The Weather ~ORTHE AST MISSISSIPPI , , ir, little change in tempera. &ure Monday and Tuesday. Ri~hs 54.-64, lows in the 30'1.
Ful! United Press International Leased Wire
Yanks Attack Cong On Two New fronts
Rendezvous In Space May Come Off One Day Early Second Rocket Hours Ahead Of Schedul-e
Marines Smash Ashore In Dawn Raid'On Hideout
SAIGON (UPI) -American Marines hit the beaches Sunday and U.S. infantrymen pushed into the jungle in two-front a ttacks on the Viet Cong that broke a long lull in Viet Nam fighting by American ground Borman, Lovell forc es. The Marines swarmed ashore Encounter Only from landing craft and helicopMinor Problems ter s at Phu Thu Village, 300 miles north of Saigon, in a SP ACE CENTER, Houst on dawn raid on a Viet Cong (UPI ) - Gemini 7 astronauts hideout. F r ank Borman and James The landing, named " OperaLovell swept easily into the was tion Dagger Thrust," second day of their 14-day carried out by the amphibious fligh t Sunday with the possibiliready force of the U.S. 7th ty they may r endezvous in fleet. space with Gemini 6 one day earlier than expected. The first troops came ashore from the landing ship dock The only difficulties encoun(LSD) which blasted a patb. in tered so far at the start of this orbit mission were minor WEAPONS BRIEFING- P / S gt. George Gann p oints out some of the character- front of them . Air strikes also SEEK CRASH CAUSE- O fficials are shown inspecting the nose s ection of the 206 were called in fro m the aircraft problems with instruments and istics of Troop C 's m ortar to Rep. Thomas G. Abernethy and Maj . Gen. Walter G . carriers USS Kitty Hawk and E astern Airlines C onstellation as the c ompl etely d estroyed passen ger cabin (center) a slight lack of sleep on the Johnson following dedication ceremonies of the troop's armory Sunday. At left is Bon Homme Richard. shows only the steel frames of t he seats. Only four were killed of the 54 person s part of Borman and Lovell. Specialist Fourth Class A. L. Boren, another Troop C guard sman. aboard the airliner after a mid-air colHsion with a TWA jetliner near North S a lGemini 7 entered its 18th Tanks Move In -Staff photo by Wooten -Journal Telephoto orbit at 5:40 p.m. EST. The Marines moved inland em, New York S aturday night . At Cape Kennedy, technicians through a chain of coastal sand working several hours ahead of dunes along with lumbering schedule placed the Gemini 6 m38 tanks. More leathernecks spaceship atop its Titan 2 landed behind the dunes by booster rocket on pad 19 and helicopters from the amphibegan immediate checkouts. bious assault carrier USS Rush Repairs Valley Forge. Cape personnel had worked Other waves of Marines hit NEW YORK (UPI ) - Federal Th e Je · t , en rou t e f rom th e None the1ess, t h e Ian ding was repairs throughout the night to make tivities which were prevalent Rep. Albernethy also pointed the beaches from the attack By TERRY WOOTEN to Pad 19 that had been dur ing World War II and other out in his speech that the Fulton transport USS Montrose. Journal Staff Writer investigator s, trying to deter- West Coast, continued on to skillful enough to enable mos t needed because of Gemini .7 , 5 armory being dedicated Sunday FULTON - U. S. Rep. Tho- conflicts. A spokesman said the raiding mine what caused two giant Kennedy International Airport o.f the 54 persons aboard to fiery blastoff Saturday , after" But today there is another wa.s the 58th to be completed in mas G. Abernethy Sunday urgnoon. The hope had been that for ce was still ashore at airliners to collide in flight, where it landed with 20 feet o.f scramble to safety. kind of marching going on from Mississippi since the ar mory ed all Americans to join efforts Heroic Pilot Trapped everything could be made nightfall Sunday. He said the took time out Sunday to praise its left wing sheared off. New York to Los Angeles," he construction program was be- Marines had killed 14 Viet Cong the skill and he·roii;m of a pilot Among the 58 persons aboard in endint the Viet Nam war. T wo persons, me · 1ud"mg c ap t . ready for a launch of Gemini 6, Speaking at dedication cere- .said, referring to the !Peace gun in 1950. and air strikes had put 11 other .vho was killed in a " master- the J'et , th ere was onIY one \,,11h't 1 e, were tr apped ·m the with astronauts Walter Schirra Also making remarks during Communists out of action. ful" crash landing that saved casualty: monies for the National Guard demonstrators. a stewardess who wreckage and burned to death, and Thomas Stafford aboard, 1R ep. Abernethy pointed out the ceremonies