· Nort1te·ast ll1ississippi :-Partly cloudy and cool. Warming · trend beginning tomorrow. High's in upper · 6.0s; lo~v'.s near 40.
Telephone 842-2611 Price 10 Cents
Tupelo, Mississippi, Tuesday Morning, April 16, 1974
S. Green St .. East of Hospital
Vol. 101 No. 14
Hearst Girl Said With Bank Robbers Authorities Say Evidence Indicates Kidnaped Girl
.May _Have Been Forced To Take Part In Hold-Up
HEARST AT ROBBERY - Hilbernia Bank photo relE·ased by FBI Mondayshows photo of girl resembling Patricia Hearst holding a weapon inside the bank as it was being robbed. - UPI Telephoto
All Food Price Controls Lifted WASHINGTON (UPIJ The Cost of Li\"ing Council (CLCJ 'Monda}· lifted wagepr i c ·e · controls on s up ermarkets. food processors and all other retail and wholesale segments of the food industry . The major decontrol .ai.4iofl 9y
~ Ct,G
about 2.5 million workers in 330.000 firms around the
Airport Boardings Up ·1~.2 Pct. Passenger boardings at Tupelo Airport showed a 16.2 percent increase for the first quarter of 197<lover ~ similar period i_n 1973.:_ Airport · manager Cliff I Roden said that . txnirdings for Southern Airways topped the 3,000 mark in the first three months of 1974, an · ·increas.i ' of 41ii·· pas·s engers- · over'1973. The increase to 3,00,7 boardings came despite a decline in .the number of passengers during January. down 72 persons to 810. During February 899 passengers embarked from . Tupelo: compared to 737 in 1973 anrl in March the figure jumped to 1.298, an increase over 969 from last year. r
SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Kidnaped Patricia Hearst, who 12 days ago renounced her former life and said she pre ferred to stay with her abdu ctors. took part Monday in a ba nk robbery , the FBI said. Authorities said she m ay ha ve been forced to do so. A complaint filed in fed e ra l court by the U.S. Di s tri ct Attorney named Pat r icia as a material witn ess in the robbery of a bran ch of th e Hibernia bank about nin e hours earlier . Three other women were charged with the robbery. includin g Nancy Ling Perry . be li e \' ed to be one of the found ers of the terrorist Symbionese Liber a tion Arm\' that abducted Patricia Feb.· 4 in the first U.S. political kidn a pin g. The othe r women were identi fied as Christine Ha ll a nd Patric ia Michel le Soltvsk. a lso sa id to be a n SLA member. Th e robbers netted Sl0.690 from th e bank in a commahdo like op e ration that took barely two minutes. As they fl ed. they fired shots from carbines. woundin g two elderly men. Pa trici a. gra nddaughter of th e le gend a ry newspaper publis he r Willi am Ra ndolph Hearst. was named onh· as a mate rial witness a lthou'gh photographs from the bank's hidd en cameras showed h r in th e bank holdin g a gun . Charles Bates. agent in ch.arge of .th·e F-B-C said .the photos showed there was a bank robber with a weapon pointed al Patricia. "The re· s reason to believe she was not a willing partner in th e kidnaping or the bank robbery ... sa id James Browning. U.S. District Attorney. • "They went out of their way to. identify her as Tania Hearst... Browning said of the robbers . · Th e bank photographs showed her standing in front of th e teller windows in a hea ,·y coat a nd pants and holdin g an automatic rifle.
