1965, August 6 - New Million Dollar Industry

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Week-End Edition 10c The Weather NORTHEAST MISSISSIPPIPartly cloudy with little change in temperatures and a few thun• dershowers through Sunday. Lows 68 to 76; highs S'i to 93,

842-261 'f

Tupelo, Mississippi, Weekend Edition, August 7, 8, 1965

Je·fCrashes In Viet Nam; Many Killed


Un ited Press lnternationol Leased Wire

NewMillion-Dollar·lndustry To Be Located In Tupelo·

Nha Trang Hit By 857 Bomber; 8 Americans Die

4 .•


To Make Foam For Furniture, Car Industries

SAIGON (UPI) - A pilotless B-57 jet bomber carrying a full load of 4,000 pounds of bombs crashed Friday in a crowded residential area of the S o u th Vietnamese city of Nha Trang. A spokesman said 12 VietnamEventual Employmenit ese wero, killed and 75 persons injured, including eight AmeriOf 300 Is Expected cans. At East Heights Site At least four of the crippled plane's 16 big 250-pound bombs A million dollar air conditionexploded, adding to widespread ed plant to manufacture uredestruction over two blocks in thane foam for use in the furthe city. 200 miles northeast of niture, automotive and carpet Saigon. cushioning industry will be conAmerican demolition experts structed in Tupelo, it was anprepared lo enter the shattered nounced here Friday by E. R. Carpenter, p resident of the THREE HOSPITALIZED - Three persons are in fair condition at North Missis- neighborhood to try to render harmless the unexploded bombs company which bears his name. 1 sippi Community Hospital, Tupelo, where they were taken after this car and anoththe Camberra bomber. The local E.• R. Carpenter Co. e.r were involved in an apparent headon collision Friday afternoon. The injured aboard The bomb squad was to be foloperation will start in a 157,000 were listed by authorities as Mrs. Edna Gregory , 82, and Mrs. Lucille Cryder, 62 l o w e d by rescue workers square foot building with plans both of Route 4, Tupelo, and Lucius Williams, 42, and his stepson, Steven Bradbury searching for still more bodies for later expansion to 307,000 121 of Hollywood, Fla. Here, a B&M wrecker prepares to take the car away. The ac- among the burned and blasted square feet , comparable in size with the firm's 326,000 square cid'e nt occurred on Highway 78 East in Tupelo and was investigated by City Pa- houses. foot Richmond, Va., plant, which More t>octies also were feared t rolman Dale Cruber. - Photo by Sallis in the wreckage, but rescuers WIN NATIONAL AWARD- The Tupelo J aycees were named winners in the is the largest in the world dewere hampered by intense heat entire nation of the F irst National Association For Mental Health - Jaycee Future voted exclusively to the manufrom the smoldering ruins and Award. Mrs. P . K. Thomas, president of the Lee County Mental Health Association, facture of urethane foams for the comfort cushioning field. the presence of the unexploded presents a plaque to Dr. Fayette Williams, program chairman for the local J aycees. Starting with one hundred embombs. at right is Curtis Frensley the new president of the organization. Looking on ployes , plans for the local plant Fuel Leak -Photo by Sallis call for ultimate employment of A spokesman said the big three hundred persons. Only plane developed a severe fuel 1 four or five key personnel will leak....,possibly after being hit by be brought in from out of state. Communist ground fire. +ts two , WASHINGTON (UPI)-Presi- jobs there in modern times. The r est will be Mississippians, Improvement Of Gum crew members bailed out O','.er In remarks prefacing his signMr. Carpenter pointed out. sea after putting the plane dent Johnson signed the voting Pond Area Proposed the ing of th!! historic bill, Johnson The Carpenter Company will on automatic pilot. But the rights bHl into law at the Cal}i· Continued on Page 7 start operation of a branch foam The Tupelo Board of Alderbomber veered in a semi-circle tol F riday. Then he stood befabricating plant in Tupelo Septand back toward Nha Trang deneath a statue or Abraham Linmen Friday approved a proposal spite frantic attempts by anothember 1 in a 33,000 square foot Are Nation s Best of. Housing Authority Chairman er B57 to shoot