THE WEATHER NORTHEAST MISSISSIPPI: Considerable cloudiness with periods of showers and thundershowers and a little cooler through Thursday. Lows in upper 60s; highs in lower 80s •.
i ourna
Telephone 842-2611 Price 10 Cents
Tupelo, Mississippi, Wednesday Morning, July 5, 1972
Vol. 99 No. 81
S. Green St.. East ·of Hospital
Federal Panel Hearing Democratic Challenges
I I I.
With Only 6 Days Before Convention, 3-Judge Group Takes Up Questions On Delegations During Rare Holiday Session
WASHINGTON (UPI) -With the Democratic convention only six days off, a three-judge U.S. Court of Appeals panel held a rare holiday session Tuesday to consider the fate of 153 California delegates pledged to George S. McGovern and a 59-member Illinois slate headed by Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley. For nearly . four hours, opposing lawyers sought to persuade the judges to uphold o.r reverse last week's Credentials Committee decisions awarding more than half of McGovern's California bloc to rival candidates and giving the Illinois seats to Daley challengers .
Armed Robber Hits
Although the judges Bazelon of the Appeals Court Committee, defending the acknowledged the urgency of •and his two colleagues, California action, urged the the situation, they also George E . MacKinnon and court to stay out of the advised the attorneys in Charles Fahy, questioned all political a rena and to let the frequent exchanges that they the lawyers frequently about full convention make the saw t he issues as extremely Hart's finding and appeared final d ecision . complex and, a short time to share some of his doubts He took the same tack in after retiring to their about federa l judicial the Daley case, contendin g chambers , they announced jurisdiction o ve r t he that t h e C r eden tials they would not rule before delegate selection c ases. · Committee ha d Wednesday. At issue in t he California responsibility for enforcin g On Monday, three floors case was whether t he slate's the party 's reforms. below, U.S. District Judge June 6 winner-take-all Lawyers for the mayor , George L . Hart Jr. refused to presidential primary was in who ha ve been figh ting the interfere in any way with the violation of a party reform challengers in st ate and Credent i als Committee commission ' s guidelines federal court for two weeks , actions. He said they did not ai m ed at aff o rding were scheduled to ask a raise constitutional proportional representation circ u it court in Illinois questions and were matters for all candidates r unning in Wednesday for an inj unction to be decided· by the full the election. McGovern won to stop the challengers from convention opening Monday the race and had the entire going to Miami or tak ing in Miami Beach. 271 - mem ber California their seats. Chief Judge David L. delegation until last Law ye r s r epresenting t he Thursday's Credentials cha l leng ers and the Committee ruling. Democratic party asked the Appeals Court to issue an The battle over the Illinois :oNE I.OAD OF BEER Lee County Sheriff Robert Herring and officers order .fo r bidding the Daley delegation focused .on how it group fro m further litigation i1 destroyed two dump-truck loads of confiscated beer at the County Sanitary was chosen. The Credentials Landfill. Both loads were soon buried by a bull-dozer. Herring said that the beer Committee sided with a gro up of challe n gers -Photo by Benson was taken in one raid near Guntown recently. claim in g that o nly individuals acceptable to the Lee County Sheriff's officers were searching at Daley poli~ical organization press time for a subject sought in connection with the were full y informed of the armed robbery of 78 Drive-In here Tuesday night, selection process and that the result " discriminated according to Sheriff Robert Herring. maliciously against blacks, The amount taken in the robbery pad not . been Latins, wome n and youth. " WASHINGTON (U PI ) determined. Attorneys for McGovern - Rep . L ess Aspin, D-Wis., The subject was described as a white male, about asked the Appea ls. Court to cr it i c i zed Tue sd a y the 5'6" , weighing approximately 130 pounds with sandy void ·the Credentials militar y ' s dru g testin g Committee d'ecision on laboratories , charging that United Press International Gulf Coast authorities said identified the victims as hair and \\'.earing striped pants. California and to restore the " hundreds of GI