nation . It ends 2- 1, 2 years of government economic regulation of th e food industry. A willingness of labor and management to work for im proved c o l l e c t i ,. e bargaining in the future was given as a key reason for the decontrol decision. But the action would. ha\·e occurred soon anyway. since the CLC and the rest of the government stabilization program will go out 'or business on Apnl 30. The Economic Stabilization Act expires on that date. unless Congress intervenes with HOUSTON - Two bond la st- minute legislation to issues. both to be used for control a few inflation-prone educational facilities. will be industries. ·decid ed today. on e in The CLC's decision means Houston and one in Webster that food wholesalers a nd County . Voters in the Houston retailers now may boost prices in order to increase Municipal Separa(e School their profit margins. Under District will be voting on a stabilization rules. hi gher Sl.5 million bond issue to be p_rices would only reflect used for the construction of a new high school facility . increases in incurred costs. Th e bond . election was The CLC said decontrol " .shou ld not hav e anv mad e nec essary by the independent or significant burning of the old Houston adverse impact on food High School last year. Webste r county voters will prices durin g the remainder of 1974" although it added go to the polls to decide the that some companies might fate of a $130.000 bond rai se their prices to regain a proposal for the local share competitive position lost S650.000 Vocationalwhen controls were first Technical Center. imposed . In addition. voters in The CLC did not. howeve r . District One will vote in a hold out any hope for falling special Justice of the Peace prices as a result of its election in Webster County. action. saying "food prices Polls in both elections will have adu_a lly declined in the be open from 7 a.m. ·until 6 p.m. Continued on Page 10
Authorities sa id the decision to name her as a material witness was made on the basis of identifications of oher photos of Patricia shown to witnesses at the bank . not on the basis of the hidden camera pictures. The complaint was signed by Monte Hall. an FBI agent , who said that photos were made by cameras in the bank and that witnesses had identified four females a nd one man as the robbers. An FBI agent recognized Patricia 's photo. Hall said. Hall also said that Patricia appears in one of the photographs with anot her person who was holding " what a pp e ar s to be a semi-auto m atic carbine trained in the direction of Patricia Hea rst. .. Char les Bates. FBI agent in charge. sa id that " in the HATTIESBURG FLOODS - Aerial view of Hata bsence of specific evidence tiesburg shows hundreds of homes surrounded by indicating Patricia Hea rst's participation in the holdup of flood waters . Several thousand persons have been he r own free will she may ha ,· e bee n act ing under duress and coercion.·· Th e mat e ri a l witn ess charge agai nst the first ,·ictim of a U.S. political kidnaping was disclosed 12 day s after Patricia announced in a tap e rec orded broadcast that she had renoun ced her form er JACKSON (UP I ) dama ge. way of life a nd had decided - Estimatin g that 10.000 to stay with her abductors. a Camp .Shelby. a la rge persons ha ve been routed Nation a l Guard camp south band of terrori sts believed to from th e ir homes by numbe r sc arcely more than of Ha tti es burg. was opened a dozen . floodin g . Gov . Bill Wa ll er Monday to pro,·id e housin g When s he made her Monday . as ked President for up to 4.000 pe rsons who st unnin g statement that she Nixon to de c lare 34 fl ed th eir hom es. J,~ississippi counties a had joined the SLA Patricia In Was hin gton . Sen. James feder a l di saster area. said she had taken the name Eastl a nd. D-Mi ss .. sa id he Tania . a re,·olutionist w'ho WaYler .said in a te'leg ram has been in close contact died in Bolivia. During the to the White House that with · Wall ei and the White bank robbery a customer J> re l im inary surveys Hou se. He said he had heard one of the women ·. 1rndic:ated the flash flooding ··called on the President to robbers identify herself as · in c·entral and so uth act quickly to approve th is Tania ." Missi ss ippi has caused about justified request." S50 million in damage. not " l have asked that a ll The bandits scooped up the includin g "extensive but federal agencies be directed money from tellers· posts und etermined" . damage to to mov e at once to assist a ll after making customers and farm s . Mississippians who were employes lie on the floor. Three days of hea vy rain victims of this catastrophe.