- County officials and welfare ing her at the hospital "where ren, including four who lived cuit court Monday. stemmed fro m a technicality in Court has said this means the which would undermine Cambo- prisonment but fe lt he had not workers Tuesday faced a prob(C ontinued on Page 15) engaged in spying and that the lem of what disposition should somebody would get her who with her, and that she had no Hugh Cunningham, one of a State Supreme Court ruling mandate would not be released could give her a good home." means to support them. She said three lawyers representing the that he cannot be given a men- to Rankiq County authorities unbe made of an Alabama mother The mother said she covered she had been separated from 42-year-old segregationist, was tal examination over his objec- til after Nov. 27 unless attornand her infant daughter. most of the distance on foot, her husband for some time, asked by Judge Leon Hendrick tions. eys in the case r equest its rePolice here disclosed an Ala- hitchhiking a ride for a few and that she lived on welfare to "make every effort" to· have The high court ordered last lease sooner. bama mother 's story that she miles, Garrett said. funds. Beckwith returned here from week that Beckwith be returned walked some 20 miles to AmThe infant girl wore a baby The police chief said he has Told Tuesday by District Atthe Rankin County jail at Bran- fr om R ankin County to the ory the day after her baby girl dress, was wrapped in a wo- asked county officials and welHinds County jail here for fur- torney William Waller that the don. was born and left the infant on man's dress and a blanket and fare wor ker s to determine what state plans no filings on the the steps of a local hospital. was tucked Into a small can- disposition should be made of ruling, Hendrick asked Cun Officers said the baby was vas bag. the woman and child. ningham, "Can't you and your Two persons were hospitaliz- Jon Jackson and the fire truck, colleagues agr ee on this and ed, one in serious condition, af- driven by Noel Crouch, was go- found on the steps of Gilmore early Monday by ask ·release . of the mandate?" ter a fire truck, bound . for a ing north on Gloster when the Sanitarium hospital technician Ji m Brantgrass fire, and a car were in- wreck occurred. A second pas- ly as he r ep.orted to work. The "Do you all want him back volved in collision at the inter- senger on the fire truck, Bill here for trial?" the judge asked section of Gloster and Jackson Mercer, escaped injury, officers hospital said the infant was in good condition with the excep the attorney. Streets Monday afternoon. said. tion of being a little cold. The grand jury for the cur- the grand jury was worded in· "We certainly do," said CunMilton Temple, 55, vice pr esThe officer said Mrs. Alfred Police Chief Noble Garr ett rent term of Lee County Cir- such a manner that no exact ningham as he promised to con- ident and cashier of the Bank Rice of Saltillo, who had come said the 45-year-old mother was GREENVILLE, Miss ., Nov. 19 placed at the various weight cuit Court will be r ecalled into . charge was alleged. vey the judge's wishes to the of Tupelo, was in serious con- west on Jackson to the intcr- picked up some three hours la- (UPI) -State Rep. H o r a ce scales to have each truck session Monday morning to Riley was indicted by the re- other lawyer s, Hardy Lott and dition at North_Mississippi Com- section and was waiting for the ter as she lingered around the Merideth J r. , said today he was checked as it entered Missis • consider matters that have de- cent grand jury in connection Stanny Sanders of Gree~wood. munity Hospital, Tupelo, where light to turn green befor e mak- hospital grounds. The woman, " highly displeased" with Bar - sip pi. veloped since the 17 - member with the July 11 shoot-out at he was t aken suffering fr o m ing a right turn on Gloster who wa s not identified, was hos- nett's load limit directive. · Mer ideth said the owner of panel was dismissed last Wed- the home of Carl Murphy, Jr. Apparently not satisfied with chest injuries, medical authori- heard the fire siren jus t as the pitalized and no charges were In a letter to State Highway each truck found to be in exnesday. . near Tupelo in which two Mem- a promise to "convey his wish- ties said. light changed and waited for filed. Commissioner Felder Dearman, cess of the weight limit certified Recall of the grand j ur y phis men were fatally shot and es, " Hendrick asked, " but, will Also receiving chest injuries the fire truck. When the TernGarrett said the woman told Merideth said he considered it by the Highway Commission stemmed from a ruling Tues- Murphy seriously wounded. you make every effort to have and being hospitalized was Dep ple car and the truck collided, him the child was born Satur- a ' 'flagrant disregard of a should be prosecuted. da~ by Circuit J udge N. S. James Eugene Martin of Beckwith here Monday?" Maynard, a fireman who was her car was hit