down the dis' coln and proclaimed it would WASHINGTON (UPI)-Presi- settlement, which Washington building now being completed by On Mental Health Harry Rutherford that the local abled craft. "strike .away the last major dent Johnson Friday received a already has termed unaccept- Community Enterprises, Ilic., on South Green Street. urban renewal project be redeThe Nha Trang disaster was shackle" of the American NeThe Tupelo Jaycees were pre- special message from Ghana able. The new plant in East Heights · · one of five plane crashes rePresident Kwame Nkrumah 1ro's chains of oppression. Nkrumah apparently hoped to ls expected to get into producMO Gbw (UPI) - The So- SJ.gned to include the southern ported Friday in South Viet sented an attractive plaque as which official sources said was ' The President said the Jus- viet Uni/In ·said Friday night part of the old Gum Pond area Nam. The other crashes in- first place winners in the nation essentially another appeal for gain a halt ·in· U.S. air Strikes tion in April, 1966. It will be ' tice Department would move President , Johnson's decision to sq that it could be improved valved another B57, a U.S. Ail:. of the National Association For the United States to stop bomb- again~t North Viet Nam with- financed by the Carpenter comquic)tly to enforce the new law dispatch 50,000 more U.S. troops a11d developed as a site for pri- Force "B i rd d o g " observer Mental Health - National Ja ycee ing Communrist North Viet Nam. out an accompanying end to pany. Communist aggression against The plant located "" a twen• plane, a U.S. Air Force Sky-starting by filing suit at 1 to Viet Nam is an ··"aggressive Vl)te Negro homes. At the same time. it was ·t southern neighbor. ty-five acre site in East Height$ p.m. EDT Saturday challenging act" that will not go un- The change in the urban re- raider. .and a Vietnamese Sky- award. learned the Soviet Union bas newal pJan will )Je included in raider. No casualties were rL-' The presentation was made by suggested the United States deal The Soviet r,osition meanwhile, at the intersection of C a n a 1 tM constitutionality of poll tax- punished. e.s in Mississippi. The warning came in an au- a design of the urban renewal ported in the four crashes. directly with Hanoi in efforts to was understood to have been re- Street and Davis Street will U.S. Air Force and Navy Mrs. P . K. Thomas, president arrange peace negotiations . . Squthern Negroes ha e been thorized statement distributed project being drawn up by layed to roving Ambassador W. open a completely new indusfighting for equal voting rights by the Soviet government n ews U:rban Associates Consultants of planes ranged deep into North of the Lee. County Mental Health Officials said Nkrumah' s mes- Averell Harriman bN Soviet trial park in Tupelo, long an Montgomery, Alabama, for fi- Viet Nam again Friday, strik· Association, during a dinner sage, relayed to Johnson .at the Premier .Mexei Kosygin during objective of the Community Defor .a.' bundred years, but when agency Tass. Continued on Page 7 Johnson signed the new law it It said the United States was nal approval by the city council · ing bridges, barges and an air- meeting at the Natchez Trace White House by Ghana For- their recent Kremlin discuswas almost anticlimatic. covering up its reckless actions and submission to the Urban field under construction 25 miles Inn in Tupelo. ·eign Minister Alex Quaisol), sions. , Although Georgia county reg- by talking hypocritically about Renewal Administration in. At- northwest of Thanh Hoa. A Sackey, failed to move the Viet Harrim an , it was said, r espokesman said Air Force Thunistrars reported long line's of peace negotiations· It said a lanta for its consideration. Jaycees all over th e nation Nam conflict any closer to the ceived the definite impress.ion Negroes forming to register. un- settlement could come only if The mayor and aldermen Fri- derchiefs severely damaged adopted mental health as a ma- peace table. the Russians do not intend to der the new law, it doesn't go the aggression was stopped at day heard B. A. England. one Continued on Page 7 Terms Unacceptable jor project and Mississippi was try to push Hanoi toward the into effect until it is published once. of the architects for the 200.