·· They were dressed in dark sent rivers and streams Eastland said . ··we must cut clothing and wearing widespi llin g into · residential throu gh ( the red tape and brimmed hats pulled low. areas and farmlands . deli Yer m ea ningfu l aid to our Patricia's parents, who Authoritie s att ributed al citizen s as quickly a s Continued on Page 10 least seven drownings to possibl e. The sufferin g is flood -relat e d accidents immeasurable ... during the weekend . The greatest damage was in the Hatti esburg ai-ea. where Civil Defen se officials estimated that 6,000 persons were forced from their homes -in the northern part of th e city and outlying a reas. All qualified voters in the Waller said damage to Houston Municipal Separate p r i ,. a t e hom e s a nd School District may vote in OXFORD. Miss. (Special) busin esses was estimated at the Houston bond election: $30 million and damage to - :' In the long run . time will and all qualified voters in prove that one of the likely publi c roads . bridges and Webster County may vote in . most damaging decisions of other facilitie s amounted to that election. Citizens may the U.S. Supreme Court aboutS20 million. vote at their usual polling throughout our hi story was ··Accurate assessments places. its one m a n . on e vote are precluded in many areas Each el ection requires a decision. ·· Congressma n because flood · waters hm·e three-fifths vote for passage. not r ece de d.·· he sa id . Jami e Whitten said in Plans for the new high remark s pr e pared for ··Extensive dama ge has school in Houston call for it be e n don e to crop and deliv ery here Monday night. to be built-on land adjacent Whitt e n was featured past ure lands with a large to the Vo-Tech Center on Old s p eake r at an award s number of cattle drowned.·· Starkville Road . The 70.000 The governor activated the ban·q uet honoring W. L. sq uare foot facility will be a State National Guard Sunday lo H e a r d . sin gle-story brick structure. assist Red Cross . Salvation Conservationist. who won Army and Civil Defense the Pro gress iv e Farmer The proposed Vo-Tech Award for "Man of the Year workers in evacu'a ting. Center in Webster County feeding and sheltering in Service to Mississippi will be built on Hfghway Agriculture ... persons in Hattiesburg and Nine north in , Eupora on Heard served with the Soil th e Petal community . where . property adjacent to the Conservation Service in th e Leaf River was expected Spud Stennett Park . Federal to crest at a record level of Tupelo. New Albany a nd and state monies will more than 34 feet - about 12 Northeast Mississippi for provide an additional feel above flood stage. The several years prior to $520.000 for construction of becoming Slate Bowie River also o,·erflowed the facility . k its banks. causing major Conservationist. Whitten said the dange r of the one man. one vote rule "is that we will end up like the City States of the past. for with practically a ll members of the Nation 's Congress from urban areas. not only they . but our people will forget that it is the land to which we must look for city last September. "our disenchanted with the food . clothing and shelter. percentage of' calls has system. Forgotten wi ll be th e Authorities around the skyrocketed,"' Boutin said. necessi ty for putting back country emphasized the The Chicago department into th e land a fair share of said it still was studying the effectiveness of "granny"' what we take out. ' · patrolspolicemen dressed report. but a spokesman said . . Th e First District the force was beefed up from as women who walk the congressman rec a ll ed. 13,350 in 1973 to 14.000 in 1974. streets in high crime areas in " Ancient Greece h a d And Mayor Richard J. an effort to reduce forested hills. ample water Daley said he didn 't believe muggings. supplies. and productive soil. The survey was conducted the report. In parts of that area today " I don 't think that's true," for the LEAA by Census the old erosion-proof Roman Daley said. " There's as Bur ea u experts who roads stand several feet much crime reported in interviewed about' 22.000 above a barren desert. Chicago as any city in the residents and 2,000 business .Ancient irrigation systems in firm s in each city in 1972. · nation. " many parts of China and LEAA Administrator However. the Chicago India are abandoned today Crime Commission , a Donald E. Santarelli said the and filled with silt. Most of results showed that people privately financed India ' s present land organization, reported " are turned off" by the probl e ms are due to criminal justice system and earlier this month that there excessive defo restation, was a large discrepancy are " willing to be vict ims of erosion and siltation made between the number of crime ... rather than paying necessary by tremendous offenses reported and those the higher costs in their population growth during the actually taking place ' opinion of being witneeses to past two centuries." because the public was crime." He said archeologists
Waller Asks Nixon ·To Declare
Flooded Counties Disaster Area·
Educational Bond Issue Votes Today.
Crime Study Termed Useless United Press International The _police chiefs .of five major cities · Monday characterized as useless a federal study saying that the number of crimes in their cities is actually several times hi gher than officially reported. ·
two or three times the number reported to police . In Philadelphia it was fiv e times greater. the report said . '·Historically, this city has had a goo d r e porting system," sa_id Los Angeles Police Chief Edward M. Dav is . "C rim es in th e category of violent feloni es such as mwder. robbery , business and residential burgla ry, are reported without failure.
