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The Weather NORTHEAST MISSISSIPPIPartly cloudy Friday and sat. urday. Showers and thunder, showers afternoons and even• ings. Highs 88-94, lows 68-7Z.
\ ~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~-
Tupelo, Mississippi, Friday Morning, July 16, 1965
Telephone 842-261 "r
}7,Jll United Press International Leased
Mariner Sends Back Two AmoryToMix Four.Grades · . · d 1 Mars Photos; 20 Expecte lnSeptember • ,.
Probe Craft Said Slightly Off Course
Plan Approved By Keppel ; First In Area To G•at OK
AMORY - Racial barriers will be lowered in the first four grades of Amory public schools this fall, City School Supt. C. E. Hayman annou nced Thursda . Mr. Hayman said Amory's four · grades - a - year desegre,. Scienti ts Hope gation plan was approved by To Get Views Of U. S. Commissioner of Eduf''l.tion Francis Keppel earlier th's Martian 'Oasis' week. PASADENA, Calif. (UPI) It was the first in North ea st America's Mariner - 4 cosmic Mississippi and the sercrd in camera flashed to earth Thursthe state to gain feder al approvday the first closeup picture of al. The Long Beach Schc~l DisMars - a spectacular view of trict on the Gulf Coast, with a , the red planet's brilliant Desert plan !or integration of all 12 of Amazonis. grades this fall, last month beThe historic photograph, recame the first in the state to be approved. leased to the world Thursday night, also caught a seen~ of The Amory plan al o calls for the bright Martian horizon, desegi.:egati.ng grades 5-8 in LANDMARK RAZED - The First Methodist Church's old educational bu~lding curving slightly against the velSeptember of 1966 and grades on the corner of Main and Green is bein g torn down this week. To the left 1s the vet black of space· ~ 12 in the fall of 1967. Affected The picture indicated th e students will exercise a "freesanctuary of the church . - Staff Photo Mariner-4, the world's fir~ t indom-of-choice" option on the ter-planetary television station, school they wi h lo attend. FIRST PHOTO OF MARS - This is the first photograph of Mars' Desert of sped a little e~st of its plann;.d Affected by the action are course when 1t carved a l~ab M · 4 · d 1 d t o th J t p 1· mile wide photographic swath Amazonis, t aken y armer- cosmic camera an re aye · e e ropu s10n some 1600 white and 700 Neg ro across the baffling planet Laboratory at Pasadena, Calif., by television. A series of 20 pictures was expected students who attend schools in Wednesday. to be flashed b ack to ear th before the spacecraft leav es the vicinity of Mars and be- the distric t. In a letter to the school board Slightly Off Course gins its endless orbit around the Sun. -Journal Telephoto lhi.s week, Com missioner KepOriginally, scientists had exI Workmen this week began gradually leveling the building's constructed on Gloster Street. pel said the "plan is acceptable The city furnished the buildrazing the First Methodist sturdy frame. to accomplish the purposes of Constructed in 1912 as a ing - rent - free - to the Tuthe act and the regulations of Church's educational building, YMCA center, it was complete pelo Hospital Comp•any which passed along the western e.dge the Dep artment of Health, E du~ 1 Tupelo landmark which has also with swimming pool and recrea- was organized in April, 1920. Set cation and Welfare." seen service as a Young Men's tional facilities. Original cost up as a non-profit facility, the "The plan therefore provides ~: :;;s~~~'.s, just to the right 1 Christian Association Center and was $30,000. hospital contained 20 beds and a basis for approval of applicaThe photograph, first of 20 However, plans did not work began operations the following as the city's first community tions and for the payment of Mariner-4 is expected to relay out, and the city assumed the October. hospital. between now and July 24 as, it SAIGON, Friday (UPI) - D~ side. Tight security measures Thursda:y's ambushes w er e federal financial assistance," The 53-year-old structure has building's remaining $18,000 debt After Tupelo's dey,astating tor~ swings into an endless orbit fense Secretary Robert S. Mc- were in force for both men who both aimed at governn:ient road the U. S. education official been replaced by new educa- in 1916. A few years · later, it nado in 1936, the present hospi- around the sun, was produced Namara. and ambassador-desig- were previous targets of Viet clearing operations in the guer- stated . tional facilities constructed by beC'ame Tupelo's first communiThe approval means that Am· rilla-infestcd jungles outside the tal was built, and some years after a tense day of collecting na te Henry Cabot Lodge arrived Cong terrorists. the church during -the past year. ty hospital, a capacity it filled U.S. air strikes against the two major strongpoints of Sai- ory will continue to receive fedthe fantastically weak radio here today on a fiveday factWrecking crews were busy until 1936, when the North Mis- later, the structure