-unit In essence, they said it r ep- peace table despite their extop in the nation in its suppoi:t next week in the fede'ral regis- "It was with wrath and in- Negro public housing project beof this program. The plaque was resented an effort to try to per- pressed desire for a settlement. dignation that the Soviet people ing planned on North Green tet. seot to the state organization, suade the United State~ to agree Negroes Register learned about the new move of Street here; describe it as havGrave Mistake and Tupelo was named the out- to Communist conditions for a Nevertheless, the key registra- the government of the United ing possibilities of being "the According to this account, HarAUSTIN, Tex. (UPI )-Police standing chapter in the state. tion spot of the day was at States of America directed most outstanding public housing riman believes the United States F riday night arrested Ja mes C. Amt'ricus, Ga., where long lines against the Vietnamese peo- project in the United States." The state-wide project ifor the would be gravely mistaken if it Cross, 22, a University of Texas WASHINGTON (UPI) - The of Negroes there were being plP.." the statement said. expected Moscow to work with student from F ort Worth, Tex., Housl! Committee on Un-Amer- ye,i,r was the establishment of a Rather than the usual four or registered under existing laws The statement quoted an Washington on Viet Nam be- and charged him with the slayfive home types usually found ican Activities announced Fri- Universtiy Chair in Psychiatry following more than a week of Aug. 2 orth Viet Nam state- in such a project, Mr. England day it will star t open bearings at the Univer sity Medical Cencause of the Soviet split with ing of two coeds whose nearly r acial unrest. Americus r egis- ment accusing the United States Red China. nude bodies were found a week some time in October in its ter in Jackson. More than 75 trars jumpe'd the gun on the of sharpening still more the said, it will be composed of fif. four-month-old investigation of p ;r cent of the state ·J aycee HIROSHIMA, Japan (UPI) _ teen or twenty different types The conclusion is that Russia ago. President and assigned three situation in Indochina and membership participated, rais- Half a million Japanese paused feels this would damage her pothe Ku Klux Klan. Col. Homer Garrison Jr., di, Negro clerks to the Registrar's Southeast Asia to cover up de• of homes ranging from one stoChairman Edwin E . Willis, ing in excess of $12,000 to un- here Friday in memory of the sition in the contest for control rector of the Texas Department ry to three stories, some of Office - the first to have such feats in the south. 78.000 victims of the world 's of international commun.ism. of Public Safety (DPS) said which will be built on hillsides D-La., declined to say who or derwrite the program . Cross admitted strangling both in typic al Birmingham or San how many would be called to Local Mental Health Associa- first nuclear attack 20 years This position, plus the lack of girls. He was held in the Travis Francisco suburban fashion with testify, but it was learned that tion chapters assisted in plan- ago. a walkway running from the 160 subpoenaes had beeh issued. ning and executing this worth- . Driving rain from a passing any indications that Hanoi and County jail a ft e r filing of Peking have changed their hard charges. FTesident Johnson, in an- while undertaking. street level to the s-econd story typhoon added to the somber line, reinforced U.S. officials' No bond was set. nouncing the arrest of four in some of rougher terrain. nature of the occasion. He was accused of slaying impression that a long mght lies Klansmen in connection with Mrs. Thomas said the Lee Susan Rigsby and Shirley Ann the murder of a civil rights County Mental Health Associa- Buddhist monks sold tea and ahead in Viet Nam. . worker near Selma, Ala., March tion is delighted that the Tupelo incense. Vendors sold candy and Quaison-Sackey discussed the Stark, both 21-year-old Univel"· Extended Forecast 26, asked Congress to investi- Jaycees have won this award cake. There were the r ectangu- Nkrumah message at a lunch- sity of Texas