drug use rs A rash of traffic accidents R i card o A . C 1a y of James Ronny Byrd, 22, of Rt. fl h He apparently ed t e scene on foot, but offic.e rs 153 delegates taken from the are slipping through." and drownings Tuesday Pascagoula, formerly of the 4• Popla.rville, and Thomas pushed Mississippi's Louise community, drowned Aspin, a me mber of the Holliday, 22, also of laterwerealertedtowatchforablueCamarowhich South Dakota senator, frontrunner for the presidential Hou s e Armed Services accidental death toll for the Tuesday whill'! swimming o.ff Poplarville. was thought to be connected with the robbery. nomination. Commit t ee , said t he long July 4th holiday the beach at Biloxi. Ip another early morning theJrtcident occurred about 10 p.m. Tuesday. The general counsel for the military's labs w.ere " doing , , , ~ 27-year-old Grand Bi,ly, , we.e)5end to at le~st 26.. accident, the patcol said two The ·suspect was armed when he left'the scene. h Democra'tic National a worse job than · even the Authwities said-at least 1, ,..Ala. man, Altqn Wall5er. n~r.sons were fatally .injured,,..,, ... ., · much criticized commercial" persons died in traffic drowned Tuesday in Jackson in·· a two-car collision on ·\ laboratories t hat a re testing accidents, six - persons County while on a family drowned and another victim outing along the Dog River. for the Army. " died in a farm mishap. Jones County Community He released government statistics s howing that the The holiday :weekend Hospital' officials reported Edward S. Harmon, 21, and nine service laboratories ha d death count began at 6 p.m. Richard D. Collins, 58, of 43 a chieved only a 62 per cent Friday and e·nde.d at near Meridian, died Tuesday ~i~~:b::?ht Jr .• • bo!h of a ccuracy rate in weeding out midnight Tuesday. from injuries he received in A 17-year-old Hattiesburg I ' GI d r ug users. One of the Madison County officials a traffic accident Sunday youth, identified as John said two children, age 9 and inside the city limits of Edward Wright, drowned day savings will mean A tight budget is . forcing Trustees said the salaries labs, said Aspin, had only·a 13, drowned Tuesday Laurel. A 6-year -o,ld Monday while swimming in Lee County School officials $12,000 per year. " should be studied and 41 per cent accuracy rate , afternoon in the reservoir Columbia girl Stacy Lee a gravel pit in the city. Willie to take a close look at the Trustees pla n to meet later revised according to the alt hough t he Penta gon had but their identity was not Baker wdas killed instantly in Everett, 21, of Belzoni, cost of transportation. to review expenses and miles driven. Adult drivers set a 90 per cent accuracy ~immediately revealed. the acci ent. drowned Saturday in a Superintendent. of establish policy for the new now make $132 a month, req uirement for all. " What this means ," s aid / Cu rt is St asher of The Highway Patrol said Education Douglas Bean told year. teacher drivers, $100 and Continued on Page 14 Hernantlo was fatally two persons died in the the monthly meeting of the student drivers $85. injufed. Tuesday in a traffic pre-dawn hours Tuesday in a Board or Education that the Starling who met with the accident about three miles one-car accident on Highway system is faced with school officials said som e north of Hernando on U.S. 53 about 12 miles south of some"rigid economy" in cases of vandalism against . Highway 51. Poplarville. The Patrol operating the buses for buses have been expensive 1972-73. for the system . Trustees authorized Bean The policy probably would and Lee Starling, manager includ e standards for of the system's bus shop, to dismissing irresponsible compile a report on cost of drivers. United Press lnterna •ional individual buses. WASHINGTON {UPI) -A Officials will also have to The natio n's traffic death Two persons were arrested Most of the school's nearly Tishomingo County health - decide whether the buses toll c limbed Tuesday, the Tuesday morning here and 5,000 students are . center at Iuka will be will be left at school during fi nal day of the four-day July charged with possession of transported on to the seven expanded with the aid of a classes or returned to the 4 holida y period, but it OXFORD {Special) -A Mount Hope Church in marijuana, according to attendance centers by the $15,000 grant approved by drivers' homes. Many of the appeared the fina l count Lafayette County man was Taylor with