was acquir- signals fired 134 million miles finding mission that could lead Communists in North and South gon and Da Nang. eral assistance for the school Thursday, separating bricks and sissippi Co111munity Hospital was ed by ,t he Methodist Church. through space. to a call-up of American reserv- Viet Nam continued. Officials Thirty miles south of Da program. d t d h The schoo1 boar adop e t e The complete picture took ists to fight in the Viet Nam announced that Air Force, Nang, where the major U.S. air · Jocae, t d warded revised plan 22 and for' · t o war. 1 b asc 1n · v·JC t Nam ,s about 8 hours, 35 mrnutes Navy, and M arine pane~ it to June the education of· reach tracking stations on If McNamara finds the Viet dropped 180 planeloads of the Viet Cong attacked a strong fice in Washington two days earth, starting at 6:01 a.m. Nam crisis as serious as many bombs on a 25-acre Viet Cong government force. · later . PDT (9:01 a.m . EDT). . . observers believe it to be, a target WE:dnesday, the biggest ! C . ·· . C t' d p 2.'I 1 Picture No. 2 began its Ledl- reserve call-up and a greatly sati!ration bombing since ___o_n_t_m_u_c<_on_P_,tg_c_2_ .3_ _ _ _ __o_n _rn_u_e__o_n_a_g_e_ . __ ous journey back at 7:33 p.m. expanded draft call are some of sprmg. EDT. It was expected to be the results expected from his Drop ' Leaflets, Bombs I Thursday. planes d r Opp e d A 1J WASHINGTON (UPI) - The sor at Howard University in stand by Stevenson's casket i_n comTpleFtedd shortly after 4 a.m . .first-hand review ot_ Viet Nam 'd h :aethlehem Chapel. /. ED ri ay. strategy and military needs .· leaflets and bombs on North body qf Adlai E. Sieve,nson was h o sa1 Within'd minutes, a JPL Vietnamese forces suffered v·1et Nan, , hitting targets 75 brought back to e United Washingipn, sidered · steve' 'son "o e eoI con• he The place chosen for the body "W f' spokes-· States Thursday an · placed in great men ·of our t 1me . . ·,, to lJ·e J·n repose was the same mant sa1nf' , m e can irm-r~miles southwest of Hanoi that con contrast 1s heavy losses hThursday ins Viet · b c and spot where the late Secretary pea co ir . Con a ambus es n ear a1gon 125 mile-; northwest of t e omWashington's huge National A steady stream of people of State John Foster Dulles lay being seen" in the early lmes and"Da Nang. First reports munist capital. All planes re. Cathedral so the nation he of the second phot?graph. said at least two Amer ican ad~ turned safely. WASHINGTON (UPI) - The ments after four years, instead served so eloquently could pay filed through the cathedral dur- in death several years ago. ing the evening. h im homage. In death, Stevenson was beComplete Picture visers were killed and f o u r McNamara and Lodge begin Senate Thursday night approved of the adm.inistration's proposed The big blue and white Air ing treated to a national hornThis il:dicated a photog~-.3~h wounded. discussions shortly after their a $7.3 billion, four-year pro- $200 million in new contracts President Johnson paid his perMcNamara and Lodge w i 11 arrival Frid,!y morning on the gram of housing and urban de- for a total of $500 million in ~onal respects to the 65-year-old Force jet with Stevenson's body age as a public servant that was com mg back to earth. v\ e statesman by going to the air- aboard touched down: at 5:32 eluded him as a practicing poli- can ex~ect to g~t ~ second ~om- confer with retiring Ambassa- worsening war situation. Their vclopment including a novel 1969. The housing measure now port to meet t he jct transport p.m . EDT at Andrews Air Force tician and Democratic c~ndi- plele picture withrn hours, he dor Maxwell D. Taylor and take talks could lead to the call-up plan to help the needy pay their _ goes to a Senal.e,House confer. inspection trips of the country· of U.S. rese.rvisls. to ,fight here. rent. that brought the casket back Base in the Maryland country- date for the While House in added. east of the C"apital. The air· 1952 and 1956. The respects beThe spectacular Manner sue=::..:....:...:........:..... · _ _:_______ _ _____________ The bill passed 54-30. ence for compromise agreeside from London, where Stevenson field had last witnessed such a ing paid were to honor him as cess was conceded by the SoAdministration forces easily ments on differences in the two died of an apparent heart attack turned back a nepublican at- bills. solemn occasion on Nov. 22, as a thoughtful, witty, civilized viet news agency Tass, which WATCHED POT BO/LS · Wedneday. 