students from JACKSON (UPI) - Mississip- be used in a court test ol the For Journal Area gate the se•cret order . by their untiring efforts in boost- lar stainless steel memorial eon with Secretary of State Dallas. pi-faced with the possibility of federal law. He has not disclosbadges on the chests of men in Dean Rusk. He delivered it latL. Weltner, D Rep· Charles ing mental health: Cross bad dated Miss Stark federal voter registrar s in ed whe'n the suit would be filed. JACKSON (UPI) - Here is Ga., a new member of the Unshirtsleeves. er at a 15-minute meeting with sever al . times during the fall some counties by next week-is The legislature approved bills the five-day weather forecast She pointed out lhe acute need At exactly 8:15 a.m., all traf- J ohnson following a conversa- all~ spring semesters, the DPS American Activities Committee, making an "honest effort" to submitted by Johnson, eliminat- for Northeastern Mississippi: for facilities and personnel in fie stopped, as it did 20 years "1.andle its problems, Atty. Gen. ing requirements that voter ap- Temperatures will average formally called for the investi- the· field of mental health and ago when the first atomic bomb tion with McGeorge Bundy the s~1d. He had been a .susp1::ct ' . smce shortly after the girls disJoe Patterson said Friday. plicants interpret a section of two or three degrees below nor- gation. Willis said in announcing the declared that there could be no was dropped on the city by President's na tional security ! appeared July f8. Patterson said he was "not the state constitution, " be of mal with 91 to 95 highs and 70 public hearings "it would not project that is more worthy of an American J329 bomber. adviser. I Continued on Page 7 · surprised" at the federal gov- good moral character" and to 72 lows through Wednesday. be' in the best interest of the the help of such or ganizations as Sirens wailed in memory of ernment's plan to file suit Sat- know the' obligations of citizen- A little cooler and less humid investigation" to state how the Jaycees. the victims as half a million ur.day in an effort to knock ship to the satisfaction of the weather is expected after the many subpoenaes h ad been Tommy Brooks is immediate people paused for one minute of county registrar. .down the state's $2 poll tax. weekend. · · silent prayers. served or how many witnesses A statewide r eferendum is At the curved atomic bomb · "We knew that was coming Total rainfall will average ,ap- had been questioned by the past president and Curtis Frensset Aug. 17 on amendments to ley is the new president of the ) since tlie Voting Rights Act di- change the state constitution to proximately one-half inch with committee. However, he said 0 gan·zat'on memorial in a downtown p ark 1 1 rects th!! U.S. Attorney Gener al some higher amounts at scatterr that marks the center of the · largt' number of persons" " a conform with the n ew laws. to immediately file suit ed spots likely and some thunThe governor and otbe'r state dershowers during the weekend had been interviewed by com- Dr. Fayette '\Villiams, program d!s.aster zone, .:n:iore than 30,000 against the poll tax states," Patmittee staff member s since the chairman for the Jaycees, ac- citizens and v1s1tors heard Ma · officials have sharply criticized ti:rson said. and Monday - mostly in the investigation was announced cepted the award for the organi- yor Shinzo Hamai call for peace the federal voting law as an afternoons. March 30. President Johnson announced encroachment on states' rights, zation. and no more bombs. plans to file the Mississippi suit charging the act was unconstituimmediately after signing the tional. However, Johnson has federal voting rights bill into said the lowering of voter relaw. HI! also said trained fed- quiremE.'nts would put the state eral r egistrars would be at in a better position to win the work registering eligible voters planned court battle . .in 10 or 15 counties in the South Field Charles Evers, State by··Tuesday. Secretary for the National AsThe President said the Jus- sociation for the Advancement tice Department would work of Colored People (NAACP) was WEST ·P OINT (UPI) - The hearing was set for Reuss next ference. crops. through