by the wreck- day night in her home at Sulli- solemn act of the legislature and He also urged the commis • · Sweat, Jr. that a "surplus of Jonesboro, Ark, was also in"Yes, your honor, " Cunning- r iding the back of the fir e age and was badly damaged, gent, Ala. , 26 miles from Am· the people of Mississippi." sion to carry the issue to court wards" made the true bill re· dieted in the case. truck. officers said. ham replied. ory. The Washing.ton County law- and seek an or der enjoining the At Tuesday's hearing, Mr . turned against J . W. Riley, Patrolman Motley said Mrs. City Patrolman Willie Motley, Hendrick said one motion to She told police that she start- maker called for a . Highway motor vehicle comptroller from Cunningham argues that word- be considered once Beckwith is who investigated the accident , Charles Knight , along wi th two ed walking in the direction of Commission "unclear." employe to be issuing the load limit directi" e. Judge Sweat's ruling on a ing of the true bill in which transferred her e is a defense said Mr. Temple was going east ( Conti nued on P age 15) demurrer filed on behalf of Ri- Riley was named charged the request for a special venire. ley by attorney F loyd Cunning- defendant under the robbery " This request is well taken, ham came at the close of an statute, which is a capital of- and I'll grant it," he said, "But, early - morning hearing during fense in Mississippi, ' and also the jury must be drawn in the which Mr . Cunningham alleged charged him under the attempt- presence of the defendant." that Riley's constitutional rights ed r obbery statute. Beckwith, a Mississippi Delta were being violated. "We don't know whether or not fertilizer salesman, has been in The defense attorney claimed the state is asking the life of. jail since July at Br andon, . 12 that the indictment returned by (Continued on Page 15) miles from here, under an order by Circuit Judge O.H. Barnett. Barnett, in whose jurisdiction the State Mental Hospital is located, blocked an · examination for Beckwith after Hendrick ordered him to be examined and he was transferred to the hospital. Then came the Supreme Court Plans for construction in for a variety store, men's cloth- ruling \ast Tuesday, followed by . early 1964 of an 80,000 - square- ing store, ladies apparel store, the t wo continuances because foot shopping center at the ill· cleaners, restaurant and other of Beckwith's absence in circuit tersection of Industrial 1.t o a d service shops . court here. and West Main Street in TupeHe said construction will likeBeckwith was arrested June lo were announced Tuesday by ly be starited about March 1 22 in the sniper ·slaying of EvSkyline Development Corpora • with Alig . 1 as the target date ers, state field secr etary I o r for completion. The entire shop- the NAACP. tion of Tuscaloosa, Ala. . Richard F. Pride, Jr. of the ping center will be located on Fingerprints on a rifle found FIRE TRUCK-CAR COLLIDES - Two persons were hospitalized, one in serious condition, when this car was involved in collision Tuscaloosa firm said key ten· some 10 acres of land. at the . scene of the shooting with a Tupelo Fire Truck at Glost er and J ackson, about 4:30 p.m. Tuesday. Milton Temple, 55, vice president and cashier at the B ank of Persons desiring to lease matched Beckwith's and ·result- Tupelo is i.n serious condition from chest injuries he suffered in the accident, according to m ed ical author ities. Dep Maynard, a fir eman ants in the planned center will be a 14,300-square-foot A&P Su- space in the center should con- ed in his arrest by the FBI. A permarket and a 36,000-square- tact Mr. Pride or Ward W. Mc- telescopic sight on the rifle al- who w~s r idin g the back of th e fire truck, w as also hospit alized with chest inju ries. However, his c·o ndition was not as serious as that of Farland at Skyline Develop - so was traced to Beckwith, the Mr. Temple aut horities said. A t left is show n the side of the car where Mr. Temple was taken from the vehicle. At r ight the picture foot Gibson Discount Center. shows the other side of th e car. Two other vehicles were caught m t he smashup. · -· -Phoio by Sallla . Mr, Pride said plans also call ment C'o.rp., of Tuscaloosa. FBl said.

Five contracts totaling $389,· 835 for construction of a plant in Tupelo for Krueger Metal Products Company were awarded during a meeting Tuesday of the Lee County board of SU· pervisors.

N. Y. Re·districting Said Damaging To Negro Voters; Hearings End·ed

Cambodia Spurns U.S. Aid, Puts 'CIA-Backed Rebels' In Trial

No Real Rain

In Tupelo For Fou rteen Days


Cun ningham Says He ll ·D0 All Possibl·e T·o Produce Beckwith


Sullig:ent Woman Walks 20 Miles, Leaves Newborn Baby At Hospital

Fire Truck And Car Collide; 2 In Hospital

Gran·d Jury T·o·Study Ri l,e·y Charg,es Aga in

Huge Shopping Center Plann,ed ,On West Main

Greenville Solon Assails Load Limit Increase Edict

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