1963, when the body of the as- human being, as America's said Soviet scientists are intertempt to kill the rent. subsidy Although two days of debate The plane arrived at nearby at the United Nations and ested in data from the probe. program, under which the fed- centered largely on the rent sassinated John F . Kennedy was voice Andrews Air Force in late aft- brought home from Dallas. around the world, and as a The Russians praised the Marera! government will chip in to subsidy plan. the bill contained' ernoon. As the strains of FTesident Johnson led the symbol of the dignity he brought iner's "stable communications help pay the landlord for the el- a long list of new and standby ••America the Beautiful" soundback to earth" and observation derly, handicapped, displaced, programs for the next four ed through the humid air, the procession of high ranking dig- to public life. O ther and slum dwellers with low in- yea rs. casket was taken off the plane, nataries who met the plane af- He collapsed and died, ap- of sun flares , among comes. Among them are an additional carried by military pallbearers ter its seven,hour flight from parently instantly and a])parent· things. ly of a heart attack, on a LonJet Propulsion Laboratory The Senate defeated 47 to 40 240,000 units of low-cost hou sing between an honor guard, and London. (JPL) spokesmen said in midBY NORMA FIELDS that they knew · of no instance the Republican move to elimi- through construction, purchase About the jet was the U.S. don Street· placed in a hearse for the trip Ceremonial Procession afternoon they would "possibly" Journal Starr Writer where Wiggs had given free run nate the rent' subsidy program, and lease; more money fo r across the capital to the cath- delegation, led by Vice PresiRIPLEY _ After 37 minutes of his shop to customers and then stopped 49 to 38 a GOP grants and loans for slum cleardent Hubert H. Humphrey, that Thursday night he was greet- release the first picture someedral. of deliberation, a 12-man jury that all work done in the shop drive to cripple the project by ance ; re-enactment of special Thursday night rested on a Johnson sent to Britain to ac- ed by military honor guards, time Thursday night. The schedule called for the Thursday night returned a ver- was done by employes of the li miting it to $10 million in each low-interest loans to stimulate and his casket was borne in simple black catafalque in the company the body home. First out of the plane at An- ceremonial procession through first photograph to show a diet for the defendant, Dan business. of four years. college housing cons truction ; cathedral's Bethelehm Chapel, of dthe U. Meadows Trim Cost extension of government insurc · p S. capital stretchc oftin thed unusually p ?3 bril- w1·ggs, in the $500,000 damage · · testified, b 1 ·under iff cross·Th guarded by a soldier, a sailor, drews were members of the the streets on age 23 on ue on age -· suit filed against him by Ivo examination y p amt 's attaren the Senate, by a whop- ance programs for middle ina Marine, an airman ·and a Stevenson family, including h'JS - -- ontmue - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- -- - Reaves in Tippah County Cir- neys, that Reaves had worked ping 59-6, trimmed the cost to come home buyers. 32 34 Coast Guardsman. sons, Adlai III, • Borden, , cuit Court. Attorneys for the on starters and generators, with $150 million new contracts, Burial Monday and John, 29. Then came Mrs. U.S. TO J TERVE f plaintiff indicated that they Continued on Page 23 actually $350 million in payContinued on Page 23 The funeral services, which Ernest Ives, the late ambassawould file a motion for a Rew Johnson will attend, will be dor's sister, whooi was givennext the trial. of honor standing week. probably the first of next held at 11 a.m. EDT Friday. place Burial will be Monday in to the President as the body of Reaves alleged that he was Stevenson's native city of her brother was taken to the permanently and totally blinded Bloomington on the Illinois due to negligence vO the part pt'iarie, after he lies in state in hearse. Johnson Sends Wreath of the defendant, and alleged the Dlinois Capitol at SpringThe herase headed straight that ; vat of cau,tic soda and field during the weekend. ASHLAND - Sources close to ordered the school board to water in Wiggs' machine shop to the cathedral, high on a. hill The Washington Cathedral in northwest Washington, where the U. S. Department of Justice cease pupil assignment to three " erupted" in his face causing was kept open throughout the the casket was to stay until the indicated Thursday night that Benton County attendance cen- his injuries. The defendant night so that mourners could funeral services Friday. Presi- the federal government will ters on the basis of race. claimed that Reaves was in his come. The first in line was dent Johnson sent a wreath of intervene in the Benton County The preliminary injunction al- sl)op uninvited, and that nobod?' 