1972, October 10 - Four Airmen

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Northeast Mississippi: Generally fair through Wednesday with no major temper ature changes. Lows Tuesday night upper 40s. Highs Tu es day and Wednesday low sos.

i ourna

Telephone 842-26 11 Pri.c e 10 Cents

Tupelo, Mississippi. Tuesday Morning, October 10, 1972

S. Green St.. East of Hospital

\/ol. 99 No. 164

Four Airmen Captured As 2 Planes Shot Down


MEETS PRESIDENT-Sharon Mel.arty, of Amory , Miss National Teenager, seems t o be enjoying her visit with P r esid ent Nixon at t he White House Monday. Sen. James Eastland , (left ), a Democrat who is up for re-election in Miss issippi , was invited to accompany Sharon.

Although Nixon has said he support s all Republican candidates for the U .S. Senate, the support for Gil Carmichael, who is opposing Eastland, appears to be soft. -UPI Telephoto

Southerners Move For Halt On Anti-Busing Bill Filibuster W ASHINGTON ( UPl )-Southerners moved Monday to force a second vote on whether to halt a fi libuster against tough antibusing legislation in the Se n a t e - eve n b efo r e members voted the first time. They filed a second cloture petition, seeking an "insur-

ance" vote on Wednesday in 'the bill through before case they fall short of the Congress is scheduled to n ecessa r y t wo -t hird s adjourn this weekend. The measure, approved by majority on Tuesday. Finding themselves in the the House in August and unusual position of defending strongly supported by the against a filibuster instead of White House, would virtually d e liverin g it , t h e halt all long-distance busing Southerners and their allies as a school desegregation resorted to this unusual tool. Neither side believes the strategy in an attempt to get

backers of the bill have enough votes to impose the Senate's rarely used gag rule, at least not on the first cloture vote. But it was ge n er a lly believed that members would approvf..' the bill if it ever came to a vote. Li b e r a l s bega n t he fili buster at th'e very outset of debate on Friday, hoping they could block a vote on the bill it~elf in the closing hours of ute 92 . The bill would permit future busing of pupils to accompli sh desegregation only as a last resort and then no further than the school second nearest their homes. It a lso would permit a reopening of busing cases only being interested in money. primarily in the South "The architect is promoting the matter to · - settled by court decree in get the architectural work and will be the past. handsomely paid," the statement said. As debate droned into a " The attorney is promoting the matter so second full day, Northern that he may underwrite and sell the bonds 1iberals held the floor for hours at a stretch to argue and he expects to be handsomely paid." the bill would undo all the Leake defended the action and service of school integration progress NMMC. of the past two decades and "We realize that occasionally we have reopen the wounds of racial some patient who is dissatisfied and who strif e in hundr eds of complains but on the other hand we have communities. hundreds and thousands who have been Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, highly complimentary of the service of the D-Mass. , said the legislation Medical Center." to e nd busing was "an In the presentation , his statement emotional appeal that feeds on the fears and irrationality questioned the logic of establishing a second county-owned hospital to compete with of the American public" despite contentions from the NMMC, owned by the county and leased to a White House to the contrary. non-profit corporation. " This is not a commitment " It is simply not good business for the (to education) but a copcounty or the present hospital," Leake said. out," Kennedy said. " It " Through the work of the unselfish group of would seriously impede businessmen (the founders of the NMMC) future progress or steps lo and the cooperation of the county, the end discrimination." county now owns a medical institution But Dixi e se nators charged that their Northern valued at $8 million and the county has colleagues we re simply more than $800,000 in county bonds still see kin g t o i mpose outstanding which were issued for the integ ra tion in the South development of the Medical Center." while letting segregation The hospital board also advised that any flourish in the North. extension of county credit should go to " I am sick to death of this NMMC " fo r badly needed additional pious and phony hypocrisy," rooms." Cain noted that under the proposal sa id Se n . He rman E . for the new hospital, the county's credit Ta lmadge, D-Ga ., "and I would not be a t stake and the supervisors want to na il it for what it is .. . Talma dge said that only 39 would only authorize the non-profit corporation. The corporation would issue the per cent of black children in Ge org ia now attend allbonds, he said. black schools, while 48 per Continued on Page IO cent of those in New York do.