th!! weekend, and de- in Wasbingtpn Friday to wit- son of a W'isconsin congressman, Wednesday. He was also chargThe 45 demonstrators were All of the students were later signate counties where federal ness signing ot the bill at the arrested in a civil rights dem- ed with resisting arrest a n d jailed on charges of blocking released to the custody of their action was required by Mon- invitation of P resident Johnson. onstration, was charged with blocking the sidewalk. the sidewalk. The sheriff said parents. Thejr cases were "reday. Most counties were under- State NAACP President Aar- manslaughter Friday night It was at least the second they were not arr ested until tired to the files" with a warnstood to b~ in Mississippi and on Henry said he also r eceived when a highway patrolman time the Wisconsin Democrat's until they began to impede ing they would be fully proseLouisiana· an invitation, but it was too dropped dead of a heart attack son has been arrested in Mis- the flow of traffic through cuted if they were ever arrestPatter son said he knew of no late' for him to attend. while searching him . sissippi this summer . He is a town and block the sidewalks. ed again. direct plans to send federal reMike summer volunteer with tbe He said they were permitted "We want to express our ap- Civil rights worker Reuss, a sophomor e at Stangistrars to Mississippi. " That's preciation to the President and Reuss, 18, son of Rep. Henry Freedom Democratic P arty, a to march a short distance, ford University in California, something we'll have to wait Congress," Henry said, " and Ruess, D-Wis., was charged predominantly Negro civil carrying placards and singing, was a leader in the Negro and see," he said. we intend to see to it they are with the manslaughter of B. rights political organization. school boycott here. before they were arrested. " The l~gislature and the peo- not disappointed so far as Ne- Cowart, a highway patrol catReuss said that Cowart ripStudents arrested Thursday Reuss, the FDP s a it, haf ple of Mis&issippi are making an groes in Mississippi r e'gistering tle theft investigator. ped a "freedom button" off his were charged with disturbing been in West Point most of the honest effort to cope with this to vote." County Attorney Harvey Buck shirt. Sheriff Joe Strickland, the p eace after they took part summer . He was among hun1 problem ourselves," he said. However , Henry claimed fed- said Reuss, one of 45 demonstra- however, said Reus s acted in a noisy demonstra tion out- dreds of persons arrested in '"It remains to be seen whether er al registrars would be needed tors arrested Friday, was being "belligerent" and " whirled side Beasley High School. Civil Jackson in J une for demonstraUNDER ARREST- Michael R euss, 18, of Milwall9 •the President will permit us to in several areas of the state searched by Cowart when he around" at Cowart when the of- rights workers organized the ting outside the Mississippi .do tliat." " be'Iore the Negro population " pushed or struck" the offi- ficer began to search him. boycott in protest of split ses- Capitol, protesting a special ses- kee, son of Wisconsin Congressman H en r y Reuss, is Gov. Paul Johnson has said will feel free enough to come cer. Cowart collapsed and died ch arged with manslaughter in West Point after a highReuss's father was in Lon- sions, which are conducted In sion of the legislature. ·the recent lowering of Missis- down to register because of old of an apparent heart attack. don Friday night attending an several Mississippi schools to He wu freed after 10 da,ra in way patrolman fell d ead with a h ear t attack while t_liPPi voter requirements would intimidation and fean." Buck a&id • preliminary international monetar1 COG· allow itudent.s io help ha.r vest jail. searching Reuss. - Journal Te~'3phoio


'voting Measure · PrivateNegro 6igned lnt,o Law HomesSought

JayceesWin President Gets Natio~l,Honor Cease _Fire Plea

Sovie·ts Rap Vie,t,$uild-Up

Klan Hearing Set For Fall

Student Held For Murder Of Two Coeds

Sirens Wail At Hiroshima

Patterson Says State Making 'Honest Effort'


Officer'. Falls Dead OfHeart Attack; Youth Charged With Manslaughter

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