was Maj. Gen. Armory here, Rep. A!bernethy A third was pronounced dead nine days from Sunday, said the time has come to put that a few days ago, Secretary Walter G . Johnson, adjutant Marine casualties were de- the lives of most of his suffered a bloody nose. passengers. Plane Kept Airborne on arrival at a hospital in Mt. But F light Director Christo. all other projects aside and get of >Defe nse McNamara, follow- gener al of the Mississippi Na- scribed as light. The Eastern pl ane, damaged Kisco, N.Y., and a fourth died pher C. Kraft told newsmen Troops of the U.S. Army 1st The pilot, Capt. Charles on with the most important job ing an inspection in South Viet tional Guard. in a hospital in here tha t " the people at the Nam, "We have slopped Gen. Johnson said the armory Infantry Division went into White, 42, was one of four much more severely, was kept Sunday a.t hand. dedication was a "solemn occas- battle at the same time against persons who died in the flaming perilously .airborne by White as Danbury, Conn., from bur ns Cape are doing very well." He ..I favor one project for all 50 losing the war." said studies would be made t o "Heretofore, he had never ion" in light of the escalation an estimated force of 500 wreckage of a four -engine, he searched for a clearing suffered in the crash. states and. for all of our 192 million people to support," the con- conceded we were losing," Rep . of the war in Vietnam. "These Communist guerrillas only 35 prop-driven Eastern Air Lines suitable for a crash landing in In add ition to White, t he see what was needed to get Constellation that m ade a th e densely wood e d area. victims were identified as Dr. read Y f or th e ren dezvous flight gressman after scoring the Abernethy said . "In each of the are days when you can no long- miles northwest of Saigon. The best he could find was on J oseph rvr. Wilkinson J r ., 48 , on Sunday r ather than Monday. administration for its numerous last three years I have been to er play soldier," he told guards- The infantrymen fought most tricky belly landing up the side Before Gemini 6 is l aunched, poverty projects. "And that,pro- briefing sessions at the White men pr esent. "You are going to of the day in a growing battle of a mountain Saturday night. the side o.f 1,000-foot Hung director of research at InterchMoments earlier , the Eastern Mountain ~nd _ he l ande~ the emical Corp. in New York and ~emini 7'.s orbit must be made ject is ending this war and let- House. he stated categorically be pushed to the limit of endur- t hat broke out in the northwest ting all other pr ojects stand be· that we wer e winning and ance in training now and during corner of the Viet Cong's "Iron plane had collided with a Trans plane by sk1ddmg up the side of a resident of ·Summit N.J .. circular ill order to facilitate things would soon be over." field training next summer." hind it." Triangle" jungle stronghold World Airlines Boeing 707 jet it. The jar ring crash landing Dennis F lucker of H'oboken', the rend.ezvous in the heavens. 11:ie told officers ,a nd non-com- north of Saigon. The congressman the more than lO,OOO feet over broke the fuselage in two and N.J., and Lois Thibodeau of The egg-sh.aped or bit Is now 138 "That's the oniy way we're North Salem, N.Y., a rural . GI t M I by 199 miles . 1oing to get out of this," he people are asking why we have missioned officers "You a community about 50 miles caused the plane to burst mto ouces er_. ass. The plan has been t o 1 Head-on BatUe been losing with the tremendous Job like never before. He chal· &aid. flames. Th~ee. oth~r pe.r~ons wer~ circularize Gemini 7'11 orbit at !Rep. Abern,ethy tol1 memibers powe·r that is ou ~s and when are lengei! recruits "to learn all you The battle shaped up as a north of New York City. nf Fulton's ,1'oop C1r .1.vd1\:C, lei- we really going to start winning. can about military procedur es.'' head-on clash between Ameri- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - hospitalized m cr1bcal cond1- about 185 miles up six days tion, other s among the remain- after launch. If the Space cans and a Viet Cong column "Yes, when?" he asked. Continued on Page Z cal and state officials and visithat kept feeding in more ing 44. passengers and ere··/! Agency decides to try for the tori; that "we are in war and we r einforcements as the day went members also were inj~red but r endezvous on Sunday , the have never ,been in one like it were expected to survive. Continued on Page 2 on. As the American soldiers before." Expert investigators from the began running into more Viet " ·BY that r mean the nature, Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) Cong, their officers called for charactet· and ob~ectives of the air strikes against an enemy of assembled at Kennedy Airport war ," he emphasized. "What an estimated battalion sizeSunday to search for answe rs are the objectives of the war? between 600 and 1,000 soldiers. WASHINGTON (UPI) - The flows but to dampen mounting to the ques_tion that is asked What is our goal there," he askQuickly answering the call, Federal Reserve Board an- demands on banks for still after ever y majo.r commercial ed. " I don' t !know and I don't MOSCOW (UPI) -The Soviet tempts, Soviet scientists said the . Air Force and Navy nounced Sunday it has r aised further credit extentions that airline crash: What happened? know anyone who does. If anyspaceship Luna 8 successfully the ton-and-a-half satellite was dumped 14. loads of bombs on the discount rate - a move might add inflationary pres- They launched their investigaone knows, he hasn't s•aid." BALDWYN, Miss•. - A Pren tion on four vital fronts. The r~resentative said he passed a critical hurdle Sunday equipped with cameras that the Communist position be- that will boost t he cost of sures ." tiss County man was charged The board said that its borrowing for consumers and didn't understand the attitude in in its flight toward the moon w~uld _~oll_ out along with other tween 2:30 p.m. and 4 p .m. -Intensive interviews were with possession of intoxicati11g actions Sunday would have the being arranged with the surviv- liquor after a raid during the Washin(;ton. " They're a lot and an attempt at history's sc1entif1c rnstruments to trans- An American spokesman said businessmen alike. The move by the independent three-pronged effect of: more interested in new proj ects first :;oft landing of instruments mit . pictures and data on American casualties in the week-end that produced over -"Backing up the govern- ing crew members of both 14 cases• of whiskey and beer, r ad1at10n, tcmpe: ature, texture action were light considering reserve board was in direct and programs than th ey are on the lunar surface. planes, including Capt. Thomas ment's efforts to pr event that scrap in Viet Nam," he The Soviet news agency Tass and other essential facts about the number of men involved. defiance of P resident J ohnson H. Carroll, the pilot of the TWA Const able Paul Short said Sunsaid. "You've heard more about announced that the course of th~ n:i?on's surface a~d. its However, he added that many who believes that higher inflationary excesses from da- plane which landed · safely in day. the poverty program than you the spaceship was corrected su1ta~11Ity for earth v1s_1tors. soldiers required helicopter interest r ates could hurt the maging the economy now New York. The charge was made against carrying the adcled burden of have Viet Nam." successfully and it is now on a The rnstruments are des1gned evacuation to be treated for economy. Junior J o u rd a n, the officer -The flight recorder was Rep. Abernethy, however , said trajectory close to t he one to study six-tenths of a square b attle wounds. But the board said in a military operations in Viet removed from the TWA plane said. Jourdan was released unhe is not against eliminating Soviet scientists had calculated. mile of the moon's surface. . a der a $400 bond pending In the same Iron Triangle statement that the increase in Nam . -"Bolstering the govern- and flown to CAB headquarters hearing Saturday. Luna 8 was launched on its the rate was needed to prevent , poverty. "I'm just for doing the Luna 8 is at least the four th · · . area · l .. merican infantrymen 000-mile Journe" Fnday ' inflation and halt the dollar ment's programs to overcome in Washington, where it will be ' right thing first and we're not attempt by the Soviets to 225 Constable Short s·aid he and · ' less than 24 hours , the. deadly claymore drain. mght, l doing that." before used . persistent deficits in the U.S. placed in a "read out" machine Baldwyn night marshal Curtis for detailed analysis. However, maneuver of the United State launched th mrn~s w~ich have the effect of The discount rate is the rate perform the tricky b alance of payments . 'i He also pointed out th at in Wilemon searched the Trading · - s e a gigantic sawed-off shotgun. 