NMMC Oflicials Gppose Another Lee Hospital By DWIGHT T. GENTRY Journal Staff Writer A member of the executive board of the North Mississippi Medical Center has branded the proposal fqr a new hospital "a promotion scheme in order to make large fees for the promoters. Medford Leake, chairman of the ·board, told the Lee County Board of Supervisors Monday the hospital trustees are 100 per cent opposed to the county government supporting another hospital. The Supervisors have a request under advisement for the county sanction of a new hospital with a non-profit corporation which would have the power to issue non-taxable bonds. C. H. Cain, president of the board of supervisors , complained that some things about the new hospital looked " irregular" and he wanted to get some more facts about the group before he calls the question to a vote. But J . K. Lipford, fourth district supervisor, praised NMMC and said ''I would rather work with our home people," sounding some opposition to the outside group with the hospital plans. Cain said the group including an architect, a bond attorney and a former Gulf Coast supervisor once convicted of income tax evasion, has sought out the local supervisors' support. " I don't know where the movement originated," 'he said. ''It is not our intention to hurt the hospital," Cain said. " We are interested in helping the people and our area ." In a prepared statement, read by L. G. Milam , another board member, Leake accused the promoters of the new hospital of

SAIGON (UPI) - South Vie tna m ese Rangers recaptured a hamle t within 10 m iles of Saigon in heavy fighting while m a rines r ega ine d a nother town on the northern front, military spokesm e n said Monday. The Rangers fought their way into Thanh Quy hamlet, 10 miles north of the capita l, Sunday eveni ng. But as of Tuesday morning, Comm unist forces still held Phu Chanh, 20 miles north of Saigon , field reports said. Fighting near Saigon since Satur day has left at least 34 South Vietnamese dead, at least 67 wounded and more than 20 militiamen missing , according to field reports . In a separate sharp battle 45 m iles northwest of Saigon on Monday, militiamen r eported killing 38 Communist soldiers while suffe ring 11 killed and 10 wounde d of the ir own. In the air war, the U.S. com m and said Monday two more Am erican pla nes have been downed, one of them by a SAM a ntia ircraft missile over North Vietnam , a nd their four crewmen have been listed a s m issing: The loss of the four did not pecify the branch of Americans raised to at least service. U.S. Air Force spol<esmen 213 the unofficial number of U.S. ai rmen downed and said a North Vi etnamese missing over both North and MIG21 rntt:1 ·~ptor was s},,,t South Vietnam since the down Sunday by 20mm beginning of the North cannon fire from a Phantom Vietnamese offensive March 40 mile~ r~ t1h of Hanoi. It wac; thC' 1:: • •• JIG shot ,'o :vn 30. One of the two latest since J .1,11: I ··;s, when thC'' planes lost, a command made their fir:,t oppearance spokesman said, was an F4 in the air war. the 62nd Phantom fighter-bomber hit downe<i lhi:, year and the Friday by a SAM missile 58th ince the start of the during a raid 70 miles west of North Vietnamese offensive. A total of 1,042 U.S. planes Hanoi. The other plane lost was an armed OVIO Bronco ha ve been lost over North reconnaissance plane that Vi e tn a m s in ce 1964 , crashed into the South China acco rd ing to command Sea off Da Nang on · the fi gures. Sevent.y have been northern coast of South Viet- shot down by MIGs and 32 by nam . Each plane carried two SA M m issi l es . North crewmen, but the command · Vietnam claims to have shot

down 3,980 U.S. planes. The South Vietnamese rangers fo ught thei r way into Thanh Quy hamlet, 10 miles north of Saigon, to climax three days of fighting in which at least 15 South Vietnamese were killed and more tha n 30 wounded. Two ranger off ice r s we re captured, and more than 20 militiamen were listed as missing, field reports said. Earlier South Vietnamese marines recaptured Trieu Phong district town, two miles north of Quang Tri City on the northern front. They killed 19 Communists but