burial in Yocona Tupelo Police Chief Ed fleet of 67 buses. the Appalachian Regional adult drivers go home and might fair short or advance killed Monday morning when Cemetery. Crider. Bean said the 1972 Commission , it was come back in the buses in the estimates. an automobile he was The Rev. C. I. Bulloch will They were identified as Mississippi Legislature announced Monday. afternoon. T he National Sa fety officiate. Hodges Funeral James A. Keenon, ;n, who failed w6r~ing on fell on him. to increase Sen. James 0. Eastland, The schools once had a Council had forecast that Cuba Arnold Tyson, 22, of Home is in charge of gave his address as a post transportation costs while D-M iss., said the total cost of policy aga inst taking the between 800 and 900 Tay~or, was putting shock arrangements. office box in Ripley, Crider additional allowances were the . expansion program buses back home, but it was Amer icans would be killed in absorbers on the rear of his said, and Earl Cook of Route made for other · school would be $50,000 with a changed . roadway accidents during )Car when his mother left to He is survived by his 2, ·Box 116, Greenville, Ala. expense including teacher Hill-Burton grant funding Another issue --not likely to th e 102-hour period that ,go to Oxford about 10 a.m. father and mother, Mr. and The pair were arrested on salaries. $25,000 and local sources change--fs pick ing students extended from 6 p .m. local He was to meet her at an Mrs. Preston Tyson ; five North Spring Street after Bean said the schools are providing $10,00Q. up within a mile of schools ' t ime Friday th ro u gh automobile dealers about sisters and three brothers, officers had stopped them going to be forced to have Eastland said the center which is not required by law. midnight Tuesday . The 11 :30° and did not appear. Margie Mitchell of Taylor, for driving with an improper more " double routes" with operates a multi-phase The system has traditionally death toll over last year 's When she got home at 6 p.m. Mrs . Alice Mack, John muffler, Chief Crider stated. ·drivers leaving a load of program of screening furnished these youngsters 78-hour Fourth or July period she found him under the car, Elbert Tyson, L. J , Tyson all Both were charged with youngsters at the schools persons for previously transportation. g was 635. which had apparently fallen of Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. possession of marijuana. and going back after another undetected diseases.· The Arresting officers were load. off the jack. Lillie Metcalfe, Mrs, Mamie prograin has been under way Tyson was an employee for Evon and Joseph Walker Jones, Cook and Ratliff. " We need to pinpoint the since 1970 and Emerson Electric. Both Keenon and Cook cost of each bus and see approx i m ate l y 1 O, O00 Tyson all of St. Louis, and Funeral services will be Mrs : Georgia Lee Bryant of were still in jail Tuesday where we can come down persons have undergone the held Sunday at 2 p.m_. at Denver, Col. night awaiting bond. h some, " he said. "A dollar a screening.
Tupelo Drive-In
Many Said Escaping
At Least 26 Persons Killed
.Military Drug Test
As State H~liday Toll Mounts
ff!i~:i~.~·i~~i.:~; TiQht Budget Forces Closer
Loo · . k At Scho,ol T~ansportat·1on
Man Killed When
2 Held On· Mariiuana Charges
Tishomingo Center Gets ARC Grant
Yiets Recapture Quang Tri; Expecting MCJior Red ·Fight I
SAIGON (UPI) - South Vietnamese commandos climaxed the first week of a giant government drive to recapture the northernmost province of Quang Tri Tuesday by jumping from hovering ll!!licopters into Quang Tri City.· and a nearby former American combat base. As small troop units moved almost unopposed into strategic positions of the city and its suburbs, American advisers predicted "a hell of a fight" to come from an estimated 48,000 Communist troops believed in the area. A dozen waves of U.S. 852 born hers battered North J. _,
Be Short Of Fears A U ni t ed Press Interna t ional count a t . 11 p . m . EDT showed 659 persons had been killed in traffic accidents. A b reakdown of accidental deat hs: · Traffic 659 Drownings 163 Planes 13 Ot her 71 Tota l 906. California a lone accounted for 66 traffic d eaths. Texas had 57 ; New York .32 ; , Florida 28, Ohio 27, Michigan 26, North Carolina 24 , Pennsylvania 21 and South Carolina a nd Georgia 20 each. Only Nevada, Rhode Island and the District of Columbia h ad no fatalities .