1 every other conflict in which gently floatin g an instrument - "Demonstrating anew t he it will be several days before Post, about six miles west of package fjewn on the moon's first part of its ~anne~ space These mines wiped out a banks have to pay when t hey I America. has been involved, surface-a feat wh1·ch would doublehead~r. dunng wh. ich l":o battery of concealed snipers, a borrow from the Federal United States' determination to all the data fro m the flight Baldwyn, late Saturday after~ there has b een some patriotic US Gemrni spacesh ips WI111military spokesman said. Reserve. The board m a i n t a in th e international recorder is amassed. noon and had gone over t h e The r ecorder is turned on place twice when they discov/ project started in Washington Put them a giant step ahead of · · raised the rate from 4 to 4.5 strength of the dollar. " when a plane takes off and ered the cache of whis-ky, beer, which moved across the land the United States in preparing attempt tu rendezvous while in I per .cent. Borrowing Risen Sharply 1( and Increases Bank Rates brought the people togeth- for ma nned e'kploration of orbit - another critical techThe board said that since it provides exact readings of the gin, vodka and wine. earth's nearest speca neigh- nique which must be perfected Itawamba County In a related move, t he board last raised the discount rate in speed , direction, altitude and / er. · The constable said Jourdan i !He mentioned marching bands, bor. During the earlier and before men can r each the Not In Lift Program also increased the maximum November 1964, borrowing by gravity forces throughout the was in charge of the premises J parades, and other patriotic ac. unsuccessful soft landing at- moon. flight. at the time of the search. Continued on Page 2 Lift, Inc. , is seeking teaching rate t hat banks may pay depositors on time deposits. ( personnel for fifteen proposed In its statement, the board I IN U.S. CUSTODY Child Development Cente'rs in said that Sunday' s actions were MUST FACE RUN-OFF Lee, Monroe and Pontotoc coun. designed "to reinforce efforts ties. to maintain price stability and Itawamba County was erron- thus to foster balance in the ' eously listed in Saturday's Jour- economy's continued growth nal as being included in th e and strength in the dollar's Lift, Inc ., program, but on I y international standing." Lee, Monr9e and Pontotoc coun- The board said t he moves I ties are participating in the Lift were intended " not to cut back \ :BANGKOK (UPI) -Two U.S. The votes lost by de Gaulle Communists, Socialists and on__ th_e_p_r_e_se_n_t_p_a_c_ e_ of_c_r_e_d_it PARIS, Monday (UPI) F ellow passengers said the last Su'!lday in the company of P_r_o_g_ra_m_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ soldier·s fre ed from Viet Cong two-Sgt. George Smith of a Viet Cong official and held a appeared to have gone in great President Charles de Gaulle, his part of the Radical Party. popular ity blunted by age and imprisonment were released Ches ter, W.Va., and Spec. 5 news conference Tuesday in With 11,231,403 votes counted part to Lecanuet, 4.5, Catholic by seven years in power, failed of an estimated 23 million cast, centrist candidate who stormed into the custody of American Claude McClure of Chattanoo- Phnom Penh at which they eariy today to win a critical 50 an official Interior Ministry late into the election fary and Sunday and ga, Tenn.-appeared in good promised to get out of the officers here immediately whisked away to health and spirits but were Army and lead campaigns to per cent of votes in the F rench tally gave these standings for m ade sensation al headway in what was described as 1 presidential election. military hospital for medical "fairly quiet" during the flight. end the war. the three main candidates: examinations. De Gaulle now must run De Gaulle 5,009,390 - 45 per " Kennedy-style" election c am· Smith and McClure, released They denied then that they against a leftist opponent more cent. Mitterand 3,513,613 - 31 paign. Lt. Gen. Richard Stilwell, a week ago by the Viet Cong had been brainwa·s hed in any Lecaunuet appealed to th1 commander of the U.S. Adviso- after two years of captivity, way. But Smith told newsmen than a gener ation his junior in Reeb was one of some 450 a run-off election if he is to per cent. Catholic Cf trist Jean same slightly right-of-cente1 r y Command in Thailand, was shocked Americans and gave Sunday before le aving P hnom SELMA, Ala. (UPI) - Three 1,856,349 .:.... 