They said they a lready . knew that , and in fact. were implementing special programs to ·encoura ge citizens to report crimes- such as emergency telephone number 911 , more " This is true because the .police on the beat and mini citizens of Los Angeles have precincts . .· ; . enough confidence in our The J1,1stice .Department's reporting system that they Law Enforcement do a pretty good job of Assistance Administration reporting all crimes .·· ' reported over the weekend Philadelphia ' s Police '\~at in Chicago, Detroit, Los Chief ,Josep h F . O'Nei ll I , Ange!es .and New York the questioned the study as an actual number of crimes was accurate way of measurin g
crime. " When applied to th e five Jargest cities of our nation. with rather limited numbers of people questioned. it is of dubious value." said the chief of the 8,000-strong force. Only a week before the report came out , Detroit Police Commissioner Philip G. Tannian noted that only about half of the city's crime ever is reported to police. Inspector Richard Boutin. spokesman for the 5,500mem be r force. said the department is undergoing a major reorganization, including sending more deskmen out on the streets. " mini -stations"' and the 911 number. Since th e emergency number was instituted by the
evacuated from the homes in Mississippi as flood waters rampage through the state following three , days of heavy rains. - UPI Telephoto
Some p ers on s wer e trapped on roofs and in th e attics of their homes as r esc ue e ffort s we re ha mp e r e d by continui ng rainfall a nd s wift currents. Authorities sa id workers had to cut through roofs in some insta nces to rescue flood victims from attics. "The water is about six feet hi gh in some of the hous es and furniture and clothes are floating all around ... sa id Darrel Blount. a Petal res id ent who helped orga nize a relief shelter at a nearby high school. Blount sa id there were a bout 60 per so ns in the · center. in c lu ding children and eld er ly people. " Th ey seem to be in good sp irits. .. he sa id. "We· \'e opened th e school cafeteria and are feed ing them three
meals a day . A lot of people stayed \\'ith their homes until the last minute and we practica lly had to beg them to leave. Many will lose everythin g they ha ,·e." Hatti esburg Mayor A. L. Garr ar d said th e m ost press in g need was food and lod ging. Officials sa id the riYer . after cresting on Monday. probably \\'Ould hold at that stage for 12 hours before beginning a slow fa ll. They estimated som e flood victims ma y be homeless for a t least a week. Th e si tu ation was not much better at Columbia. 30 miles west of Hattiesburg. wher e an estimated 800 persons were routed from their homes by the flooding Pearl River. The Pearl had reached more than 10 feet Continued on Page 10
Heard, Conservationist, Wins Progressive Farmer Award believe the civilizations of a ncient Guatemala and Yucatan "exploited their land as intensiv ely as possible until its fertility was gone and their prosperous civilizations vanished.·· He sa id the reason natural resourc es of numbers of a n c ient civilizations were used up "is because the people we re unwilling. year after year . to put back into the land a fair share of what they took out.·· Whitten sa id if this country failed to husband its natural resources " there would not be any forei gn aid when our country is worn out. " In th e mid -1930's.'· he recall ed. "we woke up to the
fact that we had gone loo far a lon g tliat road. We had exhausted about 50 per cent of our natural resources . We had depleted our forests. worn out our land. abused our watersheds and filled our streams with silt. ·· He credited th e Soil Conservation Service and t he Agricu ltural Conservation Service with " the great comeback"' which has been made. but warned, "there is sti ll much left to do ." "So far we have been fortunate in our country ." Whitten stated. "for under the leadership of the Soil Conser\'ation Service. and Continu~d on Page 10
UM Branch Bond Resolution Passed The Board of Supervisors voted Monday afternoon to adopt a resolution paving the way for issuance of bonds for a degree-granting branch of the University of Mississippi in Tupelo . The supervisors voted lo publish a resolution of intent to issu e $375,000 in general ob li gation bonds for the construction of classroom faciliti es at the planned university branch. If no complaints to the bond issue are filed , the Board will advertise for the sa le of the bonds during May . with the actual sale of the bonds com in g some time in June. Following the vote, Board President Charlie Cain told the supervisors he felt the decis ion to issue the bonds was " one of the best votes ya ' ll ever made. " He pointed out the branch would enable area residents to acquire a college degree withou.t having to leave the
Tupelo area or their homes. These bonds will be paid back over a teil year period, with the first of the bonds becoming due on July 1. 1975. The Board also met with representatives of CDF to discuss the upcoming one day Clean-Up Campaign in Lee County. Nick Chandler of CDF and Tom Bailey , a Tupelo High senior who. is working part-time with CDF and is coordinating the campaign, met with the supervisors to discuss possible area captains for the county-wide effort. Bailey said the county would be divided into 36 areas , each area headed by a captain. The area captain, he said , would be responsible for organizing clean-up teams and coordinating their work on·the April 27 clean-up dav . This is the fourth year CDF has sponsored the drive in Lee County. k