3rd Day Set For Secret Talks P A R IS (UPI ) - U. S. pres idential adviser Henry A. Kissinger and his military aid conduct d a second day of secret peace talks with North Vietnamese officials Monday, and the session m oved to w ar d a n un p r e c e den t ed third consecutive day. The meeting began Sunday a nd b ro ught to get her Kissinger and his deputy, Maj. Gen. Alexander Haig. with Hanoi 's two top peace negotiators at the Vietnam peace talks here, Le Due Tho and Xuan Thuy. Tho, a member of North Vietnam's ruling Politburo, rec e ntly · visited Ha noi, Peking and Moscow. Thuy is

IJC Adds Chickasaw; RN Program Discussed By PHYLLIS HARPE R Journal Staff Writer FULTON - Chickasaw County is the fifth in the area to become a tax-supporting county of Itawamba Junior College. New Chickasaw County Boa rd members were introduced and plans were discussed for a registered nurses ' progra m lo be offered on campus here at a meeting Monday night of Uw Itawa mba Junior Coilegc Board. Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors has voted to support IJC by a levied millage (two mills ). IJC President W. C. Benjamin introduced Starkey Morgan, principal of Okolona Schools w ho wa s n a m e d by Chickasaw County School Board as trustee and Doyle Mc Qua ry, Chi c k as aw County Superintendent of Education as the two new members. Benjamin reported on a con fe r e nce September 13 relative to establishing a ne w a ssociate degree in nursing on the campus in Fulton and also read a letter from Dr. E. E. Thrash, ex ec utive secretary and director of Institutions of Higher Learning in the state concerning the RN program. Dr. Thrash offered lo recommend such a program be approved a nd advised that a search for a director of the program should be initiated immediately. The Board approved the action. Benjamin asked the Board for recommendations for a registered nurse with a master 's degree to fill the director's post at a salary of

from $12,000 to $14,000 a year. He noted t ha~ three other registered nurses, with bachelor's degrees would be nee ded a t a sa la ry of $8,000-$9,000 yearly. T h is pro g ram is subsequently expected to get under way for the 1973-74 school year and for the first yea r can enroll 40 students a s ca ndidates for th e associa '" degree.

suff ere d no casua lties, military spokesmen said. Trieu Ph ong, whic h gov e rnment tro op s abandon ed to the North Vietnamese April 30, had been virtually surrounded by the South Vietnamese for nearly two months, but they had made no effort to take the town itself until Sunday, spokesmen said. The focal point of the war remained around the South Vietn amese cap it a l , however. Although Thanh Quy was recaptured, three other hamlets 15 to 18 miles Continued on Page 10

" We can not only provide a need for this area in helping train nurses, we can also offer help to the youngsters who want to enter a nursing pr og r a m , ' ' Benjamin declared. He and several board members noted that IJ C is presently losing students in nursing to other colleges. In other action, the board Continued on Page 10

the chief Hanoi negotiator in Paris. Both U.S . and North V i e tn a m ese off i c ia l s declined comment on the new round of private talks, which ma rked the 19th time Kissinger has come to Paris lo negotiate. In Washi ngton , the While House said the meeting will continue Tuesday for a third day. Pr es id e nt i al Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler , at a news briefing Monday, refused to characterize the Paris talks in any way and d ec l i ne d commen t on whether there had been any cha nge in the U.S. position. The United States ha's supported South Vietnam President guyen Van Thieu and reiected Commu.nist demands he be ousted. Ziegler said it was " very unlikely'' the talks will go into a fourth day. Officials steadfastly kept s jle nt a bout the exa ct loca t ion , duration and • c ~tent ~f . the_ meetin_gs, which appar cntl)_ were beu~g • held somewhere rn the Pans suburbs. U.S. Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird said 1n Washington Sunday, "The negotiations which are going forward are very serious, they are certainly very significant, and they are very sensitive."