'owen Dodson, a Negro profes- red and white carnations to school desegregation suit now so ordered the school board to knew he was in the shop until pending in U. S. District Court. file a desegregation plan with they heard him screaming after Attorneys representing the the court for consideration the accident, SECOND TRY AUGUST 70 Benton County school board were which would speed desegrega- The fourth day of the suit expected to be served with the tion until all grades are includ- was marked with a confrontanotice of intervention sometime ed. A minimum of two grades tion of two chemists- one on late Thursday night by a repre- a year was specified beginning the witness stand, and the other sentative of the Justice Depart- at the opening of the 1965-66 in his portable laboratory. ment. term and continuing until all The jury and spectators were 1 Meanwhile, records in the fed- grades are included by 1969-70. held spellbound wL1le Dr. Jim era! court clerk's office in oxAn answer to the original com- Purcell of the University of Tenford show that a hearing in con- plaint and a plan of desegrega- nessee Medical School conduct· PASCAGOULA, Miss., July 15 ly taken into the city could vote nection with the case has been tion were filed July 3 by at- ed experiments under the super(UPI) - City voters will again in the election. set for 10 a.m. Tuesday, July torneys for the school board. The vision of E. R. Lanser, a St. decide in a special Aug. 10 · · o desegregat1'on plan opened Louis Testing Laboratory <!heCharlton said he voted against election on whether to keep the the election dale to protect the 20 in the federal buildmg Ill x- grades one and twelve begin- mist, a witness f or th e d efenford. · dant present city commission form rights of Bayou Casotte ResiThe original complaint in the ning this fall on a freedom of · h t of government or change to dents , and said the election . . t cho1 ·ce bas1·s. Under the terms of The plaintiff ·sougt t tho tprove in U. S. D1str1c suit was filed mayor-council government. a cau. ·1 c1ass the plan, students may enter by these should be postponed until their Court on June 18 as a cJv1 d expcr1mu1 • t s uld " In a previous election, which eligibility was firmly settled. so a ana wa er wo either the Ashland Attendance stic action by Carolyn Baird and her rupt" or " expl...ide" if heated te-o was later successfully contested, The March 30 change-0£-gcvvoters chose mayor-council by ernment form election was void- father and next friend , Teaster Center, or the Hickory Flat At- boiling. The hour-long experiand a number of other tendance Center, both white ments showed, according to Lanfour votes. The election results ed on a legal technicality, but Baird, Benton County Negroes. schools, or the Old Salem Atf . ,, "b . . •were later tossed out, leaving not before a general election tendance Center which has been er" ser, aeffect, .. oammg or o11sa mg In the original complaint, the but Lanser id ovio the city with three separate ad- was held in which voters chose plaintiffs asked the court for a used by Negroes. his opinion the mixture did not ministrations claiming office. both a full city comm1ss10n preliminary injunction prohibBenton County operates a split erupt. . The City Council Wednesday slate and mayor-council. iting the Benton County school school session for the Old Salem Only two other witnesses were voted two-to-one to call the elecJudge Darwin Maples l a s t tion as required by a circuit week ordered the incumbent board from "any and all dis- Attendance Center with classes heard on the last day of the court. Commissioner Alvon commissioners to stay 41 office crimination in pupil expendi - to begin there July 26. Classes suit. They were Alton Meadows, teachers salaries, Iacili- at the other two attendance cen- shop foreman at the Wiggs Charlton voted against the mea- until new elections could be ture, IN THE CLINK - "Confederat e" soldier J ody Bishop stands g u ard over two ties, curriculum and transporta- ters arc scheduled to begin Sep- business, and Clarence Simmons sure. "prisoners" who refused to grow a b eard for the b ig Centennial celebration com• held to setUe the matter. He tion. tember 6. a Negro shop hand who mixes The council also agreed to ask On June 24, with stipulation The desegregation plan pro- the solution in the caustic vat ing u p in Verona July 24. T h e prisoners are W . 0 . Berryhill a n d R. 0 . Welch. Big Atty. Gen. Joe Patterson for an warned the other groups trying of both parties, U. S. District vided that two grades each year in question. plans are be ing made for the Cent ennial and homecoming c clcbraLion a·~1ci it is ex• opinion on whether residents of lo take office ,to stop their ac- Judge Claude F. Clayton issued be desegregated until all grades Throughout the trial , witnes- pected to be one of the most elaborate programs e ver staged in the area. . the Bayw Casotte area recent- tions, the preliminary injunction which are desegregated in 1969-70. ses for I.he defendant have said -Photo by Sallis
Methodist Building Being Razed After 53 Years Of Varied Service
~!r~~;~: :~t~:t~{~i~~?t~~t Lodge, McNamara Arrive In Saigo.n For Cl·ose Look At War Situation ..
Adi a I teven'son L•I es I n tote · Ch
In Wash ·1ngton Cath,edral
• ous Ing .~.D I• 11/s FCJ t e up. TO cOn fere n ce U
w. ·,.
But Jury Frees g·gs Q,f Ac,c•Iden t L•Iab•·.· .•1.·•1ty
Benton C·ounty School M•IX H•ea r1•ng T uesday
Pascagoula Will Vote O·n Gove rnment Shift