16 per Lecanuet white men go on trial Tuesday clergymen who joined Negroes carry on his campaign to serve voters as de Gaulle. a.t the airport when the two the Communists a significant cent. De Gaulle held his grounc former Special Forces guerrilla propaganda coup by publicly Penh that they were in a sense for the murder of the Rev. in the second of two attempts again as president. A Certain Winner to brainwashing be- James Reeb , Boston unitarian to march from Selma to Montmost successfully in eastert fighters arrived aboard an Air denouncing U.S. involvement in subjected prestige followed His sagging In such a run-off de Gaulle cause they had only been able minister fatally beaten on a Sel- gomery. France, particularly in hi! Force plane from Phnom Penh , the Vietnamese war. to listen to the Communist ma street just as civil rights Circuit Solicitor Blanchard Mc- a campaign in which his was regarded as a certain traditional Lorraine stronghold Cambodia. But he remained fiercly assailed de opponents winner, although Mitterand An announcement from the and read Communist activity came to a boil there Leod said that his assista nt, Cities -Farm Areas inside the passenger terminal military said their transfer to radio Gaulle's anti-Amg_ican policies made an unexpectedly strong publications. last March. Mitterrand showed his grea Vergis Ashworth, will lead the and his bo-ycott of the European showing. a long with a group of military hospital was "in accordance Smith added, however , that in test strength in the cities Al)C Odell Hoggle, 30, a mechanic; prosecution Tuesday in the cir- Common Market. policemen and did not talk with with procedures which have his personal opinion, "the De Gaulle spent the weekend Lecaunuet chiefly ·m th, his brother, William Stanley cuit court of Judge Ja mes Hare. the soldiers. closeted at his Eastern France Less Than Majority been established for military farming areas. McLeod said that witnesses They hopped immediately per sonnel who have been held United States could not win the Hoggle, 36, a salesman, a.nd Elcount ry home at Colombey-Leswar in Viet Nam." mer Cook, 41 , m anager of a for the prosecution will include Latest still incomplete r esults Eglises where he voted and The other three candidate: into a waiting ambulance, were in captive status." showed clearly that de Gaulle At the time of their capture novelty company, are accused Olson of Berkethe Rev . Clark made only insignificant sho.w driven to a nearby military Response To Protests there were only about 10,000 of beating the white cleric as ley, Calif. , and the Rev. Olaf could not make the 50-per cent listened to r esults all evening ings. plane and flown to the 31st U.S. At the time of their r elease, U.S. military men in Viet Nam he left a Negro cafe here last Miller, a Massachusetts asso • needed · to avoid a run-off. Some on the state-run French radio Army field hospital at Korat, the Viet Cong ·said they freed Reflecting the tremendou all were acting in advisory March 9. · ciate of Reeb. The prosecutor sources close to de Gaulle h ad and television services. about 135 miles northeast of the two to honor anti-war and passions stirred u nationwide No early de Gaulle reaction said he would quit rather than capacities. The trial comes less than a said both men were witnesses J3,angkok. demonstr ators in the United Since then, U.S. forces have week after two, milestone ver - to the fatal beating. go through the " humiliation" of was available nor was it by the campaign, Frenchme1 Two Year! Captivity expected. Officials said he voted in a massive turnau Although the defendants were a run-off. It m arked their first meeting States and because they had been built to a strength of more dicts in Alabama - the first If de Gaulle, 75, decides t o probably would stay at Colom- estimated at about 85 per cen de • indicted separately, their decisions in modern southern " repented" for their activities than 160,000 men and U.S. with Americans since their history in which white juries fense l awyer, Joe Pilcher of Sel- run Dec. 19 it will be a gainst bey until Tuesday and announce e.aptur~ br 1Uerrillas on Nov. in the Army. forces have fou ght as units convicted white men in racial ma, said he wanted the three Francois Mitterrand, 49, leftist fro m there whether he would of the 28,350,000 registerei 'IA, 1963. '11hey arrived in Cambodia against the Communists. candidai. backed bJ the run again or quit a s presidenL voter& - a record turnout. ' tried together. crmea.
Abernethy Urges Unified Effort To End War At Armory Dedication
Both Airliner Pilots Praised For Landings After Collision
Fe·deral Reserve Board Hikes Discount Rate
Soviet Space Package Aimed Toward Moon
Junior Jourdan Arrested In Liquor Raid
Aging De·Gaull,e Fails To Poll Majority In Frenc.h Elections
Fr·eed POW's, In Bankok, Rushed To Hospita I For Physical Checks
Reeb Murder Trial SetTo,Ope,n Today