Father Fights Tiger For Girl OM AHA, Neb. (UPI)- " I didn't know what I was going to do but I was going over there," said John Cordner. " .. .It sta rted off across the grass and I started running after it. ·· What he did was,wrestle a Sumatran tigress away from his 5-year-old daughter Lisa after the animal jumped out of a pit at a zoo Sunday, clamped its jaws around the little girl's head and dragged her 10 feet across the ground. Lisa , her head swathed in bandages, was recovering Monday after treatment at a hospital. Her mother, who also tried to save her, was bitten on the arm. The Bellevue, Neb., family was al the Henry Doorley Zoo when the young tigressappar e ntl y ange red or frightened when a visitor dropped a picture into its gr otto a nd attempted to r et r iev e it with a stick- suddenly leaped out of the pit. For a moment, the animal confronted Mrs. Cordner, sta nding " frozen stiff" with fear , her da ughter beside her . Th en Lisa apparently

moved and the tigress Went for her. Mrs. Cordner tried to fend the animal off and the tigress bit her on the arm. Then it clamped its jaws around the little girl's head and started dragging her off across the lawn. "I didn't know what I was


going to do but I was going over there,'' said Cordne r. a ca rpente r. " l was trying to choke it when it started off acros s the grass and I started running after it. " He ca ught the animal again, clamped a wrestling hold on it and pulled it away Contini.led on Page 10



Eastland Could Lose Senate 'Power' J ACKSON (UPI ) - A representative of the National Republican Committee predicted Monday the GOP would gain control of the U.S. Senate in this year ' s elections and Sen. James Eastland , D-Miss., would be " stripped of his power" rega r dless of what happens in his own race . Ralph H. Andrews , Director of E ducation and Training for the nalional committee, said he was in ~ss issippi to assist in the campaign of Eastland's • ' • flepublican opponent, Gil Carmichael of Meridian. Andrews told a news conference that Carmichael has the backing of the national committe e with " no exceptions " a nd declared it wa s wrong to assume President Nixon didn' t feel the same way about the race. He said Nixon has "stayed clear of most Senate races " but a dded , "certainly if the Re publican National Committee is supporting Gil Carmichael,

:f ,

the. Preside nt would not take the opposite point of view .'' Andrews was a ske d if he felt Eastland would vote for Sen. George Mc Govern to protect his Democratic seniority . " Yes," he replied. " I don' t think there is any question of that in view of his remarks. The man Sen. Eastland pr efers in the White House is Sen: McGovern ." E astland has repeatedly refused to say who he s upports in the presidential race, but told an impr omptu news conference here last week he opposed most of McGovern's programs. A White House spokesman said Monday the President supports all GOP Senate candidates and that includes those running against conservative Southern Democrats . When a sked if this applied to Carmichael, t he spokesman said he would not ' 'get

into a rundown of the various statewide races. " Vice President Spiro· Agnew was quoted in Washington recently as saying the a dminis tration would not " actively oppose" Eastland and possibly other Democratic senators who have supported Nixon 's major legislative programs . Eastland was . invited to the President's office Monday to present Sharon McLarty of Amory, recently chosen as Mis s Teenage America, to Nixon. Later, Eastland conferred in private with the President for about 20 minutes. Andrews , who appea red with Carmichael a t the Jackson news confere nce, voiced optimism over Carmichael's prospects in the Novembe r genera l election. He said the people wer e " responding " to Carmichael and he felt "there is a good chance that we can win this seat or I wouldn ' t be here."

DEFENDS DAUGHTER -John Cordner and his daughter Lisa, 5, with her head bandaged , sit outside the Omaha Zoo Monday a fter Cordner vis ited the zoo with an attorney to point out whe r e a Sumatran tigress attacked Lisa a nd Mrs. Cordner Sunday. Mr. Cordne r wres tled the tigress to get it away from Lisa . - UPI Telephoto

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