Regulars ·Corry Fight To U. S. Court Today
BILOXI {U PI ) -Mississippi 's "regular" Democrats, thwarted thus far in efforts to regain national party recognition, were to . carry their fight back into federal district court today. · The regulars, rebuffed last Vietnamese · po s itions planes each · were flown wounded Tuesday night thrown into the week-old weekend by the national surrounding the province inside North Vietnam in the during the third consecutive South Vietnamese drive into credentials committee, will capital with nearly 4,000 18-hour period that ended at day of Communist shellings Quang Tri province , which ask U.S. District Court bom~s during the night, dawn Wednesday. Two raids oil the ancient imperi~l has been held by the Judge Dan Russell to grant clearing a path to the city were against supply caches capital of Hue, 3.2 miles south Communists for more than an injunction to bar the center for the remaining just above the Demilitarized of Quang Tri and 400 miles two months. ' state's predominantly-black 20,000-man South Zone (DMZ) and the third north of Saigon. It was not South Vietnamese " loyalist" faction from being Vietnamese force.. The seven miles northwest of immediately known how President Nguyen Van Thieu seated at next week 's capital has been under Dong Hoi, a port city 35 miles · many rounds hit the city promised last month to drive national convention. Communists control for 65 north of the DMZ. the Communists out of during the night. . Today 's hearing reopens a days. Military sources said Allied offi.c ers were also Quang Tri and back into- lawsuit filed by the regulars U.S. command army commandos landing in worried about a possible North Vietnam . A in May in an attempt to get The current Communist their delegates s.Jated at the spokesman in Saigon said the center of Quang Tri city Communist. attack against the huge B52s dropped about met on'!y light resistance. Hue, 32 miles south of Quang offensive began March 30 national convention. 900 tons of explosives during The troops jumped from Tri city. · The former when North · Vietnamese An attorney for the 12 raids late Tuesday and hovering helicopters to scout imperial capital, long troops moved across the regulars said they wanted early Wednesday on the ·crumbling province expected to be the target of a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ> t he federal judge to enjoin suspected North Vietnamese capital for a 1,000-man major Communist drive, has into Quang Tri. The the loyalists from holding troops concentrations three paratroop attack force been shelled for three· Communists routed govern- themselves ·o ut as the ment forces in Quang Tri Democratic party of to 14 miles 'from the city. consecuti ve days. · waiting on the outskirts. More than 20,000 of Hue's city on May 1 and took Mississippi. In addition, the command To the south, one South Continued on Page 14 said three B52 flights of three Vietnamese soldier was . 30,000 defenders were " We want to have t he.court I
t he Wisconsin De mocrat, " is . that according to their own a cc uracy test. thP nrmPrl fo rces are det ect ing only 6 per cent of drug users.·· ·' ... It is really amazing how slop py and inaccurate the .milit ar y's drug testing pro g r a m h as become.·· Aspin sa id . · The testing program , was created afte r' Co.ogress passed a drug bill requiring urinal ys is testing of all military personnel in order to detect drug users and authorizing treatm ent for GI drug a d dicts . '"The whole value of this program rests on t he ability to a ccurlltely identify GI drug users ," said Aspin in a press statement , ··It is silly to go t hrough this kind of char a de if the military can ·t even find out who needs treatm ent... I
Highway Toll May
Auto Falls On Him
in Illinois. Wh i l e the court was hearing the California and Chicago d isputes, the Creden tia ls Committee com p leted 10 days of hearings a t which it took action on 82 challenges in volvi ng 1,829 delega tes from 30 sta tes. But other decis ions of the delegate-seating com mittee are be ing contested and minority reports ha ve been filed on at least 10 states req uirin g a full convention vote to decid e t he dis putes. S tates in addition to California and Illinois on which t he convention faces potentially bitter dispu tes a re South Carol ina, Oklahoma, Alaba m a , Mich iga n , Connecticut , Hawaii, Rhode Isla nd and Geor gia . Chairman P at r icia Continued on Page 14
e njoin the national party from a cting in concert with them in letting them do that, " he said. " We also asked t hat they be enjoined from taking sea ts as delegates at t he convention ." Russell ruled last month the regulars were the valid D emocratic pa r ty i n Mississippi and should be permitted to participate in the national convention. He declined to enjoin the loyalist delegation from going to Miam i. The federal judge a lso said in the ruling the regulars were entitled to a hearing before t h e credentials committee " and the full convention if necessary." He warned if a hearing was not granted, then the court would " entertain a request for such other relief as may be appropriate." The credentials committee voted unanimousl y in Wa s hin gton to seat the
loyalist delegation despite a vigorous personal appeal b y Gov. Bill Waller to gi ve rec ognition back to the regulars . Waller s a id "most blacks in Mississippi believe in the regular p a rty. It is not t he party of 1968. We are a new breed in Mississippi." The loyal ist faction ousted the regulars at the 1968 convention in Chicago and the Walle r- led regulars launched a move to regain the seats for the 1972 convention. Waller told the credentials comm it t ee that his party had rejec ted t he past and made a strong effort to bring blacks, women and youth into fu ll part ic ipation in the delegate selection process. Spoke s men fo r the l oyalists , how eve r , contended the state's regular Democrats had a history of defecting the national party in every election since 1948.